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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bewertung der Benutzbarkeit von Internet-Anwendungen

Raasch, Jörg 29 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einführung: "Die Probleme der Nutzbarkeit (Usability) von Informatikartefakten sind seit langem abstrakt bekannt, sie konkret festzumachen und teilweise zu beheben erfordert besondere Maßnahmen zur Beobachtung und Evaluation. Usability ist sowohl an der Programm-und Dialoglogik wie auch an der Gestalt der Benutzungsschnittstelle (dem Design) festzumachen. Die Erkennung von Benutzbarkeitsproblemen ist statisch nicht möglich. Eine auch die Feinheiten beachtende Protokollierung von Dialogabläufen ist manuell kaum zu leisten. Besondere Maßnahmen sind erforderlich, um Beobachtungen im Rahmen der Usability-Evaluation zu ermöglichen."

Kulturní aspekty kartografické tvorby: Využití mentálních map v mezikulturním výzkumu / Cultural Aspects of Cartographic Creation: Use of Mental Maps in Cross-cultural Research

Bláha, Jan Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Cultural Aspects of Cartographic Creation: Use of Mental Maps in Cross-cultural Research Abstract: Diploma thesis deals with study of interdisciplinary issue of cultural aspects of cartographic creation. The first part of the work consists of theoretical introduction dealing with the map con- tent, map stylistics and map language, in which maps show the greatest cultural differences. The map figures here in a role of the image of reality and visual manifestation of culture. The analogy between a map and a classical language (linguistic anthropology) and the analogy between early maps and primitive cultures' maps are described. Beside the language, as determinants of the human spatial perception and other categories related to the map creation could be mentioned the environment, the experiences and the society, in which man lives. Several examples of so- called cultural map styles, especially from Australia and Oceania, are introduced as well. In the methodical part of the work in connection with cultural-anthropological research a method of cognitive maps, respectively mental maps of map users and map makers is discussed in detail. Just these maps are suitable to explore the cultural particularities of cartographic creation. The application part of the work presents the results of field research of mental...

WhatsApp Forensics: Locating Artifacts in Web and Desktop Clients

Nicolas Villacis Vukadinovic (6623858) 14 May 2019 (has links)
WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging application worldwide. Since 2016, users can send and receive messages through desktop clients, either through the WhatsApp desktop application or the web client accessible from supported web browsers. The author identified a gap in the literature in terms of WhatsApp forensics for desktop and web clients. The aim of the study was to locate forensic artifacts on WhatsApp clients. These clients included the desktop application on both Windows and Mac operating systems. Chrome and Firefox web clients were also analyzed for the Windows operating system, as well as Chrome and Safari web clients on the Mac operating system. A WhatsApp log file was identified as the main artifact providing information throughout all clients analyzed. Cached profile pictures were also found, as well as history information about visited websites and ran applications.

Elevers förståelse av faktatexter : Undervisning med digitala verktyg kontra analogt undervisningsmaterial / Students understanding of factual texts : Teaching with digital tools versus analog teaching materials

Fredriksson, Christian January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine whether pupils ' understanding of spoken factual texts is different if you teach using digital tools compared to analogue teaching material. The background to the survey is that Digitalisation has gained an increasingly large place in the Swedish school after changes in the curriculum. The survey's collected material has been received after a survey where 48 students in Grade 1 have been asked to answer questions for two spoken texts, one with digital tools and one using analog teaching material. The answers have since been compiled and analysed from a socio perspective with Vygotskijs thoughts as a basis. The results of my study show that students ' listening comprehension of spoken factual texts is proving to be a little better when teaching is done using digital tools. The reasons for this result I discuss from the idea that digital tools in themselves are not the reason in itself but are an aid and need to interact with several other components to achieve positive results. / Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka om elevers förståelse av upplästa faktatexter skiljer sig åt om man undervisar med hjälp av digitala verktyg jämfört med analogt undervisningsmaterial. Bakgrunden till undersökningen är att digitaliseringen har fått en allt större plats i den svenska skolan efter förändringar i läroplanen. Undersökningens insamlade material har inkommit efter en enkätstudie där 48 elever i årskurs 1 har fått svara på frågor till två upplästa texter, en med digitala verktyg och en med hjälp av analogt undervisningsmaterial. Svaren har sedan sammanställts och analyserats utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med Vygotskijs tankar som grund. Resultatet i min undersökning visar att elevernas hörförståelse för upplästa faktatexter visar sig vara aningen bättre när undervisningen sker med hjälp av digitala verktyg. Orsakerna till detta resultat diskuterar jag utifrån tanken att digitala verktyg i sig inte är anledningen i sig utan är ett hjälpmedel och behöver samverka med flera andra komponenter för att uppnå positiva resultat.

