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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Persona : En metod att utveckla och införa persona i en organisation

Jönhill, Mathias, Lehner, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>In this thesis we aim to extend the current theories about a concept called persona. A persona is a model of a user, mostly based on qualitative research and made with such accuracy that it to some extent can be used as a replacement of a real user in a development process and as a communicative tool. We will present a way of constructing this persona without meeting the actual users and follow up with interviews from the organization using them. This will lead to a model over the process of introducing personas as a concept in an organization,previously not familiar with the concept. The model is adapted to also work for projects and organizations where the concept is already known.</p> / <p>Executive summary</p><p>When developing and designing systems or products to be used directly by end users,it is important that these are developed with people in mind. One way to do this is to have close contact between the end user and the developer as can be seen in for example agile development methods. This is however not applicable at all times and therefore the developer need to get the information about the end user some other way.</p><p>Often this is done by a spokesman or project manager for the ordering company who delivers the information to a project manager or spokesman for the systems development company who in turn make sure the developer get the relevant information. Of course this means that sometimes information that could be relevant is missed and sometimes even altered due to misunderstandings or even personal interest.</p><p>One way to deal with this is to have a written description or model of the primary end user that is so correct and accurate that it to some extent could be used as a replacement of the real user. Especially effective is this when making design decisions and as a communicative tool to ensure a common and shared picture of the different needs of the users. Even if a description of the end user has been made, the view of the user is not always shared.</p><p>This thesis will address the problem of creating this description of a user by using the concept of persona, first presented by Alan Cooper 1999 in his book “The Inmates are running the Asylum – Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity”. In our research we show that under certain circumstances, this can be done without actually meeting the real end users by interviewing and observing other people with very similar roles.</p><p>Using this persona as a development tool requires introduction of the concept in the organization as well as introduction of the personas for the actual project. This research is summarized in a model that includes the different steps of creating a persona using several methods and also how to implement this tool in an organization</p><p>or project. For each general step in the model there is a short description which includes the construction of personas and which activities to include in the introduction, either if personas is previously known or not.</p><p>Appendix 10 in this thesis consists of a brief and more hands on guide of the process of creating personas and introducing the concept in an organization. This guide could serve as a quick introduction to the subject and could also be used at a later time to refresh some of the highlights in the process.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Denna uppsats avser utöka befintliga teorier runt konceptet persona. En persona är en modell av en användare, baserad främst på kvalitativa studier, och utvecklad med sådan precision att den till vissa delar kan ersätta en riktig slutanvändare i en utvecklingsprocess samt som ett kommunikationsverktyg. Vi kommer att presentera ett sätt att utveckla denna persona utan att träffa den riktiga slutanvändaren och följa upp med intervjuer från organisationen som använder dem. Detta leder fram till en modell över processen med att utveckla personas samt införandet i en utvecklingsorganisation som tidigare inte har använt sig av konceptet. Modellen är anpassad för att fungera vid införande av persona även i projekt och organisationer där konceptet är känt sedan tidigare.</p>

Modèle novateur de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur centrée sur l’utilisateur : le designer en tant que médiateur

