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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O príncipe Maximiliano de Wied-Neuwied e sua viagem ao Brasil (1815-1817) / Prince Maximilian von Wied-Neuwied and his trip to Brazil (1815-1817)

Christina Rostworowski da Costa 15 September 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como enfoque o livro Viagem ao Brasil, escrito pelo Príncipe Maximiliano de Wied-Neuwied, bem como as imagens, gravuras e aquarelas produzidas pelo príncipe por conta da viagem. Entre 1815 e 1817, o príncipe percorreu os atuais estados do Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais e Bahia. Esta viagem resultou no diário publicado na Alemanha em 1820 e em diversos outros países e línguas nos anos subseqüentes. O diário de Maximiliano poderia ter sido relegado, como tantos outros diários produzidos no século XIX sobre o exótico Novo Mundo, mas sua descrição minuciosa da história natural do país e o tratamento pitoresco conferido à população que hora serve para confirmar os estereótipos de Maximiliano, hora para justificar a originalidade de seus escritos chamam a atenção do leitor através da presença de Guack, índio Botocudo que dispensa as funções de acompanhante, tradutor e, sobretudo, interlocutor indispensável no contato de Maximiliano com o território desconhecido e inexplorado. Contudo, por meio do papel de Guack na narrativa pode-se perceber que o território percorrido por Maximiliano é tudo menos desconhecido ou inexplorado, e sua população certamente não é virgem ou intocada. A análise concentra-se na criação da denominação Botocudo, nas estratégias usadas pelos nativos em seu constante contato com os portugueses, os escravos oriundos da África e mesmo entre os diversos grupos indígenas, e quão pouco consciente Maximiliano parece ser no que diz respeito à realidade que o cerca, na produção do diário, pinturas e aquarelas a serem apreciados pelos europeus. / This thesis focuses on the diary written by Prince Maximilian von Wied Neuwied, based on his journey in Brazil. Throughout the years of 1815 to 1817, the prince traveled across the current Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Bahia. His two-year journey resulted in a diary, published in Germany in 1820 and in several other countries and languages during the following years. Even though it could have been yet another journal amidst the hundreds produced in the nineteenth century concerning the exotic New World, its thorough description of the countrys natural history and its picturesque approach to its population which at times are either brought about to confirm Maximilians stereotypes and previous readings on Brazil, and at other times, to justify the originality of his writings catches the readers eyes for the subtle presence of Guack, an Indian from the so-called Botocudo tribe who plays a crucial role in the journey both as Maximilians accompanier, translator, and above all, indispensable interlocutor in the acquaintance with what Maximilian refers to as this unknown, unexplored territory. Yet it is by means of Guacks role in the narrative that one is inevitably driven to see that the territory Maximilian visits is anything but unknown or unexplored, and its population is anything but virgin and untouched. The analysis focuses on the creation of the Botocudo label, which can be traced as early as the sixteenth century, the strategies used by the natives in their constant contact with the Portuguese, the African slaves and even amongst themselves, and how aloof Maximilian seems to be regarding the reality surrounding him while producing his diary, paintings and images for his European counterparts.

A poética do romance gótico na coletânea Noites em uma granja perto de Dikanka de N.V. Gógol / Poetics of Gothic romance in the collection of stories Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka of N. V. Gogol

