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"Det röda hjärtat har ett sår och såret bultar och ropar" : En kvalitativ studie om litteratur som verktyg för att leda svåra samtal om döden med barn i förskolan / "The red heart has a wound and the wound is pounding and shouting" : A qualitative study on literature as a tool for leading difficult conversations with children in preschoolNeuhaus, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Jag har studerat hur litteratur kan vara ett verktyg för utbildare under diskussioner om döden med barn i förskolan. Barn är nyfikna individer som ofta vill ha svar på existentiella frågor. Dessutom finns barn som har förlorat en nära anhörig och möjligtvis är i behov av stöd under deras förskolevistelse för att inte hamna i långvarig sorg. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på varför innehållet i barnlitteratur kan vara ett verktyg för utbildare under diskussioner i förskolan. Tidigare forskning visar att barns förståelse av döden är relaterad till deras kognitiva utveckling, vilket innebär att deras ålder har kontroll över deras förutsättningar för att förstå döden. Jag har genomfört en kvalitativ analys genom närläsning av fem olika böcker med förskolebarn som målgrupp med en tematisk analys. Jag har identifierat tre teman som är mest relevanta för studien: döden som sorglig och skrämmande, att dö av ålderdom eller olyckor och ett liv efter döden. Resultaten visar att det finns olika strategier att gestalta porträttera döden i barnlitteratur. Det beror på vad författaren vill förmedla till barnet. Resultatet har diskuterats utifrån ett narratologiskt perspektiv, eftersom jag undersöker texternas struktur och är intresserad av hur dessa påverkar läsaren. Med ett narratologiskt perspektiv blir det tydligt att författarens strategier att berätta historien påverkar hur läsaren uppfattar bokens innehåll. Vidare visar resultaten många fördelar för en utbildare att använda litteratur som stöd i svåra samtal med barn i förskolan. / I have studied how literature can serve as a tool for educators in discussions about death with children in preschool. Children are curious human beings and they often want answers on existential issues. Additionally, there are children who have lost a close relative and may need support during their preschool attendance to avoid falling into prolonged grief. The purpose of the study is to ascertain why the content of children's literature can serve as a tool for educators during discussions in preschool settings. Previous research shows that children's comprehension of death is related to how much they can understand the meaning of death depending on their age. I have conducted a qualitative analysis through close reading of five different preschool children's books with a thematic anlysis. I have identified three themes that are most prevalent in the selection: death as frightening and sad, dying due to old age or accidents and an afterlife. The results show that there are different strategies to portray death in children's literature. It depends a lot on what the writer wants to convey to the child. The results have been discussed from a narratological perspective, as I am investigating the textual structures of the books and am interested in how these can influence the reader. With a narratological perspective it is clear that the writer's strategies to tell the story affects how the reader comprehends the book's content. Furthermore, the results show lots of advantages for an educator to use literature as support in difficult conversations with children in preschool.
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”Vad händer när bästa kompisen är borta?” : Hur förskollärare stärker barns kamratrelationer i förskolan / ”What happens when the best friend is gone?” : How preschool teachers reinforces childrens peer relationship in preeshoolAlvear, Martin, Nkuna, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att bredda kunskapen för nyexaminerade förskollärare om strategier och förutsättningar som kan behövas i deras arbete för att stärka barns kamratrelationer och förebygga utanförskap. Studien visar på att förskollärare befinner sig i ett omedvetet dilemma i förskolan om kamrat- och vänskapsrelationer. Den saknade kunskapen av viktiga komponenter i området riskerar att förskollärare arbetar kontraproduktivt. Teorier som har presenterats i vår studie som utgångpunkt är socialkonstruktivism och om barns kamratkulturer. I vår kvalitativa studie har vi använt oss utav semistrukutrerade intervjuer för datainsamling. Metoden för att bearbeta datainsamlingen var tematisk analys. Genom denna metod kunde vi sedan skapa teman för vår studie. Respondenternas svar på frågorna analyserades sedan med stöd av teorier och tidigare forskning som vi har valt.
