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Anpassning av småskaliga vattenkraftverk för ö-drift av lokalt elnät / Adapting small hydropower plants for frequency control of power grids in island modeFredriksson, Jonatan January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis examines technical requirements for small hydro power plants (HPP) to operate proximate parts of the power grid in island mode. The work examines how small hydropower can be modified and complemented with additional technologies to achieve sufficient frequency control capabilities. A case study was performed within the concession area of power grid operator Ålem Energy. One of the HPPs, located in Skälleryd, is owned by Ålem Energy and became the focal point of the study. Relevant parts of the concession area were surveyed for properties such as system inertia, electric load and available power. Furthermore, a model of Kaplan turbine 1 in Skälleryd HPP was created with the purpose of studying the benefits of bypassing regulation control from the wicket gates directly to the runner. The method was tested in an off-grid islanding test. Frequency control of the turbine was tested powering electric heaters and, using a new method, controlling a virtual power grid. Finally, a theory was developed to estimate the transient disturbance resilience (TDR) of a power grid. The theory was applied to the HPP in Skälleryd to suggest modifications for the plant to achieve sufficient islanding capabilities. The survey of the power system revealed a promising potential for the HPPs to operate in island mode, especially at later stages when the grid spans several HPPs for more system inertia. The available power from the HPPs was however strongly seasonal which imposes flexibility on a future plan of action for engaging the grid in island mode. The method of controlling the turbine power from the runner proved to have several difficulties. Firstly, the current hydraulics system was not able to freely control the runner as the hydrodynamic forces on the runner blades were too large. Secondly, the method was found to be unstable due to inherent amplification of speed deviations. Furthermore, the low inertia at Skälleryd is likely detrimental to the lone frequency control of the turbine. Therefore other methods for improving frequency control were suggested. The developed theory for TDR was used to create charts describing the TDR for various combinations of system inertia and regulation speed. By studying the proprieties of Skälleryd HPP in the charts the necessary modifications could be rationally chosen. A frequency regulating dummy load was found to be the simplest option. A control scheme was suggested with the dummy load performing primary frequency control and the turbines at Skälleryd performing secondary control, restoring the dummy load to its nominal state.
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Measuring forces on a hydropower generator using strain gagesWeissbach, Joel January 2015 (has links)
Increased awareness concerning our energy consumption and its environmentaleffects, has led to a high demand for renewable energies. Hydropower providesaround 40 percent of the electric energy consumed in Sweden today. If energyefficiency and production time were to increase only by some percent in thehydropower plants, vast amounts of additional renewable energy could besupplied to the electric grid. The Hydropower group at Uppsala University usesa hydropower generator to localize and decrease some of the power losses andthe wearing in the generator. New equipment is being tested and evaluated onthe generator. By measuring static and dynamic forces in the generator broaderinsight can be reached during these tests. This thesis describes the development of a system measuring forces on ahydropower generator using strain gages. Each sensor node is equipped withfour strain gages and a signal conditioning circuit. The system measures strain inthe generator, converts it to a voltage signal, amplifies it, filters and transmits it.After calibration of the nodes, forces can be extracted indirectly. This thesisdescribes considerations made during design of the system as well as its differentparts and configurations.
