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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploratory User Research for a Website that Provides Resources for Educators of American Indian Students in Higher Education

Roth, Heather S. 12 1900 (has links)
Several studies have indicated that American Indian students in the United States higher education system confront unique challenges that derive from a legacy of colonialism and assimilationist policies (Huff 1997). Several scholars, American Indian and non-Native alike, have explored the effects of this history upon students in higher education (Brayboy 2004; Guillory and Wolverton 2008; Waterman and Lindley 2013). Very few, however, have explored the role of the educators of American Indian students, and most of the literature focuses on K-12 educational settings (McCarty and Lee 2014; Yong and Hoffman 2014). This thesis examines exploratory user research conducted to generate a foundational understanding of educators of American Indian students in higher education. Utilizing methods from design anthropology and user experience, semi-structured interviews and think-aloud sessions were conducted, almost exclusively virtually, for 17 participants. This research was conducted for a client, Fire & Associates, as part of the applied thesis process. Findings revealed a complex web of needs for educators of American Indian students in higher education related to teaching diverse students, the use of media and technology in the classroom, and the process of networking among other educators. The research culminated in content and design implications for the Fire & Associates website as well as suggestions for further research based on best practices in the field of user experience.

The impact of culture and language on the use of the internet / empirical analyses of behaviour and attitudes

Kralisch, Anett 03 July 2006 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von Kultur und Sprache auf die Nutzung des Internets. Drei Hauptgebiete wurden bearbeitet: (1) Der Einfluss von Kultur und Sprache auf Nutzerpräferenzen bezüglich der Darstellung von Informationen und Nutzung von Suchoptionen; (2) Der Einfluss von Kultur auf Nutzerpräferenzen bezüglich des Inhaltes von Websiteinformationen; (3) Der Einfluss von Sprache auf die Nutzerzufriedenheit und Sprache als Informationszugangsbarriere Daten aus Logfile-Analysen, Onlinebefragungen und experimentellen Untersuchungen bildeten die Auswertungsgrundlage für die Überprüfung der 33 Hypothesen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kulturspezifische Denkmuster mit Navigationsmusters und Nutzung von Suchoptionen korrelieren. Der Einfluss von Kultur auf Nutzerpräferenzen bezüglich des Inhaltes von Websiteinformationen erwies sich als weniger eindeutig. Aus den Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Sprache ging hervor, dass Sprache Web¬sitezugriff und –nutzung beeinflusst. Die Daten zeigen, dass signifikant weniger L1-Nutzer als L2-Nutzer auf eine Website zugreifen. Dies lässt sich zum einem mit dem sprachbedingten kognitiven Aufwand erklären als auch mit der Tatsache, dass Websites unterschiedlicher Sprachen weniger miteinander verlinkt sind als Websites gleicher Sprachen. Im Hinblick auf die Nutzung von Suchoptionen zeigte sich, dass L2 Nutzer mit geringem themenspezifischen Wissen sich signifikant von L1 Nutzern unterscheiden. Schließlich lassen die Ergebnisse auch darauf schließen, dass Zufriedenheit der Nutzer einer Website einerseits mit Sprachfähigkeiten der Nutzer und andererseits mit der wahrgenommenen Menge muttersprachlichen Angebots im Internet korreliert. / This thesis analyses the impact of culture and language on Internet use. Three main areas were investigated: (1) the impact of culture and language on preferences for information presentation and search options, (2) the impact of culture on the need for specific website content, and (3) language as a barrier to information access and as a determinant of website satisfaction. In order to test the 33 hypotheses, data was gathered by means of logfile analyses, online surveys, and laboratory studies. It was concluded that culture clearly correlated with patterns of navigation behaviour and the use of search options. In contrast, results concerning the impact of culture on the need for website content were less conclusive. Results concerning language, showed that significantly fewer L1 users than L2 users accessed a website. This can be explained with language related cognitive effort as well as with the fact the websites of different languages are less linked than websites of the same language. With regard to search option use, a strong mediation effect of domain knowledge was found. Furthermore, results revealed correlations between user satisfaction and language proficiency, as well as between satisfaction and the perceived amount of native language information online.

