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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A tt köpa och sälja konsulttjänster inom byggsektorn - En undersökning av kompetensupphandling inom offentlig och privat sektor / B uying and selling consulting services in the construction sector - An investigation of competence procurement in public and private sector

Imamovic, Jasmina January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Textens förtrollande värld : En didaktisk studie av Låt den rätte komma in och den lättlästa bearbetade versionen Vampyren i Blackeberg / The Enchanted World of Fiction : A Didactic Study of Låt den rätte komma in and the Easy-to-Read version Vampyren i Blackeberg

Hermansson, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker relationen mellan lättlästa skönlitterära böcker och originalutgåvor genom en närstudie av John Ajvide Lindqvists Låt den rätte komma in och den lättlästa versionen Vampyren i Blackeberg. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad som skiljer sig i handlingen och vilka litterära aspekter som försvinner i en bearbetad lättläst text. Analysen fokuserar därför på olika aspekter av litterära föreställningsvärldar för att få svar på vad som förhåller sig annorlunda eller likartat. De forskningsfrågor som besvaras är: På vilket sätt skiljer sig informationen i John Ajvide Lindqvists lättlästa verk Vampyren i Blackeberg från originalutgåvan Låt den rätte komma in? Och vilken typ av information försvinner i det lättlästa verket i jämförelse med originalutgåvan? Resultatet visar att det förekommer markanta skillnader gällande typ och omfattning i den lättlästa bearbetningen. Stoff som försvunnit är bland annat miljöbeskrivningar, fokalisation och nedskärningar i dialoger för att göra dessa korta och koncisa med så få utläggningar som möjligt. Därtill visar diskussionen att lättläst litteratur inte bör användas som läromedel, då denna texttyp inte kan svara på Skolverkets kriterier när det kommer till svenskämnet. Lättläst litteratur kan aldrig ersätta originalutgåvor, eftersom bearbetningar reducerar bort vital information som gör att läsarens förståelse för handlingen försämras. / This essay analyzes the relationship between easy-to-read fiction and the original edition through a close study of John Ajvide Lindqvist’s Låt den rätte komma in and the easy-to-read version Vampyren i Blackeberg. The purpose of this essay is to examine what differs in the plot and which literary aspects that disappear in an edited easy-to-read text. The analysis therefore focuses on different aspects of literary imaginary worlds to get answers for what looks different or similar. The research questions this study aims to answer are: In what way does the information in John Ajvide Lindqvist’s easy-to-read version Vampyren i Blackeberg differ from the original edition Låt den rätte komma in? And what kind of information disappears in the easy-to-read version compared to the original version? The results show that there are significant differences in the type and to what extent of the easy-to-read version. Things that have disappeared are environmental descriptions, focalisation and information in dialogues to make these short and concise, with as few explanations as possible. The discussion shows that easy-to-read literature should not be used as a teaching aid, as this type of text cannot meet the curriculum criteria when it comes to the Swedish subject. Easy-to-read literature can never replace original editions, as the easy-to-read texts reduce vital information that weaken the reader's understanding of the plot.

För en etisk utsägelseposition : ethos och persona i Asta Olivia Nordenhof Penge på lommen

Kalin, Martin January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks den känsla av författarnärvaro som präglar Asta Olivia Nordenhofs roman Penge på lommen. Genom att undersöka hur Nordenhofs ethos och persona förhåller sig till bokens berättartekniker, samt hur detta samverkar med berättarpåträngningar, är det möjligt att visa hur författaren, genom en paus i narrativet, förmedlar sin egen röst och sammansmälter sin litterära persona med sitt ethos. Detta resultat kontextualiseras genom att beskriva Nordenhofs litterära samtid i Danmark. Därigenom skapar uppsatsen förståelse för vilka etiska dimensioner som ryms i romanens berättartekniker, i synnerhet blickens ökande och minskande distans till romankaraktärerna. Avslutningsvis diskuteras författarnävaron utifrån blickens etiska aspekter.

