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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A complex systems perspective on communities and tourism : a comparison of two case studies in Kaikoura and Rotorua

Horn, Chrys January 2002 (has links)
This thesis analyses research into the evolution and adaptation of the communities in Rotorua and Kaikoura by using a complex systems perspective. This perspective requires that the analyst look beyond the obvious impacts of tourism such as employment, crowding, and congestion, to the processes that underlie the experiences of local people in relation to tourism. The configuration of the destination, the flows of people in the area, the visitor types and the ratio of hosts to guests all influence a community's interactions with tourists. In small destinations, the effect of host interactions with guests is potentially much greater than is the case in larger destinations. However, in using a complex systems perspective to analyse the effects of tourism on these two destinations, it becomes clear that the impacts of tourism are more than just the impacts of tourists. The impacts of tourism are intertwined with the processes of trust, leadership and decision making occurring both within the community and within the wider regional and national socio-economic systems. As such, local perceptions of tourism are associated with history, geography, local politics and local social processes. As concepts, the meanings of both 'tourism' and 'community' emerge from the experiences people have, and the associations that they make with the two terms. Thus, the meaning of both 'tourism' and 'community' are idiosyncratic and locally defined. Each term means different things to residents in Rotorua and Kaikoura, and each affects how residents perceive tourism in their respective towns. For example, the associations that people make between historical events and processes such as restructuring are quite different in each of the two communities. In Rotorua, tourism is seen as a source of stability, as a phenomenon that confers a higher level of perceived control on the community. In Kaikoura, tourism is seen as a source of change and it confers a lesser sense of perceived control on the community overall. Likewise, the relationship between the local council and the community underlies the sense of security people feel about local decision making processes. This relationship is mediated by a range of processes including the effort that the council put into communicating with community members, the leadership shown by the council, the way in which they facilitate community visioning processes, which then provide a basis for both leadership and decision making. Underlying these processes are community processes of rivalry, competition, cooperation, labelling and stereotyping that all affect the levels of trust that the community have in those around them. Community cohesion (which is not the same as community agreement) underlies a community's ability to work together to manage tourism. Thus using a complex systems approach to analyse the impacts of tourism in two destinations has shown that there is much more to tourism than the impacts of tourists and their activities. Instead, the way the community system interacts with the tourism system gives rise to the impacts of tourism. Tourism can be usefully conceptualised as a process that is inextricably interwoven with history, politics and community interaction processes at the destination level. Perceptions of tourism reflect these processes and the understanding that local people have of them, and the level of control that they feel they have over tourism development. With little trust in local decision making processes, people have a low sense of control over how tourism development affects them. In tourism planning, therefore, it may be more effective to focus primarily on the processes by which tourism development and management occurs in the local area and to look at mitigating the effects of tourists only after building community capacity to adaptively manage tourism in their area. Communities need a sense of control over their world, and this is only undermined when experts and institutions try to advise courses of action without involving a range of community players in the process of managing tourism. Thus, government and other organisations and institutions at local level must focus on working with communities to build local capacity to manage tourism, without imposing on those communities to convince them to 'treat tourists well' or to manage their environment better, so they become more attractive as a destination.

Health and Nutrition in the Tarahumara of Northern Mexico : Studies among Women and Children / Hälsa och nutrition hos Tarahumara indianer i Norra Mexiko : Studier på kvinnor och barn

