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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kränkningens livsförståelse : En religionsdidaktisk studie av livsförståelselärande i skolan

Osbeck, Christina January 2006 (has links)
<p>The Hard Lesson of Life: A Study of /Re/construction of Life in School from a Religious Educational Perspective</p><p>The overriding aim of this dissertation is to examine the understanding of life that young people /re/construct, and in this sense learn, in the discursive practices of school, and to describe how such a /re/construction takes place.</p><p>The theoretical frame of the study is a critical theory perspective. Potentially problematic aspects and findings are therefore given priority over good examples. The three main concepts used were generated through the interaction of theory and empirical material. These conceptual tools are: ‘understanding of life’, ‘discursive practice’, and ‘language’. The first concept refers to the young learners’ collectively /re/constructed perceptions of how life works and of what gives life value and meaning. Discursive practice is the concept used for the context and the way in which learning takes shape. Language is an important resource in the shaping of the collective interpretation, negotiation and /re/construction of an understanding of life.</p><p>Two empirical studies are presented, a main study and a complementary one. The main study, which is regionally limited, is a group interview with 51 youths from five schools divided into ten groups. The second is a study of the most frequently used high school Religion textbook, Religion and Life, and the analysis draws on the results from the group interview study.</p><p>The institutional frames, the large-sized schools, and the tasks of school to educate pupils and to differentiate between them, are risk factors that may lead to stereotypical, instrumental, and competitive relationships in education. The group interview study indicates that there are grounds for concern since it shows that victimization works as a teaching tool in the /re/construction of a hegemonic discourse of understanding life. The empirically identified hegemonic discourse of understanding life is termed “Life as adjustment for the benefit of individual competition”. Victimization is shown to be both the cause and effect of this discourse. The hegemonic life discourse also lends contextual legitimacy to victimization. The study of the school textbook suggests that the subject Religion may reinforce such a hegemonic understanding of life if it fails to balance the book’s objective and descriptive accounts of abuse of power.</p>

Kränkningens livsförståelse : En religionsdidaktisk studie av livsförståelselärande i skolan

Osbeck, Christina January 2006 (has links)
The Hard Lesson of Life: A Study of /Re/construction of Life in School from a Religious Educational Perspective The overriding aim of this dissertation is to examine the understanding of life that young people /re/construct, and in this sense learn, in the discursive practices of school, and to describe how such a /re/construction takes place. The theoretical frame of the study is a critical theory perspective. Potentially problematic aspects and findings are therefore given priority over good examples. The three main concepts used were generated through the interaction of theory and empirical material. These conceptual tools are: ‘understanding of life’, ‘discursive practice’, and ‘language’. The first concept refers to the young learners’ collectively /re/constructed perceptions of how life works and of what gives life value and meaning. Discursive practice is the concept used for the context and the way in which learning takes shape. Language is an important resource in the shaping of the collective interpretation, negotiation and /re/construction of an understanding of life. Two empirical studies are presented, a main study and a complementary one. The main study, which is regionally limited, is a group interview with 51 youths from five schools divided into ten groups. The second is a study of the most frequently used high school Religion textbook, Religion and Life, and the analysis draws on the results from the group interview study. The institutional frames, the large-sized schools, and the tasks of school to educate pupils and to differentiate between them, are risk factors that may lead to stereotypical, instrumental, and competitive relationships in education. The group interview study indicates that there are grounds for concern since it shows that victimization works as a teaching tool in the /re/construction of a hegemonic discourse of understanding life. The empirically identified hegemonic discourse of understanding life is termed “Life as adjustment for the benefit of individual competition”. Victimization is shown to be both the cause and effect of this discourse. The hegemonic life discourse also lends contextual legitimacy to victimization. The study of the school textbook suggests that the subject Religion may reinforce such a hegemonic understanding of life if it fails to balance the book’s objective and descriptive accounts of abuse of power.

