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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimización de las actuaciones formativas en competencias digitales de los profesionales de Enfermería

Navarro Martínez, Olga 18 July 2022 (has links)
[ES] En las últimas décadas, el uso de la tecnología en el entorno sanitario ha aumentado vertiginosamente, con miles de recursos, herramientas y aplicaciones. Internet ofrece a las enfermeras y también, a médicos y otros profesionales de la salud, múltiples posibilidades para crear o recuperar recursos que pueden contribuir al empoderamiento de los pacientes. Sin embargo, para esto es imprescindible que los profesionales conozcan y manejen las herramientas disponibles. Durante la pandemia por Covid-19 se ha puesto de manifiesto, más que nunca, que otras vías para llegar al paciente son necesarias para favorecer el autocuidado y el empoderamiento del paciente. La hipótesis principal que se plantea en esta tesis es Formar a las enfermeras en el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación hará que éstas incrementen su frecuencia de uso y que las apliquen en su práctica profesional, recomendando recursos digitales a sus pacientes o incluso, creando recursos propios. El uso de estos recursos digitales por parte de las enfermeras con los pacientes que padecen alguna patología crónica hará que estos aumenten su nivel de empoderamiento. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se han realizado diferentes análisis que se exponen en tres apartados. En el primero de ellos se ha concluido, tras un exhaustivo análisis, que los planes de estudio del Grado de Enfermería de las universidades españolas no cubren en la actualidad todas las competencias necesarias para trabajar en el ámbito digital. Esto confirma lo señalado por estudios anteriores tanto en España como a nivel internacional. En el caso de las enfermeras postgraduadas, según un pormenorizado estudio descriptivo, se ha observado que, a pesar de afirmar manejarse bien con las herramientas digitales, éstas apenas las utilizan para favorecer el empoderamiento de los pacientes. Además, la edad de la enfermera influye en las recomendaciones ofrecidas, siendo las más jóvenes las que menos aplican los recursos digitales con los pacientes. En el segundo de estos apartados se ha analizado, mediante revisión sistemática de la literatura existente, cómo es la formación en competencia digital ofrecida a las enfermeras, no encontrando evidencia suficiente para establecer un marco común en cuanto a contenidos, temporalización, modo de evaluación, metodología, entre otros parámetros. Tampoco se ha constatado una situación favorable al consultar a los profesionales de la salud, mediante cuestionario, sobre la formación en competencia digital ofrecida por las instituciones sanitarias en las que trabajan, habiendo recibido solo un tercio de un total de 1544 personas, alguna instrucción en esta temática. En el tercer apartado se ha examinado la transferencia a la práctica, observando que incluso después de haberse formado, solo una pequeña parte de los profesionales aplican lo aprendido. La causa que más empleada para explicar este hecho es, mayoritariamente, la situación actual de pandemia, seguida de la falta de tiempo y de recursos. Nuevamente son las enfermeras de mayor edad las que emplean más los recursos digitales. Por último, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática sobre el uso del vídeo como un potente recurso educativo para empoderar a los pacientes. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis muestran numerosas áreas de mejora en la formación digital de las enfermeras y otros profesionales de la salud, una escasa apuesta institucional desde las universidades y centros sanitarios para consolidar las competencias digitales de los profesionales, pero un manifiesto interés por parte de estos para afianzar su formación, así como la eficacia de los recursos digitales para empoderar al paciente. Esperamos que estos resultados ayudarán a las universidades, instituciones y profesionales a evaluar nuevas estrategias para planificar, implementar y consolidar la competencia digital como un recurso fundamental en el empoderamiento de los pacientes. / [CA] En les últimes dècades, l'ús de la tecnologia en l'entorn sanitari ha augmentat vertiginosament, amb milers de recursos, eines i aplicacions. Internet ofereix a les infermeres i també, a metges i altres professionals de la salut, múltiples possibilitats per a crear o recuperar recursos que poden contribuir a l'apoderament dels pacients. Tanmateix, per a això és imprescindible que els professionals coneguin i manegin les eines disponibles. Durant la pandèmia per Covid-19 s'ha posat de manifest, més que mai, que altres vies per a arribar al pacient són necessàries per a afavorir l'autocura i l'apoderament del pacient. La hipòtesi principal que es planteja en aquesta tesi és Formar a les infermeres en l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació farà que aquestes incrementin la seva freqüència d'ús i que les apliquin en la seva pràctica professional, recomanant recursos digitals als seus pacients o fins i tot, creant recursos propis. L'ús d'aquests recursos digitals per part de les infermeres amb els pacients que pateixen alguna patologia crònica farà que aquests augmentin el seu nivell d'apoderament. L'objectiu principal pretén analitzar l'ús d'internet i les seves eines per part dels professionals sanitaris a Espanya i avaluar si aquestes habilitats s'apliquen en benefici del pacient. Per a dur a terme aquesta recerca s'han realitzat diferents anàlisis que s'exposen al llarg de tres apartats. En el primer d'ells s'ha conclòs, després d'una exhaustiva anàlisi, que els plans d'estudi del Grau d'Infermeria de les universitats espanyoles no cobreixen en l'actualitat totes les competències necessàries per a treballar en l'àmbit digital. Això confirma l'assenyalat per estudis anteriors tant a Espanya com a nivell internacional. En el cas de les infermeres postgraduades, segons un detallat estudi descriptiu, s'ha observat que, malgrat afirmar manejar-se bé amb