Spelling suggestions: "subject:"women""
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Entre espelhos e máscaras: o jogo da representação em As horas nuas / Between mirrors and masks: the game of representation in As horas nuasMartins, Ana Paula dos Santos 05 November 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho busca investigar o jogo de representação no romance As Horas Nuas (1989), de Lygia Fagundes Telles, a partir da construção da protagonista Rosa Ambrósio. Na recuperação do passado pelo exercício da memória, os papéis femininos por ela outrora desempenhados no teatro como atriz misturam-se ao seu próprio repertório e descortinam a encenação de uma história de sujeição da mulher, suas tentativas de emancipação e a difícil arte de harmonizar a convivência nas esferas pública e privada. A divisão da perspectiva narrativa com um gato dotado de pensamento crítico e com uma onisciência seletiva que apresenta a intimidade da analista da atriz corrobora tanto a relação da protagonista envelhecida com os membros de sua intimidade, quanto desvenda a condição plural das mulheres no Brasil da década de 80. Propomos que os mecanismos de mediação escolhidos por Telles, especialmente o uso da intertextualidade com o teatro e a representação do processo de elaboração do pretenso livro de memórias de Rosa revelam sua experiência social como mãe, esposa, amante, filha, patroa, paciente, e também o diálogo da escritora com o próprio fazer literário. Na tessitura narrativa de As Horas Nuas, com seus limites movediços entre invenção e memória, lembrança e esquecimento, configurados na dialética de expor e ocultar, delineiam-se, entre espelhos e máscaras, as transformações sociais ocorridas com a mulher e com a instituição familiar no país durante quase meio século. / This dissertation seeks to investigate the role of representation in the novel As Horas Nuas (1989), by Lygia Fagundes Telles, based on the construction of the protagonist Rosa Ambrósio. By recovering the past through the exercise of her memory, the female roles once performed by her as a theatre actress mingle with her own experience and unveil the enactment of a womans story of submission, her attempts at emancipation and the difficult art of harmonizing her coexistence in the public and private spheres. The shared point of view between Rosa Ambrósio, a critical cat and a selective omniscient narrator, who presents the intimacy of the actresss psychoanalyst, portrays the relationship of the aged protagonist with those around her and also uncovers womens plural condition in Brazil in the 80s. What we propose is that the mechanisms of mediation chosen by Telles, especially the use of intertextuality with theatrical plays and the intended writing process of Rosas memoirs, reveal her social background as a mother, wife, lover, daughter, mistress, patient, but also the dialogue of the writer with literary production itself. In the narrative texture of As Horas Nuas, with its unstable boundaries between invention and memory, remembrance and oblivion, configured in the dialectic of exposing and hiding, the social transformations that women and the family as an institution have been through in the country for nearly half a century are delineated between mirrors and masks.
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Amamentação em mulheres que trabalham: o não trabalho no trabalho / Breast feeding and workMedeiros, Ivany Yara de 16 August 2006 (has links)
Versa sobre as relações da mulher que trabalha com a amamentação culminando com uma pesquisa de campo que procura ouvir as muilheres em sua realidade objetiva, à parte da lógica sanitária e da lógica laboral. Objetivo- Avaliar as dificuldades e disponibilidade para amamentação em mulheres que trabalham através de suas representações sociais. Método- Foram pesquisados dois grupos de mulheres que trabalham com filhos entre 4 e 24 meses de idade, através de um questionário semi-estruturado gravado em fita-magnética. A partir das respostas, foram selecionadas as representações sociais das mães referentes aos diferentes tópicos das perguntas utilizando-se o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). Em seqüência foram elaborados os Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo globais que, em seguida, foram divididos formando dois novos DSCs de acordo com os dois gurpo em questão. Resultados- foram entrevistadas 54 mulheres divididas entre menor e maior renda, sendo comparados os DSCs relativos a esses extratos. Os dados quantitativos mais significativos foram os que demonstraram que, quanto maior o nível profisional da mulher (executivas e profissionais liberais) mais cedo retorna ao trablaho (uma média de 3,3 e 3,5 meses após o parto). As semi-graduadas - que têm, normalmente, proteção legal (CLT) e cobertura das empresas, retornam após 5,4 meses. Já as não graduadas (trabalhadoras mais simples) retornam após 4,4meses em