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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of attitude and barriers on the implementation of a nutrition intervention in primary school children / Michelle Harris

Harris, Michelle January 2012 (has links)
Background: South Africa is a multicultural, multi-ethnic developing country currently experiencing a unique quadruple burden of disease, of which malnutrition (both over- and under nutrition) is one of them. The increase in childhood obesity within the current South-African health setting is of serious concern, approximately 14% boys and 18% girls currently are overweight and it is estimated that this number will increase to 25% within the next decade. Healthy eating habits and increased physical activity are important components of a healthy lifestyle, and decrease the risk of overweight and obesity. It is also often the corner stone of many lifestyle modification intervention programmes aimed at preventing or decreasing overweight/obesity. Aim: This sub-study was part of a larger intervention study where a nutrition education intervention programme (NEIP) for children in the form of a musical play (based on the South African Food Based Dietary Guidelines [SAFBDG]) was developed to increase nutrition knowledge and thereby also contribute towards healthy lifestyle behaviour. The aim of this sub-study was therefore to explore and describe the attitude of a specific group of primary school children (aged 6-12 years) towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating, and physical activity before and after a NEIP as well as the standard school curriculum. Secondly, it was aimed to identify possible barriers to and motivators for healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity. Methods: Children were randomly selected from the experimental group (n=143) of the main study. Children were selected into one of four focus groups per school (6 children per focus group) from which qualitative data were gathered on children’s attitude and perception towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating, and physical activity. Focus groups were defined by age and gender (boys and girls seperately, grades I-III and grades IVVI seperately), totalling a number of 96 children. A total of 75 children completed this sub-study, 21 children dropped out due to school-related problems or after school activities that clashed with the time slots during which the NEIP was implimented. Quantitative data was gathered with a socio-demographic and physical activity questionnaire, as well as a 3-point hedonic facial expression scale which was used to quantify attitude towards healthy eating, unhealhty eating and physical activity. All data (quantitative and qualitative) were collected at both baseline and end measurements. Results: The main findings of this sub-study were that the attitude of most primary school children towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating or physical activity remained unchanged after a unique NEIP. Five major themes were identified out of focus group discussions namely health awareness, healthy eating, unhealthy eating, physical activity, and consequences of unhealthy eating and sedentary behaviour. Mothers were identified as the main motivator for eating healthy and avoiding unhealthy eating. The taste and smell of food were both either identified as motivators or barriers for healthy eating and unhealthy eating. Older girls associate unhealthy eating with becoming fat while many children associate the combination of unhealthy eating and being sedentary with becoming fat. Most children have a positive attitude towards physical activity and enjoy doing it although the biggest motivator for partaking in physical activity is their parents and not themselves. Conclusion: Even though some children’s attitude did change in the desired direction after the implementation of a unique and fun NEIP, most children’s attitude towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity remained unchanged. This might have been due to the measurement tool that was not sensitive enough to detect subtle changes. Various factors that can influence children’s attitude and perceptions towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity both positively or negatively were identified. This study is one of only a few that explored and described the ‘true’ motivators of and barriers for children’s attitude towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity. Results generated from this sub-study can thus make a valuable contribution to the existing literature available in this specific study field. / Thesis (MSc (Dietetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Att arbeta i restaurangbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstagares upplevelser av psykosocial arbetsmiljö och stress

