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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Micro e nanousinagem dos materiais frágeis / Micro e nanomachining of brittle materials

Dib, Marcel Henrique Militão 10 December 2018 (has links)
Materiais frágeis, tal como o silício, têm sido utilizados em sistemas microeletromecânicos, semicondutores e dispositivos ópticos infravermelhos. Estes materiais são considerados de difícil usinabilidade devido à tendência de sofrerem fraturas. O grande desafio na usinagem dos materiais cristalinos é alcançar uma remoção de material por deformações plásticas (regime dúctil), pois, nessas condições as superfícies ópticas usinadas são geradas sem nenhum dano. Esse regime de usinagem pode ser alcançado em escalas submicrométricas, de forma que, em muitos cristais, as pressões impostas pela ferramenta são altas o suficiente para conduzirem uma transformação de fase do material, favorecendo, assim, a usinagem. Embora pesquisas sobre a relação entre a endentação e a usinagem tenham sido desenvolvidas, a busca por métodos matemáticos com base nas forças e deformações de endentação para serem usados em usinagem de modo a identificar as condições ótimas para remoção de material em regime dúctil não são triviais. O presente trabalho propõe uma relação mais direta com os resultados de endentação para determinar os parâmetros ótimos de usinagem dos materiais frágeis, correlacionando a área da face do endentador em contato e a área efetiva da secção de corte em usinagem. Para isso, ensaios de endentação e experimentos de usinagem com ferramenta de diamante foram realizados em escala micro e nanométrica. O material analisado aqui foi o silício monocristalino (100). Uma matriz experimental foi planejada para as possíveis correlações da variação do ângulo de saída da ferramenta e do avanço de usinagem com as áreas de endentação e o surgimento das trincas e fraturas; forças de usinagem e a pressão de transição frágil-dúctil; tensão residual; espessura crítica de corte e o estado das superfícies usinadas. Em relação às durezas obtidas, foi preciso separá-las em dois estágios: antes do surgimento das trincas durante a endentação e depois desse ponto. Durante a usinagem, a melhor remoção de material em regime dúctil foi obtida na direção mais dura do silício. Os ângulos de saída que proporcionaram resultados desfavoráveis em termos de integridade superficial foram o de -25° e ângulos mais negativos que -60°. A pressão de transição se apresentou de 12 GPa a 13 GPa, sendo que as energias específicas de corte seguiram o mesmo comportamento: 9 j/mm³ a 10 j/mm³ respectivamente. A tensão residual se mostrou inversamente proporcional às forças de usinagem. As espessuras crítica-efetivas de corte variaram de 100 nm a 560 nm. Os valores das espessuras críticas de corte estimadas pelos ensaios de endentação variaram de 200 nm a 530 nm. Portanto, foi possível mostrar que os valores de espessura crítica estimados pelo método proposto, com base nos resultados de endentação, corresponderam muito bem às espessuras críticas obtidas nos experimentos de usinagem. Assim sendo, torna-se possível determinar por meio de tal técnica os valores ótimos de usinagem, podendo ser aplicada para qualquer material cristalino. / Brittle materials, such as silicon, have been used in microelectromechanical systems, semiconductor and infrared optical devices. These types of materials are considered of difficult to machine due to the tendency to suffer fractures. The great challenge in the machining of crystalline materials is to achieve a removal of material by plastic deformations (ductile regime), because in these conditions the machined optical surfaces are generated without any superficial damage. This type of machining can be achieved on a submicrometric machining scale, so that the pressures imposed by the tool are high and lead to a phase transformation of many crystals favoring the machining in ductile regime. Although research on the relationship between microindentation and micromachining has been developed, the search for mathematical methods based on the forces and the deformations of indentation to be used in machining in order to identify the machining conditions under regime ductile are non-trivial. The present work proposes a more direct relationship with the results of the indentation to determine the optimal parameters of the fragile materials, correlating the indenter face area and the cutting section effective area in machining. For this purpose, indentation tests and diamond tool machining experiments were carried out on a micro and nanometric scale. The material analyzed here was monocrystalline silicon (100). An experimental matrix was planned for the possible correlations of the variation of the tool rake angle and of the machining feed with the areas of indentation and the beginning of cracks and fractures; cutting forces and the fragile-ductile transition pressure; residual stress; critical cutting thickness and the state of machined surfaces. In relation to the hardness obtained, it was necessary to separate them in two stages: before the emergence of the cracks during the indentation and after that point. During machining, the best removal of ductile material was obtained in the hardest direction of the silicon. The rake angles which gave unfavorable results in terms of surface integrity were -25° and angles more negative than -60°. The transition pressure reached values from 12 GPa to 13 GPa, and the specific shear energies followed the same behavior: 9 j/mm³ at 10 j/mm³ respectively. The residual stress was inversely proportional to the machining forces. Critical-effective uncut thicknesses ranged from 100 nm to 560 nm. The values of the critical uncut thicknesses estimated by the indentation tests ranged from 200 nm to 530 nm. Therefore, it was possible to show that the critical thickness values estimated by the proposed method, based on indentation results, corresponded very well to the critical thickness obtained in the machining experiments. Thus, it is possible to determine by means of such a technique the optimum values of machining, which can be applied to crystalline material.

