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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Lorentz invariance violation on the ultra-high energy cosmic rays spectrum / Efeitos da violação da invariância de Lorentz no espectro de raios cósmicos de altíssima energia

Rodrigo Guedes Lang 13 February 2017 (has links)
Relativity is one of the most important and well tested theories and Lorentz invariance is one of its pillars. Lorentz invariance violation (LIV), however, has been discussed in several quantum gravity and high energy models. For this reason, it is crucial to test it. Several tests, both terrestrial and astrophysical, have been performed in the last years and provide limits on the violation. This work takes part in these efforts and discuss the possibility of testing LIV with ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). The effects of LIV in their propagation and the resulting changes in the spectrum of UHECRs are obtained and compared to the experimental data from the Pierre Auger Observatory. An analytical calculation for the inelasticity in the laboratory frame with LIV of any a + b → c + d interaction is presented and used to obtain the phase space and the energy losses of the pion production for protons, the photodisintegration for nuclei and the pair production for photons with LIV. A parametrization for the threshold energy of the photodisintegration with LIV is also proposed. The main effect seen is a decrease in the phase space and a resulting decrease in the energy loss. These changes have been implemented in Monte Carlo propagation codes and the resulting spectra of protons, nuclei and photons on Earth have been obtained and fitted to the data from the Pierre Auger Observatory. It is shown that upper limits on the photon LIV coefficient can be derived from the upper limits on the photon flux from the Pierre Auger Observatory. / Relatividade é uma das mais importantes e bem testadas teorias e a invariância de Lorentz é um de seus pilares. A violação da invariância de Lorentz (VIL), todavia, tem sido discutida em diversos modelos de gravidade quântica e altas energias. Por tal motivo, é crucial testá-la. Diversos testes, tanto terrestres quanto astrofísicos, foram realizados nos últimos anos e fornecem limites na violação. Este trabalho se insere nesses esforços e discute a possibilidade de testar VIL com raios cósmicos de altíssima energia. Os efeitos da VIL em sua propagação e as consequentes mudanças no espectro de raios cósmicos de altíssima energia são obtidos e comparados com os dados experimentais do Observatório Pierre Auger. Um cálculo analítico para a inelasticidade no referencial do laboratório com VIL para qualquer interação da forma a + b → c + d é apresentado e usado para obter o espaço de fase e as perdas de energia para a produção de píons para prótons, a fotodesintegração para núcleos e a produção de pares para fótons com VIL. Uma parametrização para o limiar de energia da fotodesintegração com VIL também é proposta. O principal efeito observado é uma diminuição no espaço de fase e uma consequente diminuição nas perdas de energia. Tais mudanças foram implementadas em códigos de Monte Carlo para a propagação e os espectros resultantes para prótons, núcleos e fótons na Terra foram obtidos e ajustados aos dados do Observatório Pierre Auger. É mostrado que limites superiores nos coeficientes de VIL para o fóton podem ser deduzidos dos limites superiores para o fluxo de fótons do Observatório Pierre Auger.

Correlations and quantum dynamics of 1D fermionic models : new results for the Kitaev chain with long-range pairing / Corrélations et dynamique quantique de modèles de fermions 1D : nouveaux résultats sur la chaîne de Kitaev avec pairing à longue portée

Vodola, Davide 20 February 2015 (has links)
La première partie de la thèse étudie le diagramme de phase d’une généralisation de la chaîne de Kitaev qui décrit un système fermionique avec un pairing p-wave à long rayon qui tombe avec la distance ℓ comme 1/ℓα. On a analysé les lignes critiques, les corrélations et le comportement de l’entropie d’entanglement avec la taille du système. Nous avons démontré l’existence de deux régimes massifs, (i) où les fonctions de corrélation tombent exponentiellement à de courtes distances et comme puissance à de longues distances (α > 1), (ii) où elles tombent à puissance seulement (α < 1). Dans la seconde région l’entropie d’intrication d’un sous-système diverge logarithmiquement. Remarquablement, sur les lignes critiques, le pairing à long rayon brise la symètrie conforme du modèle pour des α suffisamment petits. On a prouvé ça en calculant aussi l’évolution temporelle de l’entropie d’intrication après un quench. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse nous avons analysé la dynamique de l’entropie d’intrication du modèle d’Ising avec un champ magnétique qui dépend linéairement du temps avec de différentes vitesses. Nous avons un régime adiabatique (de basses vitesses) lorsque le système évolue selon son état fondamental instantané; un sudden quench (de hautes vitesses) lorsque le système est congelé dans son état initial; un régime intermédiaire où l’entropie croît linéairement et, ensuite, elle montre des oscillations du moment que le système se trouve dans une superposition des états excités de l’Hamiltonienne instantanée. Nous avons discuté aussi du mécanisme de Kibble-Zurek pour la transition entre la phase paramagnétique et antiferromagnétique. / In the first part of the thesis, we propose an exactly-solvable one-dimensional model for fermions with long-range p-wave pairing decaying with distance ℓ as a power law 1/ℓα. We studied the phase diagram by analyzing the critical lines, the decay of correlation functions and the scaling of the von Neumann entropy with the system size. We found two gapped regimes, where correlation functions decay (i) exponentially at short range and algebraically at long range (α > 1), (ii) purely algebraically (α < 1). In the latter the entanglement entropy is found to diverge logarithmically. Most interestingly, along the critical lines, long-range pairing breaks the conformal symmetry for sufficiently small α. This can be detected also via the dynamics of entanglement following a quench. In the second part of the thesis we studied the evolution in time of the entanglement entropy for the Ising model in a transverse field varying linearly in time with different velocities. We found different regimes: an adiabatic one (small velocities) when the system evolves according the instan- taneous ground state; a sudden quench (large velocities) when the system is essentially frozen to its initial state; and an intermediate one, where the entropy starts growing linearly but then displays oscillations (also as a function of the velocity). Finally, we discussed the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the transition between the paramagnetic and the ordered phase

