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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Le travailleur handicapé : principes et réalités / The disabled worker : principles and realities

Saint-Etienne, Lorinza 08 March 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche consiste à s’interroger sur la personne en situation de handicap dans le milieu professionnel, en faisant une articulation entre l'aspect juridique et l'aspect philosophique-sociologique.On entend par principe les différentes législations qui régissent la relation de travail de la personne handicapée.Le principe est la loi. Que dit cette loi ? Que permet-elle ? C'est dans cette partie que nous mettrons en évidence l'aspect juridique du sujet et que nous analyserons des points tels que le principe de non-discrimination, l'égalité entre les travailleurs, l'obligation d'emploi, la mise en œuvre du contrat de travail à travers les dispositions particulières en faveur des travailleurs handicapés.Dans cette partie, nous serons confrontés à des règles.Mais la question de la personne en situation de handicap dans le milieu professionnel ne peut être envisagée uniquement d'un point de vue législatif. Il est légitime de penser que la loi, dès lors qu'elle est promulguée, s'applique. Cependant, il convient de confronter ces règles à la réalité "car aborder les questions de travailleurs handicapés, c'est être confronté à ce double mécanisme de l'inclusion souhaitée (ce que dit la loi) ... et de l'exclusion constatée (les faits en vrai) » .Pour vérifier si elle est véritablement appliquée par les différents acteurs qui accompagnent la personne handicapée, il faut aller à la rencontre de ces acteurs. C'est là qu'intervient l'aspect philosophique-sociologique du sujet ; cela me permettra de démontrer qu'il existe des incohérences entre les lois, leur application et les réactions engendrées par cette application ou cette non-application, en donnant la parole aux premiers concernés.Il conviendra également de définir des notions telles que la capacité ou l'incapacité, l'aptitude ou l'inaptitude, l’incapacité réelle ou l’incapacité supposée, le handicap visible ou le handicap invisible et les conséquences sur l'évolution du travailleur handicapé, de son recrutement à la fin de la relation de travail.Ces notions seront définies juridiquement à la lumière de diverses jurisprudences et confrontées à des mises en situation professionnelle.Il faudra aussi répondre à des questions telles que :-est-il possible de faire intervenir le travailleur handicapé dans un environnement qui ne soit pas spécifique au handicap ?-les conséquences pour le travailleur qui revient dans l'entreprise en étant handicapé. Juridiquement, il devra envisager la compensation des conséquences de son handicap (l'aménagement de son poste de travail), mais il sera également question d'étudier sous l'aspect philosophique-sociologique cette période de transition (la liminalité).-lorsqu'il y a plus de travail (surcroit d'activité) dans l'entreprise, comment va-t-on répartir les tâches dans la structure, compte tenu du handicap du travailleur ?-la question de la justice distributive ou de la justice sociale, la notion d’égalité des droits dans l’entreprise sera à analyser en corrélation avec le principe de discrimination positive en faveur des travailleurs en situation de handicap-les relations du travailleur handicapé avec les différentes instances représentatives du personnel, avec les acteurs de la santé et de la sécurité au travail.Par travailleur handicapé, il faudra entendre le travailleur handicapé avant, pendant et après la relation de travail. Chaque phase soulèvera des questions pour lesquelles des réponses faisant référence à la loi seront apportées, il conviendra d'approfondir ces réponses en faisant appel à des solutions juridiques jusque-là inexploitées mais également à des connaissances en philosophie et en sociologie, d'où la nécessité d'être encadrée par un professeur de philosophie et un professeur de droit pour les questions juridiques. / This thesis involves questioning the person in a disability situation in the workplace, making an articulation between the legal aspect and the philosophical-sociological aspect.Principle means the various laws governing the employment relationship.The principle is the law. What does this law? What does it allow?It is in this part we will highlight the legal aspect and we will analyze issues such as the principle of non-discrimination, equality between workers, the employment obligation, the specificities in the employment contract or in collective agreements in favor of disabled workers....In this part, we will be faced with rules.But the issue of disability in the workplace can not be considered only from a legislative point of view. It will be necessary to confront these rules to reality "because addressing issues of disabled workers is to be confronted with this dual mechanism of the desired inclusion" (what the law says) ... "and exclusion found "(facts in true).To check if the law is actually applied by different actors who accompany the person with disabilities, it is necessary to meet these players.This is where the philosophical-sociological aspect of the subject, this will allow me to demonstrate that there are inconsistencies between laws, their implementation and the reactions generated by this application or the non-application, giving voice the first concerned.It will also be necessary to define concepts such as the capacity or incapacity, the ability or inability. These concepts will certainly legally define, but it will be interesting to compare them with reality, the different situations faced by the disabled worker such as the implications in the business:-In real incapacity and the supposed inability:-the visible and invisible disabilityIt will also answer questions such as:-is it possible to involve the disabled worker in an environment that is not specific to disability field?-The consequences for the worker who returns to the company being disabled. Legally, it should consider compensation for the consequences of his disability by various financial or material assistance (the layout of the workstation), but it will also issue to study in the philosophical-sociological aspect this transition period (the liminality) in which confront multiple attitudes towards the disabled worker.-When there is more work (increased activity) in the company, how will we divide the work into the structure, given the worker's disability? Protect or regarded as a worker among many others? Analyze the issue of the perception of the aid given and professional constraints (philosophical, sociological aspect).-The question of distributive justice and social justice will be analyzed in correlation with the principle of non-discrimination and the principle of equality of rights (legal aspect and philosophical-sociological aspect).- Recognition of the qualification of the disabled worker, his ability to perform the assigned task.For disabled worker will be heard before the disabled worker, during and after the employment relationship.

