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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling and Experimental Investigation of a Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures

Daugherty, Timothy J. 02 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Two-Dimensional Materials

Young, Justin R. 21 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.


Barua, Himel, Barua January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Hard-Hearted Doctors: Hard-Hearted Doctors: The Incremental Validity of Explicit and Implicit-Based Methods in Predicting Cardiovascular Disease in Physicians

Katko, Nicholas John January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Fabrication of MoO₂ and VO₂ Thin Films Using Mist Chemical Vapor Deposition / MoO₂およびVO₂薄膜のミスト化学気相成長法による作製

Matamura, Yuya 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(エネルギー科学) / 甲第24011号 / エネ博第447号 / 新制||エネ||84(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー応用科学専攻 / (主査)教授 平藤 哲司, 教授 土井 俊哉, 教授 藤本 仁 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Energy Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

The Impact of Dietary Fat and Phosphatidylcholine on Increased Trimethylamine-N-oxide Levels

Ajlan, Reem 26 January 2018 (has links)
Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) is an important biomarker of atherosclerosis. TMAO is the product of a hepatic conversion of trimethylamine (TMA). Releasing of TMA moieties is dependent on the adaptation of the gut microbiota to dietary TMA containing substrates such as phosphatidylcholine (PC), choline, and L-carnitine. A high-fat diet is an environmental risk factor that may increase TMAO production. However, it isn’t clear if the high dietary intake of TMA is sufficient to promote increased plasma TMAO or if a high-fat intake is also required. We hypothesized that TMAO would be increased after consuming a high-fat diet and a high PC diet independently, with greater increases when consumed together. Four groups of twelve mice each were maintained on different treatments that were either low or high-fat with or without PC over two weeks. Then, a meal containing 9.99 g of corn oil and 0.75 g soybean L-α-Lecithin per 1 kg body weight was provided to all mice to indirectly observe the adaptation of the microbiota to the altered diet. The results of circulating TMAO levels showed that fat appeared to suppress TMAO production, which is against previous evidence. The microbial adaptation to the different treatments wasn’t observed in the measurement of fecal TMA levels. As a result, our hypothesis was rejected. Future work addressing the impact of gene expressions of enzymes on the gut and the liver is needed. The use of another high TMA containing substrates such as choline and rats is recommended. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is heart and blood vessel diseases - many of which are caused by atherosclerosis, a condition wherein fatty materials accumulate in the artery wall, reducing blood flow. The compound trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) was found to be an important biomarker of atherosclerosis. TMAO levels increase in the body when gut microbiota releases trimethylamine (TMA) moieties from dietary phosphatidylcholine (PC), choline, and L-carnitine such as eggs and meat. A high-fat intake was believed to have an impact on increased levels of TMAO. However, it wasn’t clear if the dietary intake of high TMA containing substrates such as PC, is sufficient to promote TMAO formation or if a high-fat content is also required. We hypothesized that TMAO would be increased after consuming a high-fat diet and a high PC diet independently, with greater increases when consumed together. The results would suggest new dietary strategies to avoid CVD. Four groups of twelve mice each were maintained on different treatments that were either low or high-fat with or without PC over two weeks. Then, a meal containing corn oil and PC was provided to all mice to observe the adaptation of the microbiota to the altered diet. The results showed that fat reduces circulating TMAO production, which is against previous evidence. Fecal TMA levels showed that microbiota activities weren’t observed in the colon. As a results, no significant levels of TMA and its precursors were observed in feces.

Estudios de Patogenicidad de Viroides del Género Apscaviroide y Hostuviroide en cítricos

