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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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LIVIA SANT ANNA MAIA 06 June 2024 (has links)
[pt] Grande parte dos objetivos e sonhos das pessoas envolve recursos financeiros. E para que sejam alcançados, a educação financeira é crucial. Durante muito tempo, psicólogos e sociólogos se opuseram às teorias das finanças tradicionais, porque consideram que investidores, tal como qualquer ser humano, não são seres totalmente racionais. Diante de resultados adversos, estudos começaram a se dedicar a entender as relações entre finanças e aspectos psicológicos. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar vieses comportamentais e possíveis influências exercidas sobre as decisões de investimento a serem tomadas por pessoas com algum conhecimento do mercado de ações. Para alcançar esse objetivo, foram realizadas as seguintes etapas: elaboração de questionário a ser respondido por sujeitos-investidores que tenham algum conhecimento do mercado de ações, de tal modo que possam atribuir graus de importância a critérios, comparativamente; análise das respostas obtidas, com a finalidade de propor uma carteira de investimento para cada perfil identificado, a partir do método AHP; identificação de vieses comportamentais nas decisões de investimento de cada sujeito-investidor e análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos; retorno aos sujeitos das carteiras propostas e questionamento se estão de acordo com o apresentado. Como resultado, observou-se que efetivamente existe uma influência desses vieses na tomada de decisão, o que corrobora a necessidade de uma educação financeira que leve em consideração aspectos comportamentais. / [en] A large part of people s goals and dreams involve financial resources. And for them to be achieved, financial education is crucial. For a long time, psychologists and sociologists opposed traditional finance theories, because they consider that investors, like any human being, are not fully rational beings. Faced with adverse results, studies began to focus on understanding the relationships between finances and psychological aspects. Therefore, the present work aims to analyze behavioral biases and possible influences exerted on investment decisions to be taken by people with some knowledge of the stock market. To achieve this objective, the following steps were carried out: preparation of a questionnaire to be answered by investor-subjects who have some knowledge of the stock market, in such a way that they can attribute degrees of importance to criteria, comparatively; analysis of the responses obtained, with the purpose of proposing an investment portfolio for each identified profile, based on the AHP method; identification of behavioral biases in the investment decisions of each investor-subject and comparative analysis of the results obtained; return to the subjects of the proposed portfolios and question whether they are in accordance with what was presented. As a result, it was observed that there is indeed an influence of these biases on decision-making, which corroborates the need for financial education that takes behavioral aspects into account.

Developing Production Techniques and A Site Assessment Tool for Forest Farmed Ramps in Appalachia

