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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple representation databases for topographic information

Dunkars, Mats January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Zastoupení / Representation

Jirásková, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The Master's degrese thesis analyse the institute representation in the civil materiál law. It characterises representation globally and tries to digestedly make general scheme which is made on the basis of the legal regulations and second bibliography. The representation in the civil material law could be resolve into the different subsets according to the various conditions. On of the possible ways of the dividing is direct and indirect representation. Indirect representation could be defined as acting of the representant in his own name on behalf of the represented person. Direct representation is acting of the representant in the name of the reperesented person and on its behalf. The rights and the duties come up directly for the represented person. The representation in the civil material law is divided into the contracting representation and the legal representation. The legal representation originated directly in the law or on the basis of the decision of the state power body. The example of the representation which results from the law is the representation of the underages because they do not have full legal status. The legal representation which is result of the decision of the state power body is called also tutelage. The tutelage is possible for he underage persons but also for the...

A Choreographic Exploration of Race and Gender Representation in Film and Dance

Keenan, Sharon M 01 January 2017 (has links)
Through extensive research which culminates in a choreographic component, this thesis explores the lack of diverse representation within artistic and entertainment industries in regards to race and gender. In pursuit of a concise argument, most of the focus is on race and the conditioned view of gender as binary. Looking specifically at dance and film, it considers and analyzes why this absence persists, along with ways to ensure progress. The analysis and exploration unfolds in five central chapters: Research, Conception of the Dance, One and the Same, and Try It On Make It Fit. By detailing all that goes into creating a space that consistently hinders representation of minorities, this project will provide a better understanding of how minority communities are affected as a result. With this knowledge, I hope to present solutions that are simple with an attempt to demonstrate the urgency for new methods that expand portraits of diverse and authentic representations outside of the “norm.” The significance of this project lies in the articulation of an issue that is too often ignored. Change will not happen until it becomes unacceptable for people to remain ignorant and complacent on the subject.

Filmindustrin och publiken : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av karaktärer från de mest populära filmerna under 2018 ur ett genusperspektiv / The movie industry and the audience : A quantitative content analysis of characters from the eight most popular movies from 2018 through a gender perspective

Weismann, Ester, Hammarlund, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to look at the representation of males and females in movies and analyse whether it may be problematic in an audience perspective[EW1] . Problematic in that sense that the film industry is governed by, possibly also governing, the contemporary values and beliefs of the society. Through an historical overview of theories on media effects and audiences, we reach a point of view on whether media messages are accepted by the mass or if individuals can dismiss the whole or a part of the message. The theoretical part also includes chapters of gender, representation and stereotypes as we want to enlighten what the popular culture tells us about gender stereotypes and how it may or may not be problematic.   To reach a conclusion we have throughout the films used a coding scheme in which we count different occurrences, roles and functions the characters may have. To keep the coding as far away from subjective understandings we have included definitions of the variables. Through the result of the coding we created statistics which helped us form an analysis and conclusion of the problem formulation. In this essay we have not involved any questions directly towards the audience or individuals watching the films thus making our analysis theoretical[MOU2] .   Overall, the result of the coding scheme showed a lack of female characters. The females’ function in the films were very often as an object towards a male character. She was always someone’s other or functioned as a figure of motivation by being killed off alternatively needing to be saved. The male characters often filled the roles as heroes but had much wider variation than the females. We also discovered a pattern that the average age of the female character is lower than the male. / <p>Gabor Bora är examinator för den aktuella uppsatsen medan Per Vesterlund är examinator för hela kursen.</p>

Svenska dåd – eviga historier : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur mytologiska föreställningar används för att representera Rakhmat Akilov och Anton Lundin Pettersson i Aftonbladet / Swedish Crimes – Eternal Stories : A Critical Discourse Analysis of how Archetypal Myths are used to represent Rakhmat Akilov and Anton Lundin Pettersson in Aftonbladet

