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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taking a system view on customer value creation

Åslund, Anna January 2016 (has links)
In Quality Management and Total Quality Management (TQM) customer focus and customer value creation is of importance and in organisations it is of high priority. Quality Management has had an internal focus when it comes to customer value creation but in the 21st century there is a need for an outward orientation and to go beyond the organisational borders. Also an increasing interest in social, societal and environmental issues can be seen, for instance by customers, organisations, quality awards and within the quality area. An area that considers these issues is the societal entrepreneurial sector.   The purpose of this thesis has been to contribute to the knowledge and understanding about customer value creation from a system view. Additionally the purpose has been to contribute to the development of Quality Management. In order to fulfil the purpose, case studies have been performed. Cases within the societal entrepreneurial area have been studied and seven studies have been performed. Data have been collected through interviews, direct observations, participating observations and documents. All data have been collected empirically except in one study where a literature case study was used. The data were analysed through tools such as process mapping, attribute value mapping and rich picture process maps combined with analytical methods for case study research. The research journey started out from TQM and an internal perspective on customer value creation. As the studies went on, the system borders became wider as other areas important to customer value creation were identified: the customer value creating system went from an internal perspective to include an external perspective.    The findings contribute to earlier research findings and give a comprehensive and simplified picture of a complex phenomenon and an opportunity to understand customer value creation from a system view. This thesis provides an overall map of the customer value creating system. Additionally it contributes to the development of Quality Management by expanding the view on customer value creation to include both an internal and an external oriented perspective. It also contributes by suggesting a fifth step in the quality management movement ´System Quality Management´ that considers social, societal and environmental factors through continuous improvement before, during and after value creation for customers. Further it contributes with a developed view on customers and the concept of customer value creation.   The overall map provided includes three areas. Growth and development of societal entrepreneurial initiatives. The result shows important components for the creation of societal value based on the growth and development of societal entrepreneurial initiatives. Included are the processes, input and output important for societal value creation from unidentified needs until societal value can be delivered, management process and support process fields.  Customer value creation in the customer sphere.  Customer value has been found to be created beyond the use or purchase of a product or service. Value has also been found to be created for those that are not in direct contact with an initiative or its product or service. Customer value has been found to spread into society like ripples in a complex system of value creation. And Value Ripple Logic has been developed to describe this phenomenon. Management role in customer value creation. The management’s role in value creation has been found to be of importance in the creation of customer value in an indirect way through interaction with the surroundings and the initiative.  Factors and behaviours have been found which are connected to the leaders and their essential management processes along with their input and output.   The findings presented in this thesis have considerable potential for development. Further studies need to be done within the area concerning how customer value is created and to achieve an even more comprehensive picture of the customer value creating system and the suggested fifth step. The results presented in this thesis are a contribution to the knowledge and understanding about customer value creation from a system view and the development of the Quality Management. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 6 accepterat för publicering och delarbete 7 inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 6 accepted for publication and  paper 7 submitted.</p>

Aspekte van organisasie-kultuur in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag

Jansen van Rensburg, Johannes Lodewikus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The integration of the three former defence forces, four homeland forces and the one self-defence unit into the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) drastically changed the race composition of the Department of Defence (DoD). The integration of these forces with their guerilla type warfare into a conventional force together with the changed race composition, is having an influence on the organisational culture of the DoD. The aim of this study is to investigate the organisational culture of the DoD with the primary focus on values to determine a group identity and the required behaviour. This investigation is conducted by researching the prescriptive legislation and policy applicable to the DoD, values from the traditionally western and Ubuntu culture, the vision of the Africa-Renaissance, tendencies in modern warfare and functions of modern armies. A proposed value system for the DoD is then developed. The way in which members of the DoD associate with this value system is tested by means of a sample and deviations are identified. Lastly, corrective options are proposed for these deviations. The developed value system consists of key values such as military professionalism, community/ethical orientation and military orientation. The collected data is interpreted by means of factors such as values characteristic of authority, military professionalism, military customs and human rights that concur with the key values. Against all odds it was found that members of the DoD associate badly with values traditionally associated with a defence force which is fully prepared. The following was found: • Members of the DoD do not identify with values such as commitment to comrades, non-discrimination, no bad excuses, fair practices, no misuse of rank, or pride and loyalty. Arms of service, rank groups, gender, population group and former force, identify in an average way with values characteristic with authority, high with professionalism, low with military customs and low with human rights. • The lower rank groups identify the worst with values, and warrant officers the highest. The senior officers identify the worst with human rights. • No distinction was found between the gender groups in respect of identification with values. • As far as population groups are concerned, differences occurred between whites and Africans in respect of their attitudes towards authority, professionalism, military custom and human rights. • As far as former force members are concerned, differences occurred between South African Defence Force (SADF), Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) and the African People's Liberation Army (APLA) regarding their attitudes towards authority, professionalism and military customs. In so far as human rights are concerned, differences occurred between the SANDF and Transkei, Boputhatswana, Venda and Ciskei (TBVC). The study showed definite problem areas and remedial actions need to be concentrated on this. It is clear that the different race groups and members of former forces have different orientations towards the value system. This marginalisation of groups into sub-cultures cannot be tolerated. A group identity with which every member of the DoD can identify, needs to be established urgently. As remedial options a process of socialisation can firstly be used to instill a group identity and the desired behaviour in members of the DoD. Those who do not fit the group identity and required behaviour must be discharged. A value system must secondly be lived and the generals and officers of the DoD must be role models as far as the living of the value system is concerned. Thirdly, posters on notice boards are of little use if the values do not become visible in the behaviour of every member of the SANDF. There is no place for buzz words without any meaning. Fourthly, values must be validated by means of norms. These norms must be made known to all members of the DoD to ensure that the desired organisational culture and value system is instilled. In this regard the publication The Service Guide for Newcomers should be rewritten and given to every member of the DoD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die integrasie van die drie verdedigingsmagte, vier tuislandmagte en een selfverdedigings-eenheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) het 'n drastiese verandering in die bevolkingsamestelling van die Departement van Verdediging (DvV) teweeggebring. Die integrasie van die bevrydingsmagte, met hul guerrilla-tipe van oorlogvoering, in 'n konvensionele mag is besig om tesame met die veranderde bevolkingsamestelling 'n invloed op die heersende organisasie-kultuur van die DvV uit te oefen. Die doeI van hierdie studie is om die organisasie-kultuur van die DvV te ondersoek met die primere fokus op waardes ten einde 'n groepsidentiteit en die verlangde gedrag vir die DvV te bepaal. Die ondersoek geskied aan die hand van die voorskrifte van toepassing op die DvV, waardes vanuit die tradisionele Westerse en Ubuntukulture, die Afrika-Renaissance-visie, tendense in moderne oorlogvoering en funksies van hedendaagse weermagte. 'n Waardestelsel wat die organisasie-kultuur van die DvV weerspieel, word vanuit voorafgaande bronne ontwikkel. Die wyse waarop die lede van die DvV met die waardestelsel vereenselwig word deur middel van 'n steekproef getoets en afwykings word geidentifiseer. Ten slotte word remedierende opsies vir hierdie afwykings voorgestel. Die ontwikkelde waardestelsel bestaan uit kernwaardes, soos militere professionalisme, militere orientering en gemeenskaps-/etiese orientering. Die ingesamelde data word aan die hand van faktore soos waardes kenmerkend van gesag, militere professionalisme, militere gebruike en menseregte wat met die kernwaardes ooreenstem, vertolk. Teen alle verwagtinge in is daar bevind dat lede van die DvV hulself swak vereenselwig met waardes wat tradisioneel as baie belangrik vir 'n parate weermag geag word. Die volgende is bevind: Daar word nie met waardes soos toewyding aan makkers, geen diskriminasie nie, geen swak verskonings nie, regverdige gebruike, geen rangmisbruik nie, trots en lojaliteit geidentifiseer nie. • Weermagsdele, ranggroepe, geslag, bevolkingsgroep en voormalige weermagte identifiseer middelmatig met waardes kenmerkend van gesagsvertolking, hoog met professionalisme, laag met militere gebruike en swak met menseregte. • In terme van ranggroepe toon die laer range die laagste en die ranggroep adjudant-offisiere die hoogste metings betreffende die identifisering met waardes. Die ranggroep senior offisiere identifiseer die minste van al die ranggroepe met menseregte. • Geen onderskeid tussen geslagte bestaan met betrekking tot die identifisering van waardes nie. • Ten opsigte van bevolkingsgroepe is beduidende verskille tussen wit en Afrikaan se houding teenoor gesag, professionalisme, militere gebruike en menseregte gevind. • Daar is ten opsigte van voormalige weermagte gevind dat beduidende verskille tussen die houding van die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag (SAW) en Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) en die African People's Liberation Army (APLA) teenoor gesagsvertolking, professionalisme en militere gebruike bestaan. 'n Beduidende verskil kom voor in die houding van die SANW en Transkei, Boputhatswana, Venda en Ciskei (TBVC) teenoor menseregte. Die studie Iê duidelike probleemareas bloot en alle regstellings behoort hierop te fokus. Dit is duidelik dat die verskillende bevolkingsgroepe en lede van die voormalige weermagte totaal uiteenlopende orienterings ten opsigte van die waardestelsel het. Hierdie marginalisering van groepe in subkulture kan nie geduld word nie. 'n Groepsidentiteit waarmee alle lede van die DvV hulself kan vereenselwig, moet sonder versuim geskep word. As remedierende opsies word daar eerstens 'n sosialiseringsproses voorgestel ten einde 'n groepsidentiteit en die verlangde gedrag by lede van die DvV te kweek. Lede wat nie by die groepsidentiteit en die verlangde gedrag inskakel nie, moet eenvoudig ontslaan word. Tweedens moet die waardestelsels geleef word en die generale stat en offisiere behoort hier die rolmodelle te wees. Derdens moet die waardes op die glansbiljette wat op kennisgewingborde verskyn aan elke individu bekend wees en duidelik in die gedrag van alle lede van die DvV sigbaar te word. Daar is geen ruimte vir niksseggende gonswoorde nie. Vierdens moet waardes in terme van norme gekwantifiseer en aan alle lede van die DvV bekend gemaak word ten einde te verseker dat die verlangde organisasie-kultuur en waardestelsel inslag sal vind. Hiervoor moet die publikasie The Service Guide for Newcomers herskryf word en aan alle individue beskikbaar gestel word.

