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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Ticéitude, enseignement interactif en ligne du FLE : approche didactique et méthodologique curriculaire en contexte innovant / Ticéitude : interactive teaching of French as a seconde language online : didactic and curricular in an innovative context

Berger, Gilles 23 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de démontrer combien un apprentissage hybride en «Ticéitude» (notion que nous avons inventée) peut être source de progrès, de motivation et d’autonomie et aussi de développer l’autotélisme des professeurs et des apprenants, c’est-à-dire une notion de bien être quand on apprend ou quand on enseigne.L’éducation est en train de prendre un tournent de son histoire grâce au numérique. On voit apparaître de nouvelles approches innovantes un peu partout dans le monde. Le défi est de pouvoir améliorer la qualité des apprentissages. Dans l’enseignement des langues et du FLE en particulier, le défi est de taille car il s’agit à la fois de suivre les curriculum en place et d’inventer de nouvelles approches sans choquer les uns ou effrayer les autres. Le modèle que nous avons mis en place et que nous appelons «Ticéitude» s’inscrit dans le nouveau paradigme de l’apprenance et d’un enseignement des langues humaniste. La «Ticéitude» permet de tisser des liens dans le cadre d’un environnement pédagogique riche et diversifié. Il s’agit d’un modèle socio-constructiviste humaniste qui favorise l’apprentissage collectif ou collaboratif; ainsi renforçant la motivation et l’autonomie des apprenants dans un contexte australien, suivant ainsi les différents curriculum de ce pays. L’approche hybride s’est vite imposée à nous comme un modèle à la fois contemporain mais aussi futuriste car elle permet un apprentissage renforcé, voire accéléré. Nous visons dans une société cognitive du réseautage où on peut apprendre ce qu’on veut, quand on le veut individuellement ou avec les autres. La notion de professeur est en train de changer car nous devenons de plus en plus des «coach» ou des «facilitateurs pédagogiques». Le dispositif que nous avons mis en place permet l’apprentissage quand on a envie de le faire, mais avec le guidage du professeur. Le professeur devient alors un allié! Il guide, il propose, mais aussi il participe avec les apprenants sur le réseau social mis en place au sein du dispositif que nous avons mis en place. Finalement, la «Ticéitude» implique l’utilisation des TICE mais de manière humaniste afin que les outils numériques puissent prendre toute leur valeur dans un environnement durable propice à l’apprentissage du FLE en Australie mais aussi dans le monde entier. / This thesis aims to demonstrate the effective implementation of a hybrid approach for learning French as a second language with the application of “Ticéitude”, a practical new concept for language learning in the 21st Century. This concept is a process of self-progression that targets the development of autonomy in the learner and for self-motivation, while also developing an autotelic personality, which means a certain “well-being” in the process of learning and teaching. Education is evolving due to today’s fast progress in digital technologies and is changing the course of history. Also because of this fast paced progress, we are currently witnessing new innovative approaches almost everywhere around the world. These challenges imply the importance of improving the quality of learning materials that is made available to the general populace. Our model, which is called Ticéitude, is aimed towards a humanistic approach of learning in the paradigm of “apprenance”. The notion of Ticéitude is to create links in a rich and diversified network. It is based on a socio-constructivist model, which encourages collaborative learning; thus reinforcing the motivation and autonomy of learners. In this instance, the model is based on the Australian context following the different curriculum in the various states and territory of this country. A hybrid approach has been put in place to create accelerated learning, based on the process of self-progression that targets the development of autonomy in the learner and for self-motivation, while also encouraging the development of an autotelic personality. In today’s world, we live in a cognitive society of networking when one can learn whenever or wherever he/she wants. The notion of “teacher” is changing as we focus more about coaching than teaching. The platform, which we created, allows individual learning with the guidance of the coach (teacher); thus teachers becoming more like peers. Teachers provide guidance to the students, suggest new approaches and at the same time participate to the network of a “group focused social learning”. Ticéitude implies the utilisation of new technologies but with a humanistic approach; so those tools are used effectively in a sustainable environment aimed to develop French learning not only in Australia but also around the world.