Sunnemark, Viktor, Elingbo, Isak January 2019 (has links)
Journalistikforskning visar att traditionella myter och arketyper återfinns i alltifrån sportreferat till rapportering av brott. Denna forskning är i huvudsak baserad på engelskspråkig journalistik, vilket gör det lämpligt att bedriva motsvarande studier i en svensk kontext. Studier visar nämligen hur den journalistiska praktiken skiljer sig nationer emellan, vilket resulterar i en kunskapslucka hur dessa mytologiska föreställningar används i svenska medier. Genom att studera representationen av två gärningsmän, Rakhmat Akilov och Anton Lundin Pettersson, vars dåd resulterat i omfattande svenska mediala produkter, undersöker vi förekomsten och användningen av mytologiska föreställningar. Detta gör vi genom att kvalitativt studera tio webbartiklar per gärningsman i kvällstidningen Aftonbladet. För att studera representationen av gärningsmännens – vilka myter och arketyper som används – utförs kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) med semiotiska begrepp. Med denna metod analyseras artiklarna både på en översiktlig och detaljerad nivå. I denna analys knyts det an till etablerade journalistiska teorier om hur myter och arketyper används i medier i stort, vilket hjälper oss att ta reda på hur just dessa mytologiska föreställningar förekommer i representationen av Akilov och Lundin Pettersson. Analysen visar att flertalet mytologiska föreställningar används i representationen av de två gärningsmännen, främst i syftet av att distansera denne från det kollektiv inom vilken texten produceras och konsumeras. Akilov, å ena sidan, representeras som en stereotypisk islamistisk terrorist, där de religiösa och ideologiska aspekterna av denna islamism är tillräckligt främmande för att positionera denne utanför det normativa. Således behövs inga ytterligare karaktäristika eller attribut för att distansera Akilov från majoritetssamhället. Denna distansering sker genom att representera Akilov i enlighet med myter och arketyper som förstärker denna bild. Även Akilovs jihadistiska motiv får i rapporteringen närmare mytologiska proportioner, där Akilov ansluts till den våg av islamistiska terrordåd som dragit över Europa det senaste decenniet. Lundin Pettersson, å andra sidan, är inte lika enkelt och entydigt representerad som något avvikande. Representationen av Lundin Pettersson består istället av flertalet faktorer som placerar honom utanför det normala: högerextremism, subkulturell tillhörighet, psykisk ohälsa och ensamhet. Lundin Pettersson kopplas genom representationen – och intertextuellt – till andra högerextrema gärningsmän och skolskjutare. Dessa faktorer sammantagna möjliggör en distansering via mytologiska föreställningar på samma sätt som i representationen av Akilov. Det finns även en skillnad i hur Lundin Pettersson i högre grad tillåts representeras som ett offer för sina omständigheter, vilket är en möjlighet Akilov inte får. Sammantaget indikerar denna studie att myter och arketyper – i dessa två fall – fungerar som journalistiska verktyg ämnade att göra en alltför komplicerad verklighet mer hanterbar. / Studies of journalism show that archetypal myths exist in everything from sports news to stories of crime. This research is mainly based on English language journalism, which makes it adequate to study this phenomenon in a Swedish context to broaden the research field. Studies also show that the journalistic practice differs between nations and cultures, therefore a knowledge gap exists regarding the use of archetypal myths in Swedish media. By studying the media representation of two well-known Swedish perpetrators, Rakhmat Akilov and Anton Lundin Pettersson, we examine the usage of these myths and archetypes in twenty online news articles (ten articles each) from the Swedish tabloid magazine Aftonbladet. To study the newspaper’s representation of the perpetrators – and how these archetypal myths are present in the representation of them – Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) combined with semiotic concepts are used. This method allows us to analyse the overall theme and subjects of the articles, as well as their specific use of language. To further examine how traditional myths and archetypes are used in the representation of Akilov and Lundin Pettersson, this analysis ties in to well-known theories of how archetypal myths figure in journalistic products. The study shows that a lot of myths and archetypes can be seen in the representations of both cases, mainly to create distance between the perpetrators and the majority in the context in which the text is both produced and consumed. Akilov, on the one hand, is represented as a stereotypical islamist terrorist, where the religious and ideological aspects of his beliefs are intimidating enough on its own to create a character which has its place far from the norm. Therefore, there is no need for more attributes or descriptions to distance Akilov from what we consider to be ourselves and ours. This creation of distance is effectively increased by the myths and archetypes in the representation of Akilov. Even Akilov’s jihadistic motive gets mythological proportions, were Akilov is placed in the context of other islamist terrorist; the wave of jihadistic terror that has raged through Europe in the last decade. Lundin Pettersson, on the other hand, is not as simple and clearly represented as abnormal. The representation of this perpetrator is instead created by multiple factors such as right-wing extremism, subcultural interests, mental illness and social alienation. The newspaper’s representation of Lundin Pettersson also gets intertextually connected to other right-wing perpetrators and school shooters. All these factors offset the perpetrator from the collective in which the texts are produced and consumed and intensifies through myths and archetypes, which is similar to the case of Akilov. There is also a big difference in how Lundin Pettersson to a higher degree is portrayed as a victim to his surroundings, which the representation of Akilov lacks. Finally, the study indicates that these archetypal myths work as journalistic tools made to make a complicated reality more manageable for both the producers and the consumers.

