Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COLONIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] COLONIZATION""
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Bugeaud et l'avenir de l'Algérie / Bugeaud and the future of AlgeriaLardillier, Alain 27 January 2011 (has links)
Après une note préliminaire précisant la façon dont nous avions conçu la rédaction, une introduction esquisse un tableau de la colonisation française antérieurement à la période cible. Nous avons jugé utile de consacrer un chapitre à la situation de l'Algérie depuis l'arrivée des Français jusqu'à 1836, premier contact de Bugeaud avec la colonie. Puis nous avons étudié comment Bugeaud percevait le monde qui l'entourait : société, économie, politique. Puis vint la période algérienne que nous avons organisée en fonction des étapes essentielles de sa mission (premiers contacts avec le pays puis période de commandement), des grandes questions auxquelles il fut confronté et les solutions qu'il envisageait d'y apporter (Administration des indigènes, colonisation européenne, militaire et civile). Ses tentatives pour faire accepter ses conceptions nous ont conduit à nous demander quel avenir Bugeaud envisageait-il pour l'Algérie. Enfin, nous avons cherché les causes de sa célébrité et origines du mythe Bugeaud qui le propulsèrent au panthéon des gloires nationales. En conclusion, nous avons recensé les enseignements que nous avons retiré de notre étude. / After a preliminary note explaining how this thesis was written, an introduction describes french colonization before the target period. We considered it usefull to devote a chapter to the situation in Algeria from the arrival of the French until 1836, when Bugeaud first came into contact with the colony. We then study how Bugeaud percieved the world around him : society, the economy and politics. We then look at the algerian period, which we have divided into key stages of this assignment (initial contact with the country followed by his gouverning period), the major issues he faced and the solutions he intended to implement (administration of the algerian people, military and civil european colonization). His attempts to ensure his ideas were accepted have led us to question exactly what future Bugeaud had in mind for Algeria. Finally, we investigate the reasons for his celebrity status and the origins of the Bugeaud myth that propelled him to the status of national hero. In conclusion, we identify the lessons we have learned from our study.
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"Crime et châtiment aux colonies" : poursuivre, juger, sanctionner au Dahomey de 1894 à 1945 / “Crime and punishment” in the colonies : prosecuting, judging and punishing in colonial Dahomey (1894-1945)Brunet-La Ruche, Bénédicte 07 November 2013 (has links)
Saisir le projet pénal colonial et le dérouler dans sa mise en œuvre, depuis l’acte criminel ou délictuel jusqu’à la sanction, en passant par la poursuite et le jugement, tel est l’objet de cette recherche menée dans un territoire de l’Afrique occidentale française entre 1894 et 1945, le Dahomey. Le principe de séparation entre citoyen européen et sujet indigène sur lequel se construit le mécanisme judiciaire s’étend à tout le parcours pénal suivi par les Dahoméens, avec la perception d’une criminalité proprement indigène ou l’exécution différenciée de la sanction selon le statut du condamné. Mais ce processus répressif ségrégué reste peu réfléchi dans sa continuité. Alors que la justice indigène est de plus en plus investie par le gouvernement colonial, les extrémités de la chaîne pénale sont peu pensées en termes d’intégration à la société civile. Les polices et les prisons restent au service d’un ordre politique et économique évolutif. La police judiciaire et le fonctionnement carcéral sont donc largement laissés entre les mains des chefs locaux et des auxiliaires africains, ce qui conduit à aménager le régime répressif dans un système de « domination sans hégémonie ». La colonne vertébrale de ce système, la justice indigène, est quant à elle au cœur des critiques contre l’ordre colonial, mais elle est aussi le lieu où se renégocient les rapports de pouvoir et où s’exposent les conflits sociaux en situation coloniale. Le parcours pénal suivi par les Dahoméens au cours de la première partie du XXe siècle apparaît comme un reflet déformé, et même transformé d’un projet répressif dominé par le souci de maintien de l’ordre mais relativement informe. / Apprehending the criminal colonial project and placing it in its implementation, from the criminal act or tort to the sanction, throughout prosecution and trial, are the purposes of this research taking place in Dahomey, a French West African territory, between 1894 and 1945. The principle of discrimination between European citizens and Natives on which is built the judicial mechanism extends all along the criminal path, with the perception of a specifically native criminality or the differentiated execution of the penalty according to the convict status. However, this repressive segregated process is not fully considered in its continuity. Whereas native justice is increasingly taken hold of by the colonial government, both ends of the repressive system are not thought of in terms of integration into civil society. The Police and prisons depend on an evolutionary political and economic order. The criminal police and the prison operations are largely left in the hands of local leaders and African auxiliaries, which leads to adjusting the repressive regime into a system of “domination without hegemony”. The backbone of the native justice is at the heart of criticisms against the colonial order, but it is also the place where power relationships are renegotiated and where social conflicts related to the colonial situation are exposed. The criminal path followed by the natives of Dahomey during the first half of the twentieth century appears as the distorted or transformed reflection of a repressive project which is rather formless and dominated by the desire to maintain order.
