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The role of international, regional and domestic standards in monitoring children's rightsOladiji, Sharon Omowunmi 06 1900 (has links)
The study provides a brief overview of the most important legal instruments in the international, regional and national framework on the development and promotion of children’s rights. Basically, it examines the continuous and pervasive violation of children’s rights despite the progressive instruments that have been adopted to ensure the proper and effective realization of these rights. It focuses on three different countries in Africa: South Africa, Ethiopia and Nigeria because of the value-laden nature of the progressive laws adopted by these countries in the protection of children’s rights.
Specific roles and actions taken by international, regional and national monitoring bodies are highlighted to indicate their effectiveness in promoting and fulfilling rights for children. Country reports on the situation of children are examined in the context of realization of salient rights for children amidst the different judicial, political and socio-cultural settings. Emerging judgments and judicial developments that have limited and advanced the realization of rights for children in the specific country context were explored. Conclusions and recommendations are made. / Public, Constitutional, & International Law / LLM
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LHCb Upstream Tracker box : Thermal studies and conceptual designMårtensson, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will have a long shut down in the years of 2019 and 2020, referred to as LS2. During this stop the LHC injector complex will be upgraded to increase the luminosities, which will be the first step of the high luminosity LHC program (which will be realized during LS3 that takes place in 2024-2026). The LHCb experiment, whose main purpose is to study the CP-violation, will during this long stop be upgraded in order to withstand a higher radiation dose, and to be able to read out the detector at a rate of 40MHz,compared to 1MHz at present. This change will improve the trigger efficiency significantly. One of the LHCb sub-detectors the Trigger Tracker (TT), will be replaced by a new sub-detector called UT. This report presents the early stage design (preparation for mock-up building) of the box that will be isolating the new UT detector from the surroundings and to ensure optimal detector operation. Methods to fulfill requirements such as light and gas tightness, Faraday-cage behavior and condensation free temperatures, without breaking the fragile beryllium beam pipe, are established. / LHC (Large Hadron Collider) kommer under åren 2019-2020 att ha ett längre driftstopp. Under detta driftstopp så kommer LHC's injektionsanordningar att uppgraderas för att kunna sätta fler protoner i circulation i LHC, och därmed öka antalet partikelkollisioner per tidsenhet. Denna uppgradering kommer att vara första steget i "High Luminocity LHC"-programmet som kommer att realiseras år 2024-2026. LHCb-experimentet, vars främsta syfte är att studera CP-brott, kommer också att uppgraderas under stoppet 2019-2020. Framför allt så ska avläsningsfrekvensen ökas från dagens 1MHz till 40MHz, och experimentet ska förberedas för de högre strålningsdoser som kommer att bli aktuella efter stoppet 2024-2026. En av LHCb's deldetektorer, TT detektorn, kommer att bytas ut mot en ny deldetektor som kallas UT. Den här rapporten presenterar den förberedande designen av den låda som ska isolera UT från dess omgivning och försäkra optimala förhållanden för detektorn. Kraven på den isolerande lådan och tillvägagångssätt för att uppfylla dessa krav presenteras. / LHCb, LS2 and LS3 Upgrade
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銀行授信行為違背職務之研究 —以銀行法第125條之2為中心 / A Study on Criminal Liability of Article 125-2 Banking Act: Focused on Criteria Regarding Duty Violation of Bank's Responsible Person and Staff Member王芷涵, Wang, Chih Han Unknown Date (has links)
銀行法第125條之2中「違背職務」要件之解釋在實務上分歧甚大,當涉及授信行為時,涉及複雜商業實務與認定,則更顯難解。因此,於第二章中,本文自財務金融領域的觀點,提出授信的定義、種類與目的,分析授信之相關風險與風險因子之判讀方式,並詳介授信實務之流程、職責分配及規範類型,期能描繪出銀行授信行為於真實世界中的輪廓。在第三章中,本文自法律領域的觀點,分析銀行法背信罪之立法背景、與普通背信罪的關聯、各構成要件的解釋。並針對其中「違背職務」要件的解釋爭議,篩選出若干具有代表性的判決用以後續之分析。在第四章中,本文結合了財務金融領域及法律領域的觀點,提出了本文見解。首先,本文援引了德國學者Hefendehl的集體法益與累積犯理論,認為本罪的保護法益為「人民對銀行制度的信賴」,而銀行財產則僅為「個別累積效果的」明文化規定,亦即保護法益的中介載體。接著本文復援引容許風險之概念,主張應實質判斷個案之授信行為是否已逾越容許風險,藉以判斷是否構成違背職務。最後,本文提出了四階層的具體化判準,並指出在實質判斷風險之存否與高低時,應以巴塞爾協定提出的內部評等法,借 EL=PD×LGD×EAD 之公式協助吾人判斷,至於各該風險因子之判讀,亦應參考本文第二章所提及的若干財務金融知識,以做出最合於現實法益變動的判斷。
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UCN Detector development for the TRIUMF Neutron EDM experimentFleurette, Doresty Fonseca 07 April 2016 (has links)