média. Com relação aos dados qualitativos os DSCs mais representativos foram: a) os que demonstraram a importância do trablaho na vida dessas mulheres. "trabalha por satisfação pessoal" 34,62%; "Não consegue imaginar a vida sem trabalho": 32,3% e b)como enxergam a amamentação: "Toda mulher tem que amamentar porque é bom para a saúde do bebê : 38,82%; "É complicado amamentar por causa dos horários das mamadas e distância do serviço": 25,29%; "Acha errado, um absurdo as mulheres que não amamentam seus filhos": 22,58%. Conclusões As mulheres entrevistadas têm uma boa noção sobre os valores da amamentação e são, em seus discursos, favoráveis a sua prática. Quanto ao trabalho, é encarado de forma intensa e satisfatória. Existe um reconhecimento das dificuldades em conciliar os dois papéis e, no caso de optar, acabam abrindo mão de uma amamentação mais plena ou prolongada. / Introduction - This paper studies the relationship between the working woman and the act of breast feeding, leading to a field research that endeavours to really listen to that woman in her own words, apart from the sanitary and the labor rationales. Objective - It reckons the difficulties and the availability of working women for breast feeding through their social representations. Method - Two groups of working women were researched. They all had children from 4 to 24 month old. This was done through taped answers to a semi-structured questionnaire. The method of the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was used to extract from the mothers' answers their social representations on the different items on the questionnaire. Then, global CSDs were constructed for every question. Those CSDs were later split in two, one for each group of women. Results - Fifty four women were interviewed being split in two groups according to family income. Out of those, 27 were higher income and 27 were lower income. The group discourses were then compared. The quantitative findings of most significance have shown that the higher the woman's professional level (executives and liberal professionals) the sooner she went back to work (3.3 and 3.5 months after delivery). Those in middle range positions took the longest to return to work (5.4 months). They usually have full protection of the labor laws and statutory corporate practices. The unskilled workers return to the workplace in 4.4 months in average. As to the qualitative findings, the most meaningful discourses were: a) those emphasizing the importance of work in the women lives: I work for personal satisfaction: 34.62%; I can't imagine life without work: 32.35%; and b) how they view breast feeding: Every woman has to breast feed because it is good for the baby's health: 38.82% ; Breast feeding is tough because the baby's meals schedule is incompatible with the distances between home and work:25.29%; I think it is wrong, an absurd for women not to breast feed their children: 22.58%. Conclusions - The researched women are well aware of breast feeding values and are, in their discourses, wholly favorable to the practice. Work is also viewed in an intense and satisfactory way. But they perceive the difficulties in conciliating the two roles and, if forced to choose, the will opt for relinquishing an extended period of breast feeding.
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Marital negotiation of gender relations among status reversal couples.January 2005 (has links)
Lam Siu Mun. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-137). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Declaration --- p.iii / Abstract --- p.iv / 論文摘要 --- p.v / Chapter Chapter 1: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Background of research --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Objectives and Significance --- p.7 / Chapter 1.3 --- Research Questions --- p.9 / Chapter 1.4 --- Map of the Thesis --- p.10 / Chapter Chapter 2: --- Literature Review --- p.12 / Chapter 2.1 --- Prevalent Theoretical Explanations on Gender Relation --- p.12 / Chapter 2.2 --- Gender Perspective: Multiple Levels of Analysis on Gender Relations --- p.16 / Chapter 2.3 --- The Gender Relation in Hong Kong --- p.29 / Chapter 2.4 --- Analytical Framework --- p.31 / Chapter Chapter 3: --- Research Methodology --- p.33 / Chapter 3.1 --- Conceptual Framework --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2 --- Methodology --- p.46 / Chapter Chapter 4: --- Marital Negotiation Dynamic in Gendered Resources --- p.49 / Chapter 4.1 --- Influence of Economy on Marital Negotiation --- p.49 / Chapter 4.2 --- Influence of Culture on Marital Negotiation --- p.54 / Chapter 4.3 --- Influence of Kinship System on Marital Negotiation --- p.59 / Chapter 4.4 --- Conclusion --- p.63 / Chapter Chapter 5: --- Marital Negotiation Dynamics-Cases for Working Class --- p.66 / Chapter 5.1 --- Marital Negotiation in Traditional Provider-Traditional Homemaker Family --- p.67 / Chapter 