Sauer, Emma January 2016 (has links)
En utgångspunkt för arbetslivet bör vara att skapa en arbetsmiljö som ger individer förutsättningar att ingå, kvarstå och utvecklas i arbetet. Arbetsmiljön är betydande för både individers hälsa och verksamheters utveckling samt förutsättningar för tillväxt. Arbetsplatsen betonas därmed vara en betydande arena för förebyggande insatser. Det är arbetsgivaren som har huvudsakligt ansvar för arbetsmiljön. Ingen arbetstagare ska riskera att skadas eller drabbas av ohälsa i arbetet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur psykosocial arbetsmiljö och stress upplevs hos arbetstagare inom restaurangbranschen. För att besvara syftet användes en kvalitativ metod och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Intervjupersonerna för studien var serviceanställda inom restaurangbranschen. Analys av datamaterial utfördes med en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Det resultat som framkom visar att arbetstagarna främst har negativa upplevelser av sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö och stress, dock framkommer några variationer gällande nivå av problematik. Deras arbete beskrivs innebära ständig stress och omfattar ett flertal arbetsmiljöbrister. Obalans råder mellan höga krav i arbetet och bristande resurser som påverkar arbetstagarnas hälsa negativt både psykiskt och fysiskt. Arbetstagarna betonar faktorer som överbelastande arbete, bristande återhämtning och ledarskap som påfrestande vilka resulterar i arbetsmiljöproblem. / A starting point for working life should be to create a work environment that gives individuals the ability to enter, remain and progress in work. The work is significant both for individual health and development activities as well as opportunities for growth. Workplace therefore constitutes to be an important setting for preventive interventions. It is the employer who has the principal responsibility for the work. No employee should risk being injured or suffer ill health at work. The purpose of the study was to investigate the psychosocial work environment and stress experienced by workers in the restaurant industry. To answer the purpose a qualitative approach been used and five semi-structured interviews were conducted. Those interviewed for the study were service employees in the restaurant industry. Analysis of the data was performed with a manifest content analysis. The results obtained show that works mostly have negative experiences of their psychosocial work environment and stress, however, is any variations regarding the level of problems. Their work is described involve constant stress and includes a number of work deficiencies. There is an imbalance between the demands of work and lack of resources that affect the health negatively both mentally and physically. Workers emphasize factors of stressful work, a lack of recovery and leadership resulting in health and safety problems.

L'image malsaine : le trouble identitaire du cinéma Américain et ses modes de représentations dans les années quatre-vingt-dix / The unealthy image : the identity disorder of American cinema and his modes of representation in the 1990s

Le Gouez, Guillaume 24 March 2017 (has links)
Image hybride née de la contamination de l'image film par l'image vidéographique puis par l'image numérique, l'image malsaine du cinéma américain des années quatre-vingt-dix découle des modifications technologiques de la fin du XXe siècle. De fait, d'un point de vue esthétique, l'image malsaine, située habituellement aux abords de l'éthique de la représentation, n'est pas le résultat d'une sentence morale administrée par un regardant à un regardé, mais doit être traitée comme métaphore médicale capable de mettre en lumière les rapports dangereux qu'ont pu avoir, entre elles, les différentes natures d'images. L'image malsaine esquisse, dans ces rapports, dans ces mélanges qu'elle met en jeu, le cinéma du futur et réinvente la matière comme le langage du cinéma traditionnel américain. Modification du code génétique de l’image, naissance d'une représentation du corps numérique, ou encore volonté insatiable de mélanger toutes sortes de visuels pour créer des compositions hors normes, autant de facteurs qui poussent l'image cinématographique des années quatre-vingt-dix à se réinventer. L'image était déjà abjecte, grotesque, perverse voire pornographique dans le cinéma américain des années soixante-dix, elle deviendra, hybride, mutante et in fine malsaine lors des années quatre-vingt-dix. / Hybrid image born of the contamination of the film image by the video image and then by the digital image, the unhealthy image of the American cinema during the nineties stemmed from the technological changes of the end of the 20th century. Indeed, from an aesthetic point of view, the unhealthy image, usually close to the borders of the ethics of representation, cannot be the result of a moral sentence administered by a looking at a watched. It cannot follow from a judgment of value, difficult to analyze, but must be treated as a medical metaphor, able to highlight the dangerous relationships that may have existed at the end of the 20th century. Also, she sketches, by reinvent the material and language of the traditional American movie, the cinema of the future. Modification of the genetic code of the image, the birth of a representation of the digital body, or the insatiable des ire to mix all sorts of visuals to create out-of-the-ordinary compositions, a lot of factors that push the nineties cinematographic image to reinvent herself. The image was already abject, grotesque, perverse or even pornographic in the American cinema of the Seventies, it will become, hybrid, mutant, and definitely unhealthy in the nineties.

Airių, lietuvių bei Airijoje gyvenančių lietuvių sveikatą žalojančio elgesio ypatumai / Specific Features of Forms of Health destructive Behaviour of Lithuanians, Irish and Lithuanians living in Ireland