A new measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) is being
developed at TRIUMF, where a high density source of ultra cold neutrons
(UCN) is currently under construction. A fast, high-efficiency UCN detector
is needed for the experiment, and a 6-Li doped glass scintillation detector is
being explored for this purpose. In this work, simulations and test measurements
were carried out to optimize the light guide design for the new UCN
detector. Acrylic and air-core light guides, the latter with two different reflecting
surfaces, were considered. Three prototype light guides were constructed
and tested, and results were compared with simulations. The best solution
was found to be an acrylic guide, wrapped with mylar foil. For a guide 12
cm in length as required by the experimental layout, a lower limit of approximately
25 photoelectrons per neutron capture was established for the proposed
geometry and photomultiplier configuration. / May 2016
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O adimplemento imperfeito no direito brasileiroCordeiro, Luiz Henrique Machado January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa apresentar um panorama geral a respeito da terceira espécie de inadimplemento no Direito brasileiro, considerando os esforços da doutrina e da jurisprudência em nosso sistema jurídico no trato deste tema, bem como considerando aspectos relevantes colhidos na experiência estrangeira. Na tentativa de contribuir para debate, será apresentada uma proposição para a identificação dessa terceira espécie de inadimplemento no Direito brasileiro. / The present work aims to present an overview regarding the third kind of default in Brazilian law, considering the efforts of the doctrine and of the jurisprudence in our legal system in dealing with this issue, as well as considering relevant aspects gathered from the experience of foreign law. In an attempt to contribute to debate, a proposition will be presented for the identification of this third kind of default in Brazilian law.
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Violência Clerical: abuso sexual de mulheres por padres no BrasilJurkewicz, Regina Soares 09 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006-11-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis examines sexual abuse and violence against women by priests. Using public
complaints made in Brazil between 1994 and 2000 as an empirical base, it details 203
articles related to 21 cases of sexual misconduct by clergymen, including sexual abuse,
rape, and the violation of vows of celibacy. These articles were grouped to create a
dossier on each of the cases and numbered sequentially. Brazil´s most important media
sources were consulted, including online news sites and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) across the country. Two representative cases were chosen and
studied in depth. Interviews were conducted with plaintiffs, witnesses, members of the
Church hierarchy, and attorneys involved in the cases, preserving the anonymity of all
interviewees. Utilizing a sociological perspective, the analysis explores the mechanisms
by which the Catholic Church attempts to cover up such cases. Showing the specificities
of the violence perpetrated against women by priests, the study points toward the
existence of structural causes of this violence and their different manifestations,
examining them through the lens of feminist theory. The study suggests that a specific
analytic category should be developed in order to better comprehend this particular
type of violence against women. The term clerical violence is proposed for describing
this type of violence, whose structural aspects include gender asymmetries, the
separation between clergy and lay members, patriarchal discourse, the sexualization of
ministerial relations and the force of symbolic violence. The work of Pierre Bourdieu is
useful in understanding religion as a symbolic system that endows the priest with sacred
power. Given that the causes of clerical violence are mainly structural, likewise,
structural solutions are needed in addressing the issue / Esta tese tem por objeto, relações de abuso e violência sexual de padres contra
mulheres. O campo empírico delimita-se às denúncias públicas feitas no Brasil entre os
anos 1994 e 2002. Foram mapeadas 203 matérias sobre 21 casos de má conduta sexual
de religiosos, abuso sexual, estupro e infração dos votos de celibato. Essas matérias
foram agrupadas de modo a compor um dossiê de cada um dos casos noticiados,
numerados sequencialmente. Para realizar esta pesquisa foram consultados os veículos