Zahedi, Mithra 03 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur des questions relatives à la conception des interfaces humain-ordinateur. Elle s’inscrit dans le courant des recherches sur l’utilisabilité et elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux approches centrées sur l’utilisateur. Nous avons été très souvent témoin des difficultés éprouvées par les utilisateurs dans l’usage de certaines interfaces interactives et nous considérons que ces difficultés découlent d’un problème de design. Le design d’interface doit être basé sur les besoins de l’utilisateur dans le cadre de ses activités, dont les caractéristiques devaient être bien comprises et bien prises en considération pour mener à la conception d’interfaces qui respectent les critères d’utilisabilité. De plus, la communauté des chercheurs ainsi que l’industrie admettent maintenant que pour améliorer le design, il est crucial de développer les interfaces humain-ordinateur au sein d’une équipe multidisciplinaire. Malgré les avancées significatives dans le domaine du design centrées sur l’utilisateur, les visées annoncées sont rarement réalisées. La problématique étudiée nous a conduit à poser la question suivante : En tant que designer d’une équipe multidisciplinaire de conception, comment modifier la dynamique de collaboration et créer les conditions d’une conception véritablement centrée sur l’interaction humain-ordinateur ? Notre démarche de recherche a été guidée par l’hypothèse voulant que l’activité de design puisse être le moyen de faciliter la création d’un langage commun, des échanges constructifs entre les disciplines, et une réflexion commune centrée sur l’utilisateur. La formulation de cette hypothèse nous a mené à réfléchir sur le rôle du designer. Pour mener cette recherche, nous avons adopté une méthodologie mixte. Dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisé une approche de recherche par projet (recherche-projet) et notre fonction était celle de designer-chercheur. La recherche-projet est particulièrement appropriée pour les recherches en design. Elle privilégie les méthodes qualitatives et interprétatives ; elle étudie la situation dans sa complexité et de façon engagée. Nous avons effectué trois études de cas successives. L’objectif de la première étude était d’observer notre propre rôle et nos interactions avec les autres membres de l’équipe de projet pendant le processus de design. Dans la seconde étude, notre attention a été portée sur les interactions et la collaboration de l’équipe. Nous avons utilisé le processus de design comme méthode pour la construction d’un langage commun entre les intervenants, pour enrichir les réflexions et pour favoriser leur collaboration menant à redéfinir les objectifs du projet. Les limites de ces deux cas nous ont conduit à une intervention différente que nous avons mise en œuvre dans la troisième étude de cas. Cette intervention est constituée par la mise en place d’un atelier intensif de conception où les intervenants au projet se sont engagés à développer une attitude interdisciplinaire permettant la copratique réflexive pour atteindre les objectifs d’un projet de construction d’un site web complexe centré sur l’utilisateur. L’analyse et l’interprétation des données collectées de ces trois études de cas nous ont conduit à créer un modèle théorique de conception d’interface humain-ordinateur. Ce modèle qui informe et structure le processus de design impliquant une équipe multidisciplinaire a pour objectif d’améliorer l’approche centrée sur l’utilisateur. Dans le cadre de ce modèle, le designer endosse le rôle de médiateur en assurant l’efficacité de la collaboration de l’équipe. Dans un deuxième temps, afin de valider le modèle et éventuellement le perfectionner, nous avons utilisé une approche ethnographique comportant des entrevues avec trois experts dans le domaine. Les données des entrevues confirment la validité du modèle ainsi que son potentiel de transférabilité à d’autres contextes. L’application de ce modèle de conception permet d’obtenir des résultats plus performants, plus durables, et dans un délai plus court. / In complex design projects, problems typically arise when the design process is undertaken by multi-disciplinary groups of experts as well as non-experts because they do not share a common vision about the user’s needs, do not have identical goals related to the task, and do not have a common language to have productive dialogues as the design process progresses. This research addressed issues related to the human-centered design approach within the context of human-computer interfaces (HCI). It explored ways in which a designer can create conditions whereby various contributors involved in the design process can benefit from the potential that the multi-disciplinary context afford to enrich their personal knowledge and reflection and at the same time work efficiently and collaboratively to design an interface that is user centered. The research used a mixed methodology. In the first instance, a project-grounded research (research through design) was used in three successive case studies with increasing degrees of intervention and control by the researcher. Project-grounded research involves the development of knowledge and theory related to the design activity in an authentic design project. The focus of the first case was for the designer/researcher to observe her role and interaction with others during the design process. In the second case, the focus shifted to the collaborative interactions. The design process was used as a method to foster consensus building and the adoption of a common language to communicate and mutual goals to aim for. Limitations identified in these two cases led to the design of an intervention that was implemented in the third case. This intervention comprised an intensive workshop whereby team members engaged in an interdisciplinary attitude building exercise leading to joint-reflective practice toward achieving the goal which was to create a website. Data generated from these three cases informed the development of a theoretical model that represents steps of “optimal” collaborative design process, focusing on user-centeredness. In this model, the designer is attributed the additional and central role of mediator (designer as mediator) that facilitates the convergence of disparate foci and ways of thinking. In the second instance, the model was presented to three design experts individually for validation purposes. Interview data collected from this process affirmed the validity of the concepts and relations depicted in the model as well as its transferability potential to other complex contexts. The proposed model has the promise of structuring design activities to unfold in a more efficient and timely manner while being sustainable.