Tänk om - tänk rätt : en kvalitativ uppsats om att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare för den yngre generationens medarbetare

Ekman, Ann-Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Due to the technical development, employers will face tough challenges in recruiting the right staff. It is important that employers succeed in employing employees who possess the skills that may be of relevance to the future transformation of working life. When it comes to technical knowledge, the younger generation is at the forefront, as these employees have grown up with the internet and other technical tools. In order to be an attractive employer for today's young people, employers must thus adopt new working methods regarding communication, technology, motivation and corporate culture. The purpose of this essay is therefore to examine what makes an employer attractive at the labor market for young people born 1989-1999. The method has been a qualitative method in which nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with people aged 20 to 30 years. In order to analyze the collected empirical data, coding has been carried out to then be linked to theory and previous research.  The result shows a number of different factors that are of relevance to being an attractive employer. The most important factor in attracting and retaining younger employees is the opportunity to develop their competence. By offering employees the opportunity to grow at work, they will not seek another employer. Furthermore, the result shows that good relations with colleagues, as well as fun and varied tasks, are of great importance for attracting and retaining younger employees. In jobs where the employer has the opportunity to offer flexibility, the result shows that the employer should allow the employees to choose when and where the work should be performed. It is something that matters for both the choice of employer but also for staying in the workplace. It is also important to invest time and resources on both the physical and psychosocial work environment, since the working environment is something that is highly valued both in the choice of workplace but also to stay with an employer. / På grund av den tekniska utvecklingen kommer arbetsgivare att ställas inför allt tuffare utmaningar med att lyckas rekrytera rätt personal. Det är av yttersta vikt att arbetsgivare lyckas anställa de medarbetare som besitter den kompetens som kan komma att vara av relevans för den framtida omställning som arbetslivet står inför. När det gäller tekniska kunskaper ligger den yngre generationen i framkant då dessa medarbetare vuxit upp med internet och andra tekniska verktyg. För att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare för dagens unga måste arbetsgivare således anamma nya arbetssätt gällande kommunikation, teknik, motivation och företagskultur. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka vad som gör en arbetsgivare attraktiv på arbetsmarknaden för unga människor födda 1989-1999.Den metod som tillämpats har varit kvalitativ metod där nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med personer i åldrarna 20 till 30 år. För att sedan analysera den insamlade empirin har kodning utförts för att sedan kopplas samman med teori och tidigare forskning. Resultatet visar på en rad olika faktorer som är av relevans för att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Den absolut viktigaste faktorn till att både attrahera och behålla yngre medarbetare är möjlighet till kompetensutveckling. Genom att erbjuda medarbetarna möjlighet till att växa i arbetet kommer de följaktligen inte söka sig till en annan arbetsgivare. Vidare visar resultatet att goda relationer till arbetskamrater samt roliga och varierande arbetsuppgifter ärav stor vikt för att både attrahera och behålla yngre medarbetare. I de arbeten där arbetsgivaren har möjlighet att erbjuda flexibilitet visar resultatet att arbetsgivaren bör låta medarbetarna välja när och var arbetet ska utföras. Detta är något som har betydelseför både val av arbetsgivare men ocksåför att stanna kvar på arbetsplatsen. Det är även viktigtatt satsa tid och resurser på både den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön eftersom arbetsmiljö är något som värderas högt både i val av arbetsplats men också för att stanna kvar hos en arbetsgivare.

