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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De madres y de expertos: Saber/poder en el discurso psi sobre el cuidado materno

Calquín Donoso, Claudia 28 October 2015 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación doctoral que presentamos a continuación se centra en la construcción socio/sexual del cuidado materno y el amor de madre, en el periodo histórico de la segunda posguerra mundial (1945-1960). La tesis que se propone es que lo materno es resultado de una serie de conexiones entre saberes y políticas, así como de múltiples tecnologías materiales y semióticas por medio de los cuales se produce, se regula y organiza una forma de domesticidad y maternidad estrechamente vinculada a la emergencia de la sociedad de consumo y que marcó una ruptura respecto a los modelos anteriores. El cuidado y el amor de madre se piensan menos como experiencias construidas por las mujeres, que resultados de intervenciones ajenas, en función de determinados intereses políticos, económicos, ideológicos o religiosos y de modo puntual en este trabajo, de un conjunto de demandas provenientes del campo psi y sus alianzas con el Estado y el mercado. La pregunta que guio el desarrollo de la investigación es ¿cuáles son las articulaciones históricas entre saber y poder que conforman la experiencia del cuidado materno realizado por las mujeres? De modo puntual, y siguiendo la tesis de Michel Foucault respecto a las relaciones entre saber y poder – saber/poder- se analiza la emergencia de un nuevo objeto de conocimiento en el campo de las disciplinas psi (psicoanálisis, psicología y psiquiatría), resultado de lo que se llamó el giro hacia la madre de la teoría psicoanalítica, impulsado por un grupo de psicoanalistas refugiados por la guerra en E.UU. Este giro supuso la emergencia de una nueva formación discursiva y por consiguiente la construcción de un nuevo objeto de conocimiento: el apego. Siguiendo el modelo genealógico propuesto por el filósofo francés, se reconstruyeron las condición de posibilidad histórica de esta nueva formación discursiva así como las transformaciones de las propias reglas de formación del discurso psi que permitieron dar un salto cualitativo en su desarrollo teórico, y una transformación sustancial de sus objetos, metodologías y explicaciones. Con este objetivo se analizó un fragmento de la historia de las mujeres occidentales así como un fragmento de la historia el campo psi vinculadas a la emergencia a partir de las guerras mundiales, de un modelo de feminidad llamado el modelo de la domesticidad, en medio de lo que Susan Sontag (2005) llamó una imaginación del desastre. Para ello se analizaron las condiciones históricas de la guerra fría, así como el nacimiento del estado de bienestar y la tecnificación y automatización de la casa y los trabajos reproductivos. El modelo occidental de la domesticidad de posguerra fue a la vez el resultado de los movimientos de la guerra fría y un locus de enunciación a través del cual se performaron sus imaginarios, especialmente el del american way of life. Esta domesticidad vinculó los múltiples deseos de las mujeres en un deseo monolítico de familia, privacidad y consumo y a través de ella se corporalizaron unas tecnologías de poder específicas dirigidas a gobernar la vida y la reproducción, construyendo cuerpos femeninos bajo lo que Rich (1986) llamó el imperativo heterosexual y Wittig (2005) la heterosexualidad obligatoria. Fueron tres los movimientos que hicieron posible la aparición de este nuevo objeto de estudio (superficie de formación) y la epistemologización de los objetos del psicoanálisis: las propias limitaciones de las reglas del discurso clínico psicoanalítico y que Bowlby modificó profundamente a partir de la introducción de la observación experimental , por otro, las condiciones históricas de la guerra fría y finalmente, la alianzas socio-técnicas del psicoanálisis con las ciencias de la información y las máquinas de guerra –que en tiempos de paz se diversificaron además como máquinas domésticas-.El campo psi sufrió todo un proceso de modificación de sus objetos, sus metodologías y su función social, al incorporar dentro de sus explicaciones las tecnologías semióticas de guerra –como la teoría cibernética y el lenguaje de códigos- erigiéndose en un dispositivo de control tanto de la normalidad como de la anormalidad, a través de un movimiento en que el mundo interior y las emociones pasaron a ocupar un lugar central en la producción y reproducción capitalistas. Finalmente se plantea que