Monárrez-Espino, Joel January 2004 (has links)
<p>Belonging to an indigenous group in Mexico is usually associated with poor health, mainly as the result of social isolation from the mainstream society. The Tarahumara are no exception. They constitute the largest indigenous group in northern Mexico and one of the most marginalized ethnic minorities in North America. Health conditions are precarious, yet very little data are available to facilitate the design and implementation of programs to prevent and manage the main public health problems affecting this people. This thesis aims at overcoming part of this information gap. It presents and discusses the results from studies focusing on the nutrition of women and children carried out between 1997 and 2002.</p><p>A survey in a representative district sample of Tarahumara women of reproductive age found the highest prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in their third trimester (38.5%) and those lactating during the first 6 months after delivery (42.9%), along with a high prevalence of iron deficiency. In this study a technique was developed to collect capillary serum samples spotted onto filter paper to measure serum ferritin in remote settings. In the same study, 52.5% of adult women were overweight, suggesting a process of ‘de-Indianization’ of their traditional diet and activity patterns. This issue was followed-up in a later study based on perceptions of food and body shape using cognitive anthropological methods. Speaking Spanish emerged as a clear indication of acculturation that could be associated with an increase in the prevalence of obesity and its consequences. A nutrition survey among Tarahumara children at boarding schools found evidence of zinc, vitamin B<sub>12</sub>, iron, and iodine deficiencies but found similar anthropometric status to other rural Mexicans. Finally, a qualitative assessment was carried out to identify culturally accepted foods to redesign a food aid basket aimed at alleviating malnutrition among young Tarahumara children.</p><p>The results from this thesis provide relevant data for an improved design of interventions to combat and prevent some of the nutritional problems that affect the Tarahumara. These data could also constitute a baseline to which future changes can be compared if similar sampling strategies are used. Overall, the findings highlight the importance and challenge of achieving modernization in a way that not only improves health but at the same time supports, maintains and encourages traditional cultural values. These are not only the foundations of the Tarahumara society, but in some cases also contribute to a better diet and health.</p> / <p>Die Zugehörigkeit zu einer eingeborenen Volksgemeinschaft Mexikos wird gewöhnlich mit einem schlechten Gesundheitszustand, aufgrund sozialer Isolation von der allgemeinen Gesellschaft, verbunden. Die Tarahumara-Indianer sind dabei keine Ausnahme. Sie stellen eine der größten Eingeborenengruppen im Norden des Landes dar und sind eine der ausgeschlossensten ethnischen Minderheiten in Nordamerika. Der Gesundheitszustand ist prekär, da sehr wenige Daten existieren, um die Gestaltung und Einführung von Programmen zur Prävention und Handhabung der, diese Menschen betreffenden, hauptsächlichen Probleme im Gesundheitswesen, zu ermöglichen. Diese Dissertation beabsichtigt, Teil dieses Informationsdefizits zu beseitigen. Sie präsentiert und diskutiert die Ergebnisse von im Zeitraum 1997 bis 2002 durchgeführten Studien, welche die Ernährung der Tarahumarafrauen und -kinder fokussieren.</p><p>Eine Umfrage mit einer repräsentativen Stichprobe von Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter, im größten Tarahumara-Bezirk, ergab das höchste Vorkommen von Anämie bei schwangeren Frauen im dritten Trimester (38,5%) und bei solchen, die während der ersten 6 Monate nach der Geburt stillten (42,9%), bedingt durch Eisenmangel. Bei dieser Studie wurde eine Feldtechnik für weit entfernte Gebiete entwickelt, um die Ferritin-Konzentration in Kapillar-Serum auf Filter Papier zu messen. Dieselbe Studie zeigte eine Übergewichtsprävalenz von 52,5% bei erwachsenen Frauen, was auf einen Prozess einer „Entindianisierung“ ihrer traditionellen Diät und Aktivitätsmuster zurückzuführen ist. Dieses Thema wurde bei einer späteren Studie herangezogen, bei welcher der Eindruck von Nahrung und Körperumfang mit kognitiven anthropologischen Methoden evaluiert wurde. Spanisch zu sprechen erschien als eindeutige Indikation für Akkulturation, welche mit einer Zunahme des Vorhandenseins von Übergewicht und seiner Folgen assoziiert werden könnte. Eine Studie zu Schulkindern in Eingeboreneninternaten zeigte Beweise für Zink-, Vitamin B<sub>12</sub>-, Eisen- und Jodmangel, fand aber ähnliche anthropometrische Status wie bei ländlichen Mexikanerkindern. Schließlich wurde eine qualitative Studie durchgeführt, mit dem Ziel, kulturell akzeptierte Lebensmittel für die Neuentwerfung eines Warenkorbes zu identifizieren, um den Ernährungszustand von Kleinkindern zu verbessern.</p><p>Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation liefern relevante Daten für eine Verbesserung der Gestaltung von Programmen zur Bekämpfung und Prävention von Ernährungsproblemen, welche die Tarahumaras betreffen. Diese Informationen können auch als „Baseline“ benutzt werden, mit der zukünftige Veränderungen verglichen werden könnten, wenn ähnliche Stichprobenstrategien angewandt würden. Vor allem betonen die Ergebnisse, die Wichtigkeit und Herausforderung, eine Modernisierung zu erreichen, die nicht nur eine Verbesserung der Gesundheit mit sich bringt, sondern gleichzeitig auch, traditionelle Werte unterstützt, aufrechterhält und anregt, da diese Werte nicht nur die Grundlagen der Tarahumara- Gesellschaft sind, sondern in vielen Fällen zu einer besseren Diät und Gesundheit beisteuern.