A abordagem geracional como proposta à gestão de pessoas / Generational approach as a proposal to human resource management

Silva, Rodrigo Cunha da 07 November 2013 (has links)
Na literatura sobre gerações, é comum encontrar três classificações baseadas em idade: a geração Baby boomers, a geração X e a geração Y. Paralelamente, estudiosos têm mencionado que empregados pertencentes a diferentes grupos de faixas etárias que atuam em uma mesma organização tendem a possuir distintas expectativas e sistemas de valores. Essas diferenças têm o potencial de se refletirem na percepção dos profissionais sobre o ambiente de trabalho. Por outro lado, é possível supor que organizações com diferentes sistemas de gestão de pessoas apresentem particularidades na maneira de gerenciar pessoas de diferentes idades. Com base em tais reflexões, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa consiste em analisar as implicações das diferenças ou similaridades geracionais sobre a gestão de pessoas de empresas com características diversas. Para o cumprimento de tal objetivo, foram adotados, em sequência, dois focos de análise. No primeiro, foi considerado o delineamento metodológico da pesquisa de levantamento, com o propósito de aferir a percepção dos empregados das 150 Melhores Empresas Para Você Trabalhar. Nesta etapa da pesquisa, a técnica de análise fatorial confirmatória foi empregada para avaliar a validade e identificação dos fatores do ambiente de trabalho. Já para verificar a existência dessas diferenças nas percepções, foi procedida a análise multivariada de variância. No segundo foco de análise, foram realizados dois estudos de casos, em duas organizações que são referência em gestão de pessoas no Brasil, com o propósito de compreender a gestão das gerações no contexto organizacional. As duas organizações consideradas para o estudo de múltiplos casos foram a Dow S.A e Promon S. A. Nesta fase, foi possível obter os elementos necessários para compreender a gestão de pessoas em organizações com características diversas, quanto às diferenças ou similaridades advindas de questões geracionais dos seus empregados. O estudo dessas organizações foi baseado na análise da relação de suas políticas e práticas de gestão de pessoas com as questões geracionais advindas do ambiente de trabalho. Entre os resultados obtidos, vale ressaltar que as diferenças de percepção da geração Y em relação à geração X começam a surgir a partir do final da década de 1980, mais precisamente, a partir de 1986. Porém, nas organizações estudadas, tais diferenças geracionais não implicam adaptações da gestão de pessoas de maneira consciente. Em suma, por meio deste estudo, nota-se que o contexto em que a gestão de pessoas acontece influencia a gestão das gerações. Tal influência parece impossibilitar a criação de um padrão único de tal gestão, o que torna ainda mais desafiadora a tarefa de promover a convivência inevitável entre as gerações. / The literature on generations usually presents three classifications based on age: the generation of Baby Boomers and the generations X and Y. Meanwhile, scholars have been mentioning that employees who work at the same organization and belong to different age groups tend to have different expectations and systems of values. These differences have the potential to reflect up on professionals\' perception in relation to the work environment. On the other hand, it is possible to assume that organizations with different human resource management systems are likely to deploy peculiar ways of managing people of varying ages. Based on these considerations, the main objective of this research is to analyze the implications of generational differences and similarities on human resource management among companies of distinct features. In order to accomplish this goal, two foci of analysis were adopted in sequence. The methodological design of the first one was a survey research, applied to assess the employees\' perception of the 150 Best Companies to Work For. On this step of the research, the confirmatory factor analysis technique was used to evaluate the validity and identification of the factors of work environment. To check these differences of perceptions, a multivariate analysis of variance was performed. To the second focus of analysis, two case studies were carried out at organizations considered as benchmarks of managing people in Brazil, with the purpose of understanding the management of generations within organizational contexts. The two organizations considered for the study of multiple cases were Dow S.A. and Promon S.A. At this stage, it was possible to obtain the information needed to understand the human resource management at organizations of different characteristics, in relation to the differences or similarities arising from generational issues of their employees. The study of these organizations was based on the analysis of the relationship of their policies and practices for managing people with generational issues stemming from the work environment. Regarding the results, it is noteworthy that the differences in perception of Generation Y in relation to Generation X begin to emerge from the end of the 1980s, more precisely, from 1986 on. Nevertheless, in the studied organizations, such generational differences do not imply adaptations of human resource management in a conscious way. In sum, through this study, we note that the context in which human resource management happens influences the management of generations. Such influence seems to preclude the creation of a single standard of such management, which makes the task of promoting the inevitable coexistence between generations even more challenging.

