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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antropocentrismus ve vztahu k živé přírodě / Anthropocentrism According to Living Nature

Kirsová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is inquired into the problematic of anthropocentrism and it' s relationship with the living nature. It is obvious that the anthropocentrism contributed to the current ecological crisis. The author is trying to delimit the definition framework of anthropocentrism and to find it's social, scientific even religious roots and to find the possible ways out of the crisis. The author also presents the key-concepts and theories that are non-anthropocentrically based and that are presenting the possible alternative attitude to the environment connected with the transformation of human values. Concretely it engages James Lovelocks Gaia Theory, Arne Naesses deep ecology and ecosophy or the Fritjof Capras new paradigm. Farther away it also follows the possibility of practical change of our life-concepts and as it's example describes the new concept of voluntary simplicity and New Age.

The biodiversity loss crisis in Southeast Asia

Nilsson, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats gör en ansats till att belysa biodiversitetsproblematiken i Sydostasien, som är ett område med mycket hög artrikedom som samtidigt hotas av en intensifierad förlust av arter. Fyra ’biodiversitet hotspots’ omger Sydostasien, vilka indikerar platser med hög artrikedom vilka sammanfaller med hög förlust av habitat. Det största orsaken till förlust av biologisk mångfald i Sydostasien är omvandlingen utav artrika naturtyper till monokulturodlingar, och expansionen av jordbruk och urbana områden. För att undersöka den pågående biodiversitetsforskningen genomfördes en systematisk litteraturanalys av publicerade artiklar från 2010-2019. Vad litteraturanalysen kom fram till var att flera problem, socioekonomiska samt miljöproblem intensifierar varandra, liksom fattigdom och förlust av biologisk mångfald. Internationellt samarbete krävs för att stoppa exploateringen av de värdefulla arter och naturtyper som går förlorade till fördel för den globala handeln med produkter som kommer från området. Medel för att stoppa denna biodiversitetskatastrof måste riktas till forskning och organisationer som arbetar i området. Vi bör genast agera på ett globalt plan för att förhindra förlusten av biodiversitet samt dess tillhörande ekosystemtjänster, detta skulle kunna tacklas genom att vi rör oss ifrån den antropocentriska och emot den ekocentriska natursynen. / This bachelor thesis focuses on the biodiversity loss problematics in Southeast Asia, since it is one of the most species rich places on Earth, coupled with the highest rate of loss of species. Four biodiversity hotspots encompasses Southeast Asia which implies areas of high endemism coupled with high rates habitat loss. This thesis aim to understand what current research in the field focuses on and what ways of protecting biodiversity in the area that exists. The main driver of biodiversity loss in Southeast Asia as well as in the rest of the world, are land-use alterations; forests and natural habitat being converted to monoculture plantations, as well as agricultural- and urban expansions. Through a systematic literature review of scientific material from 2010-2019, the biodiversity research in Southeast Asia is reviewed. What the literature review concluded was that an array of environmental- as well as socioeconomic problems intensifies each other in the area, such as poverty and biodiversity loss. International cooperation to halt biodiversity loss and the global demand for products produced in the area which greatly damages ecosystems needs to be addressed urgently. Actions to halt the mass-extinction of species and their connected ecosystem services needs to be taken by providing means to organizations and to scientists that work in the area and could possibly be addressed by moving from anthropocentrism towards a biocentric nature view.

En fantastisk gåva : Innehållslig idéanalys av Jägareförbundets utbildningsunderlag Jägarskolan

Blixt Bredelius, Tom January 2021 (has links)
Debatten kring jakt är alltjämt relevant ur en samtida svensk kontext där olika värden såsom biologisk mångfald, jordbruket med sina ekonomiska, kulturella och djuretiska aspekter, omsorg om vilda djur samt jaktformers kulturhistoriska arv bland lokalbefolkningen företräds. I Sverige finns yrkesjägare, jaktkritiker, fritidsjägare, människor som vuxit upp med jakt och människor som inte har någon egentlig relation till eller medvetenhet om jakt samt det mesta däremellan. Denna uppsats genomför en innehållsmässig idéanalys av Jägareförbundets utbildningsmaterial för jägarexamen Jägarskolan utifrån etiska och miljöetiska teorier med syfte att tolka vilka idéer om värde och moraliska skyldigheter som görs i materialet. Uppsatsen finner att materialet kan anses uttrycka en svagt ekocentrisk dygdetik där arter och ekosystem samt i viss mån icke-mänskliga djur kan anses ha ett egenvärde samt att odlandet av vissa egenskaper och färdigheter är nödvändiga för en etiskt korrekt förståelse och handlande.