</p> / <p>Att tillhöra en infödd folkgrupp i Mexiko associeras oftast med ett dåligt hälsotillstånd, framför allt på grund av social isolering från det konventionella samhället. Tarahumara indianerna utgör inget undantag. De utgör den största gruppen av infödda i norra Mexiko och är en av de mest utsatta etniska minoriteterna i Nord Amerika. Det finns anledning att oroa sig för de rådande hälsovillkoren då mycket lite information finns tillgänglig för att underlätta utformandet och tillämpningen av program för att förebygga och handskas med de huvudsakliga hälsoproblemen som drabbar denna folkgrupp. Denna avhandling syftar till att försöka täcka upp delar av den informations brist som råder. I den presenteras och diskuteras resultaten från de studier, som inriktar sig på näringstillståndet hos tarahumara kvinnor och barn, genomförda mellan åren 1997 och 2002. </p><p>En studie i ett representativt distrikt med ett representativt urval av Tarahumara kvinnor i fertil ålder fann man högst prevalens av anemi bland de gravida kvinnorna som befann sig i sista trimestern (38,5 %) samt i gruppen ammande kvinnor under de 6 första månaderna efter förlossning (42,9 %), detta tillsammans med en hög prevalens av järnbrist. I denna studie utvecklades en metod för insamling av kapillära serum prover som droppades på filter papper för att därefter analysera serum ferritin halten vid avsides liggande sättningar. I samma studie fann man även att 52,5 % av de vuxna kvinnorna var överviktiga, vilket skulle kunna antyda om en “avindianiserings-process” av deras traditionella diet och aktivitets mönster. Detta fynd följdes upp i en senare studie som grundade sig på föreställningar om mat och kroppsform, genom att använda kognitiva antropologiska metoder. Att vara spansktalande framträdde som ett tydligt tecken på kulturförändring som skulle kunna sammankopplas med en ökning i prevalensen av övervikt och dess konsekvenser. En skolbaserad nutritions studie bland Tarahumara barn vid internatskolor visade brist på zink, vitamin B<sub>12</sub>, järn och jod, dock var dessa fynd likvärdiga med uppmätta värden bland barn på den mexikanska landsbygden. Slutligen genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med avsikt att identifiera kulturellt accepterade maträtter och därigenom kunna omforma regeringens rådande sammansättning av livsmedelsbistånd, med syfte att mildra undernäringen bland unga Tarahumara barn.</p><p>Resultaten från denna avhandling ger relevanta data för en förbättrad utformning av interventionsprogram för att bekämpa och förhindra en del av de nutritions problem som drabbar Tarahumara indianerna. Dessa data skulle också kunna utgöra en referenslinje med vilken framtida förändringar kan jämföras med såvida liknande provtagnings rutiner används. Generellt, belyser resultaten vikten och utmaningen att uppnå modernisering på ett sätt som inte enbart förbättrar hälsoläget men som samtidigt upprätthåller och uppmuntrar till att behålla traditionella värderingar. Dessa utgör inte enbart grunden för Tarahumara samhället utan bidrar även därigenom i en del fall till en bättre kosthållning och bättre hälsa.</p> / <p>La pertenencia a un grupo indígena en México se asocia frecuentemente a una salud pobre principalmente como resultado del aislamiento social de la sociedad Mexicana. Los Tarahumaras no son la excepción. Constituyen el grupo indígena más grande del norte del país y una de las minorías étnicas más marginadas de Norteamérica. A pesar de que sus condiciones de salud son precarias, existe muy poca información disponible que facilite el diseño e implementación de programas para prevenir y tratar los problemas de salud pública más importantes que les aquejan. Así pues, esta tesis tiene por objeto cubrir parte de esta falta de información. Presenta y discute resultados de estudios enfocados a la nutrición de mujeres y niños llevados a cabo entre 1997 y 2002.</p><p>Una encuesta en una muestra municipal representativa de mujeres Tarahumaras en edad reproductiva mostró la más alta prevalencia de anemia en las embarazadas en el tercer trimestre (38.5%) y las lactantes durante los primeros 6 meses después del parto (42.9%) paralelamente a una alta prevalencia de deficiencia de hierro. En este estudio, se desarrolló una técnica para la toma de muestras de suero capilar en papel filtro para medir los niveles de ferritina sérica en zonas remotas. Asimismo se encontró un 52.5% de sobrepeso en las mujeres adultas, sugiriendo un proceso de “deindigenización” de los patrones dietéticos y de actividad física tradicionales. Este tópico fue seguido en un estudio posterior sobre percepciones de la alimentación y apariencia corporal de la mujer Tarahumara utilizando métodos de antropología cognoscitiva. Hablar español emergió como un claro indicio de aculturación que podría estar asociado a un incremento en la prevalencia de obesidad y sus consecuencias. Una encuesta nutricional con niños Tarahumaras de albergues escolares mostró evidencia de deficiencia de cinc, vitamina B<sub>12</sub>, hierro y yodo pero encontró un estado antropométrico similar al de otros niños mexicanos del medio rural. Finalmente, se condujo una evaluación cualitativa para identificar alimentos culturalmente aceptables para rediseñar una canasta de ayuda alimentaria con el objeto de aliviar la desnutrición infantil.</p><p>Los resultados de esta tesis ofrecen información relevante para el mejoramiento del diseño de intervenciones para combatir y prevenir algunos de los problemas nutricios que afectan a los Tarahumaras. De utilizarse estrategias muestrales similares, esta información podría además constituir el punto de comparación para evaluar cambios futuros. Pero sobre todo, los hallazgos apuntan a la importancia y el desafío para alcanzar una modernización que no solo mejore la salud de los indígenas, sino que además apoye, mantenga y promueva los valores culturales tradicionales, pues estos, además de conformar los cimientos de la sociedad Tarahumara, pueden en varios casos contribuir a una mejor nutrición y salud.</p>