las relaciones entre la historia de la psicología y la historia de las mujeres, pueden dar las claves para comprender los nuevos modos de subjetivación que emergen con el capitalismo pos-fordista, también que el cuidado y el amor de madre caben ser comprendidas como ficciones políticas encarnadas y que es preciso comprenderlas desde un proceso de ciborgización de lo psi, pues tanto las identidades femeninas como la identidad de este campo - su visibilidad así como sus modos de existencia - no pueden ser pensado sin la participación de los animales como de las máquinas. / The doctoral research we present below is focused in the socio/sexual construction of maternal care and “mother’s love”, during the postwar world II historical period (1945 – 1960). The thesis proposal is that maternity is the result of a number of connections between knowledge and politics, as well as multiple material and semiotic technologies through which domesticity and maternity are produced, regulated and organized, in a way closely linked to the rise of consumer society , breaking with previous models. Mother’s love and care are less built from women experiences that from external action of political, economic, ideological or religious interests. Specifically in this research, from the demands of “psi” field, as well as its partnership with both state and market. The research question then was: which are the historical links between knowledge and power that shape the experience of maternal care for women? Following to Michel Foucault’s thesis about the relations between knowledge and power, maternity is analyzed as a new object of knowledge in the “psi” sciences field (psychoanalysis, psychology and psychiatry), result of the so called “turn to the mother” in psychoanalytic theory, powered by a group of war refugees psychoanalists in the United States. This turn supposed the rise of a new discursive formation and therefore the construction of a new object of knowledge: attachment. According to the genealogical model proposed for the French philosopher, this new discursive formation historical conditions of possibility are rebuilt, as well as the transformation of “psi” speech rules during the postwar period. For this purpose, a fragment of the history of Western women was analyzed, as well as a fragment of the history of psi field, linked to the rise since world wars period of a domesticity model of feminity, in the middle of what Susan Santong called “imagination of disaster”. For that, historical conditions of cold war are analyzed, as well as the birth of welfare state, and reproductive work technification and automatization. The occidental postwar model of domesticity was both a result of cold war movements, and a locus of enunciation through which their imaginaries, especially the American way of life, were performed. This domesticity linked the multiplicity of women desires in the one monolithic desire of family, privacy and consume. Also through domesticity, specific power technologies directed to govern life and reproduction were embodied, building female bodies under what Rich (1986) called heterosexual imperative, and Wittig (2005) compulsory heterosexuality. There were three movements that enable both the appearance of this new research object and the episthemologyzation of psychoanalysis objects: first, the very own limitations of psychoanalysis clinical speech rules, wich Bowlby changed deeply with the introduction of experimental observation; second, the historical conditions of cold war; and finally, the socio – technical alliance of psychoanalysis with information sciences and war machines – which during peace time diversified also as domestic machines. The psi field experienced a process of modification in their objects, methodologies and social function, by the incorporation of explanations from war semiotic technologies, -such as cybernetic theory or code language-. It became then into a dispositive of control for both normality and abnormality, by positioning emotions and inner world as central places for capitalist production and reproduction. Finally, it is proposed that relationships between history of psychology and history of women could give us some clues to understand the new ways of subjectivation that rise with post fordist capitalism. Also, mother’s love and care are understood as embodied political fictions, so it would be needed to understand them as a “cyborg-ization” process of psi field, since both female identities and psi field identity cannot be throught without the participation of animals and machines.