Aryal, Pabitra 23 June 2023 (has links)
The Allium tricoccum Aiton (ramps, aka wild leeks), a native spring ephemeral, is a cultural keystone species in Appalachia, a mountainous physiographic region encompassing 205,000 square miles of the eastern United States. People in Appalachia have long harvested ramps in the wild. However, growing demand for the plant in and outside the region has increased harvesting, resulting in threats to native populations. Agroforestry cultivation techniques and technical support for sustained-yield forest farming practices are needed to conserve ramps and meet increasing demand. Various techniques for assessing suitable production practices for ramps were explored in this dissertation, particularly examining best-suited ramp ecotypes, mycorrhizal treatment, and habitat suitability determination. In the first study, bulbs and seeds from diverse Appalachian locations were gathered and transplanted to a common experimental site to investigate the effects of different ramp ecotypes on growth, survival, and stress responses. Plant characteristics and stress measurements were recorded before transplantation and post-transplantation assessments. Specifically, the study investigated the germination rate of three ramp seed ecotypes and the growth, survival, and stress responses of eight native ramp bulb ecotypes and three commercially obtained seedling samples. Results indicated that above-ground growth, survival, and stress response on the ramp ecotypes differed significantly. The second study explored the impact of mycorrhizae on ramps and was evaluated by assessing the impact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) inoculation on Allium tricoccum. Four measurements, collectively referred to as parameter categories, were assessed. These included measures of 1) above-ground plant growth: leaf length, and leaf width; 2) stress measurement: transplant stress after a few days of transplant, and photosynthetic performance stress after a year of transplant; 3) survival analysis; and 4) mycorrhizal colonization rate. For each parameter category, three treatment comparison categories were conducted: 1) Positive control treatments: bulbs were planted from their native environment without treatment; 2) Negative controls: bulbs were treated with fungicide before planting to eradicate existing AMF in roots; and 3) The test group: bulbs were inoculated with commercial AMF (Atriva 500). Results indicated that mycorrhizal inoculation could increase ramp leaf length (P≤0.03). However, the impact varied by ecotype, highlighting the importance of considering local environmental conditions and ramp ecotype. Mycorrhizal inoculation did not impact ramp growth at the seedling stage. Mycorrhizal treatment increased the transplanted ramp's survival and stress tolerance (P≤0.001). The third study used multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP), and weighted linear combinations to model suitable habitats for ramps production. Ten habitat criteria were chosen (including five soil properties, three topographic parameters, and two land use properties) to assess the potential for growing ramps in seven counties in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. The percentage of highly suitable areas for ramps production in the studied counties ranges from 21.5% in Haywood County to 49.6% in Macon County. Similarly, moderately suitable areas range from 36.7% in Macon County to 54.5% in Lawrence County. Ground truthing was performed to validate the model. Ramp patch locations within each county were geocoded in the final suitability maps. Existing ramp patches were within the model's estimate of moderate to high site suitability ranges, suggesting the model is valid. Results of the study suggest that site suitability modeling could be useful for producers interested in growing ramps in forest farm settings across Appalachia. / Doctor of Philosophy / The ramp, also known as the wild leek, is an important food, medicinal and cultural resource for the people of Appalachia. However, increasing demand for ramps beyond this region has led to over-harvesting and threatens the plant's native populations. Appropriate cultivation techniques and technical support for sustained-yield forest farming practices are needed to conserve ramps and meet growing demand. This dissertation explores various techniques for assessing suitable production practices for ramps, including examining ramp ecotypes, mycorrhizal treatments, and habitat suitability determination. The first study evaluated the ecotypic variation among ramps collected from different geographic regions and their impact on plant performance. Ramp ecotypes displayed differences in above-ground growth, survival, and stress response. The second study examined the impact of mycorrhizae on ramps and found that mycorrhizal inoculation can increase ramp leaf length and survival and stress tolerance of transplanted ramps. However, this impact varied by ecotype, highlighting the importance of considering local environmental conditions and ramp ecotype. The third study involved developing a model to identify suitable habitats for growing ramps. The model was tested for seven counties across Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. The percentage of land predicted as highly suitable for ramps production ranged from 21.5% in Haywood County, NC, to 49.6% in Macon County, NC. Moderately suitable lands ranged from 36.7% in Macon County, NC to 54.5% in Lawrence County, PA. Ground truthing confirmed the model's accuracy as geocoded existing ramp patch locations fell within the estimated suitable ranges. Site suitability modeling could be useful for people interested in growing ramps in forest farm settings across Appalachia. Overall, this research provides insights into best practices for ramp cultivation that help conserve a cultural keystone species and meet the growing demand for ramps.

Análisis de criterios de diseño básico de una terminal de contenedores de sustancias químicas peligrosas aplicando el proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP)

