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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Le " moi " et le " divin " chez Fichte et Nabert : une contribution à la philosophie de la religion / The « 1 » and the « divine » in Fichte and Nabert : a contribution to the philosophy of religion

Netrebiak, Olga 30 September 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse articule les deux catégories fondamentales de la philosophie de la religion : le « moi » et le « divin », ce en dialogue avec deux interlocuteurs privilégiés, Fichte et Nabert, chez lesquels cette double thématique fut exploitée de manière originale et géniale. Fichte pense le « moi » comme le centre de l'intériorité et de la vie consciente de l'homme qui est une activité incessante vers l'unité de soi. Nabert, quant à lui, part du concept fichtien du « moi » pour élaborer la catégorie du « divin » ; celui-ci apparaît alors comme une demande de la conscience en sa structure fondamentale : elle le reçoit alors qu'il s'affirme à même le« moi». L'examen conjoint de de ces deux pensées apporte, nous cherchons à le montrer, une contribution majeure à la philosophie de la religion contemporaine : elle permet en effet à celle-ci d'avancer dans les réponses aux nombreux défis qu'il lui appartient de relever, soit : la redécouverte de certains préliminaires comme la conscience religieuse, le langage adéquat sur « Dieu », la question critériologique dans la désignation du « divin », le « témoignage » absolu. A cet effet, trois catégories principales sont sollicitées et éprouvées : I'« intériorité » et la place de I'« affectivité » dans l'expérience religieuse, enfin la « vérité » qui polarise toute réflexion philosophique sur la religion. / The present thesis articulates two fundamental categories of the philosophy of religion: the « 1 » and the « divine », it is in the dialogue with two privileged interlocutors, Fichte and Nabert, where this double theme was exploited in an original and brilliant way. Fichte thinks of the « 1 » as the center of the interiority and the conscious lite of a man, which is an incessant activity towards unity of self. Nabert, on his part, starts from the Fichte's concept of the « 1 » and elaborate the category of the « divine »; this last appears as a demand of the consciousness in its fundamental structure: it the « divine » as the one that affirms itself in the « 1 ». The joint examination of these two thoughts brings, as we try to show, a major contribution to the contemporary philosophy of religion. lndeed, this contribution allows philosophy of religion to advance in the answers to many challenges that rise up before it: the rediscovery of certain preliminaries such as the religious consciousness, the adequate language about « Gad », the question about criterion in the designation of the « divine », absolute « testimony ». For that purpose, three main categories are solicited and approved: « interiority » and the place of « affectivity » in religious experience, and finally « truth » which polarizes all philosophical reflection on religion.

Témoignage dans les marges : vérité, représentation, imaginaire et éternité chez Charlotte Delbo

Brosseau, Christine 02 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche, axée sur les témoignages concentrationnaires, vise à montrer comment celui de Charlotte Delbo brise l’espace-temps, qui emprisonne généralement ce type de discours le liant à un moment et un décor dans l’Histoire. Plusieurs facettes de son écriture testimoniale seront explorées pour mettre en lumière l’actualisation et accessibilité de son témoignage qui évoque l’éternel dans une volonté d’écriture de représenter et faire ressentir l’Innommable. La première partie de ce travail fixe l’économie discursive à travers deux grandes vagues de témoignages concentrationnaires en se structurant autour d’auteurs-rescapés ayant marqué le genre, soit Primo Levi et Jorge Semprun. La seconde partie s’attache à démontrer l’exemplarité du discours de Charlotte Delbo. Dans une vision historique du discours concentrationnaire féminin, nous mettons de l’avant, à travers la comparaison de témoignages, la voix plus retentissante et troublante que donne Delbo à son témoignage. Ensuite, l’absence de contraintes qu’elle donne à sa parole concentrationnaire confronte nos représentations entourant cet univers ainsi que nos conceptions de la vérité, de la mémoire et du témoignage, amenant alors une reconfiguration de nos schèmes préétablis. Le dernier chapitre montre le rôle fondamental que Delbo accorde à l’imaginaire dans la réception de son témoignage singulier. De la puissance évocatrice du titre de son premier tome Aucun de nous ne reviendra en passant par les silences et les vides qu’elle laisse, ainsi que le décor elle nous amène à imaginer le non-dit. Finalement, l’étude de certaines figures récurrentes dans son œuvre, celles des personnages théâtraux et de la mère mettent en lumière la volonté animant son écriture, soit par le prisme de l’imaginaire de chacun d’exprimer l’Innommable. / This research on the testimonies of concentration camp survivors shows how Charlotte Delbo’s testimony broke the space-time convention that usually links this genre to a time and place in History. Her multifaceted type of writing will be explored to underscore the timeless and accessible aspect of her testimony, its desire to represent and feel the Unspeakable. The first part of this work examines the discursive prose through two waves of testimonies, structured around two authors who marked the genre, Primo Levi and Jorge Semprun. The second part shows the exemplary nature of Charlotte Delbo’s eyewitness account. In a historical point of view of the female’s testimonies, we emphasize, through testimony comparisons, that Delbo’s voice is louder and more troubling than the others. Her unrestrained speech confronts our representation of this universe, and touches our concepts of truth, memory, and testimony leading us to reorganize our preconceived notions. The last chapter shows us the pivotal role that Delbo gives to imagination in the reception of her peculiar testimony. From the force of her first title Aucun de nous ne reviendra, through the silences, the empty spaces and scenery, she pushes us to imagine the unsaid. Finally, the study of some recurrent figures she uses, the theatrical personae and the mother image shed light on the desire that motivates her writing in which she expresses the Unspeakable through the prism of individual imagination.


