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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Place et rôle de l’émotion en justice réparatrice : étude du cheminement émotionnel d’ex-contrevenants engagés dans un processus réparateur

Fantini, Céline 12 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche décrit et examine le cheminement émotionnel d’ex-contrevenants engagés dans un processus de justice réparatrice. Le cheminement émotionnel est appréhendé sous l’angle de l’analyse des « trajectoires de vie ». Nous avons rencontré quatre anciens contrevenants condamnés à une peine d’incarcération, et vivant dans la communauté au moment de nos entretiens. Afin d’établir leur trajectoire de vie émotionnelle, les entretiens ont été menés en profondeur et selon une approche non-directive. Les participants ont réalisé soit une expérience de Rencontre-Détenus-Victimes (RDV), soit une expérience de face-à-face avec une victime, ou une réparation directe avec leur victime. L’analyse de nos données empiriques met en évidence deux périodes émotionnelles distinctes chez les ex-contrevenants. Leur cheminement est d’abord caractérisé par un état de fermeture puis d’ouverture émotionnelle. Pour chaque état émotionnel, nous présentons les différentes composantes émotionnelles qui les constituent ainsi que les changements émotionnels qui en résultent. La transition entre le passage d’un état de fermeture à un état d’ouverture émotionnelle, ainsi que l’expérience de justice réparatrice, ont été minutieusement étudiées. De ces analyses a émergé le concept de « point tournant émotionnel », apparaissant comme la clé de voûte du cheminement réparateur des anciens contrevenants. Il ressort en effet qu’un point tournant émotionnel est considéré comme un préalable nécessaire à la participation à un programme réparateur, mais aussi comme le baromètre de l’effet réparateur des expériences. / This research describes and discusses the emotional path of ex-offenders involved in a process of restorative justice. The emotional path is tackled from the perspective of "lifecourse" analysis. We met four former offenders sentenced to a prison term, and living in the community at the moment of our interviews. In order to interpret their emotional life course, the interviews were conducted in depth and in a non-directive approach. Participants performed either a Victim-Offender-Encounter (VOE), a face-to-face experience with a victim, or direct atonement with their victim. The analysis of our empirical data shows two distinct emotional periods in ex-offenders. Their path is characterized first by a closed state, then by an emotional opening. For each emotional state, we present its various emotional components and the resulting emotional changes. The transition, that is the passage between a closed state to a state of emotional openness, and the restorative justice experience, have been thoroughly studied. From these analysis emerged the concept of "emotional turning points," appearing as the keystone of the restorative pathway of former offenders. It is clear that an emotional turning point is considered a prerequisite for taking part in a restorative program, but also as a barometer of the restorative effects of the experiences.

Investigating a change of material on turning tools with Coromant Capto ® interface : A study conducted at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo / Utredning av ett materialbyte på svarvverktyg med Coromant Capto ® gränssnitt : En studie utförd på Sandvik Coromant i Gimo