A model for the adoption and implementation of web-based government services and applications : a study based in grounded theory validated by structural equation modelling analysis in a Jordanian context

Elsheikh, Yousef M. A. January 2011 (has links)
Among the many promises of the revolution in the information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet, continues to be its potential to significantly transform governments around the world. This transformation is referred to as e-government or web-based government, often used interchangeably in most of the IS literature. Despite these however, the level of adoption and use of such innovation is still low and does not meet expectations in developing countries in general and Jordan in particular. Yet, existing research on the adoption and implementation of e-government in developing countries is still lacking explanatory power for the following reasons: 1) focusing either on the supply-side, or on the demand-side separately to study the adoption and implementation of e-government, and therefore there is no enough research on the integration between them as a single phenomenon, and 2) focusing on the results of previous research, and therefore not to develop theories fit the new context to be investigated to understand the relationship between the IT implementation and social structures in the same context. This research aims to fill these gaps through the use of a holistic approach to enable in-depth understanding and gain valuable insights on the adoption and implementation of e-government from multiple perspectives, and in the real context of a developing country, namely Jordan. This would reduce the gap between government strategies and policies related to implementation of e-government services and applications on the one hand, and perceptions of citizens on the other hand, allowing a better understanding of the needs of citizens and the priorities that must be taken into account by governments in order to ensure the success of such projects on a large scale. Through two phases, this research proposes and empirically tests an integrated model of the determinants of adoption and implementation of e-government services and applications in Jordan. The first phase employs a grounded theory methodology for the development of the research model, as well as the survey instruments necessary to test the model. The second phase employs a survey questionnaire to test the research model using multivariate and SEM with the results demonstrating support for the proposed model. The empirical results indicate that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and the security of e-government systems are no longer among the main determinants that affect the decision to adopt and implement e-government services and applications in this particular context. This confirms that the prevailing models and theories on the adoption of IT do not apply equally to the context of developing countries such as Jordan, and thus do not explain and predict behaviour toward the adoption and implementation of e-government services and applications in the same context. There is a direct and positive relationship between citizen involvement in the change process towards e-government and the decision to adopt and implement e-government services and applications. There is also a strong positive relationship between the decision to adopt and implement e-government services and applications and the decision to use such services and applications within the same context. Unexpectedly, the prevailing sociocultural determinants indicate a direct and positive relationship with the decision to adopt and implement e-government services and applications in the same context. Also, the results indicate direct and negative relationships between citizen trust and website design issues with the decision to adopt and implement e-government services and applications. Finally, the research concludes by highlighting the theoretical and practical implications, limitations and future directions.

Grafisk profil till ett företag som tillverkar handgjorda textilprodukter av naturmaterial : Hur kan en hemsida kommunicera ett varumärke? / Graphic profile for a corporate that produces hand-made textile products of natural materials : How to communicate a brand through a website?