Molero Prieto, Gemma Dolores 14 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] During the last years the dangerous goods containers transport are increasing generating port congestion. We had analyzed the criteria for designing an inland dangerous goods container terminal using Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP). Particularly we had work in 5 areas defined after studying the state of the art: machines and instruments, Business Intelligence (BI), protection and security, Technologies Information and Communication (TIC) and environment. In our study an expert panel has participated on the criteria defining and for obtaining criteria weights. We have defined 88 criteria. The results are of great interest for future applications on the design of container terminals with dangerous goods and will be applied in the selection process of terminals with the Analytic Network Process (ANP). / [ES] En los últimos años se ha producido un incremento considerable del transporte de contenedores de mercancías peligrosas, con la consiguiente congestión de puertos, para dar respuesta a esta problemática, hemos investigado y desarrollado esta tesis. Nuestro objeto de estudio ha sido el análisis de criterios de diseño básico de una terminal interior de contenedores de sustancias químicas peligrosas aplicando el proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP). En particular se ha recurrido al estudio en 5 áreas principales: maquinaria y equipos, Bussines Intelligence (BI), seguridad y protección, Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y medio ambiente que han sido definidos tras el estudio del estado del arte. Para poder definir estas áreas se ha trabajado con un panel de expertos en la determinación y análisis de los criterios. Analizando mediante el método todos los factores y determinando los pesos locales y globales. Se han priorizado un total de 88 criterios. Los resultados de esta investigación servirán en próximos estudios para aplicarlos a la selección de terminales con el método proceso analítico en red (ANP). / [CA] En els últims anys s'ha produït un increment considerable del transport de contenidors de mercaderies perilloses, amb la consegüent congestió de ports. Per donar resposta a aquesta problemàtica hem investigat i desenvolupat aquest treball de tesi. El nostre objecte d'estudi ha estat l'anàlisi de criteris de disseny bàsic en una terminal interior de contenidors de substàncies químiques perilloses aplicant-hi el procés analític jeràrquic (AHP, Analytic Hierarchic Process). En particular, l'estudi s'ha focalitzat en cinc àrees principals: maquinària i equips, Business Intelligence (BI), seguretat i protecció, Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) i, finalment, medi ambient.Per poder definir aquestes àrees s'ha treballat, amb l'ajut d'un panell d'experts, en la determinació i l'anàlisi dels criteris de disseny de la terminal, estudiant els factors i determinant-ne els pesos locals i globals. En total, s'hi han prioritzat i avaluat més de vuitanta criteris de disseny diferents. Com a línies obertes de treball, els resultats d'aquesta investigació serviran per fer la selecció de terminals mitjançant el mètode anomenat procés analític en xarxa (ANP, Analytic Network Process). / Molero Prieto, GD. (2016). Análisis de criterios de diseño básico de una terminal de contenedores de sustancias químicas peligrosas aplicando el proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61773

Life cycle assessment applied to the sustainable design of prestressed bridges in coastal environment