Uma contribuição ao estudo do torneamento com alta velocidade / A contribution to the study of high speed turning

Sudo, Tadeu Tomio 08 May 2001 (has links)
O material, metálico ferro fundido cinzento, é muito utilizado industrialmente, principalmente na área automobilística. Usinagem com alta velocidade tem sido uma tendência atual para aumentar a produtividade, com a possibilidade de se ober ótima qualidade superficial, possivelmente eliminando processos subseqüentes. Aliado à questão de qualidade ambiental, as operações de usinagem têm-se voltado para usinagem a seco ou com mínima quantidade de lubrificante (MQL - minimal quantity of lubricant). Este trabalho estuda o torneamento com alta velocdidade de ferro fundido cinzento GG25 através de usinagem a seco e com MQL. Utiliza-se, em operação de faceamento, ferramenta de cerâmica mista (Al2O3+ TiC) e metal duro com cobertura (TiCN/Al2O3/TiN), usando velocidades de corte muito acima dos valores tradicionais. Comparativamente o desgaste é significativamente menor na cerâmica. O tipo de desgaste predominante é o desgaste de flanco. Os principais mecanismos de desgaste encontrados são abrasão mecânica e delaminação. O aumento do avanço diminui o desgaste de flanco. Existe uma razão entre a vazão de óleo e a vazão de ar na lubrificação MQL que viabiliza sua aplicacão com relação ao desgaste de flanco. Em todas as condições testadas, o sistema MQL mostra ser capaz de reduzir a rugosidade superficial Ra. / The gray cast iron material is very used industrially, mainly in the automotive industry. High speed machining is the current tendency to increase the productivity, with the possibility of obtaining good surface quality, possibly eliminating subsequent operations. Due to regulations on the subject of environrnental quality, the machining operations have been turned to dry machining or minimal quantity of lubricant (MQL). This work studies the turning process at high speed of gray cast iron GG25 with dry machining and MQL techniques. The operation uses face turning with coated carbide (TiCN/Al2O3/TiN) and mixed alumina ceramic (Al203+ TiC) with cutting speeds much higher than the traditional recommended values. Comparatively, the wear is significantly smaller in the mixed alumina ceramic tools. The predominant type of wear is the flank wear. The main wear mechanisms are mechanical abrasion and delamination. The increase of feed values shows some reduction on the flank wear. It seems to exist an ideal ratio of oil to air in the MQL system, which makes possible its application for reducing flank wear on the tools. In all conditions tested, the MQL system shows to be able to reduce surface roughness (Ra).