Právní nástroje při porušení duševního vlastnictví / Legal means against violation of intellectual property rights

Měchurová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with legal means for enforcement of intellectual property rights. It is focused on rights to marking, namely trademarks, indication of source, apellations of origin and domain names. The work analyses and characterizes individual legal means and shows possibilities of their use. There are presented procedures of enforcement of rights to marking, definitions of terms and practical examples. The works concentrate not only on Czech legal regulations but also on legal regulations of the European Union and legal regulations of international institutions such as for example agreement TRIPS.

Evropská imigrační politika a sekuritizace imigrace / European immigration policy: securitization of immigration

Poulová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the current issue of immigration within the EU while applying the social constructivist theory. It seems that the humanitarian, human rights and economic dimension of the European immigration policy is disappearing and immigration is increasingly viewed through the lens of security. The aim of this thesis is to apply the constructivist concept of securitization (constructing an object as a threat) to the current phenomenon of immigration to the EU in order to see the ways of securitization of immigration at the European level and identify its impact and related problems. The first theoretical part of the thesis introduces the links between immigration and security and also thoroughly explains the theoretical and methodological concept of securitization which is then used in the context of the current EU migration policy. The final chapter is devoted to the negative impacts of successfully securitized immigration and it suggests some alternative ways for the EU migration policy which should be seen through other (not only security) dimensions.

Age Differences in Emotional Reactivity to Subtypes of Sadness and Anger

Muskin, Ryan M. 24 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Měření výšky hladiny pomocí OVS / Measurement of Level by Fiber Optic Sensors

Bednář, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this master‘s thesis is the issue of design of fiber optic sensor for min/max and continuous measurement of liquid level, which could be used for laboratory measurement of optoelectronics. The thesis is divided into the three parts, the first part deals with methods of retrieval level measurement using fiber optic sensors. The second part is made of plant design of optical fiber sensors, it is shown the implementation of measuring devices for liquid level measurement and measured transfer characteristics of the sensors developed. The last part is proposed for laboratory typing tasks using established preparation for teaching in the subject Optoelectronic sensors.

Social norms and reciprocity

Diekmann, Andreas, Voss, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
In a norm game, under certain conditions, there exist Nash equilibria of mutual cooperation. Experimental work demonstrates that even in one-shot situations the level and proportion of cooperative behavior increases if an punishment option is available to the players of a public goods game. It is therefore important to analyze conditions such that this is consistent with a rational choice approach. The paper is meant as a first step toward this task. The main result will be that nonstandard assumptions about human motivations or preferences can explain norms with sanctions even in one-shot situations. This is shown by an analysis of the norm game with two well-known recent models of fairness from behavioral game theory.:Introduction; Cooperation in a norm game; Non-standard preferences in the one-shot norm game; Conclusions

Att vara eller att inte vara man : en kvalitativ studie om mäns konstruktion av maskulinitet genom våld i förundersökningsprotokoll vid grov kvinnofridskränkning / To Be or Not to Be a Man : a qualitative study of men's construction of masculinity through violence in pre-trial protocol for gross violation of women's rights

Bengtsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur våld i nära relation i sju fall av grov kvinnofridskränkning kan förstås utifrån Messerschmidts teori om konstruktionen av maskulinitet och brott. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur orsakerna till våldet beskrivs i fallen samt hur gärningsmännen beskriver offrens roll i våldet. Frågeställningarna som ställs i studien är 1) Hur ser arbetssituationen ut för kvinnan och mannen i de fall som analyseras? 2) Hur beskrivs orsaken till våldet i fallen och hur representerar gärningsmännen kvinnornas roll i våldet? samt 3) Hur kan dessa framställningar förstås utifrån teorin om maskulinitet och brott? Metoden som har använts är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar på att arbetslösheten hos gärningsmannen har en påverkan men inte en kausal relation till orsaken till våldet. Tre teman framkom i analysen som visade på att kontroll, svartsjuka och bestämmanderätt var centrala vid förklaringarna av våldet. Det framkom även att gärningsmännen försöker lägga över skulden på offren genom att beskriva hur hon har provocerat honom till våldet. Slutsatserna i studien är att de beskrivningar som har analyserats kan förstås och förklaras utifrån konstruktionen av maskulinitet och våldet uppstod främst när den maskulina identiteten uppfattades som ifrågasatt av offret. / This study examines how violence in close relationship in seven cases of gross violation of women's rights can be understood from Messerschmidt's theory on construction of masculinity and criminality. The purpose of this study is to examine the explanations for the violence in the cases as well as how the perpetrators describes the victim’s role in the violence. The problem statements in this study are 1) What does the working situation look like for the woman and man in the analysed cases? 2) How are the violence explained in the cases and how does the perpetrators describe the women's part in the violence? and 3) How can these explanations be understood from Messerschmidt's theory on masculinity and crime? The used method is a qualitative content analysis. The results show that the perpetrators unemployment has an effect, though not a causal relationship, on the occurring of the violence. Three themes emerged from the analysis that showed that control, jealousy and authority are central when describing the violence. It also emerged that the perpetrators tried to place the blame on the victim by describing how she provoked him to violence. Conclusions of this study are that the analysed descriptions can be understood and explained through the construction of masculinity and the violence mainly occurred when the masculine identity was perceived as being questioned by the victim.

La novela gráfica periodística y el periodismo de investigación para historias de violación de derechos humanos. Caso: Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio / The Journalistic Graphic Novel and Investigative Journalism for stories of Human Rights Violations. Case: Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio

Velásquez Vargas, Diana 25 October 2021 (has links)
La novela gráfica periodística es un género relativamente nuevo en la profesión del periodismo y que hace uso de ilustración y texto para relatar una historia investigada. Por su parte, el periodismo de investigación es una rama de la profesión que se caracteriza por ser una forma de periodismo lento, que revela información inédita y tiene sus orígenes relacionados al periodismo narrativo, el cual suele tratar historias de violación de derechos humanos. La investigación realizada ha evaluado cómo la novela gráfica periodística es un género óptimo para ser aplicado en el periodismo de investigación, gracias a sus recursos narrativos gráficos únicos que potencian los hallazgos e información obtenidos; además de permitir al autor ser transparente en su investigación y en el tratamiento de las historias de vulneración de derechos humanos. El objeto de estudio fue la obra “Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio”, del artista Derf Backderf; la cual demostró cumplir con las características de una obra de periodismo de investigación que aborda adecuadamente el tiroteo ocurrido el 4 de mayo de 1970 en Ohio. El trabajo recogió teoría académica sobre el periodismo de investigación y la novela gráfica; luego, se procedió al análisis de la obra seleccionada. Se reveló que la narrativa de la novela gráfica periodística permite sintetizar compleja información para el lector, así como un impacto emocional inmediato sobre la historia. Consigue, también, evidenciar las técnicas de reporterismo utilizadas, como las entrevistas en profundidad, uso de fuentes de archivo y el trabajo de campo. / The journalistic graphic novel is a relatively new genre in the journalism profession that makes use of illustration and text to tell an investigated story. Meanwhile, investigative journalism is a branch of the profession that is characterized for being a form of slow journalism, which reveals unpublished information and has its origins related to narrative journalism and often deals with stories of human rights violations. The research carried out has evaluated how the journalistic graphic novel is an optimal genre to be applied in investigative journalism, thanks to its unique graphic narrative resources that enhance the findings and information obtained; as well as allowing the author to be transparent in their research and in the handling of stories of human rights violations. The object of study was the work "Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio", by the artist Derf Backderf; which proved to meet the characteristics of an investigative journalism piece that adequately addresses the shootings that occurred on May 4, 1970 in Ohio. The research collected academic theory on investigative journalism and the graphic novel; then, the selected graphic novel was analyzed. It was revealed that the narrative of the journalistic graphic novel allows the synthesis of complex information for the reader, as well as an immediate emotional impact on the story. It also manages to demonstrate the reporting techniques used, such as in-depth interviews, use of archive sources and fieldwork. / Tesis

Dynamická detekce a léčení časově závislých chyb nad daty v prostředí Java / Dynamic Data Race Detection and Self-Healing in Java Programs

Letko, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
Finding concurrency bugs in complex software is difficult. As a contribution to coping with this problem the thesis proposes an architecture for a fully automated dynamic detection and healing of data races and atomicity violations in Java. Two distinct algorithms for detecting of data races are presented. One of them is a novel algorithm called AtomRace which detects data races as a special case of atomicity violations. The healing is based on suppressing a recurrence of the detected problem and can be performed by introducing an additional synchronization or by legally influencing the Java scheduler. Basically forces certain parts of the code  to be executed atomically. The proposed architecture uses bytecode instrumentation to be able to track and influence the execution. The architecture and algorithms were implemented and tested on multiple case studies.

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