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Miljöanpassningar för restaurering av vattendrag i Sverige - Småskalig vattenkraft : Ska inte den vandrande fisken få lov att vandra? / Environmental adaptations of watercourse restoration in Sweden - Small-scale hydropower : Shouldn't the migrating fish be able to migrate?Andreasson, Sandra, Ohlin, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Vattenkraftverk utgör vandringshinder för den akvatiska faunan i vattendrag. Den vandrande fisken hindras från att nå sina lekområden vilket har lett till ett minskat bestånd. Omprövningen som ska ske av vattenkraften i Sverige kommer att ställa högre krav på miljöanpassningar och bevarandet av ekologin. Elbristen i Europa har lett till en paus av omprövningen. Pausen möjliggör för att få ytterligare kunskap kring utförandet av restaureringsarbetet innan implementeringen. Studiens syfte var att identifiera vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som finns med restaureringsarbetet av vattenkraft, både ur ett socialt och ekologiskt perspektiv. Metoden utgjordes av ett flertal intervjuer med personer som för studien hade relevant kunskap. Resultatet visar på att det finns möjligheter och utmaningar inom samarbete, finansiering och restaurering. Slutsatsen av studien var att omprövningen är en grund till förbättrat arbete som bidrar med tydligare riktlinjer för samarbete, en miljöfonden som kan finansiera miljöanpassningarna och att restaureringsåtgärder faktiskt kommer implementeras. Utmaningarna som identifierades var konflikten mellan olika intressen, den varierande effektiviteten av en fiskväg och kostsamma miljöanpassningar. En utrivning ger snabba positiva förändringar och kan också därför anses vara den mest effektiva miljöanpassningen. Slutligen, restaurering av vattendrag är värdefullt för den akvatiska faunan. / Hydroelectric power plants constitute migration barriers for the aquatic fauna in watercourses. The migrating fish are prevented from reaching their spawning areas, which has led to a reduced stock of fish. Omprövningen of hydropower in Sweden will place higher demands on environmental adaptations and the preservation of ecology. The electricity shortage in Europe has led to a pause of omprövningen. The pause makes it possible to gain additional knowledge about the execution of the restoration work before the implementation. The purpose of the study was to identify which challenges and opportunities exist with the restaureation of watercourses with hydropower, both from a social and ecological perspective. The method consisted of several interviews with people who had relevant knowledge for the study. The results showed that there are opportunities and challenges with cooperation, financing and restoration. The conclusion was that the omprövning contributes with possibilities such as clearer guidelines for cooperation, the environmental fund that can finance the environmental adaptations and that restoration measures will actually be implemented. The identified challenges were conflicts between different interests, the varying efficiency of a fish passage and financing the expensive adaptations. A removal produces rapid positive change and can therefore be considered the most effective environmental adaptation. Finally, restoration of watercourses is valuable for the aquatic fauna.
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Temperatur- och flödesberoende beteende i anslutning till lek hos harr (Thymallus thymallus) i Indalsälven / Temperature- and flow dependent behaviour of grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in Indalsälven during spawning seasonSjöström, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Vattenkraftens påverkan på rinnande vatten är välbeskriven i litteraturen. Med ökat intresse för vindkraft och andra energislag med begränsad klimatpåverkan, ökar även behovet av reglerkraft. Effekten av korttidsreglerad vattenkraft på ekosystem är ett aktuellt ämne med kunskapsluckor i stort behov av fler studier. Indalsälven passerar Järkvissle kraftverk några mil norr om Sundsvall. Den lokala harrpopulationen har minskat kraftigt och misstankar finns om kopplingar till korttidsregleringen i Järkvissle kraftverk. Vid förvaltning av ekosystem och djuren i dem är kunskapen om interaktioner och beteenden bland det viktigaste att etablera. Detta för att kunna avgöra om artens beteende påverkas av korttidsreglering. Bristande kunskap om lokala lekbeteenden innebar således att harren nedan Järkvissle kraftverk studerades inför förväntad lekperiod. Studien baserades på två antaganden 1) harr förflyttar sig uppströms mot grundområden, lämpade för lek, när vattentemperaturen ökar. 2) harr är mer aktiv när flödesvariationen är hög, eftersom lekplatsernas beskaffenhet påverkas av flödesförhållanden. Harr (n = 20) från sträckan nedan Järkvissle kraftverk märktes med radiosändare, för att studera rörelsemönster och beteenden i anslutning till lek under perioden 28 april till 29 maj 2022. Vid 24 handpejlingstillfällen registrerades de märkta individernas position och djup. En Multipel linjär regression med bakåtvänd eliminering gav tre signifikanta resultat. Det observerades en ökad aktivitet i form av euklidisk förflyttning vid höga flöden motsvarande en förflyttning om 1,0 m (± 1 m) för varje 1,0 m3 s-1 ökat flöde. Det observerades även ett temperaturberoende val av ståndplats där en ökning om 1,0 ºC resulterade i en förflyttning till en ståndplats som var 0,21 ± 0,03 m grundare, på ett avstånd som var 65,2 ± 12,5 m längre bort från dammen. Studien bör kompletteras med kartläggning