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Identité et hybridité dans les autobiographies amérindiennes des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles / Identity and hybridity in native american autobiographies of the 18th and 19th centuriesLe Corguillé, Fabrice 28 November 2016 (has links)
Dès le XVIIIe siècle, des Amérindiens ont raconté leur vie en s'appropriant les codes sémiotiques de la société dominante anglo-américaine blanche : l'anglais, l'écriture alphabétique, la production de textes destinés à être lus.Teintées d'une hybridité générique mêlant, souvent de manière subversive, des pratiques narratives, rhétoriques et discursives issues des mondes amérindien et anglo-américain, ces autobiographies donnent à lire pourquoi et comment leurs auteurs ont abordé le thème ambivalent de l'hybridité socio-culturelle et identitaire dans le contexte tendu de la colonisation.Dans une étude en trois parties (se présenter, se raconter, se recomposer), nous montrerons comment et pourquoi des Amérindiens ont fait le choix de s'exprimer dans des textes autobiogaphiques écrits en anglais. Nous analyseronscomment le fond et la forme interagissent pour créer une « performance » narrative, une poét(h)ique de la créolisation, de laquelle émerge une identité stylistique et conjonctive valorisante à travers les textes de cinq auteurs : les textes du Mohegan Samson Occom (1765 et 1768), les deux récits du Pequot William Apess (A Son of the Forest de 1829 et 1831, « The Experience of the Missionary » de 1833), Life Among the Piutes de la Paiute Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins (1883), History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan de l'Ottawa Andrew Blackbird (1887), The Middle Five: Indian Boys at School de l'Omaha Francis La Flesche (1900). / As early as the 18th century, some Native American Indians began to give accounts of their lives in autobiographical texts using, often subversively, the semiotic codes of the white, dominant, Anglo-American society: English, alphabetical writing, texts made to be read. As hybrid compositions which combine discursive, rhetorical, and narrative practices from both the Native and Anglo-American worlds, these autobiographies also reveal how and why their authors address the ambivalent issue of socio-cultural and identity hybridity in the tense context of colonization.In a three-part rationale (to present oneself, to narrate oneself, to recompose oneself), this dissertation intends to investigate how, in these texts, the form is responsive to the content in order to create a narrative “performance,” a sort of “aesthet(h)ics” of creolization, from which spawns a valorizing stylistic and conjunctive identity. The autobiographies of five authors furnish the basis of our analysis: Mohegan Samson Occom's untitled manuscripts of1765 and 1768, Pequot William Apess's three different versions (1829 A Son of the Forest, revised in 1831, and “TheExperience of the Missionary,” 1833), Paiute Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Life Among the Piutes (1883), OttawaAndrew Blackbird's History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan (1887), Omaha Francis La Flesche's TheMiddle Five: Indian Boys at School (1900).