A indústria lítica do sambaqui Mar Casado, litoral do estado de São Paulo / The lithic industry of the Mar Casado shell mound, costal of the São Paulo State

Alves, Daniela Maria 14 February 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa aqui apresentada trata do estudo da cultura material lítica do sambaqui Mar Casado. Este sambaqui situava-se na cidade de Guarujá, estado de São Paulo. O sambaqui Mar Casado foi pesquisado entre os anos de 1961 e 1962 e juntamente com outros sítios litorâneos paulistas, pesquisados no mesmo período, faz parte da história da Arqueologia brasileira. Este trabalho desenvolveu-se de modo a melhor compreender as pesquisas empreendidas em um contexto arqueológico diferente do vivido atualmente, além de revalorizar antigos acervos conservados no museu. A cultura material lítica encontrada nos sambaquis brasileiros é bastante diversificada e apresenta suas especificidades. Os artefatos brutos e polidos, particularmente, receberam pouca atenção no decorrer da pesquisa arqueológica. Este estudo pretendeu analisar os artefatos líticos por meio da abordagem tecnológica, buscando observar as marcas de uso deixadas nos artefatos. A análise demonstrou que a população de Mar Casado encontrou um modo eficaz de administrar o uso de seus objetos líticos: usando várias superfícies do mesmo artefato para diversos fins. Isto significa dizer que esses artefatos tinham como característica a multifuncionalidade. Os sambaquieiros de Mar Casado provavelmente fizeram uso desses artefatos para processar vegetais, grãos, sementes e outros alimentos, além de usá-los para triturar pigmentos ou ainda como abrasivos em materiais como osso, madeira, concha. / The research presented here deals with the study of lithic material culture of the shell mound Mar Casado. This shell mound was located in the city of Guarujá, São Paulo. The shell mound was searched between the years 1961 to 1962 and along with other coastal sites in São Paulo surveyed in the same period, part of the history of Brazilian Archaeology. This work was developed in order to better understand the archaeological research undertaken in a context different from that experienced today, and upgrade old preserved in museum collections. The lithic material culture found in shell mounds in Brazil is very diverse and has its specificities. The rough and polished artifacts, particularly, have received little attention in the course of archaeological research. This study sought to examine the lithic artifacts through technological approach, seeking to observe the use-wear of artifacts. The analysis showed that the population of Mar Casado found an effective way to manage the use of their lithic objects, using various surfaces of the same artifact for various purposes. This means that these artifacts had the characteristic of multifunctionality. The population of Mar Casado probably did use these artifacts to process vegetables, grains, seeds and other foods, and use them for grinding pigments or abrasive materials such as bone, wood, shell.