Lindbäck, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Sandvik Coromant is the leading supplier of cutting tools and solutions to the machining industry. Sandvik Coromant is the creator of the modular Coromant Capto ® tool interface which have since become an ISO-standard. The Coromant Capto ® interface, which currently is undergoing a revision is found in the machining applications turning, milling and drilling because of its unique characteristics. Sandvik Coromant's largest factory for cutting tools is located in Gimo which produces tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface for milling and turning applications. The turning tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface are currently produced from the tool steel 25CrMoS4, commonly known as SS2225 with a typical initial hardness of 28 ± 2 HRC. To achieve the required hardness of the finished tools, the turning tools are hardened by induction which results in hardness levels close to, or above 50 HRC. These induction hardening processes which are carried out after the machining operations induces geometrical distortions in the tools which impacts the quality of the finished product. Furthermore it is expected that the new revision of the Coromant Capto ® interface will be dificult to produce due to these geometrical distortions. To avoid the geometrical distortions due to induction hardening a change of material was examined. The turning tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface would instead be produced from the tool steel 34CrNiMo6, commonly known as SS2541. SS2541 is currently being used as material for the milling tools produced in Gimo. The tool steel SS2541 would imply a new process flow for the turning tools which would be hardened to 43,5 ± 2 HRC before the machining operations in a furnace thus avoiding the geometrical distortions. The purpose of the thesis was to study and predict the impacts and the changes that this new production process flow would lead to. The hypothesis of the whole study was claried as:"The change of material in Coromant Capto ® -equipped turning tools would be benecial in terms of the complete picture". To either prove or disprove the hypothesis research was conducted in three separate studies namely Quality, Time and Cost. A case study was used to compare the different process flows with each other. A sample of seven turning tools was studied within the case study. Each tool in the sample represents a portion of the real production volumes produced in Gimo. It was found that both product and process quality would increase with the material SS2541. Product quality would increase because the geometrical distortions would be avoided. This would increase value for the end customer which could expect a more predictable machining process. Process quality would also increase, mainly because control measurements will be carried out in a better way than in the current situation, and the fact that a simpler process flow with less operations will be true for SS2541. Process time increased for almost all material removal operations because the higher hardness of the material SS2541. Total process time would increase for the blanks and would decrease for the tools because the hardening operation are moved from tool to blank. The throughput rate of both blanks and tools will decrease, because the constraining operations or bottleneck operations would take longer time. Despite this it is expected that machine capacity is sufficient for producing the current production volumes from the material SS2541. The production cost for all tools in the sample will increase, one of the tools by as much as 11%. Production cost for a yearly production of turning tools (blanks included) is estimated to increase with 5%. The highest contributing factor to the increased cost is the initial cost of the material which will increase with 10%. To minimize the impact of material cost the range of blanks should be rationalized, i.e producing more tools from forged blanks instead from round blanks. To summarize and give an recommendation: The hypothesis of the thesis is confirmed. The change of material to SS2541 would seen to the complete picture prevent many problems to a relatively low cost. Therefore it is recommended that the material is changed from SS2225 to SS2541. / Sandvik Coromant är en ledande tillhandahåallare av verktyg och lösningar till bearbetningsindustrin. Sandvik Coromant uppfann det modulära verktygsgränssnittet Coromant Capto ®, vilken på senare år har blivit en ISO-standard. Coromant Capto ®-kopplingen, som för tillfället undergår en revision återfinns, tack vare sina unika egenskaper inom applikationsområdena svarvverktyg, fräsverktyg och borrverktyg. Sandvik Coromants största fabrik för skärande verktyg ligger i Gimo i vilken man tillverkar både svarvverktyg och fräsverktyg med Coromant Capto ®-koppling. Svarvverktygen med Coromant Capto ®-koppling tillverkas nuvarande från verktygsstålet 25CrMoS4, allmänt känt som SS2225, vilket har en typisk grundhårdhet på ca 28 ± 2 HRC. För att uppnå rådande hårdhetskrav induktionshärdas svarvverktygen med induktionshärdning vilketresulterar i hårdheter nära- elleröver 50 HRC. Dessa induktionshärdningsprocesser utförs efter bearbetningsoperationerna och skapar formförändringar i verktygen, vilket i sin tur påverkar kvaliteten för den slutgiltliga produkten. Dessutom förväntas det att tillkomma problem med att tillverka den nya Coromant Capto ®-revisionen på grund av formförändringarna. För att förebygga formförändringarna som tillkommer vid induktionshärdningsprocesserna studerades ett materialbyte. Svarvverktygen med Coromant Capto ®-kopplingar skulle nu produceras från verktygsstålet 34CrNiMo6, allmänt känt som SS2541 istället. SS2541 används för närvarande till fräsprodukterna som produceras i Gimo. Verktygsstålet SS2541 skulle innebära ett nytt processflöde för svarvverktygen vilka nu skulle ugnshärdas före bearbetningsoperationerna till en hårdhet av 43,5 ± 2 HRC och på så sätt undvika formförändringarna. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utreda och förutspå effekterna och förändringarna som detta nya processflöde skulle innebära. Hypotesen till hela studien sammanfattades som: Materialbytet på svarvverktyg med Coromant Capto ®-koppling skulle vara positivt sett till helheten. För attantingen bekräfta eller dementera denna hypotes utfördes en studie som innefattade tre separata utredningar inom områdena Kvalitet, Tid och Kostnad. Man använde sig av en fallstudie för att jämföra de olika processflödena med varandra. Ett urval bestående av sju produkter studerades inom denna fallstudie. Varje produkt från urvalet fick representera en delvolym av den totala årliga produktionsvolymen i Gimo. Man fann att både produktkvalitet och processkvalitet skulle öka till följd av materialbytet till SS2541. Produktkvaliteten skulle öka för att formförändringarna skulle undvikas. Detta skulleöka värdet för slutkunden, vilken kan komma att förvänta sig en bättre och mer förutsägbar bearbetningsprocess. Processkvaliteten skulle också öka, främst för att kontrollmätningar nu skulle kunna utföras på ett bättre sätt än man kan göra i det nuvarande processflödet samt att flödet skulle bli enklare och tydligare med färre processteg. Processtider skulle öka för nästan alla bearbetningsoperationer på grund av att SS2541 har en högre hårdhet. Den totala processtiden skulle öka förämnestillverkningen och minska för verktygstillverkningen för att härdningsoperationerna förflyttas från verktyg till ämne. Genomströmmningshastigheten skulle minska för både ämne och verktyg för att flaskhalsarna i produktionen skulle ta längre tid. Dock skall tilläggas att man fortfarande skulle ha kapacitet nog föratt tillverka dagens produktionsvolymer i materialet SS2541. Produktionskostnaden för alla produkterna i urvalet skulle öka, varav en produkt skulle öka med så mycket som 11%. Produktionskostnaden för en årsproduktion av svarvverktyg (ämnesproduktion inräknad) uppskattades att öka med 5%. Den största faktorn till den ökade produktionskostnadenär initialkostnaden för materialet som kommer att öka med 10%. För att minimera effekterna av materialkostnaden borde ämnesfloran rationaliseras, alltså producera fler verktyg från smidda ämnen än från försvarvade ämnen. För att sammanfatta och ge en rekommendation: Hypotesen kan bekräftas. Materialbytet till SS2541 skulle, sett till helheten förebygga många problem till en relativt låg merkostnad. Därför rekommenderas att materialbytet från SS2225 till SS2541 genomförs.