Modelo de gestión de incidentes, aplicando ITIL v3.0 en un organismo del Estado peruano

Loayza-Uyehara, Alexander-Alberto January 2015 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación está orientado a proponer un Modelo de Gestión de Incidentes, aplicando las buenas prácticas de ITIL v3.0 con elpropósito de mejorar la calidad de los servicios de tecnología de la información (TI) ofrecidos por la entidad en estudio. La aplicación del nuevo modelo de gestión de incidentes implicó la formalización del proceso de gestión de incidentes de tal manera que de modificaran algunos procedimientos que se esfecifican en el presente trabajo. La aplicación del modelo propuesto estuvo respaldada por la gerencia que permitió organizar mejor al personal en el proceso de gestión de incidentes, permitiendoles capacitarse y entender la aplicación del modelo propuesto. de los resultados de la aplicación del modelo, se puede observar que la atención de incidentes y la satisfacción del usuario final mejoraron. La creación de una linea base de indicadores permitirá hacer los ajustes necesarios al modelo con el objetivo de buscar la mejora continua del modelo. / Tesis

Mobilní aplikace pro obchody s oblečením a módou / Mobile application for clothing stores

Gronesová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is to suggest a mobile application for clothing stores. At the same time it takes into account how consumers and businesses are influenced by digital technologies. The app´s name is Digital Closet and its purpose is to organize your closet. Thesis includes a description of a mobile application in general and the well-known operation systems. Then one of the operation systems was set as a basic requirement for suggested application. This thesis also in part analyzes mobile applications at fashion industry. In conclusion, two surveys were conducted. First survey aimed at consumer market and the second one at clothing stores.

Digitaliseringens betydelse för äldre : En kvalitativ studie om hur äldre människor påverkas av digitaliseringen / The importance of digitalization for the elderly : A qualitative study on how elderly people are affected by digitalization

Evelina, Jönsson, Anne, Lutonda January 2020 (has links)
Digitaliseringens utveckling i det svenska samhället har skett i en rasande takt och har inneburit förändringar i hur vi idag lever våra liv. Den digitala utvecklingen har gått betydligt fortare än vad vi kunnat förutse och påverkar vårt samhälle där en förutsättning för delaktighet innebär att kunna använda internet. Men för äldre människor kan det bli problematiskt, det finns en rad svårigheter som kan uppstå i ett användande av digital teknik vilket gör att de tvingas ta hjälp av och förlita sig på andra människor. Syftet med studien var att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur samhällets ökade användning av digital teknik kan komma att påverka äldre människor samt skapa en uppfattning om hur äldre människor själva upplever den digitala tekniken. Målet har också varit att lyfta problematiken att många äldre kan ha svårigheter att hänga med i samhället när allt mer i vår miljö integreras med teknik som kan vara problematiskt för äldre människor att hantera.   Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta personer i åldern 70-88 år där resultatet har sammanställts och anknutits till vetenskapliga artiklar, samt teorier och begrepp från Foucault, Jönhill och May. Resultatet visar att samhällets ökade användning av digital teknik har viss betydelse för äldre människor. Det är många som har ett mycket begränsat digitalt användande och därmed inte är inkluderade i samhället på samma sätt som de människorna som använder digital teknik i större utsträckning. Vidare visade studien att äldre människor ofta stöter på svårigheter i sitt användande och det resulterar i att de behöver be någon om hjälp vilket ofta är en yngre familjemedlem. Det framkom också att äldre människor inte anser att den digitala tekniken har påverkat deras vardagsliv i någon större utsträckning. / The evolution of digitalization in Swedish society has taken place at a furious pace and has meant changes in how we today live our lives. Digital development has gone much faster than we could have foreseen and is affecting our society where a prerequisite for participation means being able to use the internet. But for elderly people it can be problematic, there are a number of difficulties that can arise in the use of digital technology, which means that they are forced to ask for help and rely on other people. The title of this paper is The importance of digitalization for the elderly and the aim of the study was to create a deeper understanding of how society’s increased use of digital technology may affect elderly people and create an understanding of how elderly people experience digital technology. The goal has also been to raise the problem that many elderly people may have difficulties keeping up with society when more and more of our environment is integrated with technology that can be problematic for elderly people to handle.   The study has been based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews with eight people aged 70-88, where the results have been compiled and linked to scientific articles, as well as theories and concepts from Foucault, Jönhill and May. The result shows that society’s increased use of digital technology has some significance for elderly people. Many people have a very limited digital use and are thus not included in society in the same way as the people who use digital technology to a greater extent. Furthermore, the study showed that elderly people often encounter difficulties in their use and this results in them having to ask someone for help, which is often a younger family member. It also emerged that elderly people do not believe that digital technology had affected their everyday lives to any great extent.

