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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FANTICO NONATO SILVA BORGES 14 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] A índole escatológica da Igreja, como reflexão teológica, é muito pertinente, visto que trata da relação entre a estrutura visível da Igreja e aquela realidade pensada como meta última da atividade eclesial. A escatologia do Vaticano II trouxe à tona essa reflexão, quando salientou que a tensão escatológica entre o já e o ainda não faz parte da natureza do Novo Povo de Deus, e que, por isso mesmo, a Igreja é sinal e instrumento desta plenitude da esperança no meio da humanidade. Sendo um sinal, ela se torna, para o mundo, sacramento visível da unidade de gênero humano, com Deus e consigo mesma. Nossa pesquisa deseja enfocar a posição do Concílio Vaticano II acerca dessa situação-missão da Igreja, pois, para os Padres conciliares, a salvação prometida pelo Senhor já começou em Cristo, mas ainda não se consumou, porque o tempo da restauração de todas as coisas dar-se-á somente quando tudo estiver no Pai pelo Filho no Espírito. Então, neste instante, o homem e com ele toda a criação chegará à sua restauração final. Enquanto isso não acontecer, a Igreja é impelida a levar adiante a obra de santificação da humanidade, como missão imputada por Cristo na unidade do Espírito Santo. Esse trabalho quer, portanto, demonstrar como essa salvação de Cristo continua por meio da ação eclesial, que instrui seus filhos sobre o sentido da vida temporal, enquanto esperança dos bens futuros e compromisso com o Reino de Deus. / [en] The eschatological nature of the Church as theological reflection, it is very relevant, since it is the relationship between the visible structure of the Church and that dream reality as the ultimate goal of ecclesial activity. The eschatological nature of Vatican II brought up this discussion when he emphasized that the eschatological tension between the already and not yet is in the nature of the new people of God, and that, therefore, the Church is sign and instrument of fullness of Hope in the midst of humanity. As a sign, it becomes the world visible sacrament of the unity of mankind with God and with herself. Our research focuses on the position of Vatican II about the situation, the Church s mission, as for the Fathers, the salvation promised by the Lord already begun in Christ, but not yet consummated, because the time of the restoration of all things give will be only when all; the man and with him the whole creation reach its final restoration in Christ. In the meantime the church is compelled to carry on the work of sanctification of humanity as mission charged by Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit. This work therefore want to show how the salvation of Christ continues through the action of the Church, instructing their children about the meaning of temporal life, as hope of eternal life and commitment to the Kingdom of God.

教廷與中華民國之外交關係 (一九四二年至二○一二年): 歷史、挑戰與前景 / The Diplomatic Relations between the Holy See and the Republic of China from 1942 to 2012: History, Challenges, and Perspectives

鄭天龍, Védrenne, Landry Unknown Date (has links)
教廷與中華民國之外交關係 (一九四二年至二○一二年): 歷史、挑戰與前景 / Diplomatic relations between the Republic of China (ROC) and the Holy See were established in 1942. However, after a devastating civil war, the Chinese Communists gained control of Mainland China in 1949 and established the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing. As a consequence, the Nationalist government of the ROC was forced to move from Nanking to Taipei, Taiwan. The Papal representative continued to remain at his post but the Communist government expelled him in 1951. In the following year, the Holy See decided to relocate its Apostolic Nunciature to Taipei and maintain its ties with the ROC. The tensions in the Strait between the two Chinese governments have put the Sino-Vatican relations to several tests. Indeed, the Vatican desires to normalize its relations with the PRC but is also confronted with two major issues imposed by Beijing which requests the direction of the Catholic Church in China and the end of the Holy See’s recognition of Taipei. It would strike a serious blow to Taipei if the Supreme government of the Catholic Church decides to break off diplomatic relations. It will also create a fragile position for Taiwan on the international diplomatic stage since the Holy See, at present, is the only European ally to officially recognize the ROC government. The relations of the Holy See with Taiwan are characterized by a mutually productive and cooperative partnership, especially in the promotion of human rights, culture, world peace and advocacy of religious freedom and alleviation of global poverty. This thesis aims to clarify the triangular situation between the Vatican, the ROC and the PRC and to show the challenges as well as the dilemmas the Holy See is confronted with in order to normalize its relations with China. First, this study explains the international status of the Holy See and its specific mission. Then, through a diachronic analysis, this thesis traces the evolution of Sino-Vatican relations to later on identify the difficulties the Holy See has to face across the Taiwan Strait. Then, it will analyze the efforts of Pope Benedict XVI to initiate a rapprochement with China and all the issues that have to be solved before negotiating any diplomatic ties. Based on this analysis, this thesis will show that the PRC and the Holy See are still at a stalemate and that the Vatican won’t move its Nunciature from Taipei in the foreseeable future.