les eines digitals, aquestes a penes les utilitzen per a afavorir l'apoderament dels pacients. A més, l'edat de la infermera influeix en les recomanacions ofertes, sent les més joves les que menys apliquen els recursos digitals amb els pacients. En el segon d'aquests apartats s'ha analitzat, mitjançant revisió sistemàtica de la literatura existent, com és la formació en competència digital oferta a les infermeres, no trobant evidència suficient per a establir un marc comú quant a continguts, temporalització, manera d'avaluació, metodologia, entre altres paràmetres. Tampoc s'ha constatat una situació favorable en consultar als professionals de la salut, mitjançant qüestionari, sobre la formació en competència digital oferta per les institucions sanitàries en les quals treballen, havent rebut només un terç d'un total de 1544 persones, alguna instrucció en aquesta temàtica. En el tercer apartat s'ha examinat la transferència a la pràctica, observant que fins i tot després d'haver-se format, només una petita part dels professionals apliquen l'après. La causa que més emprada per a explicar aquest fet és, majoritàriament, la situació actual de pandèmia, seguida de la falta de temps i de recursos. Novament són les infermeres de major edat les que empren més els recursos digitals. Finalment, s'ha dut a terme una revisió sistemàtica sobre l'ús del vídeo com un potent recurs educatiu per a empoderar als pacients. Els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi mostren nombroses àrees de millora en la formació digital de les infermeres i altres professionals de la salut, una escassa aposta institucional des de les universitats i centres sanitaris per a consolidar les competències digitals dels professionals, però un manifest interès per part d'aquests per a afermar la seva formació, així com l'eficàcia dels recursos digitals per a empoderar al pacient. Esperem que aquests resultats ajudaran les universitats, institucions i professionals a avaluar noves estratègies per a planificar, implementar i consolidar la competència digital com un recurs fonamental en l'apoderament dels pacients. / [EN] In recent decades, the use of technology in the healthcare environment has exploded, with thousands of resources, tools and applications. The Internet offers nurses, as well as doctors and other health professionals, multiple possibilities to create or retrieve resources that can contribute to patient empowerment. However, for this it is essential that professionals know and use the available tools. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become clearer than ever that other ways of reaching patients are needed to support self-care and patient empowerment. The main hypothesis put forward in this thesis is that Training nurses in the use of information and communication technologies will lead them to increase their frequency of use and to apply them in their professional practice, recommending digital resources to their patients or even creating their own resources. The use of these digital resources by nurses with patients suffering from a chronic pathology will increase their level of empowerment. The main objective is to analyse the use of the Internet and its tools by healthcare professionals in Spain and to assess whether these skills are applied to the benefit of the patient. In order to carry out this research, different analyses have been carried out, which are set out in detail in this document in three sections. In the first of these, it has been concluded, after an exhaustive analysis, that the curricula for the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at Spanish universities do not currently cover all the skills needed to work in the digital environment. This confirms the findings of previous studies both in Spain and internationally. In the case of postgraduate nurses, according to a detailed descriptive study, it has been observed that, despite claiming to have a good command of digital tools, they hardly use them to promote patient empowerment. Furthermore, the age of the nurse influences the recommendations offered, with the youngest nurses being the ones who least apply digital resources with patients. In the second of these sections, through a systematic review of the existing literature, we analysed the digital competence training offered to nurses, and found insufficient evidence to establish a common framework in terms of content, timing, assessment methods and methodology, among other parameters. Nor was a favourable situation found when health professionals were asked, by means of a questionnaire, about the training in digital competence offered by the health institutions in which they work, with only one third of a total of 1544 people having received any instruction in this area. In the third section, we examined the transfer to practice, observing that even after having received training, only a small proportion of professionals apply what they have learnt. The most common reason given for this is the current pandemic situation, followed by lack of time and resources. Once again, it is the older nurses who use digital resources the most. Finally, a systematic review has been carried out which extracts information on the use of video as a powerful educational resource to empower patients. The results obtained in this thesis show numerous areas for improvement in the digital training of nurses and other health professionals, a lack of institutional commitment from universities and health centres to consolidate the digital competencies of professionals, but a clear interest on the part of these to strengthen their training, as well as the effectiveness of digital resources to empower the patient. We hope that these results will help universities, institutions and professionals to evaluate new strategies for planning, implementing and consolidating digital competence as a fundamental resource in patient empowerment. / Navarro Martínez, O. (2022). Optimización de las actuaciones formativas en competencias digitales de los profesionales de Enfermería [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/184495 / TESIS

