Spelling suggestions: "subject:": bullying""
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Psychologické aspekty kyberšikany / Psychological aspects of cyberbullyingŠmolka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Psychological aspects of cyberbullying" deals with bullying, modern ways of communication and cyberbullying. It brings the main psychological knowledge connected to bullying, inquires into phenomena of communication using modern technologies and presents fundamental information about cyberbullying. The research part consists of qualitative and quantitative research. The purpose of qualitative research was to chart the phenomena connected to bullying and cyberbullying. The quantitative one informs then about the incidence of bullying and cyberbullying in the Czech Republic and conducts a survey of feelings, which are experienced by the victims of bullying and cyberbullying. The important part of the thesis is the statistical reliance analysis of those feelings according to various factors.
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Rizika užívání Facebooku a pedagogické možnosti jejich prevence / The Dangers of Using Facebook and the Pedagogical Ways to Prevent ItWindischová, Anita January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with dangers connected with using of internet social network Facebook concerning mainly children and teenagers and it suggests possible ways to reduce these dangers. At the beginning Facebook principles and the basic psychological characteritics of the Internet, which are relevant also for Facebook, are presented. It implies some negatives and risks connected with using Facebook which are described in the next parts of the thesis. There is a focus on dangerous phenomena which include cybergrooming, cyberstalking and cyberbullying. The text deals with their prevention and possible resolution. The thesis discusses possible ways of prevention of risks of internet communication with the focus on Facebook and it presents projects dealing with the prevention in this area. Empirical part of the thesis examines relation between risk behaviour and awareness of dangers and safer using of Facebook. The questionnaire survey was made and it concerns pupils of the second grade of primary school from Kadaň. It also examines connection between risk behaviour and the frequency of meeting some undesirable situations described in the theoretical part and it deals with differences between boys and girls in this field.
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Les effets de la cyberintimidation chez les filles qui en sont la cibleRyan, Nancy 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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STRESS OCH SOCIALA MEDIER : En kvantitativ studie om sociala medievanor och stress bland ungdomar i Västmanland.Andreas, Rödlund January 2019 (has links)
Background: In recent years, the mental health has decreased among adolescents. They experience stress, and this is especially most evident amongst girls in school age. The usage of internet and social media has increased since the beginning of the twenty-first century. There are previous studies proving that social media have a profound impact on individuals. Research shows that social media creates an unhealthy comparison between individuals resulting in skewed norms and the phenomena of cyberbullying is increasing. Other studies indicate that people experience it as stressful to constantly be connected. However, research has also showed that social media increases globalization as well as access to a new social context for individuals. Aim: To investigate the occurrence and correlation between social media use and stress, the occurrence and connection of violations on social media and stress and whether there are differences in gender in social media habits and stress among adolescents in Västmanland. Method: Quantitative method with cross-sectional design was used to analyze the occurrence and correlation between adolescent’s social media habits and stress. This study is based on data from the Survey of “Adolescent Life in Västmanland - 2017” which included 3951 students from the 9th grade of primary school and 2nd in high school. Results: The results of this study show there is stress among adolescents, use of social medias and cyberbullying occur. There is a correlation between social media use and stress. Adolescents who use social media one or more times an hour are also “quite” or “very “stressed. Adolescents who experienced cyberbullying are more likely to be “quite” or “very” stressed. There occurs a difference in gender between adolescents that use social medias one or more times an hour. Girls use social media more frequently than boys. There are also difference in gender regarding stress, girls are more likely to be “quite” or “very” stressed. Conclusions: A correlation can be found between high-frequency social media use and adolescents who are quite or very stressed. There is also a correlation between adolescents who experience cyberbullying and adolescents who are quite or very stressed. There different reasons for that, but subjective standards that require constant connection, an unhealthy comparison between individuals and different ruling techniques online are factors that influence. / Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan ökar bland ungdomar, under tid har sociala medieanvändandet ökat. Det finns studier som visat att sociala medier påverkar individens hälsa, exempelvis genom stress. Sociala medier kan ge tillgång till ett nytt socialt sammanhang samtidigt medför det en stress att exempelvis vara konstant uppkopplad mot dessa plattformar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka förekomst och samband mellan sociala medieanvändning, kränkningar på sociala medier och stress samt att undersöka om det finns könsskillnader hos ungdomar i Västmanland. Metod: I föreliggande studie används kvantitativ metod med tvärsnittsdesign. Studien baseras på sekundärdata från”Liv och Hälsa ung Västmanland – 2017”. Resultat: Studien visar att det föreligger samband mellan sociala medieanvändning och stress samt mellan kränkningar och stress. Ungdomar som är uppkopplade mot sociala medier en eller flera gånger i timmen är med högre sannolikhet också stressade. Ungdomar som blivit kränkta på sociala medier är också med högre sannolikhet stressade. Det råder även könsskillnader inom sociala medieanvändning, tjejer är mer aktiva än killar. Tjejer är även mer stressade än killar. Slutsatser: Det finns samband mellan sociala medieanvändning och stress samt kränkningar på sociala medier och stress. Det förekommer även könsskillnader i sociala medieanvändning och stress.