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Psychological Well-Being of Parents of Very Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes – Baseline Assessmentde Beaufort, Carine, Cate, Ineke M. Pit-ten, Schierloh, Ulrike, Cohen, Nathan, Boughton, Charlotte K., Tauschmann, Martin, Allen, Janet M., Nagl, Katrin, Fritsch, Maria, Yong, James, Metcalfe, Emily, Schaeffer, Dominique, Fichelle, Muriel, Thiele, Alena G., Abt, Daniela, Faninger, Kerstin, Mader, Julia K., Slegtenhorst, Sonja, Ashcroft, Nicole, Wilinska, Malgorzata E., Sibayan, Judy, Kollman, Craig, Hofer, Sabine E., Fröhlich-Reiterer, Elke, Kapellen, Thomas M., Acerini, Carlo L., Campbell, Fiona, Rami-Merhar, Birgit, Hovorka, Roman 24 March 2023 (has links)
Background: Type 1 diabetes in young children is a heavy parental burden. As part of
pilot phase of the KIDSAP01 study, we conducted a baseline assessment in parents to
study the association between hypoglycemia fear, parental well-being and child behavior.
Methods: All parents were invited to fill in baseline questionnaires: hypoglycemia fear
survey (HFS), WHO-5, Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Strength and Difficulties
Questionnaire (SDQ).
Results: 24 children (median age: 5-year, range 1-7 years, 63% male, mean diabetes
duration: 3 ± 1.7 years) participated. 23/24 parents filled out the questionnaires. We found
a higher score for the hypoglycemia fear behavior 33.9 ± 5.6 compared to hypoglycemia
worry 34.6 ± 12.2. Median WHO-5 score was 16 (8 - 22) with poor well-being in two
parents. Median daytime sleepiness score was high in five parents (>10). For six children a
high total behavioral difficulty score (>16) was reported. Pro social behavior score was
lower than normal in six children (<6). Parental well-being was negatively associated with
HFS total (r = - 0.50, p <.05) and subscale scores (r = - 0.44, p <.05 for HFS-Worry and
HFS-Behavior), child behavior (r = - 0.45, p = .05) and positively with child age and
diabetes duration (r = 0.58, p <.01, r = 0.6, p <.01). HFS, parental well-being nor daytime
sleepiness are associated with the HbA1c.
Conclusion: Regular screening of parental well-being, hypoglycemia fear and child
behavior should be part of routine care to target early intervention.
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An Exploration of Representations of Race and Ethnicity in Three Transitional Series for Young ChildrenBalkaran, Sonia M 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis seeks to explore the related research literature surrounding representations and portrayals of protagonists of various multicultural backgrounds in series or transitional books. As teachers, it is essential to acknowledge the lack of multicultural characters in children's literature among elementary classroom bookshelves and learn how to incorporate literature featuring strong main characters of varying races and ethnicities so that children can see role models who mirror their own contexts. Prior studies, such as Gangi (2008) and Green and Hopenwasser (2017) have examined the deficiency of multicultural literature in the classroom, particularly among transitional stories, which shows the importance of exploring this topic. Furthermore, Green and Hopenwasser (2017) emphasize the importance of equal representation of transitional books with characters of diverse ethnicities, as they act as "mirrors and windows" for students to reflect upon themselves. These studies argue that to prevent the "whitewashing" of literature for primary grades, teachers should be cautious while choosing series or transitional books. I conducted an equity audit on three series or transitional books from different time periods, commonly found among elementary classroom libraries to explore ethnic and racial representations of protagonists to the actual demographics of the third-grade student population. Administering this equity audit also determined that popular series or transitional books are advantageous to include in classroom libraries when protagonists are portrayed as non-stereotypical experiencing real-life situations. The findings of this equity audit have the potential for educators to improve their methods choosing literature with characters of diverse races and ethnicities and improve methods of integrating multicultural literature into lessons.
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Measuring Number Sense in Young ChildrenMoomaw, Sally Coup 23 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Att hitta balansen : En kvalitativ studie om svenska småbarnsföräldrars livspussel / Finding the balance : A qualitative study on the life puzzle of Swedish parents of young childrenFejes, Hanna, Kirkhoff, Jannika January 2024 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker svenska småbarnsföräldrars dagliga utmaningar i att balansera arbets- och familjeliv. Syftet är att förstå de strategier som föräldrar i parrelation använder för att upprätthålla en hållbar balans och vilka samhällsstöd som är mest effektiva. Studien använder kvalitativa metoder, inklusive semistrukturerade intervjuer, för att samla in data. Gränsteorin fungerar som huvudsakligt ramverk, medan konfliktteori och genusteoretiska begrepp används som tolkningsverktyg. Resultaten visar att föräldrar ofta känner sig överväldigade av krav från både arbete och hem, men att tydlig kommunikation, riktlinjer och supportstrukturer kan hjälpa. Samtidigt framhävs vikten av samhällsstöd, såsom föräldraförsäkring och arbete för normförändringar, som avgörande för att underlätta balansen. Slutsatsen är att en kombination av individuella strategier och strukturellt stöd är nödvändig för att småbarnsföräldrar ska kunna upprätthålla en hållbar balans mellan arbets- och familjeliv. / This bachelor’s thesis investigates the daily challenges faced by Swedish parents of young children in balancing work and family life. The aim is to understand the strategies used by parents in relationships to maintain a sustainable balance and to identify the most effective societal supports. The study employs qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews, to collect data. Boundary theory serves as the primary framework, while conflict theory and gender theory concepts are used as interpretive tools. The results show that parents often feel overwhelmed by demands from both work and home, but clear communication, guidelines, and support structures can help. Additionally, the importance of societal supports, such as parental insurance and efforts to change norms, is highlighted as crucial for facilitating balance. The conclusion is that a combination of individual strategies and structural support is necessary for parents of young children to maintain a sustainable balance between work and family life.