Nordic Fascism : Investigating the Political Project Behind Bollhusmötet

Blohmé, Erik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates the political project behind the infamous tennis hall meeting, commonly referred to as Bollhusmötet, that took place in February of 1939 in Uppsala, Sweden. Gathering in the local tennis hall, the members of the Uppsala Student Union decided to send a resolution to the Swedish king protesting the reception of Jewish refugees into Sweden in the wake of the 1938 November Pogrom. The protest was widely influential, spurring similar resolutions at other universities and arguably influencing Swedish refugee policy on a national level. The event itself was orchestrated by a group of nationalist students as part of a political project aiming to establish a Nordic power bloc with Sweden as the central power. This political milieu rejected the geopolitics of both England and Germany to promote a specific form of Nordic fascism. Antisemitism was a central part of their ideology, both regarding short- and long-term goals, and antisemitism was also the ultimate motive behind the tennis hall meeting. The architects of these events joined the mainstream conservative milieu in 1940 as part of a strategy to abolish the Swedish political system from within and restructure the Swedish state according to a fascist model bearing many similarities to national socialism.

"Jag är vid god hälsa, alltså är Jag” : En studie om ungdomars åsikter och beteenden kring hälsa och välbefinnande / "I am in good health, therefore I am” : A study of youth’s opinions and behaviors regarding health and well-being

Salahaddin, Ali, Delin, Agnes January 2022 (has links)
Syfte  Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur media påverkar 15-åringars hälsa och välbefinnande. Genom att söka kunskap om de mediala påverkansprocesserna, syftar denna specifika fallstudie till att skapa en bättre förståelse genom följande tre forskningsfrågor:  Frågeställningar 1.     Vilken är den främsta källan där ungdomarna hämtar och erhåller hälsorelaterad information?  2.     Hur påverkar den tillgängliga informationen om hälsa på sociala medier ungdomarnas kroppsuppfattning? 3.     Vilka andra faktorer påverkar ungdomarna till att vara hälsosamma? Metod Studien utgår främst från den kvalitativa forskningsansatsen där semistrukturerade intervjuer har legat till grund för datainsamlingen. En kvantitativ enkät har använts för att samla data om respondenternas konsumtion av sociala medier. Respondenterna har valts utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval och de medverkande är åtta tjejer och åtta killar som går i årskurs nio inom norra Stockholmsområdet. Analys av empiri har inledningsvis förberetts genom kodningsanalys för att senare belysas med hjälp av meningstolkning. Som teoretiskt ramverk för analys har författarna tagit utgångspunkt i socialkonstruktivistiska teorin, genusteorin, samt teorin om social jämförelse.     Resultat Ungdomarna hämtar hälsobaserad information från fyra olika källor: sociala medier/internet, skolan, hemmet samt i samband med fritidsaktiviteter. Den mediala påverkan är påtaglig och ungdomarna jämför sig med som de som är relevanta för dem, utifrån den individualistiska livsstilen. Tjejerna tenderar att jämföra sig mer än killarna på sociala medier. Killarna ägnar mindre tid än tjejerna på sociala medier. Studien har identifierat tre kategorier kring vad som motiverar ungdomarna till att vara hälsosamma: välmående, motivation och slutligen investeringsvärde. / Aim This study aims to investigate how media influences 15-year old’s health, and well-being. By seeking knowledge into the media influencing processes, this specific case study aims to create a better understanding through the following three research questions: Research questions 1.     What is the primary source of information for these young people to obtain and receive health-related information? 2.     How does the available information on health on social media affect these young people's body image? 3.     What other factors influence these young people to be healthy? Method The study is based on the qualitative research approach where semi-structured interviews have formed the basis for the data collection. A quantitative survey has been used to collect data on respondents’ social media consumption. The respondents have been selected based on a convenience sample, and the participants are ninth-grade students, eight girls, and eight boys, within the northern Stockholm area. Analysis of empirical data has initially been prepared by coding analysis to be elucidated later with the help of interpretation of meaning. The authors have utilized the social constructivism theory, the gender theory, and the social comparison theory as the theoretical framework for analysis. Result The adolescents retrieve health-based information from four different sources: social media/internet, school, home, and in connection with leisure activities. The media influence is palpable, and the youth’s compare themselves with those they find relevant, based on the individualistic lifestyle. Girls tend to compare themselves more than boys on social media. The boys spend less time than the girls on social media. Further, this study has identified three categories of what motivates these adolescents to be healthy: well-being, motivation, and finally, investment value.

