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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A woman assimilationist and the Great War: The Case of Aniela Kallas

Prokop-Janiec, Eugenia 07 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Die herskepping van lewensdrome na `n verlies: `n Gestalt perspektief

Von Wielligh, Belinda 30 June 2006 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Any loss in an adolescent's life may lead to shattered dreams. Therapists, who work with adolescents who have experienced a loss must support and guide them to develop an awareness of their needs, impulses and dreams. Therapists must furthermore be aware of the factors that contributed to a turning point for the adolescents who managed to recreate their dreams. Adolescents' dreams are influenced by the current circumstances in South Africa, as well as their parents' perceptions and parenting styles. The loss of what could have been, after a loss, must also be addressed. The gestalt therapist establishes the process of awareness in the here-and-now. Furthermore, the adolescent must be guided to accept responsibility for his own choices and to purposeful create a new life dream. / Enige verlies in adolessente se lewens kan lei tot verbrokkelde lewensdrome. Terapeute wat werk met adolessente wat 'n verlies ervaar het, moet hul ondersteun en begelei sodat hulle bewustheid kan ontwikkel van hul behoeftes, drange en drome. Terapeute moet verder bewus wees van die faktore wat 'n keerpunt meegebring het by die adolessente wat wei hul drome kon herskep. Adolessente se lewensdrome word beinvloed deur die huidige omstandighede in Suid-Afrika, sowel as deur hul ouers se persepsies en ouerskapstyl. Die verlies aan dit wat kon wees, na afloop van 'n verlies moet dus ook aangespreek word. Die gestaltterapeut bewerkstellig die bewusmakingsproses in die hier-en-nou. Verder moet die adolessent gelei word om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir sy eie keuses en om doelbewus 'n nuwe lewensdroom te skep. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Both temple and tomb: difference, desire and death in the sculptures of the Royal museum of central Africa

Morris, Wendy Ann 30 November 2003 (has links)
Both Temple and Tomb is a dissertation in two parts. The first part is an examination and analysis of a collection of 'colonial' sculptures on permanent display in the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren Belgium. The second part is a reflection on the author's own paintings, drawings and film and an examination of the critical potential of these images in challenging the colonial narratives of the RMCA. Part I presents two arguments. The first is that European aesthetic codes have been used to legitimize the conquest of the Congo and to award sanction to a voyeuristic gaze. The second is that the organization of the sculptures of Africans (and European females) into carefully managed spaces and relationships results in the creation of erotically-charged formations that are intended to afford pleasure to male European spectators. Part II examines the strategies used in Re-Turning the Shadows to disrupt (neo)colonial patterns of viewing that have become ritual and 'naturalized'. Against RMCA narratives that pay homage to the objectivity of science and research, the paintings and film present images that explore multiple subjectivities, mythologizing impulses, and metaphoric allusions. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Literary challenges to the heroic myth of the Voortrekkers : H.P. Lamont's War, wine and women and Stuart Cloete's Turning wheels