Phenology in Germany in the 20th century : methods, analyses and models

Schaber, Jörg January 2002 (has links)
Die Länge der Vegetationsperiode (VP) spielt eine zentrale Rolle für die interannuelle Variation der Kohlenstoffspeicherung terrestrischer Ökosysteme. Die Analyse von Beobachtungsdaten hat gezeigt, dass sich die VP in den letzten Jahrzehnten in den nördlichen Breiten verlängert hat. Dieses Phänomen wurde oft im Zusammenhang mit der globalen Erwärmung diskutiert, da die Phänologie von der Temperatur beeinflusst wird.<br /> <br /> Die Analyse der Pflanzenphänologie in Süddeutschland im 20. Jahrhundert zeigte:<br /> - Die starke Verfrühung der Frühjahrsphasen in dem Jahrzehnt vor 1999 war kein singuläres Ereignis im 20. Jahrhundert. Schon in früheren Dekaden gab es ähnliche Trends. Es konnten Perioden mit unterschiedlichem Trendverhalten identifiziert werden.<br /> - Es gab deutliche Unterschiede in den Trends von frühen und späten Frühjahrsphasen. Die frühen Frühjahrsphasen haben sich stetig verfrüht, mit deutlicher Verfrühung zwischen 1931 und 1948, moderater Verfrühung zwischen 1948 und 1984 und starker Verfrühung zwischen 1984 und 1999. Die späten Frühjahrsphasen hingegen, wechselten ihr Trendverhalten in diesen Perioden von einer Verfrühung zu einer deutlichen Verspätung wieder zu einer starken Verfrühung.<br /> <br /> Dieser Unterschied in der Trendentwicklung zwischen frühen und späten Frühjahrsphasen konnte auch für ganz Deutschland in den Perioden 1951 bis 1984 und 1984 bis 1999 beobachtet werden.<br /> Der bestimmende Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Frühjahrsphasen und ihr modifizierender Einfluss auf die Herbstphasen konnte bestätigt werden. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass <br /> - die Phänologie bestimmende Funktionen der Temperatur nicht mit einem globalen jährlichen CO2 Signal korreliert waren, welches als Index für die globale Erwärmung verwendet wurde<br /> - ein Index für grossräumige regionale Zirkulationsmuster (NAO-Index) nur zu einem kleinen Teil die beobachtete phänologischen Variabilität erklären konnte.<br /> <br /> Das beobachtete unterschiedliche Trendverhalten zwischen frühen und späten Frühjahrsphasen konnte auf die unterschiedliche Entwicklung von März- und Apriltemperaturen zurückgeführt werden. Während sich die Märztemperaturen im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts mit einer zunehmenden Variabilität in den letzten 50 Jahren stetig erhöht haben, haben sich die Apriltemperaturen zwischen dem Ende der 1940er und Mitte der 1980er merklich abgekühlt und dann wieder deutlich erwärmt.<br /> Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass die Verfrühungen in der Frühjahrsphänologie in den letzten Dekaden Teile multi-dekadischer Fluktuationen sind, welche sich nach Spezies und relevanter saisonaler Temperatur unterscheiden. Aufgrund dieser Fluktuationen konnte kein Zusammenhang mit einem globalen Erwärmungsignal gefunden werden.<br /> Im Durchschnitt haben sich alle betrachteten Frühjahrsphasen zwischen 1951 und 1999 in Naturräumen in Deutschland zwischen 5 und 20 Tagen verfrüht. Ein starker Unterschied in der Verfrühung zwischen frühen und späten Frühjahrsphasen liegt an deren erwähntem unterschiedlichen Verhalten. Die Blattverfärbung hat sich zwischen 1951 und 1999 für alle Spezies verspätet, aber nach 1984 im Durchschnitt verfrüht. Die VP hat sich in Deutschland zwischen 1951 und 1999 um ca. 10 Tage verlängert.<br /> Es ist hauptsächlich die Änderung in den Frühjahrphasen, die zu einer Änderung in der potentiell absorbierten Strahlung (PAS) führt. Darüber hinaus sind es die späten Frühjahrsphasen, die pro Tag Verfrühung stärker profitieren, da die zusätzlichen Tage länger undwärmer sind als dies für die frühen Phasen der Fall ist. Um die relative Änderung in PAS im Vergleich der Spezies abzuschätzen, müssen allerdings auch die Veränderungen in den Herbstphasen berücksichtigt werden.<br /> Der deutliche Unterschied zwischen frühen und späten Frühjahrsphasen konnte durch die Anwendung einer neuen Methode zur Konstruktion von Zeitreihen herausgearbeitet werden. Der neue methodische Ansatz erlaubte die Ableitung verlässlicher 100-jähriger Zeitreihen und die Konstruktion von lokalen kombinierten Zeitreihen, welche die Datenverfügbarkeit für die Modellentwicklung erhöhten.<br /> Ausser analysierten Protokollierungsfehlern wurden mikroklimatische, genetische und Beobachtereinflüsse als Quellen von Unsicherheit in phänologischen Daten identifiziert. Phänologischen Beobachtungen eines Ortes können schätzungsweise 24 Tage um das parametrische Mittel schwanken.Dies unterstützt die 30-Tage Regel für die Detektion von Ausreissern.<br /> Neue Phänologiemodelle, die den Blattaustrieb aus täglichen Temperaturreihen simulieren, wurden entwickelt. Diese Modelle basieren auf einfachen Interaktionen zwischen aktivierenden und hemmenden Substanzen, welche die Entwicklungsstadien einer Pflanze bestimmen. Im Allgemeinen konnten die neuen Modelle die Beobachtungsdaten besser simulieren als die klassischen Modelle.<br /> <br /> Weitere Hauptresultate waren:<br /> - Der Bias der klassischen Modelle, d.h. Überschätzung von frühen und Unterschätzung von späten Beobachtungen, konnte reduziert, aber nicht vollständig eliminiert werden.<br /> - Die besten Modellvarianten für verschiedene Spezies wiesen darauf hin, dass für die späten Frühjahrsphasen die Tageslänge eine wichtigere Rolle spielt als für die frühen Phasen.