En egen identitet : En komparativ studie av Amanda Svenssons Hey Dolly, Välkommen till den här världen och Allt det där jag sa till dig var sant

Andersson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This essay is a study of three fiction novels by the Swedish author Amanda Svensson: Hey Dolly (2008), Välkommen till den här världen (2011) and Allt det där jag sa till dig var sant (2014). A unified theme for the novels is identity making where the three young female protagonists try different identities and explore who they are. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate in which ways the protagonists explore their identities and how this is expressed. Gender theory and genre theory are used when analyzing the characters in the novels. In the analysis it becomes clear that the protagonists explore their identities in different ways. The three young women are aware of that they live in a society in which male and female gender stereotypes exist. In some cases they adjust to the gender roles but in many cases they also observe the gender stereotypes and problematize them. Therefore the protagonists sometimes differ from how a stereotype woman is portrayed.

Investigation of a polyether trisiloxane surfactant

Michel, Amandine 09 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Thanks to their adaptability and high efficiency compared to traditional carbon based surfactants, silicone surfactants are a success in many different applications, from pesticides to cosmetics, polyurethane foam, textile and car care products. In spite of those numerous applications, no analytical method existed for their trace determination in environmental samples and no data have been available regarding their environmental occurrence and fate. An analytical method for the trace analysis of trisiloxane surfactants in the aqueous environment was developed and validated. The method, based on liquid-liquid extraction and HPLC-MS/MS, reaches limits of quantification in the ng L-1 range and allows an individual quantification of every homologue of the targeted trisiloxane surfactant. The newly developed analytical method was applied to analyze 40 river water samples. The targeted trisiloxane surfactant was detected in 14 samples, between 1 ng L-1 and 100 ng L-1. The results showed that the studied trisiloxane surfactant does not ubiquitously occur in the aquatic environment in measurable concentrations, but can reach surface waters on a local scale. In order to assess the persistence of the trisiloxane surfactant in surface waters, its hydrolysis was studied in the lab, under various conditions (temperature, pH, and concentration). The half-lifes at pH 7 and 2 mg L-1 were found to be between 29 days and 55 days at 25°C and between 151 days and 289 days at 12°C. Taking only into account the hydrolysis, these results indicate that the trisiloxane surfactant could persist several weeks in surface waters. A degradation product of the trisiloxane surfactant was tentatively identified by high resolution mass spectrometry. When used as agricultural adjuvants, trisiloxane surfactants may reach the soil compartment and might further leach to ground water. The behavior of the trisiloxane surfactant on soil was therefore investigated to assess the possibility to reach ground water. With a sorption batch equilibrium method, distribution coefficients between water and soil (Kd, Koc, and Kclay) were estimated for two standard soils (loam and sandy loam) and for every homologue of the trisiloxane surfactant. The obtained values for Kd were between 15 L kg-1 and 135 L kg-1, indicating that the trisiloxane surfactant is only slightly mobile in soil. To further investigate the possibility of leaching to ground water after application on agricultural fields, the leaching in soil was simulated in the lab in a soil column. The experimental settings were designed to simulate a worst case scenario where the application of the trisiloxane surfactant is done on quartz sand and is immediately followed by a heavy rainfall. Even in these conditions, less than 0.01 % of the initially applied trisiloxane surfactant leached through 20 cm of quartz sand. Based on the Kd values and the results of the leaching in soil column, the studied trisiloxane surfactant is considered to be unlikely to leach to ground water after application as an agricultural adjuvant.

