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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mulheres negras na economia solidária: autonomia, identidade e resistência. Um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e Colômbia / Black woman in the support economy: autonomy, identity and resistence

Alvarado, Paula Andrea Rodriguez 05 August 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação examina as condições de vida de dois grupos de mulheres negras, um na cidade de Quibdó na Colômbia e outro em São Paulo Brasil, que se atuam no âmbito da economia solidária como artesãs e no ramo de design e confecção de roupas afro. Especificamente este estudo buscou identificar as transformações que surgiram na vida das mulheres a partir da sua atuação nesse espaço. Esta pesquisa é de caráter exploratório, descritivo e qualitativo, desenvolvida principalmente a partir das definições elaboradas pelas participantes. Daí que para a obtenção da informação o insumo principal foram entrevistas etnográficas. Além desse método, foram feitos: observação participante e diários de campo. Os resultados da pesquisa estiveram analisados à luz dos postulados da Colonialidade do Poder proposta por Aníbal Quijano e da análise interseccional de Kimberly Crenshaw concretamente entre as categorias de classe, raça e gênero. Os resultados foram contrastados a partir de analises categorial, levando em conta os contextos particulares de cada grupo. Esta dissertação contribui para evidenciar que se bem as estratégias de economia solidaria constituem projetos a pequena escala, podem tornar-se transformadores para grupos específicos de população e ter um alcance maior ao ser transgressores de uma ordem estabelecida que se esforça por mantêlas em subordinação. Nesse sentido, conclui-se que constituem propostas decoloniais de resistência e transformação. / The following project analyses life conditions from two black women groups. One of them is from at Quibdo City in Colombia and the other comes from São Paulo - Brazil. Both work with support economy as artisans on the field of afro clothes designing and manufacturing. This research specifically tried to figure out the life changes these women have experienced since the beginning of their participation on it. This investigation has been exploratory, descriptive and qualitative. It was mainly developed through the participant experiences and definitions. To get information the most important evidences were ethnographic interviews. Plus analysis and journals. The research results were based on Anibal Quijanos postulates of Power of Coloniality and intersectional analysis from Kimberly Crenshaw. In particular, class, race and genre items. The results were based on thematic analysis, taking into account specific situations for each group. This research helps to highlight that strategies of Support Economy are projects in development, and they could reach specific groups to get better conditions different from the establishment, which tries to subordinate these kinds of populations. As a conclusion, these strategies constitute descolonial projects of resistance and transformation.

Concepções de profissionais de equipes de saúde da família sobre violência de gênero / Workers from the family health program and conceptions about gender violence

