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Tėvų įsitraukimo į vaiko ugdymo(-si) procesą plėtotė specialiojoje mokykloje / Development of parent' involvement in the child's educational process in a special schoolGerulaitis, Darius 02 May 2007 (has links)
The practical experience and theoretical description of social participation of families, having the disabled children, create the basis for searching for a concrete method of social involvement of parents in a child’s educational processes at a special school. In the doctoral research, psychosocial and educational peculiarities of a family, having a disabled child are analysed, using empowerment, conflict and communicative action theories; the constructivist theoretical background for educational help for family and salutogenesis approach are presented. The research aimed at answering such questions as: What psychological, educational and social features characterise the social participation of families of the disabled children? What are the strategies of social participation of parents? What traditions of parental participation and involvement in a child’s educational process are formed in the praxis of special education? How can the involvement of the disabled and their families be developed at special school? What should be the structure, the purposefulness and the dynamics of parental involvement? The object of the research is parental involvement in the educational process of a disabled child at special school as a strategy of social participation. The aim of the dissertational research was not only to identify the strategies of social participation of parents, but also to create and try the methodology of the development of social participation in practice. It was also... [to full text]
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Tėvų įsitraukimo į vaiko ugdymo(-si) procesą plėtotė specialiojoje mokykloje / Development of parents’ involvement in the child’s educational process in a special schoolGerulaitis, Darius 20 April 2007 (has links)
In the doctoral research, psychosocial and educational peculiarities of a family, having a disabled child are analysed, using empowerment, conflict and communicative action theories; the constructivist theoretical background for educational help for family and salutogenesis approach are presented.
The research aimed at answering such questions as: What psychological, educational and social features characterise the social participation of families of the disabled children? What are the strategies of social participation of parents? What traditions of parental participation and involvement in a child’s educational process are formed in the praxis of special education? How can the involvement of the disabled and their families be developed at special school?
The object of the research is parental involvement in the educational process of a disabled child at special school as a strategy of social participation.
The aim of the dissertational research was not only to identify the strategies of social participation of parents, but also to create and try the methodology of the development of social participation in practice. It was also aimed at establishing and implementing the model of parental involvement in educational process of a disabled child at special school. For this purpose an action research was undertaken in one Lithuanian specialised school, where throughout the academic year it was sought to involve parents in the education process of children with a moderate... [to full text]
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Neįgaliųjų, dalyvaujančių nevyriausybinės organizacijos veiklose, subjektyvių patirčių analizė / Analysis of people with disabilities subjective experiences of participation in nongovernmental organizationRuškys, Adolfas 12 December 2011 (has links)
Teorinė mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė parodė, kad socialinis dalyvavimas traktuojamas kaip daugialypis konstruktas apimantis skirtingomis formomis grįstą, aktyvų asmens dalyvavimą visuomenės gyvenime. Egzistuoja NVO apibrėžties problema, tačiau dažniausiai NVO apibūdinama kaip, bet kuri pelno nesiekianti organizacija, telkianti ir vienijanti žmones bendrų tikslų siekimui. Mokslinėje literatūroje akcentuojamas pozityvus NVO vaidmuo skatinant neįgaliųjų socialinį dalyvavimą, sprendžiant įvairias jų socialines problemas. Remiantis teorine analize, gyvenamoji teorija yra asmens paaiškinimas apie ugdomąjį poveikį savo paties mokymuisi, mokymuisi iš kitų, ir mokymuisi iš socialinių aplinkų. Socialinė pedagogika ir gyvenamoji teorija gali būti sietinos pedagoginės kilmės, mokymosi visą gyvenimą trukmės, naratyvinių socialinės pedagogikos žinių plėtotės ir refleksijų aspektais. Kokybiniu, grupinės diskusijos, metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – atskleisti subjektyvias neįgaliųjų dalyvavimo NVO veiklose patirtis. Empirinio tyrimo duomenys apibendrinti kokybinės turinio analizės metodu. / Theoretical analysis of scientific literature sources showed that social participation is construed as multiple construct covering different-form-based active participation of a person in social life. There exists a problem of the definition of NGO (non-governmental organization); however, NGO is most frequently defined as any non-profit organization uniting people in pursuit of common goals. Scientific literature focuses on the positive role of NGOs in encouragement of social participation of the disabled and in solving various social problems of this group of people. Based on the theoretical analysis, living theory is person’s explanation about the educational impact on the self-education, learning from others and learning from social environments. Social pedagogy and living theory may be of related educational origin, of life-long learning duration, development of knowledge of narrative social pedagogy and aspects of reflections.
