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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekter av vattenreglering på tillrinningen till Östersjön / Effects of river regulation on runoff to the Baltic Sea

Schröder, Erik January 2002 (has links)
I denna studie har tillrinning till världens största bräckvattenhav, Östersjön, studerats. Östersjöns avrinningsområde inkluderar tillrinningsområden från 14 olika nationer och den totala befolkningen i området uppgår till ca 85 miljoner. Flera stora floder mynnar ut i Östersjön där Neva är den största med ett årligt medelflöde på 2500 m3/s. En stor del av de vattendrag som mynnar ut i Östersjön är påverkade av vattenregleringar främst för vattenkraftsändamål. Syftet med vattenkraftsregleringar är att lagra vatten från vår sommar och höst för att använda detta vintertid då behovet av elkraft är stort. Regleringar för vattenkraftsändamål leder till förändrade hydrologiska förhållanden i de utbyggda vattendragen. Effekten av vattenregleringar innebär att de flesta flödestopparna blir utjämnade och att flödet vintertid ökar. I denna studie har tillrinning till Östersjön vid reglerade förhållanden samt vid naturliga oreglerade förhållanden studerats. Studien har fokuserats på de tillrinningsområden som mynnar ut i Bottniska viken längs den Svenska kuststräckan. Studien baseras på rekonstruktionsberäkningar av naturliga flöden samt uppmätta flöden som tillhandahållits av SMHI och av Vattenregleringsföretagen. Den studerade perioden är 1979-2000. Vidare har regleringar för övriga länder inom östersjöområdet kvantifierats. Resultaten från studien visar att den totala tillrinningen till Östersjön är kraftigt påverkad av regleringar. Studien visar att regleringar medför en kraftigt förändrad årsdynamik i de reglerade vattendragen med en utjämnad vattenföring över året där vårfloden i flera fall nästintill försvinner. Vidare visar resultaten ett ökat flöde vintertid samt att effekten under sensommar och höst är mindre. Effekter på den årliga tillrinningen är dock minimal. Studien fann även att effekten av regleringar ökar med egleringsgraden och är därmed mer tydlig i fjällområden till följd av att de flesta större regleringsmagasin är lokaliserade inom detta område och att regleringsgraden därmed ökar. Inom östersjöområdet som helhet står Sverige för den största andelen regleringar med en total magasineringskapacitet på 28 miljarder m3 för de vattendrag som mynnar ut i Östersjön, följt av Finland på ca 19 miljarder m3 och Ryssland på ca 17,5 miljarder m3.

Potential för återintroduktion av lax (Salmo salar L.) i Bollnäsströmmarna: en sårbarhetsanalys / Potential for reintroduction of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Bollnäsströmmarna, Sweden: a population viability analysis

