Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CATALONIA"" "subject:"[enn] CATALONIA""
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Les seus episcopals de Girona i Empúries i les terres del nord-est de Catalunya a les fonts escrites d'època tardoantiga (segles IV-VII)Amich, Narcís M. 13 June 2002 (has links)
La present tesi pretèn ser,tal com el seu mateix nom indica, un estudi de totes aquelles informacions que ens proporcionen les fonts escrites d'època tardoantiga (segles IV-VII)i que fan referència, directament o indirecta, a les terres del nord-est de Catalunya.Fou aquesta àrea geogràfica la que, d'ençà el segle IX, i un cop superada la invasió sarraïna que suposà, entre altres coses, la definitiva desaparició de la seu episcopal emporitana, acabà per convertir-se en el futur territori del bisbat de Girona, una demarcació que englovava els antics dominis eclesiàstics i territorials de les seus visigòtiques de Gerunda i Impurias. És una realitat que l'estudi de la tardoantiguitat al nord-est de Catalunya ha experimentat un important impuls en els darrers anys. Es en aquest marc, que la investigació que presentem, pretén ser una aportació a una millor comprensió d'aquest període, amb la sistematització i catalogació de tots aquells textos, la cronologia dels quals abraça el període comprés entre els segles IV-VII, on es fa menció expressa a l'àrea geogràfica que ens ocupa.Aquest estudi s'estructura en set parts clarament diferenciades encara que interdependents entre si, cadascuna de les quals amb una especificitat i una metodologia pròpia.A la primera d'elles (caps.2-3), i a mode d'introducció, es fixen els límits territorials (marc geogràfic) i cronològics (marc històric) de la investigació, elements del tot indispensables i necessaris per a comprendre millor l'escenari on tenen lloc els fets descrits.Un segon gran apartat està enterament dedicat a l'estudi i anàlisi de les principals aportacions realitzades per la historiografia del nostre país en els darrers segles, del XVII fins a l'actualitat, en l'estudi del tema que ens ocupa.En tercer lloc, es passa a analitzar individualment totes i cadascuna de les referències textuals recollides en aquest estudi. L'anàlisi l'hem divididida en cin grans apartats, atenent i respectant la diversa tipologia de les fonts consultades: 1) els itineraria romana; 2) els textos de la patrologia tardoantiga; 3) les actes conciliars; 4) els textos litúrgics; i 5) l'epigrafia. L'estudi de cada text es realitza d'una manera global i sitemàtica, analitzant l'autor, el text i l'època de composició, i tot això en el marc més ampli de la societat del seu temps.Un apartat certament important és enterament dedicat a l'estudi dels orígens i difusió del culte al màrtir Feliu de Girona durant l'antiguitat tardana, a partir sobretot de la informació proporcionada per les fonts escrites i epigràfiques de l'època. El culte al màrtir gironí del segle IV fou, sense cap mena de dubtes, un dels elements característics i definidors en la vida de la Gerunda tardoantiga i, al mateix temps, un signe del gran prestigi assolit per la seu episcopal gironina a la resta d'Hispània durant l'antiguitat tardana.Finalment, i després de presentar, a tall de síntesi, les principals conclusions d'aquesta investigació, un darrer gran apartat ve constituït per un apèndix documental, en el qual s'hi recullen, seguint un criteri cronològic, tots els textos estudiats, transcrits segons les principals edicions crítiques citades. Val a dir, que en aquesta investigació hem utilitzat en la majoria dels casos les millors edicions crítiques de cadascuna de les obres estudiades, un fet que ha permès, en ocasions, corregir antigues transcripcions molt menys acurades i crítiques que s'havien inclòs en moltes de les obres dels darrers dos-cents anys on s'estudiava el període històric que ens ocupa. / This doctoral thesis, as its name suggests, tries to be a study of all the information which can be obtained from the written sources in the late antique period (from the fourth to the seventh century) and which directly or indirectly refer to the lands in the northeast of Catalonia. From the ninth century onwards and once its people got over the Saracen invasion which, among other things, led to the end of the episcopal see in Impurias, this geographical area ended up becoming the future territory of the diocese of Girona. This area included the old ecclesiastical and territorial dominions of the visigothic sees of Gerunda and Impurias. It is a fact that the study of late antiquity has shown a major boost in the last years. It is within this framework that we are presenting this study, which tries to contribute to a better understanding of this period, by systematizing and cataloguing all the texts with a chronology between the fourth and seventh century A.D., where the geographical area we are dealing with is specifically mentioned.This study is organized into seven