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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies in Saadiah Gaon's Arabic Translations

Frankel, David Harry 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.


BRUNO JOSE DOS SANTOS 07 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] Ecl 12,1-8, perícope sobre a qual se concentrou o objeto de estudo da presente pesquisa, consiste em uma poesia hebraica, caracterizada como uma instrução sapiencial, que tem como temas principais duas realidades do ocaso da vida: a velhice e a morte. Após a introdução, foram abordados alguns aspectos e conteúdos do livro de Eclesiastes, a fim de auxiliar na compreensão da perícope. O estudo exegético de Ecl 12,1-8 realizou-se por meio do método histórico-crítico. A perícope integra as seções de conteúdo ético do livro, o que fica evidenciado por meio do imperativo e lembra-te em Ecl 12,1a. Como unidade textual bem delimitada, com excelente nível de coesão e coerência, o texto de Ecl 12,1-8 está estruturado em quatro partes, enquadradas por uma introdução e uma conclusão, e desenvolvido a partir das locuções de caráter temporal enquanto não (cf. Ecl 12,1b.2a.6a) e no dia que (cf. Ecl 12,3a). Com acentuada linguagem simbólica, o sábio Qohelet dirige-se ao jovem, exortando-o à lembrança dos seus criadores, isto é, de Deus (v.1a), antes que cheguem a velhice (vv.3-5e) e a morte (vv.5f-7). O comentário da perícope foi feito a partir da estrutura identificada pela crítica da forma. Ao colocar Deus no início e no fim do poema (cf. Ecl 12,1.7), e ao exortar o jovem à lembrança de Deus antes da velhice e da morte, Qohelet quer provocar no jovem discípulo a reflexão sobre a importância da consciência da transitoriedade da vida e de Deus como único ponto de apoio absoluto. / [en] Eccl 12,1-8, pericope which is the object concentration of study the present search, consists of a hebrew poem, characterized as a sapiential instruction, whose main themes are two realities of the sunset of life: old age and death. After the introduction, some aspects and contents of the book of Ecclesiastes were approached, in order to aid in the understanding of the pericope. The exegetical study of Ecl 12.1-8 was performed using the historical-critical method. The pericope integrates the sections of ethical content of the book, which is evidenced by the imperative and remember in Ecl 12,1a. As a well-delimited textual unit, with an excellent level of cohesion and coherence, the pericope is structured in four parts, framed by an introduction and a conclusion, and developed from the temporal locutions while not (cf. Ecl 12,1b.2a.6a) and in the day which (cf. Eccl 12,3a). With a strong symbolic language, the wise man Qohelet addresses the young man, exhorting him to the memory of his creators, that is, of God (v.1a), before they reach old age (vv.3-5e) and death (vv.5f-7). The commentary on the pericope was made from the structure identified by the critic of the form. By placing God at the beginning and at the end of the poem (cf. Ecl 12,1.7), and by exhorting the young man to the remembrance of God before old age and death, Qohelet wants to provoke in the young disciple the reflection on the importance of the consciousness of the transience of life and of God as the sole point of absolute support.


RAFAEL RAYMUNDO SCHMIDT 24 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] O Sl 8, objeto de estudo da presente pesquisa, é uma poesia que descreve um aspecto da criação, como um louvor descritivo, emoldurado por um refrão corálico. O salmista se dirige a YHWH sempre na segunda pessoa, com exaltações inesgotáveis. Apresenta a figura do homem de maneira central no poema, sem no entanto ofuscar a centralidade de YHWH no que tange sua posição dentro do Sl 8. Enquanto unidade poética, o Sl 8 estrutura-se em duas seções (vv. 1-5 e vv. 6-10), que possuem nuances bem específicas e patentes devido a sua métrica. A primeira seção é iniciada com uma exaltação plural (v.2), que poderia ser a comunidade manifestando sua exaltação a YHWH, tem uma alternância para o singular no v.4, como o louvor de um indivíduo, e retoma na segunda seção a exaltação plural no v.10. Como parte do livro dos Salmos, que pode ser entendido como uma retribuição humana a Deus, o caráter doxológico é sempre muito presente, principalmente nos Salmos onde se referem a criação, visto que é sempre entendida como uma manifestação da grandiosidade do Deus de Israel, que tudo criou. O Sl 8 apresenta então a criação de YHWH para o homem, e o homem devendo remeter-se sempre a YHWH. / [en] Sl 8, object of study of the present research, is a poetry that describes an aspect of the creation, like a descriptive praise, framed by a corallic refrain. Sl 8 addresses YHWH always in the second person, with inexhaustible exaltations. It presents a central figure of man in the poem, without principle overshadowing the centrality of YHWH in regards to himself. 6-10), such as those with very specific nuances, and patented by their metrics. The first section begins with the exaltation of the plural (v. 2), which could be a manifestation of the exaltation community of a YHWH, it has an alternation to the singular in v. 4, as the degree of exaltation of an individual, and reiterates a plural exaltation in v.10. As the book of Psalms, which can be understood as a human retribution to God, it is a theme that is always present, especially in the Psalms where creation is concerned, since it is always understood as a manifestation of the greatness of the God of Israel, which created everything. Psalm 8 presents a creation of YHWH for man, and man should always refer to YHWH.