Maria Petrova 28 April 2016 (has links)
Duas coletâneas das novelas Noites em uma granja perto de Dikanka, de Nikolai Gógol (1809-1852), publicadas entre 1831 e 1832 e chamadas pelos pesquisadores de ucranianas, formaram o primeiro livro que trouxe o então jovem escritor à fama na sociedade literária russa. A obra, além de apresentar ao público o ainda pouco conhecido material etnográfico, ganhou destaque por formar uma complexa síntese das várias camadas literárias e culturais, colocando Noites dentro do sistema de várias oposições (romantismo/realismo; cristianismo/paganismo; catolicismo/ortodoxia, russo/europeu), sujeito à discussão até nossos dias. Nesta dissertação, discute-se a possível conexão das obras de Nikolai Gógol, em especial as suas novelas ucranianas, com a poética do romance gótico inglês, gênero popular e difundido na Rússia no início do século XIX. Tal circunstância proporcionou o vasto uso e adaptação dos procedimentos típicos góticos pelos autores russos na época gogoliana. Para mostrar isso, são procurados e analisados os traços recorrentes do gênero em questão, que mostram a evolução e a transformação do gótico em um novo território e na poética de Gógol em particular. Compõe, ainda, o volume desta dissertação a tradução de duas novelas gogolianas A noite da véspera do dia de Ivan Kupala (Vêtcher nakanune Ivana Kupala) e Uma noite de maio, ou uma moça afogada (Máiskaia notch, ili utóplennitsa). O critério de seleção dos textos em questão foi a presença marcante dos traços da tradição gótica. / Two collections of tales Evenings on a farm near Dikanka, by Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852), published between 1831 and 1832 and named by the researchers Ukrainian, formed the first book that brought a then young writer to fame in the Russian literary society. The work, aside from introducing to the public the yet little known ethnographic material, was highlighted for forming a complex synthesis of different cultural and literary layers, putting the Evenings into a system of various oppositions (romanticism/realism, Christianity/paganism, catholicism/orthodoxy, Russian/European), subject to a discussion until nowadays. This dissertation discusses a possible connection of Gogols works, especially his Ukrainian tales, with the poetics of English gothic romance, a popular and diffused genre in Russia in the beginning of the XIXth century. That circumstance conditioned the widespread use and adaptation of typical Gothic devices by the Russian authors during the gogolian era. To prove that, our work researches and analyses the recurrent traces of the genre in question, that show the evolution and transformation of Gothic in the new territory in general and in Gogols poetics in particular. This dissertation also presents the translation into Portuguese of two Gogols tales St. Johns Eve (Vecher nakanune Ivana Kupala) and May Night, or The Drowned Maiden (Mayskaya noch, ili Utoplennitsa). The selection criteria was the most outstanding presence of the Gothic traces in these texts.

Les personnes qui résident seules au Canada en 1871, 1881 et 1901

Dion Tremblay, Maryse January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Conflictos matrimoniales y divorcio en Catalunya: 1775-1883

Costa, Marie Adelaide 11 April 2008 (has links)
El presente trabajo pretende construir un fragmento de la historia de los conflictos entre hombres y mujeres a finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX, desvelar la vida cotidiana o costumbres de una parte de la sociedad catalana, explicar las disputas prematrimoniales (incumplimiento de la promesa de matrimonio), sus influencias en el matrimonio (en el caso de que se celebrara el enlace), analizar el divorcio tal como se entendía en la época, sus facetas (divorcio formal e informal), poner de manifiesto los mecanismos de divorcio e insistir sobre sus modalidades ("separación interina, divorcio temporal y divorcio perpetuo"), sus consecuencias e implicaciones (el secuestro femenino generalmente realizado en casa de familiares o amigos; la reclusión femenina y masculina en una institución caritativa o penitenciaria (en caso de delitos matrimoniales); el reparto de los bienes, la restitución de la dote, la pensión alimenticia, la custodia de los hijos, etc. Para explicar el proceso de liberalidad que se estaba produciendo en torno al divorcio y a las promesas de matrimonio, y por ende los cambios de actitud relativos al matrimonio y a las relaciones de géneros, hemos recurrido a la bibliografía relacionada con el contexto histórico, social y económico de la época, de la información de los archivos judiciales y eclesiásticos (Arxiu Diocesà de Barcelona, Arxiu Diocesà de Girona y Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragò) así como de la documentación procedente del Arxiu Històric de la Casa de Misericòrdia de Barcelona, de la Fundació Arxiu Històric de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu y de l'Arxiu Històric de la Biblioteca de Catalunya. / This work aims at recreating a piece of the history related to the conflicts between men and women between the end of the XVIIIth and the begining of the XIXth centuries in Catalonia. It pretends to reveal the everyday life and customs of a part of the catalan society, to explain the conflicts previous to marriage (violation of the marriage promise) and its influences on marriage (when the marriage union is celebrated), to analyze the divorce as it was understood in that time, and its multiple points of view (formal and informal divorce). We want to reveal the divorce mechanisms and its modalities ("interim separation, temporary divorce and permanent divorce"), its consequences and implications (the feminine kidnap typically carried out in a relative or friend's home; reclusion in a charity or penitentiary institution in case of marriage delicts); properties partitioning, the dowry devolution, nutritional allowance, children custody, etc. We have used the bibliography contained in juridical and clerical archives (Arxiu Diocesà de Barcelona, Arxiu Diocesà de Girona y Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragò) as well as documents of the Hospicio de Barcelona and Hospital de la Santa Cruz, relating the historical, social and economical context of that time in order to better explain the liberality process that was being developed around divorce and marriage promises, and therefore the attitude changes relating marriage and gender relationships.