de mídia mais significativos do país, sítios de agências de notícias e ongs atuantes em
todo o território nacional. Dois casos paradigmáticos foram selecionados e estudados
em profundidade. Realizou-se entrevistas com denunciantes, testemunhas, membros da
hierarquia, e advogados/as envolvidos/as no caso. Preservou-se o anonimato de todos/as
os/as entrevistados/as. A análise feita, desde uma perspectiva sociológica, evidencia os
mecanismos existentes na Igreja Católica para o ocultamento dos casos denunciados,
estuda as especificidades da violência perpetrada por padres contra mulheres e aponta as
causas estruturais dessa violência. Recorrendo às teorias feministas, são abordados os
fatores causais da violência contra as mulheres e suas diferentes manifestações. O
contato com essa bibliografia e o tratamento dos dados sugere a necessidade da
elaboração de uma categoria específica que ofereça elementos para a análise da
violência praticada por autoridades eclesiásticas contra mulheres. Trabalha-se os
aspectos estruturais que constituem essa categoria, denominando-a violência clerical.
Tais aspectos referem-se às assimetrias de gênero, à separação entre clero e laicato, ao
discurso religioso patriarcal, à sexualização das relações ministeriais e à força da
violência simbólica. O pensamento de Bourdieu ajuda na compreensão da religião
enquanto sistema simbólico que reveste a figura do padre de um poder sagrado. Uma
vez que as causas da violência clerical são principalmente de origem estrutural,
entende-se a necessidade de buscar soluções estruturais no enfrentamento da questão
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O lançamento por homologação como ato imprescindível ao processo de positivação do direitoLuz, Otávio Loureiro da 02 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / The objective of this work is to develop the theme the homologation assessment as essential to the process of recognition of the law. For this purpose, sought to demonstrate the importance of the assessment (individual and concrete standard) as bond between the hypothesis and the consequence, it´s function of incidence between these two elements in the process of building the rule of law is essential for the establishment of tax credit that only the administrative authority has the competence to carry it out, the modalities of release, as the taxation pending official recognition by the tax authorities in deontic operation and in case of its failure the need of the official assessment and the establishment of the administrative process to be possible payment or difference or to remedy any irregularity on the part of the taxpayer in his "statement", as well as the violation of constitutional and legal principles, if the tax authorities directly tax enforcement further without the launch by the administrative authority / O objetivo do presente trabalho é desenvolver o tema o lançamento por homolação como ato imprescindível ao processo de positivação do direito. Para tanto, procurou-se demonstrar a importância do lançamento (norma individual e concreta) como liame entre a hipótese e a consequência, sua função de incidência entre esses dois elementos no processo de contrução da norma jurídica, imprescindível para a constituição do crédito tributário que somente a autoridade administrativa detém a competência para realizá-lo, as modalidades do lançamento, como se dá o lançamento por homologação na operação deôntica e no caso de sua inobservância, a necessidade do lançamento de ofício e da instauração do processo administrativo para haver eventual pagamento ou diferença ou ainda para sanar alguma irregularidade por parte do contribuinte em sua declaração , bem como da violação dos princípios constitucionais e legais, caso o Fisco promova diretamente a execução fiscal sem o lançamento pela autoridade administrativa
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Desafios para a implementação de uma assistência \"amiga da mulher\": a presença de acompanhantes e a mobilidade no parto em uma maternidade do SUS em São Paulo / Challenges to the implementation of a \"woman-friendly\" care: the companionship and woman\'s mobility in childbirth in a SUS maternity hospital in São Paulo, BrazilNiy, Denise Yoshie 16 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Em muitos países, em especial naqueles pobres e de renda média, há dificuldades para melhorar os indicadores de morbi-mortalidade materna e neonatal, mesmo com a universalização do acesso à assistência, como no Brasil. Muitas vezes são as concepções de gênero que orientam a prática dos profissionais e a organização dos sistemas e serviços de saúde típicos, o que resulta em sobrevalorização da tecnologia e minimização ou mesmo invisibilidade