Navarro Martínez, Ignacio Javier 07 January 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La sostenibilidad ha ido adquiriendo una presencia relevante en nuestra sociedad desde su primera definición en 1987 por parte de la Comisión Brundtland. Desde entonces, la comunidad científica ha llevado a cabo importantes esfuerzos en el desarrollo de normativas, herramientas y criterios para lograr diseños en esa línea. A pesar de ello, estos esfuerzos no han sido suficientes para lograr trazar un futuro realmente sostenible a corto plazo. Como respuesta al estado actual e insuficiente de desarrollo, las Naciones Unidas han establecido recientemente los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, los cuales deben alcanzarse en 2030. En dichos Objetivos se atiende explícitamente al papel de las infraestructuras, que se revelan como elementos clave para asegurar la consecución de los mencionados Objetivos. Sin embargo, a pesar de las relevantes implicaciones del diseño de infraestructuras, y a pesar de que la mayoría de las infraestructuras están diseñadas para servir a un grupo significativo de personas durante un periodo intergeneracional de tiempo, el diseño sostenible y resiliente de infraestructuras todavía carece de una metodología estandarizada que considere sus ciclos de vida desde una perspectiva holística. En la actualidad, tanto las metodologías de evaluación del ciclo de vida ambiental como las económicas muestran un estado de desarrollo relativamente maduro. Sin embargo, la dimensión social todavía se considera en estado embrionario, comprometiendo por tanto el empleo de métodos de evaluación multidimensionales de la sostenibilidad. La presente tesis propone una metodología extendida basada en la norma ISO 14040 de enfoque puramente medioambiental para evaluar la sostenibilidad del ciclo de vida de las infraestructuras mediante la consideración simultánea y coherente de las tres dimensiones de la misma, a saber, el medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. Se propone aquí una nueva metodología para evaluar las infraestructuras desde la dimensión social, integrando al mismo tiempo dichas evaluaciones en un marco basado en la norma ISO 14040. A continuación, se aplica una técnica de toma de decisión multicriterio para integrar las tres perspectivas. Con el fin de tener en cuenta las incertidumbres no probabilísticas implicadas en la asignación de pesos al emplear dichas técnicas, se propone aquí un nuevo enfoque neutrosófico para la determinación de los pesos resultantes de la aplicación de la técnica AHP con grupos de decisores. Se ha considerado como caso de estudio el diseño sostenible de un puente de hormigón pretensado en un entorno costero para construir la metodología propuesta. El enfoque holístico en la evaluación de la sostenibilidad de las infraestructuras se revela esencial frente a las habituales evaluaciones basadas únicamente en la consideración de la dimensión medioambiental. Se ha observado que el mantenimiento preventivo resulta más sostenible a lo largo del ciclo de vida en comparación con las estrategias de mantenimiento reactivo. Esta tesis proporciona una guía para el diseño sostenible de estructuras de hormigón, aunque la metodología sugerida puede aplicarse a cualquier tipo de infraestructura. / [CA] La sostenibilitat ha anat adquirint una presència rellevant en la nostra societat des de la seva primera definició el 1987 per part de la Comissió Brundtland. Des de llavors, la comunitat científica ha dut a terme importants esforços en el desenvolupament de normatives, eines i criteris per aconseguir dissenys sostenibles. Tot i això, aquests esforços no han estat suficients per aconseguir traçar un futur realment sostenible a curt termini. Com a resposta a l'estat actual i insuficient de desenvolupament, les Nacions Unides han establert recentment els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible, els quals s'han d'assolir en 2030. En aquests Objectius s'atén explícitament al paper de les infraestructures, que es revelen com a elements clau per assegurar la consecució dels esmentats Objectius. No obstant això, tot i les rellevants implicacions del disseny d'infraestructures, i tot i que la majoria de les infraestructures estan dissenyades per servir a un grup significatiu de persones durant un període intergeneracional de temps, el disseny sostenible i resilient d'infraestructures encara no té una metodologia estandarditzada per determinar la seva sostenibilitat al llarg dels seus cicles de vida des d'una perspectiva holística. En l'actualitat, tant les metodologies d'avaluació del cicle de vida ambiental com les econòmiques mostren un estat de desenvolupament relativament madur. No obstant això, la dimensió social encara es considera en estat embrionari, comprometent per tant el desenvolupament de mètodes d'avaluació multidimensionals de la sostenibilitat. La present tesi proposa una metodologia basada en la norma ISO 14040 d'orientació mediambiental per avaluar la sostenibilitat del cicle de vida de les infraestructures mitjançant la consideració simultània i coherent de les tres dimensions de la sostenibilitat, és a dir, el medi ambient, l'economia i la societat. Es proposa aquí una nova metodologia per avaluar les infraestructures des de la dimensió social, integrant al mateix temps aquestes avaluacions en un marc basat en la norma ISO 14040. A continuació, s'aplica una tècnica de presa de decisió multicriteri per integrar les tres dimensions de la sostenibilitat. Per tal de tenir en compte les incerteses no probabilístiques implicades en l'assignació de pesos a l'emprar aquestes tècniques, es proposa aquí un nou enfocament neutrosófic per a la determinació dels pesos resultants de l'aplicació de la tècnica AHP amb grups de decisors. S'ha considerat com a cas d'estudi el disseny sostenible d'un pont de formigó pretesat en un entorn costaner per construir la metodologia proposada. L'enfocament holístic en l'avaluació de la sostenibilitat de les infraestructures es revela essencial en contrast a les habituals avaluacions de la sostenibilitat basades únicament en la consideració de la dimensió mediambiental. S'ha observat que el manteniment preventiu resulta en millors valors de rendiment de sostenibilitat del cicle de vida en comparació amb les estratègies de manteniment reactiu. Aquesta tesi proporciona una guia per al disseny sostenible d'estructures de formigó, encara que la metodologia sugerida pot aplicar-se a qualsevol tipus d'infraestructura. / [EN] Sustainability has gained relevant presence in our society since its first definition in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission. Ever since, the scientific community has put significant efforts in the development of standards, tools and criteria to reach sustainable designs. Notwithstanding the above, such efforts have not been enough to outline a truly sustainable future in the short term. As a response to the actual, insufficient state of development, the United Nations have recently established the Sustainable Development Goals to be reached by 2030. In such Goals, explicit attention is paid to the role of infrastructures, which are revealed as key elements to ensure the achievement of the mentioned Goals. However, despite the relevant implications of infrastructure design, and despite the fact that most infrastructures are designed to serve a significant group of people over an intergenerational period of time, the design of sustainable and resilient infrastructures is still lacking of a standarised methodology to determine their sustainability along their life cycles from a holistic perspective. Currently, both the environmental and the economic life cycle assessment methodologies show a relatively mature state of development. However, the social dimension is still considered to be in an embryonic state, thus compromising the use of multidimensional sustainability assessment methods. The present thesis proposes an extended methodology based on the environmentally oriented ISO 14040 standard to evaluate the life cycle sustainability of infrastructures through the simultaneous and consistent consideration of the three dimensions of sustainability, namely environment, economy and society. A new methodology is suggested here so as to assess infrastructures from a social dimension, while integrating such assessments into an ISO 14040 based framework. A multi criteria decision making technique is then applied to integrate the three sustainability dimensions into one single assessment. So as to take into consideration the non-probabilistic uncertainties involved in subjective weighting techniques, a novel neutrosophic approach for group AHP weights determination is proposed here. The sustainable design of a prestressed concrete bridge in a coastal environment is assumed as a conducting case study on which to construct the proposed methodology. The holistic approach in the sustainability assessment of infrastructures reveals itself to be essential rather than the usually conducted sustainability assessments based on the sole consideration of the environmental dimension. It has been observed that preventive maintenance results in better life cycle sustainability performance values when compared with reactive maintenance strategies. This thesis provides a guide for the sustainable design of concrete structures, although the suggested methodology can be applied to any type of infrastructure. / Navarro Martínez, IJ. (2019). Life cycle assessment applied to the sustainable design of prestressed bridges in coastal environment [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/134054 / Compendio

