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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ömsesidig hostilitet i ungdomars vardag: : Är detta vad som karakteriserar högkriminella ungdomar? / Mutual Hostility in Young People's Everyday Life: : Is this What Characterizes High-Criminal Youth?

Karlson, Martina, Gilanizadeh, Shermin January 2014 (has links)
Vissa ungdomar utmärks av att de utsätter andra för hostilitet i en viss vardagsmiljö. Andra ungdomar utmärks av att de utsätts för hostilitet av andra i samma miljö. En tredje grupp av ungdomar utmärks av att de både utsätter andra för hostilitet och utsätts för andras hostilitet i den miljön. Det förklarar ”ömsesidig hostilitet” för de ungdomarna. Syftet med studien var att se om ungdomar som själv rapporterade hög kriminalitet utmärktes av att de levde med ”ömsesidig hostilitet” i olika vardagsmiljöer – hemma, i skolan och på fritiden. Urvalet bestod av 2009 ungdomar i ålder 13-15 år från en mellanstor stad i Sverige. Data användes ifrån redan befintlig forskning utifrån olika skolor. Enkäter var utformade med frågor om hostilitet och kriminalitet. Resultaten visade att de ungdomar som upplevde ömsesidig hostilitet i olika vardagsmiljöer var kriminaliteten specifik högre. Ju fler olika miljöer ungdomen upplevde ömsesidig hostilitet i desto högre var den självskattade kriminaliteten. / Some youths are characterized by exposing others to hostility in a particular environment. Other young people are characterized by being exposed to hostility from others in the same environment. A third group of youngsters are characterized by both exposing others to hostility, and exposed to other people's hostility in the environment, explained "mutual hostility" for these young people. In this study the aim was to examine whether the young people who were high-criminal distinguished that they lived with "mutual hostility" in everyday environments - at home, at school and at spare time. The sample consisted of 2009 adolescents aged 13-15 years from a medium-sized city in Sweden who participated in a research project. The data from two questionnaires hostility and criminality were analyzed. The results showed that the young people who were experiencing mutual hostility in everyday environments engaged more in criminal activities. The study showed that youths who experienced mutual hostility in many different environments, were significant higher in self-reported crime.

Oralidade e escrita: narrativas de professoras alfabetizadoras e de alunos da educação de jovens e adultos.

Silva, Viviane Fernandes Fraga da January 2011 (has links)
124f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-07T19:05:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Viviane Fernandes.pdf: 2348047 bytes, checksum: 7d08ee6374a2e92d1d7fd115ec74358a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by NELIJANE MENEZES(rubi2276@gmail.com) on 2013-06-05T23:48:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Viviane Fernandes.pdf: 2348047 bytes, checksum: 7d08ee6374a2e92d1d7fd115ec74358a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-05T23:48:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Viviane Fernandes.pdf: 2348047 bytes, checksum: 7d08ee6374a2e92d1d7fd115ec74358a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / O texto dissertativo procura levantar as concepções das professoras alfabetizadoras e dos alunos de EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos) sobre a relação entre linguagem oral e escrita e suas implicações na aprendizagem da escrita. Tem o objetivo de expor o imaginário de escrita e de oralidade das professoras alfabetizadoras e dos alunos. As concepções foram coletadas através de observações das aulas e entrevistas coletivas realizadas numa escola municipal que fica situada na cidade de Lauro de Freitas, região metropolitana de Salvador – Ba, em três salas, duas turmas de EJA 1, que corresponde à 1ª e 2ª séries, as quais são denominadas turma A e B, e a outra, de EJA 2 (3ª e 4ª séries). As análises dos dados coletadas no campo estão sustentadas pelos teóricos da Linguagem e pelas reflexões do pesquisador, e os teóricos da linguagem também fundamentam a pesquisa teórica. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, às concepções, aos valores, às atitudes das alfabetizadoras e dos alunos sobre a escrita e a oralidade, verificou-se que influenciam tanto a prática docente quanto o processo de aquisição da língua escrita realizado pelos alunos, já que o imaginário de escrita e de oralidade construído por eles é compartilhado entre os indivíduos da sociedade. / Salvador