A study of human-robot interaction with an assistive robot to help people with severe motor impairments

Choi, Young Sang 06 July 2009 (has links)
The thesis research aims to further the study of human-robot interaction (HRI) issues, especially regarding the development of an assistive robot designed to help individuals possessing motor impairments. In particular, individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), represent a potential user population that possess an array of motor impairment due to the progressive nature of the disease. Through review of the literature, an initial target for robotic assistance was determined to be object retrieval and delivery tasks to aid with dropped or otherwise unreachable objects, which represent a common and significant difficulty for individuals with limited motor capabilities. This thesis research has been conducted as part of a larger, collaborative project between the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University. To this end, we developed and evaluated a semi-autonomous mobile healthcare service robot named EL-E. I conducted four human studies involving patients with ALS with the following objectives: 1) to investigate and better understand the practical, everyday needs and limitations of people with severe motor impairments; 2) to translate these needs into pragmatic tasks or goals to be achieved through an assistive robot and reflect these needs and limitations into the robot's design; 3) to develop practical, usable, and effective interaction mechanisms by which the impaired users can control the robot; and 4) and to evaluate the performance of the robot and improve its usability. I anticipate that the findings from this research will contribute to the ongoing research in the development and evaluation of effective and affordable assistive manipulation robots, which can help to mitigate the difficulties, frustration, and lost independence experienced by individuals with significant motor impairments and improve their quality of life.

Arbetsmiljökoncept på en svetsavdelning : Produktionsdesign med användarna i fokus

Blomqvist, Markus January 2018 (has links)
Denna rapport grundar sig i ett examensarbete inom Teknisk design, högskoleingenjörsexamen (A0014A) för femton högskolepoäng, som utförs i Luleå på Luleå tekniska universitet under vårterminen år 2018. Arbetet utförs med samarbete från företaget Modul, som befinner sig i Kalix och tillverkar över hundra olika produkter i tunnplåt. Målet med projektarbetet är att skapa ett koncept på en bra arbetsmiljö på svetsavdelningen och syftet är att minska fysiska och psykiska belastningar på användarna, samt att förbättra den psykosociala arbetsmiljön samtidigt som det kan skapas ett bättre produktionsflöde och eventuellt öka effektiviteten. I projektet har arbetet utförts i tre varv där projektet har gått igenom olika faser flera gånger för att inte missa information eller problem. För att undersöka kontexten och samla in information om nuläget så gjordes fyra studiebesök, intervjuer med uppdragsgivare och fyra användare, en enkät till uppdragsgivaren och observation på svetsavdelningen. Resultaten av denna kontextundersökning kan summeras till att observationen och intervjuerna med användarna gav information om att användarna har mest problem med ljud (buller), klimat, monotona rörelser och belastningar i rygg, fötter och knän. Sedan var det också brist på ljus i svetsbåset, utrymme, snedbelastningar och stress som skapade problem för användarna. För att kunna skapa koncept gjordes två analyser, där den ena analysen var en riskbedömningsanalys som gav information om vilka aspekter inom arbetsmiljön som var mest besvärligt på de olika arbetsstationerna i svetsavdelningen. Sedan gjordes det en analys av hur stationer, lager och andra platser bör vara nära varandra i en så kallat närhetsanalys för att kunna underlätta skapandet av koncept på layouter. Det skapades även en kravspecifikation för att kunna utvärdera och hjälpa till att utveckla koncept, där de viktade kraven viktades av projektmedlemmen och uppdragsgivaren. Kraven som användes var: fysisk belastning, psykosocial arbetsmiljö, klimat, buller, kostnader, utrymme, närhetsbehov, materialflöde, transporter, säkerhet och potential. Efter konceptframtagningen var det fem olika koncept som gick vidare. Koncept 1 är ett koncept där det endast har flyttats på några arbetsstationer för att främst skapa mer utrymme. Koncept 2 är ett koncept som har ett litet rum för att slipa för att isolera bullret från slipstationen och koncept 3 har också ett rum, men på en annan