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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FELIPE MOREIRA DA SILVA 27 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Esse estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a manutenção de desempenhos anormais no longo prazo verificado em estudos anteriores de organizações listadas na BMF&Ibovespa que tiveram aporte de empresas de Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC), bem como verificar a existência de mudança de comportamento num ano em que haja recessão no Brasil. A amostra utilizada contempla 70 empresas que abriram capital entre 2004 a 2008, em que após testar presença de retornos anormais acumulados foi observada uma relação inversa da esperada e verificada em trabalhos antecedentes, sendo realizado um teste de hipótese para verificação das diferenças das médias. Desta maneira, os resultados indicam que empresas que tiveram presença de fundos de PE/VC apresentam significativamente piores resultados que empresas que não tiveram este tipo de financiamento, o que posiciona este trabalho com uma ideia opositora em relação aos estudos prévios ao ser realizado num período de recessão. Posteriormente, através de uma regressão linear múltipla de cinco variáveis independentes, em que uma das variáveis era a presença ou não de PE/VC, foram avaliados os fatores explicativos do desempenho observado das empresas. O modelo de regressão corrobora a relação de piores desempenhos anormais nas organizações com a presença de fundos. / [en] This paper aims to vouch the perpetuity of the abnormal performance in the long term, verified in previous studies of organizations listed in the BMF&Ibovespa that had cash infusion of Private Equity and Venture Capital companies (PE/VC), as well as check for behavior change in a year when there is recession in Brazil. The sample includes 70 companies that went public between 2004 to 2008, in which after testing the presence of cumulative abnormal returns, it was observed an expected inverse relationship – verified in previous studies – being carried out a hypothesis test to verify the difference of means. Thus, the results indicate that companies that had the presence of PE/VC funds have significantly worse atypical results that companies who have not had this type of financing, which places this work with a divergent assessment to previous studies in a recession period. Subsequently, through a multiple linear regression with five independent variables, wherein one was the existence or absence of PE/VC, it was evaluated the explanatory factors of companies performance. The regression model corroborates the worse abnormal performance in companies with the presence of funds.

A Landscape of Deep-Tech and Venture Capital in Europe / Ett landskap av djup-teknik och riskkapital i Europa

Edström, Alexa, Klinger, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Considering that technology is developing at a rapid pace, the venture capital landscape changes due to R&D and product maturity life cycles shortening dramatically compared to 50 years ago, thus impacting the portfolio of a VC and its future investment opportunities. However, this relationship between digitalization and venture capital remains underexamined in literature. The research problem is thus to explore how venture capital and the industries it backs have been shaped by digitalization and thus deep tech within the context of Europe. The literature review as a method is examining mechanisms propelled by the digitalization behind the top five VC-backed industries between 2015- 2019 in Europe. In this research, deep tech is a major factor as to why industries have been the most heavily invested in due to their predicted potential exploiting the use of digital technologies. Further research should explore this relationship deeper through obtaining primary data with a quantitative approach to strengthen the implications of the findings. / Med tanke på att tekniken utvecklas i snabb takt förändras riskkapitallandskapet på grund av FoU och produktmognadets livscykler som förkortas dramatiskt jämfört med för 50 år sedan, vilket påverkar portföljen för en VC och dess framtida investeringsmöjligheter. Detta förhållande mellan digitalisering och riskkapital förblir emellertid inte undersökt i litteraturen. Forskningsproblemet är alltså att undersöka hur riskkapital och de industrier det stöder har formats av digitalisering och därmed djup teknik inom Europa. Litteraturöversynen som metod undersöker mekanismer som drivs av digitaliseringen bakom de fem främsta VC-stödda industrierna mellan 2015-2019 i Europa. I denna forskning är djup teknik en viktig faktor för varför industrier har varit de mest investerade i på grund av deras förutsagda potentiella utnyttjande av digital teknik. Ytterligare forskning bör undersöka detta förhållande för djupare förståelse genom insamlad primärdata och en kvantitativ metodik för att stärka konsekvenserna av resultaten.

