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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Depressionsstigma: Untersuchungen in verschiedenen Settings

Heinz, Ines 01 June 2022 (has links)
Unipolare Depressionen sind häufige psychische Erkrankungen, die aufgrund des erhöhten Suizidrisikos Betroffener potenziell lebensgefährlich werden können (Bostwick & Pankratz, 2000). Mit Psychotherapie und pharmakologischer Behandlung stehen Therapien zur Verfügung, deren Wirksamkeit für die Depressionsbehandlung gut belegt ist (z.B. DGPPN, BÄK, KBV, AWMF [Hrsg.], 2015). Jedoch profitiert nur eine Minderheit der erkrankten Menschen von einer leitliniengerechten Behandlung und ein Faktor, der mit dem Versorgungsdefizit in Verbindung gebracht wird, ist das mit Depression verbundene Stigma. Es gilt als ein Einflussfaktor sowohl auf die Inanspruchnahme professioneller Hilfe (Clement et al., 2017; Schomerus et al., 2019), als auch auf die Behandlung depressiver Erkrankungen. So geht das Stigma wenigen Studien zufolge beispielsweise mit einer geringeren medikamentösen Compliance einher (Sirey et al., 2001). Für die vorliegende Dissertation wurde das Depressionsstigma in 3 verschiedenen Studien mit querschnittlichem Design untersucht. Das Stigma wurde mit der etablierten Depression Stigma Scale von Griffith et al. (2004) erhoben, die mit einer Subskala das persönliche Stigma erfasst, d.h. die Einstellungen einer Person zu Menschen mit Depression. Die zweite Subskala dient der Erhebung des wahrgenommenen Stigmas, d.h. wie der/die Befragte die Einstellungen der Bevölkerung zu Depression wahrnimmt. In Studie 1 wurde das Depressionsstigma bei der Telefonseelsorge Deutschland® (TES) untersucht. In einer Onlinebefragung von N=893 ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitenden wurde deren Stigma mit dem einer gematchten Bevölkerungsstichprobe verglichen. Mitarbeitende der Telefonseelsorge sind häufig mit depressiven und/oder suizidalen Menschen konfrontiert und können als sog. Gatekeeper mit Aufklärung und Information den Weg in die Versorgung unterstützen. Deswegen wurde zudem explorativ untersucht, ob das Stigma der Telefonseelsorger:innen mit Aspekten des Beratungs- bzw. Seelsorge-Gesprächs zusammenhängt, z.B. ob in Abhängigkeit des Stigmas Suizidalität unterschiedlich exploriert wird und ob es Unterschiede im Umgang mit potenziell suizidalen Anrufer:innen gibt. Die Studie zeigt, dass TES-Seelsorger:innen weniger stigmatisierende Einstellungen im Vergleich zu einer Bevölkerungsstichprobe aufweisen. Ihr persönliches Stigma stand aber im Zusammenhang mit der Exploration suizidaler Anrufer:innen. Im Fall eines geringeren persönlichen Stigmas wurde Suizidalität häufiger aktiv exploriert, auch wenn der/die Anrufer:in Suizidalität selbst nicht thematisierte. Für den selbsteingeschätzten Wissensstand zu Suizidalität wurde ein vergleichbarer Zusammenhang gefunden. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es naheliegend, neben Depression und Suizidalität auch das mit psychischen Erkrankungen assoziierte Stigma in die Aus- und Weiterbildung der Seelsorger:innen zu integrieren, da dieses zumindest Teile des Seelsorgegesprächs beeinflussen kann und weil aufgrund der gewährleisteten Anonymität davon auszugehen ist, dass sich auch Menschen an die TES wenden, die aufgrund des Stigmas weder den Hausarzt / die Hausärztin, noch spezialisierte Behandler:innen aufsuchen (Wenzel, 2016). Für Studie 2 wurde zum Deutschen Patientenkongress Depression in 2017 eine Vorortbefragung der Teilnehmenden durchgeführt (N=216), mit dem Fokus auf dem Stigma Angehöriger depressiv erkrankter Menschen. Es wurden 3 Gruppen Kongressteilnehmender hinsichtlich des Depressionsstigmas miteinander verglichen: von Depression Betroffene, Angehörige depressiv erkrankter Menschen, sowie Kongressteilnehmende, die sowohl selbst Betroffene als auch Angehöriger sind. Weiterhin wurden auch mögliche