de seus efeitos adversos. As narrativas sobre desrespeitos, abusos, e maus-tratos às mulheres evidenciam a ocorrência de uma modalidade específica de violência institucional, recentemente nomeada como violência obstétrica. Neste trabalho, o termo é entendido como o desrespeito aos direitos da mulher na assistência a sua saúde sexual e reprodutiva, tendo em vista seus direitos humanos básicos e inalienáveis. A Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Mulher e da Criança (IHAMC) foi proposta em 2015 para superar esse quadro. Objetivos: Mapear os facilitadores e obstáculos de um piloto de implementação da IHAMC para a superação da violência obstétrica, em especial nos critérios \"liberdade de movimentação no trabalho de parto e parto\" e \"presença de acompanhante de escolha da mulher\". Métodos: Este trabalho integra um piloto de implementação da IHAMC em duas maternidades do SUS, com análise dos dados produzidos na etapa inicial no campo paulistano da pesquisa (2016-17). Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais e atividades em grupo com gestores, profissionais de saúde e usuárias do serviço; observação do serviço e análise dos dados do Sinasc da maternidade. Foi criado um grupo de trabalho com gestores, profissionais da assistência, pesquisadores e usuárias para analisar os problemas identificados e atuar sobre eles. Resultados: As visões de gestores e profissionais de saúde contrastam com a observação e os relatos das mulheres, com verificação de interdições ao exercício do direito a acompanhante e à liberdade de movimentação no trabalho de parto e parto. Também foram recorrentes as falas no sentido de responsabilizar as mulheres pelas dificuldades que elas enfrentam na internação para o parto. Os atores envolvidos mostram disposição para aprimorar a qualidade da assistência, e propuseram mudanças nesta direção, algumas já em andamento. Conclusão: A IHAMC pode ser uma boa estratégia para superar a violência obstétrica em contextos como o brasileiro, uma vez que coloca em debate a qualidade da assistência tendo em vista os direitos das mulheres e propicia a incorporação dos atores envolvidos na solução dos problemas, contribuindo para sua solidez e sustentabilidade. / Introduction: In many countries, especially in poor and middle-income ones, there are difficulties in improving maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality, even with universal access to care, as in Brazil. Often it is the gender conceptions that guide professionals\' practices and the organization of typical health systems and services, which results in overvaluation of technology and minimization or even invisibility of its adverse effects. The narratives about disrespect, abuses, and mistreatment of women show the occurrence of a specific modality of institutional violence, recently named as obstetric violence. In this thesis, the term is understood as the disregard for women\'s rights while caring for their sexual and reproductive health, in view of their basic and inalienable human rights. The Mother-Baby Friendly Birthing Facilities Initiative (MBFBF) was proposed in 2015 to overcome this situation. Objectives: To map out the facilitators and obstacles of a MBFBF implementation pilot to overcoming obstetric violence, particularly with respect to the criteria \"freedom of movement in labor and birth\" and \"presence of women\'s companion of choice\". Methods: This study is part of a MBFBF implementation pilot in two SUS maternity hospitals, with an analysis of the data produced at the initial stage in the São Paulo site of research (2016-17). Individual interviews and group activities were conducted with managers, health professionals and users of the service; observation of the service and analysis of Sinasc maternity data. A working group was created with managers, health professionals, researchers and consumers to analyze and act on the problems identified. Results: The visions of managers and health professionals contrast with the observation and women\'s reports. It was verified that right to presence of a support person and freedom of movement in labor and birth were denied to women. There were recurrent statements blaming women for the difficulties they face during hospitalization. However, all actors involved showed a willingness to improve quality of care, and proposed changes in this direction, some already in progress. Conclusion: The MBFBF can be a good strategy to overcome obstetric violence in contexts such as Brazil, since it raises the issue of quality of care with regard to women\'s rights and allows the incorporation of the actors involved in the solution of the problems, contributing for its solidity and sustainability.