plats. I koncept 4 är svetsavdelningen flyttad till en annan plats i fabriken och i koncept 5 är svetsavdelningen utbyggd på samma plats som i nuläget. Det slutliga resultatet blev ett kortsiktigt och långsiktigt koncept där båda koncepten har förbättrat arbetsmiljön, exempelvis genom att skapa mer utrymme för arbetsstationerna så att användare inte riskerar att snubbla över närliggande lager runt arbetsstationerna och det långsiktiga konceptet har dessutom förbättrat materialflödet i hela fabriken och inte bara inne i svetsavdelningen. Sedan är de slutliga förbättringsförslagen och rekommendationerna att fortsätta utveckla på de slutliga koncepten, rotera mellan arbetsstationer lite oftare, lägg till en ljuskälla till svetsbåsen, ändra arbetsställningarna genom att använda en anpassad stol vid behov, svetsare ska inte ansvara för att arbeta på flera stationer på samma gång eftersom att det leder till stress och fundera på om produkter behöver slipas eller om det går att minska bullret på slipstationen genom att göra det på ett annat sätt. / This report is based on a bachelor´s degree in Industrial Design Engineering for fifteen credits, conducted in Luleå at Luleå University of Technology during the spring term of 2018. The work is carried out with cooperation from the company Modul, which is located in Kalix and manufactures over 100 different products in thin-sheet metal. The aim of the project is to create a concept for a good work environment in the welding department, with the aim of reducing physical and mental stress on users, but also improving the organizational work environment while creating a better production flow and possibly increasing efficiency. This project has gone in three laps where the project has gone through different phases several times to avoid missing information or problems. In order to examine the context and gather information about the current situation there has been four study visits, interviews with the taskmaster and four users, a survey to the taskmaster and an observation in the welding department. The results of this contextual survey can be summed up by the observation and interviews with users that the users have the most problems with noise, climate, monotonous movements and loadings on the back, feet and the knees. Then there was also a lack of light in the welding box, space, oblique loads and stress that created problems for the users. In order to create concepts, two analyzes were made, where one analysis was a risk assessment analysis that provided information on which aspects of the work environment that were the most difficult at the various workstations in the welding department. Then an analysis was made of how stations, warehouses and other places should be close together in a so-called proximity analysis to facilitate the creation of concepts on layouts. A requirement specification was also created to evaluate and help develop concepts, where the weighted requirements were weighted by the project member and the taskmaster. The requirements used were: physical loadings, psychosocial work environment, climate, noise, costs, space, proximity needs, material flow, transport, safety and potential. Following the conceptualization, there are five different concepts that went on. Concept 1 is a concept where only some workstations have been moved to create more space. Concept 2 is a concept that has a small space to grind where the noise from the grinding station can be isolated and concept 3 also has a room for a grinding station, but in another place. In concept 4, the welding department is moved to another location in the factory and in concept 5 the welding department is expanded in the same location of the factory at present. The final result became a short-term and long-term concept, where both concepts have improved the working environment, for example by creating more space for workstations, so that there is no risk of stumbling over nearby storage places around the workstations, and the long-term concept has also improved material flow throughout the factory and not only inside the welding department. The final improvement proposals and recommendations is to continue to develop on the final concepts, rotate between workstations a little more often, add a light source to the welding arcs and change the work postures by using a custom chair when needed. Welders should not be responsible for working at multiple stations at the same time because it leads to stress and think about if it is needed to grind or if the noise of the grinding station can be reduced by doing it differently.