Validade da tomografia computadorizada multislice e da tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico para identificação de lesões ósseas simuladas na mandíbula, com e sem a presença de artefatos dentários metálicos / Validity of multislice computed tomography and cone-beam computed tomography for the identification of bone lesions in the mandible with and without dental metal artifacts the presence of dental metallic artifacts

Perrella, Andréia 02 December 2009 (has links)
O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar a acurácia do exame de tomografia computadorizada multislice (TCM) e tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC) na identificação de lesões simuladas em mandíbula, em situações com e sem a presença de artefatos metálicos, em diversos protocolos de observação. Foram realizados exames de TCM e TCFC de mandíbulas secas, nas quais foram executadas perfurações simulando lesões. As imagens foram realizadas em dois momentos: na presença e na ausência de restaurações dentárias metálicas. Dois observadores, previamente calibrados, observaram as imagens avaliando-as quanto à presença ou ausência de lesão, número de lojas das lesões e a existência ou não de invasão medular. Os mesmos utilizaram programas de manipulação de imagens instalados em estações de trabalho independentes, para reconstruir as imagens nos seguintes protocolos de avaliação: axial, sagital + coronal, 3D, conjunto (axial+sagital+coronal+3D) e parassagital. A sensibilidade e especificidade (validade) da tomografia computadorizada multislice (64 cortes) (TCM) e da tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC) para diagnóstico de lesões ósseas (simuladas) em mandíbula, utilizando estação de trabalho independente foram demonstradas à medida que os valores encontrados foram superiores a 95% desde que com o protocolo de observação adequado. A influência de artefatos dentários metálicos foi pouco significativa na interpretação de lesões ósseas mandibulares, já que os valores de acurácia nas análises com e sem artefato foram bastante próximas. Os protocolos com aquisição por TCM sofreram mais influência dos artefatos do que os adquiridos por TCFC (valores sutilmente menores), exceto nas reconstruções em 3D, em que as originadas de aquisição por TCFC, apresentaram valores menores de acurácia. O melhor protocolo de pós processamento para interpretação de lesões ósseas simuladas foi o denominado RMP+3D. O protocolo que apresentou os piores resultados foi o que utilizou as reconstruções parassagitais. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in identification of simulated mandibular lesions in situations with and without metallic artifacts in several observation protocols. MSCT and CBCT examinations were performed in dry mandibles, in which holes were performed simulating lesions. The images were taken in two stages: in the presence and absence of metal dental restorations. Two observers, previously calibrated, observed the images by evaluating the images for the presence or absence of lesion, loci number and whether there were medullary invasion. Observers used image manipulation softwares, installed on independent workstations, to reconstruct the images in the following evaluation protocols: axial, sagittal + coronal, 3D, sets (axial+ coronal + sagittal + 3 D) and parasagittal. The sensitivity and specificity of MSCT (64 slices) and CBCT for diagnosis of simulated bone lesions in the mandible, using independent workstation were demonstrated as the values obtained were greater than 95% using the appropriate observation protocol. The influence of dental metallic artifacts was negligible in the interpretation of mandibular bone lesions, since the values of accuracy in the analysis with and without artifact were quite close. The images acquired with MCT suffered more influence of artifacts than the protocols acquired by TCFC, although the values were all high and quite close. Except for 3D reconstructions, which originated from the CBCT, showed the lowest accuracy. The best protocol for post-processing and interpretation of simulated bone lesions was called RMP +3 D. The protocol that showed the worst results was parasagital.

Chiral perturbation theory for lattice QCD

Bär, Oliver 02 March 2011 (has links)
Eine zusammenfassende Übersicht über die Formulierung der chiralen Störungstheorie (ChPT) für die Gitter Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) ist gegeben. Wir beginnen mit kurzen Zusammenfassungen der chiralen Störungstheorie für die Kontinuum-QCD sowie Symanziks effektiver Theorie für die Gitter-QCD. Anschließend wird die Formulierung der ChPT für die Gitter-QCD behandelt. Nach einem weiteren Kapitel über partial quenching und Theorien mit gemischten Wirkungen werden konkrete Anwendungen diskutiert: Wilson ChPT, staggered ChPT sowie Wilson ChPT mit einem chiral verdrehten Massenterm. Die folgenden Kapitel behandeln das Epsilonregime mit Wilsonfermionen sowie ausgewählte Resultate für ChPT mit gemischten Wirkungen. Den Abschluß bildet die Formulierung der chiralen Störungstheorie für schwere Vektormesonen mit Wilsonfermionen. / The formulation of chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) for lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is reviewed. We start with brief summaries of ChPT for continuum QCD as well as the Symanzik effective theory for lattice QCD. We then review the formulation of ChPT for lattice QCD. After an additional chapter on partial quenching and mixed action theories various concrete applications are discussed: Wilson ChPT, staggered ChPT and Wilson ChPT with a twisted mass term. The remaining chapters deal with the epsilon regime with Wilson fermions and selected results in mixed action ChPT. Finally, the formulation of heavy vector meson ChPT with Wilson fermions is discussed.