Navigating the venture capital landscape: Studies on lifespan, efficiency, hypercompetition, and rapid and massive business scaling

Brinkmann, Florian 30 May 2024 (has links)
The venture capital (VC) landscape is a crucial driver of economic growth and innovation, comprising a diverse range of capital investors. This dissertation highlights the heterogeneity, performance, and massive and rapid scaling efforts in this sector, focusing on the two dominant actors: Independent Venture Capital (IVC) and Corporate Venture Capital (CVC). The first study examines the contrasting lifespans of CVCs and IVCs, highlighting the early termination patterns of CVCs. The second study delves into the diverse nature of CVCs and analyzes their influence on the efficiency of portfolio firms. The third study probes the hypercompetitive environment in the VC landscape. It examines its implications and funds' strategies to provide quality signals to investors and startups in a hypercompetitive market. The fourth study looks deeper at the beneficiaries of VC funding: digital startups. Specifically, it delves into massive and rapid business scaling dynamics, shedding light on the key drivers behind this growth trajectory and its tensions. In sum, this dissertation advances the prevailing knowledge on venture capital and digital entrepreneurship, offering a deeper exploration of the heterogeneity of the VC landscape with a spotlight on CVCs. Additionally, it provides frontier research into hypercompetition and the underlying dynamics of massive and rapid business scaling.

New money, new problems : A qualitative study of the conflicts between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in Sweden

Li, Juan, Abrahamsson, Jan Tony January 2011 (has links)
New ventures started by entrepreneurs need access to the right amount of financial resourcesin order to grow and expand businesses. Venture capital financing and partnerships withventure capital firms is a common route for entrepreneurial companies to acquire the neededfinancing for growing the venture, which in turn benefits a country’s economy as a whole.The partnership between the venture capital firm and the entrepreneur may involve conflicts,due to different goals and objectives towards the business, difference in management stylesand personal background as well as task and contextual conflicts, to mention some examples.We discovered a knowledge gap regarding conflicts between venture capital firms andentrepreneurs in Sweden and hence our aim with this study is to provide an answer on howventure capital firms and entrepreneurs are dealing with these potential conflicts in Sweden.To find out the answer, we reviewed selected and relevant literature on the subject andadapted a theoretical framework, based on existing literature. In terms of methodologicalapproach, we chose to be constructionists by following the abductive approach, in order toeffectively answer our research question and be able to add and complement our theoreticalframework, based on our empirical findings.Our empirical findings consists of four valuable interviews with venture capital firmmanagers and another four interviews with entrepreneurial CEOs and/or company founders,to get the view of both parties involved in venture capital partnerships. Based on ourempirical findings, our main conclusion is that the venture capital partnership often suffersfrom lacking communication from either or both parties, which could start or worsen theconflicts. Many of these problems are also derived by the vastly different backgrounds ofventure capital firm managers compared to entrepreneurs.Additionally, our study notes a tendency for less patience for conflicts among venture capitalfirms compared to entrepreneurs, as venture capital firms are willing to replace the currentCEO or make an early exit the venture or even liquidate its shares, if they deem problems assevere. On the other hand, entrepreneurs want to keep the dialogue going and seem to havemore patience. To mitigate the conflicts in the venture capital partnership, based on ourfindings, we propose that venture capital firms should hire managers or consultants with amore technical background when evaluating and working with certain entrepreneurs.Furthermore, venture capital firms may need to be more dynamic in terms of their controlmeasurements as opposed to being overly static on a long-term business plan which may getoutdated or lose relevancy.Entrepreneurs, nonetheless, need training and support in many cases, to understand how tocommunicate in business contexts and write business plans in order to facilitate thecollaboration with their venture capitalists.