Modelagem em SIG da fragilidade ambiental para o processo de eutrofização antrópica em reservatórios tropicais / A GIS-Based Model to access the environmental fragility to human-induced eutrophication in tropical reservoirs

Martins, Iris Amati 14 September 2017 (has links)
Os sistemas naturais e humanos são considerados sistemas integrados, com interações complexas e de caráter fortemente multidisciplinar. A abordagem da limnologia da paisagem, como um princípio holístico para avaliar as relações complexas entre a bacia de captação e o reservatório, é de grande importância na produção de diagnósticos consistentes. O modelo de tomada de decisão foi produzido por meio de literatura especializada, conhecimento de especialistas, Processo Hierárquico Analítico (AHP) e Avaliação Multicritério (MCE). O modelo foi desenvolvido para atuar em escala da paisagem, considerando a bacia de captação como a escala observacional. Foram selecionados sete critérios (variáveis preditoras) para determinar o grau de fragilidade ambiental para o processo de eutrofização antrópica em reservatórios tropicais: Variáveis Intrínsecas do Reservatório: (1) morfometria (profundidade) e Tempo de Retenção (RT); (2) Variáveis Limnológicas: Zona Eufótica e presença de macrófitas de crescimento intensivo; (3) Variáveis Antrópicas: Fonte de Poluição Difusa Potencial; e (4) Variáveis Hidrológicas: Taxa de Sedimentação e escoamento superficial potencial. No processo de ponderação das variáveis, todas as matrizes foram consistentes e os especialistas priorizaram o Escoamento Superficial potencial e a Fonte de Poluição Difusa Potencial com os principais responsáveis pelo processo de eutrofização antrópica. Apesar dos critérios e pesos serem fixos para os reservatórios tropicais, existe a possibilidade de ajuste do modelo de acordo com situações especiais, já que o modelo é flexível suficiente para ser utilizados em outras bacias de captação, com características diferentes e intrínsecas. O modelo também é adaptável em função da disponibilidade de base de dados / The human and natural systems are integrated systems, with complex interactions and a strong multidisciplinary character. The application of landscape limnology, as a holistic principle to address the complex relationships between the watershed and reservoir, are of great importance to produce consistent diagnoses and predictions. The GIS-based model was performed by using literature, expert knowledge, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE). The model was performed in a landscape scale considering the watershed as the observational scale. We selected seven criteria (predictor variables) to assess the environmental fragility to human-induced eutrophication in tropical reservoirs: (1) Intrinsic Reservoir Variables: morphometry (depth) and Retention Time (RT); (2) Limnological Variables: euphotic zone and intensive-growth macrophytes presence; (3) Anthropic Variable: Potential Non-Point Source (NPS); and (4) Hydrological Variable: Sedimentation Rate and Potential Runoff. In the weighting process, all matrices were consistent and the experts prioritized the potential runoff and potential NPS criteria as the main drivers of human-induced eutrophication. Although the criteria and its weights are considered fixed for any tropical reservoir, it is possible to adjust them according to specific situations since the model proposed is flexible enough to be used in different watersheds with different and intrinsic characteristics and adapted according to the database availability