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#stopmomshaming : En kvalitativ textanalys om hur en influencer, som har blivit utsatt för näthat i form av mom-shaming, framställer sin roll som mamma på Instagram / #stopmomshaming : A qualitative text analysis of how an influencer, whom has been a victim of cyberhate in terms of mom-shaming, mediates her role as a mother on InstagramEriksson, Thea, Lennermo, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Starkt historiskt och kulturellt rotade normer kan vara problematiska eftersom personer som avviker från dem riskerar att bli utsatta för hat. Mom-shaming är ett begrepp som beskriver fenomenet när kvinnor får kritik för sitt sätt att vara i sin roll som mamma. En mamma som har blivit utsatt för mom- shaming är influencern Ida Warg. Syftet med studien är att genom ett genusperspektiv, kvalitativt och semiotiskt analysera influencern Ida Wargs bildkommunikation på Instagram för att se om hon framställer sin roll som mamma på ett normativt sätt. Genom att redogöra för vad bilden vill göra med betraktaren – påverka och engagera, eller erbjuda – fastställs vilken betydelse genus har för skapandet av mammarollen. Tio utvalda bilder analyseras utifrån sju kategorier som är kopplade till kvinnans roll som mamma: Moderskap, Omsorg och uppfostran, Traditionell kärnfamilj, Betalt arbete, Fritid, Miljö, samt Skönhet. Resultatet visar att historiska normer kopplade till mammarollen är ett faktum även i dagens samhälle. Ida Warg bekräftar flera förlegade normer i sin bildkommunikation samtidigt som hon diskret utmanar andra. Studien redovisar att normer är underliggande strukturer som påverkar vårt samhälle. Genom att problematisera mom-shaming belyses därmed vikten av medvetandegörandet och ifrågasättandet av normer. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur sociala mediers makt kan både vara orsak till och lösning på problemet med mom-shaming. Lösningen kan förslagsvis ske genom uppmaning av användandet av hashtaggen #stopmomshaming. / Historically and culturally norms are socially acceptable and can be problematic for people who behave in nonconformity with them because of risk of garner hatred. Mom-shaming is a term that describes the phenomenon when women get criticism and hatred for their act in their role of mother. A woman whom has been subject to this shaming, is mother and influencer Ida Warg. With the purpose of studying norms associated with female role as mother, this paper analyzes the visual design and composition of ten photographs posted by Ida Warg to her Instagram. Theories of gender and semiotics are used as frameworks, for qualitatively study if Ida Warg mediates her role as a mother normatively on her Instagram. The photographs are analyzed according to seven categories associated with mothering: Motherhood, Care and raise of child, Traditional nuclear family, Paid work, Leisure time, Entourage and Beauty. Considering the female role as mother, the result shows that historically rooted norms are still a fact. This paper argues for Ida Warg both certifying and challenging the social norms associated with mothering. Finally, this paper discusses how obsolete norm associated with the female role as mother, as a result of cyberhate such as mom-shaming, lingers and prevents gender equality. Henceforth, this paper also discusses the power of social media, being both reason why and solution to mom-shaming. One solution may be the exhortation of the hashtag #stopmomshaming.