<br /> - Die Vernalisation spielte gegenüber den Temperaturen kurz vor dem Blattaustrieb nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. / The length of the vegetation period (VP) plays a central role for the interannual variation of carbon fixation of terrestrial ecosystems. Observational data analysis has indicated that the length of the VP has increased in the last decades in the northern latitudes mainly due to an advancement of bud burst (BB). This phenomenon has been widely discussed in the context of Global Warming because phenology is correlated to temperatures. <br /> <br /> Analyzing the patterns of spring phenology over the last century in Southern Germany provided two main findings:<br /> - The strong advancement of spring phases especially in the decade before 1999 is not a singular event in the course of the 20th century. Similar trends were also observed in earlier decades. Distinct periods of varying trend behavior for important spring phases could be distinguished.<br /> - Marked differences in trend behavior between the early and late spring phases were detected. Early spring phases changed as regards the magnitude of their negative trends from strong negative trends between 1931 and 1948 to moderate negative trends between 1948 and 1984 and back to strong negative trends between 1984 and 1999. Late spring phases showed a different behavior. Negative trends between 1931 and 1948 are followed by marked positive trends between 1948 and 1984 and then strong negative trends between 1984 and 1999.<br /> This marked difference in trend development between early and late spring phases was also found all over Germany for the two periods 1951 to 1984 and 1984 to 1999.<br /> <br /> The dominating influence of temperature on spring phenology and its modifying effect on autumn phenology was confirmed in this thesis. However,<br /> - temperature functions determining spring phenology were not significantly correlated with a global annual CO2 signal which was taken as a proxy for a Global Warming pattern.<br /> - an index for large scale regional circulation patterns (NAO index) could only to a small part explain the observed phenological variability in spring.<br /> <br /> The observed different trend behavior of early and late spring phases is explained by the differing behavior of mean March and April temperatures. Mean March temperatures have increased on average over the 20th century accompanied by an increasing variation in the last 50 years. April temperatures, however, decreased between the end of the 1940s and the mid-1980s, followed by a marked warming after the mid-1980s. <br /> It can be concluded that the advancement of spring phenology in recent decades are part of multi-decadal fluctuations over the 20th century that vary with the species and the relevant seasonal temperatures. Because of these fluctuations a correlation with an observed Global Warming signal could not be found.<br /> On average all investigated spring phases advanced between 5 and 20 days between 1951 and 1999 for all Natural Regions in Germany. A marked difference be! tween late and early spring phases is due to the above mentioned differing behavior before and after the mid-1980s. Leaf coloring (LC) was delayed between 1951 and 1984 for all tree species. However, after 1984 LC was advanced. Length of the VP increased between 1951 and 1999 for all considered tree species by an average of ten days throughout Germany.<br /> It is predominately the change in spring phases which contributes to a change in the potentially absorbed radiation. Additionally, it is the late spring species that are relatively more favored by an advanced BB because they can additionally exploit longer days and higher temperatures per day advancement. To assess the relative change in potentially absorbed radiation among species, changes in both spring and autumn phenology have to be considered as well as where these changes are located in the year.<br /> For the detection of the marked difference between early and late spring phenology a new time series construction method was developed. This method allowed the derivation of reliable time series that spanned over 100 years and the construction of locally combined time series increasing the available data for model development.<br /> Apart from analyzed protocolling errors, microclimatic site influences, genetic variation and the observers were identified as sources of uncertainty of phenological observational data. It was concluded that 99% of all phenological observations at a certain site will vary within approximately 24 days around the parametric mean. This supports to the proposed 30-day rule to detect outliers. <br /> New phenology models that predict local BB from daily temperature time series were developed. These models were based on simple interactions between inhibitory and promotory agents that are assumed to control the developmental status of a plant. Apart from the fact that, in general, the new models fitted and predicted the observations better than classical models, the main modeling results were: <br /> - The bias of the classical models, i.e. overestimation of early observations and underestimation of late observations, could be reduced but not completely removed. <br /> - The different favored model structures for each species indicated that for the late spring phases photoperiod played a more dominant role than for early spring phases. <br /> - Chilling only plays a subordinate role for spring BB compared to temperatures directly preceding BB.