Improving Land Use Planning (LUP) by integration of landslide susceptibility: An economic case study in Maichau District, Hoabinh Province, Vietnam / Improving Land Use Planning (LUP) by integration of landslide susceptibility: An economic case study in Maichau District, Hoabinh Province, Vietnam

Do, Van Nha 15 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.


CRISTIANA VALENTE MENESES 23 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] A disciplina de marketing vem passando por grandes mudanças, tanto no âmbito acadêmico, quanto na prática das empresas e organizações em geral. Essas mudanças vêm ocorrendo mais especificamente na área de marketing de relacionamento, cujo enfoque é a construção de relações e laços entre a organização, seus clientes e demais partes interessadas, na busca da melhoria desta interação, segundo uma visão de longo prazo, na qual há benefícios mútuos. O objetivo geral da dissertação é propor um modelo de monitoramento e avaliação (MA) de programas de marketing de relacionamento implementados por empresas de serviços, com o auxílio de métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão. A pesquisa pode ser considerada aplicada, descritiva e metodológica. Quanto aos meios de investigação, a metodologia compreendeu pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; construção de um quadro lógico de programas de marketing de relacionamento para a posterior proposição de indicadores candidatos e respectivas métricas; emprego de um método híbrido de apoio à decisão – método analítico hierárquico (AHP) para definição dos pesos dos critérios classificatórios e o método TOPSIS para seleção e hierarquização dos indicadores propostos; e desenvolvimento de um estudo empírico realizado no âmbito do Programa Cliente Light Tem Mais , iniciativa de marketing de relacionamento da empresa Light SESA, visando demonstrar a aplicabilidade do modelo. Destacam-se como resultados um novo modelo de monitoramento e avaliação de programas de marketing de relacionamento no setor de serviços; a ferramenta de seleção e classificação de indicadores; e um conjunto consistente de indicadores de MA, visando à melhoria contínua de programas de marketing de relacionamento de empresas de serviços. / [en] The discipline of marketing has undergone great changes, both in the academic field and in the practice of companies and organizations in general. From the perspective of a long-term vision in which relationships and strong ties between the organization and its clients and other stakeholders lead to mutual benefits, these changes have been occurring more specifically in the area of relationship marketing. This dissertation aims to propose a model for monitoring and evaluating (ME) programs of relationship marketing carried out by service companies, with the support of multiple criteria decision-making methods. The research can be considered applied, descriptive and methodological. The methodology encompasses bibliographical and documentary research; design of a logical framework to propose candidate indicators and metrics for monitoring and evaluating relationship marketing programs; and application of a hybrid decision support method - hierarchical analytical method (AHP), for defining the weights of the classification criteria, and the TOPSIS method for selecting and ranking the candidate indicators. Aiming to demonstrate the applicability of this ME model in the context of a service company, an empirical study focusing on the Program Cliente Light Tem Mais – a relationship marketing initiative of Light SESA – was carried out during the applied phase of this research. As main results of this research, we can highlight a monitoring and evaluation model designed for relationship marketing programs in the service sector; the tool for selecting and ranking ME indicators and respective metrics; and a consistent set of ME indicators, aiming at the continuous improvement of relationship marketing programs of companies in the service sector.