ANDREA SIQUEIRA D ALESSANDRI FORTI 01 October 2020 (has links)
[pt] Essa tese tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre o fazer artístico na prisão, as questões de sociabilidade e o cotidiano de seus produtores enquanto presos políticos. Tendo como recorte cronológico o período entre os anos de 1969 e 1979, a pesquisa examina as experiências de detentos em diferentes instituições na cidade de São Paulo: Presídio Tiradentes, Complexo Penitenciário do Carandiru (Casa de Detenção e Penitenciária do Estado), Presídio do Hipódromo e Presídio da Justiça Militar Federal. Para isso, diversos tipos de fontes foram usados na investigação: trabalhos artísticos pertencentes à coleção Alípio Freire-Rita Sipahi e a outros acervos pessoais, documentos escritos pelos presos políticos durante a vivência prisional, documentos elaborados pelos agentes da repressão sobre esses detentos, cursos de arte em presídios, notícias de jornal da época e memórias de ex-presos políticos. A produção artística é percebida como documento-testemunho, expressão que aqui significa documento histórico produzido durante uma situação de violência política, funcionando como ponte entre pessoas e forma de resistência. A atividade desenvolvida na cadeia manifestou diferentes noções de resistência e apresentou distintas funções. Em determinado momento, foi também reflexo de divergências entre os detentos e seus projetos políticos, mas na maioria das ocasiões revelou a ligação entre os presos políticos ou entre esses e sua rede de apoio fora do espaço carcerário. / [en] This thesis aims to study the relationship between the artistic activities in prison, the sociability issues and the daily life of its producers as political prisoners. Taking the period ranging from 1969 to 1979 as a chronological cut, the research examines the experiences of inmates in different institutions in the city of São Paulo: Presídio Tiradentes, Complexo Penitenciário do Carandiru (Casa de Detenção and Penitenciária do Estado), Presídio do Hipódromo, and Presídio da Justiça Militar Federal. For this, several types of sources have been used in the research: artistic piece of works belonging to the collection Alípio Freire-Rita Sipahi and to other personal collections, documents written by political prisoners during the prison experience, documents prepared by the repressive agents on these inmates, art courses in prisons, newspaper news reports of the time, and memories of former political prisoners. Artistic production is perceived as a document-testimony, an expression that here means a historical document produced during a situation of political violence, working as a bridge between people and form of resistance. The activity developed in prison triggered different notions of resistance and showed different functions. At one point, it has also reflected disagreements between inmates and their political projects, however, on most occasions, it revealed the connection between political prisoners or between them and their support network outside the prison space.