3MD for chronic conditions:a model for motivational mHealth design

Giunti, G. (Guido) 25 September 2018 (has links)
Abstract Chronic conditions are the leading cause of death in the world. Major improvements in acute care and diagnostics have created a tendency towards the chronification of formerly terminal conditions, requiring people with these conditions to learn how to self-manage. Mobile technologies hold promise as self-management tools due to their ubiquity and cost-effectiveness. The delivery of health-related services through the use of mobile technologies (mHealth) has grown exponentially in recent years. However, only a fraction of these solutions takes into consideration the views of relevant stakeholders like healthcare professionals or even patients. The use of behavioral change models (BCM) has proven important in developing successful health solutions, yet engaging patients remains a challenge. There is a trend in mHealth solutions called gamification that attempts to use game elements to drive user behavior and increase engagement. As it stands, designers of mHealth solutions for behavioral change in chronic conditions have no clear way of deciding what factors are relevant to consider. This doctoral thesis is framed in Consumer Health Informatics within the field of Medical Informatics and Information Systems. The focus of this work was to discover factors for the design of mHealth solutions for chronic patients; to do so, negotiations between medical knowledge, BCM and gamification were explored through an embedded case study research methodology. The data obtained was thematically analyzed to create the Model for Motivational Mobile-health Design for Chronic conditions (3MD). The 3MD model guides the design of condition-oriented gamified behavioral change mHealth solutions. The main components are: 1) Condition specific, which describe factors that need to be adjusted and adapted for each particular chronic condition; 2) Motivation related, which are factors that address how to influence behaviors in an engaging manner; and 3) Technology based, which are factors that are directly connected to the technical capabilities of mobile technologies. 3MD also provides a series of high level illustrative design questions for designers to use and consider during the design process. The work on this thesis addresses a recognized gap in research and practice, and proposes a unique model that could be of use in the generation of new solutions to help chronic patients. / Tiivistelmä Krooniset sairaudet ovat maailman yleisin kuolinsyy. Akuutissa hoidossa ja diagnostiikassa on tapahtunut merkittäviä parannuksia, ja aikaisemmin kuolemaan johtaneista sairauksista on tullut kroonisia ja ihmisten on opittava hallitsemaan niitä itse. Mobiiliteknologiat tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia sairauksien itsehallintaan, koska teknologiaa on yleisesti saatavilla ja se on kustannustehokasta. Terveyspalvelujen tarjoaminen mobiiliteknologian avulla on lisääntynyt huomattavasti viime vuosina. Kuitenkin vain murto-osa näistä ratkaisuista ottaa huomioon sidosryhmien, kuten terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten ja jopa potilaiden, näkemykset. Käyttäytymismuutosmallit ovat osoittautuneet tärkeiksi kehitettäessä onnistuneita terveysratkaisuja, mutta potilaiden osallistaminen kehittämiseen on yhä vaikeaa. Pelillistäminen on mobiilien terveysratkaisujen suunnittelutrendi, ja pelielementeillä pyritään vaikuttamaan ihmisten käyttäytymiseen ja sitoutumiseen. Mobiilien terveyssovellusten suunnittelijoilla ei ole selkeää näkemystä siitä, mitkä sovellustekijät vaikuttavat merkittävimmin kroonisissa sairauksissa sairastavien potilaiden käyttäytymisen muutokseen. Tämä väitöskirja tarkastelee kuluttajille suunnattua terveysteknologiaa, joka hyödyntää lääketieteellistä informatiikkaa ja tietojärjestelmätieteitä. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kroonisia sairauksia sairastaville potilaille tarkoitettujen mobiilien terveyssovellusten suunnitteluun liittyviä tekijöitä. Tämän vuoksi lääketieteen tietämyksen, käyttäytymismuutoksien mallien ja pelillistämisen yhdistämistä tutkittiin sulautetun tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Saatuja tietoja temaattisesti analysoimalla luotiin kroonisia sairauksia varten motivoivan mobiilin terveyssovelluksen suunnittelumalli (3MD = Model for Motivational Mobile-health Design). 3MD-malli ohjaa sairauksien hallintaan tarkoitettujen pelillistettyjen ja käyttäytymismuutoksiin tähtäävien mobiilien terveyssovellusten suunnittelua. Mallin pääkomponentit ovat: 1) Sairautta kuvaavat tekijät, jotka kuvaavat tekijöitä, jotka on mukautettava ja sovitettava kullekin krooniselle sairaudelle. 2) Motivaatioon liittyvät tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat innostavasti käyttäytymiseen. 3) Teknologiaan perustuvat tekijät, jotka liittyvät suoraan mobiiliteknologian teknisiin ominaisuuksiin. 3MD tarjoaa myös havainnollisia suunnittelukysymyksiä, joita suunnittelijat voivat käyttää ja pohtia suunnitteluprosessin aikana. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee yleisesti tunnistettua puutetta tutkimuksessa ja suunnittelukäytännössä ja esittelee ainutlaatuisen mallin, josta voi olla hyötyä uusien ratkaisujen luomisessa ja kroonisia sairauksia sairastavien potilaiden auttamisessa.

Model-based design of user interfaces to support situation awareness in maintenance