Intensivvårds- och anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin arbetsmiljö vid ett sjukhus som saknar akutkirurgi - en intervjustudie

Blad, Linda, Forslin, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning  Bakgrund: Sjukhusvården förändras och kraven på specialistsjuksköterskor ändras. Transporter med patienter från små sjukhus blir fler och sträckorna längre. Upplevelsen av sin arbetsmiljö har visat sig viktig, inte minst vad gäller upplevelsen av patientsäkerheten.   Syfte: Syftet var att, ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv, beskriva intensivvårds- och anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta på ett sjukhus utan akutkirurgi. Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats med beskrivande design. 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med intensivvårdssjuksköterskor (n=6) och anestesisjuksköterskor (n=5). Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Under analysen av intervjuerna framträdde sex kategorier. 1. Att uppleva vikten av att rutiner följs 2. Att samverkan och personkännedom inom sjukhuset underlättar arbetet 3. Upplevelse av nuvarande uppdrag 4. Att se vikten av närliggande vård 5. Att samverka med andra sjukhus och 6. Upplevelse av tillgång till resurser och kompetens. Anestesi- och intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna upplevde att det var viktigt att följa rutiner. Att samverkan och personkännedom inom sjukhuset kan underlätta arbetet var ytterligare en upplevelse som beskrevs. De upplevde en tillfredställelse med det nuvarande uppdraget, även om en önskan att få ett utökat uppdrag beskrevs. Vikten av att ha närliggande vård beskrevs och avståndet till närmaste akutsjukhus upplevdes som ett problem. Samarbetet med andra sjukhus beskrevs ibland fungera bra och ibland fick en kamp föregå samarbetet. Upplevelsen av tillgång till resurser och kompetens beskrevs där det framkom att resursbristen kunde skapa frustration. Slutsats: Positiv upplevelse av nuvarande uppdrag. Vid akuta tillstånd där svårt skadade eller sjuka patienter kom in till sjukhuset upplevdes frustration med de resursbrister som fanns. Nyckelord: Anestesisjuksköterska, Arbetsmiljö, Intensivvårdssjuksköterska / Abstract Background: Hospital care is changing and the requirements for specialist nurses are changing. The amount of patient transports from smaller hospitals are increasing and the routes are longer. The experience of the nurses work environment has proved to be important, not least with regard to the experience of patient safety.  Aim: To describe how intensive care and anesthesia nurses experience working in a hospital without emergency surgery, from a work environment perspective.  Method: The study had a qualitative approach with descriptive design. 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted with intensive care nurses (n = 6) and anesthetic nurses (n = 5). The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis.  Main results: Through the analysis six categories emerged. 1. To experience the importance of following guidelines 2. That collaboration and personal knowledge within the hospital facilitates the workload 3. Experience of the current assignment 4. To see the importance of nearby care 5. The cooperation with other hospitals and 6. Experience of access to resources and competence. The anesthetic and intensive care nurses experienced that it was important to follow guidelines. The fact that collaboration and personal knowledge within the hospital can facilitate the workload was another experience that was described. They experienced a satisfaction with the current assignment, although a desire to get extended assignments was described. The importance of having nearby care was described and the distance to the nearest emergency hospital was described as a problem. The collaboration with other hospitals was sometimes described to work well and sometimes a struggle preceded the collaboration. The experience of access to resources and skills was described and it emerged that the lack of resources could create frustration.  Conclusion: Positive experience of current assignments. In emergency situations where severely injured or sick patients entered the hospital, frustration was experienced with the lack of resources that existed. Keywords: Intensive Care Nurse, Nurse anesthetist, Work Environment