Vysokoškolsky vzdělaní Romové - faktory ovlivňující jejich úspěšnost / Roma college Graduates : Success factors

Zoubek, Šimon January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with factors which influenced successful Roma college graduates. It tries to reveal what are the reasons why these Roma people managed to defy statistics and get a college diploma. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part it acquaints readers with professional literature and with its resources. Particular chapters pursue factors which have a direct connection with Roma education - Roma family, which strongly determines children's value system, Roma traditions and customs, Roma language, basic legislation and famous Roma personalities. The practical part, using a questionnaire, tries to determine the most important factors which influenced Roma college graduates during their lives. The goal of the research is to find out whether and to what extent particular factors interfered with academically successful Roma people's decision making. From the research part, it is apparent that the two main factors were positive motivation from their parents and a vision of a higher salary.

Dítě jako spotřebitel a jeho vliv na rozhodovací procesy dospělých / The child as a consumer and its impact on decision-making process of adults

Otipka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the subject of advertisement and its effect on children consumer behavior. Contrary to adults children are not able to differentiate between the reality and fiction, in this case to differentiate if they really need or just want promoted product. The theoretical part brings information about the marketing communication channels, effects on consumers, basis of consumers purchase decision making processes, which factors influence consumers behavior and how the advertisement is perceived by particular children age groups. It informs also about specific aspects of advertisements focused on children and about actual trends in children consumer behavior. The target of this work is to find out how TV advertisement influences children consumer behavior in context of amount of children in family, in dependence on how much time parents spend with their children, which way they are raised, etc. Research of these facts is subject of practical part of this thesis

Vliv individuálních hodnot pracovníků na spolupráci v týmu / Impact of Individual Values on Teamwork

