Spelling suggestions: "subject:"four"" "subject:"you""
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the Impact of Reading to a Child From Birth to Age FiveWelch, Renanne C. 25 April 2006 (has links)
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No description available.
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L’expérience émotionnelle ou la performance des programmes de télévision : l’horizon de pertinence comme déterminant de la construction de sens par le spectateur / Emotional experience versus performance of television programmes : the horizon of pertinence as a key to the viewer's sense-making processDelestage, Charles-Alexandre 02 July 2018 (has links)
La question de la qualité des programmes de télévision est une problématique récurrente tant pour les producteurs de contenu que pour le législateur, qui en a confié le contrôle dans la loi a une institution publique, le CSA. Cependant, la notion même de qualité dans ce contexte est ambiguë, et les outils permettant de l’évaluer sont souvent réduits à la vérification du respect d’obligations contractuelles avec les diffuseurs de contenus. Le seul outil universellement utilisé reste la mesure d’audience, souvent remise en cause depuis sa première utilisation en France dans les années 80. Le téléspectateur, principal intéressé de cette démarche qualité, n’est donc considéré que dans son nombre par cette démarche statistique. Cette étude propose de changer de paradigme pour placer le téléspectateur au cœur de l’évaluation des produits audiovisuels. A partir d’une perspective aux confluents de l’énaction de Francisco Varela et de la méthode de conception relativisée de Mioara Mugur-Schächter, l’étude de l’expérience émotionnelle apporte un regard nouveau et original sur la conception de spectateur dans un cadre d’évaluation des programmes. En s’intéressant a la façon dont le téléspectateur guide sa propre perception en fonction de son histoire personnelle, de sa façon d’interpréter son environnement et de l’influence des émotions dans la construction de sa relation à l’audiovisuel, les travaux menés permettent de replacer le téléspectateur comme acteur de l’évaluation. Les entretiens réalisés démontrent ainsi l’individualité de chaque spectateur dans son approche de l’audiovisuel et la construction de critères d’évaluations qui lui sont propres, mais permettant de définir un protocole a multiples niveaux utilisable comme indicateur de la qualité de la relation à l’audiovisuel dans un contexte plus large. / The quality of television programs is a running problem for the content producers as well as the legislator in France, whom gave monitoring in the law to a public institution, the CSA. However, the very concept of quality in that context is ambiguous, and tools allowing oversight are often reduiced to the verification of owed legal duties with the content providers. The only tool universally used is the audience rating, yet often challenged since its first usage in France in the 1980s. The viewer, having a leading interest in this quality process, is only considered in its numbers by such a statistic approch. This study proposes to initiate a paradigm shift in order to place the viewer in the heart of the audiovisual product’s evaluation. Around the theories of enaction by Francisco Varela and the method of relativized conceptualization of Mioara Mugur-Schachter, the study of the emotionnal experience casts a new and original light on the conception of the viewer in a program evaluation setup. By focusing on the way the viewer guides its own perception through its personal history, its manner to interpret its environment and the influence of emotion in the construction of its relation to audiovisual products, the work exposed in this dissertation allows to place the viewer as an actor of the evaluation. The interviews carried out proove the individuality of each viewer in its personnal approach of audiovisual and the construction of criterias of its own, yet allows to define a multi-layered protocol usable as an indicator of the relation’s quality to audiovisual content in a broader context.
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A Study of the Application of a Bring Your Own Device Strategy in an Elementary SchoolScholz, Carol Louise 01 January 2016 (has links)
Numerous studies have been published on the efficacy of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) at the U.S. secondary and postsecondary school levels to increase student access to technology. However, there is a lack of data on the efficacy of a BYOD AUP to increase elementary student technology access. The purpose of this descriptive case study was to determine if a BYOD AUP at the U.S. K-5 level would increase students' access to technology as necessitated by the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This study was grounded in social transmission and transformative theories. The phenomenon of a northwest suburban elementary school BYOD implementation was examined by documenting the perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, lived experiences, and practices of administrators and teachers. This study used interview and classroom observation of a purposive selection of 3 elementary educators, the principal, and superintendent. Coding of data according to key words lead to analysis according to nodes and themes. Triangulation of multiple data sources and member checking helped to establish the credibility of data. Study findings documented increased access to technology for elementary students, best practices and steps to implementation. Study recommendations for elementary educators and administrators considering BYOD include consensus building, AUP, technology infrastructure, communications, professional development, classroom management, and lesson design to inform the field on elementary BYOD. Study findings facilitate social change by providing BYOD implementation recommendations, increasing elementary student access to technology at a reduced cost to districts and schools.