Žemaitaitienė, Vida 29 January 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti lietuvių, airių ir Airijoje gyvenančių lietuvių sveikatą žalojančio elgesio ypatumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 422 (237 moterys ir 185 vyrai) 18- 65 metų tiriamieji: iš jų 147 lietuviai, 133 airiai ir 142 Airijoje gyvenantys lietuviai. Siekiant nustatyti rūkymo vartojimo intensyvumą, naudota dalis klausimų iš A.Goštauto (1999) mokymo medžiagos sveikatos psichologijos kursui; alkoholio vartojimui tirti paimta PSO Alkoholio vartojimo sutrikimų nustatymo testas (AUDIT); narkotinių medžiagų vartojimui tirti paimta PSO alkoholio, rūkymo ir kitų narkotinių medžiagų vartojimo nustatymo testas (ASSIST V3); nepakankamam fiziniam aktyvumui tirti naudota Tarptautinio fizinio aktyvumo klausimyno trumpoji, lietuviška versija, paimta iš oficialaus International Physical Activity Questionnaire; nesveikos mitybos įpročiams įvertinti paimtas G. Turconi, M. Celsa (2003) mitybos klausimynas (A Dietary Questionnaire on food habits, eating behaviour and nutritional knowledge); rizikingam varavimui įvertinti naudotas J. Reason ir D. Parker (1990) Vairuotojų elgesio klausimynas (Drive Behavior Questionaire). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Airijoje ir Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai rūko daugiau nei airiai; Airijoje ir Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai bei airiai vartoja alkoholį vienodai vyrų grupėje, Airijoje gyvenančios lietuvės vartoja daugiau alkoholio nei Lietuvoje gyvenančios lietuvės bet mažiau nei airės; Airijoje bei Lietuvoje gyvenantys lietuviai ir airiai pagal narkotinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Aim of the Survey: determine specific features of health destructive behaviour of Lithuanians, Irish and Lithuanians living in Ireland. 422 subjects (237 females and 185 males), aged 18- 65, participated in the survey: 147 Lithuanians, 133 Irish and 142 Lithuanians living in Ireland. In order to determine cigarette consumption and smoking intensity, a portion of questions, provided in A.Goštautas teaching material (1999), prepared for health psychology course, has been used; to conduct survey on alcohol consumption, The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), developed by WHO, has been applied; to conduct survey on drug consumption, The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST V3), developed by WHO, has been used; to conduct survey on lack of physical activity, a short Lithuanian version of official International Physical Activity Questionnaire has been used; to assess unhealthy nutrition habits, A Dietary Questionnaire on Food Habits, Eating Behaviour and Nutritional Knowledge by G. Turconi, M. Celsa (2003) has been applied; to assess risky driving behaviour, A Drive Behaviour Questionnaire by J. Reason and D. Parker (1990) has been applied. Survey results have demonstrated that Lithuanians living in Ireland and Lithuania smoke more than Irish; Lithuanians living in Ireland and Lithuania and Irish consume alcohol equally in a group of surveyed males, Lithuanian women living in Ireland consume more alcohol than Lithuanian women living... [to full text]

The role of attitude and barriers on the implementation of a nutrition intervention in primary school children / Michelle Harris

Harris, Michelle January 2012 (has links)
Background: South Africa is a multicultural, multi-ethnic developing country currently experiencing a unique quadruple burden of disease, of which malnutrition (both over- and under nutrition) is one of them. The increase in childhood obesity within the current South-African health setting is of serious concern, approximately 14% boys and 18% girls currently are overweight and it is estimated that this number will increase to 25% within the next decade. Healthy eating habits and increased physical activity are important components of a healthy lifestyle, and decrease the risk of overweight and obesity. It is also often the corner stone of many lifestyle modification intervention programmes aimed at preventing or decreasing overweight/obesity. Aim: This sub-study was part of a larger intervention study where a nutrition education intervention programme (NEIP) for children in the form of a musical play (based on the South African Food Based Dietary Guidelines [SAFBDG]) was developed to increase nutrition knowledge and thereby also contribute towards healthy lifestyle behaviour. The aim of this sub-study was therefore to explore and describe the attitude of a specific group of primary school children (aged 6-12 years) towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating, and physical activity before and after a NEIP as well as the standard school curriculum. Secondly, it was aimed to identify possible barriers to and motivators for healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity. Methods: Children were randomly selected from the experimental group (n=143) of the main study. Children were selected into one of four focus groups per school (6 children per focus group) from which qualitative data were gathered on children’s attitude and perception towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating, and physical activity. Focus groups were defined by age and gender (boys and girls seperately, grades I-III and grades IVVI seperately), totalling a number of 96 children. A total of 75 children completed this sub-study, 21 children dropped out due to school-related problems or after school activities that clashed with the time slots during which the NEIP was implimented. Quantitative data was gathered with a socio-demographic and physical activity questionnaire, as well as a 3-point hedonic facial expression scale which was used to quantify attitude towards healthy eating, unhealhty eating and physical activity. All data (quantitative and qualitative) were collected at both baseline and end measurements. Results: The main findings of this sub-study were that the attitude of most primary school children towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating or physical activity remained unchanged after a unique NEIP. Five major themes were identified out of focus group discussions namely health awareness, healthy eating, unhealthy eating, physical activity, and consequences of unhealthy eating and sedentary behaviour. Mothers were identified as the main motivator for eating healthy and avoiding unhealthy eating. The taste and smell of food were both either identified as motivators or barriers for healthy eating and unhealthy eating. Older girls associate unhealthy eating with becoming fat while many children associate the combination of unhealthy eating and being sedentary with becoming fat. Most children have a positive attitude towards physical activity and enjoy doing it although the biggest motivator for partaking in physical activity is their parents and not themselves. Conclusion: Even though some children’s attitude did change in the desired direction after the implementation of a unique and fun NEIP, most children’s attitude towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity remained unchanged. This might have been due to the measurement tool that was not sensitive enough to detect subtle changes. Various factors that can influence children’s attitude and perceptions towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity both positively or negatively were identified. This study is one of only a few that explored and described the ‘true’ motivators of and barriers for children’s attitude towards healthy eating, unhealthy eating and physical activity. Results generated from this sub-study can thus make a valuable contribution to the existing literature available in this specific study field. / Thesis (MSc (Dietetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön i en kommun : En kvalitativ studie om kunskap och delaktighet i arbetsmiljöarbete, främst gällande ohälsosam arbetsbelastning utifrån AFS 2015:4