Franzoi, Neusa Maria 01 June 2007 (has links)
Este estudo investigou a concepção de violência de gênero em 12 equipes de saúde da família do Município de Araraquara. Para tanto, os objetivos do estudo foram: conhecer e analisar à luz de gênero a visão dos profissionais das equipes de Saúde da Família acerca de homem e mulher; identificar e analisar, à luz de gênero, a percepção dos membros das equipes sobre a violência de gênero e detectar e analisar, à luz de gênero, as contradições que permeiam as concepções dos profissionais em relação a mulher, homem e violência de gênero. Os dados foram coletados durante uma oficina de trabalho e submetidos à análise de conteúdo, resultando em duas categorias empíricas “Homem e mulher no mesmo barco social" e “Violência de gênero". Foram priorizados os temas mais relevantes de acordo com o objeto de estudo, aderentes às categorias analíticas gênero e violência de gênero. Os resultados evidenciaram que a violência de gênero não é percebida pelos profissionais como originárias da construção social da masculinidade e da feminilidade. Ao mesmo tempo em que se percebe avanços no sentido de uma visão mais crítica a respeito da influência dos processos de construção da masculinidade e da feminilidade na identidade de gênero, coexistem com esta, visões conservadoras respaldadas na concepção de homem-provedor e mulher-reprodutora, condizentes com o senso comum. Da mesma maneira comportam-se os temas relacionados à violência de gênero, coexistindo percepções conservadoras e transformadoras. Esta mescla de concepções e posicionamentos confirma a necessidade de ampliar a qualificação profissional para capacitar os trabalhadores para lidar com um fenômeno tão complexo embora comum na realidade do território abrangido pelo Programa de Saúde da Família / This study investigated gender-related violence in 12 family health staffs in Araraquara city. The objectives were to get to know and to analyze, from the gender perspective: the health professionals point of view about man and woman, the professionals´ perceptions about gender-related violence and the contradictions that exist in the professionals´ conceptions about woman, man and violence against woman. Data were collected during a workshop and the content was analyzed through two different empirical categories: \"man and woman in the same \'social boat\" and \"gender-related violence\". The more relevant themes related to the object of this study received more attention, and were included in two analytical categories: gender and gender-related violence. The results showed that the participants do not perceive gender-related violence as something that comes from the social construction of masculinity and femininity. They do have a critical view about those processes of social construction, but they still have conservative opinions about man and woman´s roles: the provider-man and the reproducer-woman; and this is in agreement with the common sense. Discussions about gender-related violence follow the same pattern: with conservative and transforming perceptions at the same time. This mixture of different positionings shows the need to broaden the professional qualifications to deal with this complex, still common, reality of domestic violence inside the territories of the Brazilian Family Health Program

La femme orientale dans la littérature du XVIIIe siècle : Images et représentations / The oriental women in the frenche literature in the eighteen century : Images and representations

Bani Baker, Muna 09 July 2018 (has links)
À la suite d’importants travaux portant sur la place de la figure féminine dans lalittérature du XVIIIe siècle, notre regard s’est porté sur la figure de la femme del’Orient, de culture musulmane particulièrement. De nombreux écrivains font de cettefigure une construction littéraire qui met l’accent sur nombreuses idées qui préoccupentle siècle des Lumières. Dans cette étude, certains genres de la littérature française del’époque se croisent comme le roman, le conte, l’histoire, la tragédie et une oeuvrelittéraire de la littérature anglaise traduite en français qui est le fruit d’un voyage d’uneauteure anglaise en Turquie. L’intérêt de notre recherche consiste à étudier le rôle, laprésence et les caractéristiques de la femme orientale dans quelques oeuvres de Voltaire,de Diderot, de François, Baron de Tott, de Lady Montagu et principalement deMontesquieu, en particulier les Lettres persanes. La femme orientale, objet d’étude pourles écrivains, représente cet étranger intriguant qui permet d’élaborer un discours àdifférents niveaux : social, moral, religieux, politique, esthétique et littéraire. Elle estpour les lecteurs cet Autre qui crée chez eux de l’attirance et du rejet, de la curiosité etune forme de condamnation. La femme est représentée à travers un ensemble deprincipes qui permettent d'une part d'aborder la féminité (l'amour, la séduction, lemariage) mais aussi de la placer dans un dispositif argumentatif qui concerne desvaleurs universelles : la liberté, l'égalité des êtres, dans un contexte religieux, social etpolitique. La présence de la femme orientale dans la création littéraire libère le regardsur l’autre ainsi que sur soi. Son image est une invention occidentale qui ne vise pas às’imposer comme une réalité historique et culturelle, mais qui est considérée comme lavariante d’un même stéréotype mise au service du projet esthétique, intellectuel,philosophique des auteurs des Lumières soucieux de transmettre une connaissancesavante sur l’Orient. / The image of the oriental woman has for a long time its echo and its distinct place in the French literature. For this reason, we chose this sujet. In our researche,we intend to find answers to numerous questions: How did constitute the image of the woman in the works of the writers? How was it reflected in their spirit? What arouses its image? How the writers represent her(it)? What parameters (do typological, sociological, psychological, ethnic, religious) allow to represent at best the oriental woman? How do we make of the East, place of diverse fantasies, the object of a metaphoric or allegorical discussion of another sociocultural reality, the western world? Why the literary myth of the Oriental is favored in the literary creation of the writers of the Enlightenment? In sum, we suggest studying the treatment of the stereotype of the oriental woman in the literature and his evolution during the XVIIIth century. Is the oriental woman condemned to be only the symbol of the sensualism, and the sensual delight, the inhabitant of a harem where the power of the man subjects her constantly? Such a stereotype reduces the woman to be only a body object of desire. But the literature of the XVIIIth century seems to give an other place to the oriental woman, as we were able to see him in our memory of Master's degree. Thus this reflection deserves to be completed in a more thorough study, during a doctoral thesis.