Étude exploratoire du suivi des investissements réalisés dans le secteur traditionel par les sociétés de capital de risque

Nomo, Théophile Serge January 2008 (has links)
Corporate financing is very important for all parties involved in the financial market. Venture capital is one of the sources of financing SMEs, and its main characteristic is the active partnership offered by venture capital professionals (VCs) to entrepreneurs. However, this active involvement has not been very fruitful. In the period from 2002-2004, the venture capital industry in Québec generated low or even negative earnings. This situation has led VCs to question not only their selection practices, but also their investment monitoring practices. In addition, recent academic and professional publications have highlighted the importance of the post-investment phase in value creation for partner companies. This research explores the ways in which VCs monitor their investments in order to better understand how this monitoring contribute to the value creation process for their partners companies. In fact, the key question in this research is as follows: how can VC professionals improve their investment monitoring practices so that they can contribute to the success of partner companies by optimizing their formal and informal relationships? The purpose is to clarify the types of post-investment monitoring done by VCs through the studies of their professional's activities. The research findings lead to an investment monitoring framework. This framework comprises of the following key activities: relational dynamics, follow up and involvement . These three overlapping activities facilitate the creation of added value to investments and, to an extent, lead to the generation of better rate of returns. They rely on the complementarity and coexistence between the logical approach and the socio-political approach throughout the entire investment monitoring process.

Potential Bias in Early-Stage Venture Capital Funding

Smith, Jennifer A 01 January 2016 (has links)
This analysis examines the impact that personal characteristics like gender, race, years participating in the labor force, education, and previous entrepreneurship have on the amount of funding a startup receives from venture capital investors. Data for the analysis is taken from online venture capital database, Crunchbase, and includes investments made by venture capitalists between the years of 2002 and 2014. Findings from the regression analysis conclude that gender, the number of years a founder has been in the labor force, and a founder’s education background are significant determinants of the amount of funding a company receives in funding rounds. In addition, the sector the company falls under and the venture capital firms that the company seeks investment from are both significant determinants of the amount of funding received by the company and the founder.

Corporate governance, professionalisation and performance of IPO firms : the role of founders and venture capitalists

Thiess, Rolf Christian January 2010 (has links)
Combining agency theory and the resource-dependence perspective as well as signalling theory, this thesis examines the role venture capitalists (VCs) and founders play with respect to both structural board characteristics and board capital in terms of experience and prestige and whether these are linked to performance. It claims that VCs and founders shape the governance system of the firms going public and are influential in the professionalisation of the ventures especially in terms of human and social capital of its board of directors. It also argues that the board of directors represents a signal of firm quality in the initial public offering (IPO) market and should thus be linked to performance. Similarly, according to the venture capital certification hypothesis, being funded by VCs signals a firm's quality and potential. In order to assess these claims, this thesis employs a unique sample of matched venturecapital- backed and non-venture-capital-backed entrepreneurial IPOs that floated either on the London Stock Exchange's Official List or the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). Extending previous research this thesis employs more fine-grained measures and introduces new conceptually relevant variables in the analysis. The findings indicate that VCs and founders are influential in shaping corporate governance of IPO-stage ventures both from an agency and resource-provision perspective. Findings from the examination of governance and professionalisation characteristics with respect to IPO short-run performance (underpricing) indicate that it may the involvement of prestigious auditors that signal firm quality while a founder bias discount seems to exist. While evidence is found that VC involvement (and to a lesser extent director/board characteristics) is related to post-IPO market performance, this seems to depend on the time period following the IPO examined, whereas auditor prestige shows a positive association in all of these time periods.