Health and Nutrition in the Tarahumara of Northern Mexico : Studies among Women and Children / Hälsa och nutrition hos Tarahumara indianer i Norra Mexiko : Studier på kvinnor och barn

Monárrez-Espino, Joel January 2004 (has links)
Belonging to an indigenous group in Mexico is usually associated with poor health, mainly as the result of social isolation from the mainstream society. The Tarahumara are no exception. They constitute the largest indigenous group in northern Mexico and one of the most marginalized ethnic minorities in North America. Health conditions are precarious, yet very little data are available to facilitate the design and implementation of programs to prevent and manage the main public health problems affecting this people. This thesis aims at overcoming part of this information gap. It presents and discusses the results from studies focusing on the nutrition of women and children carried out between 1997 and 2002. A survey in a representative district sample of Tarahumara women of reproductive age found the highest prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in their third trimester (38.5%) and those lactating during the first 6 months after delivery (42.9%), along with a high prevalence of iron deficiency. In this study a technique was developed to collect capillary serum samples spotted onto filter paper to measure serum ferritin in remote settings. In the same study, 52.5% of adult women were overweight, suggesting a process of ‘de-Indianization’ of their traditional diet and activity patterns. This issue was followed-up in a later study based on perceptions of food and body shape using cognitive anthropological methods. Speaking Spanish emerged as a clear indication of acculturation that could be associated with an increase in the prevalence of obesity and its consequences. A nutrition survey among Tarahumara children at boarding schools found evidence of zinc, vitamin B12, iron, and iodine deficiencies but found similar anthropometric status to other rural Mexicans. Finally, a qualitative assessment was carried out to identify culturally accepted foods to redesign a food aid basket aimed at alleviating malnutrition among young Tarahumara children. The results from this thesis provide relevant data for an improved design of interventions to combat and prevent some of the nutritional problems that affect the Tarahumara. These data could also constitute a baseline to which future changes can be compared if similar sampling strategies are used. Overall, the findings highlight the importance and challenge of achieving modernization in a way that not only improves health but at the same time supports, maintains and encourages traditional cultural values. These are not only the foundations of the Tarahumara society, but in some cases also contribute to a better diet and health. / Die Zugehörigkeit zu einer eingeborenen Volksgemeinschaft Mexikos wird gewöhnlich mit einem schlechten Gesundheitszustand, aufgrund sozialer Isolation von der allgemeinen Gesellschaft, verbunden. Die Tarahumara-Indianer sind dabei keine Ausnahme. Sie stellen eine der größten Eingeborenengruppen im Norden des Landes dar und sind eine der ausgeschlossensten ethnischen Minderheiten in Nordamerika. Der Gesundheitszustand ist prekär, da sehr wenige Daten existieren, um die Gestaltung und Einführung von Programmen zur Prävention und Handhabung der, diese Menschen betreffenden, hauptsächlichen Probleme im Gesundheitswesen, zu ermöglichen. Diese Dissertation beabsichtigt, Teil dieses Informationsdefizits zu beseitigen. Sie präsentiert und diskutiert die Ergebnisse von im Zeitraum 1997 bis 2002 durchgeführten Studien, welche die Ernährung der Tarahumarafrauen und -kinder fokussieren. Eine Umfrage mit einer repräsentativen Stichprobe von Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter, im größten Tarahumara-Bezirk, ergab das höchste Vorkommen von Anämie bei schwangeren Frauen im dritten Trimester (38,5%) und bei solchen, die während der ersten 6 Monate nach der Geburt stillten (42,9%), bedingt durch Eisenmangel. Bei dieser Studie wurde eine Feldtechnik für weit entfernte Gebiete entwickelt, um die Ferritin-Konzentration in Kapillar-Serum auf Filter Papier zu messen. Dieselbe Studie zeigte eine Übergewichtsprävalenz von 52,5% bei erwachsenen Frauen, was auf einen Prozess einer „Entindianisierung“ ihrer traditionellen Diät und Aktivitätsmuster zurückzuführen ist. Dieses Thema wurde bei einer späteren Studie herangezogen, bei welcher der Eindruck von Nahrung und Körperumfang mit kognitiven anthropologischen Methoden evaluiert wurde. Spanisch zu sprechen erschien als eindeutige Indikation für Akkulturation, welche mit einer Zunahme des Vorhandenseins von Übergewicht und seiner Folgen assoziiert werden könnte. Eine Studie zu Schulkindern in Eingeboreneninternaten zeigte Beweise für Zink-, Vitamin B12-, Eisen- und Jodmangel, fand aber ähnliche anthropometrische Status wie bei ländlichen Mexikanerkindern. Schließlich wurde eine qualitative Studie durchgeführt, mit dem Ziel, kulturell akzeptierte Lebensmittel für die Neuentwerfung eines Warenkorbes zu identifizieren, um den Ernährungszustand von Kleinkindern zu verbessern. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation liefern relevante Daten für eine Verbesserung der Gestaltung von Programmen zur Bekämpfung und Prävention von Ernährungsproblemen, welche die Tarahumaras betreffen. Diese Informationen können auch als „Baseline“ benutzt werden, mit der zukünftige Veränderungen verglichen werden könnten, wenn ähnliche Stichprobenstrategien angewandt würden. Vor allem betonen die Ergebnisse, die Wichtigkeit und Herausforderung, eine Modernisierung zu erreichen, die nicht nur eine Verbesserung der Gesundheit mit sich bringt, sondern gleichzeitig auch, traditionelle Werte unterstützt, aufrechterhält und anregt, da diese Werte nicht nur die Grundlagen der Tarahumara- Gesellschaft sind, sondern in vielen Fällen zu einer besseren Diät und Gesundheit beisteuern. / Att tillhöra en infödd folkgrupp i Mexiko associeras oftast med ett dåligt hälsotillstånd, framför allt på grund av social isolering från det konventionella samhället. Tarahumara indianerna utgör inget undantag. De utgör den största gruppen av infödda i norra Mexiko och är en av de mest utsatta etniska minoriteterna i Nord Amerika. Det finns anledning att oroa sig för de rådande hälsovillkoren då mycket lite information finns tillgänglig för att underlätta utformandet och tillämpningen av program för att förebygga och handskas med de huvudsakliga hälsoproblemen som drabbar denna folkgrupp. Denna avhandling syftar till att försöka täcka upp delar av den informations brist som råder. I den presenteras och diskuteras resultaten från de studier, som inriktar sig på näringstillståndet hos tarahumara kvinnor och barn, genomförda mellan åren 1997 och 2002. En studie i ett representativt distrikt med ett representativt urval av Tarahumara kvinnor i fertil ålder fann man högst prevalens av anemi bland de gravida kvinnorna som befann sig i sista trimestern (38,5 %) samt i gruppen ammande kvinnor under de 6 första månaderna efter förlossning (42,9 %), detta tillsammans med en hög prevalens av järnbrist. I denna studie utvecklades en metod för insamling av kapillära serum prover som droppades på filter papper för att därefter analysera serum ferritin halten vid avsides liggande sättningar. I samma studie fann man även att 52,5 % av de vuxna kvinnorna var överviktiga, vilket skulle kunna antyda om en “avindianiserings-process” av deras traditionella diet och aktivitets mönster. Detta fynd följdes upp i en senare studie som grundade sig på föreställningar om mat och kroppsform, genom att använda kognitiva antropologiska metoder. Att vara spansktalande framträdde som ett tydligt tecken på kulturförändring som skulle kunna sammankopplas med en ökning i prevalensen av övervikt och dess konsekvenser. En skolbaserad nutritions studie bland Tarahumara barn vid internatskolor visade brist på zink, vitamin B12, järn och jod, dock var dessa fynd likvärdiga med uppmätta värden bland barn på den mexikanska landsbygden. Slutligen genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med avsikt att identifiera kulturellt accepterade maträtter och därigenom kunna omforma regeringens rådande sammansättning av livsmedelsbistånd, med syfte att mildra undernäringen bland unga Tarahumara barn. Resultaten från denna avhandling ger relevanta data för en förbättrad utformning av interventionsprogram för att bekämpa och förhindra en del av de nutritions problem som drabbar Tarahumara indianerna. Dessa data skulle också kunna utgöra en referenslinje med vilken framtida förändringar kan jämföras med såvida liknande provtagnings rutiner används. Generellt, belyser resultaten vikten och utmaningen att uppnå modernisering på ett sätt som inte enbart förbättrar hälsoläget men som samtidigt upprätthåller och uppmuntrar till att behålla traditionella värderingar. Dessa utgör inte enbart grunden för Tarahumara samhället utan bidrar även därigenom i en del fall till en bättre kosthållning och bättre hälsa. / La pertenencia a un grupo indígena en México se asocia frecuentemente a una salud pobre principalmente como resultado del aislamiento social de la sociedad Mexicana. Los Tarahumaras no son la excepción. Constituyen el grupo indígena más grande del norte del país y una de las minorías étnicas más marginadas de Norteamérica. A pesar de que sus condiciones de salud son precarias, existe muy poca información disponible que facilite el diseño e implementación de programas para prevenir y tratar los problemas de salud pública más importantes que les aquejan. Así pues, esta tesis tiene por objeto cubrir parte de esta falta de información. Presenta y discute resultados de estudios enfocados a la nutrición de mujeres y niños llevados a cabo entre 1997 y 2002. Una encuesta en una muestra municipal representativa de mujeres Tarahumaras en edad reproductiva mostró la más alta prevalencia de anemia en las embarazadas en el tercer trimestre (38.5%) y las lactantes durante los primeros 6 meses después del parto (42.9%) paralelamente a una alta prevalencia de deficiencia de hierro. En este estudio, se desarrolló una técnica para la toma de muestras de suero capilar en papel filtro para medir los niveles de ferritina sérica en zonas remotas. Asimismo se encontró un 52.5% de sobrepeso en las mujeres adultas, sugiriendo un proceso de “deindigenización” de los patrones dietéticos y de actividad física tradicionales. Este tópico fue seguido en un estudio posterior sobre percepciones de la alimentación y apariencia corporal de la mujer Tarahumara utilizando métodos de antropología cognoscitiva. Hablar español emergió como un claro indicio de aculturación que podría estar asociado a un incremento en la prevalencia de obesidad y sus consecuencias. Una encuesta nutricional con niños Tarahumaras de albergues escolares mostró evidencia de deficiencia de cinc, vitamina B12, hierro y yodo pero encontró un estado antropométrico similar al de otros niños mexicanos del medio rural. Finalmente, se condujo una evaluación cualitativa para identificar alimentos culturalmente aceptables para rediseñar una canasta de ayuda alimentaria con el objeto de aliviar la desnutrición infantil. Los resultados de esta tesis ofrecen información relevante para el mejoramiento del diseño de intervenciones para combatir y prevenir algunos de los problemas nutricios que afectan a los Tarahumaras. De utilizarse estrategias muestrales similares, esta información podría además constituir el punto de comparación para evaluar cambios futuros. Pero sobre todo, los hallazgos apuntan a la importancia y el desafío para alcanzar una modernización que no solo mejore la salud de los indígenas, sino que además apoye, mantenga y promueva los valores culturales tradicionales, pues estos, además de conformar los cimientos de la sociedad Tarahumara, pueden en varios casos contribuir a una mejor nutrición y salud.