Kristin Browning Leaman (17557308) 08 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The popularity and success of <i>A Testimonie of Antiquitie </i>is apparent in the number of printed editions between 1566-1687; as Allen Frantzen writes in his <i>Desire for Origins</i>, it was one of the most frequently printed Old English texts. However, no one has ever conducted a critical examination of every printed edition of Ælfric’s Easter Homily from its first printing in 1566/1567 to its last printed edition in the seventeenth century in 1687. Examining these editions through a book and print history lens is vastly productive. It enables us to see how printers and translators have made lasting impacts on the text and how historical events influenced the editorial decisions and production of the editions. Furthermore, comparing and contrasting the transcriptions and translations in the editions brings new understanding as to how translators and printers were utilizing these texts for editorial and formatting purposes. From this examination, we can draw important connections among the editions; these connections demonstrate which edition a translator and printer utilized for their publication of the text. Tracking the editorial and formatting changes of the editions and placing those changes within a historical context provides key information on why and how these editions were being produced. Moreover, this dissertation exemplifies the trajectory of early modern English book and print history.</p>

Troublesome Inventions: The Rhetoric of the Hindman Settlement School, 1902-1927

Bowles, Sarah Jordan 12 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.


FERNANDO DA SILVA CARDOSO 27 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] Na presente tese são abordadas as disputas semânticas idealizadas por mulheres que militaram contra a ditadura militar no Brasil em seus requerimentos de anistia encaminhados à Comissão de Anistia do Ministério da Justiça brasileiro. De modo específico, interessam os significados discursivos que permeiam a significação da memória, do testemunho e da justiça. Assim, o objetivo geral desta investigação consiste em compreender em que medida é possível considerar que as disputas narrativas idealizadas por mulheres-militantes em requerimentos de anistia feitos à Comissão de Anistia brasileira apresentam novos pressupostos à reflexão sobre a memória, o testemunho e a justiça. As narrativas analisadas fazem parte de um conjunto de trinta e oito requerimentos de anistia categorizados e sistematizados a partir de uma pesquisa documental no acervo da Divisão de Arquivo e Memória da referida Comissão. Os achados da pesquisa em torno da categoria memória denotam que as mulheres-militantes consideram as experiências de injustiça não como um objeto passivo da história, mas que irrompe o próprio ato de re-memorar. É denominada, a partir das narrativas, a dimensão arquetípica da memória, a qual media o registro sensível, ao passo que fixa o ponto de vista das mulheres sobre os acontecimentos. O agenciamento discursivo que é acionado pelas mulheres remete à luta contra o progressismo e pela consideração do sofrimento. Ainda, que o retorno discursivo à experiência de injustiça mesma reflete a ética em relação ao passado e introduz a noção de narrativasexperiências enquanto uma microlinguagem e abertura para a significação filógina da violência política. As reflexões em torno da memória, nas narrativas das mulheres-militantes, são finalizadas ao conjecturar a rememorialização como um ato de citação. Quanto às questões que perfazem a significação do testemunho, a narrativa das mulheres demarca o ato de narrar-se nos requerimentos como um éthos discursivo gendrificado que localiza semanticamente a experiência traumática. Os processos de despersonalização de gênero revelam uma topologia narrativa da violência em contraste com a categoria gênero, destacada a partir de alguns marcadores discursivos. A tortura é assumida pelas mulheres-militantes enquanto um dispositivo de captura de gênero e problematizada a partir dos regimes de saber médico e psíquico identificados nos excertos. As enunciações presentes nos testemunhos também fabricam uma ontologia do corpo-narrativa a partir de três principais projeções: o corpo-instrumento, o corpo-implicado e o corpo-lascivo. No tocante à justiça, as mulheres-militantes aludem às permanências da dinâmica meramente procedimental da justiça e as estratégias de insurgência discursiva forjadas na proposição dos requerimentos de anistia. Questionam a institucionalização de suas narrativas de injustiça e a necessidade de construírem um vocabulário que se adeque à lógica burocrática da Comissão. Interrogam sobre o que (não) cabe nos requerimentos de anistia a partir de elementos de coerência que insistem na centralidade das narrativas de injustiça. Por fim, o status de verdade que as mulheres-militantes assumem revela uma conotação terapêutica, uma verdade-narrativa, alegórica. Frente à mera procedimentalidade, as mulheres aludem à narrativa de injustiça enquanto um acontecimento sensorial. / [en] This thesis addresses the semantical disputes idealized by women who militated against the Brazilian military dictatorship in their amnesty requests forwarded to the Amnesty Comission of the Brazilian ministry of Justice. Specifically, this work is interested on the discursive meanings that permeate the signification of memory, testimony and justice. Thus, the general objective of this investigation is to comprehend how it is possible to consider that the narrative disputes idealized by the militant-women in their amnesty requests forwarded to the Amnesty Comission of the Brazilian ministry of justice present new groundings to the reflection on memory, testimony and justice. The analyzed narratives are part of a body of thirty-eight amnesty requests categorized and systematized, acquired after a documental research at the estate of the aforementioned commission s Division of Archive and Memory. The findings of the research around the memory category denote that the militant-women do not consider their experiences of injustice as a passive object of history, but as something that arises from the act of re-memoring itself. From the narratives, is denominated the archetypical dimension of memory, which mediates the sensitive register as it fixates the point of view of those women on the events. The discursive agency that these women ignite refers to the fight against progressivism and for the consideration of suffering. Furthermore, the discursive return to the experience of injustice itself reflects the ethics related to the past and presents the notion of narrativesexperiences as a micro language and opening to a philogynist signification of political violence. The reflections on memory on the narrative of militant-women are finalized when the rememoring is conjectured as an act of citation. As for the questions that make up the signification of testimony, the narrative of those women delineates the act of narrating oneself according to the requirements of generified discursive éthos that localizes semantically the traumatic experience. The processes of gender depersonalization reveal a narrative topology of violence in contrast to the category of gender, highlighted from some discursive markers. Torture is assumed by the militant-women as a dispositive of gender capture and problematized in the terms of the medical and psychiatric knowledge regimens identified on the excerpts. The enunciations presented on the testimonies also fabricate an ontology of the body-narrative from three main projections: the body-instrument, the implied-body and the lusty-body. Pertaining to justice, the militant-women allude to the remnants of a merely procedural dynamic of justice and the strategies of discursive insurgency forged on the proposition of the amnesty requests. They question the institutionalization of their narratives of injustice and the need for an adequate vocabulary to the bureaucratic logics of the Comission. They interrogate about what does (not) fit on the amnesty requests from elements of coherence that insist on the centrality of the narratives of injustice. Finally, the status of truth that the militant-women assume reveals a therapeutic connotation, an allegorical narrative-truth. Facing the mere procedurality, the women allude to the narrative of injustice as a sensorial event.