El laicado y la cuestión social en América Central (1970-1992)

Coto Flores, Luis Alonso 10 February 2005 (has links)
§ 1- La thèse cherche à décrire les processus de changement et d'engagement des Églises catholiques d'Amérique Centrale, spécialement la prise de conscience ecclésiale des chrétiens de la base, dans des contextes socio-politiques et ecclésiaux fort complexes et mouvants. § 2- Traditionnellement, en Amérique Centrale, l'Église et notamment sa hiérarchie ont vécu en bonne intelligence avec les classes dirigeantes. Cette liaison, héritage de l'histoire du continent, est aussi conforme à une certaine conception de la religion comme instance légitimatrice des pouvoirs dominants actuellement en place. Les Églises d'Amérique centrale adoptent, à la fin années cinquante et au début des soixante, l'idéologie desarrollista (« développementaliste ») et promeuvent, dans ce but, le développement d'écoles et de centres de formation. Ceci dans l'optique d'un combat pour le progrès et d'une liaison étroite entre la promotion sociale et individuelle à l'évangélisation qui attendent de l'Église la sanctification du « mystère de l'ordre social ». § 3- Le Concile Vatican II va ébranler ces certitudes et remettre en question une « paix constantinienne » qui profite à des régimes autoritaires qui se prétendent défenseurs des « valeurs de l'Occident chrétien ». C'est l'époque d'une actualisation pastorale où l'enseignement social se renouvelle à partir des encycliques sociales de Jean XXIII et Paul VI qui éclairent l'ensemble des problèmes socio-économiques contemporains. Le réveil théologique, spirituel et social de l'Église rencontre un écho profond en Amérique Latine et tout particulièrement dans l'isthme centraméricain. La graine du renouveau est tombée sur un terrain fertile : une Amérique centrale en pleine mutation sociale qui, dans les années septante et quatre-vingts se trouve confrontée à une crise sociale grave, à des répressions violentes et à des guerres révolutionnaires. § 4- Dans le sillage de Vatican II, les Églises catholiques d'Amérique Centrale se mettent en devoir de répondre aux exigences du monde de ce temps, en assumant le destin de « tous les hommes et tout l'homme ». L'Église assume alors de nouveaux choix, qui la rapprochent du « peuple de Dieu » et l'encourage à s'engager dans la promotion et la formation du laïcat : les pastorales spécialisées, les mouvements d'Action Catholique, la pastorale d'ensemble, la création des centres de formation et des « communautés ecclésiales de base » (CEBs), sont les moyens choisis pour manifester « l'option préférentielle pour les pauvres ». Cette option essentielle est conforme aux nouvelles priorités et la formation systématique d'un laïcat plus actif et plus conscient de son rôle dans l'Église et dans la société. Les grandes assemblées des évêques à Medellin (Colombie, 1968), à Puebla (Mexique 1979), et à Santo Domingo (République Dominicaine, 1992) ont largement contribué à cet élan rénovateur initié par Vatican II. Les expériences vécues par les laïcs à la base, permettent de rapprocher l'Église des fidèles, tout en palliant le manque des prêtres. Elles sont encouragées par le clergé progressiste et par la « théologie de la libération » en Amérique Centrale. Ces expériences à la base ecclésiale, engendrent une « conscientisation » des participants, qu'ils soient paysans, ouvriers, indigènes, étudiants, etc. On assiste à un effort de conscientisation des masses par les Délégués de la Parole, laïcs formés grâce à des cours de pastorale et d'évangélisation de manière à pouvoir dénoncer à bon escient les « structures de péché ». L'organisation et l'engagement des laïcs, animés par les « délégués de la Parole » reflètent une conception de la foi marquée par de nouvelles orientations pastorales. § 5- Quel modèle d'Église sous-tendaient ces expériences ? Il s'agit en fait de la mise en pratique d'une « nouvelle manière d'être Église », laquelle n'excluait pas le conflit. Celui-ci se développa à l'intérieur de l'Église elle-même comme vis-à-vis des pouvoirs en place. Ce sont de nombreux laïcs qui deviendront, par la suite, les piliers de cette nouvelle orientation grâce à leur participation aux organisations populaires et, parfois, aux luttes armées menées dans la région. Devait se poser, dans ce contexte, la question des rapports entre foi et politique, entre foi et conflits sociaux, bref entre la foi et la vie. Les Églises, en particulier leur hiérarchie, tenteront de répondre à cette situation très particulière par des lettres pastorales, par des plans pastoraux ou même, quand le conflit devient plus aigu, par des mesures disciplinaires. A l'arrière-plan de la problématique sociale et ecclésiale en Amérique Centrale, c'est bien un modèle d'Église qui est en crise. D'où la nécessité de proposer, voire de chercher une manière originale d'« être Église », qui puisse réagir à la situation spécifique d'une région frappée en outre par des guerres, des inondations et de tremblements de terre meurtriers.