"All in the Same Boat": An Analysis of a Support Group for Children of Parents with Mental Illnesses

Gladstone, Brenda McConnell 12 August 2010 (has links)
The effectiveness of psychoeducation and peer support programs for children of mentally ill parents is frequently measured by demonstrating children’s ability to meet program goals according to pre-defined categories determined by adults. Little is known about how children respond to these goals, whether they share them, and how, or if, their needs are met. I conducted an ethnographic study of one such group for school-aged children. I examined how specific discourses framed the content of the program manual designed to educate and support children and I observed how children responded to the program. My study is rooted in Goffman’s (1959) dramaturgical analyses of the reciprocal influence individuals have on one another in face-to-face encounters. From a critical dramaturgical perspective the participants were expected to conform to behavioural expectations of the setting, itself framed by broader arenas of interaction in which shared institutionalized meanings govern (often idealized) presentations of self. Data collection included: 1. a critical discourse analysis of the program manual; 2. participant observation of interactions during the eight-week program; and 3. children’s evaluations of the program in a separate group interview. Being identified as “as all in the same boat” was meaningful and consequential for children who were expected to learn mental health/illness information because, “knowledge is power”, and to express difficult feelings about being a child of a mentally ill parent. Children could be said to have achieved the goals of the program because they developed a mutual understanding about how to interpret and give meaning to their circumstances; “recognizing” unpredictable behaviours as signs of illness and becoming responsible for managing only how “their own story would go”. Children were not expected to care for ill parents, even when they wanted some responsibility, and were strongly discouraged from turning to friends for support. Children strategized to negotiate and resist group expectations and challenge assumptions about being “all in the same boat”. Suggestions are made for determining what constitutes “good” mental health literacy based on children’s preferences for explaining their circumstances in ways they find relevant and for supporting children’s competencies to manage relationships that are important to them.

"All in the Same Boat": An Analysis of a Support Group for Children of Parents with Mental Illnesses

Gladstone, Brenda McConnell 12 August 2010 (has links)
The effectiveness of psychoeducation and peer support programs for children of mentally ill parents is frequently measured by demonstrating children’s ability to meet program goals according to pre-defined categories determined by adults. Little is known about how children respond to these goals, whether they share them, and how, or if, their needs are met. I conducted an ethnographic study of one such group for school-aged children. I examined how specific discourses framed the content of the program manual designed to educate and support children and I observed how children responded to the program. My study is rooted in Goffman’s (1959) dramaturgical analyses of the reciprocal influence individuals have on one another in face-to-face encounters. From a critical dramaturgical perspective the participants were expected to conform to behavioural expectations of the setting, itself framed by broader arenas of interaction in which shared institutionalized meanings govern (often idealized) presentations of self. Data collection included: 1. a critical discourse analysis of the program manual; 2. participant observation of interactions during the eight-week program; and 3. children’s evaluations of the program in a separate group interview. Being identified as “as all in the same boat” was meaningful and consequential for children who were expected to learn mental health/illness information because, “knowledge is power”, and to express difficult feelings about being a child of a mentally ill parent. Children could be said to have achieved the goals of the program because they developed a mutual understanding about how to interpret and give meaning to their circumstances; “recognizing” unpredictable behaviours as signs of illness and becoming responsible for managing only how “their own story would go”. Children were not expected to care for ill parents, even when they wanted some responsibility, and were strongly discouraged from turning to friends for support. Children strategized to negotiate and resist group expectations and challenge assumptions about being “all in the same boat”. Suggestions are made for determining what constitutes “good” mental health literacy based on children’s preferences for explaining their circumstances in ways they find relevant and for supporting children’s competencies to manage relationships that are important to them.

Fundamentos teóricos de la entrevista en prensa

Gobantes Bilbao, Maite 11 June 2008 (has links)
Fundamentos teóricos de la entrevista periodística escrita es una contribución a establecer las bases de este género periodístico desde un enfoque multidisciplinar. Esta tesis traza un estado de la cuestión de los estudios sobre este género y profundiza en las relaciones entre la entrevista y otras narrativas del mundo de las ciencias sociales y de la literatura de ficción y veri dicente. Con el objetivo de ampliar la perspectiva del objeto de estudio, se establecen varios presupuestos filosóficos de la entrevista en tanto que encuentro entre dos personas: de la cuestión de la intersubjetividad trascendental a las aportaciones de la pragmática lingüística, entendida como una filosofía del lenguaje. La tesis transita asimismo por los trabajos de diversos pensadores que han situado en el centro de sus investigaciones conceptos como "alteridad", "relación", "diálogo". La investigación propone así mismo una definición de entrevista en prensa, así como una nueva tipología de la entrevista basada en un criterio funcionalista. / Theoretical foundations of the written interview in journalism are a contribution that sets the bases of this journalist genre from a multidisciplinary approach. This thesis questions the studies on this genre as well as penetrating into the correlation between the interview and other narratives of the world of social science, including fiction and non-fictional literature. Aiming at extending the perspective of the study, several philosophical points of view, those that defined interviews as the meeting of two people, were taking into consideration. From the question of the transcendental subjectivity, to the contributions of the pragmatic linguistics, understood as a philosophy of the language. This thesis evolves around the works of several philosophers who have placed concepts such as "alterity", "relationship" and "dialogue" in the center of their researches. The thesis proposes a definition of interview in press as well as a new typology of the interview based on functionalist criteria

Evaluating the impacts of partnership: an electronic panel study of partnering and the potential for adaptive management

Waschak, Michael R. 21 August 2009 (has links)
There has been an increase in the use of partnerships as a policy prescription for improving education since the mid 1980's. This trend builds on nearly a century of reform movements in education. In order to improve education policy, this study focuses on the question of whether math and science education partnerships as typically constituted provide the necessary conditions for the adaptive management (sustainable and adaptable action) of local education problems by the participants. This qualitative study uses data derived from the views of 32 experts on math and science partnerships collected during an internet-based application of the Delphi methodology designed to develop testable elements of a logic model of partnerships in math and science education. The results of this study suggest that the implementation and content requirements built into grant programs that include partners as a condition in aid most often result in a narrow programmatic focus among the participants. Organizations choose to participate in disjointed serial interventions that support organizational needs or goals based on the availability of funding and partners for particular programmatic activities. They choose partners from among those who are interested in similar or complementary activities. The primary focus of STEM education partnerships is therefore on implementing and sometimes evaluating the funded programmatic activities and not on building a broader learning community. Activities or education problems that are not funded tend to be excluded from the activities and dialog of the policy-induced partnership. By limiting the scope of the collaboration we are limiting the potential for adaptive management and the value of these partnerships.