Har kvinnan synliggjorts mer? : en jämförelse av rubrikerna i två bibelöversättningar

Hedman, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur översättarna bakom de två bibelöversättningarna valt att framställa de gammaltestamentliga kvinnorna i rubrikerna. Den övergripande frågeställning som jag kommer att besvara i den här uppsatsen är:</p><ul><li>På vilket sätt skiljer sig rubrikerna mellan de två översättningarna åt i hur kvinnor betonas?</li></ul><p>Min följdfråga är:</p><ul><li>Kan en eventuell förändring härledas från de direktiv som låg till grund för översättningsarbetet?</li></ul><p>Utifrån den övergripande frågeställning kommer jag att undersöka de rubriker som kvinnor nämns i med utgångspunkt i det som en del av feministteologerna strävar efter, nämligen att synliggöra kvinnan. Min hypotes är att kvinnan har synliggjorts mer i och med den nya bibelöversättningen.</p>

Har kvinnan synliggjorts mer? : en jämförelse av rubrikerna i två bibelöversättningar

Hedman, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur översättarna bakom de två bibelöversättningarna valt att framställa de gammaltestamentliga kvinnorna i rubrikerna. Den övergripande frågeställning som jag kommer att besvara i den här uppsatsen är: På vilket sätt skiljer sig rubrikerna mellan de två översättningarna åt i hur kvinnor betonas? Min följdfråga är: Kan en eventuell förändring härledas från de direktiv som låg till grund för översättningsarbetet? Utifrån den övergripande frågeställning kommer jag att undersöka de rubriker som kvinnor nämns i med utgångspunkt i det som en del av feministteologerna strävar efter, nämligen att synliggöra kvinnan. Min hypotes är att kvinnan har synliggjorts mer i och med den nya bibelöversättningen.

The intertextual reception of Genesis 1-3 in Ireaneus of Lyons

Presley, Stephen O. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the intertextual nature of Irenaeus' reading of Genesis 1-3. In this study, we assume a different mode of investigation than previous works on Irenaeus' use of scripture. Drawing from contemporary discussions on intertextuality in Fishbane, Boyrin, Hays, and Young, we challenge a tradition of investigation into Irenaeus' exegesis that has marginalized the significance of scriptural networking inherent to his hermeneutic. This perspective is evident in the previous works on Irenaeus' reading of Genesis in Orbe, Jacobsen, Kannengiesser, Steenberg, and Holsinger-Friesen. This thesis, on the other hand, brings together an appreciation for Irenaeus' hermeneutic with respect to his exegesis of Gen 1-3. We show that in every instance Irenaeus interprets Gen 1-3, not in isolation, but in correlation with other texts by means of a variety of intertextual reading strategies that shape his theological polemic. In chapter one we investigate the nature of Irenaeus' hermeneutical orientation based upon studies of patristic exegesis and his own descriptions of the exegetical task. We show that Irenaeus purposes to interconnect texts in his refutation and exegesis and we formulate a methodology that appreciates his reading of Gen 1-3 within this theological networking of texts. In chapters 2-6, we provide a literary analysis of the echoes, allusions, and citations of Gen 1-3 in each book of Adversus Haereses. In each case we isolate the allusions to Gen 1-3 and the corresponding interrelated texts that form a hermeneutically symbiotic relationship with Gen 1-3. We show how these textual relationships yield a more comprehensive appreciation for the meaning and function of Gen 1-3 in Irenaeus. In chapter 7 we conclude with a summary and cumulative evaluation of the intertextual relationships fashioned with Gen 1-3 and the reading strategies that guide his intertextual use of Gen 1-3. In doing so, this thesis exposes the intricacies of Irenaeus' theological and intertextual reading of Gen 1-3 and the various ways that Irenaeus harmonizes scripture.