Teisinė atsakomybė etatistinės ir demokratinės teisės sampratų požiūriu / Legal Liability from the Point of View of Normativist and Democratic Law Concepts

Ribikauskas, Audronius 21 January 2007 (has links)
In the paper Legal Liability from the Point of View of Normativist and Democratic Law Concepts concept of liability is briefly described. Social liability and its kinds are analysed. Legal liability is distinguished like a separate kind from the social liability, featuring a unique obligatory legal definition sign. Its application is assured by the state. Kinds of legal liability analysed: positive and tortious (negative) legal liability. Basis for occurrence of legal liability are described. Dependence of the legal liability upon the legal system of a state is described in the paper. In the non-democratic states, where the laws become a tool for the rulers to give law to the masses, other kinds of social liability, e.g. moral liability, contradict with the legal liability. All kinds of the social liability, except the legal liability, feature no forced measures applicable upon the violator. It is stressed that the non-democratic legal systems fail to accept the positive legal liability. Unsuccessful efforts of the Soviet law theoreticians to introduce the concept of positive legal liability into the law science are mentioned. Tortious legal liability is a sequel and guarantee of the positive liability. Therefore it is the secondary and the positive liability is the primary (main) form of the legal liability. It becomes especially vivid in the democratic society, when its right ceases being repressive and implementation of the positive law is first of all assured by the... [to full text]

O adimplemento imperfeito no direito brasileiro

Cordeiro, Luiz Henrique Machado January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa apresentar um panorama geral a respeito da terceira espécie de inadimplemento no Direito brasileiro, considerando os esforços da doutrina e da jurisprudência em nosso sistema jurídico no trato deste tema, bem como considerando aspectos relevantes colhidos na experiência estrangeira. Na tentativa de contribuir para debate, será apresentada uma proposição para a identificação dessa terceira espécie de inadimplemento no Direito brasileiro. / The present work aims to present an overview regarding the third kind of default in Brazilian law, considering the efforts of the doctrine and of the jurisprudence in our legal system in dealing with this issue, as well as considering relevant aspects gathered from the experience of foreign law. In an attempt to contribute to debate, a proposition will be presented for the identification of this third kind of default in Brazilian law.

Aspekte van regsbeheer in die konteks van die Internet / Aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet

Gordon, Barrie James 06 1900 (has links)
Die wêreld soos dit vandag bestaan, is gebaseer op die Internasionaalregtelike konsep van soewereiniteit. State het die bevoegdheid om hulle eie sake te reël, maar die ontwikkeling van die Internet as ’n netwerk wat globaal verspreid is, het hierdie beginsel verontagsaam. Dit wou voorkom asof die Internet die einde van soewereiniteit en staatskap sou beteken. ’n Geskiedkundige oorsig toon dat reguleerders aanvanklik onseker was oor hoe hierdie nuwe medium hanteer moes word. Dit het geblyk dat nuwe tegnologieë wat fragmentasie van die Internet bewerkstellig, gebruik kon word om staatsgebonde regsreëls af te dwing. Verskeie state van die wêreld het uiteenlopende metodologieë gevolg om die Internet op staatsvlak te probeer reguleer, en dit het tot die lukraak-wyse waarop die Internet tans gereguleer word, aanleiding gegee. Hierdie studie bespreek verskeie aspekte van regsbeheer in die konteks van die Internet, en bepaal daardeur hoe die Internet tans gereguleer word. Toepaslike wetgewing van verskeie state word regdeur die studie bespreek. Vier prominente state, wat verskeie belangrike ingrepe ten aansien van Internetregulering gemaak het, word verder uitgelig. Dit is die Verenigde State van Amerika, die Volksrepubliek van Sjina, die Europese Unie as verteenwoordiger van Europese state, en Suid-Afrika. Aspekte wat op Internasionaalregtelike vlak aangespreek moet word, soos internasionale organisasies en internasionale regsteorieë ten aansien van die regulering van die Internet, word ook onder die loep geneem. Die bevindings wat uit die studie volg, word gebruik om verskeie aanbevelings te maak, en die aanbevelings word uiteindelik in ’n nuwe model saamgevoegom’n sinvoller wyse van regulering van die Internet voor te stel. Aangesien die huidige studie in die konteks van die Internasionale reg onderneem word, word die studie afgesluit met ’n bespreking van kubersoewereiniteit, wat ’n uiteensetting is van hoe soewereiniteit ten aansien van die Internet toegepas behoort te word. Die gevolgtrekking is insiggewend — die ontwikkeling van die Internet het nie die einde van soewereiniteit beteken nie, maar het dit juis bevestig. / The world is currently structured in different states, and this is premised on the International law concept of sovereignty. States have the capacity to structure their own affairs, but the development of the Internet as a globally distributed network has violated this principle. It would seem that the development of the Internet would mean the end of sovereignty and statehood. A historical overview shows that regulators were initially unsure of how this new medium should be dealt with. It appeared that new technologies that could fragment the Internet, could be used to enforce state bound law. Several states of the world have used different methodologies trying to regulate the Internet at state level, and this led to the random way in which the Internet is currently regulated. This study examines various aspects of legal regulation in the context of the Internet, and determines how the Internet is currently regulated. Appropriate legislation of several states are discussed throughout the study. Four prominent states, which made several important interventions regarding the regulation of the Internet, are highlighted further. It is the United States, the People’s Republic of China, the European Union as the representative of European countries, and South Africa. Aspects that need to be addressed on International law level, such as international organizations and international legal theories regarding the regulation of the Internet, are also discussed. The findings that follow from this study are used to make several recommendations, which in turn are used to construct a new model for a more meaningful way in which the Internet could be regulated. Since the present study is undertaken in the context of the International law, the study is concluded with a discussion of cyber sovereignty, which is a discussion of how sovereignty should be applied with regards to the Internet. The conclusion is enlightening—the development of the Internet does not indicate the end of sovereignty, but rather confirms it. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LLD