Representationer i den sörmländska utställningen ”Historien i Sörmland” : En undersökning av kvinnor och mäns representation

Ekstrand, Martina January 2019 (has links)
Museums have a task to present history in a way that's meaningful for the visitors. Museums also have a responsibility to represent everyone in the society, not exclude groups and at the same time make other groups more highlighted. This paper is about how the exhibition ”Historien i Sörmland” represents gender differences and how women and men are portrayed in different ways. Women are often under-represented in exhibitions around the world, leaving the men as a benchmark. The results show that women are under-represented in the exhibition ”Historien i Sörmland” and that the men and women who are portrayed contribute to the stereotype images of masculinity and femininity.

Navigering och mental representation med ljud i en icke-visuell 3D miljö / Navigation and mental representation with sound in a non-visual 3D environment

von Friesendorff, Rickard January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie tar upp forskning kring tillgänglighet inom data/tv-spel och fokuserar främst på ljudspel, en genre som särskilt uppstått för synnedsatta. Texten tar upp frågeställningen kring seende personers upplevelser av ljudspel och att kvalitativ data ska samlas in för denna studie. Metoden diskuteras och relevant forskning för denna studie nämns därefter. Genom att lyfta fram viktiga designval för genren ljudspel har en artefakt skapats dedikerad till studien. Denna artefakt består av ett enkelt spel med syfte att undersöka seende personers förmåga att navigera i en okänd 3D-miljö utan grafik, samt undersöka deras mentala representation av 3D-miljön. Undersökningen visade resultat som gav förståelse för personers upplevelse av ljudspel och hur deras mentala bild ser ut. För framtida arbeten borde även synnedsatta ta del av artefakten för att se om den mentala representationen skiljer sig mellan grupperna.

A trajetória da autoria na representação documental

Silveira, Naira Christofoletti 18 March 2013 (has links)
Ao percorrer a trajetória do conceito de autoria na sociedade e, em particular, em diferentes áreas do conhecimento científico, verifica-se que este ganhou destaque durante a Modernidade e, a partir deste período, vem sofrendo alterações sucessivas. Em meio aos debates constantes sobre a -autoria? em diferentes áreas do conhecimento, é importante desenvolver pesquisas integrando o contexto da natureza social à representação documental. Trata-se de uma investigação exploratória e teórica, pautada nas pesquisas bibliográfica, documental, histórica e comparativa, que tem como objeto de estudo o conceito de autoria e de autor na representação documental, através dos códigos de catalogação adotados para a representação descritiva no Brasil, a saber: as Normas para catalogação de impressos, mais conhecidas como Código da Vaticana, o Código de catalogação anglo-americano (CCAA ou AACR) e Resource description and access (RDA). Como o autor é representado nos registros bibliográficos conforme as orientações pré-estabelecidas nos códigos de catalogação, reflexões acerca da autoria e sua forma de representação são fundamentais para se criar vínculos entre os registros bibliográficos, entre os documentos e para os usuários. Reflexões teóricas acerca de questões socioculturais e a representação documental buscam ir além da visão tecnicista e atribuir uma função social à representação descritiva, capaz de mobilizar uma sociedade do conhecimento, provendo acesso ao documento, respeitando as particularidades de seus usuários e, consequentemente, contribuindo para a representação, circulação, uso e produção de novos conhecimentos. / Analyzing the trajectory of the concept of authorship in society and, in particular, in different areas of scientific knowledge, one can conclude that it rose to prominence during Modernity and, from this period on, has been going through continuous change. Amidst constant debates about -authorship? in diverse areas of knowledge, it is important that research be carried out to integrate the context of social nature and documental representation. It is about an exploratory, theoretical investigation, based on bibliographic, documental, historical and comparative research whose object of study is the concept of authorship and of author in documental representation, by means of cataloguing codes adopted by descriptive representation in Brazil, namely: the Rules for the catalog of printed books, better known as Vatican code, the Anglo-American cataloguing rules (AACR) and Resource description and access (RDA). As the author is represented in the bibliographic records according to guidelines established in the cataloguing codes, reflections about authorship and its form of representation are instrumental for links to be created between bibliographic records, documents and users. Theoretical reflections about sociocultural issues and documental representation seek to go beyond the technicist view and assign a social function to the descriptive representation, thus being able of mobilizing a knowledge society by providing access to documents, respecting particularities of users and, consequently, contributing to the representation, circulation, use and production of new knowledge.