Percursos e projetos de vida das juventudes egressas da escola do campo / Trajectories and life plans of young students who left contryside schools

SOUSA, Kamila Costa de January 2016 (has links)
SOUSA, Kamila Costa de. Percursos e projetos de vida das juventudes egressas da escola do campo. 2016. 215f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-07T14:48:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_kcsousa.pdf: 3288746 bytes, checksum: 7a05f1a095a995159cfa457b5352b631 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-08T14:43:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_kcsousa.pdf: 3288746 bytes, checksum: 7a05f1a095a995159cfa457b5352b631 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-08T14:43:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_kcsousa.pdf: 3288746 bytes, checksum: 7a05f1a095a995159cfa457b5352b631 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Este trabalho tem por objetivo compreender como a Educação do Campo repercute nos percursos iniciados pelos/as jovens egressos/as e nos seus projetos de vida, após a conclusão do ensino médio na escola do campo. São sujeitos e lócus, respectivamente, sete educandos/as que concluíram o segundo grau, entre os anos de 2013 e 2014 na Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio João dos Santos de Oliveira (Escola João Sem Terra), localizada no Assentamento 25 de Maio, em Madalena, Ceará. Baseada na concepção da Educação do Campo, foi a primeira escola a funcionar no estado com essa proposta. Para a discussão de juventude do campo, a pesquisa dialogou com autores/as que estudam a temática, como CARNEIRO (2008) e SALES (2006). Nas reflexões sobre Educação do Campo, propõe interlocuções com ARROYO (2006), CALDART (2002, 2004, 2012), CARVALHO (2006). Para responder os objetivos da pesquisa, foi necessária uma aproximação com os/as jovens, através da inserção no seu cotidiano para entender como elaboram seus percursos e projetos de vida. A escolha metodológica é fundamentada na pesquisa qualitativa, em conformidade com BOGDAN e BIKLEN (1994), MINAYO (2015), sendo de cunho etnográfico DAMATTA (2010), PEIRANO (2014). Essas juventudes revelaram formas diferentes de vivenciar o campo, com inserções plurais. Os percursos iniciados pelos/as egressos/as se constroem a partir do assentamento, na mobilidade para as cidades em busca de estudo e trabalho; ou na participação das lutas da comunidade e inserção no MST; mas também no trabalho na agricultura, com a produção de canteiros; ou por meio da cultura camponesa, através das danças populares. Assim, no assentamento ou na mobilidade entre o campo e a cidade, eles/as constroem seus caminhos em um constante dialogo entre sonhos e possibilidades. A Educação do Campo, nesse sentido, proporcionou às juventudes experiências práticas para o convívio com o campo, também formação política, engajamento e articulação nas lutas pela Reforma Agrária. Sua repercussão é imaterial, invisível, se entranha na formação de um novo ser que é inconcluso e que experimenta o mundo de múltiplas formas. Os percursos e os projetos de vida desses/as egressos/as da escola do campo registram criatividade, potencialidade, desejo de mudança, jogo com as oportunidades, táticas (CERTEAU, 2013) de resistência, de permanência e aspiração. Essas juventudes redesenham a relação campo-cidade e produzem outros sentidos para o “ficar ou sair” do campo.