clearly different parts which are nevertheless interdependent, each one with its own specificity and methodology.In the first part (chs.2-3), and by way of introduction, the territorial and chronological boundaries of the study (geographical and historical framework) have been fixed, essential elements to better understand the scene in which the events described take place.There is a second big section which is etirely dedicated to the study and analysis of the main contributions from historiography to the study of the subject we are dealing with in our country in the last centuries, from the seventeenth century until today.Thirdly, there is an individual analysis of ace of the textual references collected in this study. The analysis has been divided into five big sections , following and respecting the diverse tipology of the sources consulted: 1) the itineraria romana; 2) text from the late antique patrology; 3) council minutes; 4) liturgical texts; and 5) epigraphy. Each text is studied globally and systematically by analysing the author, the text and the period of composition, and everything within the wider framework of the society of their time.A really important section is completely dedicated to the study of the origins and spreading of the worship of the martyr of Sant Feliu from Girona during late antiquity, especially from the information obtained from the written and epigraphic sources of that time. The worship of the martyr from Girona of the fourth century was without doubt one ot the characteristic and distinctive elements in the life of the late antique Gerunda and , at the same time, a sign of the great prestige achieved by the episcopal see from Girona to the rest of Hispania during late antiquity.Finally, and after synthetically presenting the main conclusions of this study, there is a final big section with a documentary appendix in which there are all the texts which have been studied, in chronological order, transcribed according to the main critical editions which have been quoted. It must be said that in this study we have mostly used the best critical editions of each of the works studied, which has occasionally allowed us to correct old much less accurate or critical transcriptions which had been included in many of the works of the last two hundred years, where the historical period we are dealing with was studied.
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La Lliga Regionalista i la llengua catalana, 1901-1923Grau Mateu, Josep 27 February 2004 (has links)
La tesi estudia l'activisme lingüístic de la Lliga Regionalista, el principal partit polític de la Catalunya del primer quart del segle XX. En primer lloc, mostra com els regionalistes van impulsar tant la codificació del català com l'ús d'aquesta llengua en àmbits com l'administració pública, l'escola o els tribunals. A més, analitza l'oposició dels sectors polítics i intel·lectuals castellanistes a l'ús oficial del català, i recull algunes de les polèmiques lingüístiques més rellevants del període. Finalment, relata el desmantellament de l'obra lingüística de la Lliga per part de la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Es tracta, en suma, d'una visió de conjunt del que va ser el primer assaig global de política lingüística de la Catalunya contemporània. / La tesis estudia el activismo lingüístico de la Lliga Regionalista, el principal partido político de la Cataluña del primer cuarto del siglo XX. En primer lugar, muestra como los regionalistes impulsaron tanto la codificación del catalán como el uso de esta lengua en ámbitos como la administración pública, la escuela o los tribunales. La tesis da cuenta también de la oposición de los sectores políticos y intelectuales castellanistas al uso oficial del catalán, y recoge algunas de las polémicas lingüísticas más relevantes del período. Finalmente, relata el desmantelamiento de la obra lingüística regionalista por parte de la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Se trata, en suma, de una visión de conjunto del que constituyó el primer ensayo global de política lingüística de la Cataluña contemporánea. / The thesis studies the linguistic activism of the Lliga Regionalista, the main political party in Catalonia in the first quarter of the XXth century. Firstly, it shows how the regionalists led the work of codification of the Catalan language and promoted its use in official areas such as the civil service, the education system or the judicial system. It also describes the opposition of the castilianist groups (politicians, civil servants, intellectuals) to the official use of Catalan, and reports some of the most relevant linguistic polemics of the period. Finally, it narrates the dismantling of the regionalist linguistic policy by Primo de Rivera's dictatorship. In short, the thesis offers a comprehensive view of what constituted the first global attempt of language planning in modern Catalonia.