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The Challenges of Implementing Bring Your Own DeviceDeShield, Leslie 01 January 2017 (has links)
Research conducted by Tech Pro (2014) indicated that the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept is gaining momentum with 74% of organizations already having some BYOD program or planning to implement one. While BYOD offers several benefits, it also presents challenges that concern information technology leaders and information security managers. This correlational study used the systems theory framework to examine the relationship between information security managers' intentions, perceptions of security, and compliance regarding BYOD implementation. Participants of the study consisted of information security managers in the eastern United States who had obtained the Certified Information Systems Manager certification. Data was collected from 94 information security managers through a survey instrument. The survey instrument integrated three other instruments with proven reliability developed by other researchers. Data was analyzed using a multiple regression analysis to test for a relationship between the variables of the study (security, compliance, and intent to implement BYOD). The multiple regression conducted in this study was insignificant indicating a relationship did not exist between the study's variables (F(2, 86) = 0.33, p = .718, R2 = .00). A significant negative relationship was found between security and compliance indicating a weakly negative correlation (r = -.26, p = .016). Using the results from the study, information technology leaders may be able to develop strategies from which to implement BYOD successfully. Implications for social change include increased knowledge of securing personal devices for employees and consumers in general and reduction in costs associated with security and data breaches.
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Bring Your Own Device i kommun- och landstingsnätverk : En undersökning om dess utbreddAndersson, Pär, Nylund, Robin January 2014 (has links)
Något som har blivit en stor fråga på sistone där arbetsgivare tvingats ta ställning är huruvida anställda har tillåtelse att använda sina privata enheter på arbetet eller inte. Användandet av smarta telefoner och surfplattor i privatlivet har på bara några år ökat relativt drastiskt. I och med detta så har viljan också blivit större bland arbetare att kunna utnyttja sina privata enheter även i arbetslivet. Detta fenomen kallas för Bring Your Own Device och implementationen av detta kan orsaka vissa problem och kan exempelvis påverka nätverkssäkerheten. Arbetet ämnade, att genom en enkätundersökning, undersöka hur pass vanligt det var att man tillät privata enheter i arbetet bland Sveriges kommuner och landsting. Det ämnade även undersöka vilka skyddsåtgärder som hade utförts för att skydda den resterande delen av infrastrukturen om man valt att tillåta BYOD. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar på att frågan ofta har lyfts bland organisationerna. Däremot har de oftast valt att inte införa BYOD på grund av olika anledningar såsom säkerhet, kostnader och brist på resurser. Har organisationerna istället valt att införa BYOD så har enheterna oftast separerats från de övriga nätverket på grund av säkerhetsskäl. / An ongoing question which have been brought into consideration lately is whether employees should be given the permission to bring their own devices to their jobs or not. The numbers of people using smartphones and laptops have been growing and with that, the will to make use of those devices at work. That phenomenon is called Bring Your Own Device and the implementation of it can cause network security related problems. This essay was written with the intentions to find out how many of the municipalities and counties that have allowed people to bring their own devices. The intentions was also to investigate which security actions that have been taken into consideration when securing the rest of the network from the brought devices. This was performed by sending out a survey. The result that the survey gave proves that BYOD have often been taking into consideration among the organizations. It also proves that many have chosen to not implement the phenomenon because of reasons like problem with the security, the costs, and the lack of resources. An overrepresented majority of the organizations who have chosen to implement it have decided to have the private devices in a separate network to secure the rest of the network infrastructure.
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Vem är Kellogg's-kvinnan? : En fallstudie om hur Kellogg’s väljer att framställa kvinnan i reklam ur ett retoriskt perspektiv / Who is the Kellogg’s- woman? : A case study about how Kellogg’s chooses to portray women in commercials from a rhetorical perspectiveBereket, Makda, Rangstedt, Elise January 2020 (has links)
Studien har utgått från fyra olika reklamfilmer från företaget Kellogg’s. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie som syftar till att undersöka hur företaget Kellogg's använder retoriska strategier i samband med hur kvinnan i reklamfilmerna framställs. Undersökningen kommer att utföras genom att analysera fyra utvalda reklamfilmer med hjälp av olika teorier, begrepp och tidigare forskning. Det utvalda materialet studeras med hjälp av retoriska övertalningsstrategier som ethos, pathos, logos, argumentation, metonymi och doxa. I syfte att studera hur Kellogg’s framställer kvinnan i de utvalda reklamfilmerna kommer reklamfilmerna att analyseras utifrån begreppet stereotyp samt utifrån studiens utvalda diskurs Love your body-diskursen. För att presentera studiens analys är avsnittet uppdelat i gemensamma teman utifrån de fyra utvalda reklamfilmerna, samt ett avsnitt om hur Kellogg’s framställer kvinnan. Analysen visar vidare på att Kellogg’s väljer att presentera kvinnorna utifrån ett stereotypiskt perspektiv och ett icke-stereotypiskt perspektiv beroende på vilket årtal reklamfilmen är producerad, i förhållande till samhällets värderingar. / This study contains four chosen commercials from the company Kellogg’s. The thesis is a case that will aim to study how Kellogg’s use rhetorical strategies and to analyze how women is presented in their commercials. The case study will analyze the four chosen commercials from Special K, by applying chosen theories, concept and previous research. The case study will use rhetorical persuasion strategies as ethos, pathos, logos, argumentation, metonymy and doxa. The study has used persuasion strategies that showed criterias on how women often represents in commercials, to be able to understand if Kellogg’s is presenting the women as stereotypical or not. The study will also use a discourse called the “love your body”-discourse, to be able to watch the commercials from a different perspective than how women are presented stereotypical. The study analyze is divided into different mutual themes from the four chosen commercials. Further, the analyze shows that Kellogg’s has chosen to present women as stereotypical and non-stereotypical, depending on what year the commercial is produced in relation to the values of society.
