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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Swedish News for Koreans : A study on ethnic media for Koreans in Sweden

Mosesson, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates a Facebook page named Sŭweden nyusŭ, which stands as an example of ethnicmedia targeting Koreans living in Sweden. Having gatekeeping theory as the theoretical frameworkand using a quantitative-qualitative media content analysis, the study looks at what news topics andnews sources are most used by the page, whether and how the news are presented objectively orsubjectively, as well as how the page’s followers react to the page’s content and how the page’sadministrator deals with these reactions. The study found that news topics related to economy andpolitics are the most prevalent, while the daily Dagens Nyheter is the most cited news source. Some ofthe news stories are presented subjectively, and the followers’ reactions are in general positive butalso inquiring and occasionally even negative and critical. The administrator usually tries to cater forthe followers’ demands and questions, but sometimes ignores or even questions their remarks. As thestudy also has the general goal of getting insight into the Korean community in Sweden, the findingssuggest the following. Firstly, Sŭweden nyusŭ compensates for what the community’s few existingethnic media channels lack. Secondly, some Koreans in Sweden who lack Swedish language skillsmay even be considered poorly integrated into the Swedish majority society. However, as forKoreans’ level of integration into the Swedish majority society, further research is needed in order toconfirm what the actual state is. The study therefore recommends more research to be conducted onthis topic, as well as on the subject of ethic media in Sweden in general.

Relations inter-organisationnelles informelles et dynamique de l'entreprise : une approche par les microfondations / Informal interorganizational relations and dynamic capabilities : an analysis of microfoundations

Girsault-Haas, Aurore 01 July 2016 (has links)
Alors que les relations formelles entre organisations comme les alliances ont été largement étudiées, les relations inter-organisationnelles informelles demandent à être mieux comprises. Comment l'organisation gère-t-elle ses relations inter-organisationnelles informelles ? Quels sont les effets de ces relations sur l'entreprise ? Comment peut-on essayer d'organiser d'une façon consciente des actions d'influence de l'environnement au travers de ces relations ? Pour aborder ces questions, nous avons choisi d'utiliser le cadre de la théorie des capacités dynamiques, qui accorde une place importante aux relations entre l'entreprise et son environnement. Les capacités dynamiques de l'entreprise peuvent être définies comme la capacité à détecter et façonner des opportunités et des menaces, à saisir des opportunités, et à reconfigurer les ressources de la firme. Répondant à l'appel des chercheurs sur les capacités dynamiques, cette thèse analyse les micro-fondations de ces capacités. Notre étude s'appuie sur une analyse des individus "passeurs de frontières" qui participent aux relations inter-organisationnelles informelles au nom de leur entreprise. Nos travaux pointent les contributions des passeurs de frontières aux capacités dynamiques de l'entreprise et conceptualisent la capacité à gérer des relations inter-organisationnelles informelles comme capacité dynamique. / Whereas formal relations such as alliances have been well-studied, informal inter-organizational relations still need to be analyzed. This gap in the literature leads to the following research questions: How do organizations manage their informal inter-organizational relations? What are the effects of such relations? How can firms organize influencing activities based on these relations? The theory of dynamic capabilities addresses relations between the firm and its environment. The dynamic capabilities of the firm can be defined as the capacity of the firm to sense and shape opportunities and threats, to seize opportunities and to reconfigure assets. They permit the organization to adapt to and to shape its environment. This work contributes to answering the call from researchers to analyze the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities. It studies the role played by boundary spanners, individuals playing an interfacing role between the firm and its environment, in the dynamic capabilities of the firm. Further, this research leads to the conceptualization of the capacity to manage informal interorganizational relations as a dynamic capability allowing the firm to develop its absorptive capacity, legitimacy and influence on its environment.

Från "Zigenarfrågan" 1956 till "Romers rätt" 2010 : En studie om den strukturella diskrimineringen av romer i två statliga utredningar

Ehsani, Iman January 2012 (has links)
This thesis will deal with the development of the situation of the Roma minority in the Swedish school system in the period between 1954 to 2010, based on two Swedish Government Official Reports of the group's situation in the Swedish schools. The study is done by the report Zigenarfrågan (SOU 1956:43) and with the report Romers rätt (SOU 2010:55). The report Romers rätt was written by the Delegation for Roma issues and gives an updated picture of the situation of Roma in the Swedish school system. The state investigation Zigenarfrågan, is also important as the latter resulted in the Roma children enrolled in Swedish schools. This work will look at the various governmental investigations by the theory used for analysis called ”structural discrimination theory”. Comparison of these two reports by structural discrimination as theory has shown that Zigenarfrågan good vision and belief in the assimilation proposals, did not lead to desired results. Instead of achieving a homogeneous school, it resulted in a discriminatory school that still lives by the principle of homogeneity. Many of the proposals made in the report Romers rätt shows that Swedish school much because of its international bonds, trying to counter the structural discrimination directed against Roma and other minorities. But the work becomes very difficult when the structural discrimination norms are deeply ingrained in society's various institutional bodies.