5.2 --- Marital Negotiation in Traditional Provider- Egalitarian Homemaker Family --- p.73 / Chapter 5.3 --- Marital Negotiation in Egalitarian Provider-Egalitarian Homemaker Family / Chapter 5.4 --- Conclusion --- p.86 / Chapter Chapter 6: --- Marital Negotiation Dynamics- Cases for Middle Class --- p.89 / Chapter 6.1 --- Marital Negotiation in Traditional Provider-Traditional Homemaker Family --- p.89 / Chapter 6.2 --- Marital Negotiation in Traditional Provider- Egalitarian Homemaker Family --- p.94 / Chapter 6.3 --- Marital Negotiation in Egalitarian Provider-Egalitarian Homemaker Family --- p.99 / Chapter 6.4 --- Conclusion --- p.104 / Chapter Chapter 7: --- Conclusion --- p.107 / Chapter 7.1 --- Summary of Finding --- p.107 / Chapter 7.2 --- Implication --- p.110 / Chapter 7.3 --- Limitations and Recommendation for Further Study --- p.116 / Appendix 1: Profile of Informants and Families --- p.118 / Appendix 2: Guiding Questions for the semi-structured Interviews --- p.122 / Bibliography --- p.126 / List of Tables --- p.138 / Table 1.1 Educational attainment by sex --- p.138 / Table 2.1 Labor force participation by sex --- p.138 / Table 2.2 Female Labor force by marital status --- p.138 / Table 3.1 Employed persons by sex and occupation --- p.139 / Table 4.1 Median monthly employment income by sex and occupation --- p.141
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« Femme, eau et developpement durable : de l’invisible au visible » : à partir d’une étude comparative de SUEZ, de ses filiales et des organisations du secteur de l’eau dans l’Espace public en France et au Maroc / "Water, women and sustainable development : from invisible to visible" : a comparative study of SUEZ, its subsidiaries and water organisations in the public sphere in France and MoroccoHervé-Bazin, Céline 18 December 2009 (has links)
Femme, Eau et Développement Durable est un discours construit qui renvoie à des pratiques et des discours pour répondre aux objectifs de la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (GIRE). Au fil des textes se tissent les liens concrets des trois discours sur la Femme, l’Eau et le Développement Durable s’insérant dans les discours plus globaux sur le droit à l’eau et le contexte de la bataille de l’eau. Ce discours s’est institué comme une promesse pour atteindre le Développement Durable. Cette thèse questionne comment le discours sur Femme, Eau et Développement Durable émerge, se construit, devient visible et se diffuse en utilisant l’approche genre au service de la concrétisation du Développement Durable. Le genre, approche conceptuelle et outil pour promouvoir l’égalité, a introduit une dimension très concrète pour appliquer des principes d’égalité pour améliorer la gouvernance de l’eau. Nous postulons que le discours a opéré un « resserrement discursif » sous l’influence de la « force » des organisations présentes dans la sphère publique. La visée de cette thèse est d’interroger cette visibilité, concept clé en matière de Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication à partir d’une approche multidisciplinaire et comparative. La visibilité cible l’émergence d’un discours au cœur de l’Espace public, ses jeux, et le rôle de chacun sur l’évolution du discours. Cette étude se base sur la comparaison entre deux pays, la France et le Maroc, et entre plusieurs organisations de l’eau. Nous avons rassemblé un large corpus de discours émis par SUEZ, SUEZ Environnement, Lyonnaise des Eaux et LYDEC pour comparer l’entreprise privée avec l’UNESCO, le ps-EAU, ALMAE, l’ONEP et Eau de Paris sur une période datée de 1972 à 2009. / Water, Women and Sustainable Development is a discursive constructs revealing practices and discourses of water organisations debating how to answer the challenges and goals of an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). From official declarations and throughout the years, the three discourses related to Women, Water and Sustainable Development have became more visible in the global water activities related on one hand, to the right to water for all, and on the other hand, on dialogues and oppositions to better the water management.This Ph D aims at questioning how the discourse on Water, Women and Sustainable Development has emerged, became visible and evolved within the public sphere particularly through the gender approach. This promising tool aims at promoting equity and concrete methodologies to reach Sustainable Development but also, improving the water governance in particular. This study is based on a comparative approach of two countries; France and Morocco.We gathered a large corpus of discourses from various water stakeholders for a period from 1972 to 2009. For the private operator, we collected data from SUEZ, SUEZ Environnement, Lyonnaise des Eaux and LYDEC. For other water organisations, we pulled together information from the UNESCO, the pS-Eau, ALMAE, ONEP and Eau de Paris.