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Barcelona Atracción (1910-1936). Una revista de la sociedad de atracción de forasterosBlasco Peris, Albert 11 July 2005 (has links)
Aquesta Societat volia assolir l'objectiu d'incloure Barcelona i per extensió tota Catalunya dins dels circuits europeus de turisme. Creia que el turisme era una forma de modernitzar Catalunya, a més d'una manera d'enriquir-la cultural i econòmicament. I naturalment el referent era Europa perquè representa el desenvolupament industrial, i molt particularment França, que es el mirall on es vol que Catalunya es vegi reflectida, ja que era un dels països que més es preparava pel foment del turisme. Això provocà que conflueixin en aquesta Societat personatges molt compromesos amb aquesta idea de modernització i que bastants estiguessin propers a l'ideari de la Lliga Regionalista de Catalunya. La rellevància d'aquesta Societat es fomentar el turisme quan pocs creien en aquesta activitat, quan tot estava per fer, i emmarcar-la dins d'un projecte més global de modernització de l'economia catalana. / This society aimed at including Barcelona and, by extension, all of Catalonia, within European tours. It believed that tourism was a way to modernise Catalonia in addition to enriching it financially and culturally speaking. It goes without saying that the referent was Europe, envisaged as a symbol of industrial development, and particularly France, which became the mirror on which Catalonia wanted to reflect its own image as it was one of the countries that was already excelling in tourist promotion. This would explain why the society gathered together a number of important people that showed a commitment towards this idea of modernisation, some of them with ideas particularly close to the ideology of the Regionalist League of Catalonia. The importance of this society was the role it played in tourist promotion at a time when only a few believed in the power of this relatively-new practice and to include it within a more general project of modernisation of the Catalan economy.
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Sanitat a Catalunya durant la República i la Guerra CivilHervas Puyal, Carlos 14 March 2005 (has links)
La Tesi recull els intents d'orientar l'assistència sanitaria i social dels ciutadans de Catalunya per part dels governs amb capacitat de decisió autonòmica, en una línia que va des de les realitzacions de la Mancomunitat fins a les activitats dels consellers responsables de Sanitat i Assistència Social de la Generalitat Republicana.L'aixecament militar del 18 de juliol de 1936 obre un nou capítol durant el qual tots els elements de la vida del país i la seva gent es veuen trasbalsats pels efectes de la guerra. Dos fenòmens alteren l'aparell sanitari: les conseqüències dels fets bèl·lics modifiquen les necessitats habituals i la politització de les seves estructures transforma l'organització.El període de la Guerra Civil es divideix en tres etapes cronològiques. La primera comprèn des de l'inici de l'aixecament el juliol del 36 fins al mes d'octubre del mateix any, quan els anarcosindicalistes entren a formar part d'un nou govern de concentració. S'estudia principalment el paper del Comitè Sanitari de Milicies Antifeixistes i la resposta de la Conselleria de Sanitat davant del "nou ordre". La segona etapa s'estén des de l'octubre de 1936 fins als mes de maig de 1937, data que marca la fi de l'hegemonia anarquista. L'actuació del metge Félix Marti Ibáñez, Director general del Departament, i el paper del Consell de Sanitat de Guerra omplen el capìtol. La tercera etapa recull la darrera fase de la guerra a Catalunya, fins el mes de gener de 1939. La conselleria ha de fer front als problemes dels bombardeigs, dels refugiats, de la manca de queviures i de l'empitjorament de les condicions higièniques i sanitàries de la població. La progresiva militarització de la Sanitat es tradueix en la creació i ampliació de la xarxa d'Hospitals de Sang.El final de la guerra, amb els problemes sanitaris dels civils i soldats que marxen cap a l'exili marca la fi de l'estudi. / En este trabajo se estudia la política y la organización sanitarias llevadas a cabo por el Gobierno de Cataluña durante el período que abarca desde la proclamación de la Segunda República en abril de 1931 hasta el final de la Guerra Civil a principios de 1939.Durante los primeros años del régimen republicano, y tras unas primeras medidas de contenido circunstancial, la aprobación del Estatuto de Autonomía permite al gobierno catalán iniciar una discreta labor legislativa, que se verá interrumpida por los sucesivos cambios de orientación política. Destaca en este período el protagonismo del consejero Josep Dencàs.El período de la Guerra Civil se divide en tres etapas cronológicas. Durante la primera (julio-octubre de 1936) se estudia principalmente el papel del Comité Sanitario de las Milicias Antifascistas y la respuesta de la Consejería de Sanidad ante el "nuevo orden". La segunda etapa (octubre 1936- mayo 1937) termina con el fin de la hegemonía anarquista. La actuación del médico Félix Martí Ibáñez, Director General de Sanidad y Asistencia Social, y el papel del Consejo de Sanidad de Guerra llenan este capítulo. Durante la tercera etapa (mayo 1937-enero 1939) la Consejería se enfrenta a los problemas que plantean los bombardeos aéreos, los