Hale, Frederick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of various historical novels which dealt to a greater or lesser degree with the Great Trek and were written between the 1840s and the 1930s in Dutch, Afrikaans and English but with particular emphasis on H.P. Lamont's War, Wine and Women and Stuart Cloete's Turning Wheels (1937). The analysis of all these fictional reconstructions focuses on the portrayal of the Voortrekkers found in them. Much attention is also paid to the historical contexts in which the two principal works in question were written and the great controversies which they occasioned because both of their authors had had the temerity to challenge the long-established myth of the heroic Voortrekkers, one of the holiest of the iconic cows in the barns of their Afrikaner descendants. Chapter I, "Introduction", is a statement of the purpose of the study, its place in the context of analyses of the history of Afrikaner nationalism, its structure and the sources on which it is based. Chapter II, "The Unfolding of the Myth of the Heroic Voortrekkers", traces its evolution from the 1830s to the 1930s and explores how both English-speaking South Africans and Afrikaners, especially Gustav PrelIer, purposefully contributed to it. Also highlighted in this chapter is the significance of the Great Trek Centenary and the events leading up to it in the middle and late 1930s in intensifying Afrikaner nationalism. Chapter III, "The Heroic Myth in Early Dutch and Afrikaans Novels about the Great Trek", considers especially how these works were used as vehicles for placing before Afrikaners the historic virtues of their ancestors both to provide models for emulation and to stimulate their ethnic pride. Chapter IV, "Sympathetic English Reconstructions of the Great Trek", deals with two novels, Eugenie de Kalb's Far Enough and Francis Brett Young's They Seek a Country, both of which reproduced the heroic myth to some extent. Chapter V, "Rendezvous with Disaster? The South Africa in Which Lamont Wrote War, Wine and Women" establishes the context of intensifying Afrikaner nationalism which this immigrant from the United Kingdom encountered in the late 1920s when he accepted a lectureship at the University of Pretoria and why this context was hostile to a novel which was critical of Afrikanerdom. Chapter VI, "Wa1~ Wine and Women: Its General Context and Commentary on South Africa" explores how this work, conceived as a "war book" dealing with the 1914-1918 conflict in Europe, depicted both Englishmen and Afrikaners negatively. Chapter VII, "Academic Freedom vs. Afrikaner Nationalism: The Consequential Strife over War, Wine and Women" deals with the hostile reception of Lamont's pseudonymously published novel, the physical assault on him and his dismissal from his lectureship at the University of Pretoria. Chapter VIII, "The Rhetoric of Revenge in Lamont's Halcyon Days in Africa", explores how the author, after relurning lo England, used his pen as a weapon for striking back al his Afrikaans foes in South Africa. Chapter IX, "Stuart Cloete's Portrayal of the Voortrekkers in Turning U'heels", focuses on the portrayal of various ethnic types in his gallery of characters. Chapter X, "The Con troversy over Turning U'heels", handles the hostile and apparently orchestrated reaction to Cloete's book and how it was eventually banned. Chapter XI, "Conclusion: Quod Eral Demonstrandum", summarises several thematic findings which a detailed examination of the novels in their historical context yields. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling is 'n interdissiplinêre studie van verskeie historiese romans waarin daar in 'n mindere ofmeerdere mate op die Groot Trek gefokus word en wat geskryfis tussen die 1840's en die 1930's in Nederlands, Afrikaans en Engels, maar met die klem op H. P. Lamont se War, Wine and Wamen en Stuart Cloete se Turning Wheels (1937) in die besonder. Die analise van al hierdie fiktiewe rekonstruksies fokus op die uitbeelding van die Voortrekkers daarin. Daar word ook in die besonder aandag gegee aan die historiese kontekste waarbinne hierdie twee hoofwerke geskryfis en die groot polemiek daarrondom, omdat beide outeurs die vermetelheid gehad het om die lank reeds gevestigde mite van die heldhaftige Voortrekkers, een van die heiligste ikoniese koeie in die skure van die Afrikanernageslagte, uit te daag. Hoofstuk I, "Introduction", stel die doel van die studie, waar dit staan in die konteks van analises van die geskiedenis van Afrikanernasionalisme, die skruktuur en die bronne waarop dit gebaseer is. Hoofstuk II, "The Unfolding of the Myth of the Herioc Voortrekkers", volg die evolusie van Afrikanernasionalisme van die 1830's tot die 1930's en ondersoek op beide Engelssprekende Suid-Afrikaners en Afrikaners, veral Gustav Preller, doelgerig hiertoe bygedra het. In hierdie hoofstuk word daar ook beklemtoon hoe betekenisvol die honderdjarige herdenking van die Groot Trek en die gebeure wat daartoe aanleiding gegee het gedurende die middel- en laat 1930's, bygedra het tot die versterking van Afrikanernasionalisme. Hoofstuk III, "The Heroic Myth in Early Dutch and Afrikaans Novels about the Great Trek", bespreek veral hoe hierdie werke gebruik is om aan Afrikaners die historiese deugsaamheid van hulle voorvaders voor te hou en wat as voorbeelde moet dien wat nagestreef moet word en om hulle etniese trots te stimuleer. Hoofstuk IV, "Sympathetic English Reconstructions of the Great Trek", bespreek twee romans, Far Enough van Eugenie de Kalb en TheySeek a Country van Francis Brett Young, wat altwee die heroïse mite in 'n sekere mate herproduseer. Hoofstuk V, "Rendezvous with Disaster? The South Africa in Which Lamont Wrote War, Wine and Women" vestig die konteks van groeiende Afrikanernasionalisme wat hierdie immigrant van die Verenigde Koninkryk in die laat 1920's teëgekom het toe hy 'n lektoraat aan die Universiteit van Pretoria aanvaar het, en hoekom hierdie konteks vyandiggesind was teenoor 'n roman wat krities was teenoor die Afrikanerdom. Hoofstuk VI, "Wa1~ Wine and Women: Its General Context and Commentary on South Africa" ondersoek hoe hierdie werk, beskou as 'n "oorlogsboek" wat handeloor die 1914-1918 konflik in Europa, beide die Engelse en die Afrikaners in 'n negatiewe lig gestel het. Hoofstuk VII, "Academic Freedom vs. Afrikaner Nationalism: The Consequential Strife over War, Wine and Women" skenk aandag aan die vyandige ontvangs van Lamont se roman (gepubliseer onder 'n skuilnaam), die fisieke aanval op hom en sy ontslag as lektor van die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hoofstuk VIII, "The Rhetoric of Revenge in Lamont's Halcyon Days inAfrica", ondersoekhoe die outeur, na hy na Engeland teruggekeer het, sy pen as wapen gebruik het in 'n teenaanval op sy Afrikaanse vyande in Suid-Afrika. Hoofstuk IX, "Stuart Cloete's Portrayal of the Voortrekkers in Turning Wheels", fokus op die uitbeelding van verskeie etniese tipes in sy gallery karakters. Hoofstuk X, "The Controversy over Tumng Wheels", bespreek die vyandige en klaarblyklike georkestreerde reaksie op Cloete se boek, en hoe dit uiteindelik verban is. Hoofstuk XI, "Conclusion: Quod Era! Demonstrandum", bied 'n opsomming van verskei tematiese bevindinge aan, wat deur 'n gedetaileerde ondersoek van die romans opgelewer is.