SpeakUP! Young Women Share Powerful Stories From Their Own Lives

Warren, Jenn January 2016 (has links)
How can a Digital Storytelling workshop help educate, inspire and mobilise young women engaged in a non-profit organisation, in order to assist their peers? This exploratory study investigates whether Digital Storytelling can foster digital literacy, self-awareness and reflection amongst workshop participants, and how young women may be able to support each other and their peers through the act of creating and sharing personal digital stories. Conducted using qualitative and participatory methods, with the theoretical underpinnings of Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory, Paulo Freire’s conscientisation and participatory development, this research is conducted in collaboration with female mentors from the sport-based adolescent health organisation, Grassroot Soccer. First, I analyse the women’s interactions and learnings during the Digital Storytelling workshop, where participants create digital stories in a hands-on setting (using the Story Center model). This is done through participant observation and semi-structured interviews with participants following the workshop. Second, I seek to understand how or if young women can re-present themselves in the context of a facilitated Digital Storytelling workshop and challenge gender stereotypes through their own digital stories. This data is collected through a pre-workshop questionnaire, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and analysis of the digital stories. While this is an exploratory study, I anticipate results in the following areas: (1) cross-pollination of knowledge between workshop participants and facilitators; (2) self-awareness, self-confidence and reflection amongst young women; (3) increase in digital literacy, storytelling and audio/visual skills; and (4) increase in understanding of, or introduction to, digital media and communication, activism and social change.

What are the gaps in teaching the cybersecurity threats landscape, and what teachers need to include the subject in their curriculum?

Abdirizak, Mohamed, Abobaker, Ivan January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the current gaps in cybersecurity education in junior high and high schools in Sweden, with a focus on the challenges of integration and the resources required for teachers to effectively instruct on cybersecurity topics. Despite the critical importance of cybersecurity in protecting digital interactions and personal data, existing curricula often lack deep and systematic integration of this essential subject. Based on qualitative interviews with 12 teachers from junior high and high schools, the researchers’ findings underscore a significant need for structured cybersecurity curricula and enhanced teacher training. The research reveals that while students are extensively engaged with digital technologies, their vulnerability to various cybersecurity threats remains due to inadequate educational frameworks. The study highlights the urgent need for curricular improvements to include comprehensive cybersecurity courses, aligned with current technological threats and the digital behaviors of students.

