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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do Privacy Concerns Matter in Adoption of Location-based Smartphone Applications for Entertainment Purposes : A Study Among University Students in Sweden

Blagodárný, David January 2017 (has links)
Adoption of location-based services (LBS) was for a long time below expectations, and most of the studies attribute it to privacy concerns of users. However, many new LBS applications are currently among the most downloaded application for smartphones, particularly entertainment applications. Therefore, this research aims to find out whether privacy concerns still matter to users and to explore the role of the privacy in the adoption of LBS entertaining applications. The adopted methodology is qualitative research and data are collected through interviews and additional information from the smartphones ofparticipants. Ten individuals among university students at Linnaeus University in Sweden are selected for this research, and this sample choice is per their experience with two selected LBS entertaining applications, Pokémon Go and Tinder. As a result, six themes have been recognized to answer the research questions. Low privacy concerns about location information, especially in entertainment applications with negligible effect on adoption have been identified. However, author of this research suggests, that developers of LBS entertaining applications should care for retaining their credibility because it can have an impact on the adoption of their LBS services.

"Alla hatar mig" : En lärares tvekan till anmälningsplikten

Grindebäck, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
With this degree project, I want to show that there are contradictions between the duties the teaching profession is committed to following. Duties as in the duty to report, compulsory schooling, or the assignment written in the school's governing document, Lgr 11. I have analyzed the concept of duty through ethics and moral thinking where I have tried to show that it can depend on how one as a teacher values the duties. The analysis and reflection are based on my own experience. To highlight my dilemma, I have formulated three questions based on my story, to investigate in this essay. What does the obligation to report mean for my actions towards students in a vulnerable family situation? How can I understand my reluctance to follow the law regarding the obligation to report? How is my professionalism affected by my reluctance to comply with the obligation to report? I have written a story which gets the reader involved in different situations where my professional knowledge as a teacher at after-school center is challenged. With the help of literature and research, I try to see the events in my story from a distance to get closer to an answer to my questions about the conflict between my duties as assigned by the governing documents and as a fellow human being. An important part of the analysis is to question whether we as teachers need to take into account what actually can happen to pupils as a consequence of our professional action and how we can understand different views that different teachers have about such action. I also discuss a number of difficult emotions accompanying my actions in the story. I want to highlight the importance of being self-critical to be able to see what is at the root of my own feelings when I hesitate to follow the law and the duties the teaching profession is committed to follow. / Med detta självständiga arbete vill jag visa att det finns motsägelser mellan de plikter läraryrket är åtagna till att följa. Plikter som anmälningsplikten, skolplikten eller det uppdrag som står skrivit i skolans styrdokument, Lgr 11, och även lärarens plikter som medmänniska. Jag har analyserat pliktbegreppet och försökt visa hur våra handlingar som lärare kan bero på hur vi värderar plikterna.  Analysen och reflektionen utgår från en egenupplevd berättelse. För att synliggöra mitt dilemma har jag utifrån min berättelse skapat tre frågeställningar. Vad innebär anmälningsplikten för mitt handlande gentemot elever i utsatt familjesituation? Hur kan jag förstå min motvilja att följa lagen när det gäller anmälningsplikten? Hur påverkas min professionalitet av min motvilja att följa anmälningsplikten. Med hjälp av litteratur och forskning försöker jag se händelserna i min berättelse på distans för att komma närmare ett svar. En viktig del av analysen är om vi som lärare behöver ta i beaktning vad som faktiskt händer med den elev som påverkas av våra handlingar samt hur vi kan förstå skillnader i lärarnas olika uppfattningar om sådana handlingar. Jag diskuterar även ett antal svåra känslor som uppstår i samband med mina handlingar i berättelsen. Jag vill lyfta fram vikten av självkritik för att verkligen kunna se vad som ligger som grund för dessa känslor när jag tvekar att följa lagen om anmälningsplikten när det gäller ett barn i utsatt familjesituation.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att samtala med patienter med oro och ångest vid telefonrådgivning : En intervjustudie