Förändringmotstånd inom gymnasieskolor : Förändringsarbete gällande digital teknik i undervisningen ur ett rektorsperspektiv / Change resistance within upper secondary schools : Change work regarding digital technology in teaching from a principal’s perspective

Johansson, Ludvig, Jakobsson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Digitaliseringen utvecklas och förändras konstant och är en process som påverkar organisationer och har förändrat samhället mest sedan industrialiseringen. En organisation som fyller en viktig funktion är skolan då en av skolans uppgifter är att bidra till att alla kan dra nytta av digitaliseringen. Förändringar skapar ofta både möjligheter och förutsättningar men de skapar även ett motstånd. I skolorganisationer är det vanligt att lärare motsätter sig förändringar på grund av rädsla för det okända, till exempel att gamla rutiner bryts. Då digitalisering anses vara en vanligt förekommande förändringsprocess ställer det krav på individer såväl i ledande befattningar men likväl i operativa befattningar. Förändringar som rör digital teknik kan motsägas av lärare på grund av sviktande acceptans till användandet av digital teknik i undervisningen. Studiens frågeställning är: - Hur kan rektorer i gymnasieskolor hantera förändringsmotstånd gällande digital teknik i undervisningen? Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av centrala komponenter för uppsatsens problemområde såsom förändringsarbete, förändringsmotstånd, kommunikation och förändringsledning. Metod: Denna uppsats bygger på en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med åtta rektorer och en lärare på sex olika gymnasieskolor i Skaraborg. Slutsats: Uppsatsen ger förslag på en modell som tagits fram som ett stöd för rektorer inom skolorganisationer. Modellen är användbar i en förändringsprocess i syfte att undvika men även hantera ett förändringsmotstånd. / Introduction: Digitalisation is constantly evolving and changing and is a process that affects organisations and has changed society most since industrialisation. An organisation that fulfills an important function is the school as one of the school's tasks is to help everyone to benefit from the digitalisation. Changes often create both opportunities and prerequisites, but they also create resistance. In school organisations, it is common for teachers to resist change because of fear of the unknown, for example that old routines are broken. Since digitalisation is considered to be a commonly occurring change process, it places demands on individuals both in leading positions as well in operational positions. Changes related to digital technology can be contradicted by teachers because of failing acceptance of the use of digital technology in teaching. The study's question is: - How can principals in upper secondary schools handle change resistance regarding digital technology in teaching? Theoretical frame of reference: The theoretical frame of reference consists of central components of this paper’s problem area such as change work, change resistance, communication and change management. Method: This paper is based on a qualitative method in which semi-structured interviews are conducted with eight principals and a teacher at six different upper secondary schools in Skaraborg. Conclusion: The paper proposes a model that has been developed as a support for principals within school organisations. The model is useful in a change process in order to avoid but also handle a change resistance.

Využití digitálních technologií v přípravě žáka ZŠ do školy / How pupils use digital technology when doing school homework

Jaroš, Aleš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the role of the digital technologies in the homework preparation of the pupils, how do they use the digital technologies and whether they use it for the learning at all. This thesis evaluates also if the pupils can use the digital technologies for learning and in which way they use them, what is their vision of learning, what pluses and minuses in the digital technology usage see the pupils from the sixth to ninth grade. How do the parents encourage their children to use these technologies for the homework. The theoretical section focuses on the role and possibilities of using digital technologies in education, especially in homework preparation. It defines a pupil's digital competence and the characteristics of the network generation. The practical section includes the conclusion of 3 questionnaire surveys. The first of which the author did among 127 pupils of the 2nd grade of an unnamed elementary school in the Ústí region. Its aim was to find out whether and how pupils use digital technologies in their home preparation for school and whether these technologies simplify the learning process for them. The second questionnaire was completed by parents of pupils of the 2nd grade. The aim of this questionnaire survey was to find out how parents support...