A dimensão educacional no projeto Faixa Azul: a juventude em questão

Honório, Valdirene Andrade 22 May 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-10-25T10:58:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 valdireneandradehonorio.pdf: 1992055 bytes, checksum: 8b5baeb31f0227c726b44ea1d31e3cc4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-12-15T11:56:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 valdireneandradehonorio.pdf: 1992055 bytes, checksum: 8b5baeb31f0227c726b44ea1d31e3cc4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-12-15T11:56:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 valdireneandradehonorio.pdf: 1992055 bytes, checksum: 8b5baeb31f0227c726b44ea1d31e3cc4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-15T11:56:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 valdireneandradehonorio.pdf: 1992055 bytes, checksum: 8b5baeb31f0227c726b44ea1d31e3cc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-22 / O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de conhecer o espaço destinado à educação nas políticas para a adolescência e juventude, tendo como foco central o projeto Faixa Azul, situado na cidade de Barbacena /M.G. A definição por este objeto de estudo se deu por abranger, em seu propósito adolescentes e jovens.Tendo como aporte teórico as reflexões de Karl Marx e Antonio Gramsci foram adotadas ferramentas conceituais para nortear a direção e a forma de pesquisar. Foram utilizados conceitos significativos para a observação e posterior análise da realidade descoberta. Com o intuito de delimitar a estrutura teórica e conceitual, estabelecendo elos entre teoria e prática, foram buscados subsídios que permitissem pensar a educação, o trabalho e as políticas sociais para a adolescência e juventude no Brasil. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, no que se refere à construção dos dados, foi adotado como recurso metodológico dois questionários que foram aplicados a dois grupos de sujeitos da pesquisa: um composto por adolescentes e outro composto por jovens. Os dados obtidos foram analisados posteriormente à luz do materialismo histórico, uma vez que ele propicia uma análise dos fatos sociais tendo em vista a totalidade dos acontecimentos. Ao término do estudo a conclusão primordial obtida foi a de que as políticas para a juventude não podem prescindir de uma educação, em todas as dimensões possíveis. Elas precisam estar voltadas para a integralidade do mundo dos adolescentes e jovens, incluindo sua vida escolar, consoante com cada realidade visto que co-existem no país adolescências e juventudes diversas. / The aim of this research was to get to know the space dedicated to education in policies for youth, focusing mainly on the Blue Band (Faixa Azul) project in Barbacena in the State of Minas Gerais. This object of study was chosen because the project includes adolescents and youths in its scope. Using as a theoretical contribution the thoughts of Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci, we adopted conceptual tools to guide the line of research and the research method. We used concepts that were significant for the observation and subsequent analysis of the reality that was discovered. With the aim of delimiting the theoretical and conceptual structure and establishing links between theory and practice, we tried to find supplementary information which would enable us to reflect on education, work and social policies for adolescents and youths in Brazil. To achieve the aims proposed, as regards the construction of the data, we adopted, as a methodological resource, two questionnaires which were applied to two groups of subjects of the research: one of adolescents and one of youths. The data obtained was later analysed in the light of historical materialism since it provides an analysis of the social facts which bears in mind all the events. At the end of the study, the main conclusion arrived at was that policies for young people cannot do without an education, in all its possible dimensions. These policies need to be directed at the whole of the adolescents’ and youths’ world, including their school life, consistent with all their realities, since multifarious teenagers and youths co-exist in the country.

A promoÃÃo da cultura de paz nas escolas: a Ãtica das juventudes. / The promotion of peace culture: the perspective of youths