Social integration for people with mental health problems : Experiences, perspectives and practical changes

Granerud, Arild January 2008 (has links)
Background: The goal of social integration is part of the ideological motivation behind the transition from institutionalised to decentralised psychiatric care. Modern community mental health care considers social integration vital for improving mental health. However, reports suggest that efforts to socially integrate people who suffer from mental health problems have not been as successful as anticipated.Aim: The overall aim of the study was to achieve a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of social integration of people with mental health problems in the community. An additional aim was to develop the healthcare professionals’ insight into this phenomenon by means of co-operative inquiry. The specific research questions were: How have people with mental health problems affected their neighbourhood after re-establishing in the community? How do people with mental health problems experience social integration in the community? How does knowledge of social integration promote practical changes in mental health professionals’ practice?Methods: This study, which comprises four papers, has a hermeneutic design. The data collection methods took the form of interviews with 19 neighbours of group homes for people with mental health problems (Paper I) and focus groups in two separate studies of people with mental health problems, one of which comprised 12 participants in three groups (Paper II) and the other 17 participants in three different multistage focus groups (Paper III), i.e. a total of 14 focus groups. Paper IV utilises findings from Papers I-III by means of a co-operative approach. There were two areas of knowledge development in the research process: dialogue-based teaching and focus groups. The main emphasis of the dialogue-based teaching was to facilitate the articulation of practical and tacit knowledge. Twenty-two healthcare professionals and social workers participated in two different multistage focus groups, a total of 6 focus groups (Paper IV). Data-analysis methods included both the constant comparative process and qualitative content analysis.Findings: The first paper begins with the experiences of neighbours of people who suffer from mental health problems. The neighbours reported frightening behaviours as well as complications in their contact with people who had long-term mental health problems, which led to increased insecurity and fear. The reaction of the neighbourhood was exclusion and segregation in the form of distancing or watching. The next two papers employed a user perspective and revealed that, when meeting people, the participants experienced shame and fear of exclusion due to lack of acceptance and loss of autonomy. Integrity proved a necessary quality for the possibility to be treated as an equal. Lack of work or a meaningful occupation and a low income contributed to a sense of worthlessness and loneliness. Those who had a job or took part in club activities seemed to achieve social companionship, which gave them a sense of being more socially integrated. The co-operative research project enabled co-researchers to gain increased professional knowledge and awareness, as well as providing potential for improvements in clinical practice. Systematic reflection on practice leads to an increased awareness of one’s own attitudes and intervention methods, societal conditions and the community’s attitude to the increased social integration of people with mental health problems. The experiential knowledge gained may contribute to health-promotion strategies such as social integration.Conclusions: Integration difficulties are experienced by both individuals with mental health problems and their neighbouring community. In order to achieve social integration, a person with long-term mental health problems needs to develop adequate social competence. Those working in community mental health care must ensure that people suffering from mental health problems experience a sense of belonging in the community, which can enable them to develop a network and achieve social integration in the planning and development of day-time activities and work, thus promoting social integration. The neighbourhood requires, at the very least, general information when a group home is established. Co-operative inquiry can be beneficial in the public sector, although in order to achieve the best possible result, the whole team must be involved and play an active role in all areas of the research project. If the groups are too large, the participants’ level of engagement may suffer. Multistage focus groups proved to be a powerful method for knowledge acquisition and should be further developed as a means of expanding new knowledg / Bakgrunn: En viktig ideologisk motivasjon for overgang fra institusjonalisert til desentralisert psykisk helsearbeid er målet om sosial integrering. Moderne lokalbasert psykisk helsearbeid anser sosial integrering som avgjørende for å bedre menneskers psykisk helse. Men rapporter viser at mennesker med psykiske problemer ikke har oppnådd tilfredsstillende sosial integrering.Mål: Det overordnede målet for studien var å oppnå en dypere forståelse av fenomenet sosial integrering for mennesker med psykiske problemer i lokalsamfunnet. Et tilleggsmål var å utvikle helse- og sosialarbeideres innsikt i fenomenet med bruk av handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid. De spesifikke forskningsspørsmålene var: Hvordan har mennesker med psykiske problemer påvirket deres nabolag etter reetablering i lokalsamfunnet? Hvordan erfarte mennesker med psykiske problemer sosial integrering i lokalsamfunnet? Hvordan kan kunnskap om sosial integrering fremme praksisforandringer for psykisk helsearbeidere?Metode: Denne studien, som omfatter fire artikler, har et hermenautisk design. Metodene for datainnsamling var kvalitative intervjuer med 19 naboer til fellesboliger for mennesker med psykiske problemer (Art. I), og fokusgruppeintervjuer, i to separate studier, med mennesker med psykiske problemer. En studie med 12 informanter i 3 fokusgrupper (Art. II) og en studie med 17 informanter i 3 flersteg-fokusgrupper (Art. III), totalt 14 fokusgruppeintervjuer. Art. IV brukte funnene fra Art. I-III i et handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid. Det var to former for kunnskapsutvikling i forskningsprosessen: Dialogbasert undervisning, som skulle fremme praktisk og taus kunnskap, samt fokusgruppeintervjuer. 22 helse- og sosialarbeidere deltok i 2 flersteg-fokusgrupper, totalt 6 fokusgruppeintervjuer (Art. IV). Datamateriale ble analysert med Grounded Theory og kvalitativ innholdsanalyse.Funn: Naboer til fellesbolig for mennesker med psykiske problemer beskriver i den første studien opplevelser som gav usikkerhet, skremmende adferd og problemer med å få kontakt med menneskene som hadde alvorlige psykiske problemer. Dette ledet til økt usikkerhet og frykt. Nabolaget reagerte med eksklusjon og segregering. De to neste studiene hadde et brukerperspektiv, og viste at informantene opplevde skam og frykt for eksklusjon som en følge av manglende akseptasjon og tap av autonomi i møte med mennesker. Integritet var en nødvendig forutsetning for å bli møtt som likverdig. Mangel på arbeid eller annen meningsfull dagaktivitet, samt lav inntekt, bidro til en følelse av verdiløshet og ensomhet. De som hadde et arbeid eller var aktiv deltager i klubbvirksomhet fikk et sosialt felleskap som gjorde at de kjente seg sosialt integrerte. I siste studie gav handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid medforskerne økt profesjonell kunnskap og bevissthet, samt potensiale for å forbedre praksis. Systematisk refleksjon på praksis leder til en økt bevissthet for egne holdninger og interveneringsmetoder, sosiale betingelser og lokalsamfunnets holdninger til økt sosial integrasjon for mennesker med psykiske problemer. Økt kunnskapsdannelse i praksis kan bidra til forebyggende helsearbeid som sosial integrering.Konklusjon: Både mennesker med psykiske problemer og deres nabolag erfarte vanskeligheter med integrering. For at mennesker med alvorlige psykiske problemer skal erfare sosial integrering må de ha tilstrekkelig sosial kompetanse. Det må arbeides for at mennesker med psykiske problemer opplever tilhørighet i lokalsamfunnet, noe som kan sette dem i stand til å utvikle nettverk, og få til sosial integrering i planlegging og utvikling av dagaktiviteter og arbeid, og på den måten fremme sosial integrering. Nabolag bør i hvert fall ha generell informasjon når det etableres fellesboliger. Handlings- orientert forskningssamarbeid kan være gunstig i kommunehelsetjenesten. En forutsetning for et best mulig resultat er at hele team blir involvert og deltar i kunnskapsskapningen i praksis. Blir enhetene som deltar for store, blir det ikke noe eierforhold til forskningssamarbeidet. Flersteg-fokusgruppeintervju viste seg å være en god metode for kunnskapsutvikling, og metoden burde utvikles videre.Nøkkelord: Psykisk helsearbeid i kommunehelsetjenesten, sosial integrering, sosialt nettverk, handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid, kvalitativ metode