Prunerová, Magdaléna January 2019 (has links)
The quality of work performance and cooperation within the team is determined by organizational culture and the values of organization and individuals. Having different values can often lead to conflicts and may also cause decrease in team effectiveness and demotivation. The target of the thesis is to identify the influence of individual values on the team cooperation. To define the types of value orientation of particular team members I shall use the theories of Shalom Schwarz and strengths inventory methods of Ellias H. Porter. A quantitative research realized on a target group of seventy managers of international companies is a part of this thesis. The research is targeting to verify the impact of individual value preferences on employee behavior within team work for the chosen sample of managers. To reach the empirical research a combination of methods of questionnaires and standardized interviews shall be used. Key words: values, organizational behaviour, cooperation, Schwartz, Porter, portrait value survey, Motivational value system

網際網際應用對企業價值鏈的影響 / The impact of internet applications on the value chain

王天勤, Wang, Ten-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
Internet相關的議題已成為近來的人們話題之一,隨著愈來愈多的Internet商業化應用,新的Internet技術與標準也迅速的出現,擴展Internet應用的企業流程設計亦吸引了各種產業的注意。這個趨勢促使愈來愈多的公司開始深思Internet應用對價值活動、企業價值鏈以及在整個價值系統中扮演的角色可能產生的影響。 本研究藉由不同的Internet商業應用來探討方面的影響以及這些應用滲入企業活動的程度,其中本研究中所謂的網際網路應用包含Internet、Intranet、Extranet三者;在探討價值鏈受到的影響方面,則分為價值鏈主要活動、價值鏈支援活動以及價值系統幾部分來作探討。 主要的資料收集方式是藉由對台灣地區八家企業的資訊主管作深入訪談;而資料分析方式則是比較每家公司採用Internet應用前後在價值活動的變化,並審視每家公司在價值系統中角色的改變。本研究提出十個命題來描述不同型態的應用如何幫助形成新的價值活動,以及價值鏈與價值系統角色的扮演所受到的影響。此外,研究結果也發現政府搖擺不定的政策與網路安全為Internet商業化應用成長上最大的阻礙。 / New Internet technologies and standards have emerged rapidly with the increasing Internet applications in business. Business Process designs whichexplorre the opportunities that internet applications offer has alsoattracted much attention among all types of industries. This trend has encouraged more and more firms to ponder the potential impact of Internetapplications on a firm's value chain, value activities, and also its rolein the whole value system. This paper attempts to investigate this impact by identifying the various categories of Internet business applications and the extent these applications penetrate the operation of business. Primary data are collected by in-depth interviews with information managers of eight firms in Taiwan, R.O.C. Data analysis includes comparing the value activities of each firms before and after the adoption of Internet applications, examining how the value chain and the firm's role in the value system change. The relationships between some characteristics of the firms and the extent of Internet business applicationsare determined. Ten propositions are offered to describe how different types of applications help shaping new value activities, value chains, and the roles in value systems. This research also discovers that the uncertainty of Government regulations and the lack of Internet security features are two mainstumbling blocks in the growth of Internet business applications.

Att spela heterosexuell : En studie av konstruktioner av genus och sexualitet i tv-spelen <em>Prince of Persia</em> och <em>Fable II</em> / The heterosexual play : a study of the construction of gender and sexuality in the videogames <em>Prince of Persia</em> and <em>Fable II</em>

Chorin, Anne January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate how gender and sexuality are made in the videogames <em>Prince of Persia</em> and <em>Fable II</em>, and more specifically to look at possibilities and limitations for the construction of gender and sexuality in these games. I understand videogames as an interactive media form that differs from other types of media like film and literature. It is a media form that depends on a player to be played. At the same time it is constituted by rules of how it can be played. I have analyzed my material by a method called close-playing. I ask questions about the conditions for play in terms of avatar design, ways of acting in and moving through the game by using Judith Butler’s notion of the heterosexual matrix and Gayle Rubin’s sex value system. I have found that <em>Prince of Persia</em> does not offer the player any possibilities to contribute to the making of gender and sexuality of the avatar. <em>Fable II</em> on the other hand provides a range of options that shape gender and sexuality. But at the same time the game rewards the player if he or she shapes the gender and sexuality of the avatar in a way that fits the heterosexual matrix. I argue that <em>Prince of Persia</em> carries rules for how you <em>can </em>shape gender and sexuality, and <em>Fable II</em>, carries rules for how you <em>should </em>shape it.</p>