Oliveira, Állan César Moreira de 13 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-04-19T14:31:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseACMO.pdf: 3842026 bytes, checksum: 7081c677ee2f15ff2fd1eb1c4a5281da (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-04-27T14:02:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseACMO.pdf: 3842026 bytes, checksum: 7081c677ee2f15ff2fd1eb1c4a5281da (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-04-27T14:02:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseACMO.pdf: 3842026 bytes, checksum: 7081c677ee2f15ff2fd1eb1c4a5281da (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-27T18:11:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseACMO.pdf: 3842026 bytes, checksum: 7081c677ee2f15ff2fd1eb1c4a5281da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-13 / Não recebi financiamento / Situation Awareness (SAW) is a cognitive process defined as the perception of elements and events within a time frame, the understanding of their situation and the projection of their status. SAW is a prerequisite for decision-making in dynamic and complex systems and errors in SAW are an acknowledged source of human errors and accidents. Its study is pivotal in many industries, such as aviation, military, oil, gas and rails, and it is being increasingly considered for maintenance, since this activity is deemed critical for every industry. New technologies to support maintenance, such as E-Maintenance, will provide easier access to the desired information to technicians, but the way new technologies lead to improved SAW is influenced by how information is presented in the User Interface (UI), and many UIs for maintenance technicians support their decision-making regarding procedural and technical criteria, but not economical, legal, ethical and political. Therefore, they only allow a partial development of the user SAW, but not the complete comprehension and projection of a situation. These UIs ignore information requirements such as: risks and conditions of the environment; automations; actions and decisions of team members; rules, regulations and policies of enterprises. Therefore, the design and development of UIs to improve SAW in maintenance is compromised by the few solutions in the state of the art for SAW supportive UI design, for model-based design process and for frameworks and reference architectures. Cognizant to this gap, this thesis proposes a solution for the design and development of Situation Awareness support User Interfaces (SASUI) for maintenance work. For that three contributions are proposed: a conceptual framework of Situation Awareness Aspects (FSA) that assists developers in structuring heterogeneous sources of data into a knowledge representation model, to obtain a state oriented view of SAW; a multiagent architecture that instantiates and controls UIs to improve their support of SAW, by using a blend of SAW and UI agents to express the situation (and its projection) of real world entities in the UI; a methodology to create Model-based SAW User Interfaces (MBSAW-UI), in which designers model agents that will assist users in acquiring the SAW necessary for their decision-making process. These contributions follow a Cognitive Engineering approach to guide software developers in the UI design process and also empower domain experts to model their UIs, enabling an End-User Development (EUD) paradigm that facilitate future updates to the system. A study case of a maintenance activity was developed to evaluate these solutions, with two interfaces: a UI designed using MBSAW-UI; a UI designed using solely a Hierarchical Task Analysis. An experiment was performed and showed a 78% increase in SAW with the UI designed to support SAW, which lead to enhanced efficacy (3,85x less errors) and safety (3,87x less errors regarding unsafe behavior). / Consciência Situacional (SAW) é um processo cognitivo definido como a percepção de elementos e eventos em um volume de tempo e espaço, o entendimento da situação atual e a projeção do seu estado futuro. SAW é um pré-requisito para a tomada de decisão em sistemas complexos e dinâmicos, e os problemas em SAW são uma fonte reconhecida de erros humanos e acidentes. O estudo de SAW não só é fundamental em muitos setores (como, por exemplo, aviação, forças armadas, óleo, gás e ferrovias), como vem sendo considerado, de forma crescente, em áreas como a manutenção, que é uma atividade crítica para todas as indústrias. Novas tecnologias para apoio a manutenção, como a E-Manutenção, vão prover melhor acesso a informações desejadas, porém a SAW de um trabalhador que lida com tecnologia está correlacionada a Interface do Usuário (IU) do sistema, e diversas IUs para manutenção apoiam a tomada de decisão considerando critérios procedurais e técnicos, mas não econômicos, legais, éticos e políticos. Portanto elas somente apoiam um desenvolvimento parcial da SAW de seu usuário, mas não a completa compreensão e projeção da situação. Estas interfaces ignoram requisitos de informação como: riscos e condições do ambiente; automações; ações e decisões de colegas de equipe; regras, regulamentos e políticas das empresas. Dessa forma, o design e desenvolvimento de IUs para aprimorar a SAW na manutenção são comprometidos pelas poucas soluções no estado da arte de design de IU para apoio a SAW, de processos de design baseado em modelos e de frameworks e arquiteturas de referência. Ciente desta lacuna, esta tese propõe uma solução para design e desenvolvimento de Interfaces do Usuário que apoiam o estabelecimento de SAW (SASUI) em trabalhos de manutenção. Três contribuições foram geradas: um framework conceitual de aspectos de SAW (FSA) que auxilia desenvolvedores a estruturar fontes de dados heterogêneas em um modelo de representação do conhecimento, para obter uma visão de SAW orientada a estado; uma arquitetura multiagente que instancia e controla IUs para aprimorar o apoio a SAW, usando uma combinação de agentes de SAW e IU que expressam a situação (e projeção) de entidades do mundo real; e, finalmente, uma metodologia para criar IUs para SAW baseada em modelos (MBSAW-UI), na qual designers modelam agentes que irão auxiliar usuários a adquirir a SAW necessária para seu processo de tomada de decisão. Estas contribuições seguem uma abordagem de Engenharia Cognitiva para guiar desenvolvedores de software no processo de design de IU e para permitir especialistas de domínio a modelar suas IUs, habilitando um paradigma de End-User Development (EUD) que facilita futuras atualizações ao sistema. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso de uma atividade de manutenção para avaliar as soluções propostas, usando duas interfaces: uma projetada usando a metodologia MBSAWUI; e outra usando somente análise hierárquica de tarefas. Experimentos realizados mostram que as interfaces geradas com a metodologia proposta neste trabalho proporcionaram um aumento de 78% na SAW, o que levou a uma melhor eficácia (3,85x menos erros) e segurança (3,87x menos erros relacionados a comportamentos arriscados).