FLAVIO TITO PEIXOTO FILHO 19 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Nas operações de testemunhagem o acunhamento é uma preocupação permanente. Denomina-se acunhamento quando a amostra de rocha não prossegue adentrando no barrilete de testemunhagem devido à fricção entre a rocha e superfície interna do barrilete. Em formações resistentes é indesejável por causar perda de tempo e prejuízo econômico, principalmente caso ocorra logo no início da corrida. Em formações inconsolidadas o prejuízo vai além, pois pode causar a perda da rocha a ser testemunhada, uma vez que a baixa resistência compressiva causa o colapso da rocha. Sendo em muitos casos não detectado na superfície, a operação não é interrompida e o trecho seguinte da rocha-reservatório passa a ser destruído. Uma previsão do comprimento a ser testemunhado até que esse evento ocorra pode ser uma maneira importante de minimizar a destruição de rocha, maximizando sua recuperação, sem o ônus de ser conservador demais. Este trabalho descreve os passos e resultados de se estabelecer um modelo para prever o acunhamento em formações inconsolidadas. Esses passos incluem: experimentos para determinar o coeficiente de fricção entre a areia e os tubos de alumínio, modelagem analítica e análise por elementos finitos para a avaliação dos resultados dos experimentos e para estabelecer o modelo de previsão. / [en] In coring operations core jamming is a permanent concern. It takes place when the core sample becomes stuck within the inner core barrel, preventing further acquisition. In hard formations it is undesirable because it stops bit penetration, and results in loss of time and money, especially if it occurs at the beginning of the core run. In unconsolidated formations the damage goes further, as the jam may become solidary to the coring bit and wash the formation away instead of acquiring it. This phenomenon is unnoticeable at surface and thus gives the operators no indicative of a premature pull out of hole need. The reservoir rock characterization will be permanently incomplete due to the unrecovered washed away material. Hence, a good prediction of a safe maximum coring length could be an important way to avoid washing the sample, maximizing recovery, without risking to be too conservative. This work describes the steps and results of establishing a model to predict jamming in unconsolidated formations. These steps includes: experiments to determine friction factor between sand and the aluminum tubes, analytical modeling, and FEM analysis to evaluate the experiment results and to establish the prediction model.