Demokratins reträtt : orsak och verkan / The Retreat of Democracy : Cause and Effect

Andersson, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Statistics from Freedom House show that 2018 is the thirteenth consecutive year with democratic decline. This paper examines underlying causes to this democratic decline. This is done through literature review of current research in the field of democracy development. By using descriptive idea analysis of selected research literature, the paper aims to clarify the current debate on the challenges of democracy. The study somewhat supports that long-term liberal democracy creates conditions that potentially cause its own retreat. This is because long-term liberal democracy provides peace and growth, which is unequally distributed in society and leads to increased social divisions. As a result, large groups of people no longer feel included in society, which in turn will pave the way for populist movements and potential autocratic leaders. The study also somewhat supports that there has been a weakening in the functioning of the democratic institutions to act as gatekeepers, keeping potential autocrats out of power. Increased democracy and transparency in the democratic processes has made it easier for potential autocrats to come to power. All in all, there is some support for the hypothesis of the essay: The more democracy the greater the risk that the democratic system will weaken.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Le présent essai doctoral vise à définir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l’engagement paternel chez les pères ayant eu recours à la médiation ordonnée (Mo) et à l’expertise psychosociale (Exp). L’étude de 222 dossiers légaux et la réalisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les données quantitatives et qualitatives ont été recueillies de façon ponctuelle (entrevues) et en rétrospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai présente à notre connaissance des données originales. L'analyse des tendances démographiques nommée « analyse populationnelle dynamique » et les données qui en sont issues sont appelées « données populationnelles ». Elles tracent un portrait des pères qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils évoluent et situent les échantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le critère évalué. Cette méthode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le modèle écologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les résultats indiquent qu’au-delà des procédures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important à l’engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l’ex-conjointe appelée « communication dégradant le lien parental » dont les deux piliers sont la dépréciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue durée et se prolonge parfois sur une décennie. Cette intensité de conflit discrimine le profil des pères utilisant la médiation ordonnée de celui des pères utilisant la médiation volontaire. À ce conflit sont associés des coûts psychologiques chez les pères et leur famille, mais également des coûts financiers attribuables à la longueur des procédures de cour. Ces coûts constituent également un facteur de risque tout comme les caractéristiques des couples présentant des écarts d’âge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l’expertise et les ententes de la médiation ordonnée ont un effet de courte durée sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les pères perçoivent l’expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacité parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les décisions de la cour. La capacité des pères à valoriser leur rôle parental et les stratégies utilisées pour contrer une communication dénigrante sont également des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se dégage une série de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Le pr??sent essai doctoral vise ?? d??finir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l???engagement paternel chez les p??res ayant eu recours ?? la m??diation ordonn??e (Mo) et ?? l???expertise psychosociale (Exp). L?????tude de 222 dossiers l??gaux et la r??alisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les donn??es quantitatives et qualitatives ont ??t?? recueillies de fa??on ponctuelle (entrevues) et en r??trospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai pr??sente ?? notre connaissance des donn??es originales. L'analyse des tendances d??mographiques nomm??e ?? analyse populationnelle dynamique ?? et les donn??es qui en sont issues sont appel??es ?? donn??es populationnelles ??. Elles tracent un portrait des p??res qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils ??voluent et situent les ??chantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le crit??re ??valu??. Cette m??thode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le mod??le ??cologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les r??sultats indiquent qu???au-del?? des proc??dures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important ?? l???engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l???ex-conjointe appel??e ?? communication d??gradant le lien parental ?? dont les deux piliers sont la d??pr??ciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue dur??e et se prolonge parfois sur une d??cennie. Cette intensit?? de conflit discrimine le profil des p??res utilisant la m??diation ordonn??e de celui des p??res utilisant la m??diation volontaire. ?? ce conflit sont associ??s des co??ts psychologiques chez les p??res et leur famille, mais ??galement des co??ts financiers attribuables ?? la longueur des proc??dures de cour. Ces co??ts constituent ??galement un facteur de risque tout comme les caract??ristiques des couples pr??sentant des ??carts d?????ge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l???expertise et les ententes de la m??diation ordonn??e ont un effet de courte dur??e sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les p??res per??oivent l???expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacit?? parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les d??cisions de la cour. La capacit?? des p??res ?? valoriser leur r??le parental et les strat??gies utilis??es pour contrer une communication d??nigrante sont ??galement des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se d??gage une s??rie de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner???s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Le pr??sent essai doctoral vise ?? d??finir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l???engagement paternel chez les p??res ayant eu recours ?? la m??diation ordonn??e (Mo) et ?? l???expertise psychosociale (Exp). L?????tude de 222 dossiers l??gaux et la r??alisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les donn??es quantitatives et qualitatives ont ??t?? recueillies de fa??on ponctuelle (entrevues) et en r??trospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai pr??sente ?? notre connaissance des donn??es originales. L'analyse des tendances d??mographiques nomm??e ?? analyse populationnelle dynamique ?? et les donn??es qui en sont issues sont appel??es ?? donn??es populationnelles ??. Elles tracent un portrait des p??res qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils ??voluent et situent les ??chantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le crit??re ??valu??. Cette m??thode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le mod??le ??cologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les r??sultats indiquent qu???au-del?? des proc??dures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important ?? l???engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l???ex-conjointe appel??e ?? communication d??gradant le lien parental ?? dont les deux piliers sont la d??pr??ciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue dur??e et se prolonge parfois sur une d??cennie. Cette intensit?? de conflit discrimine le profil des p??res utilisant la m??diation ordonn??e de celui des p??res utilisant la m??diation volontaire. ?? ce conflit sont associ??s des co??ts psychologiques chez les p??res et leur famille, mais ??galement des co??ts financiers attribuables ?? la longueur des proc??dures de cour. Ces co??ts constituent ??galement un facteur de risque tout comme les caract??ristiques des couples pr??sentant des ??carts d?????ge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l???expertise et les ententes de la m??diation ordonn??e ont un effet de courte dur??e sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les p??res per??oivent l???expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacit?? parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les d??cisions de la cour. La capacit?? des p??res ?? valoriser leur r??le parental et les strat??gies utilis??es pour contrer une communication d??nigrante sont ??galement des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se d??gage une s??rie de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner???s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.