Köpmans, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete var att skapa en grafisk profil till företaget Lyst Form AB som bedriver större delen av sin affärsverksamhet via en hemsida. Företaget säljer handgjorda kläder och accessoarer i lintyg. En teoretisk del i arbetet tar upp hur varumärket kan kommuniceras genom hemsidan. Den grafiska profilen utformades utifrån företagets identitet. Det är viktigt att företaget speglas på ett korrekt sätt. Ett företags identitet kan beskrivas som organisationens själ och den visas utåt i form av bland annat den grafiska profilen. Denna ses därför som en viktig identitetsbärare och den kan kallas för den visuella identiteten. En grafisk profil innehåller bland annat logotyp, profilfärger samt typografi. Företagets målgrupp ansågs vara en viktig del i hela processen eftersom de i slutändan ska tilltalas av den grafiska profilen. Först gjordes en grundlig undersökning och research av företaget för att få en god uppfattning av dess identitet. Även konkurrenterna granskades. En enkätundersökning gjordes för att kunna samla information utifrån målgruppens perspektiv. Denna informationsinsamling gav ett bra underlag och en riktlinje i framtagningen av den grafiska profilen.   Under designprocessens gång diskuterades de logotypförslag som togs fram med hjälp av en sammansatt fokusgrupp. Diskussionen var givande och var till stor nytta i designprocessen. Baserat på den grafiska profilen skapades en layout för hemsidan samt exempel på trycksaker för att visa hur den kan användas. En enklare grafisk manual skapades för att företaget ska kunna synas utåt på ett enhetligt sätt. En sista enkätundersökning gjordes för att se om målet uppnåtts. Resultatet visade att den nya framtagna grafiska profilen var en klar förbättring jämfört mot den nuvarande sett utifrån företagets identitet. I slutändan valde dock företaget en annan logotyp. Detta påvisar svårigheterna i processen att ta fram en grafisk profil. Alla delar i processen är viktiga och undersökningarna är bland annat en av de väsentliga delarna vilka bidrar med en större chans till ett bra slutresultat som tar hänsyn till både företagets och målgruppens åsikter. / The purpose of this thesis was to create a graphic profile for the company Lyst Form AB. The company conducts an e-commerce and is selling handcrafted clothes made in natural material.   A theoretic part in the thesis studies how a brand can communicate on the internet. It’s important that the corporate identity is reflected through the graphic profile. The corporate identity can be explained as the soul of the company and can be seen through all of the graphic material. The graphic profile is a kind of visual identity and it’s containing a logotype, typography and colors for example. Several studies were made to reach the aim with the thesis. The target group of the company was important throughout the whole process. A research began with the company and their competitors. A survey was made by the target group to get their opinion about the company and its design. This information gathering gave a good foundation and a guideline in the development of the graphic profile. During the design process the proposed logos was discussed using a focus group. The discussion was useful in the process. A last survey was made to see if the goal was achieved. The results showed that the newly developed graphic profile was a clear improvement compared to the current from the perspective of corporate identity. The goal of the thesis was achieved.

Kan modeföretag förbättra shoppingupplevelsen i sina onlinebutiker? / Can fashion retailers improve the shopping experience in their online stores?

Schubertsson Larsson, Lisette, Tarokh, Donia January 2017 (has links)
In this paper we have chosen to study three aspects of the shopping experience online -navigation, product image and product information based on Hasan’s (2016) theory, to examine if, and how, the shopping experience online needs to improve in the fashion retail industry. From eyetracking-observations and qualitative interviews in this study, we identified the customers expectations and perceived problems in the online shoppingexperience. One of our findings show that there is a general agreement that product images have a significant impact on the shopping experience online. Another finding shows that distinctively visible filtering options on the online stores are important for the consumer to find what they are looking for. / För denna uppsats har vi valt att studera kring tre aspekter inom shoppingupplevelsen online -navigering, produktbild och produktbeskrivning, utifrån Hasans (2016) grundmodell för att undersöka om och hur shoppingupplevelsen online behöver förbättras inom modebranschen. Utifrån eyetracking-observationer och kvalitativa intervjuer framkommer vilka förväntningar och upplevda problem som identifieras av konsumenter, för shoppingupplevelsen online. Ett av resultaten visar att det överlag finns en generell överenskommelse för att bland annat produktbilder har en stor inverkan på shoppingupplevelsen online. Ytterligare ett resultat visade att en tydlig presentation av filtreringsmöjligheter på webbshoppar är av betydelse för att konsumenten ska hitta rätt i sin sökning.