Psalms 38 and 145 of the Septuagint

Gauthier, Randall Xerxes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Biblical Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present dissertation is a commentary on Psalms 38 and 145 in the Septuagint (LXX) version, or more accurately, the Old Greek (OG) version. Specifically, this dissertation attempts to understand the semantic meaning of these psalms at the point of their inception, or composition, i.e. as translated literary units derivative of a presumed Semitic Vorlage. Stated differently, this dissertation sets out to understand how these psalms were interpreted in translation by the translator(s). With the task of interpretation comes the assumption that the “original” or “oldest” verifiable text can be first established since neither the OG nor its Vorlage are known to be extant. To this end it is necessary to begin with the best critical editions available while also attempting to reconstruct a viable representative of the OG and Vorlage in the light of standard text-critical criteria and translation technique. Although the Old Greek text is the object of study, the transmission history and related history of interpretation for both the Greek and Hebrew are selectively examined insofar as they are necessary as comparisons for the LXX at the point of its inception, and the Vorlage from which it was derived. This work assumes – in accordance with the way translation may be understood generally – that the translator(s) of the Psalms were attempting to communicate his/her Vorlage to a new audience. In this respect translation may be viewed as communication that crosses a language boundary. As such, both lexical replication and idiomatic representation fall within the scope of interpretation. Both phenomena occur in Ps 38 and 145 in varying degrees and both phenomena comprise aspects of the translator’s cross-lingual communication. Chapter 1 establishes preliminary concepts regarding translation in terms of isomorphic and isosemantic representation, textual criticism of the Psalter, and select MSS and witnesses used throughout the study. Chapter 2 surveys key modern translations of the Septuagint as well as certain trends in Translation and Communication Studies for methodological and hermeneutical approaches. Chapter 3 derives working methodological principles based upon the discussions in chapters 1 and 2. Chapters 4 and 5 are detailed, word-by-word, clause-by-clause, commentaries on Psalms 38 and 145 respectively. Chapter 6 offers a summary and conclusions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling is 'n kommentaar op Psalm 38 en 145 in die Septuagint (LXX), of meer bepaald, die Oud Griekse (OG) weergawe. Die navorsing poog in besonder om die semantiese betekenis van hierdie psalms ten tyde van hul ontstaan of samestelling te verstaan, dit wil sê as vertaalde literere eenhede wat vermoedelik op 'n Semitiese Vorlage gebaseer is. Anders gestel: Hierdie verhandeling is daarop uit om te begryp hoe die vertaler(s) van hierdie psalms die tekste vertolk het. Die taak van vertolking behels die veronderstelling dat die 'oorspronklike' of 'oudste' verifieerbare teks eers bepaal kan word. Sover bekend het nog die OG weergawe nog sy Vorlage egter behoue gebly. Daarom is dit nodig om met die beste beskikbare kritiese uitgawes te begin, en terselfdertyd 'n lewensvatbare weergawe van die OG teks en Vorlage te probeer rekonstrueer aan die hand van standaard- tekskritiese maatstawwe en -vertaaltegnieke. Hoewel dit hoofsaaklik die OG teks is wat bestudeer word, word die oorlewerings- en verwante geskiedenis van vertolking vir sowel die Grieks en Hebreeus ook selektief ondersoek in soverre dit vergelyk kan word met die ontstaansvorm van die LXX sowel as die Vorlage waarop dit gebaseer is. In pas met die waarskynlike algemene opvatting oor vertaling, gaan hierdie navorsing van die veronderstelling uit dat die vertaler(s) van die psalms sy/haar/hul Vorlage aan 'n nuwe gehoor wou probeer oordra. In die opsig kan vertaling as kommunikasie oor taalgrense heen beskou word. As sodanig val sowel leksikale duplisering as idiomatiese verteenwoordiging binne die bestek van vertolking. Albei verskynsels kom in wisselende mate in Psalm 38 en 145 voor en albei behels aspekte van die vertaler se intertaalkommunikasie. Hoofstuk 1 lê voorlopige konsepte met betrekking tot vertaling vas wat betref isomorfiese en isosemantiese verteenwoordiging, tekstekritiek op die Psalter, en uitgesoekte manuskripte (MSS) en getuienisse wat deur die hele studie gebruik word. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek kernmoderne vertalings van die Septuagint sowel as bepaalde tendense in Vertaling en Kommunikasiestudie vir metodologiese en hermeneutiese benaderings. Op grond van die besprekings in die eerste twee hoofstukke, lê hoofstuk 3 metodologiese werksbeginsels neer. Hoofstuk 4 en 5 bevat uitvoerige, woord-vir-woord-, sinsdeel-vir-sinsdeel-kommentaar op Psalm 38 en 145 onderskeidelik. Hoofstuk 6 sluit af met 'n samevatting en gevolgtrekkings.