林奎佑, Lin, Yufu Unknown Date (has links)
文化創意產業乃近年來政府所大力推動的重點產業,儘管文化究係一種「服務」或「產業」,爭議頗多,然而睽諸世界先進國家,如英國設有事權統一之文化媒體體育部(The Department of Culture, Media and Sport)職司全英文化政策之擬訂,並以發行彩券部份收入,鼓勵新穎多元之創作;再如丹麥政府早就發現企業界和文化界的語言渾然不同,發現國家需要教育課程來訓練學生如何經營文化事業,這包括建立對整個產業的知識,能夠斡旋協調、解決衝突,並擁有處理預算、智慧財產權、合約及版稅的能力,於是當務之急,是希望商學院可以把注意力多放在文化界的發展潛力上,增加相關主題、課程和所謂「第三級教育」的訓練;澳洲則就文化產業核心,從精英藝術與社區藝術之論述,進一步發展到休閒與娛樂;其文化態度,亦跳脫文化公民權之爭論,邁入文化消費期。凡此種種,皆從發展文化創意「產業」之角度,作為施政方針。   反觀台灣文化創意產業之經營環境日益艱困,至今未有事權統一之「文化部」,文化創意政府分工上,教育部獨置身事外以及至今未能建立諸如好萊塢的「完工保證」制度以吸引投資者等,因此本研究所欲探討之主題計有四項: 1.文化創意產特質為何?與過去台灣所擅長的製造業的價值鏈、商業模式等,有何不同? 2.政府政策之制訂與產業界之需求,其緊密度為何?是否尚有政策調整之空間與方向? 3.文化創意產業之經營者係一「守門人」之角色,此守門人之角色如何整合「線上成本」與「線下成本」中之各個成員角色,在「彈性專業化」的合作關係中,形成一種商業模式? 4.文化創意人普遍缺乏避險觀念,因此如何「以銷定產」,透過「創業財務」理論,經由「高概念」與「國際分工」募集資金,迴避風險,是為本研究所要深入探討的主題。 / The idea of developing cultural and creative industries has been putting forward by the government in recent years even though the arguments of culture being as a service or an industry remains disputable. However, policymakers in more advanced countries have moved beyond the debate and recognized the importance of the industries at different level: The United Kingdom sets up the Department of Culture, Media and Sport as the solo division in charge of policy formulation. Part of the income from National Lottery is devoted to encourage creation; Being aware of the differences between business professionals and creative talents, Denmark educates students with the know-how of cultural industry management, including the skills of negotiation and conflict solving and the abilities to deal with budget, copyright, contract and royalties. It also urges business schools to enhance entrepreneurial potential by adding more topics, classes and so-called “tertiary education” to their curriculums. Australia, on the other hand, has extended the core value of culture and creative industries from elite and community arts to recreation and entertainment. It has moved from the phrase of debating cultural citizenship into cultural consumption. With reference to the experience of other countries, we can conclude that culture and creativity sectors should be considered as “industries” rather than “services” for policy measures. On contrary, the business environment has become difficult for the cultural and creative sectors in Taiwan. There’s no one single government entity to take account of cul-tural factors and attach greater importance to promoting the development of cultural indus-tries in the course of policy formulation and implementation; Ministry of Education has not partake in studying the vision for development and direction for the industries; Lacking of completion guarantees leaves investors with big doubts and consequently hider the estab-lishment of finance resources. To solve the above-mentioned issues, this research will fo-cus on: 1.The characteristics of cultural/creative industries. How are they different from the value chains and business models of manufacturing that has dominated Taiwan's industrial sector? 2.The gaps between current policies and the real needs of the industries. What can be done to favor the development of the sectors? Any adjustment to make or ap-proach to establish? 3.The role of decision makers in cultural/creative industries as “gatekeepers.” How do they control the above and below the line costs and utilizing the concept of flexible specialization to manage their businesses? 4.The sales and marketing of creative products. Traditionally, creative talents have little knowledge on risk control. How to develop new products or services in the context of existing provision in the market? How to avoid risk and raise money by bringing in the notion of “high concept” and “co-production” in filmmaking?