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The police response to domestic violence : risk, discretion, and the context of coercive controlMyhill, Andy January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the issue of police response to domestic violence. It advances theory on this topic by applying the concept of coercive control to better understand the risk profile of domestic violence that comes to the attention of the police, and police officers’ use of discretion when identifying, recording and responding to domestic violence incidents. The research questions for the thesis are:(1) Can cases of coercive control be identified in national population surveys, and, if so, to what extent is coercive control gendered and more harmful than other forms of domestic violence?, (2) Is coercive control the most common form of domestic violence reported to the police?, (3) What degree of discretion do officers exercise when responding to cases of domestic violence?, and (4) What factors influence police officers’ responses at the scene of incidents of domestic violence? The thesis is structured around four published journal papers. Paper 1 uses national population survey data to show that coercive control is experienced primarily by women, and is more harmful than other forms of domestic violence. Paper 2 uses data from risk assessments to show that coercive control is the most common form of domestic violence that comes to the attention of the police. Using data from force systems, Paper 3 suggests frontline officers retain considerable discretion in relation to identifying and recording cases of domestic violence. Paper 4 uses in-depth interviews with officers alongside case-files to suggest that while officers are now more aware of policies such as presumptive arrest they are prepared to ignore such policies when they believe an incident is not serious; officers’ conceptions of what is serious were primarily incidents that involved physical violence and injury. I conclude that legislation to criminalise coercive control presents an opportunity to change officers’ conceptions of domestic violence and what constitutes threat and risk. I call for a reconceptualisation of the research agenda on domestic violence to focus initially on observational study in order to understand better the factors that influence police response.
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The experience of therapy among women survivors of childhood sexual abuse : an Interpretive Phenomenological AnalysisMrkaljevic, A. January 2017 (has links)
This study set out to explore the experience of psychological therapy amongst women survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. The aim is to give a voice to survivors’ unique experiences of therapy, in order to better meet the multifaceted needs of survivors and to inform policies and clinical practice. The research utilised a qualitative form of enquiry, in order to stay rooted in the participants’ experience. Six women who had experienced sexual abuse in childhood, and who had undergone therapy for the effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse took part in this study. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to gain insight into participants’ experiences of therapy, and the data was analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. The findings demonstrated that there were four superordinate themes related to participants’ therapy experiences: ‘The help-seeking journey’, ‘Development of the therapeutic alliance”, ‘Salient therapeutic experiences’, as well as ‘Healing as a process’. Additionally, each superordinate theme consisted of a number of sub-themes. The findings are considered in relation to the wider literature. Potential implications for clinical practice and polices are addressed, and suggestions for further research are provided.