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The Use of Telehealth Evaluations For Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Aged 0-7: A Literature ReviewRuiz, Teah L 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The following literature review was intended to review current research studies related to diagnostic evaluation using Telehealth for young children aged 0-7 seeking a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The analyzed research created a comprehensive guide on the quality, quantity, and state of Telehealth research for ASD evaluation will result. Through the synthesis of available literature, the strengths, and weaknesses of different models of Telehealth ASD evaluation were assessed. The results of this literature review found that there is evidence to support Telehealth’s use in some aspects of evaluation, but not as a stand-alone methodology. Further research is required to show that Telehealth methods of evaluation withhold the same reliability, quality, and validity as traditional ASD evaluation methods.
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教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度之相關性研究 / A study of relationship between the kindergarten classroom reading environments, teacher reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes王令彥, Wang, Ling Yan Unknown Date (has links)
研究依據文獻探討之結果自編「幼稚園教室閱讀環境問卷」與改編「教師閱讀態度問卷」,並以Saracho所發展之「幼兒閱讀態度量表」做為研究工具,並利用問卷調查法來收集資料。問卷回收後,使用SPSS12.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe法事後比較、Tamhane’s T2檢定法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、二因子變異數分析來分析,研究結果如下:
壹、 幼稚園之幼兒有良好的閱讀態度,女童閱讀態度較男童閱讀態度來的正向。
貳、 幼稚園教師普遍較有正向的閱讀態度,有閱讀習慣的教師較沒有閱讀習慣的教師有正向的閱讀態度。
參、 教室閱讀環境普遍良好,構面中「閱讀互動」的得分最高。
肆、 教室閱讀環境及其構面「閱讀空間及資源」、「閱讀課程與活動」與幼兒閱讀態度負相關。推測可能原因在於教師知覺與幼兒感受上的落差,使得教師認為已經提供了良好的閱讀環境,但孩子本身沒有從中獲得協助或樂趣,因此產生教室閱讀環境良好,但幼兒閱讀態度卻不佳的情況。
伍、 教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度沒有相關。
陸、 「教師閱讀態度」與「閱讀空間及資源」對幼兒閱讀態度有交互作用,當教師的閱讀態度較負向,閱讀課程與活動越好時,幼兒閱讀態度會越負向。
研究針對統計結果進行分析與討論,並對幼稚園教師及未來相關研究提供建議,期待能對幼兒閱讀態度在學校中的培養有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study was to (1) understanding the kindergarten classroom reading environments, teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes;(2)explore the data of teachers reading attitudes between influencing factors and of young children reading attitudes between different backgrounds;(3)analyze the relationship between the kindergarten classroom reading environments and young children reading attitudes;(4)the relationship between teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes (5)explore the total scores and sub-scores of the kindergarten classroom reading environments × teacher reading attitudes interaction.
A total of 72 teachers and 292 five-year-old young children from kindergartens (both public and private schools) participated in this study in Taipei. To accomplish purposes of this study, the methods adopted were a questionnaire and measured the scales by the constructs:“The Kindergarten Classroom Reading Environments Scale”, “The Teacher Reading Attitudes Scale”, and “The Preschool Children Reading Attitudes Scale”. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Cronbach α coefficient analysis, explorative factor analyses, T-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe posteriority, Tamhane’s T2 posteriority Pearson’s correlation analysis and two way ANOVA through the use of SPSS12.0 for windows. The results were summarized as follows:
1. Young children in kindergartens had positive reading attitudes. Girls possessed statistically significantly more positive attitudes toward reading than did boys.
2. The teachers in kindergartens had positive reading attitudes. The teachers who had reading habits possessed statistically significantly more positive attitudes toward reading than did those didn’t have reading habits.
3. The kindergarten classroom reading environments are good, and especially in the aspect of reading interaction.
4. The kindergarten classroom reading environments and young children reading attitudes were statistically significantly negative relationship.