Sociabilités familiales, intellectuelles, artistiques et politiques autour d'une dessinatrice, illustratrice, graveuse et sculpteur : Chana Orloff (1888-1968), entre Paris, l'Amérique et Israël (1916-1968) / Family, intellectual, artistic and political sociabilities around a draftswoman, engraver and sculptor : Chana Orloff (1888-1968), between Paris, America and Israel (1916-1968)

Grobot, Anne 02 February 2018 (has links)
Depuis la thèse de Germaine Coutard-Salmon, soutenue en 1980 et consacrée à l'étude monographique de Chana Orloff (1888-1968), peu de travaux ont porté sur cette artiste. Cette thèse se propose donc de mettre en perspective l'œuvre sculpté et l'œuvre graphique (dessins, gravures et illustrations) de l'artiste, de 1910 à sa mort, exécutés entre Paris et Israël. L'étude privilégiera les sujets, les techniques, les supports, mais aussi les orientations esthétiques qui parcourent l'oeuvre et l'inscrivent dans l'histoire et dans l'histoire de l'art Commencée à Paris sous les auspices d'un héritage cubiste et d'une tentation Art déco, son œuvre – où abondent les portraits, les Maternités et les sujets animaliers - , développe une esthétique reposant sur la simplification des formes, leur apurement et leur étirement et sur des compositions frontales traversées par une ambition décorative, qu'on a rapproché tour à tour de Modigliani, d'Archipenko ou de Nadelman. Puis, à partir de la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et au moment de la création de l'Etat d'Israël, son art devient plus tourmenté et plus expressif. C'est aussi le moment où lui sont confiées, par l'Etat juif, d'importantes commandes monumentales. D'un point de vue méthodologique, la thèse s'appuiera notamment, mais non exclusivement, sur l'exploitation scientifique des fonds conservés à ce jour d'œuvres et de documents issus de l'atelier de l'artiste et interrogera la réception critique de l'œuvre de Chana Orloff à partir des années 1920, ainsi que les conditions de sa diffusion internationale (les galeristes, les marchands, les collectionneurs…) dans la perspective d'une histoire culturelle, sociale et politique de l'art. / Since Germaine Coutard-Salmon's thesis, presented in 1980 and devoted to the monographic study of Chana Orloff (1888-1968), there were not many other works published about this artist. The aim of this thesis is to put an emphasis on the sculpted and graphic works of art (drawings, engravings and illustrations) of the artist, since 1910 until her death, and achieved in both Paris and Israel. This study will deal with the subjects, the technics, the supports, but also the aesthetic orientations of her work which made her a part of history and art history. Started in Paris under the auspices of a cubist's heritage and Art deco's temptation, her work – characterized by many portraits, Maternities and animalist subjects -, developed an aesthetic based on the simplification of shapes, their balancing and their being stretched and on frontal compositions mixed with a decorative ambition, which has often been compared to Modigliani, Archipenko or Nadelman's work. Then, from the end of the Second World War and the time of the creation of Israel's State, her art became more tormented and more expressive. This was also the moment when the Jewish State commissioned her to produce a great number of works of art. From a methodological point of view, this thesis will be based in particular, but not exclusively, on the scientific exploitation of the funds preserved until now, made up of the works and documents of the artist's workshop and will question the critical reception of Chana Orloff's work from the 1920's until now, as well as the conditions of its international diffusion (gallerists, art dealers, collectors.....) from a cultural, social and political point of view of art.