Varför Karriärteorier : En granskning av karriärteoriers kunskapsvärde med utgångspunkt i karriärberättelser / Career theories, how come? : A study about the knowledge value of career theories based up on career stories

Lovén, Svante January 2015 (has links)
I denna mastersuppsats undersöker författaren det möjliga värdet av karriärteorier. Värdet är empiriskt undersökt med utgångspunkt I tio fallstudier av intervjutyp. Författaren kommer till slutsatsen att kunskap om karriärteorier möjliggör en bättre förståelse av hur individer fattar karriär- och utbildningsbeslut. Författaren argumenterar för att kunskap om karriärteorier är, och bör vara relevant för vägledarnas profession och yrkesroll. / In this master thesis the author investigates the potential value of career theories. The potential value is empirically investigated on the basis of ten interviewee case studies. The author reaches the conclusion that career theories does enable a better understanding of how individuals make career- and educational choices and argues that knowledge of career theories is, and should be relevant for the guidance counsellors professional role.

La réussite criminelle, les deux côtés de la médaille : l’étude du processus de maintien du désistement du crime

Chouinard, Stéphanie 08 1900 (has links)
Malgré l’intérêt grandissant des études portant sur le processus de désistement du crime, cet aspect demeure l’un des moins bien compris de la carrière criminelle. À ce jour, peu de recherches se sont penchées sur le lien entre la carrière criminelle passée et la période qui lui succède, soit le désistement. Cette présente étude vise à reconstruire les trajectoires criminelles d’individus ayant poursuivi une carrière criminelle. Les données colligées proviennent des récits narratifs de 15 participants ayant connu une carrière criminelle significative et s’identifiant comme s’étant désistés avec succès. L’objectif derrière ce projet est de mieux saisir le processus de maintien à long terme du désistement criminel. Une attention particulière est accordée à l’influence de la trajectoire criminelle (ses circonstances, ses paramètres) et sur la façon dont se déploie le processus de désistement. L’échantillon de délinquants examinés dans cette recherche se démarque par le fait que les individus rencontrés étaient essentiellement impliqués dans une criminalité à but lucratif. L’objectif spécifique des analyses qualitatives réalisées était d’observer s’il y avait un lien entre le niveau de réussite (revenu criminel et évitement des sanctions pénales) et le sens ou la représentation du désistement criminel. La première contribution est de montrer, comme d’autre avant nous, que le désistement est un processus et non un moment précis dans la carrière criminelle. La seconde contribution est d’avoir montré l’incidence de la réussite criminelle sur les autres paramètres de la trajectoire criminelle. La troisième contribution est d’avoir identifié deux types d’influences de la réussite criminelle (les deux côtés de la médaille) ; d’un côté elle prolonge la carrière criminelle et de l’autre, une fois ladite carrière terminée, la réussite peut faciliter la réinsertion sociale. À la lumière des résultats, la réussite criminelle se doit d’être considérée comme un paramètre « officiel » de la carrière criminelle. Finalement, une telle recherche permet d’orienter le développement de programmes visant la réinsertion sociale. / Despite the increasing interest of researchers towards criminal desistance, this aspect remains one of the less understood of the criminal career. To this day, only few researches have attempted to analyze the link between an individual’s past criminal career and the period that follows it, which would be known as the desistance period. This present study attempts to reconstruct the criminal trajectory of individuals who have pursued criminal careers. The collected data come from 15 participant’s self-narrative stories who have led significant criminal careers and who now identify themselves as having successfully desisted. The objective behind this project is to better understand the long-term maintenance process of the criminal desistance. Particular attention will be given to the influence of the criminal trajectory (the circumstances, the parameters) and how the desistance process takes place. The sample of examined criminals in this research stands out by the fact that the surveyed individuals were essentially involved in lucrative crimes. The specific objective of the qualitative analyses was to observe if there was a link between the success level (criminal revenues and avoidance of criminal sanctions) and the meaning or the representation of criminal desistance. The first contribution is to demonstrate, as others before us, that desistance is a process and not a precise moment in the criminal career. The second contribution is the demonstration of the incidence of criminal success on the other parameters of the criminal trajectory. The third contribution is the demonstration that two types of influence were associated with criminal success (the two sides of the medal); on one side, it lengthens the criminal career, and on the other, it can facilitate the social rehabilitation once the individual quits his criminal career. The results suggest that criminal success has to be considered as an “official” parameter of the criminal career. Finally, this type of research helps orientate the development of programs aimed toward social rehabilitation.