Ambulanssjuksköterskans upplevelser och uppfattningar av säkerhetsbältets användning på patienten under ambulanstransport : En intervjustudie

Axelsson, Isabelle, Bolin Kyander, Christina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det prehospitala arbetet är utmanande i avseende att kombinera ett patientsäkert vårdarbete och yrkesmässig bilkörning. Vårdutrymmet i en ambulans är en riskfylld miljö både då bilen står parkerad på en olycksplats samt när den är i rullning. Trafiksäkerhet i ambulanssjukvård är därav en avgörande faktor för patientsäkerheten och ambulanssjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö. Brister denna säkerhet riskerar patienten att bli utsatt för ett vårdlidande och ambulanssjuksköterskan för en arbetsmiljöskada. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva ambulanssjuksköterskans upplevelser och uppfattningar av säkerhetsbältets användning på patienten under ambulanstransport och på så vis öka följsamheten gällande säkerhetsbältes användning. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med enskilda intervjuer. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats användes som analysmetod. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i 5 kategorier som bildade resultatets rubriker “bältets betydelse”, “svagheter och brister”, “hinder för säkerhetsbälte”, “arbetsmiljö och säkerhet” samt “samverkan mellan förare och vårdare”. Slutsats: Av studiens resultat kunde slutsatsen dras att säkerhetsbältesanvändningen i ambulansen har stor förbättringspotential samt att upplevelse och uppfattning går i sär med hur verkligheten ser ut. Resultatet visar även vilka orsaker till en bristande bältesanvändning som är vanligast och förslag på hur man kan komma till rätta med dessa. Att säkerhetsbältesanvändningen för patienterna i ambulansen förs upp till diskussion är av stor vikt för att främja patientsäkerheten och ambulanssjuksköterskans Arbetsmiljö̈. För att öka följsamheten gällande säkerhetsbältesanvändningen är det av värde att flera studier utöver denna genomförs utifrån olika synvinklar, exempelvis patientens upplevelse / Background: The pre-hospital work is challenging in terms of combining apatient-safe care work and professional driving. The care room in an ambulance is a risky environment both when the car is parked on an accident site and when it is rolling. Traffic safety in ambulance care is therefore a crucial factor for patient safety and the ambulance nurse's work environment. If this safety fails, the patient risks being exposed to a suffering patient and the ambulance nurse for a work environment injury. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe the ambulance nurses experiences and perceptions of the safety belts use on the patient during ambulance transport and in this way increase compliance with seat belt use. Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with individual interviews. Qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used as analysis method. Result: The analysis resulted in 5 categories that formed the results headings “the importance of the belt”, “weaknesses and deficiencies”, “obstacles to safety belts”, “work environment and safety” and “collaboration between driver and carer”. Conclusion: From the results of the study, it could be concluded that the seat belt use in the ambulance has great improvement potential and that experience and perception go in particular with the reality. The result also shows the reasons for a lack of belt use that is most common and suggestions for how to deal with these. The fact that the safety belt use for the patients in the ambulance is brought up for discussion is of great importance for promoting patient safety and the ambulance nurses working environment. In order to increase adherence to seat belt use, it is of value that several studies in addition to this are carried out on the basis of different perspectives, forexample the