Zetterlund, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Förvaltning av lax är en komplicerad uppgift som kräver stor förståelse för både laxen och de antropogena effekter som påverkar den. Vattenkraftverk har stor påverkan på laxen genom oregelbundna flöden, reducerad vattenföring och barriärer i vandringsvägar. Laxen är beroende av att vandra för att optimera tillväxt, överlevnad och reproduktion. Östersjöns laxbestånd minskade kraftigt mellan 1950- och 1980-talet till följd av dammutbyggnad och överfiske. Redan i början av 1900-talet började det lokala laxbeståndet i älven Ljusnan att sjunka av samma orsaker. Idag finns ingen lax kvar i Ljusnan. För att möjliggöra en återintroduktion av lax krävs möjlighet för vandring och tillgång på reproduktionshabitat. Bollnäsströmmarna bedöms med sina 6,6 km historiskt ha stått för 25 % av hela Ljusnans laxproduktion. Syftet med denna studie var att simulera en återintroduktion av lax i Bollnäsströmmarna och att genom sårbarhetsanalys undersöka om utplantering av romkorn kan resultera i en överlevande laxpopulation. Simuleringarna utfördes med dagens förutsättningar med undantag av att de passagefria kraftverken ersattes med passagelösningar av bästa möjliga teknik. Utöver detta undersöktes effekter av ökad passagedödlighet förbi kraftverken, habitatåterställande åtgärder och utökade supplementära utsättningar av romkorn. Sammanlagt nio sårbarhetsanalyser utfördes i simuleringsprogrammet Vortex. Resultatet av studien visar att utplantering av romkorn kan producera en laxpopulation som överlever under en hundraårsperiod. Efter en initial populationsökning under tio år sjunker dock tillväxten konstant resterande nittio år vilket med största sannolikhet hade resulterat i en utdöd population över en större tidsrymd. Den potentiella laxpopulationen var mycket känslig för ökad passagedödlighet med en hög utdöenderisk efter endast en liten ökning. Både habitatåterställande åtgärder och supplementära utsättningar av rom gav positiva effekter på populationsstorleken men inget scenario lyckades producera ett stabilt och livskraftigt bestånd vilket tyder på att fler åtgärder krävs för ett lyckat återintroduktionsprojekt. / Conservation of salmon is a complicated task that requires understanding both the biology of salmon and the anthropogenic impacts affecting it. Atlantic salmon is dependent on its migration to optimize growth, survival and reproduction. Hydropower plants affect salmon by causing highly irregular flows, reduced discharge and barriers along migration routes. The salmon stocks of the Baltic Sea declined considerably between the 1950s and 1980s as a result of dam development and overfishing. For the same reasons the local salmon stock in the River Ljusnan, Sweden began to decline already in the early 1900s, and today there are no salmon left in the River Ljusnan. To restore the population, actions to mediate migration and access to reproduction habitats and rearing habitats are needed. The 6.6 km long river section, “Bollnäsströmmarna”, is estimated to have accounted for 25 % of the total salmon production in the River Ljusnan. The aim of this study was to simulate a reintroduction of Atlantic salmon in Bollnäsströmmarna, and using a population viability analysis (PVA), investigate if stocking of eggs can result in a viable salmon population. Simulations were made on the basis of today’s conditions, with the condition that best practice passage solutions are implemented. In addition, the effects of increased passage mortality, habitat restoration and increased supplementary stocking of eggs were simulated. A total of nine PVA simulation (n= 100) scenarios were performed in the Vortex simulation program. The results of the study show that stocking of eggs can produce a salmon population that has a minimum extinction risk over a one-hundred year period. However, after an initial population increase over ten years, population growth steadily declines for the remaining ninety years, which most likely would result in extinction if a period longer than 100 years was considered. The salmon population was very sensitive to an increase in passage mortality, with a high extinction risk after only a small increase in mortality. Both habitat restoration and increased supplementary stocking impacted the population size positively, but no scenario produced a stable and viable population, which indicates that more measures are required for a successful long-term reintroduction.

Highway To Hell: Can a bubble barrier guide descending salmonid kelt to safety? / Kan en bubbelbarriär avleda nedvandrandesalmonidkelt till säkerhet?

Nordin, Jonathan January 2020 (has links)
Loss of connectivity in riverine systems due to construction of hydropower dams has resulted in a worldwide decline of anadromous salmonid species such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.). The future of these species depend on the presence of available spawning habitat in freshwater river systems. Modern research and mitigation efforts mainly focus on ensuring a successful upstream passage past dams e.g. fish ladders. Atlantic salmon and sea trout are iteroparous, and are thus able to spawn repeatedly during their lifetime. Individuals surviving upstream migration and spawning generally face a hazardous journey back to their marine feeding grounds. In this large scale natural field study I evaluate the possibility of using a bubble barrier as a non-physical structure to guide downstream migrating kelt past the turbines at a large hydropower station in northern Sweden. Results from this study clearly show that kelt effectively can be diverted using a bubble barrier in daylight conditions with a mean water velocity of 1.1 m s-1 (p=0,01). From a fishway managers perspective, increasing survival of salmonid kelt is a substantial step towards achieving a viable population with increased numbers of repeat spawners and large individuals. This study presents new results in a sparsely explored subject; the diversion of post-spawn salmonid migrants using non-physical barriers.

COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS MODELING FOR BENT SPILLWAY CHANNEL : Numerical validation of a small scale physical model