Forest : Ecological and emotional layers within a Swedish forest / Forest : Ecological and emotional layers within a Swedish forest

Edlund, Michaela January 2023 (has links)
Through qualitative interviews and secondary research, the emotional and ecological layers to a forest have been explored. Several studies and sources of data speak against Swedish forestry being sustainable, and the industry often views the forest through anthropocentric ethics with focus on economic value. The aim is to inform and inspire small-scale private forest owners in their decision making in forestry to consider more environmentally sustainable cultivation methods. There is a gap in communication between facts on forestry and small-scale private forest owners which the project aims to fill. The project looks at the forest holistically, through biocentric ethics and the Swedish folk art Kurbits, and covers ecological and cultural sustainability. This takes the shape of a booklet which uncovers a forest’s layers in both text and visuals.

(Vi) Behöver Naturen (I) Våra Liv?: En kritisk diskursanalys av EU:s strategi för biologisk mångfald 2030 / We Need Nature in Our Lives: a critical discourse analysis of EUs strategy for biosiversity 2030

Norström, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Issues concerning the environment cannot be solved by natural science and technologicaladvancements alone. Every decision and environmental strategy rests upon ethicalconsiderations in which many authors question whether anthropocentric values are compatiblewith the solutions to environmental problems. This thesis uses critical discourse analysis toexamine which environmental ethic(s) that underpins EUs Strategy for Biodiversity 2030. Thethesis follows a deductive approach in which anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and biocentrismwere the basis of the analysis. The main findings shows that the anthropocentric discoursedominated the policy despite the minor presence of an ecocentric discourse. In regard toprevious research, the thesis has found that the European union, through their strategy forbiodiversity 2030, reproduces the order of discourses within environmental ethics.

Människan vattnar Arrakis : En ekokritisk läsning av Dune: Messiah / Humans watering Arrakis : An ecocritical reading of Dune: Messiah

Njurin, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
I Dune: Messiah (1969) sker en förändring av klimatet, en terraformning som människan initierar. Vatten introduceras i rikliga mängder på planeten Arrakis och detta påverkar planetens ekologi såväl som människans kultur. Uppsatsen granskar Frank Herberts roman genom att teoretiskt utgå ifrån ett ekokritiskt perspektiv och tematiskt ifrån vatten, dess varande och relation till människan samt planeten. Människans medvetenhet av sig själv som en art på planeten och sin kulturella koppling till både planeten och vatten är centralt i analysen. Klimatförändringen som sker när människan terraformar planeten och hur detta påverkar människan behandlas också. Även postkolonialism väger in i analysen.  I Dune: Messiah är vattnet, människan och planeten starkt kopplade till varandra. Människan utgår från sin antropocentriska världssyn och betraktar planeten som en plats vilken kan förbättras till människans fördel. Eftersom fremenfolkets kultur är djupt grundad i naturen skapar terraformningen av planeten en identitetskris. Kulturen blir kopplingen som får människan att vilja bevara planeten som den är. Vattnets värde kulturellt men även som valuta gör den till en maktskapande vara. För människan är terraformningen en strävan mot förbättring, vilket speglar de teman av stora strukturer som finns genomgående i Dune-serien. Den här långsiktiga visionen som Frank Herbert målar upp, avbildar människan med en större medvetenhet, en möjlighet att tänka stort. Jag menar (likt andra inom ekokritiken) att detta större tänkande är en väg framåt som ger mänskligheten ett större perspektiv – därmed förståelse av – ekologiska förhållanden. / In Dune: Messiah (1969) the climate changes due to terraforming caused by humans. Water is introduced on the planet Arrakis, and this affects the planet’s ecology as well as the people’s culture. This paper is an exploration of Frank Herbert’s novel, theoretically anchored in ecocriticism and thematically in water, its nature of existence, relationship to humankind and the planet. Humanity’s awareness of themselves as a species on the planet, and their cultural connection to both the planet and water is central to the analysis. The climate-change which occurs when humanity terraforms the planet and how this affects humankind is also touched upon. Post-colonialism also plays a role in the analysis. Water, people, and the planet are strongly connected to each other in Dune: Messiah. Humans see the planet as a place which can be improved to their own benefit due to their anthropocentric worldview. Because the Fremen culture is deeply rooted in nature, an identity-crisis occurs when the planet is terraformed. It is culture that enables humans to want to preserve the planet as it is. Water is a resource that creates power due to its cultural and economical value. The terraforming is humanity aiming for improvement, which mirrors the themes  of larger structures that can be found continuously in the Dune-series. This long-term vision which Herbert paints, pictures humans with a broader consciousness, a capability to think in a larger magnitude. This I (as others within ecocriticism), consider to be a path forwards which offers a broader perspective – therefore an understanding of – ecological conditions.