Emotion and Warmth Modulation in Women Leaders: A Qualitative Exploratory Study

Pfaff, Danielle Lee January 2019 (has links)
Gender stereotypes dictate that women are and should be warm, whereas men are and should be competent. While prior work has explored how women manage stereotypic expectations about their competence, there is less research on the lived experiences of women leaders navigating the warmth dimension of these stereotypes. This qualitative study initially explored the possibility that women leaders may modulate emotional displays in service of conveying warmth. The research questions evolved over time and the study ultimately aimed to understand the following research questions: (1) Do women leaders in male-typed jobs modulate emotional displays in the workplace? If so, why, how, and what are the outcomes? (2) Do women leaders in male-typed jobs modulate warmth displays in the workplace? If so, why, how, and what are the outcomes? The study included data from semi-structured interviews with 22 women leaders in male-typed contexts. The data ultimately revealed that the vast majority of participants engaged in emotion modulation at work. There were a variety of reasons underlying this process, including participants viewing modulating emotions as a component of their competence in their roles, using emotionality as a tool in the workplace, and noting that specific emotions were unacceptable to express in their workplace. They also identified how they managed their emotions, reporting strategies that ranged from within the workplace to outside the workplace, as well as intrapersonal versus interpersonal strategies. Finally, they reported the mostly negative intrapersonal outcomes of modulating emotions, including feelings of fatigue and inauthenticity. With regard to warmth, the majority of participants reported modulating warmth at work. Participants modulated warmth for various reasons, including viewing warmth as a component of leadership, in response to others’ gendered expectations for warmth displays, and reflecting on actual or predicted outcomes of warmth displays to guide subsequent warmth displays. They conveyed warmth in a variety of ways, such as appearing friendly and approachable, resolving conflict with others, and creating a supportive team environment. Finally, they reported myriad outcomes associated with warmth modulation, including fatigue and discomfort, as well as warmth displays reducing credibility or a failure to display warmth resulting in negative professional outcomes. One final theme also emerged, bridging across warmth and emotionality. At times, participants suppressed negative emotions, then amplified warmth behaviors. They also displayed positive emotions, then amplified subsequent warmth behaviors. The findings suggested that women leaders may be modulating both emotions and warmth independently of one another, yet there are also instances where warmth modulation directly follows emotional modulation. This study provides compelling evidence that women leaders engage in labor, outside of explicit role responsibilities, in managing both emotions and warmth in the workplace. Given the depth and complexity of the findings as well as the limitations of this study, additional research is required to replicate these findings with other methodological approaches, designs, and samples. The results point to several theoretical areas that may benefit from greater refinement and differentiation, including the relationship between emotional modulation and warmth modulation. Finally, there are numerous implications for practice at the organization, group, and individual levels.

The job satisfaction, occupational sentiments, and work-related stress of prison wardens: results from a national survey

Unknown Date (has links)
This study examined the results of the National Prison Wardens’ Survey to ascertain the levels of job satisfaction, occupational sentiments, and work-related stress among prison wardens and to establish whether these variables differed between male and female respondents. The findings indicated that wardens generally experience high levels of job satisfaction, reflect positive occupational sentiments, and report low levels of work-related stress. Additionally, results from the Chi-square tests and Lambda measures of association indicated that little to no relationship existed between gender and any of the explored variables. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

AMBIENTE DE TRABALHO, ESTRESSE E SAÚDE EM MÉDICOS DO HOSPITAL MUNICIPAL ESAÚ MATOS EM VITÓRIA DA CONQUISTA - BA. / Work environment, stress and health in physicians of the Esau Matos Municipal Hospital in Vitoria da Conquista BA.