Peltonen, Satu, Tasci, Sevim January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa ökar i samhället enligt tidigare forskning och många gånger sker den första vårdkontakten med en distriktssköterska vid telefonrådgivning. Tidigare studier visar hur komplex och krävande arbetsuppgift telefonrådgivning kan vara och distriktsköterskan förväntas ha kompetens och kunskap för bedömning av patienten utan tillgång till den kliniska blicken. Syfte:  Syftet med föreliggande studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att samtala med patienter med oro och ångest vid telefonrådgivningen. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med deskriptiv design användes i studien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes där nio distriktssköterskor från fyra olika hälsocentraler medverkade med sina erfarenheter av telefonrådgivning. Datamaterialet bearbetades och analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Ur dataanalysen framkom ett tema och tre kategorier med tillhörande nio underkategorier. Resultatet visade att det är viktigt att skapa goda förutsättningar för ett bra samtal med patienten. Distriktsköterskorna beskrev även vilka svårigheter som fanns med dessa samtal och hur yrkeserfarenheten och det kollegiala stödet underlättade distriktssköterskornas arbete vid telefonrådgivning. Slutsats:  Studien visar att samtala med patienter med oro och ångest vid telefonrådgivning kan vara tidskrävande och komplext. Genom flexibilitet och kreativitet kan distriktssköterskan skapa goda förutsättningar för en trygg och säker vård. / Background: Mental illness is increasing in society according to previous research and many times the first contact with a district nurse is done by telephone counseling. Previous studies show how complex and demanding the task of telephone counseling can be and the district nurse is expected to have the expertise and knowledge for assessing the patient without access to the clinical view. The aim: The aim of the present study was to describe district nurses' experiences of talking to patients with concern and anxiety during telephone counseling Method: Qualitative method with descriptive design was used in the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in which nine district nurses from four different healthcare centres participated with their experience of telephone counseling. The data was processed and analysed based on qualitative content analysis. Main results: From the data analysis, one theme and three categories with nine subcategories emerged. The result showed that it is important to create good conditions for a good conversation with the patient. The district nurses also described the difficulties encountered with these conversations and how the professional experience and the collegial support facilitated the district nurses' work in telephone counselling. Conclusion: The study shows that talking to patients with anxiety and anxiety during telephone counselling can be time consuming and complex. Through the flexibility and creativity, the district nurse can create good conditions for safe and secure care.

Why won't you let (A)I help you? : A quantitative study that explains the effects of AI perceptions on willingness to disclose personal information to AI

Benda, Tim, Lind, Vincent January 2021 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of the study is to explain the perceived benefits and perceived privacy concerns of AI’s effects on willingness to disclose personal information to AI while explaining the moderating effect of perceived knowledge of AI.  Design/methodology/approach With the explanatory purpose in mind was firstly a deductive approach of research applied. The researchers further applied a quantitative approach of research in the form of a questionnaire. A total number of 193 responses of the questionnaire was validly collected. Furthermore, 10 hypotheses were conducted in order to investigate the relationships within research. Findings The findings are that perceived knowledge of AI does not have a positive moderating effect on any of the perceived benefits of AI nor perceived concerns of AI effectiveness on willingness to disclose personal information to AI. The findings also show that perceived privacy concerns of AI have a negative effect on willingness to disclose personal information to AI. Perceived personalization benefits, perceived health benefits and perceived financial benefits of AI have a positive effect on willingness to disclose personal information to AI.  Research contributions/limitations The research contributes to current research by highlighting the importance of context in regard to privacy calculus in order to improve on the model’s ability to explain variations. The research is limited by its data being skewed towards younger people and thus the study is representative of a younger Swedish sample.  Practical implications The research shows that it is important for both businesses and policy makers to take into consideration that individuals possess a higher perceived privacy concern of AI in comparison to the benefits when it comes to disclosing personal information to AI. Highlighting the importance of educating individuals in how AI actually function, as it is implied that the benefits are valued but it does not make individuals more willing to disclose personal information to AI.   Originality/value The originality of the study is that it makes use of the context of AI in relation to the privacy calculus, which has not been done before. Additionally, incorporating specific benefits as opposed to explaining the general perception of AI benefits, the study is able to explain more specifically how different benefits of AI affect individual’s willingness to disclose personal information to AI.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att orosanmäla när barn far eller riskerar att fara illa : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Nurses´ experiences of reporting concerns of child abuse or suspected child abuse : a qualitative interview study