Avenging the Anthropocene : Green philosophy of heroes and villains in the motion picture tetralogy The Avengers and its applicability in the Swedish EFL-classroom

Vang, Jens January 2019 (has links)
This essay investigates the ecological values present in antagonists and protagonists in the narrative revolving the Avengers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The analysis concludes that biocentric ideals primarily are embodied by the main antagonist of the film series, whereas the protagonists mainly represent anthropocentric perspectives. Since there is a continuum between these two ideals some variations were found within the characters themselves, but philosophical conflicts related to the environment were also found within the group of the Avengers. Excerpts from the films of the study can thus be used to discuss and highlight complex ecological issues within the EFL-classroom.


Machado, Henrique Pandim Barbosa 01 October 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HENRIQUE PANDIM BARBOSA MACHADO.pdf: 1671621 bytes, checksum: 6ea79b708ec97fb95a1afbdbc3776e6e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-01 / This paper analyzes how nature and other living beings are treated in the 1988 Federal Constitution, if objects or subjects of rights. The work is developed from a threefold approach to the subject: philosophical; legal and historical. In the field of philosophy, draws up, in the first chapter, an overview of the relationship between man and nature with a focus on mythology, religion and philosophy itself, with the development of different worldviews prevailing along the human history. The legal harvest, treated in the second chapter, takes care of how the law, focusing on the constitutionalist movement, comes to environmental issues, in particular under the so-called new Latin American constitutionalism. And in the final, it is shown how the Brazilian legal system protects the environmental issue, focusing on the Federal Constitution of 1988, when revolutionary in its issue today is short of its neighbors when it comes to environmental protection. the treatment of environmental issues in the 1988 Federal Constitution, for, in the end, to propose the adoption, in Brazilian territory, a Charter able to overcome the anthropocentric paradigm from the recognition of nature and other living beings - not human animals - as subjects of rights. / Este trabalho analisa como a natureza e os demais seres vivos são tratados juridicamente à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988, se objetos ou sujeitos de direitos. O trabalho é desenvolvido a partir de uma tríplice abordagem do tema: filosófica; jurídica e histórica. No campo da filosofia, traça-se, ainda no primeiro capítulo, um panorama da relação entre o homem e a natureza sob o enfoque da mitologia, da religião e da filosofia propriamente dita, com o desenvolvimento das diferentes visões de mundo prevalecentes ao longo da história humana. Na seara jurídica, tratada no segundo capítulo, cuida-se de como o Direito, com enfoque no movimento constitucionalista, trata da questão ambiental, em especial no âmbito do denominado novo constitucionalismo latino-americano. E, na derradeira parte, demonstra-se como o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro tutela a questão ambiental, com enfoque na Constituição Federal de 1988 que, revolucionária quando de sua edição, hoje se encontra aquém de suas vizinhas no que tange à proteção ambiental. o tratamento da questão ambiental na Constituição Federal de 1988, para, ao final, propor a adoção, em terras brasileiras, de uma Carta capaz de superar o paradigma antropocêntrico a partir do reconhecimento da natureza e dos demais seres vivos animais não humanos - como sujeitos de direitos.

Rätten till Moder Jord : En jämförelse om relationen till naturen mellan Mohawkindianen Tom Porter och FN:s styrdokument om hållbar utveckling

Larsson, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Hur vi än lever våra liv så påverkar det alltid naturen runt omkring oss på något sätt. Bland annat bygger vi hus och infrastruktur, odlar, konsumerar och reser, vilket i olika utsträckningar inverkar på naturen. Idag pågår en aktiv global debatt om de negativa konsekvenserna som människors fotavtryck har satt på Jorden i form av miljöförstöring. Miljöförstöringen handlar till stor del om effekterna av Jordens ökande medeltemperatur, vilket i sin tur i stor utsträckning beror på våra levnadsvanor i form av produktions- och konsumtionsmönster. Ett internationellt arbete har påbörjats sedan en tid tillbaka för att skapa hållbara samhällen. I det här arbetet jämförs två aktörers texter angående deras relation till naturen. Aktörerna är Mohawkindianen Tom Porter samt Förenta Nationernas tre styrdokument: Riodeklarationen, Agenda 21 samt Skogsprinciperna, och de är båda deltagare i den globala miljödebatten. Deras relation till naturen kommer även att sättas i relation till världsbilder och kulturella kontexter samt förståelse kring texternas uppkomst. Resultatet visar att de två aktörernas relation till naturen och världsbilder i stort sett är varandras motsatser, vilket kan förstås utifrån bakgrunden till respektive kulturella kontexter där skapelseberättelsen och den vetenskapliga revolutionen är av betydelse. Även orsaken till texternas uppkomst utgör skillnader som bottnar i hur människans relation till naturen gestaltar sig.