Marques, Rogério Santos 27 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:53:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ROGERIO SANTOS MARQUES.pdf: 1002304 bytes, checksum: 86b50a322dcbe63ce2b5e3e6208ddd3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-27 / Stress is defined as a bodily reaction, with physical and psychological components, and psycho-physiological causes. Stress can affect professional performance and quality of service. The aim of this study is to investigate the existence, and the degree of stress experienced by the physicians at the Hospital Municipal Esau Matos (HMEM) in Vitoria da Conquista in the Brazilian state of Bahia. The method is transversal. The research took place at the HMEM which is considered a reference in infant maternal care, attending the population of Vitória da Conquista and its surrounding micro region. The population studied included all specialties and sectors: physicians working in neonatal ICU, Obstetrics, Delivery Room, Ambulatory, Surgical Center, Emergency Department and other physicians who are part of the staff of HMEM. 78 physicians work at the hospital, 65 agreed to participate and 52 answered the questionnaires. Demographic and professional data, as well as level of stress were checked through questionnaires. The results showed that a small number of the physicians is stress-free 11,5%, a large number 84,6% of report moderate levels of stress and a small number experiences severe stress 3,8% , nearing exhaustion. Some risk factors showed significant differences in statistical tests. The vast majority of respondents that felt lower back pain, were women aged 30-40 years. Work at the obstetric ward was significantly related to lower back pain. The connection of stressful situations with the demands of medical work is discussed as well as the need of health professionals to rethink attitudes about work and life, in order to reduce the possible damage related to stress, and increase the quality of life of the professionals. / O estresse é definido como uma reação do organismo, com componentes físicos e ou psicológicos, causada pelas alterações psicofisiológicas. O estresse pode prejudicar o desempenho profissional e a qualidade do trabalho. O objetivo da pesquisa é investigar o ambiente de trabalho, estresse e saúde em médicos do hospital municipal Esaú Matos em Vitória da Conquista Bahia. A metodologia desta pesquisa trata-se de um estudo transversal. A pesquisa foi realizada no HMEM, onde o mesmo é considerado de referência materno infantil, atendendo a população do município de Vitória da Conquista e micro região. A população estudada foi a de médicos que trabalham no Hospital Municipal Esaú Matos-HMEM em Vitória da Conquista BA. O critério de escolha considerou todas as categorias e especialidades: médicos que trabalham na UTI Neonatal, Obstetrícia, Sala de Parto, Ambulatórios, Centro Cirúrgico, Pronto Atendimento e outros médicos que fazem parte do quadro de pessoal do HMEM. O universo foi de 78 médicos que trabalham neste hospital em todos os setores, sendo que 65 concordaram em participar do desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, e efetivamente participaram, respondendo os questionários um total de 52 médicos. Dados sócios demográficos e nível de estresse foram levantados por questionários. O resultado em relação ao estresse de todos os sujeitos entrevistados ficou constatado, que uma parcela pequena dos participantes está sem estresse 11,5%, trabalhando de forma saudável e, a grande maioria dos pesquisados 84,6% está com o grau de estresse chamado moderado, o que se pode perceber que os participantes estão na fase de resistência do estresse, também foi verificado que um pequeno grupo dos participantes 3,8% está com um estresse intenso, chegando à exaustão, nenhum dos entrevistados se encontrava com o grau de estresse considerado muito intenso. Analisando os resultados, foi percebido que alguns fatores de risco mostraram diferenças significativas nos testes estatísticos, onde a maioria dos pesquisados sentiam dores lombares, sendo as mulheres com idade de 30 a 40 anos, em quase totalidade são as que mais sentiam as dores lombares. Concluindo o trabalho, perceberam-se possíveis situações estressoras, ligadas às demandas do trabalho e às peculiaridades iminentes do trabalho médico. Considerou-se a necessidade dos profissionais da saúde, especificamente os médicos, repensem as atitudes no trabalho, com o intuito de diminuir ou cessar os possíveis danos relacionados ao estresse, e aumentar a qualidade de vida dos profissionais.