Redesign of a website and visual brand language : Development of a new website and graphic profile for an energy efficiency company

Olsén, Emma January 2021 (has links)
The project that is presented in this report is the result of a master thesis for the Industrial Design Engineering programme at Luleå University of Technology. The project was conducted towards and together with the company Leosol during the fall of 2020.  For the past couple of years, Leosol has invested time and money into online advertisement. Their advertisement generates a greater visit flow onto their website; however, it rarely produces any bookings of their services. Leosol wants to increase the number of bookings done through their website. This master thesis is conducted to contribute towards Leosol’s goal regarding the online bookings. Therefore, the focus of this project has been to strengthen Leosol’s brand by exploring options for a new graphic profile and a visual brand language. These brand tools were be implemented in a new website.  To achieve this, an altered version of IDEO’s Human-Centered Design process was implemented. By working close to the user, in this case, Leosol’s clients, the current issues and solutions was clarified. Throughout the process, the graphic profile and the wireframe was developed separately. In the last phase of the project, the two was combined into the final concept.  The project resulted in a repositioning of Leosol’s brand, creating a new, more professional tone. The graphic profile was summarized through a poster, describing the new logotype, colours, fonts, imagery and a short description of how to apply them.  This new graphic profile was applied onto the new wireframe, creating the final website. The layout of the website was developed so that the user can quickly identify Leosol’s identity and mission. By implementing a website that truly represents Leosol, there is a bigger chance that the number of bookings increase. / Projektet som presenteras i den här rapporten är resultatet av ett examensarbete för Civilingenjörslinjen Teknisk Design vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet. Projektet har drivits mot och i samarbete med energiföretaget Leosol under hösten 2020. Leosol har investerat både pengar och tid i annonsering online. Detta har genererat ett större besöksflöde, dock har det inte lett till en ökning av bokningar av deras tjänster. Leosol vill öka antalet bokningar som sker via deras hemsida. Detta examensarbete har utförts för att bidra till detta mål. Projektet har därför kretsat kring att förstärka Leosols varumärke genom att utforska olika alternativ till en ny grafisk profil och ett nytt visuellt varumärke. Dessa nya varumärkesverktyg kommer sedan att implementeras i en helt ny hemsida.  En variant av IDEO’s Human-Centered Designprocess har använts under projektet för att uppnå detta. Genom att arbeta nära och tillsammans med användaren, i detta fall Leosols kunder, har de nuvarande problemen samt olika lösningar förtydligats och identifierats. Under processen har den grafiska profilen och wireframen för hemsidan skapats separat. I sista fasen i projektet kombinerades dessa till det slutgiltiga konceptet. Projektet har resulterat i en ompositionering av Leosols varumärke genom att skapa en mer professionell ton. Den grafiska profilen har sammanfattats i form av en poster. Denna beskriver den nya logotypen, färger, typsnitt, bildspråk samt en kort instruktion som förklarar hur dessa bör appliceras.  Den nya grafiska profilen applicerades sedan på wireframen, för att skapa den slutgiltiga hemsidan. Hemsidans layout är skapad för att användaren ska snabbt kunna identifiera Leosol’s identitet samt deras tjänster. Genom att implementera en hemsida som verkligen representerar Leosol ökar chanserna för att antalet bokningar på deras hemsida stiger.

Ett gymnasieförbunds webbplats och dess påverkan på gymnasievalet : En studie om användarupplevelser. / A high school association's website and its impact on high school choice : A study of user experiences.