ANTONIO SERGIO PONTES AGUIAR 05 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Literatura apesar de tudo: duas visões sobre o romance melancólico de W.G. Sebald. A tese que aqui se apresenta parte da consideração de que a literatura do escritor alemão W.G. Sebald, ao tocar nos rastros da matéria ferida dos sobreviventes pós-Shoah, como também de tantas outras catástrofes da era capitalista burguesa, do colonialismo à dominação da natureza e degradação ambiental, emite um gesto de levante no sentido de que a literatura desponta como afirmação da vida, da memória redentora dos que foram engolidos pela barbárie, e no fomento de novos modos de adentrar o pretérito e retomar a cadeia de lutas daqueles que, escovando a história a contrapelo, intuíram um futuro justo e livre do inimigo histórico que insiste em perdurar. É a própria possibilidade de escrever e produzir literatura na, e apesar da, década de 1990, em um horizonte de desencantamento com os sonhos e as utopias que tanto marcaram o fracassado século XX, que o melancólico Sebald potencializa ao apresentar ao mundo seus quatro romances. Trata-se de uma melancolia criativa, insurgente e comprometida com as questões do seu tempo, que intuímos em reflexão cruzada especialmente com Didi-Huberman e Enzo Traverso, e que será demonstrada em uma leitura anatômica de dois romances: Os anéis de Saturno (1995) e Austerlitz (2001). / [en] Literature in Spite of All: two views on the melancholic romance of W.G. Sebald. This thesis takes as starting point the assumption that the literature of the German writer WG Sebald, touching the traces of the wounded material of post-Shoah survivors, as well as of so many other catastrophes of the bourgeois capitalist era, from colonialism to the domination of nature and environmental degradation, emits a gesture of uprising in the sense that literature emerges as an affirmation of life, of the redemptive memory of those who have been swallowed up by barbarism, and of fostering new ways of entering the past and returning to the chain of struggles of those who, brushing history against the grain, intuited a fair future and free from the historical enemy that insists on lasting. It is the very possibility of writing and producing literature during and despite the 1990s in a horizon of disenchantment with dreams and utopias that marked the failed twentieth century, that melancholy Sebald potentializes by presenting to the world his four novels. It is a creative melancholy, insurgent and committed to the issues of his time, which we intuit in a cross-reflection especially with Didi-Huberman and Enzo Traverso, and which will be demonstrated in an anatomical reading of two novels: The rings of Saturn (1995) and Austerlitz (2001).


陳昱奉, Chen, Harris Y. Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 在知識經濟時代,專利侵權訴訟的重要性與日俱增。面對專利紛爭全球化的趨勢,台灣的專利侵權訴訟機制也需有所變革。其中,最重要也最亟需改善的部分,即是專利侵權訴訟的審前階段。此舉不僅得以落實憲法所保障的程序權,更是營造優良知識經濟環境的必經途徑。 專利侵權訴訟與一般傳統訴訟不同,係為法律面、科技面、管理面三者的結合,具有其特殊性,諸如:訴訟標的之權利範圍非屬明確、具有高度的商業利益色彩、訴訟成本高昂、專業性及科技知識含量高、準備與取證程序繁複、公法與私法交錯的領域等。吾人首應正視上開特性,在無體財產權的法理上,建構異於傳統訴訟的智慧財產訴訟觀。其次,現階段台灣專利侵權訴訟的運作模式,存有若干亟待改善之缺失,包括:法官專業化程度不足、不當使用或依賴鑑定制度、訴訟時程冗長、法院缺乏良善的案件管理、當事人與律師尚未能落實其協力義務、事證蒐集程序未臻精緻等。 欲改善台灣現今專利侵權訴訟的運作缺失,可以從參考美國制度著手。美國現為專利侵權訴訟案件量最多的國家,司法判決所累積的關於如何完善專利訴訟的各種實務見解以及學術文獻討論也最為豐富,周邊制度如律師、專利代理人及專家證人等也最為發達完備。美國專利侵權訴訟亦為民事訴訟之一種,由美國聯邦訴訟規則所規範,受聯邦法院所管轄。第一審為事實審,由聯邦地區法院負責審理,由陪審團或法官作最終的決定。美國專利侵權訴訟的審前程序,最特出的部分是專利權利範圍的界定與事證蒐集程序,並由法官之案件管理貫穿其中。因為審前訴訟的精緻化,加上訴訟成本高昂,美國的專利侵權訴訟案件進入最後審訊程序者不到百分之五,當事人在審前階段即以和解等方式解決紛爭。另外,律師在美國專利訴訟的審前階段也扮演了重要角色。在事證蒐集程序中,律師需協助當事人開示己方的事證,以及解讀、過濾對造所開示的事證;訴訟法規與執業倫理對於違反訴訟義務的律師並賦予相當的制裁。 欲改善台灣專利侵權訴訟的審前程序,首應注重專利權利範圍的界定,並由當事人及律師就專利的有效性與否作論辯攻防。其次,法院應加強案件管理,讓訴訟時程及早確定,並藉由中間裁判的方式將紛爭於審前階段解決。最重要的是,在事證蒐集程序上,可採行美國的事證開示程序,將兩造各自擁有的事證及早揭露,並同時注意當事人秘匿特權的保護。 在日、韓之後,台灣也即將設立智財專業法院,本研究認為,應在訴訟程序上作根本的變革,以符合全球化專利訴訟的需求。在訴訟法理方面,以一元化的審判程序解決專利侵權紛爭、職權調查主義的限縮與排除、客觀舉證責任的緩和等,均是未來立法時值得採納的方向。