VerÃnica Salgueiro do Nascimento 19 October 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / A investigaÃÃo consistiu no acompanhamento de processos educativos, que tinham como objetivo a promoÃÃo da cultura de paz, iniciados por duas escolas (universo pÃblico e privado) de ensino fundamental do municÃpio de Fortaleza. A pesquisa teve como foco a fala dos jovens/educandos sobre a construÃÃo da paz no ambiente escolar. O objetivo central da investigaÃÃo foi conhecer o que os jovens pensam, sentem e como avaliam as experiÃncias vivenciadas com relaÃÃo Ãs atividades integrantes de projetos que visam promover a cultura de paz. Dentre o universo de possibilidades de pesquisa relacionadas ao enfoque qualitativo, a opÃÃo foi pelo referencial etnogrÃfico. As tÃcnicas de pesquisa utilizadas foram a observaÃÃo participante, e a aplicaÃÃo de quatro entrevistas com roteiro semi-estruturado. Acrescento que realizei tambÃm uma pesquisa documental. Analisei documentos, existentes no espaÃo escolar para o reforÃo do trabalho de contextualizaÃÃo do fenÃmeno estudado. Por Ãltimo, organizei uma oficina sobre cultura de paz em cada escola pesquisada, para explorar com mais riqueza e profundidade as experiÃncias compartilhadas atravÃs das falas dos educandos. Os jovens da primeira escola cursavam a oitava sÃrie. Na escola pÃblica trabalhei no turno da noite com jovens de uma sÃrie equivalente à oitava sÃrie no ensino de jovens e adultos. Os dados foram organizados e interpretados de acordo com o referencial da anÃlise de discurso. Os resultados obtidos indicam o reconhecimento por parte dos pesquisados da urgÃncia e relevÃncia da promoÃÃo da cultura de paz. Os aspectos da convivÃncia, do diÃlogo, do cuidado e da criatividade foram enfatizados nas falas dos jovens a respeito do papel da escola na procura de promover condiÃÃes concretas para que o ser humano possa se constituir realmente humano em sua plenitude; com todas as contradiÃÃes possÃveis que o exercÃcio da convivÃncia humana contempla. / The inquiry consisted of the accompaniment of educative processes, which had as objective the development of the peace culture. Those processes are developed by two schools (public and private universe) of basic education in the city of Fortaleza. The research focused on the speech of the young students about the construction of the peace in the school environment. Knowing what they think, feel and how they evaluate the experiences lived and related them to the integrant activities of projects aiming to promote the peace culture, was the central objective of the inquiry. Considering the possible research universe related to the qualitative approach, the option was for the ethnographic referential. The research techniques used were the participant observation, and the application of four interviews with part-structured script. I also carried through a documentary research. I analyzed documents found in the school for the reinforcement of contextualizing work of the studied phenomenon. Finally, I organized a workshop on culture of peace in each searched school, in order to explore in quality and depth the experiences shared through the students speech. The students of the first school attended the eighth grade. In the public school I worked night shift with adult students attending to the equivalent to the eighth grade. The data had been organized and interpreted in accordance with the referential of the speech analysis. The results indicate that part of the students who participated on the researched acknowledges the urgency and the relevance of the promotion of the peace culture. The aspects of living together, dialogue, care and creativity had been emphasized in their speech regarding the role of the school in the search to promote concrete conditions so that the human being can consist itself fully; with all the possible contradictions that the exercise of the human existence contemplates.

Exploring the parent-child relationship in youth abusing alcohol

Mjwara, Nomalungelo Happiness January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium (Child and Family Studies) - MA(CFS) / Alcohol abuse in youth is an ever growing problem in South Africa. The phenomenon leads to a variety of other problems, including the relationships that these youth have with their parents. The aim of the study was to explore the parent-child relationship in youth abusing alcohol. The first objective of the study was to explore and describe alcohol abuse in youth and the parent-child relationship from the youth’s perspective. The second objective was to explore and describe alcohol abuse in youth and the parent-child relationship from the parents’ perspective. A qualitative research approach has been used. Non probability purposive sampling has also been employed. The sample comprised of youth between the ages of 18-25 from a township area in the Western Cape, as well as a number of parents. The data collection process took place in the form of one-to-one interviews. The data analysis was done by means of coding and identification of themes. The findings revealed that factors such as family boundaries, relationships, economic factors, and problem and risk behaviour negatively influenced parent-child relationships in youth abusing alcohol. The recommendations had a strong emphasis on social work intervention that focus on strengthening family relationships. Youth were also advised to join programmes as a direct intervention for their alcohol abuse.

"Det handlar om vad du är bekväm med". Att samtala om sexualitet med ungdomar

Wennström, Gabriella, Lönn, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study was to create an understanding of whether and how social workers converse on the topic of sexuality with youths. Further aspects studied were which factors social workers experienced to be challenging and enabling for these conversations and also differences regarding the gender of the youth. The empirical material is made out of semistructured interviews with social service workers and professionals who work with treatment of youths. The data has been analysed with the theory symbolic interactionism. The result of the study shows that social workers do talk about sexuality with youths, but in varying extent. Challenges expressed were for instance questions about secrecy and the difficulty of keeping information from the parents of the youth, as well as who was in the room at the time of the meeting. Enabling aspects were knowledge and personal interest in the subject. Regarding the question of how the topic of sexuality was brought up the answers varied. Some preferred to ask questions about sexuality straight out, while others preferred to ask questions about TV-shows and relationships to later get in to the topic of sexuality. All informants aimed to be neutral in the meeting with the youth, regardless of gender. However, examples were made of how differences were made on basis of what gender the youth had. The main perception was that girls were seen as victims while boys were seen as perpetrators. This had effects on how the conversations were conducted and several of the informants spoke about reflections regarding how these perceptions could lead to missing those who did not fit into the perceptions.