Herrström, Julia, Polteg, Saga January 2022 (has links)
Digitaliseringen är allmänt utbredd i vårt samhälle vilket innebär att dagens unga människor växer upp i en miljö där tekniska lösningar, såsom webbplatser, är en central del i ungas vardag, vilket ibland även kan påverka livsbeslut. Det svenska skolsystemet styrs idag av marknadsprinciper som innebär att konkurrensen om att rekrytera elever har blivit avgörande för skolornas överlevnad. Därför finns det incitament för att skapa differentierade och åtråvärda skolvarumärken via skolans webbplatser. Dessa webbplatser bör således utformas så att de lever upp till ungas behov och krav för att skolorna skall vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur ett gymnasieförbunds webbplats kan påverka potentiella elevers val av gymnasieskola. För detta genomfördes en kvalitativ forskning, där data samlades in genom individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta ändamålsenligt utvalda deltagare från elever i årskurs nio. Den insamlade datan analyserades tematiskt och diskuterades vidare med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket och huvudsakliga litteraturbegrepp, såsom interaktionsdesign, användarupplevelse, generation Z, skolvarumärke och webbdesign, inklusive Self-determination theory. Forskningsresultatet visar på att en gymnasieförbunds hemsida kan ha en viss påverkan på elevernas val av gymnasieskola när det gäller tillgång till information om de tillhörande skolorna. Förbundets hemsida ansågs inte vara avgörande för om en elev väljer att ansöka till en viss skola eller inte, men den ansågs ha betydelse för hur en elev uppfattar skolorna innan de har haft en chans att uppleva skolan på andra sätt. Ett flertal deltagare ansåg att hemsidan kunde vara avgörande om de potentiella eleverna inte fått tillräcklig information från annat håll, såsom samtal med studieoch yrkesvägledare, gymnasiemässan eller kontakter på skolan de var intresserade av. Resultatet visar på att valet av gymnasieskola huvudsakligen baserades på andras erfarenheter och uppfattningar om skolan såsom familj och vänner till den potentiella eleven eller genom nuvarande elever på skolorna. Majoriteten av deltagarna tog upp bilderna på webbplatserna varav ett antal påpekade att de potentiellt skulle kunna vara positivt förstärka och ifrågasatte således innehållets trovärdighet, därför var det viktigt att skolorna porträtterades sanningsenligt och att webbplatserna speglade den fysiska skolan. Ett antal deltagare påpekade att gymnasieförbundets webbplats borde vara neutral och inte lyfta fram vissa skolor för att påverka potentiella elever att välja en skola framför en andra.Således bidrar denna kandidatuppsats till en förståelse för hur en grupp svenska niondeklassare gått till väga för att utforska valet av gymnasieskola med fokus på hur användarupplevelsen av ett gymnasieförbunds webbplats kan påverka valet av gymnasieskola. / Digitalisation is prevalent in our society and, therefore, today’s young people grow up in an environment where technological solutions, such as websites, are present in every part of their life, affecting sometimes their life decisions. The Swedish school system nowadays is ruled by marketing principles and the competition of recruiting students has become critical for schools survival. Hence, there are incentives to create desirable school brands through the school’s websites. These websites should be designed in a way to live up to young people’s needs and requirements and, at the same time, for schools to remain competitive in the market. Therefore, the purpose of this bachelor’s thesis research is to explore how a high school association's website can influence the potential students' choice of high school. For this, a qualitative research was conducted, where data was collected through individual semi-structured interviews with eight purposively selected participants-students of the ninth grade. The collected data was analysed thematically and was later discussed with the help of the theoretical framework and main literature concepts, such as interaction design, user experience, generation Z, school branding, and website design, including the Self-determination theory.The research findings show that a high school association's website can have a certain impact on students' choice of high school in terms of access to information about the associated schools. The association’s website was not considered crucial to whether a student chooses to apply for a certain school or not, however, it was considered to have an effect on how a student perceives the schools before the they have had a chance to experience the school in other ways. A number of participants considered that the website could be crucial if the potential students had not received sufficient information from elsewhere, such as conversations with studies and career counselors, the high school fair or contacts at the school. The results show that the choice of high school was mainly based on others' experiences and perceptions of the school such as current students of the schools and family and friends of the potential student. A majority of the participants brought up the imagery on the websites and pointed out that it could potentially be positively reinforced, questioning the authenticity of the content, hence it was important that the schools were portrayed truthfully and that the websites reflected the physical school. A number of participants pointed out that the high school foundation’s website should be neutral and not highlight a certain school to influence potential students to choose one over the other. Thus, this bachelor’s thesis research contributes to an understanding of a group of Swedish ninth grade students’ way of exploring the choice of high school with emphasis on the user experience of a high school association's website’s influence on the choice.