Cooperative automation in automobiles

Biester, Lars 29 May 2009 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die systematische Entwicklung eines weiterführenden Konzeptes zur Fahrer-Fahrzeug Kooperation, dessen Tauglichkeit anhand empirischer Daten evaluiert und im Hinblick auf sein belegbares Potential in Bezug auf bestehende Ansätze bewertet werden soll.Da Annahmen und Prämissen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion den Ausgangspunkt bilden, beginnt die dezidierte Auseinandersetzung und begriffliche Differenzierung von Kooperation in eben diesem Kontext und führt folgerichtig zu einer definitorischen Abgrenzung gegenüber existierenden Ansätzen, der Forderung eines spezifischen Rollenverständnisses zur Interaktion sowie der Ableitung konzeptueller Grundbedingungen. Anschließend werden die strukturellen und prozeduralen Merkmale dieser spezifischen Interaktion herausgearbeitet und dazu benutzt, die generellen Attribute von Kooperation zwischen Fahrer und Fahrzeug zu identifizieren. Dafür wurden nachfolgend solche Indikatoren abgeleitet, vermittels derer der unterstellte Gewinn infolge der Kooperation von Fahrer und Fahrzeug kontrolliert und bewertet werden kann.Im Rahmen mehrerer Voruntersuchungen wurden Fahrsituationen identifiziert, die am meisten von einer kooperativen Interaktion zwischen Fahrer und Fahrzeug profitieren würden. Im Ergebnis wurden für die zwei Hauptuntersuchungen das „Überholen auf der Autobahn“ und das „Linksabbiegen auf innerstädtischen Straßen und Landstraßen mit Gegenverkehr“ als Fahrszenarien ausgewählt, die in jeweils einem eigenständigen Experiment mit alternativen Systemvarianten verglichen worden sind. Die Prüfung spezifischer Hypothesen wurde dabei in die prototypische Umgebung eines Fahrsimulators eingebettet. Abschließend werden in dieser Arbeit die Möglichkeiten zur Etablierung und Einbettung dieses Interaktionskonzeptes in den übergreifenden sozio-technischen Kontext aufgezeigt und zukünftige Perspektiven diskutiert. / The aim of this dissertation is to systematically develop a continuative concept of driver-automobile cooperation, to evaluate its suitability on the basis of empirical data, and to value its provable potential in relation to existing approaches.Assumptions and premises regarding the human-machine interaction constitute the starting point of this work. The decisive altercation and notional differentiation of cooperation are explained in just this context, leading logically to a definitional demarcation of existing approaches, the demand of a specific role understanding of the interaction as well as the derivation of conceptual basic conditions. The structural and procedural characteristics of this specific interaction are then elaborated upon and used to identify the general attributes of cooperation between driver and automobile. In the following, such indicators are derived by which the implied profit as a result of cooperation between driver and automobile can be controlled and valued. Within the framework of several preliminary investigations, those driving situations were identified that would profit most from a cooperative interaction between driver and automobile. As a result, the two driving scenarios "Overtaking on Highways" and "Turning Left on Urban and Country Roads with Oncoming Traffic" were utilized in the experiments. Both single scenarios have been compared in independent experiments with regard to alternative system variants. The prove of specific hypotheses was embedded in the prototypical surroundings of a driving simulator. Finally, the possibility of establishing and embedding this interaction concept into the overall socio-technical context will be presented, and future perspectives will be discussed.