An exploration of creative thinking skills in the grade 9 technology classroom

Nkosi, Praygod Bonginkosi January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / The purpose of this is to investigate how teachers go about for the development of Creative Thinking Skills (CTS) in a grade 9 technology classroom. The introduction of technology in the South African curriculum by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to develop CTS through the Design Process (DP) as the cornerstone of the learning area. Technology as a learning area should provide learners with opportunities to solve real-life problems, in the process developing their CTS (DBE, 2011). In the 21st century, CTS have been seen as skills that are crucial across the spectrum of day to day activities. However; it appears to be very complex for technology teachers to enhance the teaching and learning of CTS in a technology classroom. The literature suggests that technology teachers tend to suppress the development of learners’ CTS by limiting the process of teaching and learning to low order thinking cognitive levels rather than high order cognitive levels. This study employed a qualitative research enquiry, purposive sampling was used for the selection of the relevant participants. Qualified technology teachers who teach grade 9 technology with at least three years’ experience in teaching technology were considered. Data collection was obtained through interviews, observation and document analysis. The research finding showed that teachers lack the understanding of policies, particularly CAPS hence they continuously compromise its implementation hindering with the development of CTS of learners as it is envisaged in the CAPS document. Furthermore, the research findings reveal that the teacher has a little or no understanding of what is creative thinking (CT) and what it entails, hence they did not unpack what is it exactly that they do to support the development of learners CTS in a technology classroom This study recommends that technology teachers be familiar with the CAPS document and implement it correctly without any compromise. Furthermore; understanding of the design process is of vital importance to teachers as it is the cornerstone of teaching and learning, particularly the development of CTS of learners. Technology teachers need also to have a clear understanding of what CT is and what it entails, that will assist to arouse their CT and help to develop the CTS of learners in a technology classroom.

Composição digital : o uso de ferramentas digitais como instrumento de composição musical /

Lisounenko Neto, Alexei January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Martins Morgado / Resumo: A escrita e criação musical sofreram grandes mudanças com o advento das tecnologias digitais. Das inscrições em paredes da civilização pré-histórica, passamos para a pena, o lápis, a caneta chegando ao computador. Com a criação e evolução dos programas de composição musical o compositor passou a ter uma ferramenta que aumenta as possibilidades e facilidades de criação. Programas onde são permitidos escrever música com o teclado do computador, com o teclado virtual, ou até mesmo com o auxílio de um instrumento musical eletrônico, armazenar a música composta, inserir regras de composições, se transformam num importante assistente do músico, podendo auxiliá-lo a descobrir novas possibilidades e criar novos rumos para a composição musical. As tecnologias digitais dão suporte para a produção e distribuição de informações que causam grandes impactos na forma de criar e no que se cria. Com estas tecnologias, além de escrever, é possível ouvir o que foi escrito, e com os sons dos instrumentos escolhidos. Com estas ferramentas um compositor pode escutar a sua obra completa antes mesmo dela ser experimentada por músicos. Essa funcionalidade permite ao compositor corrigir eventuais erros e verificar se o resultado final ficou de acordo com o esperado, permitindo alterações e até novas experiências com notas e instrumentos. Os objetos deste trabalho são softwares de composição musical. O objetivo geral foi selecionar softwares de composição musical que salvem em arquivo MIDI, MusicXML, P... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Musical writing and creation went through great changes due to digital technologies. From registrations on the walls of pre-historical civilization, we changed to feather, pencil, pen and computer. Together with creation and evolution of music composition programs, the composer started to have a tool which increased the possibilities and facilities of creation. Programs that allow to write music using the computer keyboard, virtual keyboard, or even an electronic musical instrument, to store compound music, insert rules of composition, become an important assistant to the musician while helping him to find new possibilities and create new directions to the musical composition. Digital technologies support the production and distribution of information that cause large impacts in creating and what is created. It is possible, with these technologies, to write and listen what was written by the sound of chosen instruments. Using these tools, a composer can listen the complete work before it has been tested by musicians. This facility allows the composer to amend occasional mistakes and check if the result is according to the expectations, making possible some changes, and even new experiences with the notes and instruments. The objects of this study were some music composition software. The main aim was to elect some software for music composition that can save files in MIDI, MusicXML, PDF, and have a DEMO version. The specific purposes were to present the characteristics of som... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

"Vi får ett digitalt utanförskap som vi på något vis måste hantera" : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur digitala stödverktyg kan bidra till att minska det digitala utanförskapet bland äldre.