L'ecclésiologie dans l'œuvre de Gustave Thils

Purwanto, Fransiskus 09 June 2006 (has links)
Comment l'Église catholique peut-elle témoigner de la Bonne Nouvelle évangélique et être reconnue comme un espace habitable pour tous ? Quelles structures pourrait-elle adopter, qui puissent aider les communautés humaines à articuler leurs diversités ? Quelle est la juste place du gouvernement et de l'enseignement dans l'Église ? Quelles communautés peut-elle constituer, qui soient à la fois ouvertes et attentives à sa propre tradition comme à celle des autres ? Gustave Thils [1909-2000], théologien louvaniste, était bien placé pour traiter ces questions particulièrement complexes. Son apport s'étend sur trois périodes distinctes : avant, pendant et après le Concile Vatican II. Son œuvre est très variée, car ses intérêts théologiques se voulaient en prise sur l'actualité de l'Église et du monde. La thèse cherche à présenter une vision systématique et globale de son ecclésiologie. Après une brève biographie de G. Thils et un résumé de ses options théologiques dominantes, le chapitre 2 traite de la méthode historico-critique qu'il a mise en œuvre dans ses études, de l'influence de René Draguet sur sa réflexion, et de ses ouvertures vers une nouvelle herméneutique théologique. Le chapitre 3, intitulé L'ecclésiologie en général, aborde divers éléments de son ecclésiologie On y analyse d'abord l'histoire complexe des « notes » de l'Église et les questions théologiques importantes qu'elles soulèvent. On traite ensuite de l'identité du prêtre à partir de son apostolat, de son rattachement au diocèse, de sa participation à la charge pastorale de l'évêque et de son « devoir » de sainteté. Thils a contribué, par ailleurs, à l'émergence d'une théologie du laïcat, à partir de sa réflexion sur les « réalités terrestres ». Il a développé en outre le thème de l'égalité entre tous les membres de l'Église et celui de la vocation universelle à la sainteté. À propos de l'évêque, Thils s'inspire d'une lecture critique de la constitution Pastor aeternus de Vatican I. C'est ensuite dans Lumen gentium 21 que Thils trouvera de nouvelles ressources pour redéfinir l'identité de l'évêque, sa mission, sa responsabilité propre et son rapport à l'Église locale. Au-delà des thèmes particuliers, Thils propose quelques principes permettant une bonne interprétation des textes de Vatican II, veillant à en relever les intuitions originales, les développements doctrinaux, ses relations avec la Tradition et son ouverture aux signes des temps. Le chapitre 4 étudie le problème de l'œcuménisme. Il suit Thils dans sa description de l'histoire doctrinale du mouvement œcuménique [études antérieures à 1965], avant de proposer un commentaire du Décret sur l'œcuménisme de Vatican II et de décrire la position générale de l'Église catholique par rapport à la rencontre des Églises. Comme support de celle-ci, Thils propose le thème des « éléments d'Église ». Le chapitre 5 développe la place de la papauté dans la théologie catholique. On y étudie les questions de l'infaillibilité et de la primauté. Thils propose une analyse critique du texte de Pastor aeternus de Vatican I, analyse débouchant sur le thème capital de l'infaillibilité in credendo du Peuple de Dieu. Dans ce contexte, l'auteur souligne que le magistère épiscopal, y compris celui de l'évêque de Rome, a comme fonction essentielle d'interpréter le dépôt de la foi. En rapport avec l'ecclésiologie, le chapitre 6 traite de la théologie des religions non-chrétiennes. Thils défend l'existence d'une révélation universelle et la présence, hors de l'Église, d'un logos spermatikos qui appuie et éclaire la volonté salvifique de Dieu. Tout en sauvegardant la place privilégiée du christianisme comme ultime Révélation de Dieu, Thils jette un regard résolument positif sur les religions non-chrétiennes, considérées comme des valeurs appelant un complément. La conclusion synthétique cherche à mettre en évidence l'évolution des intérêts théologiques successifs de Thils, ainsi que leur ancrage dans une ecclésiologie en constante mutation.