Björnfot, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Hydropower plants with spillways exposed to high pressures because of large discharges can result in a dam failure which ultimately results in devastating consequences. Therefore properly designed and constructed spillways are important. In this project there is an interest in examining the pressure distribution on a guided wall, measuring the water level inside the spillway and examine the water flow characteristics. The main purpose was to numerically model the flow behaviors at two upper pool levels +29.82 m and +30.92 m in order to achieve a comparison between a numerical model and a physical model. A previous experiment was carried out at Vattenfall R&D in Älvkarleby where a physical model was built. The main purpose of that study was to find an optimal form of a guide wall for free weir flow. This study served as guidelines for what should be investigated in this project. The methodology of the project began with a development of an initial CAD model created by Vattenfall R&D. The CFD model could be constructed into a volume model containing also an upstream reservoir. Next, a mesh that could numerically calculate the flow behavior was created in order to enable execution of the calculations. Furthermore, a big part of the method was to adjust the settings in Fluent so that the numerical model could recreate the flow behaviors of the physical model tests. The results indicate that the numerical model is an accurate replica of the physical model. The deviation comprising the mass flow rate came as close as 0.6 % from the physical model for the lower upper pool level. Highest calculated pressure was positioned at the bottom of the guided wall for both upper pool levels, which the results conducted from the physical model also indicated. Furthermore, results regarding the water level at the guided wall confirmed same statement Vattenfall's examinations pointed out, that the roof placed at the guided wall is needed in order to avoid major splashing. The present project has shown great results regarding the flow characteristics, pressure distribution, and the water level at the guided wall. Therefore, it is considered trustworthy enough to be used as a tool for Vattenfall R&D in future studies comprising the targeted spillway.

Estimating greenhouse gas emission via degassing and modeling temperature profiles in tropical reservoirs.

Wilson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this project was to quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the degassing process ofhydroelectrical reservoirs in tropical regions.Reservoirs represent 25 % of the total area of man-made freshwater systems and are a source of GHG emissions tothe atmosphere. There are plans to construct an additional ca 3700 medium and large hydropower dams with theaim to double the current global energy production by hydropower. The majority of these are planned to be constructed in tropical regions. By understanding the processes controlling GHG emissions from these hydropowerreservoirs, the design of new hydropower plants can be developed to minimize the emissions.This project were designed to investigate GHG emissions from the turbines of two reservoirs in Brazil, as partof the larger ”Hydrocarb” project that investigates the total emissions from a number of reservoirs in Brazil. Toestimate the GHG emissions from the degassing process, a sampling campaign in the reservoir Chapeu D’Uvaswas conducted in April 2020 .Water samples from the entire water column at the water inlet, and directly afterthe dam were taken by using a sampling technique that involved a newly developed deep-water sampler. Themethane concentration was then analyzed for each depth of the water column and in the water directly after theoutlet. The results showed that at the deep layers with low oxygen concentration in the water column containedhigh concentrations of methane. These high methane concentrations were also found in the water at the outlet.This method was also planned to be used for the hydropower reservoir Funil, but due to the global COVID-19pandemic the campaigns were canceled. A modeling approach was instead constructed with the aim to modelthe methane concentration at the intake of the water in Funil, and to estimate the degassing as the water passesthe turbines. The first stage of this modeling approach was made within this study, where temperature profiles ofthe reservoir were modeled. The predicted profiles matched the observed temperatures profiles with a root meansquare error of 1.5 ◦C. The study concluded that the method of collecting methane concentrations throughout thefull water profile using the sampler were successful and can be used to examine methane concentration at the levelof the water inlet in reservoirs. The methane emission from the outlet at Chapeu D’Uvas was estimated to below contributing to 1.1 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions from the reservoir. For the modelling of methaneconcentration in water columns, the first part of the method to model daily temperature profiles that can be usedto implement empirical models of oxygen demand and methane production in the model.

