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The development of working relationships between indigenous and expatriate teachers : a case studyBrown, Byron Alditon 01 January 2002 (has links)
The education reform efforts in Botswana have focused predominantly on teacher
preparation, recruitment and compensation. Recruitment efforts have resulted in a
significant number of expatriates working with indigenous teachers in many schools.
However, as the schools are currently upgraded and restructured, the quality of the
working relationships forged between indigenous and expatriate teachers represents one
vital aspect in the reform effort that has gone almost unattended. Many teachers have
become dissatisfied and concerned about these relationships, despite compensation and
preparation. A decisive first step in attending to these relationships lies in understanding
how they develop. The aim of this exploratory study was to identify and describe factors
related to the development of working relationships between indigenous and expatriate
teachers and illustrate how those factors contribute to the development of these
relationships. The study employed a micropolitical perspective and through
phenomenological interviews, observation and document analysis, indicated that cultural
differences in language and communication, regard for time, handling of student
discipline, work ethics and professionalism along with ambiguity and uncertainty,
professional and interpersonal obligations, indigenous to expatriate teacher ratio and the
interplay of micropolitics are related to the development of these relationships. Results,
however, are specific to one school context and should not be generalized. The study
recommends management strategies such as provision of programmes for cultural
exchange, communication mode standardization, a dean of discipline system, faculty
building and further research to redress the situation. / Further Teacher Education / M.Ed.
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Upplevelser av trovärdighet på webben : En studie av två webbsidors visuella designDahlgren, Nadia January 2020 (has links)
More understanding is needed of how the visual design affects the user experience of trustworthiness in web design. Research has shown that the aesthetic part of web design is more important than previously thought and that more knowledge is needed in this area. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how the visual design affects the user’s experience of trustworthiness. This is to create an understanding of which parts of a websites visual appearance affect the users experience of trustworthiness more or less. This study was based on the Research Model (Figure 1) by Fasial et al. (2017), which was the result of a study that examined different kind of factors that affected trust, satisfaction and loyalty among website users. The Research model was in this study modified and supplemented with additional factors that were considered important based on what emerged regarding trustworthiness from previous research. Two different housing agency websites were studied as an attempt to capture the user’s true perception of trustworthiness, where a basis for credibility considered to be preconceived. As data collection, to capture conceivable situations, user tests were created with suitable scenarios in an attempt to capture possible situations and to get the flexibility required to capture user’s feelings and experiences. The analysis showed that the visual design evokes emotions such as frustration and that the web pages can be perceived cluttered due to the visual design. But the most important factors were the interaction and content parts of the website, where both housing agencies were less successful in this case. Although the findings show that the two websites in this study can improve their visual design within these parts – this study, as also previous research showed, that the factors in a way belong together and affect each other. Therefore, it is important to use the developed model as a tool to avoid missing important factors when creating/reviewing a website that may affect the user’s experience of trustworthiness / Inom webbdesign behövs det mer förståelse hur den visuella designen påverkar användarens upplevelse av trovärdighet. Forskning har visat att den estetiska biten inom webbdesign har en större betydelse än man tidigare tro och a det därför behövs mer kunskap inom dea område. Därför har den här studiens syfte varit a undersöka just hur en webbsidas visuella design påverkar användarens upplevelse av trovärdighet. Dea för a skapa en förståelse över vilka delar av det visuella som påverkar användaren mer eller mindre. Den här studien utgick från Research model (Figur 1) av Faisal et al. (2017), som var ett resultat av en studie som handlade om a undersöka faktorer som påverkade förtroende, tillfredsställelse och lojalitet hos användarna. Modellen modifierades och kompletterades med ytterligare faktorer som ansågs viktiga utifrån vad som kom fram gällande trovärdighet ur tidigare forskning. Som försök för a fånga användarnas verkliga trovärdighetsuppfaning studerades två olika bostadsförmedlingswebbsidor där en grund till trovärdighet ansågs vara förutfaad. För a fånga tänkbara situationer skapades användartest med passande scenarion som datainsamling för a få den flexibilitet som krävdes för a fånga användarnas känslor och upplevelser. Analysen visade a den visuella designen framkallar känslor som frustration och a webbsidor kan uppfaas röriga på grund av den visuella designen, men att interaktionen och innehållet var de viktigaste faktorerna där båda bostadsförmedlarna lyckades mindre bra. Även om fynden visade a just dessa två webbsidor kan förbära sin visuella design inom dessa delar - så visade denna studie, som även tidigare forskning visat, a faktorerna på e sä hör ihop och påverkar varandra. Därför är det till fördel a använda sig av den framtagna modellen som grund för a undvika a gå miste om viktiga delar vid skapandet/granskandet av en webbsida som kan påverka användarens upplevelse av trovärdighet.