Dynamic factor model with non-linearities : application to the business cycle analysis / Modèles à facteurs dynamiques avec non linéarités : application à l'analyse du cycle économique

Petronevich, Anna 26 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à une classe particulière de modèles à facteurs dynamiques non linéaires, les modèles à facteurs dynamiques à changement de régime markovien (MS-DFM). Par la combinaison des caractéristiques du modèle à facteur dynamique et celui du modèle à changement de régimes markoviens(i.e. la capacité d’agréger des quantités massives d’information et de suivre des processus fluctuants), ce cadre s’est révélé très utile et convenable pour plusieurs applications, dont le plus important est l’analyse des cycles économiques.La connaissance de l’état actuel des cycles économiques est crucial afin de surveiller la santé économique et d’évaluer les résultats des politiques économiques. Néanmoins, ce n’est pas une tâche facile à réaliser car, d’une part, il n’y a pas d’ensemble de données et de méthodes communément reconnus pour identifier les points de retournement, d’autre part, car les institutions officielles annoncent un nouveau point de retournement, dans les pays où une telle pratique existe, avec un délai structurel de plusieurs mois.Le MS-DFM est en mesure de résoudre ces problèmes en fournissant des estimations de l’état actuel de l’économie de manière rapide, transparente et reproductible sur la base de la composante commune des indicateurs macroéconomiques caractérisant le secteur réel.Cette thèse contribue à la vaste littérature sur l’identification des points de retournement du cycle économique dans trois direction. Dans le Chapitre 3, on compare les deux techniques d’estimation de MS-DFM, les méthodes en une étape et en deux étapes, et on les applique aux données françaises pour obtenir la chronologie des points de retournement du cycle économique. Dans Chapitre 4, sur la base des simulations de Monte Carlo, on étudie la convergence des estimateurs de la technique retenue - la méthode d’estimation en deux étapes, et on analyse leur comportement en échantillon fini. Dans le Chapitre 5, on propose une extension de MS-DFM - le MS-DFM à l’influence dynamique (DI-MS-DFM)- qui permet d’évaluer la contribution du secteur financier à la dynamique du cycle économique et vice versa, tout en tenant compte du fait que l’interaction entre eux puisse être dynamique. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of a particular class of non-linear Dynamic Factor Models, the Dynamic Factor Models with Markov Switching (MS-DFM). Combining the features of the Dynamic Factor model and the Markov Switching model, i.e. the ability to aggregate massive amounts of information and to track recurring processes, this framework has proved to be a very useful and convenient instrument in many applications, the most important of them being the analysis of business cycles.In order to monitor the health of an economy and to evaluate policy results, the knowledge of the currentstate of the business cycle is essential. However, it is not easy to determine since there is no commonly accepted dataset and method to identify turning points, and the official institutions announce a newturning point, in countries where such practice exists, with a structural delay of several months. The MS-DFM is able to resolve these issues by providing estimates of the current state of the economy in a timely, transparent and replicable manner on the basis of the common component of macroeconomic indicators characterizing the real sector. The thesis contributes to the vast literature in this area in three directions. In Chapter 3, I compare the two popular estimation techniques of the MS-DFM, the one-step and the two-step methods, and apply them to the French data to obtain the business cycle turning point chronology. In Chapter 4, on the basis of Monte Carlo simulations, I study the consistency of the estimators of the preferred technique -the two-step estimation method, and analyze their behavior in small samples. In Chapter 5, I extend the MS-DFM and suggest the Dynamical Influence MS-DFM, which allows to evaluate the contribution of the financial sector to the dynamics of the business cycle and vice versa, taking into consideration that the interaction between them can be dynamic.