CBA of environmental projects within hydropower

Lindberg, Julia, Hagman, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Hydropower is a fundamental pillar in the Swedish energy system and accounts for a large part of the Swedish electricity production. The regulation power is also essential for balancing the grid load.  Fortum is one of the leading energy companies within hydropower and Klarälven is a river with high importance, where Fortum owns and operates nine powerplants. These power plants constitute a barrier for the wild salmonids in Klarälven, which need to migrate upstream to reach their spawning area. Since the 1930s, the spawning salmonids have been trapped and transported upstream by lorry. After the spawning period, the smolts and kelts, i.e. the juvenile and spawned salmonids, have to migrate downstream. Due to the lack of fishways, they are forced to pass the eight remaining power plants. This, together with predation, entails a high mortality rate. Two independently performed studies indicates on survival rates of 16 % and 30 %. To stabilize the wild salmonid population, the downstream survival must increase, and a proposed solution is to implement a downstream trap-and-transport solution. This trap implementation could be a step towards the environmental adaptation of hydropower and a part of the action plan proposed in June 2016, during the Agreement on Swedish energy policy. To find the most cost-beneficial environmental measure, a socio-economic assessment method can be used. A Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a commonly used socio-economic method, which evaluates the benefits and costs during the entire project lifetime. Energiforsk has, within the project FRAM-KLIV, developed a CBA tool that aims to simplify the socio-economic evaluation. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether the CBA tool can be used in future permit processes to prioritize between different project proposals to find the most beneficial environmental improvements. In order to evaluate the tool, it was to be applied on the trap-and-transport project in Edsforsen to evaluate the possibility of a socio-economic profitability. Also, the concepts and theory behind CBA was to be analysed and the suitability of translating environmental consequences into monetary values was to be evaluated. In the analysis of Edsforsen, 13 scenarios were developed. The first scenario served as a basis for the other scenarios, which were created as a sensitivity analysis. The result of the CBA showed a large socio-economic benefit and the most important parameter was identified as people’s willingness to pay for an increase of the wild salmonid stock in Klarälven. In the CBA, this parameter had a high uncertainty, as it was based on a survey performed for another project in another part of Sweden. It was found that in order for the socio-economic result to be positive, all households in Sweden must be willing to pay at least 35 SEK. As a complement to the CBA result, an evaluation regarding the marginal cost per fish was performed and an interval of 50-580 SEK per smolt was obtained. However, the calculations were based on several uncertainties and the interval should therefore be interpreted as a guideline rather than a precise result. It was concluded that in situations when a socio-economic analysis is required, and when it is possible to express consequences in monetary values, the method of CBA is appropriate. It is also a suitable methodology for evaluations of large projects, as it provides a comprehensible overview of the costs and the benefits. Despite the criticism directed towards CBA regarding uncertainties and its anthropogenic perspective, it could be concluded that using CBA as a socio-economic assessment method provides a perspicuous and quantitative result. Thus, the usage of CBA in prioritization processes of different environmental measures can be highly useful. Energiforsk’s CBA tool provides a framework with guidelines that can be highly useful and accelerate the analysis process. However, the performance of the tool version used in this thesis was not fully satisfactory due to a few malfunctions. The tool is still under development and it is likely that these errors will be adjusted in future versions. If the malfunctions in the tool would be adjusted, it could become useful for authorities, companies and other actors that wants to evaluate hydropower related environmental measures or when prioritizing between different project proposals to find the most beneficial environmental improvements in future permit processes.

Påverkan av tillgång till skydd och ljusförhållande på strandningsrisk hos öringyngel (Salmo trutta) / The effect of shelter availability and light condition on stranding risk in brown trout fry (Salmo trutta)

Nilsson Saldías, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
Vissa vattenkraftverk drivs med korttidsreglering som möjliggör snabb anpassning av elproduktion, vilket sker genom hastiga förändringar i vattenflöde. Flera olika typer av organismer påverkas negativt av korttidsreglering, till exempel fiskar. En möjlig konsekvens är strandning, vilket innebär att fiskar hamnar i torrlagt substrat eller annat ogynnsamt habitat. Risken för strandning påverkas av flera faktorer. I denna studie undersöktes hur strandningsrisk hos öringyngel (Salmo trutta) påverkas av tillgång till skydd och ljusförhållande, där prediktionerna var att strandningsrisken skulle vara större vid tillgång till skydd och i mörker. Dessa två faktorer testades i en 2x2 design. Det fanns en tendens till en större andel strandade yngel vid tillgång till skydd (48 ± 8,2 %) jämfört med när det inte fanns skydd (35,7 ± 23,7 %) och en större andel strandade vid ljusa förhållanden (50,2 ± 16 %) än i mörker (33,4 ± 17,3 %). Påverkan av tillgång till skydd på strandningsrisk var inte annorlunda vid de olika ljusförhållandena. Utifrån dessa resultat är rekommendationen för att minska strandningsrisken hos öringyngel att flödesreglering genomförs i mörker och att bottenstrukturen beaktas, vilket måste göras i varje enskilt fall. / Some hydropower stations use hydropeaking to be able to swiftly adjust electricity production, which is done through rapid alterations in water flow. Several types of organisms are negatively affected by hydropeaking, including fishes. One possible consequence of hydropeaking is stranding, which occurs when fish are separated from the water body and end up in dewatered substrate. The risk of stranding is influenced by several factors. The aim of this study was to investigate how stranding risk in brown trout fry (Salmo trutta) is affected by shelter availability and light conditions. The predictions were that stranding risk would be higher in conditions with available shelters and in darkness. The two factors were tested in a 2x2-design. There was a tendency for stranding rate to be higher when shelters were available (48 ± 8.2 %) compared to when there were none (35.7 ± 23.7 %), and stranding rate was higher in light (50.2 ± 16 %) than in darkness (33.4 ± 17.3 %). The effect of shelter availability on stranding risk did not differ between the two light treatments. Based on these results, in order to reduce stranding risk in brown trout fry the recommendation is that flow regulation should be carried out in darkness and that the bottom structure should be considered, which must be done on a case-by-case basis.