Exploring the construction of white male identity in selected novels by J.M. Coetzee

Dent, Jacqueline Elizabeth May 30 November 2007 (has links)
Coetzee's own experience of living in apartheid South Africa provides the backdrop for novels infused with sardonic irony and rich metaphoric systems. In modes of metafiction that emphasize the destructive and violent nature of language, he optimizes his unique oeuvre to interrogate global, national and domestic power relations. This dissertation relies on psychoanalytical theories that examine microstructures of power within the individual, and in his domestic domain. Each of Coetzee's chief protagonists carries a secret related to a dysfunctional mother/son relationship. This hampers their psychosocial dynamics, their masculinity and sexuality. As they respectively strive toward an elusive new life they confront patriarchal power structures that speak on behalf of individuals, '[whose] descent into powerlessness [is] voluntary' (Coetzee 2007: 4-5). Coetzee's constructed white males perform their several identity roles in milieux that span divergent phases of colonial history. His critique points to white patriarchal hegemonic ideological discourses that bespeak the self/other dichotomy in a postcolonial world where the language of dominance supports an oppressive status quo. / English Studies / M.A. (English)

Segurança do paciente: violação às normas e prescrições em saúde / Patient Safety: violation of rules and standards in health

Nascimento, Nadia Bomfim do January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:42:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / Organismos nacionais e internacionais evidenciam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de dispositivos e estratégias para a redução do dano desnecessário associado ao cuidado em saúde a um mínimo aceitável. Inúmeras ações e pesquisas vêm sendo realizadas de forma crescente na última década. Além das tecnologias e conhecimentos técnicos produzidos nesse período, aspectos comportamentais passarama ser levados em consideração em função da complexidade e especificidade envolvidas na assistência à saúde.Os procedimentos de higienização de mãos e os paradoxos que envolvem a adesão dos profissionais de saúde a esses procedimentos foi o fenômeno utilizado para empreender um estudo que possibilitasse a compreensão do comportamento de violação, etapa do processo de consecução do erro, responsável em parte pela alta incidência de eventos adversos evitáveis. Alguns modelos explicativos foram utilizados para visualizar o fenômeno estudado por prismas diferentes. A pesquisa qualitativa realizada teve como base o desenvolvimento de uma teoria fundamentada que visou à compreensão do comportamento de violação ocorrida nas ações médicas frente às iniciativas de higienização de mãos. A análise empreendida assevera a importância da implantação das iniciativas de higienização de mãos e do avanço sistemático do processo implementação dessas iniciativas, no sentido de qualificar os profissionais de saúde para agir preventivamente em relação às infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Quanto mais avançado for o estágio de implementação dessas normas e procedimentos maior a possibilidade de detecção e compreensão da dinâmica comportamental que envolve a baixa adesão e consequentemente a criação de estratégias que possam diminuir a distância entre o trabalho prescrito e o trabalho real. / National and international organizations insist on the need to develop mechanisms and strategies to reduce the unnecessary harm associated with healthcare to a minimum. In this sense, more and more actions and researches have been accomplished in the last decade. Besides technology and knowledge developed in the meantime, behavioral aspects have to also be taken into consideration in order to meet the complexity and specificity requirements of healthcare. Hand hygiene procedures and the paradoxes surrounding the healthcare workers compliance to these procedures, here understood as a phenomenon, are the subject of this research. It leads to the understanding of violation behavior – a stage of the error attainment process -, which is partly responsible for the high incidence of preventable and adverse events. Some explanatory models have been used to visualize that phenomenon, which has been studied from different standpoints. In this thesis, qualitative research is grounded on a theory that aims to understand the violation behavior that occurs throughout medical actions that require their compliance to hand hygiene initiatives. This analysis sustains the importance of the implementation of hand hygiene initiatives and the systematic advancement of such procedures in order to qualify healthcare workers to prevent cross-transmission of microorganisms. The more advanced is the implementation stage of the process, higher is the possibility of detection and understanding of the behavioral dynamic involving low compliance to it. Thus, the development of strategies might diminish the gap between prescribed work and real work.