Gärdqvist, Ida, Olsson, Pernilla January 2021 (has links)
Many older people find it difficult to start using new technology and difficult to get the help when they need it. Society is becoming increasingly digital, therefore there's a risk ending up digitally excluded. Use of digital technology can be difficult due to problematic factors such as insufficient prior knowledge, lacking motivation, insecurity, and the complexity. In order for these factors to be managed, there needs to be support available. Prior research shows that older people have preferences for social support, but when this support is not available appropriate replacement tools need to be available to facilitate the use of digital technology. The purpose of the study was to help reduce digital exclusion among the elderly by studying how different digital support tools can be used to deal with problem factors when using digital technology. A qualitative study was conducted, based on a theory model that highlights four problem factors. Three different digital support tools in an auditory, visual and written format were evaluated. Opinions on the digital support tools as well as the various problem factors were collected from an IT educator and from the elderly at the age of 65 or over through two sub-studies consisting of interviews and thinking aloud tests. The results showed that the factors that were most difficult to counter with the digital support tools were the complexity and insufficient prior knowledge, while the factors lacking motivation and insecurity could be managed with the digital support tools. The results also showed that users of digital support tools should be able to choose whether the support is to be used in an auditory, visual or written format. The written instructions could combat the most problem factors. The visual instructions was the support tool that was most difficult to use because it required some prior digital knowledge. If basic digital knowledge is absent, none of the support tools could be used in an optimal way. Reducing digital exclusion solely with the help of digital support tools is thus difficult because those who are most excluded and have the greatest need for support don't possess the basic knowledge to use the tools. / Många äldre anser att det är svårt att börja använda ny teknik och svårt att få hjälp när de behöver det. I ett samhälle som digitaliseras allt mer riskerar de därför att hamna i ett digitalt utanförskap. Svårigheterna gällande användandet av digital teknik kan bero på olika problemfaktorer som bristande motivation, otrygghet, komplexitet och otillräckliga förkunskaper. För att dessa faktorer ska kunna hanteras behöver de äldre ha tillgång till stöd. Tidigare forskning visar att äldre föredrar sociala stödformer, men om det sociala stödet inte kan erhållas behöver lämpliga ersättande stödverktyg finnas tillgängliga som kan underlätta användandet av digital teknik.  Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till att minska det digitala utanförskapet bland äldre genom att studera hur olika digitala stödverktyg kan användas för att hantera problemfaktorer för digital teknik. En kvalitativ studie, som utgick från en teorimodell baserad på de fyra problemfaktorerna, genomfördes. Tre olika digitala stödverktyg, i form av skriftliga, auditiva och visuella instruktioner, utvärderades. Åsikter kring de digitala stödverktygen samt de olika problemfaktorerna samlades in från en IT-pedagog och från personer som var 65 år eller äldre genom två delstudier bestående av intervjuer och tänka högt-test.  Resultatet visade att faktorerna bristande motivation och otrygghet kunde hanteras med digitala stödverktyg medan faktorerna komplexitet och otillräckliga förkunskaper var svårare att hantera. Resultatet visade också att användaren av digitala stödverktyg bör få välja om stödet ska nyttjas i ett auditivt, visuellt eller skriftligt format. De skriftliga instruktionerna var det stödverktyg som kunde hantera flest problemfaktorer medan de visuella instruktionerna var svårast att använda eftersom verktyget krävde digitala förkunskaper. När förkunskaperna var otillräckliga kunde inget av stödverktygen användas på ett optimalt sätt. Det är därmed svårt att minska det digitala utanförskapet enbart med hjälp av digitala stödverktyg, eftersom de som står längst utanför det digitala samhället och har störst behov av stöd, inte har de grundläggande kunskaperna för att använda verktygen.

Dítě a rodič v náruči digitálních technologií / Child and parent in the arms of digital technology

Zemanová, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of digital technologies in relation to toddler children, analysis of differences in education and approach of their parents. The theoretical part defines terms such as digital literacy, digital technology, parent, toddler and others, which is closely related to the topic, mentions their brief characteristics and evokes connections between them. It introduces the reader to the developmental specifics of the toddler's child and presents different styles of attitudes of parents and educators to the current nature of digital media and the subsequent impact on the chosen age group. Based on the comparison of used literature and deeper exploration of the topic, the thesis confirms the chosen hypothesis, which is the starting point for the practical task. The practical part is focused on application-didactic work, where we find a list of suitable recommendations, available programs and applications, which are a guide for parents and educators who are not fully oriented in the risks and consequences of using current digital technologies, especially the target group of children in the pre-stage. entering pre-school education.

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