SMÅSKALIG VATTENKRAFT OCH FLEXIBILITET I ELSYSTEMET : En kartläggning av förväntningarna på den småskaliga vattenkraftens potential att bidra med flexibilitet.

Andersson, Simon, Callin, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Bubble curtains with vertical tubes : A way to deter fish from hydro power intakes

Molin, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
This project was performed on assigment of Vattenfall R&D in Älvkarleby. The project was a first step in evaluating whether bubble curtains with vertical tubes could be suitable for diverting fish from hydro power intakes into fish passages. To determine this, prototypes were constructed, where one was tested in still water and one in running water. The tests in still water were carried out in a large cylindrical tank and the tests in running water were carried out in Kungsr¨annan in ¨Alvkarleby. A number of test variables were developed to be able to vary the tests. These test variables were hole size, number of holes, tube center-to-center distance, air flow and water velocity. The tests were carried out without fish, but a number of indicators were developed to be able to compare and evaluate the tests. For the tests in still water, these indicators were the width of the bubble curtain created by a single tube and the horizontal movement of the air bubbles, to determine whether the hydrostatic pressure from the surrounding water had any effect on the appearance of the bubble curtain. For the tests in running water, the indicators were the bubble curtain density, the curvature of the tubes and the movement of the tubes. All experiments were documented using cameras and the results were then obtained through image processing in the software MATLAB. The results showed that the width of the bubble curtain created by a single tube varied between 12 and 34 cm for pressures between 0.5 and 2.0 bar. It was concluded that the hydrostatic pressure was of minimal significance for the appearance of the bubble curtain, at least for depths up to 1.95 m. For the tests in running water, the air flow rate and tube center-to-center distance was of the greatest importance for the bubble curtain density. The curvature of the tubes were most affected by the size of the holes and the movement of the tubes were most affected by the number of holes. / Detta projekt utfördes på uppdrag av Vattenfall R&D i Älvkarleby. Projektet var ett första steg i att utvärdera om bubbelridåer med vertikala slangar skulle kunna lämpa sig för att avleda fisk från vattenkraftverk vidare mot fiskpassager. För att avgöra detta konstruerades prototyper, där en testades i stilla vatten och en i rinnande vatten. Testerna i stilla vatten utfördes i en stor cylindrisk tank och testerna i rinnande vatten utfördes i Kungsrännan i Älvkarleby. Ett antal testvariabler togs fram för att kunna variera testerna. Dessa testvariabler var hålstorlek, antal hål, avstånd mellan slangarnas centrum, luftflöde samt vattenhastighet. Testerna gjordes utan fisk, men ett antal indikatorer togs fram för att kunna jämföra och utvärdera testerna. För testerna i stilla vatten var dessa indikatorer bubbelridåns bredd skapad av en enskild slang samt luftbubblornas horisontella förflyttning, för att avgöra om det hydrostatiska trycket från omgivande vattnet hade någon effekt på bubbelridåns utseende. För testerna i rinnande vatten var indikatorerna bubbelridåns täthet, slangens krökning samt slangens rörelser. Alla experiment dokumenterades med hjälp av kameror och resultaten togs sedan fram genom bildhantering i programvaran MATLAB. Resultaten visade att bubbelridåns bredd skapad av en enskild slang varierade mellan 12 och 34 cm för tryck mellan 0,5 och 2,0 bar. Det bedömdes att det hydrostatiska trycket var av minimal betydelse för bubbelridåns utseende, åtminstone för djup upp till 1,95 m. För testerna i rinnande vatten visade resultaten att luftflödet och avståndet mellan slangarnas centrum var av störst betydelse förr bubbelridåns täthet. Slangens krökning påverkades mest av hålens storlek och slangens rörelser påverkades mest av antalet hål.