DER WAHRE WEINSTOCK: DIE BEDEUTUNG DES WEINSTOCKMOTIVS IN JOHANNES 15:1-8 / The true vine : the meaning of the vine motif in John 15:1-8

Volker, Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Ziel der Forschungsarbeitet ist es, zu zeigen, dass die johanneische Weinstockrede das alttestamentlich und frühjüdisch geprägte Weinstockmotiv aufgreift und weiter entfaltet. So finden sich in Joh 15:1-8 die Beziehungsebene zwischen Gott und seinen Nachfolgern, die ethische Konnotation, der Gerichtsgedanke, der messianisch-eschatologische Aspekt und der Gedanke von Fruchtbarkeit und Fülle wieder. Es wird deutlich, dass sich in Jesus erfüllt hat, worauf die alttestamentlichen und frühjüdischen Schriften durch die Verwendung des Weinstockmotivs abgezielt haben: Er ist der angekündigte Messias, dessen Kommen Fülle mit sich bringt. Dies hat sich bereits durch Jesu erstes Zeichen, die Verwandlung von Wasser zu Wein (Joh 2:1-11), angedeutet. Neu ist der Gedanke, dass Jesus seine Nachfolger in sein Wirken mit einbezieht. Sie partizipieren an seiner messianischen Fülle und produzieren den Überfluss in Abhängigkeit von Jesus auch selbst mit. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die Jünger ihre enge Beziehung zu Jesus durch Gebet und das Einhalten seines Wortes aufrechterhalten und sich an seinem Vorbild orientieren. / The purpose of this thesis is to show that the Johannine vine speech takes up and further develops the vine motif of the Old Testament and early Jewish history. In John 15:1-8 we find emphasis on the relationship between God and his disciples, the ethical connotation, the warning of judgement, the messianic-eschatological aspect and the concepts of fruitfulness and fullness. I will show in this thesis, that the the Old Testament and early Jewish writings that use the vine motif are fulfilled in Jesus Christ: He is the announced Messiah, whose coming will bring fullness. This is already implied in Jesus’s first miracle, turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). What is new is that Jesus includes his disciples in his ministry. They participate in his messianic abundance and in dependence on Jesus they themselves produce abundance. The prerequisite for this abundant fruitfulness is a close relationship with Jesus through prayer, abiding in his word, and following his example. / New Testament / M. Th.(New Testament)

中國的空間發展和產業遷移以富士康為例 / China’s spatial development and inland industrial relocation: A case study of Honhai-Foxconn