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Languages at war in Lusophone Africa : external language spread policies in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau at the turn of the 21st centuryCasaca Figueira, Carla Sofia January 2010 (has links)
This study explores the argument that Postcolonial Africa has been the setting for competing external language spread policies (LSPs) by ex-colonial European countries at the turn of the 21st Century. To explore the topic I examine the case studies of Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau, in the time frame of the 1990s to the present. In both case studies is visible the pervasiveness of international European languages that has been fostered by the history, structure and functioning of the international system. African languages mostly remain circumscribed to non-official domains. This linguistic inequality reflects the power relations enacted in society and internationally. It further raises issues of linguistic/cultural human rights and the defence of language and cultural diversity that this study argues for. Associated with the European languages are foreign governments’ policies that support language spread in different measures and, in some cases, are at the origin of the internal language spread policy of the African countries. In Mozambique, my research identified overt external language spread policies undertaken by the governments of Portugal, Brazil, France, UK and Germany. In Guinea-Bissau, research identified external language spread policies undertaken by the government of Portugal, Brazil, France and Germany. Languages are dynamic and the linguistic situation in Africa should not be read as a simple dichotomy of European versus African languages in a positive/negative balance. As it has been deployed, the process of spread of official languages in Africa leads to their de facto supremacy and can be read as a ‘glottophagic’/language cannabalism process (Breton 1991, Calvet 2002b). It is thus imperative that a strong political will supports policies for African languages allowing the maxium participation of the people in the governing process and promoting socio-cultural independence from the outside world (Heine 1992). This study is based on transdisciplinary analysis using elements of sociology of language, sociolinguistics and international relations. Research for this study focused on the qualitative analysis of extensive documentary data and a series of elite interviews.
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L'aventure africaine d'Ernest PSICHARI / AFRICAN ADVENTURE ERNEST PSICHARIOyane Metogho, Marthe 30 May 2016 (has links)
Explorant les textes d’Ernest Psichari issus de la mission du Haut-Logone dirigée par le commandant Lenfant, à partir de l’histoire littéraire, cette étude tente de répondre aux questions suivantes : que signifie l’Afrique subsaharienne chez Psichari ? Comment la représente-t-il ? Quels sont les enjeux de ces figures et représentations ? Quels rapports avec la situation postcoloniale ? Cette recherche illustre que l’Afrique constitue quasiment l’unique cadre de ses productions. Plus qu’un cadre, plus qu’un décor, elle est un vivant actant qui, par son action omniprésente, transforme les autres actants. Mais elle demeure une terre à civiliser. Cette ambiguïté est entretenue par le fait que la pensée de Psichari, ses idéaux voire son style d’écriture laisse dans l’indécision. Car, il semble à la fois proche et éloigné des indigènes. Le ton alangui et impressionniste de son œuvre, situé entre rêve et réalité, alterne avec des passages plus affirmés et dénués de tout sentiment de douceur où le seul sentiment patriotique est de mise. Tout en affichant son amour pour les indigènes, défendant leurs droits et leurs cultures, Psichari ne dissimule pas son patriotisme en œuvrant pour la colonisation. Ce qui ne l’empêche pas de rejeter la gouvernementalité du système colonial de la IIIe République. / Exploring Ernest Psichari’s texts from the Haut-Logone Mission directed by Commandant Lenfant, from literary history, this study attempts to answer the following questions: what does Africa means for Psichari ? How does it represent? What are the challenges of these figures and representations? What relationship with the post-colonial situation? This research shows that Africa is virtually the only part of its productions. More than a frame, more than a decoration, it is a living actant which through its ubiquitous action transforms other actants. But it remains a civilized land. This ambiguity is maintained by the fact that Psichari’s thought and ideals or his writing style leaves undecided. He seems both near and far natives. Impressionist and languid tone of his work, between dream and reality, alternates with passages more assertive and devoid of any sense of softness where the only patriotism is required. While displaying his love for the indigenous, defending their rights and cultures, Psichari does not hide his patriotism by working for colonization. This did not prevent him from rejecting the governmentality of the colonial system of the IIIe Republique.