Serra Alfonso, Pedro 17 July 2009 (has links)
Estudios realizados en Atalantia citroides, un género afín de los cítricos, mostraron que estaba infectada con un viroide no descrito hasta el momento. Este nuevo viroide tiene un genoma de 293-294 nucleótidos con una alta proporción de bases GC, una región central conservada que es característica de los miembros del género Apscaviroid, y también la región terminal conservada que tienen este y otros géneros de la familia Pospiviroidae. La estructura secundaria de mínima energía libre predicha para este nuevo viroide es una conformación en forma de varilla con un 68.7% de nucleótidos apareados y con una identidad de secuencia respecto a los otros viroides inferior al 90%, que es el límite convenido para separar las diferentes especies de viroides dentro de un mismo género. Los ensayos de infectividad utilizando el cidro Etrog han mostrado que este nuevo viroide produce síntomas característicos suaves. La co-inoculació de este nuevo viroide con Citrus bent leaf viroid o con Citrus dwarfing viroid, que también son miembros del género Apscaviroid, causa interacciones sinérgicas que se manifiestan induciendo síntomas muy pronunciados en las hojas y un enanismo muy marcado. Este aumento en la intensidad de síntomas no está acompañado por variaciones en la acumulación del viroide en la planta ya que su concentración se mantiene inalterada en plantas co-inoculadas. De acuerdo con estas propiedades moleculares y biológicas, así como por su capacidad por replicarse en A. citroides, este nuevo viroide que tentativamente hemos nombrado Citrus viroid V (CVd-V), ha sido propuesto como una nueva especie del género Apscaviroid. El análisis de 64 muestras provenientes de varias zonas citrícolas ha mostrado que CVd-V está presente en los Estados Unidos, España Nepal, y el Sultanato de Oman. Estos resultados indican que este viroide no ha surgido recientemente y está bastante difundido por diferentes partes del mundo. Los ensayos de transmisión a naranjo, mandarino, híb / Serra Alfonso, P. (2009). Estudios de Patogenicidad de Viroides del Género Apscaviroide y Hostuviroide en cítricos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/6028

Growth of carbon nanotubes on different support/catalyst systems for advanced interconnects in integrated circuits / Wachstum von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren auf verschiedenen Untergrund/Katalysator-Systemen für zukünftige Leitungsverbindungen in integrierten Schaltkreisen