Le pouvoir des anneaux : essais sur la parure digitale du haut Moyen Âge : approche archéologique des objets du sud-ouest de la Gaule / The power of the rings : essay on the finger ornaments during the early Middle Ages : archaeological approach of the objects from southwestern Gaul.

Renou, Julie 14 December 2018 (has links)
Le sujet porte sur les bagues et les anneaux découverts dans les contextes archéologiques datés du Ve au IXe siècle, dans une zone géographique allant de la Loire aux Pyrénées, et de la façade atlantique à l’ouest du Rhône. La période chronologique, assez large, permet d’aborder la question de l’héritage antique du Ve siècle, particulièrement important dans des régions romanisées. Le IXe siècle correspond quant à lui à une forte diminution des dépôts funéraires qui constituent les principaux contextes de découverte des objets de parure. Les études portant sur les bagues et les anneaux ont jusqu’alors essentiellement consisté en l’élaboration d’une typochronologie, que ce soit pour la Gaule romaine ou pour les royaumes mérovingiens septentrionaux. Pour ce travail doctoral un catalogue a été élaboré, il comprend plus de 300 artefacts pour lesquels un classement a été proposé. La singularité de ce travail repose sur l’analyse des pratiques sociales menée à partir des artefacts du Sud-Ouest. En tant qu’objets précieux, le port des bagues et des anneaux reste l’apanage des élites ; elles constituent un marqueur important des identités sociales, de la mémoire familiale et des échanges économiques. Afin d’aborder pleinement cette thématique, l’étude est articulée en quatre parties. Les deux premières sont dévolues à la mise en place de la méthodologie, en portant une attention particulière à l’héritage historiographique dans laquelle l’étude se place. Les deux dernières parties sont consacrées à l’inscription de ces bijoux dans l’espace social du haut Moyen Âge. De leur fabrication à leur réception et à leur transmission, il s’agit de documenter les manipulations dont ils ont fait l’objet et qui leur ont conféré leur valeur, jusqu’à leur dépôt en sépulture. / The subject-matter is the finger ornaments discovered in archaeological contexts, dating from the 5th to the 9th century. The geographical area ranges from the Loire to the Pyrenees, and from the Atlantic coast to the west of the Rhône. The chronological period, which is quite broad, makes it possible to approach the question of the ancient heritage of the fifth century, which is particularly important in romanised regions. The 9th century corresponds to a sharp decrease in funeral deposits, which are the main contexts for the discovery of ornaments. Studies on rings have so far essentially consisted in the development of a typochronology, whether for Roman Gaul or for the northern Merovingian kingdoms. For this doctoral study a catalogue has been elaborated, it includes more than 300 artifacts for which a classification has been proposed. The uniqueness of this work is based on the analysis of social practices using artifacts from the Southwest. As precious objects, the wearing of rings remains the prerogative of the elite; they are an important marker of social identities, family memory and economic exchanges. In order to fully address this theme, the study is divided into four parts. The first two are devoted to the implementation of the methodology, paying particular attention to the historiographical heritage in which the study is placed. The last two parts are devoted to the inscription of these jewels in the social space of the early Middle Ages. From their manufacture to their reception and transmission, it is a question of documenting the manipulations to which they have been subjected and which have given them their value, up to their burial.