JOSE DANIEL HERNANDEZ VASQUEZ 13 August 2018 (has links)
[pt] A tese de doutorado tem por objetivo avaliar os impactos decorrentes da implementação de estratégias de eficientizacão energética na indústria de papel e celulose. A motivação pela escolha do tema resultou da necessidade de obter ganhos de energia considerando aspectos que, usualmente, não são considerando em programas de eficiência de energética (i.e.: aspectos sociais, técnicos, econômicos e ambientais). A metodologia utilizada –Método Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS– (i) permitiu selecionar as tecnologias de eficientização aplicáveis ao subsetor de papel e celulose e (ii) possibilitou avaliar a influência de cada critério e subcritério na hierarquização de alternativas de eficientização energética. Os resultados consolidados permitiram: (i) confirmar que mudanças tanto nos processos, quantos nas tecnologias transversais do subsetor de papel e celulose devem ser implementadas; (ii) identificar os principais critérios decorrentes da eficientização energética no âmbito social, técnico, econômico e ambiental. Como conclusão, a pesquisa avaliou a relevância de cada critério, sugerindo, inclui-los em programas brasileiros de eficiência energética. Assim, a pesquisa legitima a sua contribuição para o setor energético brasileiro, promovendo o desenvolvimento de novos estudos na área de eficiência energética. / [en] The goal of this work is to evaluate the impacts of the implementation of energy efficiency strategies in the pulp and paper industry. The motivation for choosing the theme resulted from the need to obtain energy gains considering aspects that, usually not considered in energy efficiency programs (i.e.: social, technical, economical and environmental aspects). The methodology used –Multicriteria Decision Making Method Fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS – (i) allowed to select the efficiency technologies applicable to the pulp and paper sub-sector and (ii) made it possible to evaluate the influence of each criterion and sub-criterion in the hierarchy of alternatives of energy efficiency. The consolidated results allowed: (i) to confirm that changes in the processes and in the transversal technologies of the pulp and paper subsector must be implemented; (ii) identify the main criteria resulting from energy efficiency in social, technical, economic and environmental aspects. As a conclusion, this work evaluated the relevance of each criterion, suggesting that it be included in Brazilian energy efficiency programs. Thus, the research legitimizes its contribution to the Brazilian energy sector, promoting the development of new studies in the area of energy efficiency.

Optimisation de la gestion du service de maintenance biomédicale / Optimization of the biomedical maintenance service management