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Rizikové chování na sociálních sítích a jeho prevence u žáků základních a středních škol / Risky Behaviour of Elementary and Secondary School Pupils on Social Networks and Its PreventionBotlík, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The following final thesis "Risky behaviour of lower and upper secondary school students on social networks and its prevention" introduces the topic of primary prevention of cyberbullying and security on social networks with regards to their current use by lower and upper secondary school students. Another aim of the thesis is to ascertain which forms of risky social behaviour the target groups currently encounter on social networks and to find out the ways in which these social networks are used (the most commonly used applications, the frequency of their use etc.). The thesis doesn't focus solely on social networks, it also addresses the subject matter of critical thinking since one of the problematic aspects of using social networks by young people is the fact that they use multiple sources of information without further verification. Following the results of the research, short-term activities of primary prevention for both target groups are proposed. They aim to encourage the development of critical thinking and media studies. The proposed activities can be further incorporated into long-term prevention programmes. They include recommendations for teacher lesson planning and self-study tips. The content of the activities is based on the study of both theoretical and methodological...
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La cyberviolence entre adolescents : prévalence, nature et processus en milieu scolaire / Cyberviolence among adolescents : prevalence, nature and process in schoolsBerguer, Aurélie 14 November 2014 (has links)
Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont de plus en plus accessibles et utilisées au quotidien, en particulier par les jeunes. Si ces nouvelles formes d’interactions sociales sont porteuses de diverses opportunités (Valkenburg, 2010), elles font émerger dans le même temps des formes de violence inédites. Les recherches sur la cyberviolence se sont considérablement développées depuis les années 2000 au niveau mondial. En France, toutefois, mis à part les travaux de Blaya (2010, 2013), les recherches dans ce domaine restent rares et peu de données relatives à la prévalence, à la nature et aux mécanismes de ce phénomène sont disponibles. L’objectif de cette thèse est, par conséquent, d’évaluer l’ampleur de la cyberviolence entre adolescents en France, d’analyser les caractéristiques de cette nouvelle forme de violence et d’explorer ses processus en lien avec le milieu scolaire, notamment le climat scolaire. A cette fin, nous avons mené une enquête de victimation et de violence auto-reportée auprès de 3586 collégiens et lycéens répartis dans plusieurs académies. Les données recueillies nous permettent de mettre en évidence les taux d’adolescents qui déclarent avoir été victimes et/ou auteurs de chacune des formes de cyberviolence au cours de l’année scolaire. Une attention particulière est également portée à la mesure du cyberharcèlement, que nous choisissons de considérer comme une violence répétée et/ou cumulée. Enfin, des analyses statistiques visant à tester les effets des variables relatives aux caractéristiques sociodémographiques, aux pratiques numériques et à l’expérience de la cyberviolence sur la victimation et la perpétration sont effectuées. Il ressort principalement que la problématique de la cyberviolence est bien réelle même si le cyberharcèlement, dans ses formes les plus sévères, reste minoritaire. Afin de compléter l’enquête quantitative et « ouvrir la boîte noire », des entretiens ont par ailleurs été menés auprès de 34 collégiens. Notre ambition est d’approfondir notre compréhension de l’expérience vécue par les acteurs en interrogeant leurs logiques d’action et le sens qu’ils leur confèrent. Nos analyses permettent, entre autres, d’observer un lien entre les rapports sociaux dans le contexte scolaire et dans le contexte numérique. Ces résultats permettent de souligner l’intérêt d’une prise en compte de l’environnement scolaire, en particulier du climat scolaire, dans la lutte contre la cyberviolence. / Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are more and more daily accessible and used, especially by young people. These new types of social interactions offer various opportunities (Valkenburg, 2010). At the same time, they bring also with them new forms of violence. Research on cyberviolence has developed considerably worldwide since the beginning of the millennium. However, in France, except the work of Blaya (2010, 2013), research in this area remains rare and few data about the occurrence, nature and mechanisms of this phenomenon are available. Consequently, the objective of this thesis is to assess the extent of cyberviolence amongst adolescents in France, as well as to analyze the characteristics of this new form of violence, and finally to explore