Entre biocentrismo e antropocentrismo: uma ecologia democrática para o enfrentamento da questão ambiental

Pequeno, Marcos Antônio Pimentel 27 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:11:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1893356 bytes, checksum: 8fbc59b0bbc25fa9ecc4b981482e0d5c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The ecological issue is one of the most disturbing and complex problems of our time because it calls into question the future of humanity. This research is the result of a reflection on the philosophical dimension of environmental issues. It has been guided by the central thesis that a democratic ecology is the political option most indicated to create the conditions that can agglutinate some needed alternatives to the confrontation of the above question. Accordingly, the general objective aims to reflect on the range and limits of a democratic ecology with a liberal nature. To accomplish this, we face as central axis of the thesis the controversy between anthropocentrism and biocentrism and its impact on various fields that characterize the complex human-nature relationship, especially in ethical and political levels. The course of this work began, in the first chapter, with a study of the theoretical assumptions of the ecological problem, which sent us to an analysis of the foundations of modernity, exposing its dualistic and anthropocentric face governed by the categoris reason and freedom.Then, the research was directed to the current ecological debate that can be synthesized around the existing controversy between biocentrism and anthropocentrism. Therefore, in Chapter2, we exposed the main authors and environmental trends that can be defined as biocentric. In Chapter3, we presented the "moderate anthropocentric" proposal with democratic and liberal nature contained in the texts of Luc Ferry, Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus. Finally, in the fourth chapter, it was made a reflection on the various dimensions of the ecological problem: ontological, ethic-political, legal, technological, sociocultural and educational; aiming to demonstrate the validity of our central thesis that recognizes the responsibility as a fundamental ethical category and the importance of education, awareness, the state's role as an environmental manager, and of the technology as auxiliary tools for coping with the afore mentioned problem. We hope, thereby, that our choice of a philosophical reflection, grounded in the perspective of a democratic ecology with a moderate anthropocentric nature, can contribute to the current ecological debate in Brazil, wich is still dominated by a largely biocentric stance. / A questão ecológica é um dos mais inquietantes e complexos problemas de nosso tempo porque põe em xeque o futuro da humanidade. Esta pesquisa é o resultado de uma reflexão acerca da dimensão filosófica da questão ambiental. Foi norteada pela tese central de que uma ecologia democrática é a opção política mais bem indicada para criar as condições que possam aglutinar algumas alternativas necessárias para o enfrentamento da referida questão. Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral visa refletir acerca dos alcances e dos limites de uma ecologia democrática de cunho liberal. Para alcançar este objetivo, enfrentamos como eixo central da tese a polêmica entre antropocentrismo e biocentrismo e suas repercussões nos vários âmbitos que caracterizam a complexa relação homem-natureza, principalmente nos níveis ético e político. O percurso deste trabalho iniciou-se, no primeiro capítulo, com um estudo dos pressupostos teóricos do problema ecológico, o que nos remeteu a uma análise dos fundamentos da Modernidade expondo a sua face dualista e antropocêntrica regida pelas categorias razão e liberdade. Em seguida, a pesquisa foi direcionada ao debate ecológico atual que pode ser sintetizado em torno da polêmica existente entre biocentrismo e antropocentrismo. Nesse sentido, no capítulo 2, expusemos os principais autores e correntes ambientais que podem ser definidos como biocêntricos. No capítulo 3, apresentamos a proposta antropocêntrica moderada de cunho democrático e liberal contida nos textos de Luc Ferry, Michael Shellenberger e Ted Nordhaus. Por fim, no quarto capítulo, foi efetuada uma reflexão acerca das várias dimensões do problema ecológico: ontológica, eticopolítica, jurídica, tecnológica, sociocultural e educacional; visando demonstrar a validade de nossa tese central que reconhece a responsabilidade como categoria ética fundamental e a importância da educação, da sensibilização, do papel do Estado como gestor ambiental, e da tecnologia como instrumentos auxiliares de enfrentamento do supracitado problema. Esperamos assim que a nossa opção por uma reflexão filosófica, assentada numa perspectiva de ecologia democrática de cunho antropocêntrico moderado, possa contribuir com o debate ecológico atual no Brasil, ainda dominado por uma postura majoritariamente biocêntrica.

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