Att få en syn på datalagret : Visualisering som stöd för analytikers datalagerarbete / Getting a View of the Data Warehouse : supporting analysts through data warehouse visualization

Pettersson, Karin January 2005 (has links)
Datalager används för att ge företag en samlad bild av sin verksamhet, en bild som byggs upp av analytikers statistiska beräkningar och modeller. Analytiker arbetar i datalager med hjälp av olika analysverktyg, och begränsas av dessa verktygs möjligheter att ge en förståelse av datalagrets uppbyggnad och funktion, och av möjligheterna att hitta rätt analysdata. Arbetet med att hitta och analysera data är en iterativ problemlösningsprocess för att få fram det önskade resultatet. Visualiseringar kan fungera som ett verktyg i arbetet och stödja användares beslutsfattande. Denna kvalitativa fallstudie syftar till att undersöka hur visualisering kan användas som ett stöd för marknads- och kreditanalytikers datalagerarbete. Studien använde användarcentrerade metoder för att undersöka analytikers arbete i ett datalager. Femton kunskapsuppgifter identifierades som mål för visualiseringsstöd i analytikers datalagerarbete. Ett analysorienterat och ett systemorienterat strukturförslag för visualiseringar värderades med dessa kunskapsuppgifter som viktade mål. Av kunskapsuppgifterna är den viktigaste att koppla analysuppgifter till systemstruktur. Det kräver att visualiseringsstödet erbjuder en analysorienterad struktur initialt och blir alltmer systemorienterat i takt med att den intressanta informationsmängden definieras. Användarcentrerade metoder användes för att identifiera kunskapsuppgifter. Studien visar att dessa kunskapsuppgifter kan användas som designmål för värdering av visualiseringsstöd.

Användargenererad data i tjänstedesignprocessen / User generated data in a Service Design process

Dahlqvist, Thea January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur tre olika innovativa tekniker kan användas för att samla in användarinsikter i en tjänstedesignprocess. Detta genomförs med ett designcase som handlar om besökarnas upplevelse av Norrköpings Symfoniorkesters konserter. Symfoniorkestern behöver hjälp med att locka fler besökare till konserterna och nya sätt behöver användas för att samla in användarinsikter för att få så många olika perspektiv som möjligt av konsertupplevelsen. Det var 20 personer som deltog i studien med en blandning av personer, dels de som idag går på Norrköpings Symfoniorkesters konserter och dels de som inte besöker dem. Deltagarnas uppgift i studien var att gå på två av deras konserter och dokumentera sina upplevelser med hjälp av tre olika innovativa tekniker: designsond, app och automatisk kamera. Resultatet av studien visar att den första tekniken designsonden gav en fördjupad bild av deltagarnas syn på konsertupplevelsen och hjälpte till att bredda fokus i tjänstedesignprocessen. Den andra tekniken,appen, kunde ge en mer detaljerad information i realtid om deltagarnas konsertupplevelse på plats. Den tredje tekniken, automatisk kamera, kunde ge ett detaljerat flöde automatiskt på plats över deltagarnas konsertupplevelse som visade mönster och beteenden som kunde kopplas till konsertupplevelsen. Studien visar på att de tre teknikerna gör att användaren hamnar i fokus under hela tjänstedesignprocessen, vilket är grunden för att kunna arbeta användarcenterat. Tillsammans blir teknikerna ännu mer kraftfulla att använda då de kan komplettera varandra i en tjänstedesignprocess. / The goal of the study is to find out how three different innovative techniques can be used to collect user experience in a service design process. This is carried out using a design case regarding the user experience of the Norrkoping’s Symphony Orchestras (SON) concerts. This is a symphony orchestra that has experienced increasing difficulty in attracting more visitors, and new methods are needed to tackle the problem. Therefore, in this study mobile ethnography and innovative methods will be used. There were 20 participants in the study, including a mix of people who regularly attend SON-concerts and those who do not. The participant’s task in this study was to attend two of SON-concerts and document their experience using three different innovative techniques: Probe, smartphone application and automatic camera. The result of the study shows that the probe gave a much more detailed look into the participants’ view of the concert experience, and contributed in widening the focus of the service design process. The application gave a more detailed information in real-time, on sight. The automatic camera gave a more detailed flow, automatically on sight, of the concert experience. That may show certain patterns and behaviors of the participants linked to the concert experience. The study shows that the three innovative techniques puts focus on the user throughout the entire service design process, which is the foundation for working user-centered. If the techniques are used in combination they become more effective as they complete each other in a service design process.