Manneklint, Therese, Karlsson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor är anmälningspliktiga och har visat sig ha en betydande roll då barn far illa. Trots det väljer sjuksköterskor att inte alltid orosanmäla till socialtjänsten då de misstänker att ett barn far illa. Barnen får till följd av detta inte det stöd och den hjälp som de har rätt till. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att orosanmäla när barn far eller riskerar att fara illa. Metod: Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som utfördes digitalt med sjuksköterskor (n=12) som rekryterats via bekvämlighetsurval. Insamlad data analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier som belyser sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att orosanmäla när barn far eller riskerar att fara illa: Känsla av att vilja hjälpa, Känsla av osäkerhet, Känsla av att ha och att sakna stöd och Känsla av att erfarenhet ger trygghet.  Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor upplever ett behov av ökad kunskap om barn som far illa och orosanmälan samt utvidgat stöd och samarbete i samband med orosanmälningar. Förändringar inom dessa områden skulle kunna leda till en minskad osäkerhet hos sjuksköterskor och därmed minskat lidande för barn som far illa då fler orosanmälningar eventuellt genomförs.

Séparation des préoccupations en épidémiologie / Separation of concerns in epidemiology

Bui, Thi-Mai-Anh 09 December 2016 (has links)
La modélisation mathématique est largement utilisée pour effectuer des recherches sur la modélisation des maladies infectieuses. Combler le fossé entre les modèles conceptuels et leurs simulations est l'un des problèmes de la modélisation. Les langages métiers sont souvent utilisés pour addresser ces problèmes en séparant deux aspects de la modélisation : la spécification (modèles conceptuels) et la simulation (modèles informatiques). Dans cette perspective, nous développons un langage métier, appelé KENDRICK, dédié à la modélisation épidémiologique, couplé avec une plate-forme de simulation. Un autre problème de la modélisation en épidémiologie est le mélange des aspects de domaine qui doivent être séparés. Afin de faciliter l'écriture et l'évolution des modèles, il est crucial de pouvoir définir une préoccupation avec aussi peu de dépendances avec d'autres que possible et de pouvoir les combiner aussi librement que possible. Nous abordons ces défis en proposant un méta-modèle mathématique commun qui peut représenter les modèles ainsi que les préoccupations. Nous définissons ensuite les opérateurs qui permettent de combiner des préoccupations ainsi que de les appliquer dans un modèle. Le langage KENDRICK simplifie donc la programmation des simulations épidémiologiques en décomposant un modèle monolithique hautement-couplé en préoccupations modulaires. Cela rend alors plus facile la construction des modèles complexes de l'épidémiologie où plusieurs préoccupations sont considérées en même temps. / Mathematical and computational models have become widely used and demanded tools for examining mechanisms of transmission, exploring characteristics of epidemics, predicting future courses of an outbreak and evaluating strategies to find a best control-program. One of the problems of modelling is bridging the gap between conceptual models (i.e compartmental models of epidemiology) and their computer simulation (through deterministic, stochastic or agent-based implementation). Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are often used to address such difficulties by separating two concerns of modelling, specification (conceptual model) and implementation (computational model). In this perspective, we develop a DSL called KENDRICK targeted to the epidemiological modelling and coupled with a simulation platform that allows the study of such models. The other important issue needs to be addressed in the context of epidemiological modelling is the heterogeneities introduced by separate concerns. In order to facilitate the specification of models and their evolution, it is crucial to be able to define concerns with as few dependencies with each other as possible and to combine them as freely as possible. We address such challenges by proposing a common mathematical meta-model that supports both concerns and models and enabling their compositions by some operators. We then implement our proposal language KENDRICK based on this meta-model. The language simplifies the construction of complex epidemiological models by decomposing them into modular concerns, by which common concerns can be reused across models and can be easily changed.

Theory of Conflict Resolution Behavior: Dimensions of Individualism and Collectivism and Perception of Legitimacy of Power and Ideology; a Hermeneutic Comparative Analysis