Représentations identitaires chez un homme ayant purgé une longue peine : aspects stables et mobiles

Duchastel, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Nombre de recherches portent sur la question de l’abandon de la délinquance et du processus de désistance qui la précède. Bien que les angles d’approche soient diversifiés, elles s’entendent pour dire que ce processus implique des changements sociaux autant que personnels. Ce mémoire s’est intéressé à la question des changements identitaires chez des individus qui avaient été condamnés à une longue peine d’emprisonnement et qui ont obtenu leur libération conditionnelle totale. Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre en quoi les aspects permanents de l’identité et ceux qui sont modifiables sont à l’œuvre dans la trajectoire de changement d’un homme condamné à perpétuité pour meurtre et qui a obtenu sa libération conditionnelle totale. La méthode qualitative qu’est le récit de vie, et selon une perspective phénoménologique, a été utilisée afin d’atteindre les objectifs de cette recherche. Un homme condamné à une sentence de prison à vie, mais ayant obtenu sa libération totale a été rencontré en dix entretiens en profondeur d’une durée d’une heure à une heure et demie. Nous avons choisi de procéder à un nombre élevé d’entretiens de type semi-directifs afin de permettre l’approfondissement des propos de l’individu rencontré. Les résultats suggèrent que certaines représentations de l’identité restent stables dans le temps alors que d’autres se transforment au fil de la trajectoire de vie. En effet, de l’analyse du récit de vie de l’individu se dégagent deux représentations stables, qui marquent durablement l’identité de ce dernier dans sa trajectoire de vie, et quatre modifiables, qui se sont développées au cours de sa détention. Les résultats montrent aussi que les représentations stables semblent intervenir autant dans le processus criminogène que dans celui de la désistance. / Numerous studies have focused on the issues of abandonment of crime and the desistance process that precedes it. While the approaches retained are diversified, they all point to the social as well as personal changes the process implies. This thesis focuses on the identity changes of an individual who received a long prison sentence, and who later obtained a full parole. The main objective of this thesis is to understand what are the permanent aspects of identity and those that are modifiable at work in the changing path of a man sentenced for murder and has obtained full parole. The life approach, and in a phenomenological perspective, was used to achieve the objectives of this research. A man sentenced to a life prison and who later obtained his total release was met for ten in-depth interviews each lasting between an hour and an hour and a half. Such a large number of semi-structured type interviews allowed us to deepen our understanding. The results suggest that certain representations of identity remain stable over time while others change over the life course. Indeed, from the analysis of the individual's life story two stable representations emerged that permanently mark his identity during his life trajectory, and four modifiable, which developed during his detention. The results also show that stable representations appear to be involved in both the criminogenic process and during his desistance.

Estudo comparativo de métodos geoestatísticos de estimativas e simulações estocásticas condicionais / Comparative study of geostatistical estimation methods and conditional stochastic simulations