Influência de artefatos metálicos produzidos pela presença de implantes de titânio na análise das cristas ósseas periodontais adjacentes, em tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico / Assessment of the influence of metallic artefacts caused by dental titanium implants in cone beam computed tomography images at periodontal adjacent structures

Caio Cesar Cremonini 01 June 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliação da influência de artefatos metálicos nas imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC), causados por implantes dentários, nas estruturas periodontais dos dentes adjacentes a esse implante. Materiais e Métodos: 23 pacientes foram submetidos ao exame de TCFC antes e após a colocação do implante dentário. Foram realizadas medidas da espessura das corticais vestibulares (CV) por um observador calibrado (ICC=0,95), nos cortes parassagitais de imagens previamente obtidas. Foi calculada a frequência de graus de influência do artefato metálico causado pelo implante (leve, moderado e severo) para distância horizontal ao implante, espessura da CV, e distância vertical em relação à crista óssea vestibular (COV). Resultados: excluídos 5 pacientes, em 18 selecionados, examinou-se 24 implantes unitários na região posterior de mandíbula, sendo 24 dentes teste mesiais (DTM) e 17 dentes teste distais (DTD) a esses implantes. Houve associação entre distância vertical da COV e impossibilidade de se mensurar a espessura da CV para o DTM e DTD (p<0,05 para ambos). Não houve associação entre espessura da cortical vestibular e distância horizontal para a severidade de influência de artefatos (p>0,05 para ambos). Houve associação entre distância horizontal e nível de influência de artefatos em quaisquer estruturas periodontais adjacentes ao implante, para DTM e DTD somados (p<0,05). Conclusão: Os artefatos metálicos causados por implantes dentários podem influenciar a interpretação da imagem de TCFC em sítios periodontais adjacentes, e o grau de influência depende da distância horizontal do implante dentário a quaisquer estruturas periodontais, e quanto mais próximo da COV, maior influência do artefato na identificação e mensuração de estruturas na CV. / Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of metallic artifacts in CBCT (Cone beam computed tomography) images, caused by dental titanium implants, at adjacent periodontal structures. Materials and Methods: 23 patients were submitted a CBCT examination before and after the implant placement. Thickness Measurements of buccal cortical were performed by a calibrated observer (ICC=0.95), at parassagital cross-sections of previously obtained images. The frequency of influence level (mild, moderate, severe) of the artifact was calculated for horizontal distance of the implant, buccal cortical thickness and vertical distance of the buccal alveolar crest. Results: 5 patients were excluded, and 18 selected, 24 unitary implants cases at posterior mandible were examined, 24 mesial test teeth (MTT) and 17 Distal test teeth (DTT) from the implants. There was an association between the vertical distance of the buccal alveolar crest and the impossibility to measure the thickness of buccal cortical for MTT and DTT (p<0.05 for both). There was no association between the thickness of buccal cortical and horizontal distance for the artifacts level of influence (p>0.05 for both). There was association between horizontal distance and the level of the artifact influence at any periodontal structure, for the sum of MTT and DTT (p<0.05). Conclusion: the metallic artifacts caused by dental implants can influence the CBCT image interpretation at periodontal adjacent sites, and the level of the influence depends on the horizontal distance of the dental implant at any periodontal structures, and the vertical distance from the buccal alveolar crest.

Estrutura conceitual da controladoria nas empresas brasileiras: um olhar com a academia / Conceptual controllership structure of Brazilian companies: a view with the academy