Hermann, Sascha 15 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Since there is a continuous shrinking of feature sizes in ultra-large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits, requirements on materials and technology are going to rise dramatically in the near future. In particular, at the interconnect system this calls for new concepts and materials. Therefore, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are considered as a promising material to replace partly or entirely metal interconnects in such devices. The present thesis aims to make a contribution to the CNT growth control with the thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method and the integration of CNTs as vertical interconnects (vias) in ULSI circuits. Different support/catalyst systems are examined in processes for catalyst pretreatment and CNT growth. The investigations focus on the catalyst formation and the interactions at the interfaces. Those effects are related to the CNT growth. To get an insight into interactions at interfaces, film structure, composition, and CNT growth characteristics, samples are extensively characterized by techniques like AFM, SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS, and Raman spectroscopy. Screening studies on nanoparticle formation and CNT growth with the well known system SiO2/Ni are presented. This system is characterized by a weak support/catalyst interaction, which leads to undirected growth of multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs). By contrast, at the Ta/Ni system a strong interaction causes a wetting of catalyst nanoparticles and vertically aligned MWCNT growth. At the system W/Ni a strong interaction at the interface is found as well, but there it induces Stranski-Krastanov catalyst film reformation upon pretreatment and complete CNT growth inhibition. Studies on the SiO2/Cr/Ni system reveal that Cr and Ni act as a bi-catalyst system, which leads to a novel nanostructure defined as interlayer CNT (ICNT) structure. The ICNT films are characterized by well crystallized vertically aligned MWCNTs, which grow out a Cr/Ni layer lifted off as a continuous and very smooth layer from the substrate with the growth. Besides, this nanostructure offers new possibilities for the integration of CNTs in different electronic applications. Based on the presented possibilities of manipulating CNT growth, an integration technology was derived to fabricate CNT vias. The technology uses a surface mediated site-selective CVD for the growth of MWCNTs in via structures. Developments are demonstrated with the fabrication of via test vehicles and the site-selective growth of MWCNTs in vias on 4 inch wafers. Furthermore, the known resistance problem of CNT vias, caused by too low CNT density, is addressed by a new approach. A CNT/metal heterostructure is considered, where the metal is implemented through atomic layer deposition (ALD). The first results of the coating of CNTs with readily reducible copper oxide nanoparticles are presented and discussed. / Aufgrund der kontinuierlichen Verkleinerung von Strukturen in extrem hoch integrierten (engl. Ultra-Large Scale Integration − ULSI) Schaltkreisen werden die Anforderungen an die Materialien und die Technologie in naher Zukunft dramatisch ansteigen. Besonders im Leitbahnsystem sind neue Materialien und Konzepte gefragt. Kohlenstoffnanoröhren (engl. Carbon Nanotubes − CNT) stellen hierbei ein vielversprechendes Material dar, um teilweise oder sogar vollständig metallische Leitbahnen zu ersetzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur CNT-Wachstumskontrolle mit der thermischen Gasphasenabscheidung (engl. Chemical Vapor Deposition − CVD) sowie der Integration von CNTs als vertikale Leitungsverbindungen (Via) in ULSI-Schaltkreisen. Verschiedene Untergrund/Katalysator-Systeme werden in Prozessen zur Katalysatorvorbehandlung sowie zum CNT-Wachstum betrachtet. Die Untersuchungen richten sich insbesondere auf die Katalysatorformierung und die Wechselwirkungen an den Grenzflächen. Diese werden mit dem CNT-Wachstum in Verbindung gebracht. Für Untersuchungen von Grenzflächeninteraktionen, Schichtstruktur, Zusammensetzung sowie CNT-Wachstumscharakteristik werden Analysen mit AFM, REM, TEM, XRD, XPS und Raman-Spektroskopie genutzt. Zunächst werden Voruntersuchungen an dem gut bekannten System SiO2/Ni zur Nanopartikelformierung und CNTWachstum vorgestellt. Dieses System ist gekennzeichnet durch eine schwache Wechselwirkung zwischen Untergrund und Katalysator sowie ungerichtetem Wachstum von mehrwandigen CNTs (MWCNTs). Im Gegensatz dazu hat bei dem System Ta/Ni eine starke Interaktion an der Grenzfläche eine Katalysatornanopartikelbenetzung und vertikales MWCNT-Wachstum zur Folge. Für das W/Ni-System gelten ebenfalls starke Interaktionen an der Grenzfläche. Bei diesem System wird allerdings eine Stranski-Krastanov-Schichtformierung des Katalysators und eine vollständige Unterbindung von CNT-Wachstum erreicht. Bei dem System SiO2/Cr/Ni agieren Cr und Ni als Bi- Katalysatorsystem. Dies führt zu einer neuartigen Nanostruktur, die als Zwischenschicht-CNT (engl. Interlayer Carbon Nanotubes − ICNTs) Struktur definiert wird. Die Schichten sind durch eine gute Qualität von gerichteten MWCNTs charakterisiert, die aus einer geschlossenen, sehr glatten und von den CNTs getragenen Cr/Ni-Schicht herauswachsen. Darüber hinaus bietet die Struktur neue Möglichkeiten für die Integration von CNTs in verschiedene elektronische Anwendungen. Auf der Grundlage der vorgestellten Manipulationsmöglichkeiten von CNT-Wachstum wurde eine Integrationstechnologie für CNTs in Vias abgeleitet. Der Ansatz ist eine oberflächeninduzierte selektive CVD von vertikal gerichteten MWCNTs in Via-Strukturen. Diese Technologie wird mit der Herstellung von einem Via-Testvehikel und dem selektiven CNT-Wachstum in Vias auf 4 Zoll Wafern demonstriert. Um das Widerstandsproblem von CNT-Vias, verursacht durch eine zu niedrige CNT-Dichte, zu reduzieren, wird eine Technologieerweiterung vorgeschlagen. Der Ansatz geht von einer CNT/Metall-Heterostruktur aus, bei der das Metall mit Hilfe der Atomlagenabscheidung (engl. Atomic Layer Deposition − ALD) implementiert wird. Es werden erste Ergebnisse zur CNT-Beschichtung mit reduzierbaren Kupferoxidnanopartikeln vorgestellt und diskutiert.