Furuie, Rafael de Aguiar 05 October 2009 (has links)
Diferentes métodos geoestatísticos são apresentados como a melhor solução para diferentes contextos de acordo com a natureza dos dados a serem analisados. Alguns dos métodos de estimativa mais populares incluem a krigagem ordinária e a krigagem ordinária lognormal, esta ultima requerendo a transformação dos dados originais para uma distribuição gaussiana. No entanto, esses métodos apresentam limitações, sendo uma das mais discutidas o efeito de suavização apresentado pelas estimativas obtidas. Alguns algoritmos recentes foram propostos como meios de se corrigir este efeito, e são avaliados neste trabalho para a sua eficiência, assim como alguns algoritmos para a transformada reversa dos valores convertidos na krigagem ordinária lognormal. Outra abordagem para o problema é por meio do grupo de métodos denominado de simulação estocástica, alguns dos mais populares sendo a simulação gaussiana seqüencial e a simulação por bandas rotativas, que apesar de não apresentar o efeito de suavização da krigagem, não possuem a precisão local característica dos métodos de estimativa. Este trabalho busca avaliar a eficiência dos diferentes métodos de estimativa (krigagem ordinária, krigagem ordinária lognormal, assim como suas estimativas corrigidas) e simulação (simulação seqüencial gaussiana e simulação por bandas rotativas) para diferentes cenários de dados. Vinte e sete conjuntos de dados exaustivos (em grid 50x50) foram amostrados em 90 pontos por meio da amostragem aleatória simples. Estes conjuntos de dados partiam de uma distribuição gaussiana (Log1) e tinham seus coeficientes de variação progressivamente aumentados até se chegar a uma distribuição altamente assimétrica (Log27). Semivariogramas amostrais foram computados e modelados para os processos geoestatísticos de estimativa e simulação. As estimativas ou realizações resultantes foram então comparadas com os dados exaustivos originais de maneira a se avaliar quão bem esses dados originais eram reproduzidos. Isto foi feito pela comparação de parâmetros estatísticos dos dados originais com os dos dados reconstruídos, assim como por meio de análise gráfica. Resultados demonstraram que o método que apresentou melhores resultados foi a krigagem ordinária lognormal, estes ainda melhores quando aplicada a transformação reversa de Yamamoto, com grande melhora principalmente nos resultados para os dados altamente assimétricos. A krigagem ordinária apresentou sérias limitações na reprodução da cauda inferior dos conjuntos de dados mais assimétricos, apresentando para estes resultados piores que as estimativas não corrigidas. Ambos os métodos de simulação utilizados apresentaram uma baixa correlação como os dados exaustivos, seus resultados também cada vez menos representativos de acordo com o aumento do coeficiente de variação, apesar de apresentar a vantagem de fornecer diferentes cenários para tomada de decisões. / Different geostatistical methods present themselves as the optimal solution to different realities according to the characteristics displayed by the data in analysis. Some of the most popular estimation methods include ordinary kriging and lognormal ordinary kriging, this last one involving the transformation of data from their original space to a Gaussian distribution. However, these methods present some limitations, one of the most prominent ones being the smoothing effect observed in the resulting estimates. Some recent algorithms have been proposed as a way to correct this effect, and are tested in this work for their effectiveness, as well as some methods for the backtransformation of the lognormal converted values. Another approach to the problem is by means of the group of methods known as stochastic simulation, some of the most popular ones being the sequential Gaussian simulation and turning bands simulation, which although do not present the smoothing effect, lack the local accuracy characteristic of the estimation methods. This work seeks to assess the effectiveness of the different estimation (ordinary kriging, lognormal ordinary kriging, and their corrected estimates) and simulation (sequential Gaussian simulation and turning bands simulation) methods for different scenarios. Twenty seven exhaustive data sets (in a 50x50 grid) have been sampled at 90 points based on simple random sampling. These data sets started from a Gaussian distribution (Log1) and had their variation coefficients increased progressively, up to a highly asymmetrical distribution (Log27). Experimental semivariograms have been computed and modeled for geostatistical estimation and simulation processes. The resulting estimates or realizations were then compared to the original exhaustive data in order to assess how well these reproduced the original data. This was done by comparing statistical parameters of the original data and the ones of the reconstructed data, as well as graphically. Results showed that the method that presented the best correlation with the exhaustive data was lognormal ordinary kriging, even better when the backtransformation technique by Yamamoto is applied, which much improved the results for the more asymmetrical data sets. Ordinary kriging and its correction had some severe limitations in reproducing the lower tail of the more asymmetrical data sets, with worst results than those for the uncorrected estimates. Both simulation methods used presented a very small degree of correlation to the exhaustive data, their results also progressively less representative as the variation coefficient grew, even though it has the advantage of presenting several scenarios for decision making.

Estudo comparativo de métodos geoestatísticos de estimativas e simulações estocásticas condicionais / Comparative study of geostatistical estimation methods and conditional stochastic simulations