Att spela heterosexuell : En studie av konstruktioner av genus och sexualitet i tv-spelen Prince of Persia och Fable II / The heterosexual play : a study of the construction of gender and sexuality in the videogames Prince of Persia and Fable II

Chorin, Anne January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how gender and sexuality are made in the videogames Prince of Persia and Fable II, and more specifically to look at possibilities and limitations for the construction of gender and sexuality in these games. I understand videogames as an interactive media form that differs from other types of media like film and literature. It is a media form that depends on a player to be played. At the same time it is constituted by rules of how it can be played. I have analyzed my material by a method called close-playing. I ask questions about the conditions for play in terms of avatar design, ways of acting in and moving through the game by using Judith Butler’s notion of the heterosexual matrix and Gayle Rubin’s sex value system. I have found that Prince of Persia does not offer the player any possibilities to contribute to the making of gender and sexuality of the avatar. Fable II on the other hand provides a range of options that shape gender and sexuality. But at the same time the game rewards the player if he or she shapes the gender and sexuality of the avatar in a way that fits the heterosexual matrix. I argue that Prince of Persia carries rules for how you can shape gender and sexuality, and Fable II, carries rules for how you should shape it.

Gå in och ut och vända "ut och in" : En kvalitativ studie om hur omsorgspersonal inom hemtjänsten arbetar för att de äldre ska få ett värdigt liv / Go In and Out and Turn Inside Out : A Qualitative Study Regarding How Professional Caregivers in Homecare Organisations Work to Insure a Life with Dignity for the Elderly

Josefsson Särner, Catharina, Halén, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about if and how the National Value System’s goal of a life with dignity for the elderly pervades the work in home care organisations. The study was based on a qualitative research method and was conducted through interviews with professional care givers in home care organisations, there were five individual interviews and one pair interview. The background for this study was the National Value System for the eldercare that was introduced in 2011. The theory of New Public Management and the concept of Rationality of Caring were used to analyse the result. New Public Management introduces a strategy of competition tendering by signing deals with the company that give the best offer, in order to increase the quality and efficiency of organisations. An important part of New Public Management is that the leaders in organisations have control of what is happening in the organisation in order to further increase the quality and efficiency. The Rationality of Caring is about having the care recipients’ needs and wishes as a primary force of action. The study shows that professional care givers work in a way that promotes a life with dignity for the elderly and that they act with a rationality of caring, but the rationality that rules the organisations in which they work precludes their way of working. The Politicians definition of rationality, which is about the efficiency and quality that can be measured, is the one that is prioritized. It also shows that the organisation priorities small time-consumption and standardized services in order to increase the efficiency. It is found that the professional caregivers perceive that the demand for documentation and other administrative tasks has increased and as a result of this the elderly does not receive the time they have been granted.

Grigališkojo choralo giedojimas kaip jaunimo dvasinių vertybių sistemos veiksnys / A Gregorian choral singing as contributing factor of developing the system of spiritual values of youngsters

Šiaudvytytė, Diana 03 June 2005 (has links)
With advances of modern technologies our post- modern society increasingle has to deal with lack of aesthetics and culture. The analysis of spirituality phenomennon enables us that, above all. spirituality is very significant because it has to do with the human essence and his divine origine. Secondly, spirituality os of grate importance from the pedagogical point of view when we wish to develop an all- rounded personality. Spirituality involves everything asociated with human vitality, his povers, energy, strength and will the system of spiritual values is comprised of main values such as kindness, beauty, the truth, as well as harmony between the mind and feelings, faith, freedom, transcendental alation, responsibility, decency, concience, duty, peace of mind, kindness, friendliness, love of God and one's neighbour, spirituality activities and prayers. The development of personality by means of sacred art is one of effective ways to encourage the development of spiritual values. Gregorian chorals, as the most spiritual way of singing distinguishes itself by its singing peculiarity such as peace, beauty, perfect expression of the word , simplicity, meaning fullness and sacredness. These features stimulate spiritual development. How actively the spiritual value system works depends on the experience of choral singing, the environment, theoretical knowledge and understanding of its designation. The subject of the study is the spiritual value system of youngsters. Two studies... [to full text]

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