refugiados, la falta de alimentos y el empeoramiento de las condiciones higiénicas y sanitarias de la población. Finalmente, la progresiva militarización de la Sanidad se traduce en la creación y ampliación de una extensa red de Hospitales destinados a acoger a los combatientes heridos y enfermos. / In this work we study the sanitary politic and organization developed by the Catalunya Government during the period between the proclamation of the Second Republic in Abril 1931 and the end of the Civil War at the beginning of 1939.In the early stage of the Republican Régime, and after the first arrangements, the approval of the Autonomy Statute allowed the Catalan Government to start a reasonable legislative labour, which was often interrupt by the several political changes. To point up during this period the importance of the Councillor Josep Dencàs.The Civil War Period is divided in three chronological stages. During the first stage ( July- October 1936) the role of the Sanitary Committee of the Antifascist Militia and the answer of the Health Ministry towards the 'new order' was studied.The second stage ( October 1936- May 1937) finished with the end of the Anarchist hegemony. To remark the work of the doctor Felix Martí Ibañez, Sanitary and Welfare Managing Director, and the role of the Military Health CouncilDuring the third stage ( May 1937- January 1939) the Ministry faced the problems of the raids, refugees, shortage of food and the deterioration of health and hygienic people conditions. Finally, the progressive militaritation of the Public Health led to the creation of a wide system of hospitals to assist wounded and sick people.
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Sensim per partes discuntur quaelibet artes... Chaque art s'apprend lentement, pas à pas... : mise en regard d'un savoir écrit sur l'art de peindre au Moyen Âge (le Liber diversarum artium - Ms H277 - Bibliothèque inter-universitaire de Montpellier – Faculté de Médecine) et d'un savoir-faire pratique (les oeuvres peintes sur murs et surpanneaux de bois en Catalogne aux XII et XIII siècles) / Sensim per partes discuntur quaelibet artes... Every art is learned slowly, step by step... : comparison of written knowledge on the art of painting in the Middle Ages (Liber diversarum artium - Ms H277 - Interuniversity Library of Montpellier - Faculty of Medicine) and practical know-how (works painted on walls and wood panels in Catalonia in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries)Leturque, Anne 28 November 2015 (has links)
Le Liber diversarum artium, seconde copie d'un traité de technologie artistique vraisemblablement écrit dans les années 1350, est conservé à la Bibliothèque inter-universitaire de Médecine de Montpellier, dans un manuscrit du XVe siècle, le Ms H277 (vers 1470). Ce texte, par sa structure novatrice, les sources connues antérieures aux années 1300 qui l'alimentent, et leur diffusion, nous a autorisé à le mettre en regard d'œuvres peintes sur bois et sur mur des XIIe et XIIIe siècles conservées en Catalogne, comme nous aurions pu le faire avec n'importe quel autre corpus cohérent. Par le territoire « historique » qu'elle recouvre au Moyen Âge, par le nombre d'œuvres conservées et par leur grande variété esthétique et technique, la Catalogne répondait à cette cohérence. Les peintures retenues ont été envisagées du point de vue leur matérialité. La méthodologie développée pour l'aborder s'est articulée dans une dialectique constante entre le savoir écrit, théorique, du Liber ou d'autres traités, et le savoir pratique mis en œuvre par les peintres en Catalogne aux âges romans. L'observation macroscopique des œuvres, ainsi que la collecte de données physico-chimiques concernant certaines d'entre elles, ou encore notre propre expérience, nous a donné une matière propice à la compréhension du métier de peintre. De cette confrontation est née une lecture singulière, mettant au cœur de notre réflexion le peintre dans l'apprentissage et l'exercice de son métier. / The Liber diversarum artium, second copy of a treatise on artistic technology probably written in the 1350s, is held at the Inter-university Library of Medicine of Montpellier, in a fifteenth century manuscript, Ms H277 (1470). The innovative structure of this text, the pre-1300s sources it draws on, and their dissemination, enabled us to compare it with works painted on wood and walls in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries preserved in Catalonia, as with any other coherent corpus. By virtue of the "historical" territory it covers in the Middle Ages, the number of works conserved and their wide aesthetic and technical variety, Catalonia provided this coherence. The selected paintings were considered from the perspective of materiality. The methodology developed for the task was structured as a constant dialectic between written and theoretical knowledge contained in the Liber or other treatises, and the practical knowledge applied by painters in Catalonia in the Romanesque period. Macroscopic observation of the works, the collection of physicochemical data concerning some of them, and our own experience, provided us with material that was conducive to understanding the painter's craft. This comparison produced a singular reading, in which thinking is focused on the painter in the learning and the exercise of his craft.