A framework for mobile digital literacy skills of educators using mobile technology in rural formal education

Jahoor, Farshida 01 1900 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered a vital enabler in the quest to reduce the disparities between the developed and developing world. Developments in mobile technology have dramatically changed the ICT landscape. Mobile cellular technologies have flourished and proliferated more rapidly than any previous technology hitherto and is thus considered, at this time, the most pervasive technology in the world. However, the introduction of mobile ICT in rural formal education is faced with many challenges and ways in which to maximise its usage is still being explored. This research explores mobile digital literacy skills required by a rural educator to successfully integrate mobile technology into the classroom. This exploration used the ICT for rural education development (ICT4RED) project as its case study and added dimensions to the project through the development of a framework for mobile digital literacy skills. ICT4RED was an appropriate case for the exploration as it met the following criteria: educators were using mobile technologies in the classroom, educators had been part of the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) course offered by the ICT4RED project and educators were based in a rural resource-constrained area in South Africa. Questionnaires were used to gain insight into which skills educators rated as most important, and least important, as based on their teaching experience using mobile technologies in the classroom. The work is grounded on an interpretivist research philosophy and followed an inductive reasoning approach. Additionally, the research employed a qualitative method of analysis with a single case study, comprising of two units, facilitating a perspective of the phenomenon. Framework development was enabled through a literature review which assisted in theorising the mobile digital literacy skills. An expert review, followed by a questionnaire driven survey for educators, was conducted. The qualitative analysis revealed that most of the mobile digital literacy skills from literature were important and should be employed. The majority of educators and experts felt that the skills could not be categorised as, due to the lack of resources, most are considered very important. The lack of stable internet connection/s were also considered a major (if not the major) hindrance to successful mobile integration in rural areas. The main research question answered by this study is: How can a framework for educators’ mobile digital literacy skills support educators using mobile technology in formal rural education? The findings of this research should be significant to developers of mobile technology training programmes, as well as educators trying to successfully integrate mobile technology into their classrooms. The framework will enable both trainers and educators to prioritise skills and channel resources into the acquisition of those skills which have been identified as important by this research work. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

La démocratie à l’heure de l’internet : autonomie politique, vie privée et espace public dans un environnement numérique

Sagnières, Louis 02 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est double. Premièrement, il s’agira de comprendre l’impact que l’internet peut avoir sur la démocratie, c’est-à-dire de montrer ce que cette technologie change à la démocratie, en développant un cadre conceptuel précis et en m’appuyant sur un corpus empirique important. Il s’agira ensuite de développer un projet normatif, afin de montrer ce qu’il est nécessaire de faire afin de garantir que l’impact de l’internet sur la démocratie sera positif. Pour mener à bien ces objectifs, il me faudra d’abord disposer d’une conception claire de la démocratie. C’est pourquoi je proposerai dans une première partie de la comprendre à partir du concept d’autonomie politique dont je proposerai une analyse conceptuelle au premier chapitre. J’analyserai ensuite deux éléments centraux de ce concept, à savoir la vie privée et l’espace public. Je proposerai dans une deuxième partie une analyse à la fois précise et empiriquement fondée de l’impact de l’internet sur ces deux éléments, afin de présenter un argument qui ne sera pas simplement a priori ou spéculatif. Les conclusions que je présenterai ne vaudront, cependant, que pour l’internet tel qu’il est aujourd’hui, car il est certain qu’il peut évoluer. Il est alors tout à fait possible que ses propriétés cessent de permettre l’augmentation de l’autonomie politique que je décris au cours de ma deuxième partie. Il est donc important de mener à bien une réflexion normative afin d’identifier dans quelle mesure il pourrait être nécessaire de faire quelque chose afin de garantir l’impact positif de l’internet sur l’autonomie politique. Je montrerai donc dans une dernière partie qu’il est nécessaire d’assurer à l’internet une architecture non-discriminante, mais qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de protéger outre mesure la générativité de son écosystème. Je conclurai en montrant l’importance d’offrir à tous des éléments d’une littératie numérique, si l’on souhaite que tous puissent bénéficier des opportunités offertes par le réseau des réseaux. / My goal in this thesis is twofold. First I want to understand the impact the Internet can have on democracy, that is to say, I want to understand what this technology changes to democracy. In order to do this, it is necessary to possess a clear and precise conceptual framework of the meaning of democracy and to ground my analysis in empirical literature. Second, I want to give a normative account of what needs to be done to ensure that the impact of the Internet on democracy will stay positive. To accomplish these goals, one first needs to have a clear conception of democracy. That is why I will offer, in the first part of my thesis, an understanding of democracy as political autonomy. I will offer an analysis of this last concept in my first chapter. I will then analyze two of its central elements, namely privacy and public space. In the second part of my thesis, I will offer an analysis that is both precise and empirically grounded of the impact of the internet on these two elements, in order to present an argument that will not simply be a priori and speculative. It is important to notice that the conclusions that I reach are only of value if the Internet doesn't evolve. It is therefore quite possible that the internet ceases to allow for greater political autonomy as I explain in my second part. It is thus important to carry out the normative part of my project to identify to what extent it might be necessary to do something to ensure the positive impact of the Internet on political autonomy. So, in the last part of my thesis, I show that it is necessary to protect the non-discriminatory Internet architecture, but that it is not necessary to protect its generative ecosystem. I will conclude by showing the importance of providing all the elements of a digital literacy, if we want that all benefit from the opportunities offered by the Internet.