Santiago Sierra y Teresa Margolles. Estética de la impotencia y el desencanto

Campiglia, María 17 December 2015 (has links)
La presente investigación realiza un estudio a profundidad de la obra de Santiago Sierra y Teresa Margolles, quienes han trabajado en México desde el inicio de la década de los 90, y que ocupan hoy un destacado lugar en el circuito artístico internacional. Suele argumentarse que la importancia de su obra radica en visibilizar los increíbles niveles de violencia y polarización de la riqueza existentes en nuestra sociedad, constituyendo no sólo una denuncia sino un llamado a la reflexión ya la toma de postura crítica. Este trabajo cuestiona estos argumentos y enuncia que en la obra de ambos productores visuales existe una clara discordancia entre el discurso que las valida y las estrategias concretas seguidas para su realización. Pone particular atención a las prácticas de denigración y maltrato, así como a las dinámicas de objetualización y comercialización de los sujetos. ¿Nos encontramos frente a un arte de denuncia o simplemente somos testigos de un ejercicio de violencia perpetrándose dos veces sobre el mismo cuerpo? La hipótesis que se pretende demostrar es que su obra se articula a partir de la reproducciónde algunas de las lógicas más brutales del sistema económico y político vigente en México. La investigación establece diversos puntos de coincidencia entre el trabajo de Santiago Sierra y Teresa Margolles, plantea la existencia de una línea de continuidad en su obra y ubica la genealogía de sus propuestas en el periodo de instauración del neoliberalismo en México. Se realiza por tanto una reconstrucción de la serie de cambios experimentados por el circuito artístico mexicano durante aquél periodo, advirtiendo cómo las modificaciones suscitadas en el terreno político fueron acompañadas de una profunda transformación en la manera de entender el sentido y los límites del quehacer artístico. Se analiza la insistencia de ambos productores visuales (muy acorde al discurso de importantes sectores de la comunidad artística mexicana a inicios de la década de los 90) en afirmar la impotencia del arte, y se recuperan diversas declaraciones en las que queda de manifiesto su abierto desinterés por incidir en la realidad social. ¿Qué sentido parece tener entonces su trabajo? Si entendemos el arte como estrategia reflexiva, como herramienta para cuestionarnos sobre nuestra realidad, su quehacer no podría limitarse a la enunciación de lo existente sino que debería dirigirse a proponer mundos posibles.La reflexión se encuentra inexorablemente ligada a la posibilidad de creación, al deseo de incidir en la realidad (que puede aparecer como algo remoto o parcial, pero sin duda irrenunciable). La investigación concluye con una reflexión teórica, y una serie de imágenes en torno a la ética como ente capaz de resistirse a la impotencia y el desencanto: es la valoración, el reconocimiento de la humanidad e infinitud del Otro, lo único capaz de poner en marcha el deseo deapostar por la posibilidad de construir realidades compartidas. / This is an in-depth study of the work of Santiago Sierra and Teresa Margolles, who have worked in Mexico since the early 90’s and today hold an important position in the international artistic circuit. It is often said that the importance of their work lies in their ability to make visible the unbelievable levels of violence and polarization of wealth which exists in our society, and in the process, not only exposing it, but calling us to reflect on this and to take a critical stance. This work challenges such a view and proposes that the work of both producers presents a clear discrepancy between their validating discourse and the concrete strategies they follow to carry it out. Special attention is placed on the practices of denigration and abuse, as well as the process of objectifying and commercializing their subjects. Is this art of exposure or are we merely witnessing an act of violence being perpetrated twice on the same body? The hypothesis intends to demonstrate that their work does not only fail to question the present economic system, but that it also reproduces some of its most brutal rationale. This research establishes several points of coincidence between the work of Santiago Sierra and Teresa Margolles, it presents the existence of a line of continuity in their work, and it places the genealogy of their proposals at the onset of neoliberalism in Mexico. Therefore, it reconstructs a series of changes observed within the Mexican artistic circuit during this period, remarking on the way in which changes made in the political arena were accompanied by a deep transformation in the way we comprehend the meaning and limitations of artistic creation. This research concludes with a theoretical reflection and a series of drawings around the issue of ethics as an entity which is capable of resisting itself to impotence and disenchantment: the value, the recognition of humanity and the infinite Other, is the only thing capable of setting forth the will to bet on the possibility of building a shared reality.

From Martial Law to Boba: What Is It to be Taiwanese American?

Fields, Jinelle 01 January 2015 (has links)
This work looks at the way the Taiwanese American college student's identities are complicated and compounded by the intertwined histories of China and Taiwan. It looks at the historical account of Chinese and Taiwanese history through the understanding of genealogical history. It also analyzes the importance of narrated family accounts and lived experiences of Taiwanese-ness. Lastly, it looks at the development of Taiwanese identity as it is strengthened or weakened through religion, politics, and language.