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A la recherche de la maille territoriale intermédiaire : approche comparée des recompositions et de l'aménagement des territoires en Rhône-Alpes (France) et en Catalogne (Espagne) / In search of an intermediate local government : a comparative study of territorial reshaping and spatial-planning in Rhône-Alpes (France) and Catalunya (Spain)Vergnaud, Guillaume 15 October 2011 (has links)
La France et l’Espagne connaissent depuis plus de vingt ans des processus de recompositions territoriales, dont l’un des enjeux est la création de nouveaux territoires intermédiaires à l’échelle locale (structures intercommunales, “Pays” en France, comarcas en Espagne). Entre commune/municipio et département/provincia, ces derniers sont censés favoriser une refonte de l’organisation territoriale, mais aussi le développement de nouveaux modes de gestion territoriale, plus intégrés et plus horizontaux. À partir des exemples des régions Rhône-Alpes et Catalogne, parmi les premières à développer ces nouveaux espaces locaux, cette thèse interroge leur caractère intermédiaire et le type d’intermédiarité qui les caractérisent. L’analyse révèle la fragilité des mailles intermédiaires en construction, liée à l’échec de leurs potentielles fonctions d’intermédiarité et à la faiblesse née de leur caractère intermédiaire : elles connaissent une neutralisation interne et externe, et peinent donc à trouver leur légitimité par rapport aux niveaux existants et à d’autres nouveaux découpages locaux. La multiplication de ces derniers, qui révèle autant qu’elle explique l’échec des mailles étudiées, montre cependant que c’est moins l’échelle ou le niveau intermédiaire qui sont en cause que les modalités de leur construction. En s’appuyant sur un vaste corpus législatif et sur des enquêtes de terrain (Pays Roannais, comarques du Bages et d’Osona), en croisant de multiples échelles spatio-temporelles dans l’analyse de ces découpages locaux, ce travail invite à systématiser, dans le cadre d’une possible convergence européenne, les études géographiques des systèmes d’administration territoriale. / For more than twenty years, France and Spain have undergone various processes of territorial reshaping, among which the creation of new intermediate authorities at the local scale (inter-city structures, Pays in France, comarcas in Spain). Halfway between commune/municipio and département/provincia, these government units are intended to favor the reform of the territorial organization as well as the design of better integrated and more horizontal territorial management policies. Based on the case studies of pioneer regions Rhône-Alpes and Catalunya, among the first to develop these new local spaces, this work questions the level of intermediateness that characterizes these local units under construction. It shows that the failure of their potential intermediate functions is due to their intermediate nature which itself makes them very fragile. They are subject to both internal and external neutralization and struggle to assert their legitimacy vis à vis existing government levels and other new local territories. The dramatic increase of the latter shows that it is the way the intermediate local units under study are built rather than their mere intermediate scale that explains their failure. Based on a large corpus of legislative material, on field studies (Pays Roannais, comarques of Bages and Osona) and on a multi-level cross-analysis in both space and time, this work aims to systematise the geographical approach of local government systems, a methodology particularly relevant in the perspective of converging local policies at the European level.