Standing with Unfamiliar Company on Uncommon Ground: The Catholic Church and the Chicago Parliaments of Religions

Parra, Carlos 18 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the struggle of the Catholic Church to be true to itself and its mission in the midst of other religions, in the context of the non-Catholic American culture, and in relation to the modern world and its discontents. As milestones of the global interfaith movement, American religious freedom and pluralism, and of the relation of religion to modernity, the Chicago Parliaments of Religions offer a unique window through which to view this Catholic struggle at work in the religious public square created by the Parliaments and the evolution of that struggle over the course of the century framed by the two Chicago events. In relation to other religions, the Catholic Church stretched itself from an exclusivist position of being the only true and good religion to an inclusivist position of recognizing that truth and good can be present in other religions. Uniquely, Catholic involvement in the centennial Parliament made the Church stretch itself even further, beyond the exclusivist-inclusivist spectrum into a pluralist framework in which the Church acted humbly as one religion among many. In relation to American culture, the Catholic Church stretched itself from a Eurocentric and monarchic worldview with claims of Catholic supremacy to the American alternative of democracy, religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. In relation to modernity, the Church stretched itself from viewing the modern world as an enemy to be fought and conquered to befriending modernity and designing some specific accommodations to it. In these three relationships, there was indeed a shift, but not at all a clean break. Instead a stretch occurred, acknowledging a lived intra-Catholic tension between religious exclusivism and inclusivism, between a universal Catholic identity and Catholic inculturation in America (and in other cultures), and between the immutability of Catholic eternal truths and their translatability into the new languages offered by the modern world. In all this the Second Vatican Council was the major catalyst. For all three cases the Chicago Parliaments of Religions serve as environments conducive to the raising of important questions about Catholic identity, the Catholic understanding of non-Catholics, and Catholic interfaith relations.

Standing with Unfamiliar Company on Uncommon Ground: The Catholic Church and the Chicago Parliaments of Religions

Parra, Carlos 18 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the struggle of the Catholic Church to be true to itself and its mission in the midst of other religions, in the context of the non-Catholic American culture, and in relation to the modern world and its discontents. As milestones of the global interfaith movement, American religious freedom and pluralism, and of the relation of religion to modernity, the Chicago Parliaments of Religions offer a unique window through which to view this Catholic struggle at work in the religious public square created by the Parliaments and the evolution of that struggle over the course of the century framed by the two Chicago events. In relation to other religions, the Catholic Church stretched itself from an exclusivist position of being the only true and good religion to an inclusivist position of recognizing that truth and good can be present in other religions. Uniquely, Catholic involvement in the centennial Parliament made the Church stretch itself even further, beyond the exclusivist-inclusivist spectrum into a pluralist framework in which the Church acted humbly as one religion among many. In relation to American culture, the Catholic Church stretched itself from a Eurocentric and monarchic worldview with claims of Catholic supremacy to the American alternative of democracy, religious freedom, and the separation of church and state. In relation to modernity, the Church stretched itself from viewing the modern world as an enemy to be fought and conquered to befriending modernity and designing some specific accommodations to it. In these three relationships, there was indeed a shift, but not at all a clean break. Instead a stretch occurred, acknowledging a lived intra-Catholic tension between religious exclusivism and inclusivism, between a universal Catholic identity and Catholic inculturation in America (and in other cultures), and between the immutability of Catholic eternal truths and their translatability into the new languages offered by the modern world. In all this the Second Vatican Council was the major catalyst. For all three cases the Chicago Parliaments of Religions serve as environments conducive to the raising of important questions about Catholic identity, the Catholic understanding of non-Catholics, and Catholic interfaith relations.

