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Uzbecká komunita v Praze / Uzbek community in the PragueDrahoňovský, Libor January 2013 (has links)
This thesis thematically deals with Uzbek minority in Prague, which was formed during the last two decades. Main part contain and analyze the structure of the Uzbek minority, and I used the statistics concerning number, working and educational activities, gender representation, territorial decomposition, crime and infringements of residential regime of Uzbek immigrants. I focus also on determination of expanse and method of integration in the majority society environment, patterns of behavior and thinking and culture aspects of everyday life in the minority group. From the research methods I use survey, in-depth interviews and participant observation. I place emphasis on the definition of "push" and "pull" factors of immigration. In addition, I document how the Uzbek Immigrants assess social and cultural environment of the host country, their attitudes and opinions to the people of the Czech Republic and members of other nationalities, especially to those with whom they come in a host country usually in contact, and how they integrate in the Czech environment. I also pay big attention to the changes that took place in the Uzbek community during life in the Czech Republic, including the period after 2008 due to the recession of Czech economy and restrict working opportunities and perspectives....
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L’intérimaire longue-durée : un prisme pour comprendre les transformations de la norme salariale / The long-term temporary worker : a prism for understanding the transformations of the wage normCazeneuve, Hervé 02 April 2010 (has links)
Par définition, les intérimaires ne sont liés que par des contrats temporaires et pourtant on constate que 165 000 personnes ont travaillé pendant plus de six mois en intérim chaque année entre 1998 et 2002. L’existence de ces intérimaires longue-durée est ici interrogée en partant de l’hypothèse que leur maintien dans cette forme d’emploi est lié à l’état de la norme salariale qui perd peu à peu sa place de principe organisateur de la société française. Plusieurs éléments permettent de comprendre ce maintien. Le premier est un rapport de confiance activement entretenu entre l’intérimaire et l’agence d’intérim. Deuxièmement, il est nécessaire pour les intérimaires longue-durée, de posséder des attaches familiales ou immobilières. Enfin, au sein des entreprises utilisatrices, les rapports entre intérimaires et embauchés sont facilités par l’affaiblissement du sentiment de sécurité lié au contrat à durée indéterminée.Les bonnes raisons du maintien en intérim sont donc liées à la crainte du chômage mais aussi à l’abandon du compromis entre sphères politiques et économiques de l’Etat assurantiel. La sécurité qu’apporte l’emploi stable est remise en cause alors qu’il est nécessaire pour obtenir les prêts qui mènent à la propriété immobilière. Or, cette dernière semble reprendre sa place de garant et permet à ceux qui y ont accès de sortir du continuum salarial sans subir de sanctions et de participer à son affaiblissement. / By definition, temporary workers are only bound by temporary contracts, yet we find that, between 1998 and 2002, 165 000 people have been employed as temporary workers each year for more than six months.In this research, we raise the question of the existence of these long term temporary workers through the presumption that their existence is linked to the state of the wage continuum that is gradually losing its place as the organizing principle of French society. Through a qualitative survey, we highlight the importance of several elements. First, trust is actively maintained between the temporary worker and the agency. Secondly, the long-term temporary workers rely on family or estate to secure their position. In addition to these prerequisites, we find that, when sent on a mission, temporary workers benefit from the weakening of the security feeling that permanent contracts used to provide.Good reasons behind long term-temporary work are related to the fear of unemployment and to the resignation of the trade-off between political and economic spheres that gave birth to the insurance-State. The security of steady employment is now being questioned while it is needed to obtain loans necessary to purchase home ownership. At the same time, the latter seems to take its place as guarantor and allows home owners to deviate from the continuum wage without repercussion while participating in its weakening.