Ben Houria, Zeineb 21 November 2016 (has links)
Le milieu hospitalier est un monde à la fois sensible et complexe, sensible parce que la vie humaine est en jeu et complexe parce que les équipements médicaux augmentent en nombre et en complexité technique. Ainsi, afin de préserver le bon état de fonctionnement de ces équipements et à un niveau élevé de disponibilité, leur entretien est devenu l'une des préoccupations majeures des responsables de l’hôpital. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer, aux responsables de maintenance biomédicale dans les établissements de soins, des outils d’aide à la décision qui permettent une meilleure maitrise des coûts. Ceci en assurant la sécurité des patients et des utilisateurs et en maintenant des performances optimales de l’ensemble des équipements médicaux. Tout d’abord, une heuristique a été proposée pour le choix de l’internalisation ou de l’externalisation de la maintenance et pour la sélection du contrat adéquat. La sélection du contrat est basée sur un ensemble de critères tout en considérant la contrainte du budget disponible. Ensuite, afin d’améliorer la procédure proposée, nous avons proposé des outils d’aide à la décision multicritère pour le choix adéquat d’une stratégie de maintenance. Pour l’étude de la criticité des équipements médicaux et le choix de la maintenance, sept critères ont été étudiés en proposant un couplage de l’approche AHP « Analytical Hierarchy Process » à la technique TOPSIS « Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution ». Comme les experts du service de maintenance présentaient une certaine incertitude dans leurs jugements, nous avons intégré l’évaluation linguistique floue dans l’étude de la criticité des équipements et dans la sélection de la stratégie de maintenance (Fuzzy AHP couplée avec Fuzzy TOPSIS). Un modèle mathématique MILP a été développé pour la définition des limites de la criticité afin de caractériser les trois stratégies de maintenance. Le bon choix de ces limites permet d’optimiser le coût de la maintenance en respectant le budget disponible. Enfin, un deuxième modèle mathématique MILP a été développé en se basant sur l’heuristique proposée. Ce modèle permet de sélectionner pour chaque équipement, la stratégie de maintenance, internaliser ou externaliser la maintenance et le type du contrat tout en considérant le budget disponible et la charge/capacité du service maintenance / The hospital is a world that is both sensitive and complex, sensitive because the human life is involved and complex because medical facilities are growing in number and in technical complexity. Then, the problem of the medical equipment maintenance in order to keep them in safe, reliable and with high level of availability has become a major preoccupation of the hospital. The objective of this thesis is to provide tools to help the biomedical maintenance service of the hospital to make decisions that allow a better control of costs, while ensuring patient and user safety and maintaining optimal performance of medical equipment. First, a heuristic has been proposed for the choice of internalization or outsourcing maintenance and for the selection of the appropriate contract. The selection of the contract is based on a set of criteria while considering the available budget constraint. Then, to improve the proposed procedure, we proposed multi-criteria decision-making tools to select the appropriate maintenance strategies. Seven criteria have been designed to study the criticality of medical equipment and the choice of maintenance by providing a coupling of the AHP approach "Analytical Hierarchy Process" with TOPSIS technique "Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution." As the expert judgments of the maintenance department presented some uncertainty, we integrated the fuzzy language assessment of the criticality of the equipment and the selection of the maintenance strategy (Fuzzy AHP coupled with Fuzzy TOPSIS). A mixed integer linear programming model (MILP) was developed to define thresholds of criticality to characterize the three maintenance strategies. According to these thresholds, maintenance cost can be optimized within the available budget. Finally, a second mixed integer linear programming model (MILP) was developed based on the proposed heuristic. This model allows selecting for each equipment, the maintenance strategy, the internalization or the outsourcing of the maintenance and the type of contract while considering the available budget and the workload / capacity of the maintenance department


GUILHERME SILVA NUNES 31 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente o petróleo é o principal energético mundial. No Brasil, a predominância produtiva dos campos offshore evidencia a importância das bases de apoio logístico em sua cadeia de valor, o elo entre as instalações marítimas e seus provedores em terra. Diante da intensidade de capital e dos vultosos custos de uma campanha exploratória, a localização destes terminais assume caráter estratégico no sucesso da campanha. Além de apresentar os aspectos mais importantes do contexto, este trabalho visa apresentar um estudo para instalação de base de operação de apoio logístico offshore nas campanhas do Campo de Carcará na Bacia de Santos. Através da construção de uma modelagem AHP em novo formato simplificado, foi possível sugerir um ranking de terminais portuários quanto à sua vocação para provimento de serviço de apoio logístico offshore. O AHP após o desenvolvimento da forma simplificada, se torna ainda mais um poderoso ferramental para determinar a decisão correta, mesmo frente às inúmeras variáveis, minimizando a possibilidade de combinações inconsistentes e erros de julgamento, ajudando e embasando as organizações e pessoas na tomada de decisões colaborativas de forma rápida e acurada. / [en] Today, oil is the world s leading energy source. In Brazil, the productive dominance of the offshore fields shows the importance of the logistical support bases in chain value, the link between the maritime facilities and their onshore suppliers. Faced with the capital intensity and the high costs of an exploratory campaign, the location of these terminals is strategic for the success of the campaign. In addition to presenting the most important aspects of the context, this work aims to present a study for the base installation of offshore logistic support operation in the Carcará Field campaigns in Santos Basin. Through the construction of an AHP model in a new simplified format, it was possible to suggest a ranking of port terminals regarding their vocation to provide offshore logistics support service. The AHP after the development of the simplified form, becomes even more a powerful tool to determine the correct decision, even in front of the numerous variables, minimizing the possibility of inconsistent combinations and errors of judgment, helping and supporting the organizations and people in the decision making collaborative projects quickly and accurately.

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