Lantbrukares upplevelse av en webbsida utformad som en tredimensionell virtuell värld : Fallet med Yaragarden.se / Farmers' experience of a website designed as a three-dimensional virtual world : The case with Yaragarden.se

Gärdebo, Arvid, Joakim, Schönbeck January 2022 (has links)
Informationsintag har blivit lättare i och med internets tillkomst. För att göra upplevelsen mer uppslukande, rolig och interaktiv har nya designkoncept på webbplatser utvecklats. Ett sådant designkoncept är tredimensionella virtuella världar. Den tredimensionella virtuella värld designen på webbplatser används flitigt inom utbildnings- och hälsovårdssektorerna, men det saknas forskning inom andra sektorer som riktas till målgrupper som äldre och personer med lägre teknisk kompetens. Syftet med studien i denna kandidatuppsats är alltså att undersöka hur lantbrukare upplever nyttan av en webbplats som är designad utifrån en virtuell tredimensionell värld för jordbrukssektorn. För att genomföra denna studie har en agronomiwebbplats utformad som en tredimensionell värld tagits som exempel och undersökts. För detta togs en kvalitativ ansats, där data samlades in genom individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer i form av användbarhetstester med utvalda deltagare i form av intressenter från lantbruksföretaget och äldre lantbrukare. Den insamlade datan analyserades tematiskt vilket mynnade ut i tre huvudteman, inklusive flera underteman, som representerar resultaten. Fynden diskuterades med hjälp av relevant litteratur, som innefattar begrepp som användarupplevelse, användbarhet och Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption theory. Resultatet visade att upplevelsen är unik och rolig, men att det finns tydliga användbarhetsproblem inom webbplatsen, vilket hindrar användare från att vilja använda webbplatsen för dagligt bruk. Denna studie förmedlar en djupare förståelse för användarens upplevelse av tredimensionella virtuella världar och hur produktutvecklare bör hänvisa till designprinciper i användbarhet och användarupplevelse. / Information intake has become easier with the advent of the internet. To make the experience more immersive, fun and interactive, new design concepts on websites have been developed. One such design concept is three-dimensional virtual worlds. The three-dimensional virtual world design on websites is used widely in education and healthcare sectors, however there is lack of research in other sectors that address target groups such as elderly and people with lower technical proficiency. Thus, the purpose of the bachelor’s thesis research is to examine how farmers experience the usefulness of a website which is designed based on a virtual three-dimensional world for the agricultural sector. To conduct this study, an agronomy website designed as a three-dimensional world has been taken as an example and researched. For this, qualitative research was conducted, where data was collected through individual semi-structured interviews and observations in the form of usability tests with purposely selected research participants, stakeholders of the agricultural company and elderly farmers. The collected data was analyzed thematically to conclude three main findings, including several sub-themes, which represent the research findings. The findings were discussed with the help of relevant literature, which included concepts such as user experience and usability, and the Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption theory. The research findings showed that the experience is unique and fun, but that clear usability problems exist within the website, which prevents users from wanting to use the website for daily use. This study conveys a deeper understanding of users' experience of threedimensional virtual worlds and how practitioners should refer to design principles in usability and user experience.