Prevalence of HIV Testing and Factors Influencing the Attitude of High School Students Towards HIV Testing Uptake in U.S. Using, Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2017 Data

Jawla, Muhammed, Omoike, Ogbebor E., Strasser, Sheryl, Liu, Ying, Davis, Danisha, Zheng, Shimin 01 January 2021 (has links)
This study examined associations between the prevalence of HIV testing and factors or behaviors that influence HIV testing in U.S.A. 9th to 12th graders using the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS) data. Selection criteria was based on a positive report of sexual debut (Ever had sex? Yes/No). Outcome of interest was having ever tested for HIV. Independent risk factors included age, sex, grade, race, condom use, age at first sexual intercourse, number of lifetime sexual partners, use of contraceptives, use of drug or alcohol before last sexual activity and several other factors. Chi-square and logistic regression analyses were conducted to evaluate factors associated with HIV screening participation. HIV testing prevalence was 20.34%. Females (53.97%) were more likely to participate in HIV screening test than males (67.37% females versus 32.63% males) and had higher odds of testing (OR: 2.229; p <.0001). Those in 11th and 12th grade, aged greater than 16 and with multiple sexual partners had higher rates of HIV testing. Strongest associations with HIV testing were older age at 1st sexual intercourse, odds ratio (OR): 0.413; (p ≤.0001), having three or more sexual partners (OR: 2.023; p ≤.0001), being female (OR: 2.021; p ≤.0001), use of contraceptives (OR: 1.828; p ≤.0001) and describing grades in school as mostly A’s or B’s (OR: 0.696; p ≤.001).

HIV preventive work for children and youths in Thailand : a qualitative study based on experiences among staff in an HIV prevention-oriented organization and a research group in Thailand / HIV-preventionsarbete för barn och unga i Thailand : en kvalitativ studie baserad på erfarenheter bland personal inom HIV prevention-orienterad organisation och forskningslag i Thailand

Roos Redemo, Saga, Torres Milander, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Background The development of HIV preventive measures in Thailand has led to a decrease in prevalence in HIV-infected persons. During 2021 there was an estimated number of 520 000 people living with HIV in Thailand amongst adults over 15 years and an estimated number of 2000 children between 0 to 14 years old. Studies have shown that the current obstacles with HIV prevention in Thailand is correlated with HIV-related stigma and therefore being at risk to retrieve the infection. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and research groups, are important actors in HIV prevention.  Aim The aim of this study was to examine experiences of HIV preventive work in children, adolescents and young adults among staff in an HIV prevention-oriented organization and a research group in Thailand.  Method A qualitative design was used, and seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with a convenient selected sample. Participants were conveniently recruited from two different population groups, two participants from an HIV prevention-oriented organization and five participants from a research group in a clinical HIV-unit. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed through a content analysis with an inductive approach.  Results Three main categories were identified: Success factors in HIV prevention, Barriers to HIV prevention and Future directions. Eight subcategories were identified: Access to HIV testing, Access to information, Sharing experiences, Collaboration between agencies working with HIV prevention, Decrease in Stigma, Limitations in time and money, Difficulties in adherence to HIV prevention and Stigmatization in HIV. Conclusions HIV prevention needs to be more accessible. Today HIV testing is available for free, however, there are still obstacles to preventive work that ought to be considered, stigmatization and discrimination are such barriers. Future directions in preventive work are increased accessibility to HIV prevention.

Latina youths talk back on "citizenship" and being "Latina:" A feminist transnational cultural studies analysis

Bondy, Jennifer M. 05 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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