El Compendivm Constitvcionvm Generalivm Cathalonie de Narcís de Sant Dionís

Álvarez Gómez, Daniel 25 March 2015 (has links)
A les Corts de Barcelona (1412-1413), que presidiren successivament Ferran I i l’infant Alfons, s’aprovà una Constitució, intitulada «Per tal que les leys», que determinava la recopilació en llatí i en traducció catalana (tret d’algunes excepcions en sentit invers) de la major part del corpus jurídic de Catalunya, fonamentalment Constitucions i Capítols de Corts. L’ordenació de la dita recopilació seguí les rúbriques dels primers deu llibres del Codi de Justinià. El projecte, conegut com a Compilació, fou iniciat per juristes de la mida de Bonanat Pere i Jaume Callís, en una primera comissió escollida per Ferran I; i el continuaren el diputat Francesc Basset i l’oïdor de comptes Narcís de Sant Dionís, comissionats a posteriori per la Diputació del General. No obstant això, la Compilació resultà parcialment fallida. Es projectà la confecció de dos volums en pergamí, un en llatí i l’altre en català, que anirien a raure a l’Arxiu Reial, i de dues còpies, que custodiaria la Diputació del General. De tota manera, només se’n conserven en l’actualitat tres exemplars en pergamí a l’Arxiu de la Corona d’Aragó que poden ser identificats amb aquells. Un dels exemplars catalans, fins al present moment, continua perdut. El darrer dels juristes comissionats, Sant Dionís, escrigué un opuscle llatí, que ell mateix anomenà Compendium, el qual, estructurat igualment segons el codi justinianeu, serviria als especialistes com una mena d’enquiridion. També en conservem una traducció al català, probablement obra del propi Sant Dionís. El Compendium és un breu manual que ultrapassa la Compilació, perquè cita un major número de lleis en incloure simplement resums de les disposicions legals. L’edició dels tres manuscrits llatins que contenen l’obra de Sant Dionís és l’objecte principal de la present tesi. En front de l’edició llatina, s’aporta la transcripció d’un dels exemplars de la versió catalana, el manuscrit 1 de la Generalitat, a l’Arxiu de la Corona d’Aragó. La tesi s’inicia amb un estudi preliminar sobre la biografia de Sant Dionís, en què s’intenta aclarir la genealogia del personatge, i sobre la formació de la Compilació. Conclou amb taules que identifiquen les disposicions legislatives contingudes al Compendium. / During the Courts of Barcelona (1412-1413), presided successively by Ferdinand I and the Prince Alfonse, a Constitution was approved, entitled “Per tal que les leys”, that prescribed that the majority of the juridical corpus of Catalonia, basically Constitutions and “Capitula Curiae”, were collected in Latin and in its Catalan translation (besides some exceptions in reverse). The distribution of this collection followed the titles of the first ten books of the Justinian’s Code. The project, known as Compilation, was initiated by jurists such important as Bonanat Pere and Jaume Callís, i.e. the first commission elected by Ferdinand I; and it was continued by Francesc Basset and Narcís de Sant Dionís, selected a posteriori by the “Diputació del General”. However, this collection partially failed. Two volumes in parchment were designed, one in Latin and another in Catalan, to be located in the Royal Archive, and two copies, to be guarded by the “Diputació”. Nevertheless, only three copies in parchment are preserved in the present Archive of the Crown of Aragon that could be identified with those ones. One of the Catalan copies is still lost. The jurist Narcís de Sant Dionís wrote a Latin brief treatise .named Compendium by himself. that could be useful as a handbook to the specialists, structured like the Justinian’s Code. We still have a translation to Catalan, probably by the same Sant Dionís. The Compendium is a short handbook that surpasses the Compilation, because it quotes a higher number of laws since it only presents summaries of the legal dispositions. The Edition of the three Latin manuscripts that contain the work of Sant Dionís is the main object of the present thesis. In front of the Latin Edition, it is provided the transcription of one copy of the Catalan version, the manuscript 1 of the “Generalitat”, in the Archive of the Crown of Aragon. An introductory study about the biography of Sant Dionís intends to clarify his genealogy. The formation of the Compilation is also evaluated. The thesis finishes with tables that identify the legislative dispositions contained in the Compendium.

Migratory Movements of Homo Faber: Mapping Fab Labs in Latin America

Sperling, David M., Herrera Polo, Pablo C., Scheeren, Rodrigo 08 July 2015 (has links)
Conference: 16th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2015 - "The next city". São Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015, At São Paulo, Brazil., Volume: Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. The Next City - New Technologies and the Future of the Built Environment ( Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 527 - 2015) / The present paper is a mapping study of digital fabrication laboratories in Latin America. It presents and discusses results from a survey with 31 universities’ fab labs, studios and independent initiatives in Latin America. The objective of this study is fourfold: firstly, to draw the cultural, social and economic context of implementation of digital fabrication laboratories in the region; secondly, to synthesize relevant data from correlations between organizational structures, facilities and technologies, activities, types of prototypes, uses and areas of application; thirdly, to draw a network of people and institutions, recovering connections and the genealogy of these fab labs; and fourthly, to present some fab labs that are intertwined with local questions. The results obtained indicate a complex “homo faber” network of initiatives that embraces academic investigations, architectural developments, industry applications, artistic propositions and actions in social processes.