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論《文化創意產業發展法》與服務貿易總協定之互動關係 / Analysis on the legal interaction between the cultural and creative industries development act and general agreement on trade in services (GATS) – Based on the measures of subsidies and tax preferences黃玉如 Unknown Date (has links)
文化是一種民族精神、社會價值、生命哲學與生活方式的體現,而創意是人類文化定位的重要成份,而以各式各樣的形式表現,兩者皆能透過產業流程與全球分銷去複製、推廣。文創產業是「那些以無形、文化為本質的內容,經過創造、生產與商品化結合的產業」,因此文創產業不僅涉及文化與創意,也包含由創意衍生之「文化商品及服務」(cultural goods and services)的經濟價值與商業運作。
然而《文創法》內立意甚佳的產業措施,因台灣加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)而不得不受到WTO相關協定的規範。作為掃除關稅與非關稅貿易障礙、確保自由貿易之WTO,經由多回合的貿易談判逐步開放市場,並藉由對關稅與補貼之約束以及服務業市場准入、國民待遇之承諾等建立市場開放之可預測性。文化商品與服務在其規範下並無例外,同樣必須接受WTO上述原則,即最惠國待遇、國民待遇與市場准入等義務的檢驗。鑑於《文化創意產業發展法》所具備產業扶植之本質,及其涵蓋之16種文化創意產業多屬服務部門,本文遂將檢驗重點聚焦在該法之獎補助及租稅優惠措施與GATS的互動關係上,尤其是《文創法》在服務業補貼暫行定義、第17條國民待遇、國內規章第6.1條與第23.3條非違反協定控訴之適法性分析,以作為日後執法或修正之參考。
但值得注意的是,相對於WTO以降低貿易壁壘,促進貿易自由化為職志,文化商品與服務之雙重特質在WTO無法獲得特殊之待遇或保障,2005年10月UNESCO通過之《保障及促進文化表現多樣性公約》(以下簡稱《文化多樣性公約》)卻主張國家有促進與保護文化表現多樣性之權利,並具有採行其認為適當之政策與措施達成該目的之主權。若《文創法》有其適用《文化多樣性公約》之可能,則我國在採行諸多文創產業推展措施卻有違WTO內括協定所涉及之貿易原則或義務時,是否得根據《文化多樣性公約》正當化該等爭議措施? 當《文化多樣性公約》與WTO內括協定產生規範衝突時,兩者之適用與解釋是否有互補或調和之可能? 在文化產業與貿易活動上,《文化多樣性公約》若能正當化違反WTO規範之政策措施,則我國《文創法》所擬定之政策措施在GATS框架下之解釋與義務即有所不同。因此在檢驗《文創法》與GATS之互動關係前,本文將先簡單介紹《文化多樣性公約》之優劣特性,及公約與WTO規範競合之解決與適用結果。
關鍵字:文化創意產業發展法、世界貿易組織、文化多樣性公約、國民待遇、非違反協定控訴 / Culture is the embodiment of a national spirit, social values, people’s worldview and life style, while creativity in all its manifestations presents an essential constitution of human culture. By way of industrialization and global distribution, the two are allowed to copy repeatedly and promote worldwide. Cultural and creative industries are “those industries that combine the creation, production and commercialization of contents that are intangible and cultural in nature”, which involve not only abstract culture and creativities but also material economic value and commercial operations of cultural goods and services derived from human ingenuity and originality.
To make sure the policy and measures implemented in Taiwan to promote and flourish cultural and creative industries are legally based, the Ministry of Economic Affairs had invited the relevant ministries, scholars and experts in the field to deliberate and prepare the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") since mid-‘90s, and finally submitted the draft Act to the Executive Yuan for review and approval on September 24, 2003. After years of promotion and negotiations, the Act was passed its third reading in the Legislative Yuan on January 7, 2010 and promulgated on February 3 by Presidential Decree Hwa Zong Yi Zi No. 09900022451. The related rules and regulations were also proclaimed in effect one after another ever since.