Problém neodpustitelného hříchu v nové smlouvě pneumatologicko-hamartologický pohled / the problem of unpardonable sin in the new testament

Hanes, Timotej January 2011 (has links)
HANES, Timotej: The problem of the unpardonable sin in the ew Testament, pneumatologico - hamartological view. [Master thesis] / Timotej Hanes. - Charles University in Prague. Hussite Theological Faculty; - Supervisor: Prof. ThDr. Ján Liguš, PhD. - Degree: Master. - Prague : HTF UK, 2011. 91 p. The thesis discusses the problem of the unpardonable sin on the based on the text from Matthew 12:31-32. Its goal is to give the reader a better grasp of this problem and to be able to create his own opinion about it. It tries to accomplish the goal by offering as accurate picture of the perception the New Testament books authors had on this problem as possible using a detailed exegesis of the text mentioned above. In the second part, the thesis compares the results of the exegesis with the perception various important people of Christian history had on the unpardonable sin. In the empirical part, the thesis studies what this perception is among Christians these days and it tries to suggest some changes, that could contribute to conforming this perception to the biblical one as much as possible. Key words: the unpardonable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, exegesis, biblical view


ANTONIO MARCOS DOS SANTOS 05 June 2012 (has links)
[pt] O tema da sublimidade de Sião em Jl 4,15-17 revela uma imagem de YHWH que zela, carinhosamente, pelo seu povo. Diante das calamidades naturais e bélicas, a experiência da relação entre o povo de Judá-Jerusalém e YHWH faz despertar a consciência de que a fé deve ser superior ao temor de um futuro incerto. O presente estudo chega à conclusão de que Jl 4,15-17 tem como pano de fundo teológico a tradição de Sião, porém com um enfoque teocêntrico. A sublimidade de Sião em Jl 4,15-17 está vinculada essencialmente com o tema do yôm YHWH e se desenvolve em paralelo a este. Tal relação implica uma unidade integral dos temas no livro. O yôm YHWH, presente em todos os capítulos do livro de Joel, se apresenta integralmente com sentido positivo e salvífico para Judá-Jerusalém. A sublimidade de Sião em Jl 4,15-17 corrobora com este yôm, sendo um oráculo de salvação para o povo eleito. O texto revela ainda pontos de contato terminológicos e temáticos com o livro de Joel e com alguns livros do corpus dos Doze Profetas. O conceito teológico da tradição de Sião, por meio da predileção pelo povo eleito na Cidade Santa de Jerusalém, segundo a ótica do livro de Joel, marca um aspecto relevante da fé bíblica veterotestamentária. / [en] The theme of the sublimity of Zion in Jl 4,15-17 shows an image of YHWH who takes care of loving way for his people. In the face of natural disasters and war, the experience of the relationship between the people of Judah and Jerusalem, YHWH does awakening consciousness that the faith must be greater than the fear of an uncertain future. This study concludes that Jl 4,15-17 has as background the theological tradition of Zion, but with a theocentric focus. The sublimity of Zion in Jl 4,15-17 is linked with the main theme of yôm YHWH and develops in parallel to this. This relationship implies an integral unit of the themes in the book. The yôm YHWH, present in all chapters of the book of Joel, presents itself the positive direction and salvation to Judah-Jerusalem. The sublimity of Zion in Joel 4,15-17 corroborates with this yôm, being an oracle of salvation for the chosen people. The text also reveals points of contact terminological and thematic with book of Joel and some books of the corpus of the Twelve Prophets. The theological concept of tradition of Sion, by preference for the chosen people in the Holy City of Jerusalem, from the viewpoint of the book of Joel, marks an important aspect of biblical faith vetero-testamentary.


RICARDO LENGRUBER LOBOSCO 06 November 2007 (has links)
[pt] As leis existentes em Lv 18 e Lv 20 tratam de relações sexuais consideradas ilícitas, com destaque especial para relações de natureza incestuosa. Tema que está presente, de forma semelhante, nos parágrafos 154 a 158 do Código de Hammurabi. À diferença do segundo, os primeiros textos não proíbem explicitamente a relação incestuosa entre pai e filha(s). A presente Tese propõe analisar cada um dos dois corpora legislativos em seus contextos sócioliterários e compará-los na tentativa de explicar o silêncio existente no Levítico a respeito do incesto. Além disso, a Tese discute o alcance normativo das leis bíblicas à semelhança da discussão teórica existente sobre o tema no que tange ao Direito cuneiforme. / [en] The existing laws in Lv 18 and Lv 20 are about illicit sexual intercourse, with special focus on relationships of incestuous nature. The issue is also present in paragraphs 154 to 158 of the Hammurabi Code. Apart from the second, the first texts do not explicitly forbid incestuous intercourse between father and daughter(s). The present thesis proposes both the analysis of each legislative corpus in their social and literary contexts and their comparison as a way to explain the existing silence on incest in the Leviticus. Besides, this paper discusses the normative reach of biblical laws considering the theoretical discussion about the issue taking the cuneiform Law into consideration.

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