Rafael de Aguiar Furuie 05 October 2009 (has links)
Diferentes métodos geoestatísticos são apresentados como a melhor solução para diferentes contextos de acordo com a natureza dos dados a serem analisados. Alguns dos métodos de estimativa mais populares incluem a krigagem ordinária e a krigagem ordinária lognormal, esta ultima requerendo a transformação dos dados originais para uma distribuição gaussiana. No entanto, esses métodos apresentam limitações, sendo uma das mais discutidas o efeito de suavização apresentado pelas estimativas obtidas. Alguns algoritmos recentes foram propostos como meios de se corrigir este efeito, e são avaliados neste trabalho para a sua eficiência, assim como alguns algoritmos para a transformada reversa dos valores convertidos na krigagem ordinária lognormal. Outra abordagem para o problema é por meio do grupo de métodos denominado de simulação estocástica, alguns dos mais populares sendo a simulação gaussiana seqüencial e a simulação por bandas rotativas, que apesar de não apresentar o efeito de suavização da krigagem, não possuem a precisão local característica dos métodos de estimativa. Este trabalho busca avaliar a eficiência dos diferentes métodos de estimativa (krigagem ordinária, krigagem ordinária lognormal, assim como suas estimativas corrigidas) e simulação (simulação seqüencial gaussiana e simulação por bandas rotativas) para diferentes cenários de dados. Vinte e sete conjuntos de dados exaustivos (em grid 50x50) foram amostrados em 90 pontos por meio da amostragem aleatória simples. Estes conjuntos de dados partiam de uma distribuição gaussiana (Log1) e tinham seus coeficientes de variação progressivamente aumentados até se chegar a uma distribuição altamente assimétrica (Log27). Semivariogramas amostrais foram computados e modelados para os processos geoestatísticos de estimativa e simulação. As estimativas ou realizações resultantes foram então comparadas com os dados exaustivos originais de maneira a se avaliar quão bem esses dados originais eram reproduzidos. Isto foi feito pela comparação de parâmetros estatísticos dos dados originais com os dos dados reconstruídos, assim como por meio de análise gráfica. Resultados demonstraram que o método que apresentou melhores resultados foi a krigagem ordinária lognormal, estes ainda melhores quando aplicada a transformação reversa de Yamamoto, com grande melhora principalmente nos resultados para os dados altamente assimétricos. A krigagem ordinária apresentou sérias limitações na reprodução da cauda inferior dos conjuntos de dados mais assimétricos, apresentando para estes resultados piores que as estimativas não corrigidas. Ambos os métodos de simulação utilizados apresentaram uma baixa correlação como os dados exaustivos, seus resultados também cada vez menos representativos de acordo com o aumento do coeficiente de variação, apesar de apresentar a vantagem de fornecer diferentes cenários para tomada de decisões. / Different geostatistical methods present themselves as the optimal solution to different realities according to the characteristics displayed by the data in analysis. Some of the most popular estimation methods include ordinary kriging and lognormal ordinary kriging, this last one involving the transformation of data from their original space to a Gaussian distribution. However, these methods present some limitations, one of the most prominent ones being the smoothing effect observed in the resulting estimates. Some recent algorithms have been proposed as a way to correct this effect, and are tested in this work for their effectiveness, as well as some methods for the backtransformation of the lognormal converted values. Another approach to the problem is by means of the group of methods known as stochastic simulation, some of the most popular ones being the sequential Gaussian simulation and turning bands simulation, which although do not present the smoothing effect, lack the local accuracy characteristic of the estimation methods. This work seeks to assess the effectiveness of the different estimation (ordinary kriging, lognormal ordinary kriging, and their corrected estimates) and simulation (sequential Gaussian simulation and turning bands simulation) methods for different scenarios. Twenty seven exhaustive data sets (in a 50x50 grid) have been sampled at 90 points based on simple random sampling. These data sets started from a Gaussian distribution (Log1) and had their variation coefficients increased progressively, up to a highly asymmetrical distribution (Log27). Experimental semivariograms have been computed and modeled for geostatistical estimation and simulation processes. The resulting estimates or realizations were then compared to the original exhaustive data in order to assess how well these reproduced the original data. This was done by comparing statistical parameters of the original data and the ones of the reconstructed data, as well as graphically. Results showed that the method that presented the best correlation with the exhaustive data was lognormal ordinary kriging, even better when the backtransformation technique by Yamamoto is applied, which much improved the results for the more asymmetrical data sets. Ordinary kriging and its correction had some severe limitations in reproducing the lower tail of the more asymmetrical data sets, with worst results than those for the uncorrected estimates. Both simulation methods used presented a very small degree of correlation to the exhaustive data, their results also progressively less representative as the variation coefficient grew, even though it has the advantage of presenting several scenarios for decision making.

Micro e nanousinagem dos materiais frágeis / Micro e nanomachining of brittle materials