L'expérience comme mode de détermination des faits dans le procès civil

Troup, Tomáš 04 1900 (has links)
L'utilisation de l'expérience comme un mode de détermination des faits, c'est-à-dire comme un élément qui comble les lacunes dans l'ensemble des éléments de preuve dans le procès civil, est un thème quelque peu tabou. La doctrine est souvent basée sur la prémisse voulant que le décideur rende une décision uniquement en vertu des éléments de preuve et qu'il doit absolument s'abstenir d'insérer aux constatations quoi que ce soit qui n'est pas présent dans les éléments de preuve. Cette vision est éloignée de la réalité juridique. Dans la première partie, nous allons aborder les principes procéduraux qui empêchent l'utilisation de l'expérience comme mode de détermination des faits. Ce sont le principe de la reconstruction de l'événement du passé, le principe de l'abstraction des connaissances acquises hors du procès et le principe de l'exclusion de la preuve par ouï-dire. Ensuite, nous portons notre attention sur les différents types d'expérience, c'est-à-dire l'expérience profane, divisible en bon sens et sens commun, et l'expérience scientifique, ainsi sur leurs modes de fonctionnement dans le procès civil. La première partie se termine par une brève confrontation des différents types d'expérience avec les principes procéduraux. La deuxième partie est consacré à l'analyse de l'expérience dans trois instruments juridiques: la connaissance d'office, la présomption de fait et le témoignage d'expert. Nous nous intéressons principalement à vérifier si l'expérience fonctionne à l'intérieur de ces instruments juridiques comme mode de détermination des faits et ensuite quelles sont les limites que le droit pose à l'expérience dans ce rôle. L'analyse va confirmer que le principal instrument par lequel l'expérience comme mode de détermination des faits pénètre dans le procès civil est la présomption de fait. / The theme of the use of experience as a mode of fact findings, i.e. as an element which fills the gaps in a totality of evidence in the civil procedure, is somewhat tabooed. The doctrine is frequently based upon the premise that a decision-maker should render a decision solely on the basis of evidence and that he should completely abstain from inserting into the fact findings anything which is not present in the evidence. This vision is distant from the legal reality. In the first part, three procedural principles which prevent the experience from the use as a mode of fact findings will be treated. The principles in question are the principle of reconstruction of the past event, the principle of setting aside the knowledge obtained out of the procedure and the principle of exclusion of hearsay evidence. Then the attention is paid to different types of experience (i.e. the lay experience, divisible into "bon sens" and into common sense, and the scientific experience) and to the methods of their fonctionning in the civil procedure. The first part is concluded by a brief confrontation of different types of experience with the procedural principles. The second part is dedicated to an analysis of the experience in the three legal instruments: judicial notice, presumption of fact and expert testimony. The interest is focused especially on verification whether the experience works inside the legal instruments as a mode of facts findings and then what are the limits which the law fixes to the experience in this role. The research will confirm that the principal instrument by which the experience as a mode of fact findings penetrates into the civil procedure is the presumption of fact.

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