Investeringar i småskalig vattenkraft vid befintliga dammar : - En studie av teknik-, ekonomi- och miljöfrågor / Small scale hydro power investments at existing dams : - An inventory of technology and economic and environmental aspects

Lees, Sven January 2006 (has links)
<p>In this thesis a method for evaluating investments in small scale hydro power is presented. An analysis of the future position that small scale hydro production will have on the Nordic electricity market is also carried out. This is done by an inventory of technology and economic and environmental aspects. The inventory is also a guide as to how the project should be implemented.</p><p>Hydrolyzer is the name of the Excel tool developed to evaluate investments. The tool requests input data from the user and then evaluates the investment and generates a sensitivity analysis. Several projects or scenarios can be entered and are then ranked after profitability. For example a major repair can be compared to a new power station and tailrace excavations are possible to evaluate.</p><p>The profitability of small scale hydro power investment mainly depends on the size of the initial investment. The power generation costs average among the lowest among possible future power plants. This trend applies to comparisons between renewable and fossil production plants. Electricity prices will probably not fall back to historic levels, due to fuel shortage and increasing environmental concerns. Price prognosis therefore indicates that investments, which on calculation seem profitable, will also be so.</p><p>Small scale hydro investments at existing dams are socio-economically and environmentally sound. The investments contribute with clean power but have local environmental impacts. At existing dams this damage is already done and expensive to undo if at all possible. The</p><p>environmental impacts can be dramatically reduced by construction of fish passages etc. In the thesis an example shows that economic resources for environmental constructions often depend on electricity certificates and that residual flows aren’t greater than necessary.</p><p>An investment project should start by evaluating possible scenarios that the hydro power permit may result in. The transmission capacity should also be investigated at an early stage. Materials should be chosen with care and evaluated with a star diagram. A synchronous</p><p>generator without a speed increaser should be considered for the hydro investment. The turbine type should be suggested by the manufacturer who also has to be able to guarantee efficiencies and cavitation resistance. Submersible turbines should be considered as they significantly reduce building costs. Involved persons need to be experienced and the tenders should be lump sums except for costs which are difficult to determine.</p> / <p>I detta examensarbete presenteras en metod för att enkelt kunna göra en bedömning av om det är lönsamt att investera i småskalig vattenkraft. Det undersöks också hur den småskaliga vattenkraftens förutsättningar på den framtida elmarknaden ser ut. Detta görs genom en inventering av teknik, ekonomi och miljöaspekter. Inventeringen ger också svar på hur ett investeringsprojekt ska genomföras.</p><p>Hydrolyzer kallas excelverktyget som utvecklats för att göra lönsamhetsbedömningen. Det fungerar så att indata matas in och sedan beräknas investeringens lönsamhet och en känslighetsanalys genereras. I verktyget kan olika investeringsalternativ läggas in som sedan beräknas och rangordnas. Exempelvis kan en större reparation jämföras med att bygga en helt ny station eller rensningar utvärderas.</p><p>Småskalig vattenkrafts lönsamhet och produktionskostnader beror till största del på hur stor grundinvesteringen blir. Produktionskostnaden är i snitt bland de billigaste produktionsslagen som kan komma att byggas i framtiden. Trenden gäller vid jämförelse både bland förnybara</p><p>och bland övriga produktionsslag. På elmarknaden pekar det mesta på att priset inte kommer att sjunka tillbaka till historisk nivå. Detta då bränslena är bristvara och att en allt större miljöhänsyn krävs vilket pressar upp priset. Prisutvecklingen talar för att om ett investeringsbeslut tas där kalkylen visar lönsamhet så kommer detta också att infalla.</p><p>Investeringar i småskalig vattenkraft vid befintliga dammar bedöms vara samhällsekonomiskt och miljömässigt fördelaktigt. Småskalig vattenkraft producerar ren el men ger miljöstörningar lokalt. Vid befintliga dammar är dock denna skada redan skedd och väldigt kostsamt att återställa om det överhuvudtaget är möjligt. Miljöproblemen kan dock kraftigt minskas genom byggnation av fiskpassager m.m. Möjligheten att bygga vid befintliga dammar kan vara beroende av elcertifikat om de lokala förutsättningarna är dåliga. I rapporten visas också genom ett exempel att ekonomin för miljöförbättrande åtgärder oftast är beroende av elcertifikat och att mintappningar inte är större än nödvändigt.</p><p>Investeringsprojektet bör börja med att ta fram scenarion att utvärdera utifrån hur vattendomen kan tänkas bli. Elnätets kapacitet ska också undersökas tidigt. Materialen ska väljas med omsorg och utvärderas med stjärndiagram. En synkron generator utan växel ska</p><p>övervägas till kraftverket. Turbintypen ska föreslås av tillverkaren och denna ska kunna garantera verkningsgrader och kavitationsmotstånd. Dränkbara turbiner ska övervägas då dessa kräver väsentligt mindre byggnationsarbeten. Inblandade i projektet ska ha rätt kunskaper och anbuden ska tas in som klumpsummor där visst ansvar tas för svårbestämda kostnader.</p>

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