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A Mixed Method Study of Prospective Teachers' Epistemic Beliefs and Web Evaluation Strategies Concerning Hoax WebsitesCoccaro-Pons, Jennifer 30 October 2018 (has links)
Teachers need to be equipped with the tools necessary to evaluate content on the Internet and determine if it is a credible source, or a hoax website since they are expected to instruct and prepare students on how to evaluate the sites which is now a relevant phenomenon. The purpose of the mixed‑method study was to obtain an understanding of the web evaluation strategies of prospective teachers regarding the evaluation of hoax websites and how their epistemic beliefs may influence their evaluation. Another aspect of this study was to find out what outcomes resulted from providing guidance, or not to prospective teachers before evaluating the hoax websites.
Seventy‑two prospective teachers from undergraduate education courses completed an online questionnaire, where they evaluated four websites (two hoaxes and two credible) and completed questions regarding their epistemic beliefs. Two groups of prospective teachers were selected. Group A was the control group and Group B was the experiment group. Group A simply took the online questionnaire. However, Group B was provided with an overview of a specific web evaluation strategy, the WWWDOT Framework, before taking the online questionnaire. Sixteen participants were interviewed. Interestingly, almost half of the participants (48.6%), trusted at least one of the hoax websites.
The study concluded that teaching the WWWDOT Framework helped to increase the number of people that did not trust the aesthetically appealing hoax website in Group B. Regarding epistemic beliefs, prospective teachers, who displayed feeling‑based epistemic beliefs, tended to trust the hoax website that was aesthetically appealing in Group A. The qualitative results provided additional insights and supported the quantitative data. The qualitative research suggests that lateral reading, spending sufficient time to read and evaluate and knowing the definition of a hoax website as being the most important web evaluation strategies displayed by those that did not trust the hoax websites.
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Influencer Whitelisting & Dark Posts : A Cross-generational Study on Consumers’ Perception and Trust in Social Media Advertisement / Influencer Whitelisting och Dark Posts : En generationsöverskridande studie om konsumenters uppfattning och förtroende för reklam på sociala medierZangrande, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
This paper investigates the perception of dark posts in influencer whitelisting (IWL) and their impact on consumers’ trust compared to other forms of sponsored content on social media. The study employed a mixed-methods approach involving a survey with open-ended questions to gather data from participants across different generational cohorts - GenZ, Millennials and Gen-X. The findings indicate that dark posts are generally perceived as undisclosed advertisements, negatively impacting message trustworthiness and source credibility. Lack of authenticity and transparency from the social media influencer (SMI) and the brand were identified as key factors contributing to this perception. On the contrary, factors positively influencing consumers’ trust in dark posts included familiarity with the SMI, the brand, or the product, simple sponsorship disclosure, permanent content showcasing the product on the SMI’s feed, and authenticity in the influencer’s tone of voice and wording. The study contributes to the existing literature on influencer marketing and emphasises the importance for brands to find a balance between effective marketing strategies and consumer trust, particularly in the context of influencer whitelisting. Brands should consider factors of familiarity, authenticity, and transparency to impact source credibility in influencer whitelisting campaigns positively. / I den här artikeln undersöks hur dark posts uppfattas i influencer whitelisting (IWL) och hur de påverkar konsumenternas förtroende jämfört med andra former av sponsrat innehåll på sociala medier. Studien använde en blandad metod med en enkät med öppna frågor för att samla in data från deltagare i olika generationskohorter - Gen- Z, Millennials och Gen-X. Resultaten visar att mörka inlägg i allmänhet uppfattas som hemlig reklam, vilket har en negativ inverkan på budskapets trovärdighet och källans trovärdighet. Brist på autenticitet och transparens från influencern (SMI) och varumärket identifierades som nyckelfaktorer som bidrar till denna uppfattning. De faktorer som däremot hade en positiv inverkan på konsumenternas förtroende för dark posts var kännedom om SMI, varumärket eller produkten, enkel information om sponsring, permanent innehåll som visar produkten i SMI:s flöde samt autenticitet i influencerns tonläge och ordval. Studien bidrar till den befintliga litteraturen om influencer-marknadsföring och betonar vikten av att varumärken hittar en balans mellan effektiva marknadsföringsstrategier och konsumenternas förtroende, särskilt i samband med vitlistning av influencers. Varumärken bör ta hänsyn till faktorer som förtrogenhet, autenticitet och transparens för att påverka källans trovärdighet positivt i vitlistningskampanjer för influencers.