Virgin Territory: Theology, Purity, and the Rise of the Global Sex Trade

Adkins, Amey Victoria January 2016 (has links)
<p>Sex sells. A lot. But who exactly is on the market? </p><p>What kinds of bodies are calibrated for traffic and consumption, and how exactly do they get there? When it comes to “sex” trafficking—which comprises a minority percentage of human trafficking, yet dominates the moral imagination as an “especially heinous” crime—the rise in predominantly white, evangelical Christian American interest in the trafficked subject galvanizes an ethical outrage that rarely observes critiques of race, ethnicity, sexuality or class as conditions of possibility. Though a nuanced mandate to fight trafficking is all but cemented in the contemporary American political and moral conscience, Virgin Territory accounts for the ways Christian ideas of purity annex both gender and sexuality inside the legacies of racialized colonial encounter, and foreground the market expansion of the global sex trade as it exists today. </p><p>In Part I, I argue that the narratives of virginity tied to Mary’s body simultaneously foregrounded the gendered, sexed Other as sparked disdain for the religious Other, for the Jewish body and for Mary’s Jewish identity. Through this analysis I explore the connections of racial identity to the Christian theological elision of Jewish election. I demonstrate how the questions of sexual ethics materialized at the site of the Virgin Mary, and align the moral attachments of sex and purity in the production of whiteness. These machinations, tied to the emerging European identity of empire, irrupt horrifically into the narrative ontology of dark flesh in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.</p><p>In Part II, I highlight the function of these narratives inside of the moments of colonial encounter, demonstrating how the logics of purity and virginity were directly applied to manage dark female flesh. I map the visual iconography of the Black Madonna first through a Dutch painting entitled The Rape of the Negress. I read this image through the social theological imagination instantiating the idea of the reprobate body and white imperial gaze. This analysis foregrounds a theological reading of Sarah Baartman, the “Hottentot Venus,” as the center of a complex sex trafficking investigation, outlining the genealogy of race, as well as the ideologies of the racial, ethnic and national Other, as mitigating factors in the conditions of possibility of a global sex trade. By restoring these narratives and their theological undertones, I reiterate the ways Christian thought is imbricated in the global sex trade, and propose theological strategies for rethinking humanitarian responses to sex trafficking.</p> / Dissertation

Aportes, problemáticas y desafíos que la noción de ciudadanía movilizada por el Movimiento de Diversidad Sexual y sus fragmentos LTGBI y lesbofeminista antirracista decolonial significan a la radicalización del pluralismo

Hernández Morales, Iris January 2016 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos / El siguiente trabajo apunta a favorecer la radicalización del pluralismo. Para ello se sitúa en la escena de acción que propicia el movimiento de diversidad sexual, en tanto el apoyo que han logrado sus demandas, advierten de una centralidad que podría ocultar lógicas de poder que reactualizan las tramas coloniales. De esta forma identificar los aportes, problemáticas y desafíos que la noción de ciudadanía que movilizan representa a la radicalización del pluralismo, puede significar un apoyo a la reflexión política de los movimientos sociales. La ciudadanía es temática central de este trabajo. Es así como una primera parte la diagnostica con base en el debate universal propiciado por la corriente liberal, comunitarista, multicultural. Desde allí se allega a las claves locales de desplazamiento que dicha noción ha tenido en Latinoamérica. Reconocidas las problemáticas, causas y dilemas que le sostienen se aboca a realizar un pronóstico de la situación a través de los aportes que han significado los estudios de modernidad/colonialidad. Al finalizar analiza los llamados a la acción del movimiento de diversidad sexual con base en sus fragmentos LTGBI, la genealogía lesbofeminista antirracista decolonial y la radicalización del pluralismo que representan sus propuestas.