Looking for privacy in Shakespeare : woman's place and space in a selection of plays and early modern texts

Baldwin Lind, Paula January 2015 (has links)
Grounded in a multi-faceted theoretical framework that examines the dynamic interaction between the public and the private spheres of Elizabethan everyday life, this thesis aims to trace how the concept of privacy and its associated terms were developed, constructed, evoked, and configured both in Shakespearean drama and in other illustrative early modern texts. The author suggests that Shakespeare's configuration of space results from a combination of the conditions of representation - empty stages - metaphorical language, technical dramatic devices, and textual markers that create a sense of space in the texts and onstage. The research also explores the place and space of early modern women and of Shakespeare's female characters in terms of their relation to the private space; that is to say, their construction of 'self-in-relation-to-space', as well as their movements and activities within and outside the private's real or imagined boundaries, thus their ability to fashion the public sphere from within the private. Rather than analysing the role of women in the plays exclusively from the point of view of opposition between spheres - public man versus private woman - the study wants to question and pose, at the same time, the relevance of approaching Shakespearean texts from a spatial perspective, a choice that may have an impact on the very interpretation of them.

Heroines, monsters, victims : representations of female agency in political violence and the myth of motherhood

Ahall, Linda Terese January 2011 (has links)
By using a poststructuralist feminist perspective, this thesis argues that representations of female agency in political violence are told as stories of heroines, monsters and victims through a Myth of Motherhood. I conceptualise the myth as a meta-discourse constituted by different discourses within each type of story. In all stories, a tension between identities of life-giving and life-taking is present which means that motherhood is ‘everywhere’ albeit not necessarily visible. Thus, these stories are versions, perversions and inversions of motherhood. In heroine stories, this takes place as the subject’s heroism is communicated through motherhood/lack of motherhood. In monster stories, the myth is communicated as ‘natural’ femininity is emphasised and defined as that which the monster is not. In victim stories, female subjects are denied agency which means that a life-taking identity is removed whereas a life-giving identity is promoted communicating the Myth of Motherhood. I argue that motherhood is not simply a discourse denying women agency in political violence, but also instrumental as to how agency in political violence is enabled. As such motherhood is ‘everywhere’ in representations of female agency in political violence and fundamental in order to understand how representations of female agency in political violence are gendered.

A spectrum of relational autonomy, illustrated using the case studies of female suicide bombers

Marway, Herjeet January 2014 (has links)
When women become perpetrators of suicide bombing, their agency – their ability to act upon and affect the world – is often denied. There are a number of reasons for this and one this thesis considers is that – as females – they are not expected to be violent. Accordingly, such women are judged to be coerced or incompetent, and so unable to rule themselves sufficiently as agents. Models of autonomy propose various frameworks for assessing whether acts or persons are self-governing, and the relational approach in particular has garnered much support recently. However, some aspects of the relational account remain under-theorised, including how autonomy might be measured. In this thesis, I aim to bring these two elements together by examining whether an extension of the relational model may offer a way in which to estimate the autonomy of the bombers in a more nuanced fashion. I make two claims. First, that the relational conception of the agent and autonomy ‘fits’ the bombers. Second, that my spectrum view, which is rooted in the relational approach, maps the bomber’s autonomy approximately but in detail. As such, my spectrum view is a befitting notion of autonomy and allows a graded and comparative representation of the bomber’s autonomy.