Psykiatrins arbetsprocess : En sociologisk kartläggning och granskning av arbetsprocessens relation till den formella strukturen. / Psychiatry's work process : A sociological survey and examination of the work process and the formal structure.

Stern, Elin, Börjesson, Erica January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to survey and reach an understanding of how the practical work in psychiatry at times depart from the organization’s stated formal structure. To find the material that would give us the answers we read the organizations own documents about the formal structures form and also we had five interviews. All the tutors are involved in one way or another with the psychiatric and the forensic process. .Job titles vary in order to access information from different parts of the process and get multiple perspectives.  The data was analyzed with sociological concepts and a more comprehensive theory. Some of the concepts are “formal structure”, “cooperation”, "the relationship between freedom and constraint” and “gräsrotsbyråkrater”. The theory that we used to examine the material is W. Meyer and Rowans theory about how the formal structure of an organization and business is only a myth and ceremony.  The result of the study indicates that a plurality of elements has an impact on why the difference between the formal structure and the practical process exists. The loose constraint leads to a wider freedom of action that gives a varied embodiment within the different workgroups. It becomes a habitual pattern in the practical process and the looks of the formal structure is not a priority. The practical process is not aligned with the formal structure and that causes problems. The cooperation is affected negatively and becomes inexplicit and the workgroups can form how the duties are done instead of the organizational management plan (the formal structure). That brings the opportunity to decide and claim that the own group does it better so cooperation partners is excluded in the practical process, when they actually are supposed to be included according to the formal structure.

Finns utarbetade riktlinjer för hur vi ska bevara de unika svenska naturmiljöerna i ett förändrat klimat? / Are there drafted guide-lines for the preservation of the unique Swedish natural environments in a changing climate?

Löf, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to find out if there are regional/national strategies, and thus evaluate, how well prepared Sweden is to preserve the unique Swedish natural environments in view of the ongoing climate change. In this work the study is limited to comprise the preservation of protected areas in the Swedish forests. The data collection for the study was done by qualitative interviews to obtain data for the analysis template, where interviews were processed and indexed. The study reveals that the authorities have not come that far. More research is needed with reference to how our unique Swedish natural environments are affected by the changing climate in order to find relevant data for a strategy. In terms of strategy for the preservation of biodiversity, results indicate a slightly better outcome for the authorities.

Mammor, mat och moral : En studie av judisk­-identifierade kvinnor och icke-mäns förhållningssätt till föreställningar om ”den judiska mamman”

Berg, Joella January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to study how Swedish ­Jewish women and non-men relate to widespread notions of Jewish motherhood and the trope of ”the Jewish mother”, through their own  stories. The paper asks how they relate to notions of Jewish motherhood, how these notions  function in the construction of their identities as Jewish and how it relates to processes of  community and nationalism. The material that is analyzed is the narrative of fourteen Jewishidentified women/non-men gathered with a survey interview. It is analyzed through theories  of the relation between motherhood and nationalism, the constitutive terms of a diaspora and an intersectional approach to racialized processes of gender and gendered processes of the  constitution of race and ethnicity. The thesis concludes that through the informants’ stories  the cultural symbol of ”motherhood” is dependent upon certain symbols in its own, such as  food and religious practices, that relate to identity processes among the informants, and to  processes of community and nationalism tied to motherhood. Jewish mothers, potential  mothers and parents are effected by expectations of certain Jewish ways of performing  motherhood in their identification as Jewish and in their sense of belonging to the Jewish  community. They also relate these expectations to portrayals of Jewish mothers from popular culture as well as to the parenting and memories of their own mothers and ancestral women.

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