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Nationalistiska partier : En komparativ uppsats av Scottish National Partys och Junts pel Sís partiprogramWilhelmsson, Josefine January 2015 (has links)
In this comparative study of the two regions, Catalonia and Scotland, the party manifestos of the nationalistic parties will be compared, through an ideological point of view. In 2014 media gave attention to the two referendums, that the countries held quite close to each other. Europe were waiting with tension on the first elections results. The Scottish people voted no to independence from the United Kingdom. The Catalan people still went to the polls with high anticipation for independence for Catalonia, eventhough Spain had called the referendum illegal due to being against the constitution. In order to make a comparison between, the Scottish National Party and the coalition party Junts pel Sí, an ideological analysis has been made. The aim with the study is to see similarities and differences between the two regions’ nationalistic movements and also to tell them apart from other nationalistic movements, by defining the ideological type. The results show that they are both quite nationalistic in their nature, meaning that they both would prefer independence. However, the Scottish National Party is less striving for independence and seek more to have greater influence in the parliament at Westminster. The Catalan nationalistic coalition party, on the other hand, strongly wants independence. They desire a liberal democracy with an open Catalan market to the world, by international partnerships, and memberships with important international organs like the EU. Eventhough much might speak for the nationalistic movements’ similarities, many interesting and diverse differences were found. These discoveries are important because all nationalistic movements aren’t the same and shouldn’t be seen as such.
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Stranický systém Katalánska / Party System of CataloniaBaranyaiová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
The Parliament of Catalonia was restored in 1980 within the transition to democracy in Spain. From the beginning the coalition of Convergència i Unió was dominated in party system. This coalition was consisted by two parties and had absolute parliamentarian majority between years 1984 and 1995. Its dominance was disrupted by Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya in elections in 1999 and also in 2003. Until then, there was a bipolar system where CiU won elections to the Parliament of Catalonia and PSC-PSOE elections to Congreso de Diputados in this autonomous region. CiU won every Catalan parliamentary elections till 2012. After the collapse of CiU in 2015, one of its parties, Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya, started to cooperate with Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya primarily because of Catalonia's independence. The number of relevant parties started to increase in 2015. The aim of the thesis is to answer following questions: what party system according to Sartori's theory occurred/occurs in the Parliament of Catalonia and whether there was a change of party system or not. If yes, then which circumstances affected this change. Furthermore, the results of the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia and to Congreso de Diputados in Catalonia are compared. This comparison seeks to answer the question of...
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Mezinárodní dopady katalánských snah o nezávislost / International impact of Catalonia independence effortsZamlar, Patrick January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis International impact of Catalonia independence efforts aims to analyze what is the international impact caused by Catalonia's efforts to separate from Spain. It does so by establishing theoretical framework of Conflict theory and internationalized conflicts. Within this framework, the Catalonia's case is examined. The thesis provides wide and extensive background on Catalan independence in order to understand how independence efforts in Catalonia emerged and evolved. The thesis also explains the means which are used by Catalan representatives in order to promote the independence internationally. Brief comparative examples of other regions within Europe are provided (with one notable mention outside of European continent) which seek for independence, as some of the features are common for all of them. Later on, the thesis features analytical part in which international impacts of Catalonia's strive for independence are examined. Those include e.g. effects on the European Union, other separatist regions, and more. Important explanation is offered about possible economic consequences with the usage of quantitative data. The thesis in its final stage applies conflict theory on Catalonia's case. It also uses all the before explained historical background. It concludes with assessment...
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Regionální politické strany a Evropská unie: Případová studie Španělsko / Regional Political Parties and the European Union: Case Study of SpainCoufalová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Regional political parties and the European Union: Case study of Spain Abstract The diploma thesis "Regional political parties and the European Union: Case study of Spain" focuses on the area of the regional parties on the stage of the European Parliament, a subject which has not been analysed thoroughly in the past. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of this phenomenon on the case of the Spanish historical regions (Catalonia, Basque Country, Galicia) which are a recognizable proof of the remarkable institutional strengthening in the framework of a regionalized unitary state. The methodology of triangulation was used for the analysis of this issue as the data of the diverse type (i.e. electoral results, party's material etc.) have been put together through different methods (as a qualitative and quantitative content analysis, deductive and comparative approaches) with the aim to reveal the complete character of the issue and to reach the objective results as possible. The study focuses on the analysis of the regional parties on the European level through their cooperation in the European federations of the political parties as well as the framework of the political groups in the European Parliament. The emphasis is also placed on the analysis of the own work of the members of the European Parliament...
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