Marcel Henrique Militão Dib 10 December 2018 (has links)
Materiais frágeis, tal como o silício, têm sido utilizados em sistemas microeletromecânicos, semicondutores e dispositivos ópticos infravermelhos. Estes materiais são considerados de difícil usinabilidade devido à tendência de sofrerem fraturas. O grande desafio na usinagem dos materiais cristalinos é alcançar uma remoção de material por deformações plásticas (regime dúctil), pois, nessas condições as superfícies ópticas usinadas são geradas sem nenhum dano. Esse regime de usinagem pode ser alcançado em escalas submicrométricas, de forma que, em muitos cristais, as pressões impostas pela ferramenta são altas o suficiente para conduzirem uma transformação de fase do material, favorecendo, assim, a usinagem. Embora pesquisas sobre a relação entre a endentação e a usinagem tenham sido desenvolvidas, a busca por métodos matemáticos com base nas forças e deformações de endentação para serem usados em usinagem de modo a identificar as condições ótimas para remoção de material em regime dúctil não são triviais. O presente trabalho propõe uma relação mais direta com os resultados de endentação para determinar os parâmetros ótimos de usinagem dos materiais frágeis, correlacionando a área da face do endentador em contato e a área efetiva da secção de corte em usinagem. Para isso, ensaios de endentação e experimentos de usinagem com ferramenta de diamante foram realizados em escala micro e nanométrica. O material analisado aqui foi o silício monocristalino (100). Uma matriz experimental foi planejada para as possíveis correlações da variação do ângulo de saída da ferramenta e do avanço de usinagem com as áreas de endentação e o surgimento das trincas e fraturas; forças de usinagem e a pressão de transição frágil-dúctil; tensão residual; espessura crítica de corte e o estado das superfícies usinadas. Em relação às durezas obtidas, foi preciso separá-las em dois estágios: antes do surgimento das trincas durante a endentação e depois desse ponto. Durante a usinagem, a melhor remoção de material em regime dúctil foi obtida na direção mais dura do silício. Os ângulos de saída que proporcionaram resultados desfavoráveis em termos de integridade superficial foram o de -25° e ângulos mais negativos que -60°. A pressão de transição se apresentou de 12 GPa a 13 GPa, sendo que as energias específicas de corte seguiram o mesmo comportamento: 9 j/mm³ a 10 j/mm³ respectivamente. A tensão residual se mostrou inversamente proporcional às forças de usinagem. As espessuras crítica-efetivas de corte variaram de 100 nm a 560 nm. Os valores das espessuras críticas de corte estimadas pelos ensaios de endentação variaram de 200 nm a 530 nm. Portanto, foi possível mostrar que os valores de espessura crítica estimados pelo método proposto, com base nos resultados de endentação, corresponderam muito bem às espessuras críticas obtidas nos experimentos de usinagem. Assim sendo, torna-se possível determinar por meio de tal técnica os valores ótimos de usinagem, podendo ser aplicada para qualquer material cristalino. / Brittle materials, such as silicon, have been used in microelectromechanical systems, semiconductor and infrared optical devices. These types of materials are considered of difficult to machine due to the tendency to suffer fractures. The great challenge in the machining of crystalline materials is to achieve a removal of material by plastic deformations (ductile regime), because in these conditions the machined optical surfaces are generated without any superficial damage. This type of machining can be achieved on a submicrometric machining scale, so that the pressures imposed by the tool are high and lead to a phase transformation of many crystals favoring the machining in ductile regime. Although research on the relationship between microindentation and micromachining has been developed, the search for mathematical methods based on the forces and the deformations of indentation to be used in machining in order to identify the machining conditions under regime ductile are non-trivial. The present work proposes a more direct relationship with the results of the indentation to determine the optimal parameters of the fragile materials, correlating the indenter face area and the cutting section effective area in machining. For this purpose, indentation tests and diamond tool machining experiments were carried out on a micro and nanometric scale. The material analyzed here was monocrystalline silicon (100). An experimental matrix was planned for the possible correlations of the variation of the tool rake angle and of the machining feed with the areas of indentation and the beginning of cracks and fractures; cutting forces and the fragile-ductile transition pressure; residual stress; critical cutting thickness and the state of machined surfaces. In relation to the hardness obtained, it was necessary to separate them in two stages: before the emergence of the cracks during the indentation and after that point. During machining, the best removal of ductile material was obtained in the hardest direction of the silicon. The rake angles which gave unfavorable results in terms of surface integrity were -25° and angles more negative than -60°. The transition pressure reached values from 12 GPa to 13 GPa, and the specific shear energies followed the same behavior: 9 j/mm³ at 10 j/mm³ respectively. The residual stress was inversely proportional to the machining forces. Critical-effective uncut thicknesses ranged from 100 nm to 560 nm. The values of the critical uncut thicknesses estimated by the indentation tests ranged from 200 nm to 530 nm. Therefore, it was possible to show that the critical thickness values estimated by the proposed method, based on indentation results, corresponded very well to the critical thickness obtained in the machining experiments. Thus, it is possible to determine by means of such a technique the optimum values of machining, which can be applied to crystalline material.

Análise da tensão residual e integridade superficial no processo de torneamento em material endurecido do aço ABNT 8620 cementado. / Residual stresses and surface integrity analysis after hard turning process of case hardened steel ABNT 8620.