Medeiros, Júlia Maria 21 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:56:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIA MARIA MEDEIROS.pdf: 1495306 bytes, checksum: d54325b9228cef5009681ee49c1da39d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-21 / Among the typical professional groups in the hospital, the nursing team generally is the one which has the most intense contact with the patient and the institution, because nurses remain for long periods in their work environment and provide continuous direct care to the patient. This entails the physical and psychological wellbeing of this team is important for the quality of the services provided by the hospital. Therefore, a better understanding of the team and its needs is warranted. As the nursing professional is most intensely exposed to the structure of the institution, the relationships and the work environment, all of these may interfere in important ways in the services provided. The present study intends to explore how the nursing team in a small hospital in the state of Goias, in the Brazilian heartland, experiences its work environment. The study proposes a Grounded Theory analysis based on field observation and interviews with 17 nursing professionals. The results suggest that the team views the architecture of the hospital as inadequate in what concerns the special proportions, visual comfort and air circulation. They also feel a lack of contact with nature. Visual comfort can be improved by the integration of nature in the spaces, the creation of a garden, improvement of colors and illumination. Interpersonal relations with patients and colleagues are experienced as positive. Conflicts can occur in the team and interfere with patient care. But patient discomfort is attributed to institutional problems. The participants claim they love their profession and are aware of the importance of both teamwork and individual involvement. They feel they should be allowed more participation in decisions. The study shows that participants experience of their work environment includes a political-organizational dimension. Many participants express understanding for the problems on the management level, but they also have demands, criticisms and suggestions to offer to organizational leadership. While feeling too distant from the centers of power, they also identify various ways in which they can manage practical problems and cope with difficulties that are due to structural deficits. / O ambiente hospitalar é composto por várias equipes de trabalho, incluindo a de enfermagem que se apresenta, na maioria das vezes, como o de maior contato entre o paciente e a instituição. Isso implica dizer que a equipe passa um longo período dentro deste ambiente de trabalho. Conhecer a equipe, e o que a mesma necessita é de suma importância, pois é ela quem presta cuidados diretamente ao paciente e necessita estar bem tanto fisicamente quanto psicologicamente. É necessário, portanto, um maior cuidado com esta classe trabalhadora, pois dentro do seu âmbito de atuação as influências da estrutura, as relações e o ambiente de trabalho podem interferir na sua produção profissional. Esta dissertação objetiva mostrar a vivência do profissional de enfermagem em um hospital de pequeno porte no interior de Goiás. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, pautada nos princípios da teoria fundamentada nos dados. Foi realizada uma observação de campo, seguida de entrevistas com 17 profissionais. Como pontos negativos os trabalhadores percebem o espaço edificado como deficiente no que diz respeito à ergonomia, ao dimensionamento do espaço, ao conforto visual e à circulação do ar. A ausência de contato com a natureza também é vista como deficiência. O conforto visual poderia ser melhorado pela natureza no ambiente, com a criação de um jardim. É ainda fundamental a adequação das cores e da iluminação. As relações interpessoais com o usuário e os colegas são percebidas como boas. Podem ocorrer conflitos dentro da equipe que interferem na assistência prestada, mas são problemas devidos à organização do hospital, que são percebidos como causa de mal-estar dos usuários. Como pontos positivos revelados os participantes demonstram amor pela profissão e têm consciência da importância do bom relacionamento da equipe e da contribuição de cada um para melhor desempenho das funções. Sentem, porém, falta de participação nas decisões da organização. O trabalho desvela uma dimensão político-gerencial na maneira como os participantes vivenciam seu ambiente de trabalho. Muitos têm compreensão das falhas no nível do gerenciamento, por isso têm também anseios, críticas e sugestões para oferecer ao gestor da organização. Sentem-se afastados do núcleo de decisões, mas percebem várias maneiras que poderiam amenizar problemas práticos e manejar dificuldades criadas pelas deficiências da estrutura e da administração.

"Vi är varandras arbetsmiljö" : om studiero på högstadiet / "We are each other's work environment" : about learning conditions at high school

Olsson, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker fenomenet studiero i två sjundeklasser på en högstadieskola i Sverige. Klasserna har observerats under lektionstid vid sex tillfällen och intervjuer har gjorts med sex elever och två pedagoger. Fokus ligger på elevernas upplevelse av studiero, vilka möjligheter eleverna har att forma sin arbetsmiljö samt hur eleverna ser på sitt inflytande och delaktighet. Det jag under min fältstudie har funnit är att elever och pedagoger är samstämmiga om vad studiero är, men att den bäst förstås när den störs. Då blir även andra processer tydliga så som skapandet av normer, elevernas socialiseringsprocess och det vänliga maktutövandet. Dock verkar det som om eleverna inte är fullständigt medvetna om sina möjligheter till påverkan och inflytande i skapandet av sin arbetsmiljö. / This study examines the learning conditions in two seventh grade classes at a high school in Sweden. The classes have been observed during lessons on six occasions and interviews have been done with six students and two educators. The focus is the students' experience of learning conditions in the classroom, what opportunities the students have to shape their work environment and how the students experience their participation. What I have found during my fieldwork is that students and educators agree on what good and calm learning conditions are, but that learning conditions are best understood when it is disrupted. Then other processes also become clear, such as the creation of norms, the students' socialization process and the friendly exercise of power. However, it seems that the students are not fully aware of the opportunities given when they participate in the creation of their work environment.

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