However, as a WTO (World Trade Organization) member, it is our duty to keep the deliberately constructed measures set in the Act in line with the WTO-related disciplines. WTO, acting as an international forum calling for free trade, vows to eliminate tariff and non-tariff trade barriers, facilitate further market opening by multiple rounds of trade negotiations, and increase the predictability of market dynamics through the establishment of binding tariff rates, subsidy disciplines, specific commitments and various requirements such as most-favored-nation treatment, market access and national treatment. The same principles and obligations mentioned above apply to goods and services with culture in nature equally with no exception. In this regard, the paper will examine how the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act, especially its subsidy and tax preference measures legally interact with the articles related including Article 15 Subsidy, Article 17 National Treatment, Article 6.1 Domestic Regulation and Article 23.3 Non-violation complaints (in view of the measures adopted in the Act are industry-supportive oriented and most industries categorized in the same act are belonging to service sector) in General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) for reference of law enforcement and further amendments in the future.
But it is worth noting that, while WTO (the organization and covered agreements) are dedicated to exterminate trade barriers, promote trade liberalization and ignore cultural goods and services have both an economic and a cultural nature, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Cultural Expressions (hereinafter referred to “the UNESCO Convention”) adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESC) on October 20, 2005 recognizes member countries have their sovereign right to formulate and implement their cultural policies and to adopt measures to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions when necessary. If the rules and principles of the UNESCO Convention apply to the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act, then is it possible for the Convention to justify the measures we adopt to nourish the cultural industries, but somehow in violation of WTO principles and obligations? And if the answer is “Yes”, all the interpretation and obligations derived from the Act will not be the same as those covered by GATS only. Therefore, the potential conflicts and the harmonization between the UNESCO Convention and WTO covered agreements (GATS in particular) will be explored before the legal relationship between the Act and GATS is examined.
Keywords: Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act, World Trade Organization, UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Cultural Expressions, National Treatment, Domestic Regulation, Non-violation complaints
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Etude de la violation de la symétrie CP dans les canaux charmonium-K^*(892) par une analyse angulaire complète dépendante du temps (expérience BaBar)T'Jampens, Stéphane 18 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse décrivent l'analyse angulaire complète dépendante du temps du canal vecteur-vecteur B_d^0 -> J/Psi (K_S^0 Pi^0)*0. Après un rappel consacré à la violation de CP dans le système des mésons B est traitée la phénoménologie des canaux vecteur-vecteur du type charmonium-K*(892). La méthode pour la mesure des amplitudes de transversité des canaux B -> J/Psi K*(892), basée sur l'utilisation d'un pseudo-maximum de vraisemblance, est ensuite exposée. Les résultats obtenus avec 81.9 fb-1 de données collectées par le détecteur BABAR au pic de la résonance Upsilon(4S) sont |A_0|^2 = 0.565 +- 0.011 +- 0.004, |A_para|^2 = 0.206 +- 0.016 +- 0.007, |A_perp|^2 = 0.228 +- 0.016 +- 0.007, delta_para = -2.766 +- 0.105 +- 0.040 et delta_perp = 2.935 +- 0.067 +- 0.040. A noter que (delta_para, delta_perp) -> (-delta_para, Pi - delta_perp) est aussi une solution. Les phases fortes delta_para et delta_perp sont à > 3 sigma de factorisation. L'analyse de l'asymétrie avant-arrière en fonction de la masse K Pi a révélé la présence d'une onde S cohérente qui interfère avec le K*(892). C'est la première mise en évidence de la présence de cette onde dans le système K Pi provenant de la désintégration d'un méson B. La particularité du canal B_d^0 -> J/Psi (K_S^0 Pi^0)*0 est d'avoir une distribution qui dépend de la différence des temps propres des 2 mésons B provenant de la désintégration Upsilon(4S) -> B_d^0 Bbar_d^0 mais aussi des trois angles de transversité, permettant de mesurer sin 2beta mais aussi cos 2beta. Les résultats obtenus avec un ajustement par maximum de vraisemblance sont sin 2beta = -0.10 et cos 2beta = 3.32 avec les amplitudes de transversité fixées aux valeurs précédentes. L'autre solution pour les phases fortes conduit à la même valeur de sin 2beta mais change le signe de cos 2beta. Des considérations théoriques basées sur la conservation de l'hélicité du quark favorisent le choix des phases fortes données ci-dessus conduisant au signe positif pour cos 2beta. Ce signe de cos 2beta est celui prédit par le Modèle Standard.
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