Farias, Adalto de 31 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem a intenção de contribuir com informações sobre a integridade superficial resultante do processo de torneamento em material endurecido de componentes mecânicos fabricados em aço cementado ABNT 8620 (DIN 21 NiCrMo 2). A análise das tensões residuais do corpo de prova foi experimentalmente conduzida pelo Método do Furo Cego Incremental, no qual um pequeno furo é introduzido na superfície do componente e a deformação aliviada é registrada por meio de extensômetros especiais, e também, pelo método da difração de raios-X. A superfície foi analisada através de parâmetros obtidos do mapeamento tridimensional da topografia superficial com instrumento de interferometria laser. Os parâmetros de rugosidade, selecionados para medição, visaram uma caracterização funcional das superfícies obtidas, tais como capacidade de carga, capacidade de retenção de fluidos lubrificantes e resistência ao desgaste. Também foram executados ensaios metalográficos para avaliar a existência de camadas de material alteradas abaixo da superfície. Os resultados indicaram que o torneamento em material endurecido foi capaz de produzir uma superfície resultante com boa área de contato, boa capacidade de carregamento e razoável capacidade de retenção de fluidos uma vez que nem todos os parâmetros se encontraram na faixa funcional ideal. O torneamento em material endurecido induziu tensão de compressão nas camadas das amostras cementadas, cuja condição original era tensão residual de tração. Não foram detectadas alterações expressivas na camada cementada, principalmente na região limítrofe da área transversal com a superfície devido ao aquecimento e rápido resfriamento imposto pelo processo de usinagem. / The aim of the present work is to provide relevant information regarding the obtained surface integrity during hard turning process of mechanical components manufactured from case hardened steel ABNT 8620 (DIN 21 NiCrMo 2). The sample residual stress analysis has been experimentally conducted by the incremental Blind Hole method, in which a small hole is machined on the surface of the component and the relieved deformation is recorded through special strain gages, and by the X-ray diffraction technique. The surface was examined by parameters obtained from the surface topography three-dimensional mapping with a laser interferometer instrument. The selected roughness parameters analysis intends to have a functional characterization such as bearing capacity, fluid and lubricants retention ability and contact wear resistance. In the search for altered material layers beneath the surface, metallographic studies were carried out. The functional bearing area curve analysis parameters indicated that the resulting surface has a good area contact, good bearing capacity and reasonable ability to fluid retention as the reduced valley depth parameter did not produced negative values for all conditions tested. The hard turnig process was able to add compression residual stress condition at the surface, and no significant changes were found at the case hardened layer due to rapid heating and cooling imposed by the hard turning process.

Uma contribuição ao estudo do torneamento com alta velocidade / A contribution to the study of high speed turning

Tadeu Tomio Sudo 08 May 2001 (has links)
O material, metálico ferro fundido cinzento, é muito utilizado industrialmente, principalmente na área automobilística. Usinagem com alta velocidade tem sido uma tendência atual para aumentar a produtividade, com a possibilidade de se ober ótima qualidade superficial, possivelmente eliminando processos subseqüentes. Aliado à questão de qualidade ambiental, as operações de usinagem têm-se voltado para usinagem a seco ou com mínima quantidade de lubrificante (MQL - minimal quantity of lubricant). Este trabalho estuda o torneamento com alta velocdidade de ferro fundido cinzento GG25 através de usinagem a seco e com MQL. Utiliza-se, em operação de faceamento, ferramenta de cerâmica mista (Al2O3+ TiC) e metal duro com cobertura (TiCN/Al2O3/TiN), usando velocidades de corte muito acima dos valores tradicionais. Comparativamente o desgaste é significativamente menor na cerâmica. O tipo de desgaste predominante é o desgaste de flanco. Os principais mecanismos de desgaste encontrados são abrasão mecânica e delaminação. O aumento do avanço diminui o desgaste de flanco. Existe uma razão entre a vazão de óleo e a vazão de ar na lubrificação MQL que viabiliza sua aplicacão com relação ao desgaste de flanco. Em todas as condições testadas, o sistema MQL mostra ser capaz de reduzir a rugosidade superficial Ra. / The gray cast iron material is very used industrially, mainly in the automotive industry. High speed machining is the current tendency to increase the productivity, with the possibility of obtaining good surface quality, possibly eliminating subsequent operations. Due to regulations on the subject of environrnental quality, the machining operations have been turned to dry machining or minimal quantity of lubricant (MQL). This work studies the turning process at high speed of gray cast iron GG25 with dry machining and MQL techniques. The operation uses face turning with coated carbide (TiCN/Al2O3/TiN) and mixed alumina ceramic (Al203+ TiC) with cutting speeds much higher than the traditional recommended values. Comparatively, the wear is significantly smaller in the mixed alumina ceramic tools. The predominant type of wear is the flank wear. The main wear mechanisms are mechanical abrasion and delamination. The increase of feed values shows some reduction on the flank wear. It seems to exist an ideal ratio of oil to air in the MQL system, which makes possible its application for reducing flank wear on the tools. In all conditions tested, the MQL system shows to be able to reduce surface roughness (Ra).

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