"Ingen blir ju egentligen glad över en förstudie" : Framgångsfaktorer bakom kraftfulla förstudier / "Nobody is really happy about a pre study" : Success factors for actionable pre studies

Schnell, Marie January 2017 (has links)
En förstudie baserad på användarstudier kan vara hur välgjord som helst, men det spelar ingen roll om den inte används efteråt utan bara ligger och dammar hos kunden. Vad är det som gör att användarstudier ibland inte används av kunden som det var tänkt? Det är en av frågorna för det här arbetet, vars syfte är att ta reda på vilka framgångsfaktorerna är för en lyckad leverans av användarstudier i en förstudie genomförd av en UX- konsult.  Frågeställningen är Hur ska resultatet från användarstudier, som utförs i förstudier av konsulter, levereras och kommuniceras för största påverkan hos kunden? En fallstudie har genomförts, där 15 personer har intervjuats. Majoriteten av dem arbetar med användarstudier på ett svenskt konsultföretag och övriga är konkurrenter eller kund till företaget.   Slutsatsen är att det inte går att begränsa svaret till att enbart handla om slutpresentationen och paketeringen av resultatet. Tvärtom. Grunden till en framgångsrik leverans läggs redan i början av projektet, från den allra första kontakten med kunden, och pågår sedan under hela processen. Kärnan bakom framgång är kommunikation på olika sätt: att kommunicera för att skapa förståelse för metoden, användaren och problemet, att kommunicera för att uppnå samsyn och delaktighet bland alla inblandade och att kommunicera för att se helhetsperspektivet, förvalta materialet efteråt och lära sig av goda och dåliga erfarenheter.   Ett antal riktlinjer för en framgångsrik leverans av användarstudier i en förstudie har utarbetats, som är tänkt att användas som en checklista av UX-konsulter, för att se till att inga delar glöms bort.

Persona : En metod att utveckla och införa persona i en organisation

Jönhill, Mathias, Lehner, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis we aim to extend the current theories about a concept called persona. A persona is a model of a user, mostly based on qualitative research and made with such accuracy that it to some extent can be used as a replacement of a real user in a development process and as a communicative tool. We will present a way of constructing this persona without meeting the actual users and follow up with interviews from the organization using them. This will lead to a model over the process of introducing personas as a concept in an organization,previously not familiar with the concept. The model is adapted to also work for projects and organizations where the concept is already known. / Executive summary When developing and designing systems or products to be used directly by end users,it is important that these are developed with people in mind. One way to do this is to have close contact between the end user and the developer as can be seen in for example agile development methods. This is however not applicable at all times and therefore the developer need to get the information about the end user some other way. Often this is done by a spokesman or project manager for the ordering company who delivers the information to a project manager or spokesman for the systems development company who in turn make sure the developer get the relevant information. Of course this means that sometimes information that could be relevant is missed and sometimes even altered due to misunderstandings or even personal interest. One way to deal with this is to have a written description or model of the primary end user that is so correct and accurate that it to some extent could be used as a replacement of the real user. Especially effective is this when making design decisions and as a communicative tool to ensure a common and shared picture of the different needs of the users. Even if a description of the end user has been made, the view of the user is not always shared. This thesis will address the problem of creating this description of a user by using the concept of persona, first presented by Alan Cooper 1999 in his book “The Inmates are running the Asylum – Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity”. In our research we show that under certain circumstances, this can be done without actually meeting the real end users by interviewing and observing other people with very similar roles. Using this persona as a development tool requires introduction of the concept in the organization as well as introduction of the personas for the actual project. This research is summarized in a model that includes the different steps of creating a persona using several methods and also how to implement this tool in an organization or project. For each general step in the model there is a short description which includes the construction of personas and which activities to include in the introduction, either if personas is previously known or not. Appendix 10 in this thesis consists of a brief and more hands on guide of the process of creating personas and introducing the concept in an organization. This guide could serve as a quick introduction to the subject and could also be used at a later time to refresh some of the highlights in the process. / Sammanfattning Denna uppsats avser utöka befintliga teorier runt konceptet persona. En persona är en modell av en användare, baserad främst på kvalitativa studier, och utvecklad med sådan precision att den till vissa delar kan ersätta en riktig slutanvändare i en utvecklingsprocess samt som ett kommunikationsverktyg. Vi kommer att presentera ett sätt att utveckla denna persona utan att träffa den riktiga slutanvändaren och följa upp med intervjuer från organisationen som använder dem. Detta leder fram till en modell över processen med att utveckla personas samt införandet i en utvecklingsorganisation som tidigare inte har använt sig av konceptet. Modellen är anpassad för att fungera vid införande av persona även i projekt och organisationer där konceptet är känt sedan tidigare.

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