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Data Trustworthiness Assessment for Traffic Condition Participatory Sensing Scenario / Uppgifternas tillförlitlighet Bedömning av trafik Villkor Deltagande Scenario för avkänningGao, Hairuo January 2022 (has links)
Participatory Sensing (PS) is a common mode of data collection where valuable data is gathered from many contributors, each providing data from the user’s or the device’s surroundings via a mobile device, such as a smartphone. This has the advantage of cost-efficiency and wide-scale data collection. One of the application areas for PS is the collection of traffic data. The cost of collecting roving sensor data, such as vehicle probe data, is significantly lower than that of traditional stationary sensors such as radar and inductive loops. The collected data could pave the way for providing accurate and high-resolution traffic information that is important to transportation planning. The problem with PS is that it is open, and anyone can register and participate in a sensing task. A malicious user is likely to submit false data without performing the sensing task for personal advantage or, even worse, to attack on a large scale with clear intentions. For example, in real-time traffic monitoring, attackers may report false alerts of traffic jams to divert traffic on the road ahead or directly interfere with the system’s observation and judgment of road conditions, triggering large-scale traffic guidance errors. An efficient method of assessing the trustworthiness of data is therefore required. The trustworthiness problem can be approximated as the problem of anomaly detection in time-series data. Traditional predictive model-based anomaly detection models include univariate models for univariate time series such as Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), hypothesis testing, and wavelet analysis, and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for multiple time series such as Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Long short-term memory (LSTM). When talking about traffic scenarios, some prediction models that consider both spatial and temporal dependencies are likely to perform better than those that only consider temporal dependencies, such as Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (DCRNN) and Spatial-Temporal Attention Wavenet (STAWnet). In this project, we built a detailed traffic condition participatory sensing scenario as well as an adversary model. The attacker’s intent is refined into four attack scenarios, namely faking congestion, prolonging congestion, and masking congestion from the beginning or midway through. On the basis, we established a mechanism for assessing the trustworthiness of the data using three traffic prediction models. One model is the time-dependent deep neural network prediction model DCRNN, and the other two are a simplified version of the model DCRNN-NoCov, which ignores spatial dependencies, and ARIMA. The ultimate goal of this evaluation mechanism is to give a list of attackers and to perform data filtering. We use the success rate of distinguishing users as benign or attackers as a metric to evaluate the system’s performance. In all four attack scenarios mentioned above, the system achieves a success rate of more than 80%, obtaining satisfactory results. We also discuss the more desirable attack strategies from the attacker’s point of view. / Participatory Sensing (PS) är ett vanligt sätt att samla in data där värdefulla data samlas in från många bidragsgivare, som alla tillhandahåller data från användarens eller enhetens omgivning via en mobil enhet, t.ex. en smartphone. Detta har fördelen av kostnadseffektivitet och omfattande datainsamling. Ett av tillämpningsområdena för PS är insamling av trafikdata. Kostnaden för att samla in data från mobila sensorer, t.ex. data från fordonssonderingar, är betydligt lägre än kostnaden för traditionella stationära sensorer, t.ex. radar och induktiva slingor. De insamlade uppgifterna skulle kunna bana väg för att tillhandahålla exakt och högupplöst trafikinformation som är viktig för transportplaneringen. Problemet med deltagande avkänning är att den är öppen och att vem som helst kan registrera sig och delta i en avkänningsuppgift. En illasinnad användare kommer sannolikt att lämna in falska uppgifter utan att utföra avkänningsuppgiften för personlig vinning eller, ännu värre, för att angripa en stor skala med tydliga avsikter. Vid trafikövervakning i realtid kan t.ex. angripare rapportera falska varningar om trafikstockningar för att avleda trafiken på vägen framåt eller direkt störa systemets observation och bedömning av vägförhållanden, vilket kan utlösa storskaliga fel i trafikstyrningen. Det finns därför ett akut behov av en effektiv metod för att bedöma uppgifternas tillförlitlighet. Problemet med trovärdighet kan approximeras som problemet med upptäckt av anomalier i tidsserier. Traditionella modeller för anomalidetektion som bygger på prediktiva modeller omfattar univariata modeller för univariata tidsserier, t.ex. ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average), hypotesprövning och waveletanalys, och återkommande neurala nätverk (RNN) för flera tidsserier, t.ex. GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) och LSTM (Long short-term memory). När man talar om trafikscenarier kommer vissa prognosmodeller som tar hänsyn till både rumsliga och tidsmässiga beroenden sannolikt att prestera bättre än de som endast tar hänsyn till tidsmässiga beroenden, till exempel Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (DCRNN) och Spatial-Temporal Attention Wavenet (STAWnet). I det här projektet byggde vi upp ett detaljerat scenario för deltagande av trafikförhållanden och en motståndarmodell. Angriparens avsikt är raffinerad i fyra angreppsscenarier, nämligen att fejka trafikstockning, förlänga trafikstockning och maskera trafikstockning från början eller halvvägs in i processen. På grundval av detta har vi inrättat en mekanism för att bedöma uppgifternas tillförlitlighet med hjälp av tre typiska trafikprognosmodeller. Den ena modellen är den tidsberoende djupa neurala nätverksförutsägelsemodellen DCRNN, och de andra två är en förenklad version av modellen DCRNN-NoCov, som ignorerar rumsliga beroenden, och ARIMA. Det slutliga målet med denna utvärderingsmekanism är att ge en lista över angripare och att utföra datafiltrering. Vi använder framgångsfrekvensen när det gäller att särskilja användare som godartade eller angripare som ett mått för att utvärdera systemets prestanda. I alla fyra olika attackscenarier som nämns ovan uppnår systemet en framgångsfrekvens på mer än 80%, vilket ger tillfredsställande resultat. Vi diskuterar också de mer önskvärda angreppsstrategierna ur angriparens synvinkel.
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Building Trustworthy Machine Learning Models using Ensembled ExplanationsPrajwal Balasubramani (9192782) 16 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Explainable AI (XAI) is a class of post-hoc analysis tools, which include a large selection of algorithms developed to increase transparency in the decision-making process of Machine Learning (ML) models. These tools aim to provide users with interpretations of the data and the model. However, despite the abundance of options and their potential in identifying and decomposing model behavior, XAI's inability to quantitatively assess trustworthiness, due to the lack of quantifiable metrics, has resulted in low adoption in real-world applications. In contrast, traditional methods to evaluate trust such as uncertainty quantification, robust testing, and user studies scale well with large models and datasets, thanks to their reliance on quantifiable metrics. However, they do not offer the same level of transparency and qualitative assessments as XAI to make the models more interpretable, which are a key component of the multi-faceted trustworthiness assessment.</p><p dir="ltr">To bridge this gap, I propose a framework in which explanations produced by XAI are ensembled across a portfolio of models. These ensembled explanations are then used for both quantitative and qualitative comparison to evaluate trust in the models. The goal is to leverage these explanations to assess trustworthiness driven by transparency. The framework also identifies areas of consensus or disagreement among the ensembled explanations. Further leverage the presence or absence of consensus to bin model reasoning to indicate weaknesses, misalignment to user expectations, and/or distribution shifts.</p><p dir="ltr">A preliminary investigation of the proposed framework is carried out on multivariate time-series data from NASA's Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (CMAPSS) to model and predict turbojet engine degradation. This approach uses three distinct ML models to forecast the remaining useful life (RUL) of the engine. Using the proposed framework, influential system parameters contributing to engine degradation in each model are identified via XAI. These explanations are ensembled and compared to assess consensus. Ultimately, the models disagree on the extent of certain features contributing to the failure. However, experimental literature supports this finding as modeling engine degradation can be sensitive to the type of failure mode. Additionally, certain model architectures work better for certain types of data patterns, leading to recommendations on expert models. With these results and understanding of the intricacies of the framework, it is revised and implemented on a more complex application with a different data type and task: defect detection in robotic manipulation. The ARMBench (Amazon Robotic Manipulation Benchmark) dataset is used to train computer vision models for an image-based multi-classification problem and explained using activation maps. In this use case, both upstream and downstream influences and benefits of the framework are assessed while assessing the trustworthiness of the model and its predictions. The framework throws light on the strengths and weaknesses of the models, dataset, and deployment. Aiding in identifying strategies to mitigate weak and untrustworthy models. </p>
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A comparative study of the trust audit results of three business units of a South African companyCyster, Sharon 28 February 2005 (has links)
The general objective of this research was to do a comparative study of the Trust Audit results - obtained during 2000 - of three Business Units of a South African Company in order to determine whether there are any significant differences between them regarding the ”Big Five” personality dimensions and the ”Managerial Practices” dimensions.