Une ville frontière au XIXème siècle : l’exemple de Saint-Mihiel (département de la Meuse) / A border town in the 18th century : the example of Saint-Mihiel (department of Meuse)

Bulard, Hélène 26 September 2014 (has links)
A travers l’exemple de Saint-Mihiel, située dans le département de la Meuse, notre étude a pour objet de montrer comment le fait d’être une ville-frontière a, au XIXème siècle, façonné son évolution politique, économique, religieuse et culturelle. Ancienne capitale du Barrois non mouvant, puis chef-lieu de bailliage du duché de Lorraine, enclavée entre la France et Saint-Empire romain germanique, devenue française en 1766, elle connaît, de par son histoire, l’ouverture et la fragilité de sa situation géographique. Ouverte sur les idées, elle a fait de l’éducation son socle et porte une forte empreinte culturelle et religieuse. Ancienne « ville-couvent » jusqu’en 1790, toujours imprégnée par le catholicisme, elle favorise l’intégration d’une importante communauté juive et porte un intérêt constant à la franc-maçonnerie. Saint-Mihiel est aussi fragilisée par sa situation de « ville-frontière » qui la soumet aux passages de troupes et occupations. Entre 1792 et 1914, elle subit quatre occupations, celle de 1792, celle de 1814, celle de 1815 à 1818 et celle de 1870 à 1873, avant celle de 1914 à 1918. Ouverte et fragile, la société sammielloise est constamment à la recherche d’un équilibre. Favorable aux Révolutions de 1789, 1830 et 1848, républicaine, elle est aussi respectueuse de l’ordre et des lois et reste attachée au modérantisme qui caractérise les notables qui siègent au sein des institutions locales et départementales. Lorraine, devenue française à part entière avec la Révolution de 1789, la société sammielloise est, avant tout, une société patriote marquée par une présence militaire qui fait de Saint-Mihiel une ville de garnison. Son patriotisme et son modérantisme assure sa cohésion. Elle trouve son incarnation, à la fin du XIXème siècle, en Raymond Poincaré, qui a été député de sa circonscription de 1889 à 1903. / Through the example of Saint-Mihiel, located in the Department of Meuse (French administrative division), our study is designed to show how being a border-town in the 19th century has shaped its political, economic, religious and cultural evolution. Saint-Mihiel used to be the capital of “Barrois non-mouvant” (ie against the influence of the French Kingdom), then was a county-town of bailiwick of Lorraine Dukedom, enclosed between France and the Holy Roman Germanic Empire, and finally became French in 1766. Throughout its history, Saint-Mihiel is a witness of the opening and the fragility of its geographical situation. Education is its main concern such as religion and culture. Until 1790, Saint-Mihiel is a “convent-town”, still imbued with Catholicism; it promotes the integration of an important Jewish community and takes a constant interest in Freemasonry. Saint-Mihiel is also weakened by its “border-town” situation which submits it to the passages of troops and occupations. Between 1792 and 1914, it undergoes four occupations, in 1792, in 1814, from 1815 to 1818 and from 1870 to 1873, before the one from 1914 to 1918. Open and fragile, the Saint-Mihiel society is constantly seeking a balance. Favorably disposed towards the 1789, 1830, 1848 Revolutions, and as being republican, it is also respectful of laws and order and remains attached to the moderantism that characterizes the notables who sit on local and departmental institutions. Being a part of Lorraine, and totally French since the 1789 Revolution, the Saint-Mihiel society is, above all, a patriotic society marked by a military presence which turns Saint-Mihiel into a garrison town. Its patriotism and moderantism ensure its cohesion. In the end of the XIXth century, Saint-Mihiel is embodied by Raymond Poincaré who was deputy in his “circonscription” (French district) from 1889 to 1903.