Flavor and Dark Matter Issues in Supersymmetric Models

Chowdhury, Debtosh January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Standard Model of particle physics attempts to unify the fundamental forces in the Universe (except gravity). Over the years it has been tested in numerous experiments. While these experimental results strengthen our understanding of the SM, they also point out directions for physics beyond the SM. In this thesis we assume supersymmetry (SUSY) to be the new physics beyond the SM. We have tried to analyze the present status of low energy SUSY after the recent results from direct (collider) and indirect (flavor, dark matter) searches .We have tried to see the complementarity between these apparently different experimental results and search strategies from the context of low energy SUSY. We show that such complementarity does exist in well-defined models of SUSY breaking like mSUGRA, NUHM etc. The first chapter outlines the present status of the SM and discusses about the unanswered questions in SM. Keeping SUSY as the new physics beyond the SM, we also detail about its present experimental status. Chapter1 ends with the motivation and comprehensive description about each chapter of the thesis. In chapter2, we present an introduction to formal structure of SUSY algebra and the structure of MSSM. One of the such complementarities we have studied is between flavor and dark matter. In general flavor violation effects are not considered when studying DM regions in minimal SUSY models like mSUGRA. If however flavor violation does get generated through non-minimal SUSY breaking sector, one of the most susceptible regions would be the co-annihilation region for neutralino DM. In chapter 3 we consider flavor violation in the sleptonic sector and study its implications on the stau co-annihilation region. In this work we have taken flavor violation between the right-handed smuon (˜µR) and stau (˜τR). Due to this flavor mixing the lightest slepton (ĺ1) is a flavor mixed state. We have studied the effect of such ĺ11’s in the ‘stau co-annihilation’ region of the parameter space, where the relic density of the neutralinos gets depleted due to efficient co-annihilation with the staus. Limits on the flavor violating insertion in the right-handed sleptonic sector mainly comes from BR(τ → µγ). These limits are weak in some regions of the Parameter space where cancellations happen with in the amplitudes. We look for overlaps in parameter space where both the co-annihilation condition as well as the cancellations with in the amplitudes occur. We have shown that in models with non-universal Higgs boundary conditions (NUHM) overlap between these two regions is possible. The effect of flavor violation is two fold: (a) It shifts the co-annihilation regions towards lighter neutralino masses and (b) the co-annihilation cross sections would be modified with the inclusion of flavor violating diagrams which can contribute significantly. In the overlap regions, the flavor violating cross sections become comparable and in some cases even dominant to the flavor conserving ones. A comparison among the different flavor conserving and flavor violating channels, which contribute to the neutralino annihilation cross-section, is presented. One of the challenges of addressing quantitatively the complementarity problems is the lack of proper spectrum generator (numerical tools which computes SUSY sparticle spectrum in the presence of flavor violation in the sfermionic sector). For the lack of a publicly available code which considers general flavor violating terms in the renormalization group equations (RGE) we have developed a SUSY spectrum calculator, named as SuSeFLAV .It is a code written in FORTRAN language and calculates SUSY particle spectrum (with in the context of gravity mediation) in type I seesaw, in the presence of heavy right handed neutrinos (RHN). SuSeFLAV also calculates the SUSY spectrum in other type of SUSY breaking mechanisms (e.g. gauge mediation). The renormalization group (RG) flow of soft-SUSY breaking terms will generate large off-diagonal terms in the slepton sector in the presence of this RHNs, which will give rise to sizable amount of flavor violating (LFV) decays at the weak scale. Hence, in this code we also calculate the different rare LFV decays like, µ → eγ, τ → µγ etc. In SuSeFLAV the user has the freedom to choose the scale of the RHNs as well as the mixing matrix in neutrino sector. It is also possible to choose the values of the SUSY breaking input parameters at the user defined scale. The details of this package is discussed in chapter 4. Many of the present studies of complementarity between the direct