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Att arbeta med våldsutsatta kvinnor : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella hjälper våldsutsatta kvinnorEnglund, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Women's vulnerability to domestic violence is a widespread social problem that causes problematic consequences for society and to the individual. I wondered what significance the professionals' knowledge has to help abused women, how professionals and abused women describe abused womens needs, and how the professionals work with and consider important in meeting with and helping abused women. Six qualitative interviews with a social worker who were working as a therapist in the social services, as councilors and in women's shelter were performed. The results showed that the professionals regarded specific knowledge of domestic violence as a prerequisite for being able to help the woman adequately. Furthermore, it appeared that the woman's needs could be psychological need of support and processing, but also help with practical issues to sort out their situation. The social workers were mapping the violence and the situation of the abused women. The mapping could determine the woman's needs and potential contributions. / Kvinnors utsatthet för våld i nära relationer är ett omfattande samhällsproblem som får problematiska följder både för samhället och individen. Jag ställde mig frågan vilken betydelse de professionellas kunskap har för att hjälpa våldsutsatta kvinnor, hur de professionella och kvinnorna ser på kvinnans behov, samt hur de professionella arbetar med och anser är viktigt i mötet med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Sex intervjuer med socialarbetare som jobbade som behandlare inom socialtjänst, kuratorer och kvinnojour genomfördes. Resultatet visade att de professionella såg särskild kunskap om våld i nära relationer som en förutsättning för att kunna hjälpa kvinnan på ett adekvat sätt. Vidare framgick att kvinnans behov kunde utgöras av psykiskt behov av stöd och bearbetning, men också praktisk hjälp för att få ordning på sin situation. För att hjälpa kvinnan kartlade man våldet och kvinnans situation. Genom kartläggningen kunde man utröna kvinnans behov och bedöma insatser.
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NGO insecurity in high-risk conflict zones: the politicization of aid and its impact on “humanitarian space”Mitchell, John "David" F. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Security Studies Interdepartmental Program / Emizet F. Kisangani / Attacks against nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in high-risk conflict zones have increased exponentially over the last two decades. However, the few existing empirical studies on NGO insecurity have tended to focus on external factors influencing attacks, with little attention paid to the actions of aid workers themselves. To fill this gap, this dissertation theorizes that aid workers may have contributed to their own insecurity by engaging in greater political action. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used to assess the impact of political activity by NGOs on the insecurity of aid workers. The quantitative analyses test the theory at two levels. The first is a large-N country-level analysis of 117 nations from 1999 to 2015 using panel corrected standard errors. The second is a subnational-level statistical analysis of four case studies: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Colombia from 2000 to 2014. Both the country- and provincial- level analyses show that the magnitude of aid tends to be a significant determinant of aid worker security. The qualitative methods of “structured-focused comparison” and “process tracing” are used to analyze the four cases. Results show that aid workers are most likely to be victims of politically-motivated attacks while in-transit. Consistent with the quantitative findings, it is speculated that if workers are engaged in a large-scale project over an extended period of time, attackers will be able to monitor their daily activities and routines closely, making it easier to orchestrate a successful ambush. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that political statements made by NGOs—regardless of their sectors of activity—have increased insecurity for the broader aid community. These results dispel the myth that humanitarian activity has historically been independent, impartial, and neutral. Several NGOs have relied on this false assumption for security, believing that adherence to core principles has contributed to “humanitarian space.” The results also dispel the popular NGO assumption that targeted attacks are not official tactics of organized militants, but rather the result of criminality or mistaken identity. In fact, the overwhelming majority of aid workers attacked in high-risk conflict zones have been targeted by political actors.
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Hur upplever konsulter i bemanningsföretag sin arbetssituation hos kundföretag? / How do consultants from temporary work agencies experience their work situation at client companies?Honkonen, Jonna, Nielsen, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
Intresset för och inhyrning av bemanningskonsulter har ökat som en del av företags försök att bli flexiblare med arbetsstyrkan. Dock är bemanningsbranschen ung och forskning kring konsultyrket utifrån konsultens perspektiv anser vi vara begränsad. Studiens syfte var att bidra till ökad kunskap om konsultyrket genom en empirisk undersökning där intervjuer med bemanningskonsulter utförts. Forskningsfrågan var: Hur upplever konsulter från bemanningsföretag sin arbetssituation hos kundföretag? Studien har inspirerats av ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt och empiri samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex respondenter som har erfarenheter från konsultyrket. Ansatsen i studien bedrevs deduktivt eftersom vi läst in oss kring ämnesområdet innan empirisk data samlades in. Utifrån tidigare forskning antog vi att konsultens upplevda arbetssituation påverkades antingen positivt eller negativt utifrån tre faktorer: Vilka förväntningar som finns på dem samt hur de behandlas av kundföretaget och kollegorna, vilka är anledningarna till att konsultyrket väljs samt deras arbetstillfredsställelse utifrån känslan av kontroll över arbetssituationen och relationerna inom kundföretaget. För att tolka det empiriska materialet användes tolkningsmodellen från den teoretiska referensramen. Meningar och ord i det transkriberade materialet markerades för att sedan jämföras med tidigare forskning och på så sätt finna samband och motsägelser. Vår slutsats var att konsulterna upplever sin arbetssituation antingen positivt eller negativt först och främst beroende på vilka förväntningar de har på yrket och uppdraget de anlitas för. Dessa förväntningar påverkas sedan av andra faktorer, som kundföretagets avsikt med att använda konsulten, hur mycket de involveras och hur väl de behandlas av både ledning, chefer samt kollegor. Beroende på vilka förväntningar konsulten har, får de andra faktorerna mer eller mindre påverkan på den upplevda arbetssituationen. / The interest for and hiring of consultants from temporary working agencies have increased as a part of companies' attempts to become more flexible with the workforce. The temporary staffing industry is yet young and we consider the research around the consultant profession limited, based on the consultants perspective. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about the consultant profession through an empirical research based on interviews with temporary agency workers. The research question was: How do consultants from temporary work agencies experience their work situation at client companies? This was a qualitative study and empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six respondents who has experience from the consultant profession. The study had a deductive approach as we had read about the subject area before the collection of data. From previous research we assumed that the experienced work situation by the consultants was affected either positive or negative by three factors: Which expectations and how they are treated by the client company and by their colleagues, which are the reasons to choose the consultant profession, and their job satisfaction based on the impression of control over the work situation and the relations within the client company. To translate the empirical material the analysis model from the theoretical framework was used. Sentences and words from the transcribed material were marked and then compared with previous research and thus find connections and contradictions. Our conclusions were that the consultants experience their work situation either positive or negative primarily depending on which expectations they have on the profession and the assignment they are hired for. These expectations then affect the other factors, as the client company’s intention to use the consultant, how involved they are and how well they are treated by executives, managers and colleagues. Depending on which expectations the consultant has, the other factors have more or less impact on the experienced work situation.
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Digitaliseringen skapar nya möjligheter : distansmöten som arbetsform / Digitalization provides new opportunities : distance meetings as a form of workingSmailagic, Iris, Nimark, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på vilka effekter införandet utav distansmöten har haft på vårdcentralerna inom primärvården ur ett organisations– och personalperspektiv. Syftet har också varit att redogöra för vilka för- och nackdelar det finns med detta införande. I denna uppsats har bland annat miljöperspektiv, tidseffektivitet samt det ekonomiska perspektivet behandlats. Vi har valt att undersöka Munkedals vårdcentral samt vårdcentralen i Tanumshede. Detta beror på att vi ville få åsikter om införandet från en vårdcentral som var relativt nya och även ifrån en där de har mer erfarenheter kring området, då vi anser att hur införandet uppfattas kan skiljas åt ifall om det är ett nytt införande eller inte. I studien använde vi oss utav en kvalitativ inriktning, då vi ansåg att detta var passande för att uppnå vårt syfte var att hålla i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Då vi använde oss utav intervjuer som vi sedan tolkade för att samla in vår empiri hade vi ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Vi höll interjuver med sex stycken respondenter två chefer samt fyra medarbetare varav en chef och två medarbetare på varje vårdcentral för att få ett så pass sanningsenligt resultat som möjligt. Som analysmetod valde vi att använda oss utav en tematisk metod för att kunna analysera den teori och empiri vi tagit fram med varandra. Vårt resultat och slutsats av studien visar att införa distansmöten är något positivt för primärvården. De sparar bland annat tid i och med att mötena tar kortare tid, då resetiden sparas in och de får på så sätt tid till annat arbete. Det bidrar också till kostnadsbesparingar för organisationerna då reseutgifter samt hotellvistelser försvinner och det bidrar inte till växthuseffekten. Detta införande har också skapat möjligheten för Munkedals vårdcentral som tidigare inte hade tid att åka iväg på vårdplaneringsmöten, att de nu kan vara med och delta. Trots att införandet är av positiv bemärkning finns det en del saker som bör utvecklas och detta är bland annat att de behöver skapa en bättre struktur när vid planering utav mötena. Vi anser också att organisationerna kan utveckla detta mötesverktyg och använda det inom fler områden. / The purpose of this study was to discover which effects the implementation of distance meetings have had on care centers within primary care from an organizational and employee/personnel perspective. The purpose was also to present the advantages and disadvantages to this implementation/introduction. This paper processed/addressed an environmental and economical perspective as well as time efficiency. We chose to examine two care-centers. This is because we wanted opinions of the implementation from a relatively new care center and one with more experience within the field, as we believe the perception of the implementation may differ if it is a new implementation or not. To fulfill the purpose of the study we saw it fit to hold semi-structured interviews and therefore chose to have qualitative focus. When interpreting the interview for the collection of empirical data we had/used a hermeneutic approach. Six interviews were held with two managers and four employees where respective care center included one manager and two employees, of the aim to receive truthful responses. As a method of analysis a thematic approach was chosen to be able to analyze developed theory and empirical data together. Our results and conclusion show that the implementation of distance meeting have a positive effect within primary care. Time is saved by the fact that meetings are shorter and travel-time is minimized, which leads to the possibility for other work to be done. Moreover it contributes to saving in cost for the organization as travel and hotel expenses are eliminated and it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. Additionally, the implementation has made it possible for one of the care centers to attend to care planning meeting, as they did not have the time before. Although the implementation is notably positive there are aspects that can be improved and includes developing the structure of planning future meetings. We also believe that this meeting tool can be further developed and be used in other areas of the organizations.