av optimala värden för flödesförändring som gynnar harr, samt om det finns andra variabler som bättre kan förutse tidpunkt och plats för lek. Om avsikten är att stoppa minskandet av harrbeståndet i Järkvissle, bör Järkvissle kraftstation övervaka vattentemperatur och anpassa sin flödesregim. Detta för mjukare övergångar mellan högt och lågt flöde samt att flödet hålls stabilt under lek med fyra extra veckors utrymme för inkubering. / The effect of hydroelectric powerplants (HEP) on waterways is extensive and has been well documented in the literature. But with an increased interest in wind power and other green alternatives, a higher demand for regulated hydroelectric power has emerged, so as not to put stress on the electric grid. Hydropeaking and its effect on ecosystems are a hot topic with gaps in knowledge calling for more research. Indalsälven runs through Järkvissle HEP a few miles north of Sundsvall. The local grayling population has seen a large decline and there are suspicions of a connection to the hydropeaking at Järkvissle HEP. When managing ecosystems and the animals within them it is vital to establish a firm understanding of interactions and behaviour. This can be used to determine the effect of hydropeaking on the behaviours of grayling. A lack in knowledge of local spawning behaviour thus led to a study of the grayling2population below Järkvissle HEP leading up to the expected spawning period. The study was based around two assumptions: 1) grayling move upstream towards shallower areas suitable for spawning as the temperature in the water rises, and 2) grayling are more active when the variation in flow is high, because the number of suitable spawning grounds are limited by flow. Graylings (n = 20) in the area below the Järkvissle HEP were tagged with radio transmitters, to study the movement and behaviour exhibited before the expected spawning period between April 28th and May 29th, 2022. On 24 occasions hand tracking was performed and position and depth of the marked individuals were recorded. Through a multiple linear regression with backwards stepwise elimination three significant results were found. There was an observed increase in activity in the form of Euclidean movement represented by a 1,0 m (± 1 m) movement for every 1,0 m3 s-1 of increased flow. We also observed a temperature dependency when it came to habitat choice, where an increase of 1,0 ºC in water temperature resulted in a movement to an area 0,21 ± 0,03 m shallower, at a distance that was 65,2 ± 12,5 m further from the dam. The findings of this study should be expanded upon with further research into optimal values for flow variation that best suit grayling, and additionally explore whether there are other variables to better predict time and place for spawning. If the intention is to stop the decline of the grayling population, Järkvissle HEP should monitor the water temperature and adapt their flow regime to make softer transitions between high and low flow and keeping the flow at a stable interval during spawning and an additional four weeks to leave room for incubation.
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Mind the gap : En fenomenologisk analys av möjligheter och hinder för entreprenöriell förnybar elproduktion i Stockholms skärgårdChristensson, Ellinor, Svedberg, Simon January 2023 (has links)
This study uses Friederike Welter’s (2011; Welter, Baker & Wirsching 2019) concept of contextualizing entrepreneurship by analyzing discrete and omnibus variables within contexts to distinguish underlaying factors that hinder or create opportunities for increased entrepreneurship within renewable energy sources in Stockholm’s archipelago. The study is based on semi-structured interviews from stakeholders who work with renewable energy in the area both within the private and public sector. The sample number was selected by purposive sampling and consisted of 7 respondents. The qualitative analysis resulted in five phenomenologically derived themes. The results shine a light on overarching obstacles that hinder the establishment of renewable energy production in Stockholm’s archipelago such as overcomplicated institutional processes as well as overcomplicated institutional permit processes, resistance to change and lack of responsibility, regulatory gaps and regulatory overload, minimal access to the energy market and that the infrastructure of Stockholm’s electrical grid is underdeveloped. / Studien använder Friederike Welters (2011; Welter, Baker & Wirsching 2019) koncept om att kontextualisera entreprenörskap genom att analysera diskreta- samt omnibusvariabler inom kontexter för att urskilja underliggande faktorer som hindrar eller skapar möjligheter för framgångsrikt entreprenörskap inom förnybar energi i Stockholms skärgård. Studiens empiri baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer av aktörer, både inom privat och offentlig sektor, som arbetar med förnybar energi i området. Respondenterna valdes ut genom strategiskt urval och bestod av sju respondenter. Studien antar en kvalitativ metod och resulterade i fem fenomenologiskt utvalda teman. Studiens resultat belyser förbättringsmöjligheter genom att urskilja övergripande barriärer som hindrar den entreprenöriella etableringen av förnybar energi i Stockholms skärgård såsom regulatoriska glapp, bristande definition och regelverk för Sveriges skärgård, motstånd mot förändring, överkomplicerade institutionella tillståndsprocesser och regulatorisk överbelastning, brist på tillgång till energimarknaden samt en underutvecklad infrastruktur av Stockholms elnätverk.