陳德仁 Unknown Date (has links)
一般創投業者對於公司的評估,因為公司內部人與外部投資人存在「資訊不對稱」(asymmetric information)的問題,投資人必須承擔資訊不對稱的風險,尤其是新創事業或未上市公司,由於未有適當的機制規範,資訊不對稱的情形更為嚴重。因此,對於從事新創事業投資的創投業者而言,其所面臨的風險除了非系統性風險外,也增加了資訊不對稱的風險。由於新創事業的投資風險相當的高,創投與創業家的合作是建立在互信的基礎上,若創業家為了吸引資金的投入而刻意隱藏或扭曲內部真實狀況,造成創投在投資後發現投資案不符預期,將對創投與創業家互信的基礎產生不利的影響。因此,創投或外部投資人在評估投資案時,如何降低資訊不對稱的風險是非常重要的事情。 本研究主要是站在資訊不對稱的立場,探討創投業在投資時面臨的問題,並嘗試發展出「資訊不對稱評估機制」,藉由提出一套新的篩選評估方法作為企業投資評估之輔助工具,解決因為資訊不對稱的問題導致投資者與被投資企業可能發生的衝突。期盼創投或一般投資人在投資的過程中,透過適當的機制來處理資訊不對稱的問題,希望能藉此機制來降低資訊不對稱的風險,增加投資人投資判斷的正確性,進而作出更有利的投資決策;對投資人而言,也可藉提供額外有關風險之資訊,成為考量投資對象之參考依據。


江禎裕, Jiang,Jen-Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
台灣發展光電產業近20年,已有舉世注目之成績。就在這同一階段,台灣創業投資產業也有超過新台幣1,700億元資金,投資於國內高科技產業中,其規模之大,全球排名第二,僅次於美國,此一成就是值得國人引以為傲的。 由於產業西進的風潮方興未艾,不久「新世代」的光電產業終將會繼電子產業,成為根留台灣的主流產業。未來兩岸分工、大陸本土廠商崛起、加上韓國廠商大幅投入,光電產業整體經營環境必然大不同於從前。相對之下,未來創業投資投資光電產業,有賴更明確之投資策略。 因此,本研究著重於研究過去光電產業與創投產業間的互動關係,蒐集並分析:(1)台灣創業投資公司投資光電產業所採之「一般策略」、(2)投資光電產業「成功」之關鍵性策略行為、(3)投資光電產業「失敗」之關鍵性策略行為;再綜合分析投資光電產業影響「成敗」之共通關鍵性策略。最後,總結分析「光電產業特性」與「影響投資光電產業成敗關鍵性策略」間之互動關係。 結尾,對未來光電產業發展趨勢加以推估,概略建議未來創投投資「新世代」台灣光電產業可採之關鍵性策略,期望對國內光電產業發展及創投未來投資台灣光電產業「成功」,能有所助益。 / There are almost 20 years for Taiwanese to develop optoelectronics industry. Its outcome is the annual production value will over 1 trillion NTDs in the coming year, and it is rated No. 3 in the world. During the same period, the venture capital was also under developed. Right now, there are over 240 venture capital management companies in Taiwan, and have invested over 170 billion NTDs in high technology industry, the investment scale is also highly ranked, No.2 in the world. It is interested to know the relationship between Taiwan optoelectronics industry and venture capital. This paper is concentrated on the the Taiwanese venture capital investment strategies on Taiwan optoelectronics industry. And to find out what is the KSFs ( Key Success Factors ) of venture capital investment strategies, also the KFFs ( Key Failure Factors). And to analysis the relationship between KSFs& KFFs, to find the real key factors cause investment success or fail . The development situation of Taiwan optoelectronics industry is also discussed during the analysis of the factors, in order to find out the relationship between Taiwan optoelectronics industry situations and venture capital investment strategies. Finally, to figure out what will be the future Taiwan optoelectronics industry looks like, and with the results from the above study to suggest what will be the best practices to do venture capital investment successfully in the coming years on Taiwan optoelectronics industry.

Essays in Entrepreneurial Finance

Bozkaya, Ant 12 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis aims to better understand the process of the funding of young innovative ventures, and how a deeper understanding of this process can help public policy to better stimulate entrepreneurial firms—especially in high-technology industries. I interpret entrepreneurial finance broadly to mean financing issues facing young innovative ventures. It includes three essays which deal with a set of economic, institutional, and public policy issues to examine entrepreneurial finance.

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