Blom, Tiina January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie grundar sig i Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift om organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö, AFS 2015:4, som tagits fram i syfte att främja en god arbetsmiljö och förebygga risk för ohälsa. Utifrån de ökande antalet anmälningarna om arbetssjukdom med stress och psykiska påfrestningar som orsak ligger fokus i studien på ohälsosam arbetsbelastning och om det inom kommunen finns kunskaper att förebygga och hantera dessa risker. Syftet har varit undersöka hur kommunen praktiskt arbetar med föreskriften inom tre organisatoriska nivåer och hur de anställda uppfattar sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Fokus låg även på att undersöka hur de anställda är delaktiga i ovanstående arbetsmiljöarbete. Studien utgick från ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv med en kvalitativ ansats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. En gruppintervju bestående av två medarbetare som representerade HR-avdelningen och två individuella intervjuer på chefsnivå. På medarbetarnivån genomfördes två gruppintervjuer med tre medarbetare vardera från de avdelningarna som respektive chef leder. Av studien framgår att goda resultat kan uppnås i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön när alla organisatoriska nivåer integrerar frågorna i sitt systematiska arbetsmiljöarbete och upprättar rutiner för att förebygga och hantera ohälsosam arbetsbelastning. Studien bekräftar att socialt stöd, kunskap, kommunikation och delaktighet är viktiga framgångsfaktorer för en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö. I diskussionen lyfts vikten av att avsätta tid i syfte att förebygga ohälsa och förslag lyfts om att använda krav/kontroll/stöd-modellen som verktyg att analysera och reflektera kring de anställdas arbetsbelastning. / This study is based on the Swedish work environment authority statute book about organisational and social work environment, AFS 2015:4 provisions, that has been developed to promote a good work environment and prevent risks of ill health. Because of the increasing numbers of work-related ill health due to stress and mental strain, the focus in this study was unhealthy workloads and if there is knowledge in the municipality about preventing and dealing with these risks. The aim was to examine how the municipality practically work with the provision within three organizational levels and how the employees perceive their psychosocial work environment. There were also focus on investigating how employees participate in the above environment work. The study was based on a hermeneutic perspective with a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews. One group interview consisting two employees representing the HR department and two individual interviews at the managerial level. At the employee level, two group interviews were held with three employees from the departments headed by the managers. The outcome of the study shows that good results can be obtained in the psychosocial work environment when all organizational levels integrates these issues in their systematic work environment and establish routines to prevent and dealing with unhealthy workload. The study confirms that social support, knowledge, communication and employee participation are important factors for a healthy psychosocial work environment. The discussion shows the importance of taking time for preventing ill health and suggestions about using the demand/control/support-model as a tool for analysing and reflect over the employee workload.