Mediální výchova a digitální gramotnost nevidomých středoškoláků / Media education and digital literacy of blind high school students

Fraiová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The paper addresses issues of media education in blind high-school students, especially in the topical context of digital media. The theoretical part devotes to problems of education of visually impaired persons. Next, concern the subsumption of media education as a cross- sectional subject into Czech primary and high-schools education. This part is also concerned with specific digital media and extensive opportunities of its utilization for visually impaired persons. In the experimental part of the paper, discrete components of digital literacy of sightless high-school students are analysed. The method of focused (semi-structured) interviews was selected. Interviews were executed with ten visually impaired high-school students and subsequently analysed with the help of qualitative content analysis. The aim of the paper is to give a notice on dependence of blind people to digital media and its specifics and, in this conjunction, emphasise the importance of media education.

Formação tecnológica e o professor de inglês: explorando níveis de letramento digital

Fischer, Cynthia Regina 29 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cynthia.pdf: 1882502 bytes, checksum: be49b45b44ab26525849f09e83393cbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-29 / This research aims at investigating the digital literacy via Internet through the construction of the pedagogical and technological knowledge of in-service teachers of English in order to use the computer in the classroom. It was done through the development of an online course, which aimed at discussing the theoretical aspects of including the computer in their pedagogical practice; developing the teachers skills in terms of the handling of the software Word, Paint and PowerPoint, as well as the creation and upload of WebPages; and, making use of the software, as well as the Internet, as a pedagogical resource in the classroom. It was done through a reflexive process based on each participants individual contexts. The chosen methodological approach was the case study. The participants were five in-service teachers of English, teaching in various educational contexts. They took part in an online course of teacher training, focusing digital literacy. Besides the student-teachers, the researcher of this investigation took part as the tutor of the course. The data analysis searched for digital literacy in relation to the use of the Internet and computer software and in the use of the computer as a pedagogical resource. To be able to verify the development of the digital literacy in the course, the researcher developed three scales aiming at measuring the initial and final literacy of each participant. The scales developed were: Internet Literacy, Software Literacy and Pedagogical Use of Computing Resources. The results showed that the participants were successful in their effort to become digital literate in the Internet, software and pedagogical use of computing resources. The perceived processes were collaborative learning and interaction among peers (student-student, student-tutor-student) together with a reflexive and critical behavior. The results also showed that a theoretical-practical course was very important, since it allowed the theoretical aspects being discussed to be immediately applied. Moreover, the straight application of the principles discussed in the teachers personal educational contexts allowed the experience to become more significative. The participants greater exposition and familiarization with the computer allowed them to become less frightened of the resource, more confident in using it, as well as to lose the impotency feeling when facing this resource, previously seen as resource to be used only by computer experts. Consequently, this greater familiarization led to the first steps in both the search for innovation in the teaching-learning process and the change of the participants educational paradigm / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar o letramento digital via Internet na construção do conhecimento tecnológico e pedagógico do professor de inglês em serviço para a inserção da tecnologia computador na sala de aula, partindo de um curso on-line, por mim elaborado, que visava discutir aspectos teóricos da inserção do computador no fazer pedagógico; capacitar os professores no manuseio dos programas Word, Paint e PowerPoint, além de criação e publicação de WebPages; e, utilizar esses programas, bem como a Internet, como recursos pedagógicos em sala de aula, focando, através de um processo reflexivo, o contexto específico de cada participante. A abordagem metodológica escolhida foi o estudo de caso. As participantes são cinco professoras de inglês