Castro, Luiz Carlos Lemos de 17 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Carlos Lemos de Castro.pdf: 896231 bytes, checksum: 83567701945bdf3b26dc702b7cf6d24d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-17 / The main goal of this work is to verify if Brazilian private company s controllership, from São Paulo, are practicing the Conceptual Controllership Structure discussed in the academic research, in its procedural aspects: objectives, functions and utilized artifacts. The second aspect of the research problem, seeking to be answered, is if companies, adhering to the Conceptual Structure, have better economic performance than companies less adherent. For this purpose, two premises were made: P1 More adherent companies to the Conceptual Structure have better economic performance than less adherent companies and P2 Larger companies, having more investment capacity in technological and human resources, have better economic performance than smaller companies . The research is descriptive and classified, regarding its strategy, as surveying. It was elaborated based on a questionnaire applied to the controllership function responsible of the 108 companies surveyed, which had their performance analyzed through economic information of a research made by Exame magazine Melhores e Maiores 2011 . The research results determined that 88% of the companies are adherent to the Conceptual Controllership Structure regarding objectives, functions and definition of management models; and 43% of the companies are adherent regarding utilized artifacts. From these last, 72% are adherent to traditional artifacts; and 34% to modern artifacts. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Conceptual Structures practiced today by Brazilian private company s controllership, from São Paulo, in the fulfillment of its objectives, functions, and also considering utilized artifacts, are adherent to the Conceptual Structure discussed in the academic research. The tools utilized by the Controllership, however, represented by modern artifacts still show relative low adherence, 34%. Evidenced as true premises: P1 and P2, it was verified the non coincidence between the 11 most adherent companies and the 11 largest selling companies; answering positively the second aspect of this research, the companies with Conceptual Structure adherent practices discussed in the academic research have better economic performance than the ones with non adherent practices . The work is justified by the existent gap in understanding the real role of the Controllership in the available literature, and contributes to improve the efficiency of companies in the market / O objetivo principal do trabalho é verificar se a Controladoria das empresas privadas de controle brasileiro, da cidade de São Paulo, está praticando a Estrutura Conceitual da Controladoria discutida na pesquisa acadêmica, em seus aspectos procedimentais: objetivos, funções e artefatos utilizados. Um segundo aspecto do problema de pesquisa que se busca responder é se as empresas, com prática aderente à Estrutura Conceitual, têm desempenho econômico melhor do que as de prática não aderente. Para tanto, formularam-se duas premissas: P1 As empresas mais aderentes à estrutura conceitual têm desempenho econômico melhor do que as empresas menos aderentes e P2 As empresas maiores, por terem maior capacidade de investimento em recursos tecnológicos e humanos, conseguem melhor desempenho econômico do que as empresas menores . A pesquisa é descritiva e classificada, quanto à estratégia da pesquisa, como levantamento. Foi elaborada com base em questionário aplicado aos responsáveis pelas funções de Controladoria das 108 empresas pesquisadas, que tiveram seu desempenho analisado através das informações econômicas da pesquisa da Revista Exame Melhores e Maiores 2011 . Pelos resultados da pesquisa, constatou-se que 88% das empresas da pesquisa são aderentes à Estrutura Conceitual da Controladoria quanto aos objetivos, funções e definições de modelos de gestão; e 43% dessas empresas são aderentes quanto aos artefatos utilizados. Destes, 72% das empresas são aderentes aos artefatos tradicionais; e 34% das empresas são aderentes aos artefatos modernos. Assim sendo, pode-se concluir que a Estrutura Conceitual praticada hoje pela Controladoria das empresas privadas de controle brasileiro, da cidade de São Paulo, no cumprimento de seus objetivos, funções, e considerando também os artefatos utilizados, é aderente à Estrutura Conceitual discutida na pesquisa acadêmica . Ressalva-se que, nas ferramentas utilizadas pela Controladoria, a parte dos artefatos modernos ainda tem uma aderência relativamente baixa, 34%. Comprovadas como verdadeiras as premissas: P1 e P2, verificou-se a não coincidência entre as 11 empresas mais aderentes e as 11 maiores em vendas; respondendo positivamente o segundo aspecto do problema da pesquisa, as empresas, com prática aderente à Estrutura Conceitual discutida na pesquisa acadêmica, têm desempenho econômico melhor do que as de prática não aderente . O trabalho se justifica pela existência de lacuna no entendimento do real papel da controladoria frente à literatura existente, e contribui para isso com a melhoria da eficiência das empresas no mercado

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