Les échos dix-neuviémistes dans l'oeuvre de Michel Houellebecq : Balzac, Zola, Huysmans, Auguste Comte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Lamartine, Baudelaire / The echoes of XIXth century in the work of Michel Houellebecq : Zola, Huysmans, Auguste Comte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Lamartine, Baudelaire

Rezeanu, Ioana-Cătălina 04 September 2017 (has links)
À l’origine de la présente étude se trouve l’invocation par Michel Houellebecq des lectures dix-neuvièmistes qui ont marqué sa jeunesse ainsi que sa nette opposition à des écrivains du XXe siècle auxquels il préfère les écrits du XIXe siècle. Notre intérêt a été suscité par ses constantes références et allusions à des noms tels Balzac, Zola, Huysmans, Auguste Comte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Lamartine, Baudelaire. Qu’ont-ils à lui dire ? Si Michel Houellebecq s’oriente vers cette période du passé, c’est parce qu’elle coïncide avec les premières protestations antimodernes contre la froideur du libéralisme, du capitalisme, de l’esprit irréligieux, c’est-à-dire contre les trois maux responsables de l’ébranlement de la structure sociale (post)moderne. La première partie de notre analyse comparative introduit les romans de Houellebecq dans le tissu du réalisme - en écho à Balzac -, du naturalisme - en référence à Zola -, du décadentisme - en évoquant Huysmans. La deuxième a pour fil conducteur les raisonnements philosophiques d’Auguste Comte, de Schopenhauer et de Nietzsche dont Houellebecq nourrit ses jugements au sujet de l’amour et de la religion, sous l’emprise d’un ressentiment tantôt discret, tantôt criard. La dernière partie intervient également sur le territoire de la poésie houellebecquienne. En écho à Lamartine et à Baudelaire nous découvrirons un Houellebecq éclairé par une sensibilité qu’il manie dans des projets prophétiques à portée utopique ou dystopique. Son œuvre appartient certainement à la tradition littéraire postmoderne, mais elle a bien le mérite de revaloriser les voix des romantiques et premiers témoins des temps modernes. / At the origin of this study lies the invocation by Michel Houellebecq of the nineteenth-century readings that marked his youth and also his clear opposition to writers of the XXth century to whom he prefers the writings of the XIXth century. Our interest was aroused by his constant references and allusions to names such as Balzac, Zola, Huysmans, Auguste Comte, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Lamartine, Baudelaire. What do they have to say to him? If Michel Houellebecq moves towards this period of the past, it is because it coincides with the first anti-modern protests against the coldness of liberalism, of capitalism, the irreligious spirit, that is against the three evils which are responsible for the disruption of the (post)modern social structure.The first part of our comparative analysis introduces the novels of Houellebecq into realism - an echo to Balzac -, to naturalism - in reference to Zola, relating to decadence - evoking Huysmans. The second is the thread of philosophical reasoning of Auguste Comte, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, of which Houellebecq feeds his judgments about love and religion, under the influence of a resentment sometimes discreet, sometimes sharp. The last part also enters on the territory of the Houellebecq poetry. In echo to Lamartine and Baudelaire we will discover a Houellebecq enlightened by a sensitivity that he uses in prophetic projects with utopian or dystopian reach. His work certainly belongs to the postmodern literary tradition, but it has the merit of revalorizing the voices of the romantics and the first witnesses of modern times.