林璽謙, Gori, Michele Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,富士康受到國際間高度的重視,然而,富士康中國工廠員工的高自殺率使得學者較重視員工的工作情況,鮮少對公司的擴張、轉移以及搬遷進行研究。本文聚焦於過去四十年富士康在中國的經濟發展面向。 使用雁行理論分析中國經濟發展的文獻不斷增加,富士康也參與於該理論所描述之中國邊境的工廠遷移現象,因此,本文整理學者對雁行理論的論辯,指出該理論無法解釋中國邊境發生的經濟現象。為彌補雁行理論的不足,我們將敘明中國空間發展於不同區域的漸進式轉變,係透過中央與地方政策的施行而開始。 研究結果顯示,依據區域經濟的發展階段差異,投資往往發生在相對優勢的地區,然而, 透過政策影響國家之動態優勢,以及投資趨動力……等,並不符合日本學者赤松要提出之雁形理論。一份關於富士康的直接與間接投資的分析指出,富士康的發展方向反映了中國的整體經濟發展,並且有兩個同時進行的發展方向:其一,地理上來說,富士康將投資從中國沿岸地區轉移至內陸地區,甚至進一步移往東南亞及歐美地區。其二,富士康將其產品種類擴大並提升到更多元及優質的方向。 / Over the last few years, Foxconn has started to gain massive international attention, however influenced by the high rate of suicides that afflicted plants in Mainland China, scholars focused the most on the labor condition of Foxconn workers, pushing the company’s very interesting business expansion, diversion and relocation into the background. This paper will focus on these processes in the context of China’s economic development of the past forty years. A growing literature about the latest developments of the Chinese economy adopts the flying geese model to describe the phenomenon of factory relocation that is taking place within the Chinese national borders. Foxconn is also part of the process. For this reason this work will also join in the scholar debate about the flying geese, making clear that the model falls short in explaining some aspects of this phenomenon. A detailed description of China spatial development, that is the gradual development of different regions brought about the launch of national and local policies, will make up for the shortcomings. Results show that investments were often taken according to the relative comparative advantage of regions in their respective stage of development, however in some cases China’s governmental policies changed the country’s comparative advantage dynamics, and investments’ driving forces were therefore in contrast with Akamatsu’s precepts. An analysis of Foxconn direct and indirect investments shows that the company has mirrored the growth of China, and evolved simultaneously in two different ways: geographically speaking they have moved investments from the Chinese coast to the central regions, and further to South East Asia, US and Europe; while at the same time expanding production into a more diverse and advanced set of products.

Métodos para aproximação poligonal e o desenvolvimento de extratores de características de forma a partir da função tangencial