Trust has been found to be an essential ingredient in all organisations, providing the impetus for employers to gain a better understanding of the building blocks of organisational trust and to restore eroded trust. The intensity of any trust relationship will depend on certain facilitators of trustworthiness which may facilitate or impede the flow of trust.
Research studies indicate that organisations with high levels of trust will be more successful, adaptive, and innovative than organisations with low levels of trust or pervasive mistrust.
Positive results were indicated for all Business Units regarding the personality aspects. The most positive ”Big Five” dimensions were conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness while the lowest dimension was resourcefulness.
Overall results regarding managerial practices indicated that not enough information sharing took place and that this had a negative effect within the work environment. The credibility dimension, being lower than the others, indicated that better credibility of persons that are reported to, could improve trust and optimal functioning within the working environment. Team management, work support and trust relationship were viewed positively by all Business Units.
One of the main conclusions of this research was that managers/leaders have a pivotal role to play in creating high-trust organisations and engendering trusting relationships. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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A comparative study of the trust audit results of three business units of a South African companyCyster, Sharon 28 February 2005 (has links)
The general objective of this research was to do a comparative study of the Trust Audit results - obtained during 2000 - of three Business Units of a South African Company in order to determine whether there are any significant differences between them regarding the ”Big Five” personality dimensions and the ”Managerial Practices” dimensions.
Trust has been found to be an essential ingredient in all organisations, providing the impetus for employers to gain a better understanding of the building blocks of organisational trust and to restore eroded trust. The intensity of any trust relationship will depend on certain facilitators of trustworthiness which may facilitate or impede the flow of trust.
Research studies indicate that organisations with high levels of trust will be more successful, adaptive, and innovative than organisations with low levels of trust or pervasive mistrust.
Positive results were indicated for all Business Units regarding the personality aspects. The most positive ”Big Five” dimensions were conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness while the lowest dimension was resourcefulness.
Overall results regarding managerial practices indicated that not enough information sharing took place and that this had a negative effect within the work environment. The credibility dimension, being lower than the others, indicated that better credibility of persons that are reported to, could improve trust and optimal functioning within the working environment. Team management, work support and trust relationship were viewed positively by all Business Units.
One of the main conclusions of this research was that managers/leaders have a pivotal role to play in creating high-trust organisations and engendering trusting relationships. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Unternehmensinvestitionen in die eigene Vertrauenswürdigkeit gegenüber Mitarbeitern: Illustriert am Bonussystem im vertrieblichen RetailbankingMüller-Wienbergen, Imke 22 August 2016 (has links)
Fehlendes Vertrauen des Mitarbeiters (Vertrauensgeber) in das Unternehmen (Vertrauensnehmer) können u.a. zu erhöhten Kontrollkosten oder einer höheren Wechselneigung führen. Dies führt zu negative Implikationen für das Unternehmen und begründet Investitionsbedarf. Als theoretisches Rahmenwerk für diese Herleitung dient die ökonomische Ethik.
Das Unternehmen hat die Möglichkeit in die eigene Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu investieren und ist bemüht, entsprechende Signale dem Mitarbeiter zu senden. Beide Akteure sind mittels verschiedener Charakteristika zu beschreiben: Der Mitarbeiter ist u.a. verletzlich, da sein Vertrauen mit Risiko behaftet ist und er verbindet Erwartungen mit seinem Vertrauen. Das Unternehmen sieht sich mit situativen Konflikten konfrontiert, weil es die Verletzlichkeit zum eigenen Vorteil ausnutzen kann.