”Vi har olika förutsättningar och jag måste prioritera utefter hela min situation” : en intervjustudie om distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av arbetet / "We have different conditions and I have to prioritize along the whole of my situation" : An interview about the district nurse perceptions of the work

Barieva, Philippa January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Allt fler svårt sjuka patienter får vård i hemmet. Områdesansvarig distriktssköterska i kommunal hemsjukvård ansvarar ensam för både omvårdnad och medicinska insatser kring patienten. En hög arbetsbelastning ökar risken för att göra fel när distriktssköterskan har ansvar för många patienter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av arbete inom kommunal hemsjukvård med omvårdnadsansvar för patienter i ordinärt boende. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats användes i studien. Genom ett strategiskt urval har 14 distriktssköterskor från fyra kommuner intervjuats. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: ”Arbetsglädje”, ”Stödjande resurser” och ” Upplevelser av svåra situationer”. Distriktssköterskornas upplevelse av arbetsglädje kunde relateras till patientkontakten, användandet av sin kompetens, allmänhetens förtroende, variation i arbetet, trivseln på arbetsplatsen och samarbetet med andra i vården.  Distriktssköterskornas kompetens, relation med patienten och anhöriga, teamarbete och arbete i grupp, samarbete med andra vårdenheter, stöd från ledningen, arbetsmiljö och hjälpmedel och administrativt arbete är stödjande resurs i distriktssköterskans arbete. Distriktssköterskor i studien hade individuellt olika belastning i arbetet och förutsättningar till stödjande resurser i sitt arbete, därför upplevde de olika mycket arbetsglädje och upplevelser av svåra situationer såsom etiska dilemman, oförutsägbarhet, otillräcklighet, frustration och irritation. Slutsats: Fungerande stödjande resurs i distriktssköterskans arbete kan öka distriktssköterskornas upplevelse av arbetsglädje. Tillsammans med resurser och kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling finns förutsättningar för att uppleva arbetsglädje, vilket behövs för att uppfylla distriktssköterskornas skyldighet att ge bra vård till patienterna. Ytterligare forskning behövs inom området eftersom kommunal hemsjukvård är i ständig utveckling i alla kommuner och det är oklart vilket sätt som är bäst att bedriva den. / Background: An increasing number of severe ill patients receive care at home. Area manager district nurse in municipal home care alone is responsible for both nursing and medical interventions regarding the patient. A high workload increases the risk of making mistakes when district nurse have the responsibility for many patients. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe district nurses' experiences of working in municipal home care with nursing responsibilities for patients in regular housing. Methods: Qualitative methods with inductive approach used in the study. Through the strategic selection 14 district nurses from four municipalities had been interviewed. Results: The results revealed three categories: "Job satisfaction", "Supporting Resources" and” Experiences of difficult situations". District nurses experience of job satisfaction could be related to patient contact, use of their skills, public trust, variation of work, being at work and cooperation with others in care. District nurses skills, relationship with the patient and family, team work and group work, collaboration with other health care units, management support, work environment and facilities and administrative work is supportive resource in the district nurse work. District nurses in the study had individually different workloads and prerequisites for supporting resource in their work because they experienced different amounts of job satisfaction and perceptions of difficult situations such as ethical dilemmas, unpredictability, inadequacy, frustration and irritation. Conclusion: Functional supportive resource in the district nurse work can increase district nurses experience of job satisfaction. Along with resources and continuous professional development are prerequisites for experiencing job satisfaction, which is needed to fulfill the district nurses obligation to provide good care to patients. Further research is needed in the area since the municipal home care is in constant development in all communities and it is unclear how best to pursue it.

Intensivpasientens gåtefulle kunnskap : om erfart kunnskap og kunnskapsformidling i enintensivkonteks / The enigmatic knowledge of intensive care patients experience and interpretation based knowledge in intensive care tutoring