Alfred-Nicolas Normand (1822-1909) Ou les leçons de Rome / Alfred-Nicolas Normand (1822-1909) or the lessons of Rome

Ducos, Laure 13 January 2014 (has links)
L'architecte Alfred-Nicolas Normand est un oublié de l'histoire. Après quatre années d'études aux Beaux-Arts, il obtient le Grand Prix de Rome en 1846. Pensionnaire à la Villa Médicis durant les cinq années suivantes, il se confronte aux canons de l'Antiquité. Il réalise cinq Envois d'une grande qualité, parmi lesquels une étude de la maison du faune à Pompéi, et la restauration du Forum romain en un travail mêlant art, érudition et archéologie. Il sillonne l'Italie et la Grèce, constituant un portefeuille de modèles qui nourrira sa pratique architecturale. S'y ajoute un beau corpus de calotypes influencé par les modalités du dessin. De retour en France, Normand réalise un hötel pompéien pour le prince Jérôme Napoléon. Il y voit l'occasion d'appliquer les leçons reçues de Rome, élaborant une juste synthèse entre archéologie, modèles canoniques et vie moderne. Puis il se verra confié la réedification de la Colonne Vendôme, effaçant ainsi le traumatisme mal assumé de la Commune. Sa carrière se diversifie, entre architecture privée et construction édilitaire : chäteaux, hötels particulier, halle métallique, maison centrale de Rennes. Il représente ces générations brillantes mais sans relief qui répondent aux exigences institutionnellles; Alfred Normand, en tant que banal modèle de l'excellence, incarne une histoire des strates, une figure du transitoire / The architect Alfred-Nicolas Normand is forgotten by the history. After four year at the Beaux-Arts, he obtains the Grand Prix de Rome in 1846. He is student at the villa Medici for the five next years. He makes five Envois in high quality. One of them is the house of the Faun in Pompeii. He realizes a great Restoration of the Roman Forum. His works proposes a synthesis of art, erudition and archaeology. During his pension he is travelling acrosss Italy and is given a recent authorization to reach Greece. the boarding school is opportunity for Normand to find out and to experience all the forms of his art which are well abovethe competences taught by the Institute. He will feed upon all these influences his architectural skills. In 1851, he discovers the calotype process, and after that he is taking photographs of the monuments in their context. The observer would remark a relative ressemblance between his practice as drawer and as a photographer. As he wants the process to be clearly documentary, the shooting process is drastically influenced by the drawing codes and method standards. Back in France he realizes a antique style Villa for the Prince Jérôme Napoléon. Normand finds here the opportunity to apply the lessons learned from Roma : monumentality and sense of decor. He does a good mix between archaeology, canonical models and modern lifestyle. A few years after, he is been given the maintenance of the Colonne Vendôme. As this monument has been thrown down during the Commune events, the State puts him in charge of its restoration in order to erase this painful episode from the popular memory. Throughout his career he will be required to build private prestigious residences (castles and private mansions) for which he will request a varied vocabulary : medieval, neo-Renaissance or XVIIIth century. He also achivied numbers of tombs and honorific monuments. Thereafter he turns to work on the penal institution architecture. He is appointed to be responsible for the conception of the Maison Centrale of Rennes, a prison for a thousand women serving a long sentence. He turns the panoptical system into a wide central courtyard to which converge all the windows of the prison building. Alfred Normand, as recognized as he could be in his time, is one of the history's forgotten people. He is a good representative of these generations : brilliant, but whitout relief, that could fit perfectly the institutional needs. He personifies the inertia of a professional corps facing the modern societies' individualistic conception

Histoire des oeuvres sociales de l'Eglise Vaudoise / History of the social works of the Waldensian Church / Storia delle opere sociali della Chiesa Valdese