Es stellt sich die Frage der glaubwürdigen Selbstbindung – also die Frage, wie das Unternehmen dem Mitarbeiter seine Vertrauenswürdigkeit signalisieren kann. Es wird ein Referenzmodell entwickelt, das zeigt, dass das Wertesystem und Regeln ausschlaggebend sind, da sie den Handlungsrahmen des Unternehmens definieren. Kodizes oder andere externe Mechanismen können die interne Selbstbindung extern verstärken. Das Referenzmodell wird angewandt auf das vertriebliche Bonussystem im Retailbanking.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Einführung
1.2 Problemstellung
1.3 Ziele und Aufbau der Arbeit
2 Theoretische Grundlagen
2.1 Die ökonomische Ethik
2.1.1 Goldene Regel
2.1.2 Praktischer Syllogismus
2.1.3 Dilemma-Strukturen
2.1.4 Der unparteiische Beobachter
2.1.5 Spielzüge, -regeln und -verständnis
2.2 Handlungsakteure
3 Das Konzept „Vertrauen“ und seine Bedeutung
3.1 Vertrauen
3.1.1 Definition des Begriffs „Vertrauen“
3.1.2 Formen des Vertrauens
3.1.3 Verwandte Konzepte
3.1.4 Vertrauenswürdigkeit
3.1.5 Vertrauensverlust – das Konzept der relevanten Inkonsistenzen
3.2 Die Akteure – Vertrauensgeber und –nehmer
3.3 Der Vertrauensprozess
3.4 Die Ökonomie des Vertrauens
3.4.1 Vorteile eines Vertrauensverhältnisses
3.4.2 Auswirkungen eines Vertrauensverlustes
3.5 Zwischenfazit: Vertrauen und Vertrauenswürdigkeit
4 Investitionen in die Vertrauenswürdigkeit – das Referenzmodell
4.1 Das Modell der kommunizierten, freiwilligen Selbstbindung
4.2 Von der Intention zur Kompetenz innerhalb des Unternehmens
4.2.1 Das Spielverständnis: Grundwerte formulieren
4.2.2 Die Spielregeln: Regeln und Prozesse aufstellen
4.2.3 Spielzüge: Handeln und führen
4.3 Selbstbindung durch externe Bedingungen
4.4 Kommunikation der freiwilligen Selbstbindung
4.5 Sanktionen
4.6 Zwischenfazit: Management von Vertrauenswürdigkeit
4.7 Organisatorische Verankerung
4.7.1 Möglichkeiten der Organisation Implizit-kollektive Formen Implizit-individuelle Formen Explizit-kollektive Formen Explizit-individuelle Formen
4.7.2 Zwischenfazit: Organisation von Vertrauen(swürdigkeit)
5 Das vertriebliche Bonussystem im Retailbanking als Beispiel für kommunizierte, freiwillige Selbstbindung
5.1 Die Bedeutung von Mitarbeitervertrauen in Banken
5.2 Das Vorgehen
5.3 Definition des Anwendungsbereichs
5.3.1 Retailbanking – Vertrieb
5.3.2 Kulturelle Eingrenzung
5.4 Bonussysteme
5.4.1 Definition und Funktion von Bonussystemen
5.4.2 Problemfelder: Dysfunktionen und Fehlanreize
5.4.3 Zwiespältigkeit von Bonussystemen
5.5 Interne Selbstbindung in der variablen Vergütung
5.5.1 Anforderungen an ein wertebasiertes, ethisches Bonussystem
5.5.2 Internationale Vorgaben und nationale Regeln
5.5.3 Mögliche Maßnahmen und Instrumente
5.5.4 Formen der externen Selbstbindung in der variablen Vergütung
5.6 Zwischenfazit: Handlungsempfehlungen für die Umsetzung
6 Zusammenfassung und Fazit
6.1 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse
6.2 Zusammenfassung aus Sicht der ökonomischen Ethik
6.3 Implikationen für Unternehmen
6.4 Implikationen für Führungskräfte
6.5 Implikationen für Mitarbeiter
6.6 Ausblick
Appendix I: Leitbilder deutscher Retailbanken
Appendix II: Kurzfassung „Leitbild für verantwortliches Handeln in der Wirtschaft“
Appendix III: Internationale Vorgaben für Vergütungssysteme
Appendix IV: Nationale Regeln und Gesetze für Vergütungssysteme
Appendix V: Kernbotschaften der ethischen Fundierung von Management-Vergütungen in der Kreditwirtschaft
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Vzájemné vztahy vlastností vyčtených z fotografií obličejů / Relationships among characteristics perceived from photos of facesMachová, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
Estimating others characteristics from facial cues plays an important role in our everyday lives. People usually agree in these estimates well and many of these estimates correlate. Majority studies consider one or few character- istics only and their respondents usually are in narrow ranges of ages. This study is partly based on rating of 13 characteristics of 80 men's and women's faces by respondents of various ages. These data were originally collected within yet unpublished study of Jaroslav Flegr, Amy E. Blum and Šebastian Kroupa. In this study I most strikingly found out that: i) older respondents of both genders rates photos of women as more attractive, ii) respondents spend more time by rating faces considered by themselves as more attractive or nice, iii) men rate people with different eye color as more attractive and women rate others with the same eye color as nicer, iv) preferences computed by two methods do not differ much. 1
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