Sync Event : The Ethnographic Allegory of Unsere Afrikareise

Erik, Rosshagen January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims at a critical reflexion on experimental ethnography with a special focus on the role of sound. A reassessment of its predominant discourse, as conceptualized by Cathrine Russell, is paired with a conceptual approach to film sound and audio-vision. By reactivating experimental filmmaker Peter Kubelka’s concept sync event and its aesthetic realisation in Unsere Afrikareise (Our Trip to Africa, Peter Kubelka, 1966) the thesis provide a themed reflection on the materiality of film as audiovisual relation. Sync event is a concept focused on the separation and meeting of image and sound to create new meanings, or metaphors. By reintroducing the concept and discussing its implication in relation to Michel Chion’s audio-vision, the thesis theorizes the audiovisual relation in ethnographic/documentary film more broadly. Through examples from the Russian avant-garde and Surrealism the sync event is connected to a historical genealogy of audiovisual experiments. With James Clifford’s notion ethnographic allegory Unsere Afrikareise becomes a case in point of experimental ethnography at work. The sync event is comprehended as an ethnographic allegory with the audience at its focal point; a colonial critique performed in the active process of audio-viewing film.

Kids take charge : reflections on an emergent motif in school stories for young adults

Malisch, Sherrie Lee January 2016 (has links)
Abstract : In this thesis, I explore the kids-take-charge (KTC) motif within recent school stories produced for young adult audiences, situated in terms of a genealogy of school stories. The corpus of school stories includes English- and French-language works produced as fiction, film, or life-writing, both for teens and adults in Canada, the US, and the UK. This thesis identifies the historical and ideological shifts that may have given rise to the motif. School stories lend themselves to the identification of some of the distinct models of selfhood and ‘coming into one’s own’ that have figured prominently in works about and for adolescents in various sociocultural contexts. The research question that is asked is: Why is this type of story emerging now, and what social purposes might it serve? The question is inspired by the possible impact of power relations on youth in society, discussed in Disturbing the Universe: Power and Repression in Adolescent Literature by Roberta Trites, who suggests that power is everywhere in young adult literature because power is the key category of the adolescent experience. The thesis also draws on the work of theorists such as Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, Beverly Lyon Clark, Henry Giroux, George Herbert Mead and Charles Horton Cooley, among others. The corpus includes the following works: The Lightning Thief, part of the Percy Jackson series by American author Rick Riordan; Schooled, by Canadian-born author Gordon Korman; the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling; High School Musical, a film that appeared in movie theatres and was shown on the Disney Channel; Harriet’s Daughter by M. NourbeSe Philip; and variations on the classic residential and early school stories as they travelled to the New World, such as Louisa May Alcott's Jo's Boys; Thomas Hughes' Tom Brown School Days, LM Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables, and Ralph Connor's Glengarry School Days, among other works. iv Chapter One establishes the contours of the KTC motif via a variety of contemporary fictional works for young adults through contrasting the stories of change-making by young adults in these works with patterns found both in classic British school stories of the 19th century and in early Canadian and American variations on the theme. The chapter explores what it means for young people to achieve an adult sense of self, and what resources they are expected to engage in the process. The chapter also examines the kinds of models of youth selfhood and emerging adulthood that can be linked to the KTC motif. In Chapter Two, I argue that a qualitatively new motif concerning power and agency has emerged within a number of school stories produced over the past two decades. As I identify it, the KTC motif is characterized by three defining features, whether it appears in works of fantasy or realism. First, the central protagonist must confront a problem or crisis of systemic importance; how this challenge is resolved will affect an entire school, community, or even—in works of fantasy—the fate of entire worlds. Second, stories that feature the KTC motif generally de-emphasize the importance of adult mentors in preparing young people for, and guiding them through, these challenges. Third, the KTC motif enshrines a particular notion of the ‘authentic self’ as the source of personal power and agency: victory is assured only insofar as the central protagonist becomes and remains ‘true’ to himself or herself. Finally, I ask what the vision of power and agency implicit in the KTC motif could mean for young people as they move toward becoming adult actors in a complex and globalizing world. In Chapter Three, I examine questions that enable me to access the model of social change, comparing these accounts to a narrative of social change in the broader world. I also assess how adolescents are liable to view and interpret their own experiences through a global v lens as prodigious consumers of narratives produced in a global culture. This chapter assesses the extent to which social forms of difference and inequality, such as gender, race, and class, are integrated into presentation of the problem and strategy/solution within the KTC motif, and how social changes are encouraged by young protagonists. In the KTC motif, I find that self-actualization brings power—and power from within trumps power from without, at least within cultures based on Western individualism. Exceptions are discussed through the examples of narratives based on Caribbean-Canadian identities (Norbese-Philip) and on indigenous identities. Contemporary school stories that follow the KTC motif continue to have a moralizing or