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A mulher e o comércio informal transfronteiriço vulgo "mukhero" no sul de Moçambique : casos das fronteiras de Namaacha e Ressano Garcia, 1984-2016Jairoce, Jorge Fernando January 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa procura analisar as reformas políticas e económicas que caracterizaram as décadas de 80 e 90 em Moçambique e que contribuíram para o surgimento do comércio informal. A incapacidade do Estado para a promoção de emprego formal aos cidadãos e a própria dinâmica da economia de mercado levou as pessoas a lutarem para a sua sobrevivência. As mulheres tendo um nível de escolaridade baixo na sua maioria com nível secundário incompleto, não viram outra alternativa senão dedicar-se ao comércio informal transfronteiriço - mukhero, que tem características próprias como menos burocracia, horários flexíveis e a não exigência de nível académico para a realização do trabalho. A maior participação da mulher nesta atividade deve-se ao seu diferencial competitivo neste negócio. Elas são mais pacientes, possuem maior capacidade de negociação com os agentes governamentais e também consentem facilmente abusos e humilhações por parte dos agentes aduaneiros. O consentimento dos abusos e humilhações fazem parte da estratégia para contornar elevadas taxas aduaneiras e daí, garantir uma margem significativa do lucro. Todas as estratégias deste tipo de comércio só podem ser compreendidas á luz do ethos fronteiriço. Hoje o comércio informal transfronteiriço está a crescer ao nível da zona sul Moçambique visto que consegue garantir a sobrevivência das famílias e contribui para o empoderamento socioeconómico da mulher. O Estado moçambicano de forma tímida já se preocupa com este setor no sentido de melhor organizá-la para permitir maior captação de receitas tributárias. / The research analyzes the political and economic reforms that characterized the decades of 80 and 90 in Mozambique and contributed to the emergence of informal trade. The state's inability to promote formal employment to citizens and the dynamics of the market economy led people to fight for their survival. Women with a low education level mostly with incomplete secondary level, they saw no alternative but to devote the informal cross-border trade - mukhero, which has its own characteristics such as less paperwork, flexible hours and no academic requirement for carrying out the work. The increased participation of women in this activity is due to its competitive advantage in this business. They are more patient, have greater bargaining power with government officials and also easily consent abuses and humiliations by customs agents. The consent of abuse and humiliation are part of the strategy to circumvent high tariffs and hence, ensure a significant margin of profit. All strategies of this type of trade can only be understood in the light of the frontier ethos. Today cross-border informal trade is growing at zone level south as Mozambique can ensure the survival of families and contribute to the socio-economic empowerment of women. The Mozambican state timidly already concerned with this sector in order to better organize it to allow more funding from tax revenues.
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A inter-relação trabalho/família na organização do cotidiano das mulheres funcionárias da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB /Cruz, Maria José Rodrigues da. January 2001 (has links)
Orientador: Noemia Pereira Neves / Banca: Martha Maria dos Santos / Banca: Mário José Filho / Resumo: O acelerado processo de urbanização, a partir dos anos 50, acompanhando a industrialização e o crescimento econômico, trouxe mudanças nos valores e a redefinição dos papéis da mulher. Com as transformações ocorridas na sociedade, a subsistência das famílias foi-se tornando cada vez mais difícil, o salário dos maridos não era mais suficiente, e as mulheres precisavam trabalhar e contribuir para o orçamento doméstico. Desta forma, a mulher, hoje, descobriu-se enquanto ser social, está revisando seu espaço organizacional e passou a fazer parte do mundo do trabalho. Está assumindo uma dupla jornada de trabalho, pois continua exercendo suas funções de dona de casa, esposa, mãe e, muitas vezes, também desempenha o papel de chefe de família. Dado essas modificações que vêem se processando no decorrer dos anos, em relação aos papéis e funções desempenhadas pelas mulheres, entendemos ser significativo investigar o que se passa com este segmento da população e como tem conseguido conciliar a relação trabalho/família. Assim sendo, o presente estudo analisa o enfrentamento das questões trabalho/família, no cotidiano das mulheres funcionárias da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB, para verificarmos se o trabalho lhes dá condições de um maior crescimento profissional, social e intelectual e se está propiciando melhoria da qualidade de vida às famílias. A pesquisa está embasada no referencial teórico do materialismo dialético, do tipo qualitativa. O universo foi constituído pelas mulheres do corpo docente e técnico administrativo da UCDB, representado por uma amostragem de 04 funcionárias, sendo: 01 professora, 01 do setor administrativo e 02 dos serviços gerais. Entrevistamos também 01 membro de cada família das mulheres pesquisadas - 02 maridos e 02 filhas - para conhecer as relações familiares e poder fazer a correlação trabalho/família...