Fredriksen, Sven-Tore D. January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrunn og hensikt: For mennesker som blir akutt/kritisk syk blir livet oftest endret på kort tid fra å værevelfungerende i hverdagen til innleggelse i intensivavdeling hvor selveste livet kan stå på spill. Tradisjonelt settblir intensivpasienter tatt vare på gjennom medisinsk kunnskap og et naturvitenskapelig kunnskapsparadigme. Åvære akutt/kritisk syk innebærer å få spesielle opplevelser og erfaringer som går ut over hverdagserfaringene, oghvordan disse erfaringene trer fram i situasjonen. Denne kunnskapen pasientene bærer i seg er ikke bareindividuell og privat kunnskap, den representerer også en form for viten som trenger å forskes fram og løftes inni det offentlige rom både folkehelsevitenskapelig og sykepleievitenskaplig, nettopp fordi den omhandler viktigeforutsetninger for at pasientene skal bli sett og møtt også eksistensielt. Denne kunnskapen representerer en annenontologi og epistemologi enn den naturvitenskapelige kunnskapen og representerer derfor et annetkunnskapsperspektiv, også når det gjelder kunnskapsformidlingen i en klinisk veiledningssammenheng. Avhandlingens overordnede mål er å øke forståelsen av det å være alvorlig syk og hvordan kunnskap ut fraerfaringer har betydning i kunnskapsformidling i en intensivkontekst. Data og metoder: Avhandlingen har en kvalitativ tilnærming. I delstudie I ble det gjort en review avartikler for å se på stress relatert til kropp, rom og relasjon. I delstudie II ble det gjennomført intervju medtidligere intensivpasienter om opplevelsen av kropp, kraft og bevegelse under kritisk sykdom. I delstudie III bletidligere intensivpasienter intervjuet angående deres opplevelse av kroppsnærværet til pårørende under kritisksykdom. I delstudie IV ble det gjort observasjoner med påfølgende intervjuer av intensivsykepleiere om deresformidling av erfart og fortolket kunnskap i en klinisk veiledningssituasjon. I alle fire delstudiene benyttes detfenomenologisk-hermeneutiske analyser. Funn: I delstudie I kommer det fram at pasientene opplever stress knyttet til kropp, rom og relasjon.Kroppen påvirkes gjennom søvnavbrudd, smerter, angst og pasientene mister kontrollen over kropp og situasjon.Stress knyttet til rom framkommer gjennom at rommet blir et speil av situasjonen ved at den både representererlivet, men også redselen for døden. Gjennom det horisontale leie opplever pasientene at situasjonen utgjør enform for makt og de selv settes i avmakt. Relasjonelt stress framkommer oftest knyttet til sammenhenger hvordet utføres observasjoner, stell og behandling. Travelhet og organisering i avdelingen påvirker det relasjonellesamværet i form av stress. I delstudie II opplever intensivpasientene at kropp kraft og bevegelse trer fram bådegjennom ”tapet” av kroppen, hvordan de handterer situasjonen og hvordan de gjenerobrer kropp, kraft ogbevegelse. De opplever kraftløshet og bevegelsesbergrensninger. Dette innvirker på avhengigheten til andre ogskaper konflikter til pårørende. Pasientene handterer det kroppslige tapet gjennom mobilisering av familiengjennom å involvere dem. Samtidig blir de selvbeskyttende og utestenger familiesammenhengene. Kampen forlivet håndterer de gjennom galgenhumoren og skriket om hjelp som siste nødrop. Gjenerobringen av kroppen erknyttet til små framskritt, gjennom personalets motivasjon og gjennom drømmen om å utrette noe i livet. Idelstudie III opplever pasientene konflikt mellom nærheten og distanse til pårørende. De kjenner seg utestengt,samtidig som de bekreftes med gaver. Pasientene opplever det konfliktfylt når de sammenligner pårørendesreaksjoner og egen situasjon. De er redd at fellesskapet med pårørende skal opphøre, samtidig må de begrensesamværet. Å ikke kunne kommunisere med pårørende i kroppsnærværet oppleves motsetningsfullt. I delstudieIV formidler sykepleierne kunnskap til intensivstudentene gjennom meningsskapende kunnskapsbevegelser. Deformidler inntrykk fra situasjonen for å skape oversikt, de formidler kunnskap om fenomenene som framtrer ogde formidler hvordan de kan hjelpe kroppens egne prosesser. De vurderer og formidler også pasienteneskroppslige uttrykk og hvordan disse kan forstås og imøtekommes. Sykepleierne er også opptatt å formidlekunnskap for at studentene skal utvikle og få egne erfaringer i kroppen. Konklusjon: Gjennom fire delstudier løfter avhandlingen fram kunnskap som står i klar kontrast til dennaturvitenskapelige kunnskapen. Pasientene utsettes for store opplevelsesmessige belastninger i situasjonen somakutt/kritisk syke som setter de i en avmaktssituasjon ved at sykepleierne ikke fanger opp og handterer kroppensegen kunnskap i situasjonen. Pasientene befinner seg ofte i en eksistensiell situasjon som er preget avmarginalitet og eksistensiell væren. Pasientene viser at de har forutsetninger for å mestre situasjonen, menhjelpes lite til slik mestring. Intensivsykepleierne formidler ulikt faglig innhold til studentene for å skapeerfaringer og forståelse i situasjonen. Erfaringskunnskapen fra intensivkonteksten må derfor sees som et viktigkunnskapssupplement til folkehelsearbeidet. / Background and purpose: Acute/critically ill patients have had their life-conditions severely altered from awell-functioning everyday situation to a situation in which they struggle to survive. Traditionally the knowledgeparadigmfrom natural sciences together with medical expertise constitutes the framework for treatment. To beacute/critically ill involves experiences and events and phenomena typical to the situation. The patients’embodied knowledge is not limited to the personal and private sphere, it refers to highly relevant preconditionsfor visibility and reception, also on an existential level; it represents knowledge which needs to be researchedand discussed openly within the public health and nursing sciences. This knowledge represents a differentontology and epistemology from the natural sciences and thus a different perspective, also with regards toclinical tutoring. The dissertation’s primary target is to increase the knowledge about how critical illness isexperienced and how experience based knowledge is significant to teaching in an intensive care context. Data and methods: The dissertation is based on qualitative methods. Sub-study I includes reviews ofarticles on stress in a perspective of body, space and relationship. Sub-study II contains interviews with formerICU patients relating to their experience of body, strength and movement during critical illness. Sub-study III isbased on former ICU patients’ experience of the physical presence of their significant others during criticalillness. Sub-study IV contains observations and interviews of ICU nurses on how they teach experience basedand interpretation based knowledge in clinical tutoring. Phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis method isapplied to all four sub-studies. Findings: Sub-study I describes how patients experience stress in a perspective of body, space andrelation. The body is influenced by sleep deprivation, pain and anxiety. Patients experience loss of control withtheir bodies as well as with the situation. The room mirrors the situation patients are in, creating stress by itsrepresentation of life as well as fear of dying. The patient’s horizontal position reflects disproportionate powerinducing a sense of disempowerment. Relational stress situations usually appear in contexts involvingobservation, care or treatment. The organizational structure and activity on the ward affects stress levels. In substudyII the ICU patients experience how power and movement is affected by a sense of loss of body, how theymanage to respond to the situation and how they eventually reclaim the body, power and movement. Theyexperience disempowerment and limitations to movement. This causes dependency and creates conflicts withtheir significant others, especially with regards to proximity and distance. The patients address their loss of bodyby drawing on resources from their significant others, yet refrain from allowing themselves involvement infamily matters. The struggle for survival is characterised by gallows humour and the cry for help as their finalcry. Reclaiming the body happens stepwise with the aid of staff combined with a need to achieve. Sub-study IIIdescribes problems related to proximity to, and distance from, the significant others. A sense of exclusion iscontradicted by being showered with gifts. It is unsettling for patients to have their situation compared to theirsignificant others’. They fear the loss of community with loved ones, yet they need to limit visits fromsignificant others. The lack of ability to communicate when others are physically present is unsettling. Sub-studyIV describes how ICU nurses tutor students in practise by demonstrating knowledge in meaningful actions. Theyconvey their impressions of situations to provide an overview, convey knowledge of observable phenomena, andteach skills to assist the body’s own processes. They also assess and evaluate physical expressions in the patientand how these can be read and addressed. Nurses are also concerned with conveying embodied knowledge totheir students. Conclusion: In four sub-studies this dissertation highlights a form of knowledge which clearly contraststhat of the natural sciences. During acute critical illness patients experience severe stress and disempowermentcaused by a lack of response and action from nurses who are unable to interpret the body’s own knowledge inthe situation. Patients are often facing life and death questions characterised by marginality and existentiality.Patients demonstrate ability to cope with the situation, but are rarely assisted with coping. Intensive care nursesdisseminate a variety of professional skills and knowledge to their students in order to provide comprehensionand understanding of situations. Experience based knowledge from an intensive care context thus becomes asignificant supplementary factor in the public health perspective

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