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Kaimo bendruomenės narių socialinio dalyvavimo modeliavimas / Simulation of Social Participation of Village Community MembersČepienė, Aristida 06 June 2012 (has links)
A. Čepienė. Kaimo bendruomenės narių socialinio dalyvavimo modeliavimas. Socialinio darbo magistro studijų programos baigiamasis darbas. Darbo vadovas prof. dr. E. Acienė, Klaipėdos universitetas: Klaipėda, 2011. – 66 p.
Darbe atlikta teorinių šaltinių analizė. Pirmoje tyrimo dalyje pristatomas kiekybinis tyrimas, siekiant išsiaiškinti šiandieninio kaimo bendruomenės žmonių gyvenimą, jų veiklos galimybes, kuriant geresnį, aktyvesnį gyvenimą. Antroje tyrimo dalyje pristatomas kokybinis tyrimas, pasirenkant pusiau struktūruoto interviu metodą, siekiant patikslinti kaimo bendruomenių evoliucijos (raidos) įtaką, aplinkos poveikį kaimo bendruomenės veikloms, kaimo bendruomenių tikslus, veiklos struktūrą bei kaimo bendruomenių veiklų aktyvinimą.
Iškelta tyrimo hipotezė – nūdienos kaimo bendruomenės narių socialinis dalyvavimas bendruomenės veikloje nėra aktyvus, neturi aiškių dimensijų tiek turinio, tiek veiklų prasme.
Tyrimo objektas. Kaimo bendruomenės narių socialinio dalyvavimo modeliavimas.
Tyrimo tikslas – suformuoti kaimo bendruomenės socialinio dalyvavimo modelį paremtą aktyviu bendruomenės narių dalyvavimu socialinėse veiklose ir profesionalia socialinio darbuotojo pagalba.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: Atskleisti socialinį dalyvavimą aktyvioje ir atviroje kaimo bendruomenėje akcentuojant socialinio dalyvavimo fenomeną. Išanalizuoti kaimo bendruomenės socialinį dalyvavimą sprendžiant problemas, įvertinant bendruomenės socialinio dalyvavimo raišką socialinio darbo aspektu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A. Čepienė. Simulation of Social Participation of Village Community Members. The final paper of social work master‘s degree supervised by Prof. Dr. E. Acienė, Klaipėda University: Klaipėda, 2011–66 p.
The analysis of the theoretical sources is carried out in the work. In the first part of the study a quantative research aiming to find out today‘s rural community peoples‘ life, their work opportunities to create a better and more active life is presented. In the second part of the study a qualitative research having used a semi-structured interview method in order to clarify the influence of rural communities evolution, the impact of environment on activities in rural communities, the objectives and structure of activities of rural communities and activating of rural communities work is presented.
The hypothesis of the research is that today‘s rural community members‘ social participation is not active, with no clear content and work dimensions.
The object of the research is rural community members’ simulation of social participation.
The goal of the research is to establish a rural community-based model of social participation based on active community participation in social activities and a professional social worker‘s assistance.
The following are the tasks of the research: To reveal social participation within an active rural community emphasizing the phenomenon of social participation. To analyze the social participation of rural communities in solving problems... [to full text]
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Keturių Kauno universitetų studentų gyvensena ir fizinis aktyvumas / Lifestyle and physical activity of students from four Kaunas universitiesBalkūnas, Vytautas 20 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objiektas – Keturių Kauno universitetų bakalauro studijų (18 – 25 m.) studentai.
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti mitybos bei žalingų įpročių ir socialinio aktyvumo sąsajas su fiziniu aktyvumu tarp Kauno aukštųjų mokyklų studentų.