Unlocking Insights: A Modular Approach to Data Visualization Education with the Data Visualization Capacity Tool

Isha Ashish Mahadalkar (18406131) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The present era of industrial growth, along with the rise in big data, has led to an increase in the demand for data-savvy professionals employing visualization techniques and software to fully leverage the value of this data. Since data visualization is an expansive and intricate field, it leads to challenges for novice learners as they seek to understand it. The Data Visualization Capacity (DVC) Tool is an online learning platform designed to enhance data visualization literacy amongst learners. The DVC Tool encompasses fundamental principles and techniques essential for proficient data visualization, by including external resources, quizzes, and tutorials in a distance-based modular format.</p><p dir="ltr">This study investigates the usability of the DVC Tool using a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative analysis of Google Analytics data, System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaires, and qualitative insights from usability testing sessions and interviews. The research aims to assess the effectiveness of the DVC Tool across diverse user profiles and identify strategies for optimizing user experience. User studies were conducted with participants from various backgrounds and experience in data visualization to gain insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the DVC Tool, as well as gain recommendations for effective learning strategies and user experience design. The findings reveal a high overall usability rating for the DVC Tool, with users from various educational backgrounds and levels of expertise expressing satisfaction with its functionality and organization. The SUS usability scores indicate a mean usability score of 81.8, highlighting the tool's effectiveness in providing a user-friendly learning experience for all users across diverse profiles. Interviews also give insight into the importance of clear organization, visual aids, and custom learning plans to enhance the learning experience of the student.</p><p dir="ltr">In general, this research contributes to the advancement of data visualization education by providing insights into effective instructional strategies and components of digital learning platforms. The findings offer practical implications for educators and developers looking to enhance data visualization literacy among learners, while also addressing theoretical gaps in usability research within the field.</p>

Development of evaluation method for visual design with multivariate statistical techniques / Ανάπτυξη μεθόδου αξιολόγησης του σχεδιασμού διεπιφάνειας χρήστη με πολυπαραμετρικές στατιστικές τεχνικές