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The Kamchay Hydropower Project -Hydropower development in Cambodia and eastern AsiaMalmquist, Peter, Sigfridsson, Mats January 2003 (has links)
The objective in this case study is to highlight typical problems of a planned hydropower dam project in Bokor National Park, Cambodia. The focal point in the line of questioning is the usage of public participation in larger exploration plans in a development country and to give a comprehensive survey of some of the participant involved. The study also discusses how the WCD report is used by non-govemental organisation to validate their claims. To be able to understand how the Cambodian society works, the study also includes a short briefing of recent Cambodian history. The study shows that the local people are more or less neglected in the preliminary investigations. Even if information meetings are held open, they are conducted in such a way that it is hard for common people to participate. The meetings are held in English and not in the domestic language Khmer. Critical groups are not formally invited but welcome to attend, most of their statements are withdrawn from the official protocols. The study also reveals that the leading entrepreneurs more or less neglects the environmental hazards in the construction by focus their information and calculations on the positive effects of the project. The study has been made as a field study, on location in Cambodia.
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Avledning av öringsmolt (<em>Salmo trutta</em>) från turbinintag / Diversion of trout smolts (<em>Salmo trutta)</em> from turbine intakesEngqvist, Thérèse January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vattenkraftstationer, med dammar och turbiner, utgör hinder för nedströmsvandrande smolt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka turbindödligheten för öringsmolt (<em>Salmo trutta)</em> vid två kraftstationer, de befintliga ytlänsarnas avledningseffekt och om effekten kunde förstärkas genom mörkläggning i form av övertäckning av kraftkanalen med en presenning vid turbinintaget. Utöver detta var avsikten även att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan smoltgrad och smoltens förmåga att förflytta sig mot havet. I Emån i Småland fångades 46 öringsmolt som radiomärktes och sattes ut vid två kraftstationer och pejlades dagligen i sex veckor. Det var en större dödlighet vid den övre stationen än vid den nedre. Ytlänsen vid den nedre stationen hade en klart avledande effekt, men inte ytlänsen vid den övre stationen. Samtliga smolt som valde passage via isutskovet, gjorde det när kraftkanalen vid turbinintaget var övertäckt med presenning (d.v.s. ljusintensiteten minskades kraftigt). Det gick inte att påvisa någon skillnad mellan låg och hög smoltgrad eller tidig och sen utsättning för fördröjning vid den ena kraftstationen, inte heller för förflyttning efter de två kraftstationerna.</p> / <p>Hydropower plants, with dams and turbines, form obstacles to smolts migrating downstream. The purpose of this study was to investigate turbine-induced mortality of brown trout (<em>Salmo trutta</em>) smolts at two power plants, guidance efficiency of existing diverters and whether the effect was enhanced by reducing light levels at the turbine intake by covering the power plant channel with an opaque tarpaulin. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate whether there was a relationship between smolt status and the smolts’ ability to move towards the sea. In the River Emån in Småland 46 trout smolts were caught, radio-tagged, released at two power plants and tracked daily for six weeks. There was a higher mortality at the upper power plant than at the lower one. The diverter at the lower power plant had a statistically significant guiding effect, but the diverter at the upper power plant did not. All of the smolts that chose passage through the trash gate did so when the power channel was covered with tarpaulin (i.e. light levels were greatly reduced). There was no evidence that smolt status or release date would affect passage times at the upper station, nor did smolt status affect swimming speeds downstream of the two power stations.</p> / Cost-Benefit Analysis of River Regulation
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Avledning av öringsmolt (Salmo trutta) från turbinintag / Diversion of trout smolts (Salmo trutta) from turbine intakesEngqvist, Thérèse January 2009 (has links)