Hipotezė: gyvensenos ir fizinio aktyvumo analizė turėtų patvirtinti, kad pasyvesni studentai yra mažiau sveikesni ir turi daugiau žalingų įpročių, maitinasi nesveikai bei patiria didesnį stresą ir yra socialiai pasyvesni negu fiziškai aktyvūs studentai.
1. Įvertinti aukštųjų mokyklų studentų gyvensenos įpročius.
2. Įvertinti aukštųjų mokyklų studentų socialinį aktyvumą.
3. Įvertinti Kauno aukštųjų mokyklų studentų fizinį aktyvumą ir apžvelgti sveikatos aspektus.
4. Įvertinti Kauno aukštųjų mokyklų studentu fizinio aktyvumo, gyvensenos ir socialinio aktyvumo sąsajas.
Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas. Tyrime dalyvavo 200 Kauno keturių aukštųjų universitetų bakalauro studijų studentai, 99 vaikinai ir 101 mergina 18 – 25 metų amžiaus, tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis buvo 21,4 ± 2,3 m. Dalyvavo įvairaus profilio būsimų specialistų: LKKA Biomedicinos fakulteto studentai, VDU Socialinių mokslų fakulteto studentai, KTU Humanitarinių mokslų fakulteto studentai ir ASU Agronomijos fakulteto studentai.Anketinės apklausos metodu tirti keturi Kauno universitetų bakalauro studijų studentų gyvensenos ir fizinio aktyvumo aspektai. Pirmoji anketos dalis, skirta išsiaiškinti studentų gyvensenos veiksnius. Antrąja anketos dalimi siekiama įvertinti studentų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of investigation – Undergraduate studies (18 – 25 ages) students of four Kaunas university.
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between dietary habbits, risky behaviour, social participation and physical activity among students of four universities in Kaunas.
Hypothesis – physical activity and lifestyle analysis should confirm that passive students are less healthy, they have more habits, eating unhealthy food, more socially passive and get more stress than active students.
1. To evaluate lifestyle habbits of students of four universities in Kaunas. .
2. To evaluate students social participation of four universities in Kaunas.
3. To evaluate students physical activity of four Kaunas universities and overview their health aspects.
4. To evaluate students physical activity, lifestyle and social activity interfaces of four Kaunas universities
The sample of the organization: The study included 200 undergraduate students from four universities in Kaunas: 99 guys and 101 girls aged 18-25 took part in the reseach. The average age of subjects was 21.4 ± 2.3. The studies included future specialists of various fields: LAPE – Faculty of Biomedical Sciences students, VMU – Faculty of Social Sciences students, KTU Faculty of Humanities students and ASU – Faculty of Agronomy students. Using the questionnaire survey method the aspects of physical activity and lifestyles of the undergraduate students of four Kaunas universities were... [to full text]
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Understanding participatory development in Barangay Lumangan, Miagao, Iloilo, PhilippinesFernandez, Pepito R. January 1997 (has links)
In recent years, "participatory development" has gained popularity in development circles. It has been recognized that participatory approaches in development programs and projects can help in meeting the conventional development objectives of economic growth and equity as well as more recent concerns of sustainability, good governance and democratisation. / This is a qualitative study examines the theory and practice of people's participation in development programs and projects on a micro level. The objective study is to understand community participation structures in Barangay Lumangan, a village on the University of the Philippines in the Visayas (UPV) campus in Miagao, Province of Iloilo, Philippines. This is accomplished by assessing the depth and scope of peoples participation in the decision making, implementation and benefits acquisition in two development programs/projects: the Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition (BIDANI) and the Community-Based Health Care program (CBHP). An attempt is also made to assess the performance of an area-based development consortium (composed of a state university, government agencies and nongovernmental organizations) in strengthening local organizations within the context of the two development programs/projects they have setup. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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The role of social participation in municipal-level health systems : the case of Palencia, GuatemalaRuano, Ana Lorena January 2012 (has links)