didactic bent, in keeping with a trend in YA literature that underlines the agency of youth protagonists over that of adults. Where the classic school story ultimately affirms the existing order, the KTC motif suggests that the existing power order is corrupt. I suggest that the KTC motif may in part reflect the needs of a post-industrial, knowledge-based economy, in which people are flexible, self-motivated, and willing to believe that whether they succeed or fail depends not on the soundness of institutions, but on the strength of their own unique talents and even their personal 'authenticity.' / Résumé : Dans cette thèse, j’explore le modèle de l’enfant qui prend charge "kids-take-charge (KTC)", à travers des récits produits pour des audiences de jeunes adultes, en termes de généalogie de récits scolaires. Le corpus des récits scolaires inclut des travaux en anglais et en français produits comme science-fiction, film ou faits vécus, pour les adolescents et les adultes du Canada, des États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni. Cette thèse identifie les changements historiques et idéologiques qui ont pu causer la naissance de ce modèle. Les récits scolaires ont mené à l’identification de certains modèles distincts d’individualité et "coming into one’s own" qui ont figurés principalement dans les travaux sur et pour les adolescents dans des contextes socioculturels variés. La questionrecherche qui est posée est : pourquoi ce genre d’histoire émerge maintenant, et quel but social peut-il servir ? La question est inspirée par l’impact possible du pouvoir des relations sur la jeunesse dans la société, examiné dans Disturbing the Universe : Power and Repression in Adolescent Literature par Roberta Trites, qui suggère que le pouvoir est partout et la littérature de jeunes adultes parce que le pouvoir est la catégorie clé de l’expérience des adolescents. Cette thèse nous amène aussi au travail des théoriciens comme Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, Beverly Lyon Clark, Henry Giroux, George Herbert Mead et Charles Horton Cooley parmi tant d’autres. Le corpus inclut les travaux suivants : The Lightning Thief, partie de la série Percy Jackson des auteurs américains Rick Riordan; Schooled, de l’auteur canadien Gordon Korman; la série des Harry Potter de JK Rowling; High School Musical, un film qui est apparu sur les écrans de cinéma et qui a été diffusé sur la chaine Disney ; Harriet’s Daughter de M. NourbeSe Philip; et variations des classiques sur les pensionnats et récits scolaires qui ont voyagé dans le temps, comme Louisa May Alcott's Jo's Boys; Thomas Hughes' Tom Brown School Days, LM Montgomery's Anne of vii Green Gables, and Ralph Connor's Glengarry School Days, pour ne nommer que ceux-là. Le chapitre 1 établit les contours du motif "KTC” à travers une variété d’œuvres de fiction contemporaines pour jeunes adultes en contrastant les histoires des changements faits par les jeunes adultes dans ces travaux avec des modèles trouvés dans les classiques récits scolaires britanniques du 19e siècle et dans les premières variations canadiennes et américaines sur le sujet. Le chapitre examine également les types de modèles d’individualité des adolescents et jeunes adultes qui peuvent être liés au motif “KTC”. Au chapitre 2, je soutiens qu’un relativement nouveau concept concernant le pouvoir et l’agence est apparu dans un certain nombre de récits scolaires produits dans les deux dernières décennies. Comme je conceptualise le motive KTC, 3 fonctions bien définies que ce soit dans les ouvres de fantaisie ou le réalisme. Premièrement, le personnage central doit confronter un problème ou une crise d’importance systémique ; comment ce défi est résolu affectera une école entière, une communauté ou même – dans les œuvres de fantaisie – le destin du monde entier. Deuxièmement, les récits qui représentent le concept KTC insistent généralement moins de l’importance de mentors adultes dans la préparation et la supervision des jeunes à affronter ces défis. Troisièmement, le concept KTC conserve la notion particulière du "soi authentique" comme source du pouvoir personnel et agentivité : la victoire est assurée seulement dans la mesure où le protagoniste central devient et demeure "vrai" pour lui et elle-même. Finalement, je demande qu’est-ce que la vision du pouvoir et de l’agentivité du concept du KTC implique pour les jeunes lorsqu’ils deviennent des acteurs adultes dans un monde complexe et globalisé. Au chapitre 3, j’examine les questions qui me permettent d’accéder au modèle du changement social en comparant les explications du changement social dans un monde plus large. J’évalue aussi comment les adolescents sont susceptibles de voir et d’interpréter leur propre expérience à viii travers une lentille globale comme consommateurs prodigieux de récits produits dans une culture mondiale. Ce chapitre évalue la mesure dans laquelle les différentes formes sociales et l’inégalité, comme le sexe, la race et la classe sociale sont intégrés dans la présentation du problème et la stratégie/solution dans le motif KTC et comment les changements sociaux sont encouragés par les jeunes protagonistes. Dans le motif KTC, je constate que le développement personnel apporte le pouvoir – et le pouvoir de l’intérieur est un atout du pouvoir de l’extérieur, au moins dans les cultures basées sur l’individualisme occidental. Les exceptions sont traitées dans les exemples de récits basés sur les identités Cara𝑖𝑖𝑖bes-canadiennes (Norbèse-Philip) et sur les identités indigènes. Les récits scolaires contemporains qui suivent le motif KTC continuent d’avoir un penchant moralisateur ou didactique, conformément à une tendance dans la littérature jeunesse qui souligne l’agentivité des jeunes protagonistes sur celui des adultes. Où l’histoire scolaire classique affirme en fin de compte l’ordre établi, le motif KTC suggère que le pouvoir établi est corrompu. Je suggère que le motif KTC peut en partie refléter les besoins d’une économie post-industrielle basée sur la connaissance dans laquelle les gens sont flexibles, motivés et décidés à croire que s’ils réussissent ou non de dépend pas de la force des institutions, mais de leur force de caractère et même de leur propre "authenticité".