Carvalho, Juliano Daloia de 12 September 2008 (has links)
Whereas manually drawn contours could contain artifacts related to hand tremor, automatically detected contours could contain noise and inaccuracies due to limitations or errors in the procedures for the detection and segmentation of the related regions. To improve the further step of description, modeling procedures are desired to eliminate the artifacts in a given contour, while preserving the important and significant details present in the contour. In this work, are presented a couple of polygonal modeling methods, first a method applied direct on the original contour and other derived from the turning angle function. Both methods use the following parametrization Smin e µmax to infer about removing or maintain a given segment. By the using of the mentioned parameters the proposed methods could be configured according to the application problem. Both methods have been shown eficient to reduce the influence of noise and artifacts while preserving relevant characteristic for further analysis. Systems to support the diagnosis by images (CAD) and retrieval of images by content (CBIR) use shape descriptor methods to make possible to infer about factors existing in a given contour or as base to classify groups with dierent patterns. Shape factors methods should represent a value that is aected by the shape of an object, thus it is possible to characterize the presence of a factor in the contour or identify similarity among contours. Shape factors should be invariant to rotation, translation or scale. In the present work there are proposed the following shape features: index of the presence of convex region (XRTAF ), index of the presence of concave regions (V RTAF ), index of convexity (CXTAF ), two measures of fractal dimension (DFTAF e DF1 TAF ) and the index of spiculation (ISTAF ). All derived from the smoothed turning angle function. The smoothed turning angle function represent the contour in terms of their concave and convex regions. The polygonal modeling and the shape descriptors methods were applied on the breast masses classification issue to evaluate their performance. The polygonal modeling procedure proposed in this work provided higher compression and better polygonal fitness. The best classification accuracies, on discriminating between benign masses and malignant tumors, obtain for XRTAF , V RTAF , CXTAF , DFTAF , DF1 TAF and ISTAF , in terms of area under the receiver operating characteristics curve, were 0:92, 0:92, 0:93, 0:93, 0:92 e 0:94, respectively. / Contornos obtidos manualmente podem conter ruídos e artefatos oriundos de tremores da mão bem como contornos obtidos automaticamente podem os conter dado a problemas na etapa de segmentação. Para melhorar os resultados da etapa de representação e descrição, são necessários métodos capazes de reduzir a influência dos ruídos e artefatos enquanto mantém características relevantes da forma. Métodos de aproximação poligonal têm como objetivo a remoção de ruídos e artefatos presentes nos contornos e a melhor representação da forma com o menor número possível de segmentos de retas. Nesta disserta ção são propostos dois métodos de aproximação poligonal, um aplicado diretamente no contorno e outro que é obtido a partir da função tangencial do contorno original. Ambos os métodos fazem uso dos parâmetros Smin e µmax para inferirem sobre a permanência ou remoção de um dado segmento. Com a utilização destes parâmetros os métodos podem ser configurados para serem utilizados em vários tipos de aplicações. Ambos os métodos mostram-se eficientes na remoção de ruídos e artefatos, enquanto que características relevantes para etapas de pós-processamento são mantidas. Sistemas de apoio ao diagnóstico por imagens e de recuperação de imagens por conte údo fazem uso de métodos descritores de forma para que seja possível inferir sobre características presentes em um dado contorno ou ainda como base para medir a dissimilaridade entre contornos. Métodos descritores de características são capazes de representar um contorno por um número, assim é possível estabelecer a presença de uma característica no contorno ou ainda identificar uma possível similaridade entre os contornos. Métodos para extração de características devem ser invariantes a rotação, translação e escala. Nesta dissertação são propostos os seguintes métodos descritores de características: índice de presença de regiões convexas (XRTAF ), índice da presença de regiões côncavas (V RTAF ), índice de convexidade (CXTAF ), duas medidas de dimensão fractal (DFTAF e DF1 TAF ) e o índice de espículos (ISTAF ). Todos aplicados sobre a função tangencial suavizada. A função tangencial suavizada representa o contorno em termos de suas regiões côncavas e regiões convexas. Os métodos de aproximação poligonal e descritores de características foram aplicados para o problema de classificação de lesões de mama. Os resultados obtidos, mostraram que os métodos de aproximação poligonal propostos neste trabalho resultam em polígonos mais compactos e com melhor representação do contorno original. Os melhores resultados de classificação, na discriminação entre lesões benignas e tumores malignos, obtidos por XRTAF , V RTAF , CXTAF , DFTAF , DF1 TAF e ISTAF , em termos da área sob a curva ROC, foram 0:92, 0:92, 0:93, 0:93, 0:92 e 0:94, respectivamente. / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

From rags to riches: creating your own destiny – a journey into the unknown

Knobel, Daniël Pieter 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The aim of the current study is to provide detailed information regarding individuals’ turning-point experiences, in order to understand the psychological and spiritual aspects involved in moving beyond a significant low point towards a significant high point in one’s life. It seems that inadequate information regarding formal studies about this phenomenon exists in literature, which this study endeavours to address. Thereby, a qualitative phenomenological study was conducted amongst nineteen South African citizens, who were purposefully and conveniently selected from the diverse population of South Africa. Individual participants confirmed that they had experienced significant low points from which they had been able to move to reach a significant high point. Through interviews, River-of-life (RoL) drawings and a short background information questionnaire (SBIQ), participants were able to provide information on their experiences. The participants’ stories, obtained during the interviews, were transcribed, and then triangulated with information obtained from the RoL drawings, completed SBIQ’s, researcher notes and other additional sources, during the analysis phase. Thematic analysis was performed on individuals’ stories to obtain the research participants’ themes, which provided the aspects involved in their turning-point experiences. In-depth analysis of all participants’ stories produced a theme-model consisting of main and unique themes. Unique themes identified by the study supported the main themes. Themes highlighted through the study included minding oneself, support from and to, doing something, religion/faith in God, positive attitude and meaning. The positive psychology theoretical framework was applied in interpreting the findings. This study suggests that a combination of themes is relevant in one’s ability to move beyond a low point experience towards a high point experience. The application of the theme-model could assist others in similar situations to create change or a turning-point experience in order to move away from or transcend a low point. The study was linked to the subjective measuring of Quality of Life (QOL). It is recommended that more subjective indicators of QOL, including spirituality indicators, be investigated. While this study focussed on the internal influences affecting change in a person’s life towards fulfilment, further studies may investigate the external influences. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

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