Interetnisk konflikt eller samförstånd : En studie om etnopolitik i Kurdistan/Irak / Inter-ethnic conflict or mutual understanding: A study of ethno-politics in Kurdistan/Iraq

Sofi, Dana January 2009 (has links)
This thesis concerns the differences in how ethinic groups co-exist in two different environments in the same country, with a focus on the ethno-political. My research questions are: Why are ethnic or interpersonal relations characterized differently in different regions? How and why do conflicts or agreements arise in specific environments? The aim is to understand the connection between inter-ethnic relations and environmentally specific factors. I am concerned with those mechanisms and processes which determine the type of ethnic relation – as conflict or mutual understanding - in specific environments. The thesis uses case studies of two contrasting multiethnic cities with different interethnic relations – Erbil and Kirkuk in Kurdistan/Iraq. My explanatory model consists of four main factors: I) historical factors in terms of critical events; II) institutional factors such as institutional efficiency and security; III) structural factors such as group size, territorial base and different tolerance systems; and IV) social relational factors such as the significance of inter-ethnic contacts and social capital. The empirical work demonstrates that the relations between the above mentioned factors in the respective environments determine the outcome of the inter-ethnic relations. The results show that one factor can be more important than another factor, but how the factors impact upon one another and under what circumstances is of significance. The presentation of environmentally specific differences shows that ethnic groups do not have static boundaries and are not necessarily hostile to one another. Conflict is not the given form of relationship between ethnic groups. That is, the result can be read as a critique of those who necessarily see potential conflicts between groups with cultural differences and those who essentialize cultural groups. In this context one can see a chain of interrelated factors; the relevance of which is dependent on the specific situation. Some of the negative factors that can increase the possibility of conflict and decrease the possibility for peaceful co-existence include: Instability in the political climate; insecurity; institutional ineffectiveness; segregation; undefined relations of power; and an ethnic composition maintaining the balance of power. If these factors combined result in a high level of complexity, which makes ethnicity stand out in terms of ethnic competition, the likelihood of ethnic conflict is significant.