Le cardinal Paul Grégoire et l'Église de Montréal (1968-1990)

Phaneuf, Luc 12 1900 (has links)
L’historiographie récente du catholicisme québécois a passé pratiquement sous silence la vie et l’épiscopat de Mgr Paul Grégoire, archevêque de Montréal de 1968 à 1990. Pourtant, son épiscopat s’est déployé pendant une période cruciale de l’histoire du Québec et de l’Église catholique. Lorsque Mgr Grégoire devient archevêque de Montréal en avril 1968, le Québec vit encore sa Révolution tranquille, une période qui a vu l’éclosion au Québec de mentalités et moeurs nouvelles à l’enseigne du rejet du passé, sous l’impulsion d’une sécularisation et d’une déchristianisation déferlantes. De son côté, l’Église catholique vit son propre renouveau identitaire, fruit des travaux du Concile Vatican II, terminé depuis décembre 1965. C’est au confluent de ces deux renouveaux identitaires que l’épiscopat de Mgr Grégoire va prendre forme. L’archevêque de Montréal devra faire face à de nombreux défis inédits sur les fronts externes et internes. Ad extra, il devra prendre acte des défis d’une nouvelle donne sociale extrêmement défavorable à son Église, notamment sur le flanc de la confessionnalité du système d’éducation. Ad intra, il devra implanter les réformes conciliaires dans son diocèse, non sans avoir à affronter plusieurs résistances et incompréhensions, dont certaines deviendront des crises remettant en question la qualité de son leadership comme archevêque de Montréal. Au moment de sa retraite en mars 1990, Monsieur le cardinal Grégoire aura vu l’Église catholique perdre la majeure partie de son influence morale et spirituelle sur la société montréalaise et québécoise. Même si sa personnalité ne l’avait pas desservi dans ses efforts pour imprimer à l’Église de Montréal son orientation doctrinale, sa discipline et son style, on voit mal comment il aurait pu contrer significativement une évolution toute-puissante dans sa globalité. C’est ce que révèle le bilan de son épiscopat. / The recent historiography on Catholicism in the Province of Québec has neglected the life and episcopate of Paul Grégoire, archbishop of Montréal from 1968 to 1990. Yet his episcopate covers a crucial period in the history of the Province and the Catholic Church. When he became archbishop of Montréal in April 1968, the Province of Québec was still in the midst of its Quiet Revolution, a period of growing change in mentalities and morals brought on by a rejection of the past and the rising tide of secularization and dechristianization. For its part, the Catholic Church was going through its own renewed identity process as a result of the Second Vatican Council which had ended December 1965. It is at the juncture of these two renewed identities that Archbishop Grégoire’s episcopate took shape. The prelate had to cope with many new challenges both on the external and internal fronts. Ad extra, he had to meet the challenges of a new social order extremely unfavorable towards his Church, particularly concerning the denominational school system. Ad intra, he had to implement the Council reforms throughout his diocese and in so doing encountered a great deal of resistance and much misunderstanding which sometimes led to crises casting doubt on his leadership. At the time of his retirement in March 1990, Cardinal Grégoire had seen the Catholic Church lose the greater part of its moral and spiritual influence on the Montréal and Québec societies. He had set out to mold the Church of Montréal according to his doctrinal orientation, his discipline and his style. Even while taking into consideration that his personality was not best suited for the task, we fail to see how he could have significantly countered the great opposing forces at work. The study of his episcopate clearly reveals this.

Ebraismo e Stato di Israele nelle riviste cattoliche italiane (1963-1978) / Judaism and State of Israel in Italian Catholic Reviews (1963-1978)

PALUMBO, ENRICO 26 March 2010 (has links)
I percorsi che hanno portato i cattolici a ripensare il proprio rapporto con gli ebrei sono molti e investono aspetti molteplici del problema. A questo tema, approdato infine al Concilio Vaticano II con la dichiarazione Nostra Aetate (1965), si è aggiunta la questione della posizione dei cristiani di fronte alla nascita dello Stato di Israele. Le riviste cattoliche italiane (di cui si sono qui prese in esame quelle d’opinione di diverso orientamento), luogo di discussione e di formazione di un’opinione pubblica consapevole, rispettarono tale pluralismo e, grazie all’impulso conciliare, affrontarono con crescente competenza la questione dei rapporti ebraico-cristiani, diventando fucina di un confronto fecondo con l’ebraismo. La vicenda dello Stato di Israele si è certamente intrecciata con il dialogo ebraico-cristiano, ma la maggior parte delle riviste cattoliche riuscì a non confondere i due piani e a compiere valutazioni distinte. La solida difesa del dialogo ebraico-cristiano si accompagnò nelle riviste della sinistra cattolica, soprattutto dopo il 1967, a una visione sempre più critica del ruolo che Israele stava svolgendo in Medio Oriente e a un avvicinamento alle posizioni palestinesi. Nella destra cattolica, in alcuni casi lontana dallo spirito conciliare sul tema dei rapporti tra le due fedi abramitiche, furono maggiori le voci in favore dello Stato di Israele, il cui ruolo era inserito nel quadro della guerra fredda. / Paths bringing Catholics to reconsider their relationship with the Jewish are various and touch manyfold aspects of the issue, which finally was brought up during the Second Vatican Council in the declaration Nostra Aetate (1965). Meanwhile Christians were further confronted by the foundation of Israel. Italian Catholic reviews, in the pluralism of the Council, faced with increased competence the issue of Christian-Jewish relationship and became the place for internal debates, opinion making, but also fruitful confrontation with Hebraism; those holding different views are specifically taken into account in this work. The course of Israel as state is certainly interwoven with the Christian-Jewish dialogue, but most Catholic reviews managed to keep the discussion and their evaluations on two different levels. The support of Christian-Jewish dialogue did not prevent left-wing Catholics from a critical vision of the role played by Israel in the Middle East, particularly in 1967, when positions came close to Palestinians. On the other hand within the Catholic right-wing, sometimes far from the spirit of the Council about the two religions with same roots, voices rose in favour of Israel and its role in the frame of the cold war.