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Latino Migrant Labor Strife and Solidarity in Post-Katrina New Orleans, 2005-2007Gorman, Leo Braselton 15 May 2009 (has links)
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, lapses in federal policy-making and a lack of state level enforcement paved the way for employer exploitation of predominantly Latino migrant workers, transforming working-class Latino newcomers into the newest class of storm victims in post-Katrina New Orleans. In essence, a "rebuild above all else" recovery scenario took hold between 2005-2007 in which immediate reconstruction of the city took priority over the participation of local, African-American workers and the protection of immigrant worker rights. Despite their disadvantaged position, however, migrant workers did not remain passive victims to injustice but actively organized against employer abuse and intimidation by law enforcement and immigration officials. Latino worker activists and their allies sternly rejected the “rebuild above all else†recovery model championed by local, state and federal government policies and sought to carve out an alternative rebuilding model that respected immigrant labor rights.
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Myndighetsutövare eller medmänniska : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevda yrkesrollKlimczak, Gina, Nagy, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
Svenska socialförvaltningar styrs kommunalt och innebär olika arbetsmetoder i olika kommuner för de anställda socialsekreterarna. Vidare tillåter det ett brett tolkningsutrymme i deras arbete med hemlösa klienter. För att uppnå ett tillfredsställande resultat i de hjälpinsatser som kan erbjudas krävs det en individanpassad bedömning utifrån de resurser som finns och ett bemötande som skiljer sig för varje enskild individ. Den höga arbetsbelastningen som är ett problem idag beror på olika saker men sju av tio socialsekreterare kan tänka sig lämna socialtjänsten. Syftet med denna undersökning var att utreda vilka förväntningar som finns på yrket samt om det finns rollkonflikter. För att undersöka detta genomfördes intervjuer med åtta socialsekreterare anställda på socialförvaltningen i Skåne län. Det insamlade materialet analyserades inom ramarna av begreppet gräsrotsbyråkrater som definierar statligt anställda myndighetsutövare och begreppet rollkonflikter som beskriver hur individer påverkas av att behöva inta olika roller. Resultatet visade att förväntningarna av det sociala arbetet inte uppfylldes men att det skiljer sig mellan att arbeta inom bostad-först metoder och traditionella handläggande socialsekreterare. / The Swedish social authorities are governed communally and means that social workers in different counties have different working methods. That also means that they have a wide interpretation in their work with homeless clients. In order to achieve a satisfying result in their assistance it requires an individualized evaluation based on the available resources and a treatment which is different for each individual. Today’s problem for socialworkers is a high workload depending on various things but seven out of ten social workers would consider leaving the social services. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expectations of the profession and whether there are role conflicts emerging. To investigate this, interviews were conducted with eight social workers employed in Skåne county, Sweden. The collected material was analyzed within the framework of the concept of street-level bureaucrats that defines state employees exercising authority and the concept of role conflicts which describes how individuals are affected by having to assume different roles. The results showed that the expectations of social work were not met but that it differs between working in the housingfirst method and traditional work of social secretary.