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L'Anarchisme en situation coloniale : le cas de l'Algérie. Organisations, militants et presse (1887-1962) / The Anarchism in colonial situationBouba, Philippe 17 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail s’intéresse au Mouvement anarchiste en Algérie pendant la période coloniale, attesté par la constitution de groupes politiques organisés et de la publication de journaux libertaires. Cette thèse souhaite renouveler l’approche historique de la colonisation française en Algérie. En effet, l’étude de l’anarchisme est capitale pour une compréhension totale du socialisme, des socialismes en situation coloniale. La première partie concerne l’histoire de l’anarchisme dans la durée par les différents groupes locaux attestés entre 1887 et 1962 (leur composition, leur militantisme, les trajectoires organisationnelles et personnelles ainsi que la répression étatique subie). La deuxième s’intéresse à l’ensemble des journaux publiés par les anarchistes d’Algérie entre 1890 et 1926 (l’analyse de la presse militante, les thématiques abordées dont les fondamentaux de l’anarchisme et la question coloniale). Enfin, la dernière partie tente d’établir un bilan de l’anarchisme politique en Algérie (la réception au sein de la population européenne et algérienne et la conséquence de cette présence politique sur ce territoire). A cet effet, les archives policières, la presse coloniale et les journaux anarchistes ont été consultés. / This work concerns the anarchist movement in Algeria during the period of colonial occupation, as manifested in organized political groups and published anarchist newspapers. It aims to expand the historical approach to French colonization in Algeria. In effect the study of anarchism is essential for understanding fully the nature of socialism and socialisms in the colonial context. The first part concerns the history of anarchism, as composed by different local groups between 1887 and 1962 (their composition, their activism, their organization, their membership, and the state repression they suffered). The second part concerns all anarchist newspapers published in Algeria between 1890 and 1926 (analysis of the militant press and themes about anarchist fundamentals and the colonial question). The last part seeks to present a balance sheet of anarchist politics in Algeria (reception among Europeans and Algerians and the result of its political presence in the territory). For this purpose, police archives, the colonial press, and anarchist newspapers were consulted.
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Mot emigrationen! : Om försöken att hindra emigrationen i Värmlands län 1907-1914 / Halt the emigration! : About the resistance against emigration such it was manifested in Värmland county 1907-1914Gaute, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Rôle de l'autotaxine dans la dissémination métastatique à l'os : implication des plaquettes sanguines, de l'intégrine Alpha V/Beta3 et du protéoglycane syndecan-4 / Autotaxin in cancer cell dissemination to the bone : involvement of blood platelets, alphaV/Beta3 integrin and Syndecan-4Leblanc, Raphaël 19 December 2014 (has links)
L'autotaxine (ATX) est une glycoprotéine sécrétée qui grâce à son activité lysophospholipase D est à l'origine d'un lipide biologiquement actif, l'acide lysophosphatidique (LPA), dans la circulation sanguine. L'expression de l'ATX par les cellules tumorales contrôle la dissémination métastatique spontanée des cellules de cancer du sein et la formation des métastases osseuses. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons observé que le ciblage thérapeutique précoce de l'ATX dans un modèle animal préclinique bloque de façon remarquable la dissémination métastatique des cellules de cancer du sein. Cependant les mécanismes moléculaires à l'origine de l'action du LPA sur les cellules tumorales sont mal caractérisés. Nous avons ici montré, via des expériences in vitro et in vivo, que l'ATX circulante d'origine non tumorale libérée par les plaquettes sanguines sous l'action des cellules tumorales, contrôle les évènements précoces de la dissémination métastatique. Cependant, le LPA est un lipide extrêmement sensible à l'action des phosphatases, présentes en grande quantité dans les milieux extracellulaires : l'activité du LPA serait dépendante de sa production locale, au voisinage de ses récepteurs présents à la surface des cellules. Ces travaux ont ainsi mis en évidence que le pouvoir pro-métastatique de l'ATX dépend à la fois de son interaction avec l'intégrine Alpha V/Beta3exprimée par les cellules tumorales, mais également d'un protéoglycane, Syndecan-4 présent en surface cellulaire. En conclusion, le ciblage de l’ATX via son activité ou via ses interactions présente un haut potentiel thérapeutique chez des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein à fort risque métastatique / Bone metastases are a frequent complication of cancer, occurring in up to 70 percent of patients with advanced breast or prostate cancer. Despite the improvement of current therapies, the survival of bone metastasis patients is only 24 months. This study aims to find new mechanisms involved in bone metastasis formation. Autotaxin (ATX/NPP2) is a secreted glycoprotein that generates lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) through its lysophospholipase D activity. Our lab previously demonstrated that ATX is overexpressed in multiple types of cancers and together with LPA generated during platelet activation promotes skeletal metastasis of breast cancer. However, the pathophysiological sequelae of regulated interactions between circulating LPA, ATX and platelets remain undefined in