em serviço, ministrando aulas em contextos educacionais diversos, que participaram como alunas do curso on-line de formação de professores, focado no letramento digital. Além das participantes-alunas, a pesquisadora do presente trabalho também participou do curso como professora. A análise de dados buscou investigar o letramento digital em relação à utilização da Internet e dos programas de computador e em relação à aplicação do computador como recurso pedagógico. Para permitir a verificação do desenvolvimento do letramento digital no curso, três escalas visando mensurar o nível de letramento inicial e final de cada participante foram desenvolvidas: escala Letramento na Internet, escala Letramento em Programas e escala Aplicação Pedagógica dos Recursos Computacionais. Os resultados obtidos no curso indicam que houve letramento digital das participantes tanto em termos de Internet e programas, como, em relação à aplicação pedagógica dos recursos computacionais. Os processos percebidos foram a aprendizagem colaborativa e a interação entre os pares aluno-aluno, alunoprofessor- aluno, permeadas por uma postura reflexiva e crítica das participantes. Os resultados também mostraram que um curso teórico-prático revelou-se muito importante para que os aspectos teóricos discutidos fossem colocados em prática prontamente, consolidando-os. Associado a isso, a aplicação direta nos contextos educacionais de cada professor permitiu que a experiência fosse mais significativa. Além disso, a maior exposição e familiarização das participantes com o computador permitiram que elas perdessem o receio que tinham da ferramenta, perdessem a insegurança em utilizá-lo e perdessem a sensação de impotência perante um recurso visto anteriormente apenas passível de ser usado por iniciados em computação. Conseqüentemente, essa maior familiarização abriu portas para os primeiros passos na busca da inovação no processo ensino-aprendizagem, e na mudança do paradigma educacional em que as participantes estão inseridas

Atividades de inglês mediadas pelo computador: um caminho para o letramento digital

Cortez, Cleide Diniz Coelho 31 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cleide Diniz Coelho Cortez.pdf: 12941835 bytes, checksum: 31382071365f58d311fc80bc436566d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims to investigate what learning experiences were provided to a group of 6th grade high school students while attending an English course mediated by computer. The course aimed at developing reading skills from printed and digital comics and then developing a process of digital literacy. This research is based on a Vygotskyan (1934/2003) socio-interactive view of the process of learning and teaching underlined in the "Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais" (PCN-LE Brasil, 1988b), which recommend the inclusion of technological resources in the learning and teaching process (PCN-Introdução, Brasil, 1988a). It is also based in the rescue of the literacy and digital literacy concepts (Freire, 1967/2002, 1970/2001; Sampaio & Leite, 2000; Soares, 2001, 2003; Kleiman, 2002; Almeida, 2005, among others). As for the methodology the present research is a case study which was conducted in a public school in São Paulo, involving 8 students and the teacher researcher. The results confirm that an English course mediated by computer is a feasible way of teaching and learning a foreign language and it can bring not only technological but also linguistic learning benefits / Esta pesquisa objetiva investigar que experiências de aprendizagem foram proporcionadas a um grupo de alunos de sexta série do Ensino Fundamental, ao fazerem um curso de inglês mediado pelo computador. O curso tinha como meta não só trabalhar a compreensão escrita por meio de histórias em quadrinhos impressas e digitais, mas também desenvolver um processo de alfabetização digital que desencadeasse o letramento digital dos alunos participantes. Esta pesquisa se fundamenta nos pressupostos sociointeracionais de aprendizagem de Vygotsky (1934/2003) que norteiam os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN-LE Brasil, 1988b), nos quais há a recomendação a que se incluam recursos tecnológicos no ensino (PCN-Introdução, Brasil, 1988a), e que resgata os conceitos de alfabetização e letramento, bem como de alfabetização e letramento digitais (Freire, 1967/2002, 1970/2001; Sampaio & Leite, 2000; Soares, 2001, 2003; Kleiman, 2002; Almeida, 2005, entre outros). A abordagem metodológica escolhida foi o estudo de caso. O contexto da pesquisa foi uma Escola Pública Municipal da cidade de São Paulo e envolveu oito alunos e a professora-pesquisadora. Os resultados obtidos confirmam que um curso de inglês mediado pelo computador é um caminho viável para o ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira e do qual pode resultar um aprendizado tanto tecnológico como lingüístico