Advanced nonlinear stability analysis of boiling water nuclear reactors

Lange, Carsten 29 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is concerned with nonlinear analyses of BWR stability behaviour, contributing to a deeper understanding in this field. Despite negative feedback-coefficients of a BWR, there are operational points (OP) at which oscillatory instabilities occur. So far, a comprehensive and an in-depth understanding of the nonlinear BWR stability behaviour are missing, even though the impact of the significant physical parameters is well known. In particular, this concerns parameter regions in which linear stability indicators, like the asymptotic decay ratio, lose their meaning. Nonlinear stability analyses are usually carried out using integral (system) codes, describing the dynamical system by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE). One aspect of nonlinear BWR stability analyses is to get an overview about different types of nonlinear stability behaviour and to examine the conditions of their occurrence. For these studies the application of system codes alone is inappropriate. Hence, in the context of this thesis, a novel approach to nonlinear BWR stability analyses, called RAM-ROM method, is developed. In the framework of this approach, system codes and reduced order models (ROM) are used as complementary tools to examine the stability characteristics of fixed points and periodic solutions of the system of nonlinear differential equations, describing the stability behaviour of a BWR loop. The main advantage of a ROM, which is a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE), is the possible coupling with specific methods of the nonlinear dynamics. This method reveals nonlinear phenomena in certain regions of system parameters without the need for solving the system of ROM equations. The stability properties of limit cycles generated in Hopf bifurcation points and the conditions of their occurrence are of particular interest. Finally, the nonlinear phenomena predicted by the ROM will be analysed in more details by the system code. Hence, the thesis is not focused on rendering more precisely linear stability indicators like DR. The objective of the ROM development is to develop a model as simple as possible from the mathematical and numerical point of view, while preserving the physics of the BWR stability behaviour. The ODEs of the ROM are deduced from the PDEs describing the dynamics of a BWR. The system of ODEs includes all spatial effects in an approximated (spatial averaged) manner, e.g. the space-time dependent neutron flux is expanded in terms of a complete set of orthogonal spatial neutron flux modes. In order to simulate the stability characteristics of the in-phase and out-of-phase oscillation mode, it is only necessary to take into account the fundamental mode and the first azimuthal mode. The ROM, originally developed at PSI in collaboration with the University of Illinois (PSI-Illinois-ROM), was upgraded in significant points: • Development and implementation of a new calculation methodology for the mode feedback reactivity coefficients (void and fuel temperature reactivity) • Development and implementation of a recirculation loop model; analysis and discussion of its impact on the in-phase and out-of-phase oscillation mode • Development of a novel physically justified approach for the calculation of the ROM input data • Discussion of the necessity of consideration of the effect of subcooled boiling in an approximate manner With the upgraded ROM, nonlinear BWR stability analyses are performed for three OPs (one for NPP Leibstadt (cycle7), one for NPP Ringhals (cycle14) and one for NPP Brunsbüttel (cycle16) for which measuring data of stability tests are available. In this thesis, the novel approach to nonlinear BWR stability analyses is extensively presented for NPP Leibstadt. In particular, the nonlinear analysis is carried out for an operational point (OP), in which an out-of-phase power oscillation has been observed in the scope of a stability test at the beginning of cycle 7 (KKLc7_rec4). The ROM predicts a saddle-node bifurcation of cycles, occurring in the linear stable region, close to the KKLc7_rec4-OP. This result allows a new interpretation of the stability behaviour around the KKLc7_rec4-OP. The results of this thesis confirm that the RAM-ROM methodology is qualified for nonlinear BWR stability analyses. / Die vorliegende Dissertation leistet einen Beitrag zum tieferen Verständnis des nichtlinearen Stabilitätsverhaltens von Siedewasserreaktoren (SWR). Trotz der Tatsache, dass in diesem technischen System nur negative innere Rückkopplungskoeffizienten auftreten, können in bestimmten Arbeitspunkten oszillatorische Instabilitäten auftreten. Obwohl relativ gute Kenntnisse über die signifikanten physikalischen Einflussgrößen vorliegen, fehlt bisher ein umfassendes Verständnis des SWR-Stabilitätsverhaltens. Das betrifft insbesondere die Bereiche der Systemparameter, in denen lineare Stabilitätsindikatoren, wie zum Beispiel das asymptotische Decay Ratio (DR), ihren Sinn verlieren. Die nichtlineare Stabilitätsanalyse wird im Allgemeinen mit Systemcodes (nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen, PDG) durchgeführt. Jedoch kann mit Systemcodes kein oder nur ein sehr lückenhafter Überblick über die Typen von nichtlinearen Phänomenen, die in bestimmten System-Parameterbereichen auftreten, erhalten werden. Deshalb wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit eine neuartige Methode (RAM-ROM Methode) zur nichtlinearen SWR-Stabilitätsanalyse erprobt, bei der integrale Systemcodes und sog. vereinfachte SWR-Modelle (ROM) als sich gegenseitig ergänzende Methoden eingesetzt werden, um die Stabilitätseigenschaften von Fixpunkten und periodischen Lösungen (Grenzzyklen) des nichtlinearen Differentialgleichungssystems, welches das Stabilitätsverhalten des SWR beschreibt, zu bestimmen. Das ROM, in denen das dynamische System durch gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen (GDG) beschrieben wird, kann relativ einfach mit leistungsfähigen Methoden aus der nichtlinearen Dynamik, wie zum Beispiel die semianalytische Bifurkationsanalyse, gekoppelt werden. Mit solchen Verfahren kann, ohne das DG-System explizit lösen zu müssen, ein Überblick über mögliche Typen von stabilen und instabilen oszillatorischen Verhalten des SWR erhalten werden. Insbesondere sind die Stabilitätseigenschaften von Grenzzyklen, die in Hopf-Bifurkationspunkten entstehen, und die Bedingungen, unter denen sie auftreten, von Interesse. Mit dem Systemcode (RAMONA5) werden dann die mit dem ROM vorhergesagten Phänomene in den entsprechenden Parameterbereichen detaillierter untersucht (Validierung des ROM). Die Methodik dient daher nicht der Verfeinerung der Berechnung linearer Stabilitätsindikatoren (wie das DR). Das ROM-Gleichungssystem entsteht aus den PDGs des Systemcodes durch geeignete (nichttriviale) räumliche Mittelung der PDG. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Reduzierung der räumlichen Komplexität die Stabilitätseigenschaften des SWR nicht signifikant verfälschen, da durch geeignete Mittlungsverfahren, räumliche Effekte näherungsweise in den GDGs berücksichtig werden. Beispielsweise wird die raum- und zeitabhängige Neutronenflussdichte nach räumlichen Moden entwickelt, wobei für eine Simulation der Stabilitätseigenschaften der In-phase- und Out-of-Phase-Leistungsoszillationen nur der Fundamentalmode und der erste azimuthale Mode berücksichtigt werden muss. Das ROM, welches ursprünglich am Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI, Schweiz) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Illinois (USA) entwickelt wurde, ist in zwei wesentlichen Punkten erweitert und verbessert worden: • Entwicklung und Implementierung einer neuen Methode zur Berechnung der Rückkopplungsreaktivitäten • Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Modells zur Beschreibung der Rezirkulationsschleife (insbesondere wurde der Einfluss der Rezirkulationsschleife auf den In-Phase-Oszillationszustand und auf den Out-of-Phase-Oszillationszustand untersucht) • Entwicklung einer physikalisch begründeten Methode zur Berechnung der ROM-Inputdaten • Abschätzung des Einflusses des unterkühlten Siedens im Rahmen der ROM-Näherungen Mit dem erweiterten ROM wurden nichtlineare Stabilitätsanalysen für drei Arbeitspunkte (KKW Leibstadt (Zyklus 7) KKW Ringhals (Zyklus 14) und KKW Brunsbüttel (Zyklus 16)), für die Messdaten vorliegen, durchgeführt. In der Dissertationsschrift wird die RAM-ROM Methode ausführlich am Beispiel eines Arbeitspunktes (OP) des KKW Leibstadt (KKLc7_rec4-OP), in dem eine aufklingende regionale Leistungsoszillation bei einem Stabilitätstest gemessen worden ist, demonstriert. Das ROM sagt die Existenz eines Umkehrpunktes (saddle-node bifurcation of cycles, fold-bifurcation) voraus, der sich im linear stabilen Gebiet nahe der Stabilitätsgrenze befindet. Mit diesem ROM-Ergebnis ist eine neue Interpretation der Stabilitätseigenschaften des KKLc7_rec4-OP möglich. Die Resultate der in der Dissertation durchgeführten RAM-ROM Analyse bestätigen, dass das weiterentwickelte ROM für die Analyse des Stabilitätsverhaltens realer Leistungsreaktoren qualifiziert wurde.