The role of empathy in family violence

Fitzmaurice, Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of empathy in family violence, specifically child maltreatment (CM) and intimate partner violence (IPV). Chapter 1 introduces the construct of empathy, its development and relevance to violence. Chapter 2 then explores the relationship between empathy and CM in a systematic literature review of 17 studies. Results found that maltreating parents demonstrate significantly lower empathic capacity and that this relationship is stronger for cognitive than affective empathy. Chapter 3 presents a critical analysis of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Davis, 1980) demonstrating that the measure has good reliability, validity and a range of normative data. Limitations of the measure include the validity of the Fantasy subscale and it being a questionnaire-based assessment. Chapter 4 presents a research report exploring the presence of empathy and emotional recognition skills in IPV (n=30), violent (n=20) and non-violent (n=20) offenders. Results found that IPV participants were more likely than NV offenders to interpret fearful faces as sad. Only the IRI personal distress scale (PD) showed a significant relationship with emotion recognition. The thesis conclusions are presented in Chapter 5 which identifies that empathy plays a role in family violence, although its influence in CM and IPV appears to be different.

Perspectives of responsible sexual behavior

Loew, Nicole Mary 01 May 2017 (has links)
The concept of responsible sexual behavior (RSB) gained popularity when it was introduced in Healthy People 2010 as a leading health indicator. The Healthy People initiatives organize the top health priorities and create guidelines for improving the health of Americans. Promoting RSB was intended to address problems such as unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), however the guidelines never conceptually define behavior that would be considered sexually responsible. Thus, the purpose of this dissertation research was to examine how responsible sexual behavior (RSB) was defined in the context of public health literature, collegiate women, and rural women with the intention to contribute to a clearer conceptual understanding of RSB. First, an evolutionary concept analysis was conducted to define the attributes of RSB and develop a conceptual definition of responsible sexual behavior (RSB) as it applies to women 18 years and older who have sex with men from a synthesis of lay and public health literature. According to the literature, RSB is a desirable and deliberative pattern of behaviors that promote sexual health, manage risk, and foster respect of sexual partners within the context of community influences. This study also concludes that a purposeful redefinition maybe necessary to maintain a concept that is useful for guiding and evaluating sexual behavior. Second, a secondary data analysis was completed to identify college women definition of “sexual responsibility.” Data came from interviews collected as part of a mixed methods study of college women and unintended pregnancy. A total of 35 interviews were analyzed using within and across case methodology to derive a working definition of RSB for collegiate women. Women in this sample described being sexually responsible as self-advocating through actions that were consistent with personal goals and values while being aware of consequences that could threaten those goals or values. Actions included mindful partner selection, communicating boundaries, and preventing pregnancy. Women’s academic goals were closely linked to women’s sexual health decision making. Third, an exploratory descriptive study was completed to identify how rural women who have sex with men define RSB and to understand the role of the rural context on definitions and enactment of RSB. A total of ten rural Iowa women aged 18-29 participated in phone interviews. Within and across case analysis was used to describe the contextual influences of how rural dwelling women defined and enacted responsible sexual behavior. For rural women in this sample, RSB is understanding the consequences of sex and taking action to manage risks by preventing pregnancy and STIs, mindfully selecting of partners, and seeking appropriate resources. The social context of the rural environment acted as both a facilitator and barrier for women to acquire information enact RSB. In conclusion, RSB was an accessible concept for college and rural women to define and understand. However, the collective research indicated that a new definition of RSB was necessary to maintain its purpose in improving sexual and reproductive health. Thus, being sexually responsible is having an awareness of consequences and managing risks in a way that is reflective of a woman’s personal experiences, beliefs, values, and goals. How BSR is defined is fluid and subject to redefinition based on personal experiences and movement through the lifespan. Future research should focus on understanding how other populations of women define and manage BSR and that public health interventions and policy support women’s ability to be sexually responsible.

Teachers Make the Difference: Accessing a Black Woman's Specific Funds of Knowledge to make a Difference in the Classroom

Goodman, Morgan 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this ethnography was to examine the elements of my personal goals and aspirations of being an elementary school teacher with the real experience of teaching students within my classroom. Through the lens of an ethnography, and grounded in the research components of culturally inclusive education and, this thesis provides a critical and needed pedagogical approach to how teachers can make a difference in the lives of their students, and in the process learn that they are really the ones being taught.

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