A Study of Multiple Roles and Women’s Self of Malaysian Chinese Married Women / 馬來西亞華裔已婚女性多重角色與女性自我之探究

CHONG, BOON FONG, 張文芳 January 2016 (has links)
碩士 / 國立暨南國際大學 / 諮商心理與人力資源發展學系輔導與諮商研究所 / 104 / This study aims at using the research participants’ narrative of their life stories regarding multiple roles to explore women’s self in their lives as heard and seen. In the patrilineal society, Chinese women do not have their names included in the genealogy. Malaysian Chinese women, who live within a socio-cultural context heavily influenced by racism and controlled by traditional patrilineal systems, are a group that is doubly marginalized by gender and ethnicity, as well as individual units that find it difficult to make themselves visible. The researcher has thus chosen to use story narrative to present the life experiences of women with multiple roles, and to obtain from these stories the meanings as well as new choices and outlooks into the future. This study focuses on an in-depth semi-structural interview of two married Chinese women and employs the narrative research method to study the research participants’ narrative of their life experiences in assuming multiple roles. By using the ‘totality-contents’ story, it presents their life experiences and challenges in dealing with their multiple roles and women’s self. Subsequently, it relies on the ‘type-contents’ reading method to analyze, organize and study the narrative information of the research participants. The study finds that multiple roles constitute an existing fact of the social structure whereas women’s act of assuming these multiple roles is a demonstration of their capabilities and also an expectation of middle-aged married women to expand the development of their self-awareness beyond their multiple roles. In addition, educational opportunities awaken greater self-awareness of the women and also allow women to have chances of entering the job market. From assuming a family role for which they receive no pay, they can now choose their personal careers in accordance with their various special skills and professional capabilities. This has also made it possible for the women’s self-awareness to advance to higher levels, showing that economic independence can allow women to have better control of their capabilities and qualifications to voice out for their own rights and those of their next generation. At the same time, while carrying on the traditions, women of the new generation are able to infuse into their role as mothers more new paradigms of women’s self-awareness and to tread a path that is in line with the existing situations, thus enabling them to feel free and delighted. This also explains that in their role as mothers, they can maintain the equivalent values, but in their experience, they carry with them the ‘role creation’ to expand into healthier and happier jobs as mothers and other multiple roles. In conclusion, ‘self’ survives by relying on the ‘roles’ as given by the society whereas the interactions between ‘roles’ will give rise to ‘relationships’. The self of an individual is manifested in the many interactive relationships. As such, role—relationship—self is a closely interlinked chain and an organic social structure of mutual existence and survival.

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