Folkhälsa i Oxelösund : en statistisk jämförelse

Starck, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Oxelösund är en liten kommun på den Södermanländska kusten. Denna kommun har trots sin storlek stora problem med ohälsa i form av bland annat hög andel missbrukare. Dock kan man se att hälsoproblemen i Oxelösund är mer omfattade och innefattar i princip alla områden av folkhälsan. Man kan se att riskfaktorerna delvis är fler än friskfaktorerna. Detta kan vara en del i samhällets habitus, man en ohälsosam livsstil i Oxelösund. / Oxelösund is a small municipality on the coast of Södermanland. This municipality has, despite its size, huge problems with the public health. The municipality has a high rate of addicts if you compare to other municipalitys in the area of Södermanland. However the study shows that the health problems in Oxelösund is more extensive and includes virtually all areas of public health. The study shows that the risk factors are more prevalant than the health factors. This may be a part of the society's habitus, habitants of Oxelösund have a more unhealthy lifestyle.

Besök på livsstilsmottagningar : Patienters upplevelser

Fröler, Agnes, Eriksson, Linda January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Distriktsköterskors erfarenhet av hälsofrämjande arbete vid ohälsosamma levnadsvanor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / The district nurses´ experience of health- promotion work with unhealthy living habits : A qualitative interview study

Åsroth, Caroline, Modén Danielsson, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: De vanor som främst påverkar hälsan negativt är en eller fler av följande; ohälsosamma kostvanor, otillräcklig fysisk aktivitet, daglig tobaksrökning, samt riskbruk av alkohol. Distriktssköterskor har inom primärvården uppgiften att stödja och motivera patienter med ohälsosamma levnadsvanor till en förändring. Syfte: Att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande arbete med patienter som har ohälsosamma levnadsvanor. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade individuella intervjuer genomfördes med åtta distriktssköterskor. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Resultat: I dataanalysen identifierades två huvudkategorier, i första kategorin, att ha möjlighet till tid och resurser är av betydelse för det hälsofrämjande arbetet framkommer det att tillräckligt med tid, resurser och stöd från ledningen är en förutsättning för att genomföra ett bra arbete samt att det finns behov av mer kunskap i samtalsmetodik. Den andra kategorin, att utgå från ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt i det hälsofrämjande samtalet innefattar vikten av att utgå från patientens förutsättningar och skapa förtroende, personcentrerad vård, hantering av svåra samtal, motiverade eller omotiverade patienter samt att det är betydelsefullt med uppföljande samtal. Slutsats: I det hälsofrämjande arbetet är det viktigt att utgå från patientens förutsättningar och behov för att lättare få till förändring gällande ohälsosamma levnadsvanor. / Background: Habits that mostly have a negative effect on health are one or more of the following: unhealthy diets, insufficient physical activity, daily tobacco smoking, and the risk use of alcohol. In primary care, the district nurse has the task of supporting and motivating patients with unhealthy lifestyles to change. Aim: To describe the district nurse's experience in health promotion work with patients who have unhealthy lifestyles. Method: Qualitative study with inductive approach. Semi Structured individual interviews were conducted with eight district nurses. The collected material was analyzed using a content analysis. Result: The data analysis identified two main categories, in the first category, to have possibility for time and resources is relevant to the health promotion work, it is revealed that sufficient time, resources and management support is a prerequisite for carrying out a good job and that there is a need for more knowledge in conversational methodology. The second category, based on a person-centered approach in the health-promoting conversation, includes the importance of work based on person-centered care and creating trust, handling difficult conversations, motivated or unmotivated patients and that follow-up calls are significant. Conclusion: In the health promotion work, it is important to start from the patient's conditions and needs to make it easier to change regarding unhealthy lifestyles.

Kouření jako sociální deviace a jeho regulace / Smoking as a social deviation and its regulation

Rázga, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of smoking as a social deviation. It focuses mainly on when and under what conditions smoking in the Czech Republic becomes a social deviation. The thesis points out that nowadays there are ideal conditions for smoking to become a social deviation. There are, in particular, two reasons for that: First, smoking is unhealthy and second, there is a new international trend of health promotion which is very popular today. The core of the theoretical part is represented by a chapter on social deviation which also includes the issues of social norms and presentation of smoking as a social deviation. Smoking becomes a social deviation in cases of breach of formal norms defined by the legal provisions regulating smoking. The thesis, therefore, includes a detailed inventory of all legal measures regulating smoking in the Czech Republic. The practical part addresses the views of students of social science disciplines regarding smoking as a social deviation. Students demonstrated a very good knowledge of the given issues. They do not perceive smoking as a social deviation, nevertheless, they suggested three new regulatory measures which in their opinion should strengthen the statutory regulation. By this, they also pointed out other cases of potentially socially deviant smoking.

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