Background: Social participation has been recognized as an important public health policy since the declaration of Alma-Ata presented it as one of the pillars of primary health care in 1978. Since then, there have been many adaptations to the original policy recommendations, but participation in health is still seen as a means to make the health system more responsive to local health needs, and as a way to bring the health sector and the community closer together. Aim: To explore the role that social participation has in a municipal-level health system in Guatemala in order to inform future policies and programs. Methods: The fieldwork for this study was carried out over eight months and three field visits between early January of 2009 and late March of 2010. During this time, 38 indepth interviews with provincial and district-level health authorities, municipal authorities, community representatives and community health workers were conducted. Using an overall applied ethnographic approach, the main means of data collection were participant observation, in-depth interviews, group discussions and informal conversations. The data was analyzed in two different rounds. In the first one we used documentary analysis, role-ordered matrices and thematic analsis (see papers I-IV) and in the second round, thematic analysis was utilized. Results: We found four themes that frame what the role of social participation in the municipality of Palencia is. The first theme presents the historical, political and social context that has contributed to shaping the participation policies and practices in Guatemala as a whole. The second theme takes a deeper look at these policies and how they have been received in the municipality of Palencia. The third theme presents data regarding the three situated practices of participation, each occurring at a different level: municipal, community and the individual level. Finally, the last theme presents reflections on what it means to participate to the people that were involved in this study. Conclusion: In the process of social participation there are two different and complementary kinds of power that depend on the amount and the kind of resources available at each level of the participation structure. Stakeholders that have higher levels of power to formulate policies will have better access to financial, human and material resources while stakeholders that have higher levels of power to implement policies will have resources like community legitimacy, knowledge of local culture, values and mores, as well as a deep understanding of local social processes. The coordination of financial, human and material resources is just as important as the legitimacy that comes from having community leaders involved in more steps of the process. True collaboration can only be obtained through the promotion and creation of meaningful partnerships between institutional stakeholders and community leaders and other stakeholders that are working at the community level. For this to happen, more structured support for the participation process in the form of clear policies, funding and capacity building is needed.
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Relationen mellan självkänsla, betyg, fysisk aktivitet och social deaktighet hos gymnasieelever: en korrelationsstudieSörbrand, Niclas January 2014 (has links)
Research has shown positive correlations between global self-esteem and physical activity, as well as between global self-esteem and school performance. However, research is ambiguous and other variables have shown importance for global self-esteem. This study aims to investigate the correlations between global self-esteem and physical activities, school performance and social participations within high-school students in the northern part of Sweden. The study also investigates gender differences regarding correlations between the variables. The study was conducted using a questionnaire that included Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and self-rated physical activity, social participation and grades in Swedish, English and mathematics. Results showed a positive correlation between physical activities and global self-esteem for the group as a whole, which confirms previous research. Global self-esteem showed correlation with collective physical activities and total school performance, among teenage girls. For teenage boys global self-esteem showed correlation with individual physical activities and the grade in mathematics. / Forskning har kunnat visa positiva samband mellan global självkänsla och fysisk aktivitet, samt mellan global självkänsla och skolprestation. Men forskningen är tvetydig, och även andra variabler har visat sig ha betydelse för den globala självkänslan. Studien syftar till att undersöka den globala självkänslans samband med fysisk aktivitet, skolprestation och social delaktighet hos norrländska gymnasieungdomar. Studien undersökte även olikheter mellan könen gällande korrelationer mellan variablerna. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av ett frågeformulär som inkluderade Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale samt självskattad fysisk aktivitet, social delaktighet samt betyg i grundämnena svenska, matematik och engelska. Resultatet visade på ett positivt samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och global självkänsla för gruppen som helhet, vilket är i linje med tidigare forskning för tonårstjejer korrelerade global självkänsla med kollektiva fysiska aktiviteter och skolprestation som helhet. För tonårskillar korrelerade global självkänsla med individuella fysiska aktiviteter samt betyg i matematik.
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Negotiating fences : interaction in advisory encounters for nature conservation /Bergeå, Hanna Ljunggren, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Changing interactions between humans and nature in Sarayaku, Ecuadorian Amazon /Sirén, Anders, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2004.
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