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Samexistens eller samverkan? : en vinjettstudie om fältassistenters och lärares yrkesroller och samverkan / Coexistance or cooperation?Sengüler, Günes, Thörnqvist, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera lärares och fältassistenters syn på sina egna och varandras roller och arbetsuppgifter i arbetet med socialt utsatta barn, samt samverkan kring dessa barn. Vi har valt att utgå från två frågeställningar: (1) vilka uppfattningar har yrkesgrupperna gällande arbetet med socialt utsatta barn och vilka likheter och skillnader finns? och (2) vilka uppfattningar har yrkesgrupperna gällande det arbete som kan ske i samverkan och vilka likheter och skillnader finns? För att bringa klarhet i dessa frågor gick vi ut till 10 respondenter, fem från varje yrkesgrupp som fick läsa en vinjett och sedan svara på 7 frågor som gav oss ett datamaterial som vi använde till att besvara dessa frågeställningar. Alla respondenter som vi gått ut till valde att delta i studien, men en respondent lämnade inte svar inom den avsatta tiden. Vi har tagit oss an frågeställningarna genom att koda och kategorisera svaren vilka sedan analyserats med hjälp av den sociala representationsteorin. Dessa svar sattes i kontext med hjälp av bakgrundsinformation som vi inhämtat från ett antal olika källor för att få en större förståelse för vårt problemområde. Inom ramen av denna studie har respondenterna haft möjlighet att ge sin syn både på sitt eget och andras arbete med socialt utsatta barn, samt sin syn på samverkan som ska ske mellan verksamheter när situationen kräver. Denna studie visar att det saknas en organiserad samverkan mellan lärare och fältassistenter. Respondenterna är enhälligt positivt inställda till samverkan i allmänhet, men det finns ingen plattform för samverkan mellan dessa yrkesgrupper. Lärare anser att det är så det bör vara, eftersom de arbetar och samverkar med skolans elevhälsa och i allvarligare fall socialtjänsten. Fältassistenter ger inte uttryck för ett önskat tillstånd för samverkan mellan sig själva och lärare, men konstaterar att det inte förekommer någon organiserad samverkan, och att den samverkan som finns med elevhälsa inte är så omfattande. Slutsatser som kan dras från detta är att det finns möjligheter att samverka inom skolan med socialtjänstens fältassistenter, men att möjligheterna är limiterade i dagsläget. / The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the difference in perspectives between teachers and field workers, in terms of their own and each other’s roles in work respectively, but also in terms of cooperation concerning children in the common arena of schools.We have chosen to assume the following questions: (1) Which perceptions do the occupational groups have regarding work for socially disadvantaged children and what similarities and differences exist? And, (2) which perceptions do the occupational groups have regarding work that can be done in collaboration and what similarities and differences exist? To clarify these issues a total of ten respondents were contacted, five from each professional group, and a total of 9 responses were recieved. The respondents were presented a vignette and asked to answer seven questions associated with it. The main questions of this study were addressed by coding and categorizing the answers gathered, which were later analyzed using the theory of social representations.These answers were put in context using background information we obtained from a number of sources to gain a better understanding of our research problem. Within this study, respondents have had the opportunity to give their views on their own and others' work with socially disadvantaged children, as well as their views on cooperation that takes place between the two occupational groups when it is required. This study concludes that, although respondents are positive regarding cooperation in general, there is no formal platform for cooperation between the two professions. Teachers express that they are satisfied with the established system where they cooperate with the school health services and, in more severe cases, directly with social services. Field workers do not express a desired state of cooperation between themselves and teachers, but note that there is no organized collaboration between the two, and that their interaction with school health services is not extensive. Further conclusions that can be deduced are that there are opportunities for field workers to cooperate with teachers, however these opportunities are organizationally limited.
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Přednosti a nevýhody agenturní formy zaměstnání v ČR / Advantages and disadvantages of temporary agency work in the Czech RepublicMichalicová, Soňa January 2009 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to introduce the concept of temporary agency work and assess the implementation of theoretical and practical knowledge. The main part is focused on analyzing the issues of legal regulation of temporary agency work. Then the triangular relationship between the private employment agency, user firms and agency workers is described and elaborated on. The analysis followed the implementation of recruitment agency workers, including financial analysis of costs and revenue that are spent on the project in Idea Agency Ltd. The final chapter outlines the advantages and disadvantages of temporary agency work for all parties involved, i.e. agency workers, users firms and private employment agencies. The conclusion summarizes the findings and proposed recommendations for improving the use of forms of agency work.
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