cancer. In this work we show that ATX is stored in a- granules of resting human platelets and released upon tumor cell-induced platelet aggregation, leading to the production of LPA. Our in vitro and in vivo experiments using human breast cancers cells that do not express ATX demonstrate that non-tumoral ATX controls the early stage of bone colonization by tumor cells. However, LPA is extremely sensitive to phosphatases, which are highly expressed in extracellular environment and at cell membranes. The molecular mechanisms involved in the local production of LPA at the bone metastatic site are still not well characterized. The present results establish that binding of ATX to alphaV/Beta3 integrin and/or the proteoglycan syndecan-4 allow LPA delivery to its receptors present at the surface of tumor cells. These results may have important implications in the development of new therapies for patients with bone metastases
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In the spirit of the pioneers : historical consciousness, cultural colonialism and Indian/white relations in rural British ColumbiaFurniss, Elizabeth Mary 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is an ethnography of the cultural politics of Indian/white
relations in a small, interior British Columbia resource city at the height of land
claims conflict and tensions. Drawing on the theoretical approaches of Nicholas
Thomas (1994) and Raymond Williams (1977, 1980), I show how the power that
reinforces the subordination of aboriginal peoples in Canada is exercised by
'ordinary' rural Euro-Canadians whose cultural attitudes and activities are forces in
an ongoing, contemporary system of colonial domination. In approaching these
issues through in-depth ethnographic research with both the Native and Euro-
Canadian populations and in exploring the dynamics of cultural domination and
resistance at the level of a local, rural community, this dissertation stands as a
unique contribution to the ethnographic study of colonialism and Native/non-
Native relations in Canada.
The dominant Euro-Canadian culture of the region is defined by a complex
of understandings about history, society and identity that is thematically integrated
through the idea of the frontier. At its heart, the frontier complex consists of an
historical epistemology - a Canadian version of the American frontier myth
(Slotkin 1992) - that celebrates the processes through which European explorers
'discovered' and 'conquered' North America and its aboriginal inhabitants, .
Central to this complex is the Indian/white dichotomy, a founding archetype in
Euro-Canadians' symbolic ordering of regional social relations and in their private
and public constructions of collective identity. Also central is the Euro-Canadians'
self-image of benevolent paternalism, an identity that appears repeatedly in
discourses of national history and Native/non-Native relations.
Facets of the frontier complex are expressed in diverse settings: casual
conversations among Euro-Canadians, popular histories, museum displays, political
discourse, public debates about aboriginal land claims, and the town's annual
summer festival. In each setting, these practices contribute to the perpetuation of
relations of inequality between Euro-Canadians and area Shuswap, Tsilhqot'in and
Carrier peoples, and in each setting area Natives are engaging in diverse forms of
resistance. The plurality of these strategies of resistance, rooted in different
cultural identities, biographical experiences and political philosophies, reflects the
creativity in which new forms of resistance are forged and tested in public contexts
of Native/Euro-Canadian interaction. / Arts, Faculty of / Anthropology, Department of / Graduate
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Partition and its aftermath : violence, migration and the role of refugees in the socio-economic development of Gujranwala and Sialkot cities, 1947-1961Chatta, Ilyas Ahmad January 2009 (has links)
The partition of India in August 1947 was marked by the greatest migration in the Twentieth Century and the death of an estimated one million persons. Yet until recently (Ansari 2005; Talbot 2006) little was written about the longer term socioeconomic consequences of this massive dislocation, especially for Pakistan. Even when the 'human dimension' of refugee experience rather than the 'high politics' of partition was addressed, it was not specifically tied to local case studies (Butalia, 1998). A comparative dimension was also missing, even in the 'new history' of partition. The thesis through case studies of the Pakistan Punjab cities of Gujranwala and Sialkot examines partition related episodes of violence, migration and resettlement. It draws on hitherto unexplored original sources to explain the nature, motivation and purpose of violence at the local level. It argues that the violence in both cities was clearly politically rather than culturally and religiously rooted. The problems of finding accommodation and employment as well as patterns of urban resettlement are also explored. The thesis shows how the massive shifts in population influenced and transformed the socio-economic landscape of the two cities. It also addresses wider issues regarding the relative roles of refugees and locally skilled craftsmen in rebuilding the cities' economies following the migration of the Hindu and Sikh trading and commercial class. This analysis reveals that while partition represented a major disruption, continuities persisted from the colonial era. Indeed, Sialkot's post-independence development owed more to the skill base it inherited than to the refugee influx.
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