Vattenkraftstationer, med dammar och turbiner, utgör hinder för nedströmsvandrande smolt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka turbindödligheten för öringsmolt (Salmo trutta) vid två kraftstationer, de befintliga ytlänsarnas avledningseffekt och om effekten kunde förstärkas genom mörkläggning i form av övertäckning av kraftkanalen med en presenning vid turbinintaget. Utöver detta var avsikten även att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan smoltgrad och smoltens förmåga att förflytta sig mot havet. I Emån i Småland fångades 46 öringsmolt som radiomärktes och sattes ut vid två kraftstationer och pejlades dagligen i sex veckor. Det var en större dödlighet vid den övre stationen än vid den nedre. Ytlänsen vid den nedre stationen hade en klart avledande effekt, men inte ytlänsen vid den övre stationen. Samtliga smolt som valde passage via isutskovet, gjorde det när kraftkanalen vid turbinintaget var övertäckt med presenning (d.v.s. ljusintensiteten minskades kraftigt). Det gick inte att påvisa någon skillnad mellan låg och hög smoltgrad eller tidig och sen utsättning för fördröjning vid den ena kraftstationen, inte heller för förflyttning efter de två kraftstationerna. / Hydropower plants, with dams and turbines, form obstacles to smolts migrating downstream. The purpose of this study was to investigate turbine-induced mortality of brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts at two power plants, guidance efficiency of existing diverters and whether the effect was enhanced by reducing light levels at the turbine intake by covering the power plant channel with an opaque tarpaulin. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate whether there was a relationship between smolt status and the smolts’ ability to move towards the sea. In the River Emån in Småland 46 trout smolts were caught, radio-tagged, released at two power plants and tracked daily for six weeks. There was a higher mortality at the upper power plant than at the lower one. The diverter at the lower power plant had a statistically significant guiding effect, but the diverter at the upper power plant did not. All of the smolts that chose passage through the trash gate did so when the power channel was covered with tarpaulin (i.e. light levels were greatly reduced). There was no evidence that smolt status or release date would affect passage times at the upper station, nor did smolt status affect swimming speeds downstream of the two power stations. / Cost-Benefit Analysis of River Regulation
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Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Three Smallscale Hydropower Stations in South of Sweden / Metan- och Koldioxidutsläpp Från Tre Småskaliga Vattenkraftverk i Södra SverigeDanielsen, Edevardt Johan, Jonsson Valderrama, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Over the past decades, evidence show that the anthropogenetic greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH₄) are the main drivers behind global warming and are becoming stronger. Globally, hydropower is among the main sources of renewable energy and the popular notion that hydropower electricity is carbon neutral has been under debate as evidence from measurements in different regions of the globe show significant and highly variable carbon emissions from hydropower reservoirs. But these global estimates are still highly uncertain since they are restricted to a few locations in the south of Europe, North America, and South America, and lack both the temporal and spatial variability in addition to some of the flux pathways (often downstream emission and degassing). This study assesses the CH4 and CO₂ emissions from reservoirs associated to three small hydropower stations in the south of Sweden and aims to understand potential spatial and temporal variability in the temperate region. The study performed flux measurements of CH4 and CO₂, an analysis of CH4 and DIC concentration in the water, and a depth profile of temperature, DO, CH4 and DIC at the hydropower station’s reservoirs. In summation this study finds significant CH4 and DIC concentrations, as well as CH4 and CO₂emissions from the studied reservoirs. The findings of this study underline the notion that hydropower might be a `blind spot` in the Swedish GHG budget report, and if so, the carbon emissions from hydropower electricity need to be re-evaluated.
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