and indirect searches are inadequate to address realistic scenarios, where SUSY breaking could be much more general compared to the minimal models. The work in this thesis is a step to wards this direction. Having said that, in the present thesis we have considered modifications of popular models with either explicit flavor violating terms (in some sectors) or sources of flavor violation through new particles and new couplings motivated by strong phenomenological reasons like neutrino masses. It should be noted however, the numerical tool which has been developed during the thesis can be used to address more complicated problems like with complete flavor violation in models of SUSY breaking. One of the popular mechanisms of neutrino mass generation is the so called Seesaw Mechanism. Depending on the extra matter sector present in the theory there are three basic types of them. The type I seesaw, which has singlet bright-handed neutrinos, the type II seesaw contains scalar triplets and type III seesaw has additional fermionic triplets. One of the implications of the seesaw mechanism is flavor violation in the sfermionic sector even in the presence of flavor universal SUSY breaking. This leads to a complementarity between flavor experiments and direct SUSY searches at LHC. With the announcement of the results from the reactor neutrino oscillation experiments, the reactor mixing angle (θ13) in the neutrino mixing matrix (PMNS matrix) gets fixed to a rather large non-zero value. In SO (10) GUT theories neutrino Yukawa couplings of type I seesaw gets related to the up-type fermion sector of the SM. In chapter 5 we update the status of SUSY type I seesaw assuming SO (10)- like relations for neutrino Dirac Yukawa couplings and two cases of mixing, one large, PMNS-like, and another small, CKM-like, are considered. It is shown that for the large mixing case, only a small range of parameter space with moderate tan β is still allowed. It is shown that the renormalization group induced flavor violating slepton mass terms are highly sensitive to the Higgs boundary conditions. Depending on the choice of the parameters, they can either lead to strong enhancements or cancellations with in the flavor violating terms. We have shown that in NUHM scenario there could be possible cancellations which relaxes the severe constraints imposed by lepton flavor violation compared to mSUGRA. We further updated the flavor consequences for the type II seesaw in SUSY theories. As mentioned previously in type II seesaw neutrino mass gets generated due to exchange of heavy SU (2) L triplet Higgs field. The ratio of lepton flavor violating branching ratios (e.g. BR(τ → µγ) /BR (µ → eγ) etc.) are functions of low energy neutrino masses ans mixing angles. In chapter 6 we have analyzed how much these ratios become, after the experimental measurement of θ13, in the whole SUSY parameter space or in other words how much these ratios help to constrain the SUSY parameter space. We compute different factors which can affect this ratios. We have shown that the cMSSM-like scenarios, in which slepton masses are taken to be universal at the high scale, predict 3.5 BR(τ → µγ) / BR(µ → eγ) 30 for normal hierarchical neutrino masses. We Show that the current MEG limit puts severe constraints on the light sparticle spectrum in cMSSM-like model for seesaw scale with in1013 - 1015 GeV. These constraints can be relaxed and relatively light sparticle spectrum can be still allowed by MEG result in a class of models in which the soft mass of triplet scalar is taken to be non-universal at the GUT scale. In chapter 7 we have analyzed the effect of largen eutrino Yukawa couplings on the supersymmetric lightest Higgs mass. In July 2012, ATLAS and CMS collaboration have updated the Higgs search in LHC and found an evidence of a scalar particle having mass around 125 GeV. The one-loop contribution to Higgs mass mainly depends on the top trilinear couplings (At), the SUSY scale and the top Yukawa (Yt). Thus in models with extra large Yukawa couplings at the high scale like the seesaw mechanism ,the renormalization scaling of the At parameter can get significantly affected. This in turn can modify the light Higgs mass at the weak scale for the same set of SUSY parameters. We have shown in type I seesaw with (Yν ~ 3Yu) the light Higgs mass gets reduced by 2 - 3 GeV in most of the parameter rspace. In other words the SUSY scale must be pushed high enough to achieve similar Higgs mass compared to the cMSSM scenario. We have got similar effect in SUSY type III seesaw scenario with (Yν ~Yu) at the GUT scale. In chapter 8 we summarize the results of the thesis and discuss the possible future directions.