Interfaces dans les matériaux céramiques multicouches

Thibaud, Simon 22 December 2010 (has links)
L’augmentation du nombre d’interfaces dans une matrice céramique permet d’améliorer sa ténacité. L’étude de la structure feuilletée de la nacre a démontré que cette ténacité pouvait être accrue par la présence de pontages entre les couches. Dans la première partie, le modèle de décohésion proposé par Pompidou et al. a été utilisé pour choisir un bicouche dont l’interface est naturellement favorable aux décohésions. Compte tenu du contexte de l’étude, cette analyse a permis de choisir le couple SiC/pyC comme bi-couche de base pour l’étude des interfaces. Par la suite, des matrices multicouches modèles (SiC/pyC)n (SiC, carbure de silicium issu du mélange CH3SiCl3/H2 – pyC, pyrocarbone à partir du propane) ont été élaborées par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD). Deux voies de pontage ont été abordées. La première met en œuvre une discontinuité entre les couches : les conditions d’élaboration ont été optimisées de façon à contrôler la croissance de couches minces massives et le développement de particules de surface (submicroniques) faisant office de pontage. La deuxième est basée sur un gradient de composition entre les couches de SiC grâce au développement d’une couche de SiC riche en co-dépôt de carbone, une interphase mixte est créée. Le pontage est assuré par la présence simultanée dans les couches à gradient de composition de grains de SiC et d’une phase carbonée. Les propriétés physico-chimiques et structurales des différents éléments des matrices ont été analysées et les différents comportements des fissures dans chacune des matrices ont été observés à la suite d’essais mécaniques. / The improvement of ceramic matrix toughness may be achieved through the presence of interfaces. Moreover, studies on a mother of pearl structure have shown the usefulness of mineral bridges between the layers. On the first part of this work, the Pompidou model was used for the selection of a bi-layered ceramic with an interface which is naturally favorable to crack deflection. SiC/pyC was taken as basic material for the interfaces study. Then, multilayered ceramic matrices (SiC/pyC)n (silicon carbide from CH3SiCl3/H2 mixture – pyC from propane) were fabricated using chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In the study, two bypass ways were proposed. On the one hand, a physical discontinuity exists between the different layers: elaboration parameters were optimized in order to develop both bulk layers and submicronic surface particles, acting as ceramic bypass. On the other hand, composition gradient films were developed between each SiC layers: by realizing carbon rich SiC layers, a mixed interphase was created. The presence of both SiC grains and carbon phases ensures the bypass structure. Physico-chemical and structural properties of multilayered ceramic matrices were analyzed and the crack propagation in each of them was observed following mechanical tests.

Synthèse de nanotubes de carbone multi-parois sur supports pulvérulents et étude des mécanismes de croissance catalytique / Multi-walled carbon nanotubes synthesis and study of their growth mecanism

Beausoleil, Julien 28 January 2010 (has links)
Produire à grande échelle des nanotubes de carbone en maîtrisant les principaux paramètres de croissance et la morphologie de ces matériaux est un enjeu important en vue de leur exploitation industrielle dans de nombreux domaines tels que l’élaboration de composites ou le stockage de l’énergie. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit ce travail, basé sur la technique de dépôt chimique à partir d’une phase vapeur (CVD) mise en oeuvre dans un procédé faisant appel à un lit fluidisé de particules catalytiques (FB-CCVD). Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié le catalyseur mis au point par la société Arkema, de sa préparation à son utilisation en catalyse pour la croissance de nanotubes de carbone multi-parois. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence que la phase active était principalement localisée à la surface du support sous la forme d’une gangue discontinue d’hématite. Lors de la synthèse, nous avons constaté deux régimes cinétiques différents que nous avons confrontés aux évolutions physico-chimiques du matériau au cours du dépôt. Par la suite, nous avons préparé à partir du procédé Arkema différents catalyseurs bimétalliques afin d’augmenter le rendement de la synthèse de nanotubes de carbone et de diminuer leur diamètre. Un système à base de fer et de molybdène a montré une activité trois fois supérieure au catalyseur initial sous réserve de travailler à une température particulière. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous avons tenté de proposer une explication sur le rôle joué par le molybdène lors de la croissance des nanotubes de carbone. Nos observations nous ont mené à la préparation de catalyseurs coeur-écorce à base de fer et de molybdène présentant des activités supérieures à un système homogène. / The large scale production of carbon nanotubes associated with control of the main growth parameters and of the morphology is a challenging aim for future industrial exploitation of these nanostructured materials in numerous fields like composite production and energy storage. This work based on the fluidized bed catalytic chemical vapour deposition technique (FB-CCVD) lies in this industrial framework. At first, we have studied the catalyst produced by Arkema, from its synthesis to its use for carbon nanotubes growth. We have shown that the active phase is mainly located at the support surface in the form of a discontinuous film of hematite. During the synthesis, we have noticed two kinetic regimes that we analysed through caracterisation of the material at different times of the reaction. Then, we have prepared bimetallic catalysts using the Arkema process in order to improve the reaction yield and to decrease carbon nanotubes diameter. We have discovered thaht an iron and molybdenum based catalyst shows three times higher activity than the classic one, if we work at a specific temperature. At last, we have tried to explain the role played by molybdenum in the growth of carbon nanotubes. Our findings have lead us to develop core shell iron and molybdenum based catalysts presenting higher activity than the homogeneous sytem.

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