Inculturating the eucharist in the Catholic diocese of Mutare, Zimbabwe

Amadi, Anthony 30 June 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to explore possible ways of making the Eucharistic celebration more meaningful to Catholics in Mutare diocese, Zimbabwe. The reason for this concern is that the Eucharist is the `source and summit' of the Christian life. Since inculturation is a possible means of achieving this aim of a meaningful celebration, it was found necessary in this study to examine how the Eucharist has been taught and inculturated in the Catholic Church over the years. From this It was discovered that inculturation was absent in the writings and catechesis of early Church authors and Fathers during the periods reviewed. Although an observation was made that it was indirectly implied in the Eucharistic prayers of the early Christians, it was only after a new `understanding of culture' emerged, following Vatican II, that permission was given by Rome to use local languages at Eucharistic celebrations. In the course of this study, efforts were made to determine the elements that constitute Eucharistic inculturation in Mutare diocese. These include: symbolic gestures, local languages, proverbs, enthronement, local staple food, invocation of ancestors, and others. In an empirical study to find out the extent of inculturation that has taken place in Mutare diocese, questionnaires were sent to sixteen out of twenty-four parishes in the diocese. Oral interviews were also conducted for this purpose. After analyzing the responses from respondents and those interviewed, it was discovered that some areas of inculturation have been realized, though not fully. Two outstanding areas which have not yet been realized were found to be the use of local staple food and the invocation of ancestors. The conclusion was that inculturation is not fully implemented in Mutare diocese and this impacts negatively on the celebration of the Eucharist. Eucharistic inculturation is an achievable goal in Mutare diocese, however, provided there is intensive catechesis which takes into account Shona-rich cultural values, aided by active involvement of small Christian Communities and the support of the hierarchy. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Proměny sakrálního prostoru / Transformations of Sacred Space.

Mléčka, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The Christian church has been an inherent part of human continuity for more than thousand years. The external appearance of the Christian church has always reflected societal transformations as well as turning points in history. Moreover, it has become an integral part of our existence both in space and time. Nowadays, we frequently hear that the crisis of European society is in effect an identity crisis, an inability to ask about where we are heading and what the meaning of life is. The reduction of time givenness to the already limited scope of our own physical existence destroys the ability in a man to ask questions and find answers to them, or even enquire about the meaning and essence of things. The carefree, dispersed husk blown by the wind may seem to be free and independent; however, it has also stopped trying to actively find paths for future generations. One of the fundamental attributes of an architect should be a strong aptitude for synthetic thinking, which includes multiple knowledge of social cognition, i.e. in the currentness of present experience as well as in time. This knowledge should ideally help to identify the core of problem, and to define the general rules applicable, regardless of changes in social demand, trends or taste. This dissertation, concerned with the “change” of the Christian church, ought to provide a compact, effective platform based on a synthesis of all analytical findings in the areas of architecture, liturgy, history, and theology. This platform can be applied in architectural practice, education (both architectural and theological), pastorage, and other wide, well-researched social discourses on the current form of the Christian sacred space, its basis and likely future development. The emphasis should be put on individual interpretation of a target group rather than dogmatic interpretation of dramatic revelations. Therefore, the first half of the dissertation will analyse the theological and symbolic basis, and historic transformations. Whilst, the second half will depict the current approach to the creation of sacred space in both newly built churches and the ongoing conversions of existing spaces. In conclusion, the dissertation will debate the future direction of sacred space in post-Christian Europe.

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