台灣景氣轉折點預測-Probit模型與組合預測的應用 / Forecasting the Turning Points of Taiwan Business Cycles by using Probit Model and Combined Forecasts

李勁宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用具有事前訊息的領先指標與期間利差作為預測變數,根據不同利差與落後期選擇的 Probit 模型,利用遞迴的方式預測景氣轉折點發生機率,並進一步將個別預測結果進行組合,試圖找出能降低不確定性且優於個別預測結果的方法。實證結果發現,使用 Diebold and Mariano 檢定的預測包容法為其中最優的組合方法,無論是轉折點訊號或預測誤差都能優於半數以上的個別預測。此外,本文亦估計即期景氣轉折點的發生機率,根據模型的估計結果推斷,自 2012 年 2 月至 2015 年 3 月為止,景氣仍處於擴張階段。

Elever på ett anpassat individuellt gymnasieprogram : skolvardag och vändpunkter / Pupils in an individually adapted upper secondary school programme : Their daily lives at school and their turning points

Hellberg, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to describe and research students roate into the programme, and what it means to students to follow a special secondary school course. The students attended a small specail needs teaching group based on the neuropsychiatric diagnosis of Asperger´s syndrome, which had been made during their years at school. In this connetction, the study will also clarify and analyse the interface between the organisation of a secondary school and the special needs students, from the players´persepctive where the student´attendance at school forms the basis of their education. The students already had a negative image of themselves as pupils before starting their secondary scool education and the learning environment in which they participated in secondary school. Attandance becomes another turning point in the students´statements about their time at school. The experience of being at school has changed. From their perspective- "an inner perspective"- both the courses they had taking, and the school environment, is emphasised as something positive. The fact that affiliation to the programme is positive is an ongoing feature in students´statements. Identification with friends of similar age, who have comparable experinces, above all in relation to school, is emphasised by most students as something positive. Studnets´feeling of communityis based on the knowledge that the reason why they are on programme is because they have had different problems in relation to school. For students, the environment is a type of identity- creating forum, where students with the same problems can undertake their education. The diagnosis plays a central part in how students perceive themselves in relation to school and the obstacles they face.

Controlling the dynamic characteristics of machining systems through consciously designed joint interfaces

Frangoudis, Constantinos January 2014 (has links)
The precision of machining systems is ever increasing in order to keep up with components’ accuracy requirements. At the same time product variants areincreasing and order quantities are decreasing, which introduces high demands on the capability of machining systems. The machining system is an interaction between the machine tool structure, the process and the control system and is defined in terms of capability by the positional, static, dynamic and thermal accuracy. So far, the control of the machining system, in terms of static and dynamic stability is process based which is often translated into sub-optimum process parameters and therefore low productivity.This thesis proposes a new approach for control of the machining systemwhich is based on the capability to control the structural properties of themachine tool and as a result, controlling the outcome of the machining process.The control of the structural properties is realized by carefully designed Joint Interface Modules (JIMS). These modules allow for control of the stiffness and damping of the structure, as a result of tuning the contact conditions on the interface of the JIM; this is performed by control of the pre-load on the interface,by treatment of the interface with damping enhancing materials, or both. The thesis consists of a presentation of the motivation behind this work, the theoretical basis on which the proposed concept is based and a part describing the experimental investigations carried out. Two prototype JIMs, one for a milling process and one for a turning process were used in the experimental investigations that constitute the case studies for examining the validity of the proposed concept and demonstrating its applicability in a real production environment. / <p>QC 20140611</p> / EU FP7 POPJIM

Torneamento de Inconel 718 com aplicação de lubrificantes sólidos

Marques, Armando 30 November 2015 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The nickel-based superalloys have a high mechanical strength which remains at elevated temperature, high creep and fatigue resistances and excellent oxidation resistance. This makes these alloys highly recommended for use in high temperature working environments such as mechanical components for the aerospace industry. However, these characteristics are major problems when machining them, as it promotes high heat generation in the flow zone, resulting in the development of high wear rates on the cutting tools. In order to reduce the problems caused by the high temperatures generated, the application of a cutting fluid, when possible, is essential to reduce friction at the chip-tool-workpiece interfaces and lower the temperatures in the cutting zone. Seeking to further increase in the efficiency of cutting fluids during machining of nickel alloys, this work presents a study of the influence of solid lubricants, graphite and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) mixed to a vegetal based cutting fluid, applied by conventional method (flooding) and minimal quantity of fluid - MQF in turning of Inconel 718 with carbide and ceramic (mixed, whisker and SiAlON) tools. When turning with cemented carbide tools the addition of graphite to the cutting fluid provided the best results, while with ceramic tools MoS2 presented the best performance. The life of the carbide tool had an average increase above 200% in conventional flooding application of cutting fluid when compared to MQF, regardless the addition of solid lubricant. The addition of solid lubricants promoted an increase in the life of whisker and SiAlON tools. The flank wear was dominant for cemented carbide tools and SiAlON ceramics, while for whisker and mixed ceramics the notch wear was predominant. Attrition and diffusion wear mechanism were observed in all evaluated conditions. The addition of solid lubricant to the cutting fluid provided significant improvements in the surface roughness values for most of the evaluated conditions. However, there were no significant changes in the machining forces and cutting temperature. The residual stress was tensile and compression, depending on the fluid application method. Overall, the addition of solid lubricant showed no significant differences. / As superligas à base de níquel apresentam alta resistência mecânica que se mantém em elevadas temperaturas, altas resistência à fluência e à fadiga e excelente resistência a oxidação. Isso torna estas ligas altamente recomendadas para utilização em ambientes que trabalham a altas temperaturas, como por exemplo na fabricação de componentes mecânicos para a indústria aeroespacial. Entretanto, esta característica representa um grande problema quando elas são usinadas, pois promove elevada geração de calor na zona de fluxo, implicando no desenvolvimento de altas taxas de desgaste da ferramenta de corte. A fim de reduzir os problemas causados pelas altas temperaturas geradas, a aplicação de um fluido de corte, quando possível, é essencial, proporcionando redução do atrito na interface cavaco-ferramenta-peça e menores temperaturas na zona de corte. Na busca de aumentar ainda mais a eficiência dos fluidos de corte na complexa usinagem das ligas de níquel, este trabalho apresenta um estudo da influência dos lubrificantes sólidos grafite e bissulfeto de molibdênio (MoS2) misturado a um fluido de corte de base vegetal, aplicados pelo método convencional (jorro) e mínima quantidade de fluído MQF, no torneamento do Inconel 718, com ferramentas de metal duro e cerâmicas (mista, whisker e SiAlON). No torneamento com ferramentas de metal duro a adição de grafite ao fluido de corte proporcionou os melhores resultados, enquanto que no torneamento com ferramentas cerâmicas, foi o MoS2 que apresentou melhor desempenho. A vida da ferramenta de metal duro teve um incremento acima de 200% na usinagem convencional (jorro) quando comparado com a usinagem por MQF, sem considerar a adição do lubrificante sólido. A adição de lubrificantes sólidos promoveu um incremento na vida das ferramentas whisker e SiAlON. O desgaste de flanco foi predominante para as ferramentas de metal duro e cerâmica SiAlON, enquanto que nas cerâmicas whisker e mista o desgaste de entalhe foi predominante. Os mecanismo de desgaste de attrition e difusão foram observados em todas as condições avaliadas. A adição de lubrificante sólido ao fluido de corte proporcionou melhorias significativas nos valores da rugosidade para a maioria das condições avaliadas. No entanto, não se observou mudanças significativas nas forças e temperatura de usinagem. As tensões residuais foram de tração e compressão, dependendo do método de aplicação do fluido. No geral, a adição do lubrificante sólido não apresentou diferenças significativas. / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