Aluno letrado, professor iletrado digitalmente?: reflexões sobre a docência de inglês em cursos superiores de informática

Fazio, Bernardete Spessoto Rodrigues 08 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bernardete Spessoto Rodrigues Fazio.pdf: 454524 bytes, checksum: bcb818ae0943e7aa6478e23cbe564049 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-08 / This study aims at describing and interpreting the classroom practice of English teachers who perceive themselves as digitally illiterate while evaluating their university Technology students as digitally literate. By addressing such a phenomenon of lived experience, this investigation therefore aims at reflecting upon teaching practice and digital literacy issues that emerge from instructional contexts in which computers must be used as mediators in ESP classes. To achieve its purpose, this study is founded on the concepts of reflection (Dewey, 1933, 1938, 1967; Perrenoud, 2002; Schön, 1983, 1987, 1992, 2000), digital literacy (Buzato, 2001; Soares, 2002) and English for Specific Purposes (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987; Strevens, 1988; Robinson, 1991; Dudley Evans & St. John, 2000; Ramos, 2005;Celani, 2005). The methodological approach adopted is the hermeneutic-phenomenological one (van Manen, 1990; Ricouer, 1986/2002; Freire, 2006, 2007). The phenomenon description and interpretation emerged from two teachers textual registers (narrative and interview) on their university teaching experiences in Technology courses and on the way they deal with their perceived digital illiteracy in order to fulfill the institutions and learners demands. This research results indicate that searching and reflection are the themes that constitute the phenomenon on focus, thus revealing its nature, its identity. Such outcomes may provide teachers of English with input to reflect upon digital literacy and upon the ESP approach applied to university contexts in which teachers and students have a different level of knowledge and expertise in managing technological resources / Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever e interpretar o fenômeno da prática docente de professores universitários de inglês que se percebem iletrados digitalmente e que ministram aulas para alunos que consideram digitalmente letrados. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo que visa a refletir sobre a prática pedagógica e sobre questões de letramento digital que emergem quando se torna necessário inserir o computador como mediador em aulas de língua inglesa, ministradas de acordo com a Abordagem Instrumental. Esta pesquisa se fundamenta nos conceitos de reflexão (Dewey,1933, 1938,1967; Perrenoud, 2002; Schön, 1983,1987,1992,2000), de letramento digital (Buzato, 2001; Soares,2002), e nos pressupostos da Abordagem Instrumental ao ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa (Hutchinson & Waters,1987; Strevens,1988; Robinson, 1991; Dudley Evans & St. John, 2000; Ramos, 2005; Celani, 2005). A abordagem metodológica utilizada é a hermenêutico-fenomenológica (van Manen, 1990; Ricouer, 1986/2002; Freire, 2006,2007). A descrição e a interpretação do fenômeno em foco partem de registros textuais (narrativa e entrevista) de duas professoras sobre as experiências que viveram no Ensino Superior e sobre como buscam lidar com sua falta de letramento digital para atender as demandas da tecnologia, da instituição e de seus alunos. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que busca e reflexão são os temas que constituem a manifestação do fenômeno investigado, revelando sua natureza, sua identidade. Tais resultados podem contribuir para que docentes de inglês reflitam sobre questões de letramento digital e sobre a Abordagem Instrumental aplicada a contextos universitários em que professores e alunos têm conhecimento e domínio diferenciado do uso de recursos tecnológicos