its processes related to school context, especially school climate. To do so, we carried out a victimization and self-reported violence survey on 3586 secondary schools students in several school authorities/boards. The collected data allow us to highlight the percentage of adolescents who reported to have been victims and/or authors of each types of violence during the school year. A special care was paid to the measurement of cyberbullying, which we defined as a repeated and/or cumulated violence. Finally, statistical analysis were made in order to test the effects of sociodemographic variables, digital practices and cyberviolence experiences on victimization and perpetration. It mainly appears that cyberviolence is a real problem although the most severe forms of cyberbullying remains low. To complete the quantitative survey and “open the black box”, interviews were conducted with 34 middle school students. Our aim was to deepen our understanding of the experience of the actors, by questioning them on their logics of action and the meaning they confer. Among other things, our analysis enabled us to observe a link between the social relations in the school context and in the digital context. These results emphasize the need to consider school environment, notably school climate, to fight against cyberviolence.
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Middle School Teachers' Perspectives of Classroom BullyingBrown, Sareta Valdez 01 January 2014 (has links)
Teachers are faced with numerous interruptive bullying behaviors in middle school classrooms, which brought the quality of education into question. Bullying victims have shown decreased rates of academic success, measured by lower grades, compared to those not involved in bullying. The purpose of this basic interpretative qualitative study was to explore the phenomenon of classroom bullying from the perspectives and experiences of 10 middle school teachers. The research questions examined teachers' experiences in witnessing bullying in their classrooms and the strategies they used to identify and effectively avert bullying in school. Bandura's theories of moral disengagement and social learning theory of aggression informed and provided a framework for the research process. Information was gathered from 10 purposefully selected middle school teachers through personal interviews. Data analysis included coding, categorizing, and thematic analysis. The resulting themes revealed that teachers and school counselors played the most important role in bullying prevention. Physical, verbal, and cyberbullying were perceived as the major types of bullying in the middle school. Teachers reported that more bullying professional development was needed. Given the negative short and long term outcomes associated with bullying, the bullying phenomenon merits serious attention for preventive intervention. Social change will be realized when teachers become more knowledgeable of specific school bullying policies and are able to respond effectively to bullying incidents in schools. Subsequently, students will be able to enter peaceful, productive classrooms and schools.
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Marketing health issues to tweens : recommendations for reaching this demographic more effectivelyKelly, Erin Joy 20 February 2012 (has links)
This paper explores public health campaigns as they relate to tweens and their use of technology. After considering how this demographic utilizes both traditional and new media, further examination was done on general health problems that affect this group. Three major health issues were then chosen for analysis. A relevant campaign for each issue was also evaluated, as were its overall marketing and communication efforts. The health problems and corresponding campaigns chosen include childhood obesity and the “Let’s Move” campaign, electronic aggression and the “Stop Bullying” campaign and youth suicide and the “WeCanHelpUs” campaign. From these analyses, recommendations for ways to improve each campaign were provided, as were general conclusions for reaching this demographic more efficiently and effectively. / text
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Online social networking and the impact on well-being : implications for school counselorsButler, Meagan Genell Irish 11 November 2010 (has links)
The current report reviews the recent literature on online social networking (Facebook and MySpace) and its psychological impact on students. Both the negative and positive effects of online social networking are explored. According to the literature, cyberbullying and sexting have the greatest negative impact on students. However, students greatly benefit from the social capital and friendship maintenance that online social networking provides. Intervention and prevention strategies for the negative consequences of online social networking are included. Finally, this report provides suggestions for counselors and teachers to help students safely use technology. / text
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