Baral, Simone 20 November 2017 (has links)
Même si composée par un nombre réduit de membres, à peu près 20.000 personnes, pendent le XIXe siècle l’Eglise vaudoise italienne a réussi à se doter d’une grande quantité d’œuvres sociales, grâce à un réseau de relations dense et vaste avec l’Internationale protestante, en Europe et dans l’Amérique du Nord. Hôpitaux, maisons de retraites, orphelinats, écoles professionnelles, colonies de vacances et diaconats ont été les principales réalisations de cet effort social. Suivant trois axes de recherche (les liens entre église et œuvres, les rapports entre l’action sociale ecclésiastique et celui de l’Etat, le problème du financement), le travail traverse environ un siècle d’histoire religieuse et de la sécurité sociale en Italie - entre la Restauration et la législation de Crispi -, en essayant d’expliquer les étapes qui ont permis à cette petite église réformé de se transformer, d’objet de l’assistance étrangère, à un des principaux sujets italiens de services sociaux. / Despite being composed of a limited number of members (about 20000), during the XIXth century the Italian Waldensian Church succeeded in developing a great amount of social works, thanks to a network of relations with the “Protestant International” in Europe and Northern America. This social effort resulted in the development of hospitals, retirement houses, orphanages, professional schools, summer schools and monetary assistance to the poor. This thesis explores a century of Italian social and religious history – from the Restauration to the birth of national legislation on welfare in the Crispinian period – a long three axes of research (the link between church and social works, the relationship between the ecclesiastic and national social intervention, the issue of funding). Its main aim is to identify the steps that allowed this little reformed church to undergo such a significant transformation: from being the recipient of foreign assistance to being one of the key agents in Italian social assistance. / Anche se composta da un numero esiguo di membri, circa 20.000 persone, durante l’Ottocento la Chiesa valdese italiana è riuscita a dotarsi di una grande quantità di opere sociali, grazie a una fitta e ampia rete di relazioni con l’Internazionale protestante, in Europa e Nord America. Ospedali, ospizi, orfanotrofi, scuole professionali, colonie estive e borse dei poveri furono i principali risultati di questo sforzo sociale. Attraverso tre assi di ricerca (il legame tra chiesa e opere, i rapporti tra l’azione sociale ecclesiastica e quella statale, il problema del suo finanziamento), il lavoro percorre circa un secolo di storia religiosa e assistenziale in Italia - dalla Restaurazione alla nascita di una legislazione statale in materia assistenziale in epoca crispina –, cercando di mostrare le tappe che hanno permesso a questa piccola chiesa riformata di trasformarsi, da oggetto dell’assistenza straniera, a una delle principali soggetti italiani di servizi sociali.

La collection de Léopold de Bourbon, prince de Salerne (1790-1851) : sa formation et sa dispersion / The collection of Leopold of Bourbon, prince of Salerno (1790-1851) : its formation and its dispersion / La galleria di Leopoldo di Borbone principe di Salerno (1790-1851) : la formazione e la dispersione e i collezionisti della sua epoca