Παπαχρήστος, Ελευθέριος 14 October 2013 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to propose an evaluation method for visual interface design and more specifically for website design. The proposed visual design evaluation method is an adaptation of Preference Mapping (PM) techniques. It is based on overall preference ratings after multiple comparisons of alternative designs and on various multivariate statistical techniques for the analysis, visualization and interpretation of the resulting data. The suitability of the approach for visual interface design evaluation has been explored in four case studies involving overall 149 participants judging 51 websites. In each case study a different website domain was explored in order to examine whether the importance of certain design characteristics is context specific. Heterogeneity in preferences and perceptions was also studied showing that average construct scores are only representative for subsections of the participant sample. In order to aid the preference interpretation process additional data about study websites have been collected from three distinct sources: a) Subjective construct ratings provided by the participants after preference evaluation b) Descriptive attribute ratings obtained from trained expert panel on the same websites c) Objective measures of visual characteristics of the websites In each case study the potential of these types of measurements to explain preference variance has been investigated individually and in combination. The results showed that depending on the characteristics of each case study varying combinations of these types of data had the best explanatory power. A variety of methods (e.g. Internal and External PM) and statistical techniques (e.g. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS)) have been used in order to summarize and visualize participant preference data of all case studies. In general, the method proposed in this thesis has several advantages over other visual design evaluation methods as for example use of standardized questionnaires. The method is flexible and can be used in various stages of design development but most importantly it allows for the identification of important visual design characteristics without ignoring the diversity that exist both among users and among website domains. These advantages have been demonstrated in the visual design evaluation studies presented in this thesis involving websites from four distinct domains. / Ο στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η πρόταση και ανάπτυξη μεθόδου αξιολόγησης διεπιφανειών χρήστη που θα λαμβάνει υπόψη τόσο τα αντικειμενικά χαρακτηριστικά σχεδιασμού, όσο και την υποκειμενική διάσταση που διέπει αξιολογήσεις με επίκεντρο τον χρήστη. Για την επίτευξη του στόχου αυτού αναπτύχθηκε μέθοδος αξιολόγησης, η οποία βασίζεται στην συγκριτική αξιολόγηση εναλλακτικών σχεδιασμών κατά την φάση συλλογής δεδομένων και στην χαρτογράφηση προτίμησης κατά την φάση ανάλυσης αποτελεσμάτων. Για την διερεύνηση της καταλληλότητας της προτεινόμενης μεθόδου αξιολόγησης, διεξήχθησαν τέσσερις μελέτες περίπτωσης κατά τις οποίες αξιολογήθηκαν συνολικά 51 ιστοσελίδες από 149 αξιολογητές. Κάθε μελέτη περίπτωσης διερευνούσε διαφορετική κατηγορία ιστοσελίδων και διαφορετικά σενάρια χρήσης της μεθόδου (π.χ. φάση προδιαγραφών, αξιολόγηση πρωτοτύπων κ.α.), έτσι ώστε να αξιολογηθεί η δυνατότητα της μεθόδου να εφαρμοστεί σε διαφορετικές συνθήκες. Σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα της προτεινόμενης μεθόδου είναι η δυνατότητα αναγνώρισης ετερογένειας απόψεων του δείγματος, η οποία σε άλλες μεθόδους αξιολόγησης θεωρείται θόρυβος στα δεδομένα και παραβλέπεται. Τα αποτελέσματα των αξιολογήσεων αναδεικνύουν σημαντική ετερογένεια αλλά και σχετική συμφωνία στις προτιμήσεις και αντιλήψεις των συμμετεχόντων. Με στόχο την ερμηνεία των αποτελεσμάτων από τα πειράματα αξιολόγησης διερευνήθηκαν τρεις πηγές δεδομένων πέρα από τις ταξινομήσεις προτίμησης από τους συμμετέχοντες σε όλες τις μελέτες περίπτωσης: α) αξιολογήσεις βάσει υποκειμενικών χαρακτηριστικών από τους ίδιους τους συμμετέχοντες που ταξινόμησαν τις ιστοσελίδες με βάση την προτίμηση τους β) αξιολογήσεις περιγραφικών και αντικειμενικών σχεδιαστικών χαρακτηριστικών από ομάδα εκπαιδευμένων εμπειρογνωμόνων γ) Αντικειμενικές μετρήσεις σχεδιαστικών χαρακτηριστικών με αυτόματα και ημιαυτόματα εργαλεία αναγνώρισης εικόνας Η δυνατότητα να ερμηνευτούν οι προτιμήσεις των χρηστών με την βοήθεια αυτών των πηγών δεδομένων, διερευνήθηκε ξεχωριστά αλλά και σε συνδυασμό σε κάθε μελέτη περίπτωσης. Στόχος ήταν να αποτιμηθεί η δυνατότητα συσχέτισης δεδομένων που διακατέχονται από διαφορετικά επίπεδα υποκειμενισμού με τις προτιμήσεις των συμμετεχόντων. Ιδανικά, θα αρκούσαν αντικειμενικές μετρήσεις και δεν θα επιβαρύνονταν οι χρήστες με επιπλέον βαθμολογήσεις των διεπιφανειών. Τα αποτελέσματα όμως έδειξαν ότι ένας συνδυασμός αντικειμενικών και υποκειμενικών χαρακτηριστικών ήταν ο βέλτιστος για την επιτυχή ερμηνεία των προτιμήσεων των χρηστών. Η μέθοδος αξιολόγησης που προτείνεται στα πλαίσια αυτής της διατριβής παρουσιάζει συγκριτικά πλεονεκτήματα σε σχέση με την χρήση τυποποιημένων ερωτηματολόγιων που είναι η επικρατέστερη μέθοδος στον χώρο της επικοινωνίας ανθρώπου υπολογιστή. Τα πλεονεκτήματα αυτά σχετίζονται κυρίως με την ευελιξία της μεθόδου και γίνονται εμφανή στις μελέτες αξιολόγησης που διεξήχθησαν με στόχο την εφαρμογή της μεθόδου για την αξιολόγηση ιστοσελίδων που ανήκουν σε τέσσερα διαφορετικά πεδία εφαρμογής.

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