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The accelerated process of urbanization, from the years 50, onwards accompanied by industrialization and economic growth, brought changes in values and a redefinition in the roles of the woman. With the changes ocurred in society, the susbsistency of the families became more difficult, the salary of husbands was not any more enough, and the women needed to work and contribute to the domestic budget. In this way, the woman today, discovered herself as a social being reviewing her organizational space, and she became part of the world of work. She is assuming a double journey of work because she continues with her functions of housewife, wife, mother and, many times, perform the role of the head of the family. Due to these changes in the process as the years go by in relation to the role and functions of women, we understand it's meaningful to investigate what happens with this part of the population and how they have managed to conciliate the relation work/family. The present study analises the facing of the questions work/family in the daily life of working women of the Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB, to check if work gives them the chance of professional, social and intelectual growth and if it is providing a better quality of life to the families. The research is based on the theorical reference of dialetical materialism, from the qualitative type. The universe was formed by a sampling of 04 working women, being 01 teacher, 01 from the administrative sector and 02 from the general services. We also interviewed 01 member of each family of the researched women - 02 husbands and 02 daughters - to know the family relations and to be able to correlate work/family. We used the method of content analysis to critically understand the meaning and the signification of the collected data. The research...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Violencia de genero e sexual entre alunos de uma universidade paulista / Sexual and gender violence among students from a Brazilian UniversityPrette, Vilma Maria Zotareli 09 November 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Anibal Faundes, Maria Jose Duarte Osis / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-09T15:37:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Introdução: O problema da violência contra as mulheres está presente nos diferentes contextos sociais e sua abordagem deve incluir as perspectivas de gênero e ética que influenciam a maneira como as mulheres são tratadas no cotidiano. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de violência de gênero e sexual e a associação entre atitude em gênero e em ética e a experiência de sofrer e perpetrar esses tipos de violência, entre alunos de uma universidade paulista. Sujeitos e métodos: Estudo descritivo de corte transversal em se que fez análise secundária dos dados da pesquisa "Frequência e características da violência interpessoal entre alunos de graduação e pós-graduação de uma universidade paulista". Analisaram-se respostas de 2430 universitários(as) a um questionário estruturado e pré-testado, respondido diretamente em arquivo computadorizado. Os dados foram coletados e armazenados por meio do programa de computador LimeSurvey (LimeSurvey 1.49RC3), um software livre. Após encerrar a coleta, o banco de dados foi exportado para o EXCEL e em seguida para o SPSS-PC, quando foram realizadas checagens para identificar e corrigir possíveis erros lógicos. Para as análises desta dissertação, a partir do banco de dados da pesquisa original, foi constituído um outro com as informações referentes às variáveis de interesse para este estudo: independentes - atitude em gênero e em ética (em relação a si, ao outro e à comunidade universitária); dependentes - vivência de situações de violência em geral (física, emocional e/ou sexual), e especificamente violência sexual; reconhecimento de ser perpetrador de violência em geral e especificamente de gênero e sexual. Como variáveis de controle, foram incluídas características sociodemográficas dos respondentes. Análise dos dados: Nas análises bivariadas foi aplicado o teste qui-quadrado, para estudar a associação entre a atitude em ética e em gênero, as características sociodemográficas e a vivência de situações de violência, tanto como vítima quanto como perpetrador. Posteriormente, foi realizada análise múltipla por regressão logística de Poisson. Resultados: Dentre as alunas, 56,3% afirmaram ter sofrido algum tipo de violência desde seu ingresso na universidade, sendo 9,4% de violência sexual; 29,9% dos alunos disseram ter perpetrado algum tipo de violência, sendo 11,4% de gênero e 3,3% de violência sexual. Menores escores de atitude em ética associaram-se a maior probabilidade dos homens serem perpetradores de violência em geral, e especificamente de gênero. Residir com pais/parentes e professar alguma religião revelaram-se fatores protetores para homens e mulheres, tanto para sofrer quanto para perpetrar violência. Conclusão: A prevalência de violência contra a mulher em geral, e especificamente de violência sexual, foi expressiva na amostra estudada, e mostrou-se associada a várias características dos(as) estudantes. Dentre os fatores protetores destacaram-se o residir com a família, a atitude em ética e a importância dada à religião / Abstract: Introduction: The problematic of violence against women is present in different social contexts and its approach should include the gender and ethics perspectives that influence the way women are treated in their daily lives. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of sexual and gender violence and the association between gender and ethics attitude as well as the experience of suffering and perpetrating those kinds of violence, among students of a university in the State of São Paulo. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross-section study, which analyzed the reseach data "Frequency and characteristics of interpersonal violence among undergraduate students of a university in São Paulo State". The answers of 2430 college students to a pre-tested and structured questionnaire were analyzed. It was answered directly by the student on the internet. The data were collected and stored using a free computer program called LimeSurvey (LimeSurvey 1.49RC3). After data collection was finished, the data bank was exported to EXCEL and after that to SPSS-PC, when it was double-checked to identify and correct possible logical mistakes. In order to analyze this dissertation, another data bank was created with the variables which were of interest to this study: independent - gender and ethical attitude (related to the student and other members of the university community); dependent - experience of general violence life situations (physical, emotional and/or sexual), and specifically sexual violence; acknowledgement of being the perpetrator of general violence, specifically gender and sexual. As control variables the socio-demographic ones were included. Data analysis: Bi-variate analyses were done using the qui-square test, to study the association between ethics and gender attitudes, the social demographic characteristics and experiencing violent situations, both as victim and/or perpetrator. After that a multiple analysis by Poisson regression was carried out. Results: Among the women students, 56.3% stated they had suffered some kind of violence since they started studying at the university; 9.4% referred they had suffered sexual violence; 29.9% of the men students said they had been perpetrators of some kind of violence, of which 11.4% related to gender and 3.3% to sexual violence. Lower scores of ethical attitude were associated with a higher probability for men to be perpetrators of violence in general, specifically gender. Living with parents/relatives and professing any religion were shown to be protective factors for men and women, both to suffer and to perpetrate violence. Conclusion: Violence against women in general and specifically sexual violence was a frequentin ocurrance in the sample studied, and it was associated to several characteristics of the students. To live with the family, ethical actitude and high importance given to religion were proctecting factors or violence against women / Mestrado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Mestre em Tocoginecologia
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Entre cartas e poemas: as relações de gênero na obra de Álvares de Azevedo / Between letters and poems: gender relations in the work of Álvares de AzevedoSouza, Patrícia Aparecida Guimarães de 25 September 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho, situado na fronteira entre a História e a Literatura, buscamos analisar a obra do poeta romântico Álvares de Azevedo através da perspectiva da História das Relações de Gênero. Demos destaque à correspondência do autor com diferentes interlocutores, aos estudos literários George Sand Aldo o Rimador e Alfred de Musset Jacques Rolla e à Lira dos Vinte Anos. Assim, pudemos observar, em textos de naturezas diferentes, como foram construídas as representações sobre mulheres, procurando assinalar as consonâncias e dissonâncias entre elas. Levamos em consideração as transformações nas formas de sociabilidade que ocorreram durante a primeira metade do século XIX e os discursos sobre os lugares das mulheres produzidos neste período. Também refletimos sobre a concepção de amor romântico exposta na obra do poeta, pensando como isto interferia na forma de registrar a relação entre homens e mulheres, e sobre o ideal de amor materno, que ganhava espaço com a ascensão do modelo de família burguesa e que foi tema tanto da correspondência, trocada, majoritariamente, entre o poeta e sua mãe, quanto da produção literária de Álvares de Azevedo. / In this work that lies in the border between History and Literature we have tried to analyse the works of the romantic poet Álvares de Azevedo through the perspective of Gender History. I have given highlight to the correspondence of the author with different counterparts, to the literary studies \"George Sand Aldo o Rimador\" and \"Alfred de Musset Jacques Rolla\", and also to his book \"Lira dos Vinte Anos\". In this way we were able to observe how woman representation was built throughout texts of different nature trying in this manner to emphasize and give light to the differences and similarities between such representations. We took under consideration the social changes happening in the early 19th century and the discourse about women\'s role in that period. We have also pondered on the conception of romantic love exposed throughout the poet\'s works using that to think about how it interfered in the registry of gender relation at the time. Also we have thought about the ideal of motherly love that gained space through the ascension of bourgeois family models which were both the theme of great part of the letters exchanged between the poet and his mother and also the literary works of Álvares de Azevedo.
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