5. The teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes won’t statistically significantly relationship.
6. The results showed significant outcomes for reading curriculum and activities × teacher reading attitudes interaction.
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Towards Musicking in a Public Sphere : 1-3 year olds and music pedagogues negotiating a music didactic identity in a Swedish preschoolWassrin, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores alternative ways of staging music in preschool. The ‘preschool subject of music’ is approached as a social and cultural construct that is embedded in discursive negotiations. Participants in the study are 1-3 year-old children and their music pedagogues, working in the preschool on a daily basis. In three studies, the negotiation of a local music ‘didactic identity’ is examined by answering research questions related to three different discursive levels: (i) the micro-level of face-to-face interaction; (ii) the level of pedagogue’s conceptions; and (iii) the political/societal level. Study I examines the participants’ use of semiotic resources in their co-construction of musicking events. By means of micro-analyses of video-recordings it is shown that mobility in the room is essential for the children’s access to instruments and other artefacts, and for their possibility to influence music activities. Other crucial conditions concern the pedagogues’ responsive uptake and improvisatory approach, and that the activities are open to other forms of expression. Study II explores conceptions of the ‘child’ and conceptions of ‘music’ in four music pedagogues’ talk in a group interview. Different conceptions of the ‘child’ are seen to interrelate with certain ontological and functional conceptions of ‘music’ that involve diverse opportunities for children’s (bodily) agency. This analysis is made by means of discursive psychology. Study III examines the music practices from a political and philosophical perspective, using Hannah Arendt’s concept of the ‘public sphere’. This third perspective shows how this preschool’s music practices create a public sphere by seriously putting into practice equality and plurality as values and principles that increase the equality between children and adults. Age power structures are thereby challenged, and the children can be seen as citizens in the ‘here and now’, and not in some distant future when they are grown-ups. Also, the ‘preschool subject of music’ itself becomes a negotiated issue. Implications for preschool practice and preschool teacher education are discussed, and further research is suggested within other educational areas regarding how pedagogues’ interpretations of the concept of ‘children’s participation’ and ‘influence’ impact on specific preschool subjects, such as music. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: In press.</p>
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Primeiras manifestações de identidade de gênero: um estudo com crianças de 16 a 18 meses / First manifestations of gender identity: a study involving 16 to 18 month-old childrenPascoto, Renata 24 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006-11-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Human sexuality is a theme that awakes interest of the society
as a whole, by raising curiosity, anticipation, besides being one
more determinant of every individual s personality formation. Former
studies have suggested that, far before age three, children start to
categorize objects and express gender-based preference, that is,
they tend to choose objects which, according to their culture, are
appropriate to their biological sex. This research deals with the early
manifestations of gender identity. It aims at investigating whether
young children´s behavior is associated to their sexual categories:
male and female. 20 children have taken part of the experiment: 10
girls and 10 boys between 16 and 18 months of age coming from
middle-low income households. The children have been filmed in the
presence of toys considered to be adequate either to female or male
gender. Their preferential choices and toy handling period has been
assessed. The results have showed that since 16 to 18 months of
age, boys and girls make different choices based on the
Male/Female dichotomy, and express preference for toys which are
regarded in their culture as suitable to the sexual category to which
they belong / A sexualidade humana é um tema que desperta o interesse da
sociedade de forma geral, promovendo curiosidade, expectativas e
também é mais uma condição de formação da personalidade de
todo indivíduo. Estudos anteriores sugerem que bem antes dos três
anos de idade, as crianças começam a categorizar os objetos e
manifestam preferências em função do gênero, ou seja, tendem a
escolher aqueles que em sua cultura são considerados apropriados
ao seu sexo biológico. Esta pesquisa trata das manifestações
precoces de identidade de gênero. O objetivo foi investigar se as
crianças mais jovens manifestam comportamentos relacionados às
categorias sexuais: masculinas e femininas. Participaram deste
experimento 20 crianças, sendo 10 meninas e 10 meninos, com
idades entre 16 e 18 meses e de nível socioeconômico médio baixo.
As crianças foram filmadas na presença de brinquedos
considerados como sendo apropriados ao gênero masculino ou
feminino. Foram analisadas as escolhas preferenciais e o tempo de
manipulação. Os resultados sugerem que desde a idade de 16 a 18
meses, os meninos e meninas fazem escolhas diferenciadas, de
acordo com a dicotomia Masculino/Feminino, e mostram preferência
pelos brinquedos que em sua cultura são considerados adequados
à categoria sexual a que pertencem
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