Miranda, Antonella 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette étude, dans sa description du contexte historique et culturel de Naples autour des années 30 du XIX siècle, s’est orientée, en premier lieu, vers la recherche de la bibliographie plus ancienne (P. Colletta etc) ainsi que sur le dépouillement systématique des vingts volumes du journal “Monitore Napoletano”. Parallèlement elle commence l’étude des anciens guides de la ville, auprès de la Bibllioteca Nazionale de Naples, afin de retrouver les descriptions des collections privées napolitaines, des collectionneurs et du gout artistique de l’époque, la circulation des tableaux parmi les plus prestigieuses collections du royaume, ainsi que les premières descriptions des appartements du prince Leopoldo au Palais Royal de Naples. / The present study in describing the historical and cultural context around Naples the 30 years of the nineteenth century, it is oriented in the first instance, to seek oldest bibliography (P. Colletta, B. Croce, A. Acton, etc.) and to carry out the systematic examination of the twenty volumes of the newspaper "Neapolitan Monitor". In parallel, it was started the study of the ancient city guides, at the National Library of Naples in order to trace the descriptions of the collections Private Neapolitan, collectors and the artistic taste of the time, circulation the paintings in the most prestigious collections of the kingdom, and the first descriptions Prince Leopold of the apartments at the Royal Palace of Naples. / Il presente studio nel descrivere il contesto storico e culturale di Napoli attorno agli anni 30 del XIX secolo, si è orientato, in prima istanza, nel ricercare la bibliografia più antica (P. Colletta, B. Croce, A. Acton, etc.) e ad effettuare lo spoglio sistematico dei venti volumi del giornale «Monitore Napoletano». Parallelamente, ha preso l’avvio lo studio delle guide antiche della città, presso la Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli al fine di rintracciare le descrizioni delle collezioni private napoletane, dei collezionisti e il gusto artistico del tempo, la circolazione dei dipinti nelle più prestigiose collezioni del regno, nonché le prime descrizioni degli appartamenti del principe Leopoldo a Palazzo Reale di Napoli.

La question de l'assimilation politico-juridique de l'île de La Réunion à la Métropole, 1815-1906 / The question of the legal and political assimilation of Reunion Island to the Métropole, 1815-1906

Boutier, Jérémy 17 September 2015 (has links)
Au cours du XIXème siècle, la lointaine colonie de Bourbon voit son statut évoluer au point de devenir un département français en 1946. Cette assimilation intégrale opérée après la seconde guerre mondiale est le résultat d’un processus long et tumultueux entamé lors de la Révolution française. Le XIXème siècle est riche de changements qui impactent la vie des Français de Métropole mais aussi d’outre-mer. Le législateur doit donc s’adapter à ces évolutions tout en tenant compte des nombreuses spécificités locales afin de doter la colonie de la meilleure organisation et des meilleures outils institutionnels. Jusqu’en 1848, le principal obstacle à l’assimilation est l’esclavage qui empêche la mise en place d’un système administratif et judiciaire analogue à celui de la Métropole. Cette société cloisonnée qui se fissure peu à peu par les inégalités entre propriétaires est bouleversée par l’abolition de l’institution servile qui donne l’égalité à tous les citoyens. Ce changement considérable permet de mesurer la volonté de chacun, à La Réunion ou à l’extérieur, de maintenir la colonie dans un statut dérogatoire tendant à une certaine autonomie ou bien une propension à davantage transposer les institutions métropolitaines selon ses intérêts. A l’aune de ces discussions légales et constitutionnelles, se développent une vie politique et une idéologie coloniale. S’appuyant principalement sur des documents d’archives, cette thèse retrace l’évolution singulière et sinueuse du processus d’assimilation de la colonie de la Réunion à la Métropole au XIXème siècle, d’un point de vue institutionnel, juridique et politique / During the XIXth century, the status of the long far colony of Bourbon Island evolved until becoming a French department in 1946. This complete assimilation is the result of a long and hard process, which started under the French Revolution. In the XIXth century, many changes affected the life of French people from Métropole but also from overseas. The legislator as to adapt to these evolutions considering many local specificities in order to provide the best organisation and the best institutional tools to the colony. Until 1848, the main obstacle to assimilation was slavery as it prevented the establishment of a similar administrative and legal system. This compartmentalised society, which was breaking gradually because of inequalities between owners, is disturbed by the abolition of slavery, which created equality between citizens. This dramatic change allows us to assess the willingness of each actor, inside or outside Reunion Island, to maintain the colony in a derogatory status towards autonomy, or to be more and more assimilated according to particular interests. In the light of these legal and constitutional discussions, a political life and a colonial ideology are developing. This thesis is mainly based on archives documents in order to show the singular and sinuous evolution of the colony’s assimilation to its Métropole regarding institutions, the legal and political systems in the XIXth century

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