Online peer-to-peer lending regulation : justification, classification and remit in UK law

Amajuoyi, Ugochi Christine January 2016 (has links)
Despite its benefits, online peer-to-peer lending bears the risks associated with traditional forms of institutionalised lending. However, because individuals have taken over the role of the institutional lender, and the institutional participant in this form of lending takes a step back by acting only as an intermediary between the borrowers and lenders, ordinary individuals are left to bear the type of risks that institutions have traditionally borne, but without the same means of doing so. There has been little academic analysis of the role and form that regulation should take in the regulation of peer-to-peer lending and most discussions centre on the American regulatory experience. This thesis sets out to examine the theoretical classification of online peer-to-peer lending and the theoretical and practical justifications for regulating it. The aim is to ascertain the most appropriate way to regulate peer-to-peer lending, taking into account the underlying conceptual model which underpins it. The study adopts a theoretical analysis of P2PL participants and regulation based on the concepts of consumer protection and paternalism. It includes a doctrinal analysis of the UK peer-to-peer lending legislation and regulation to identify, describe and explain the rules pertaining to the industry. It also uses a comparative approach to compare P2PL with existing forms of financial lending and similar (dis)intermediated forms of transacting between individuals to show that online peer-to-peer lending is a unique form of intermediated transaction. The thesis argues that it is important that regulation displays an understanding of the underlying conceptual framework of the business model it aims to regulate. In doing so, it also argues that the peer-to-peer lending users are more than just ‘consumers’. They demonstrate a shift in the conception of individuals from consumers to prosumers because they participate in the production side of the services they receive. It goes further than existing discussions of prosumption by positing the concept of the ‘lendsumer’ to give a more accurate account of the role and experiences of peer-to-peer lenders and the effect this has on their transactional relationships and the risks they face because of this role. Based on this analysis, the thesis shows that the UK regulatory regime has limited suitability because it lacks awareness of the underlying prosumption model of peer-to-peer lending, focusing only on the business-to-consumer aspects. Consequently, it does not resolve all the issues resulting from the tripartite, participatory nature of the peer-to-peer lending transaction. In light of these findings, the thesis proposes the regulatory use of two main concepts and highlights their implications for peer-to-peer lending regulation. The first is the ‘lendsumer’ as a new paradigm of the consumer which has implications for the regulatory protections afforded to the P2P lenders. The second is the use of gatekeeper liability, adapted to online peer-to-peer lending, as a way to affect these protections in light of the particular vulnerabilities and risks experienced by the peer-to-peer lender.

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