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Race, Gender, and Stand Your Ground Laws: An Analysis of Homicide and Justifiable HomicideYim, Janine M 01 January 2015 (has links)
In 2012, the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin brought national attention to Florida’s Stand Your Ground (SYG) law. As of 2012, more than 20 states have enacted SYG laws. Previous studies suggest that these laws increase homicide, particularly justifiable homicide. However, these studies ignore race and/or gender. This study seeks to fill this gap in the literature by examining the effect of SYG laws on the number of homicide and justifiable homicide victims and offenders of a given race or gender. Using data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Supplementary Homicide Reports between 2000 and 2012, we create a generalized least squares model with random and fixed effects and controls for time-varying state effects and year fixed effects to empirically examine this impact. We find that while SYG laws have no effect on the number of homicide victims or offenders of any race or gender, they significantly increase the number of black and male justifiable homicide victims by 32 percent and 26 percent respectively and the number of white and female justifiable homicide offenders by 34 and 25 percent respectively. These findings suggest that, in terms of justifiable homicide, SYG laws differentially affect racial and gender groups.
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Building Interests in a Career in Teaching Among Latina/o Students at a Charter SchoolJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Teacher shortage crisis were consistent across the nation. Higher education institutions, K-12 school districts, and political leaders were actively seeking solutions to ensure classrooms did not sit vacant and were not staffed by individuals who are unqualified to teach. This mixed methods action research study examined one strategy for teacher recruitment by targeting high school students who attended a Title 1 school. Due to the growing Hispanic population in Arizona, coupled with the underrepresentation of Hispanic teachers compared to the number of Hispanic students, a particular focus was devoted to targeting Hispanic high school students as they represented a potential untapped pipeline of future educators. The study was conducted to explore factors that might increase student interest in declaring education as a major upon graduating from high school and eventually pursuing teaching as a career. Three theoretical frameworks guided the study: (a) Theory of Planned Behavior, (b) Self-Efficacy, and (c) Social Cognitive Career Theory. A total of 20 participants engaged in the intervention over the course of three weeks. The intervention included engagement in curriculum exposing students to the teaching profession as well as clinical experiences. Data gathered included pre- and post- intervention survey results and semi-structured interview questions. It was anticipated the intervention would increase students’ interest in becoming a teacher. Results demonstrated a decrease in intention post-intervention. Future research should examine alternative recruitment approaches for students who do not already have an interest in pursuing the profession. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2019
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Traditional College-Age Students' Attitudes Toward Arnold's Seven Building Blocks Decision-Making StrategyWernow, Mary Ellen 01 January 1989 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to learn more about the attitudes of traditional college-age students toward Arnold's Seven Building Blocks decision-making strategy (John D. Arnold, 1978. The Art of Decision Making. New York: Amacom). to identify student characteristics which could predict those students who are most likely to respond in a positive manner to the strategy and to determine which of the steps in the strategy students perceive as being helpful. The sample population consisted of 62 traditional college-age students currently enrolled in four Oregon educational institutions. Data was gathered through the Decision Making Inventory (Johnson, Coscarelli, and Johnson. 1983) and two questionnaires designed for this study. An attitude score regarding the Seven Building Blocks was constructed for each subject by adding together the scores from the two questions which specifically related to student feelings about using the strategy. This resulted in scores ranging from a low of 2 to a high of 7. Statistical analyses involving chi-square tests implemented by contingency tables were used to ascertain the level of association among variables. The results showed no significant difference in attitude based on the internal or external dimensions of decision-making styles. Age, gender, life responsibility status, or type of decision situation. Statistically significant results (p < .05) were shown for the remaining variables. Thus, for this population, characteristics associated with high attitude scores toward the Seven Building Blocks included systematic rather than spontaneous, decision-making styles; at least two years of college education; and high or very high importance attached to being a good decision maker. Building Block 4. "Establish Your Priorities," was overwhelmingly seen as being the most helpful step, followed by Block 3. "Set Your Criteria." Block 6. 'Test the Alternatives." was third, and Block 2. "State Your Purpose." was fourth. Block 5. "Search for Solutions," and Block 7. 'Troubleshoot Your Decision." tied for fifth place. Block I, "Smoke Out the Issues." was seen as being the least helpful. Information obtained from this study will assist educational counselors, advisors and teachers in understanding student attitudes toward decision making and in predicting which students are most likely to respond positively to learning and using this type of decision-making strategy. It is recommended that further study done in this area include investigation regarding the construction of attitude scores, as well as further corroboration of the predictor variables identified. .
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