A leitura de hipertextos em inglês por alunos do ensino médio

Kuchartscik, Mônica Uliani 26 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Monica Uliani Kuchartscik.pdf: 4060178 bytes, checksum: d9baadd19ecf2ee6a8d8d94670f09daf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-26 / This study aims at (1) developing English reading activities for students of Ensino Médio focused on the education of a reader who is able to establish responsive understanding of the texts he reads and (2) analyzing the students interactions with selected website hypertexts in order to understand which aspects of the interaction may enhance meaning construction. The work is based on the concepts of utterances (Bakhtin, 1997, 2002) and responsive understanding (Bakhtin, 1997, 2002); the sociointeractionist view (Vygotsky, 1995, 1998), the development of reading capabilities (Rojo, 2004) and reading in hypertext environment (Burbules & Callister, 1996; Burbules ,1997; Lemke, 2002, 2005, Braga, 2005; Ribeiro, 2005; Marcuschi, 2005). The methodological approach was the case study. The English learning material consisted of a sequence of reading activities. The analysis of the meaning construction considered the students performance in the activities, their interactions with the teacher and with the computer as a technological tool. The results show that the development of reading capabilities focused on responsive understanding, as well as the interaction of the students with the teacher and the technological tool contributed to the education of a reader who is able to establish responsive understanding of the hypertexts he reads. The visually salient information of electronic hypertexts was particularly important in the meaning construction process. Cognate words, symbols, numbers, proper nouns, single images and images associated with verbal language, which were visually salient in the hypertexts segments, were mediational artifacts for meaning construction. Hypertext links were used by the students not only as searching tools, but also as artifacts for meaning construction in the reading process / O presente estudo tem como objetivos: (1) desenvolver atividades de leitura no componente curricular Língua Estrangeira para alunos do Ensino Médio com vistas à formação de um leitor capaz de estabelecer compreensão responsiva com relação aos enunciados lidos e (2) conduzir uma análise da interação dos alunos com os textos escolhidos para a leitura, hipertextos de websites, de modo a verificar quais aspectos dessa interação podem favorecer a construção de sentidos. O trabalho fundamenta-se nos conceitos de enunciado (Bakhtin,1997, 2002) e de compreensão responsiva (Bakhtin, 1997, 2002); na teoria sociointeracionista (Vygotsky, 1995,1998), no desenvolvimento de capacidades de leitura (Rojo, 2004) e nas particularidades da leitura no hipertexto eletrônico (Burbules & Callister, 1996; Burbules ,1997; Lemke, 2002, 2005, Braga, 2005; Ribeiro, 2005; Marcuschi, 2005). A abordagem metodológica foi a de estudo de caso (Robson, 1993; Stake, 1995; Yin, 2005), em que se considerou uma atividade orientada de leitura na forma de uma Unidade Didática (UD). A construção de sentidos realizada pelos participantes foi analisada por meio das respostas dos alunos às questões da UD e as suas interações com a professora e com a ferramenta tecnológica computador. Os resultados demonstram que o desenvolvimento de capacidades de apreciação e réplica do leitor em relação aos hipertextos, assim como a interação dos alunos com a professora e com a ferramenta tecnológica computador contribuíram para a formação de um leitor capaz de estabelecer compreensão responsiva com relação aos hipertextos lidos. A organização das informações no hipertexto de websites foi particularmente relevante no processo de construção de sentidos por apresentar muitas saliências visuais. Foram artefatos mediadores para a construção de sentidos na atividade de leitura: itens lexicais cognatos, índices de interpretação textual, imagens e imagens associadas à linguagem escrita visualmente salientes nos segmentos hipertextuais. O uso de links também se destacou não só como instrumento de busca, mas também de construção de sentidos

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