Avaliação do Desempenho de Fluidos de Corte Contaminados no Processo de Torneamento do Aço Inoxidável Austenítico V304UF / Evaluation of the Performance of Contaminated Cutting Fluids when Turning AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel

Grub, André Mangetti 11 December 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In machining processes the main functions of cutting fluids (FC) are cooling and lubrication of the tribological system comprised of the workpiece, the chip and the cutting tool. When adequately chosen and correctly applyed they may raise tool lives, reduce machining forces and improve the surface finishing of the workpiece. However, during their use, research has demonstrated that water based cutting fluids (emulsions and solutions) become suceptible to microbiological contamination (by bacterias) that uses nutrients encountered in their composition to grow and reproduce. According to the specialised literature, the metabolic activities of these microorganisms degrade the cutting fluids, altering their chemical and phisycal properties. However, the study of this theme is limited and there is no research work that quantitatively indicates the influence of these contaminants in the machinability parameters. Therefore, the present work has the main objetctive of quantifying three machinability parameters (cutting force, surface roughness and tool life) when turning V304UF stainless steel using two water based cutting fluids (emulsion of vegetable base and semi-syntetic of mineral base). These two cutting fluids were intentionaly contaminated in an induced manner by periodic inoculations up to a mean contamination of 105 UFC/mL. With this procedure it was possible to compare the eficiency of new and contminated cutting fluids during the turning process. The results showed that the contaminated cutting fluids with 105 UFC/mL changed the pH, destabilized the emulsions and caused small changes in the machinability parameters (maching force, surface roughness and tool life), mainly under low cutting speeds and feed rates. Thus, the contamination of the cutting fluids, particularly the vegetable base ones, can promote small influences in important machinability parameters. / Em processos de usinagem as principais funções dos fluidos de corte (FC) são refrigerar e lubrificar o sistema tribológico constituído pela peça, cavaco e ferramenta. Quando escolhidos e aplicados corretamente, eles podem aumentar a vida da ferramenta, diminuir as forças de usinagem e melhorar o acabamento da peça fabricada. No entanto ao longo de sua utilização, pesquisas apontam que os FC s à base de água (emulsões e soluções) tornam-se susceptíveis a contaminação microbiológica (bactérias) que usam nutrientes encontrados em sua composição para crescerem e se reproduzirem. Segundo a literatura especializada, as atividades metabólicas destes microrganismos degradam os FC s, alterando suas propriedades físicas e químicas. Entretanto, o estudo desse assunto é limitado, e não há trabalhos que indicam quantitativamente a influência desses fluidos contaminados nos parâmetros de usinagem. Deste modo, este trabalho teve como principal objetivo quantificar três índices de usinabilidade (forças de usinagem, acabamento superficial e vida da ferramenta) no processo de torneamento do Aço Inoxidável Austenítico V304UF, utilizando dois FC s aquosos (emulsionável de base vegetal e semissintético mineral). Esses FC s foram contaminados de forma induzida através de inoculações periódicas até alcançarem o nível de contaminação média igual a 105 UFC/mL. Deste modo, foi possível comparar a eficiência dos FC s novos com os contaminados no processo de torneamento. Os resultados mostraram que as contaminações dos FC s com 105 UFC/mL, alteraram o pH do meio, desestabilizaram as emulsões e causaram pequenas mudanças nos parâmetros de forças de usinagem, rugosidade e vida da ferramenta, principalmente nas condições com baixa velocidade de corte e taxas de avanço. Assim, para baixas velocidades de corte, os fluidos de corte contaminados, principalmente de base vegetal, podem causar pequenas influências em importantes parâmetros de usinabilidade do processo. / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

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