Pierre-Louis, Nadine 01 January 2016 (has links)
Since conflict studies became its own independent field, it has developed rapidly. Some argue conflict researchers must demonstrate that while conflict occurs at different social levels (e.g., inter-personal to international), there must be sufficient common attributes to justify its existence as an independent field. This justification requires formal theory based on a multi-disciplinary approach. Since its introduction in 1964, the substantive Dual Concerns Model (DCM) and subsequent iterations, have provided the basis for instruments used to research conflict management, behavior, mode, and style outside the narrow scope of its original sample group of Caucasian male managers within a large American industrial plant. Instruments based on the DCM were used to represent conflict behavior within, between, and across cultures. An emic theory was expanded to etic theory and used in place of formal theory. Therefore, this theoretical dissertation fills this void and develops formal (etic) theory. This researcher used comparative analysis to examine 187 quantitative studies from a variety of disciplines, with a cumulative sample size from these studies of 63,619 individuals. These studies examined conflict resolution behavior individually or with 274 other variables to provide the framework for developing a formal theory. The finding of this research is the development of the Pierre-Louis Conflict Continuum Model (PCCM), which examines behavior through the dimensions of cultural values, as represented by individualism and collectivism, and legitimacy of power and ideology. This research contributes a new theoretical paradigm to the field of conflict studies.

Now Accepting Applications Online: An Examination of Privacy Concerns, Explanations, and Control in Applicant Reactions to Internet-Based Selection Procedures

Yonce, Clayton Alan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation explores applicant reactions to Internet-based selection procedures in order to advance theory and practice related to the use modern employee selection tools. Previous authors have explored this topic area (e.g., Harris et al., 2003). However, this dissertation goes beyond previous research by proposing and testing a model that incorporates the measurement of multiple constructs that are highly relevant to organizations when utilizing Internet-based selection procedures. Such constructs include privacy concerns, explanations, control, fairness perceptions, litigation intentions, organizational intentions, and test-taking motivation. Current organizational justice theory, previous findings from studies on applicant reactions to selection procedures, and research on Internet privacy concerns provided the foundation on which this research is based. This dissertation also pulls from theory in the legal, information sciences, and psychology literatures. A model of applicant reactions that included privacy concerns and multiple outcomes relevant to organizations was proposed. Hypotheses examining this model were tested via a high-fidelity laboratory study with student participants. One-third of the participants in this study were seeking jobs at the time of participation. Findings indicated that privacy concerns are an important predictor of both proximal (i.e., fairness perceptions) and distal (i.e., organizational intentions, test-taking motivation) applicant reaction outcomes. Results also demonstrated support for a mediating role of fairness perceptions in the relationships between privacy concerns and organizational intentions as well as between privacy concerns and test-taking motivation. Providing applicants with control and explanations were found to have no moderating effect on the relationship between privacy concerns and fairness perceptions. However, post-hoc analyses indicated that excuse explanations moderated the effect of privacy concerns on test-taking motivation. Theoretical implications of this dissertation include support for a one-factor model of organizational justice as well as a call for more integration of research from outside of industrial-organizational psychology. Additionally, areas for future research, including opportunities for improvement of study design involving timing of measures, are presented. Finally, implications for practice are discussed in regard to the possible impact of privacy concerns to large numbers of applicants participating in Internet-based selection processes, including a discussion on the importance of applicant privacy concerns to organizations and the use of multiple, inexpensive methods that may aid organizations in increasing fairness perceptions among applicants.

Concerns of Black Community College Women

Thompson, Donald Elwood 03 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to assess the concerns and locus of control of black women enrolled in an urban community college district and to answer the following question. What is the relationship between each of those concerns and locus of control and each of the following demographic data: current hourly enrollment, number of college credits earned, age, marital status, number of dependent children, age of youngest child, estimated total annual income, and time of day of classes (whether the majority of their classes are during the day, at night, on Saturdays, any combination of the three or mostly telecourses)?

Psychosocial Concerns and Childhood Overweight in Pediatric Primary Care Clinics Serving Rural Appalachia.

Allen, Suzanne 19 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To examine the prevalence of psychosocial concerns presenting in 3 pediatric primary care clinics serving rural Appalachia. The association between pediatric weight status and psychosocial concerns was examined. Methods: Caregivers of children presenting in one of 3 pediatric primary care facilities completed a demographic questionnaire and the Pediatric Symptom Checklist. Results: Approximately 21.4% of children were identified as having a clinically significant behavioral health concern. Among children with available weight status data, ~53% of the children were identified as overweight. Children identified having significant behavioral concerns were more likely to have a lower weight status than those with nonsignificant behavioral concerns. Specifically, children with lower z-BMI tended to have more attention problems. Conclusions: Psychosocial concerns and childhood overweight are prevalent concerns in pediatric primary care serving rural residents. Further research is needed to understand the complex relationship between weight status and psychosocial concerns to development more effective prevention and intervention programs.

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