The role of international, regional and domestic standards in monitoring children's rights

Oladiji, Sharon Omowunmi 06 1900 (has links)
The study provides a brief overview of the most important legal instruments in the international, regional and national framework on the development and promotion of children’s rights. Basically, it examines the continuous and pervasive violation of children’s rights despite the progressive instruments that have been adopted to ensure the proper and effective realization of these rights. It focuses on three different countries in Africa: South Africa, Ethiopia and Nigeria because of the value-laden nature of the progressive laws adopted by these countries in the protection of children’s rights. Specific roles and actions taken by international, regional and national monitoring bodies are highlighted to indicate their effectiveness in promoting and fulfilling rights for children. Country reports on the situation of children are examined in the context of realization of salient rights for children amidst the different judicial, political and socio-cultural settings. Emerging judgments and judicial developments that have limited and advanced the realization of rights for children in the specific country context were explored. Conclusions and recommendations are made. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LL. M.

Pokročilá statická analýza atomičnosti v paralelních programech v prostředí Facebook Infer / Advanced Static Analysis of Atomicity in Concurrent Programs through Facebook Infer

Harmim, Dominik January 2021 (has links)
Nástroj Atomer je statický analyzátor založený na myšlence, že pokud jsou některé sekvence funkcí vícevláknového programu prováděny v některých bězích pod zámky, je pravděpodobně zamýšleno, že mají být vždy provedeny atomicky. Analyzátor Atomer se tudíž snaží takové sekvence hledat a poté zjišťovat, pro které z nich může být v některých jiných bězích programu porušena atomicita. Autor této diplomové práce ve své bakalářské práci navrhl a implementoval první verzi nástroje Atomer jako zásuvný modul aplikačního rámce Facebook Infer. V této diplomové práci je navržena nová a výrazně vylepšená verze analyzátoru Atomer. Cílem vylepšení je zvýšení jak škálovatelnosti, tak přesnosti. Kromě toho byla přidána podpora pro několik původně nepodporovaných programovacích vlastností (včetně např. možnosti analyzovat programy napsané v jazycích C++ a Java nebo podpory pro reentrantní zámky nebo stráže zámků, tzv. "lock guards"). Prostřednictvím řady experimentů (včetně experimentů s reálnými programy a reálnými chybami) se ukázalo, že nová verze nástroje Atomer je skutečně mnohem obecnější, přesnější a lépe škáluje.

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