”Jag skulle vilja se en studie på vad den där valken gör för skillnad egentligen” : En kulturanalytisk studie i kroppsuppfattning och kroppsnormer / “I’d like to see a study on what kind of difference that fat roll actually makes” : A study on body image and body norms from a cultural analytic viewpoint

Ölverud, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
This essay researches the impact societys ideal pictures of the female body actually make on individuals. In my studies, five female identified informants were interviewed about how they perceive and feel about their bodies. It also discusses different strategies to control the body in order to acheive the ideal body. Two of the informants that contributed to this essay are selfappointed body positive activists and fight in the anti-movement against the societal preassure and expectations of the female body. The purpose of this essay is to discuss and enlight the hegemony regarding bodily expressions, and also its opposition.

Apprentissage d’un concept scientifique : statut de l’hypothese dans la demarche d’investigation en sciences physiques / Learning of a scientific concept : status of the hypothesis in the method of investigation in physical sciences

Tinas, Jean-louis 29 October 2013 (has links)
Apprendre un concept scientifique procède d’un processus de déconstruction-reconstruction. Enseigner signifie aider l’élève dans cette démarche qui lui demande de rejouer, pour lui le parcours d’invention qui a permis l’émergence du concept. C’est justement pour faire face à la crise que traverse l’enseignement scientifique en France et dans le monde et parce que l’on considère que les pratiques pédagogiques habituelles, encore utilisées, en sont pour partie responsables, que la démarche d’investigation est universellement proposée. Procéder par investigation est une méthode qui demande à l’élève de construire son savoir. Elle est présentée comme étant plus efficace pour apprendre. Une réflexion autour de la raison de cette efficacité nous conduit à nous arrêter au niveau de l’étape de formulation d’hypothèse qui semble constituer le pivot de la démarche. Des énoncés d’élèves pour lesquels nous inférons qu’ils sont la traduction de leur représentation montrent qu’il est possible d’explorer leur état de pensée dans une situation d’apprentissage et mieux, de suivre des processus de pensée. Les méthodes élaborées pour cela semblent efficaces puisque nous parvenons à montrer à l’échelle d’une classe que grâce à la formulation d’hypothèses tous les élèves parviennent, à leur rythme, à atteindre le savoir scientifique. Ainsi, nous constatons que l’hypothèse joue un rôle structurant pour le savoir en construction. Elle le façonne à mesure du processus de déconstruction-reconstruction. Ces considérations nous autorisent à penser que l’utilisation de la formulation d’hypothèse contribue à l’efficacité de la démarche par investigation par rapport à une démarche plus classique pour apprendre un savoir scientifique / To learn a scientific concept proceeds of a process of demolition-reconstruction. To teach means helping the pupil in this approach which asks him to replay, for him the route of invention which allowed the emergence of the concept. It is exactly to face the crisis which crosses the scientific education in France and in the world and because we consider that the usual, still used educational practices, are partly responsible for it, that the approach of investigation is universally proposed. To proceed by investigation is a method which asks to the pupil to build his knowledge. She is presented as being more effective to learn. A reflection around the reason of this efficiency leads us to stop at the level of the stage of formulation of hypothesis which seems to constitute the pivot of the approach. Pupils’ statements for which we deduce that they are the translation of their representation show that it is possible to explore their state of thought in a situation of learning and better, to follow processes of thought. The methods developed for it seem effective because we succeed in showing on the scale of a class that thanks to the formulation of hypotheses all the pupils succeed, with their rhythm, in reaching the scientific knowledge. So, we notice that the hypothesis plays a role structuring for the knowledge under construction. She trains it for measure of the process of demolition-reconstruction. These considerations authorize us to think that the use of the formulation of hypothesis contributes to the efficiency of the approach by investigation compared with a more classic approach to learn a scientific knowledge.

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