Unterschiede im Stigma in entsprechenden Subgruppen nach Alter und Geschlecht untersucht. Hintergrund dieser Studie ist, dass auch Angehörige für die Inanspruchnahme professioneller Hilfe und die Depressionsbehandlung bedeutsam sein können (z.B. Dew et al., 1991). Sie können betroffene Familienmitglieder mit Informationen über Depression oder bei der Terminvereinbarung mit einem Arzt/ einer Ärztin unterstützen. Sie können ferner an eine regelmäßige Einnahme von Medikamenten erinnern und/oder zum Besuch von Psychotherapie ermutigen. In dieser Studie wiesen Betroffene, Angehörige und Kongressteilnehmende, die sowohl selbst betroffen, als auch Angehörige sind, vergleichbare persönliche und wahrgenommene Einstellungen zu Depression auf. Daher liegt es nahe, Angehörige in Interventionen zum Abbau stigmatisierender Einstellungen wie z.B. Psychoedukation (Clement et al., 2015; Shi et al., 2019) gleichermaßen und vor allem noch stärker einzubeziehen. Auch sollten sie im Umgang mit möglichen Ängsten vor Diskriminierung unterstützt werden, da sie das öffentliche Stigma in vergleichbarem Ausmaß wahrnehmen wie Betroffene. Studie 3 umfasste eine Befragung zum Depressionsstigma in Hausarztpraxen. Sie war Teil einer epidemiologischen Querschnittsuntersuchung zur Diagnose und Behandlung von Depression in der hausärztlichen Versorgung in Deutschland (Beesdo-Baum et al., 2018). An einem Stichtag in 2012/13 wurden in über 250 Hausarztpraxen in 6 Regionen Deutschlands über 3.500 Hausarztpatient:innen zu depressiven Symptomen mittels Depression Screening Questionnaire (DSQ; Wittchen & Perkonigg, 1997) befragt, und mit welchen Symptomen sie sich heute beim Arzt vorstellen (Konsultationsanlass). In einem optionalen Fragebogenteil wurde das Depressionsstigma erhoben. Auf Basis der Literatur wurde angenommen, dass sich depressive und nicht depressive Patient:innen nicht im persönlichen Stigma unterscheiden (z.B. Schomerus et al., 2019), aber das wahrgenommene Stigma bei depressiven Patient:innen vergleichsweise höher ist (z.B. Griffith et al., 2008). Ferner wurde angenommen, dass depressive Patient:innen größtenteils körperliche Beschwerden berichten und im Vergleich zu nicht-depressiven Hausarzt-Patient:innen eine höhere Anzahl an Beschwerden (Pyne et al., 2004; Simon et al., 1999). Explorativ wurde für die Teilstichprobe depressiver Patient:innen untersucht, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen wahrgenommenem Stigma und der Art und Anzahl der geschilderten Beschwerden gibt sowie mit Variablen zur Depressionsbehandlung. In Übereinstimmung mit den Hypothesen berichteten depressive Hausarzt-Patient:innen in über 40% der Fälle ausschließlich körperliche Beschwerden. Im Vergleich zu nicht depressiven Patient:innen nannten sie doppelt so viele Beschwerden und häufiger eine Kombination aus körperlichen und psychischen Beschwerden. Im persönlichen Stigma waren depressive und nicht-depressive Patient:innen vergleichbar. Die Werte im wahrgenommenen Stigma waren - wie angenommen - bei depressiven Patient:innen vergleichsweise höher. Es zeigte sich kein Zusammenhang zwischen wahrgenommenem Stigma und Art und Anzahl der Beschwerden, d.h. diese Studie liefert keine Anhaltspunkte, dass die Präsentation primär körperlicher Symptome der Geheimhaltung einer psychischen Erkrankung dient aus Angst vor Diskriminierung. Eine hohe Praxisrelevanz dieser Studie ergibt sich im Hinblick auf die Depressionsdiagnostik. Im Schnitt wird Studien zufolge nur etwa jede 2. Depression korrekt diagnostiziert und eine leitliniengerechte Behandlung hängt maßgeblich von der korrekten Depressionsdiagnose ab (Trautmann et al., 2017). Hier können Art und Anzahl der präsentierten Beschwerden vom Hausarzt/ der Hausärztin als zeit- und kostenneutrale Marker für eine Depressionsdiagnostik genutzt werden. Weiterer Forschungsbedarf ergibt sich zum Stigma bzw. verschiedenen Stigmatypen und dem weiteren (Behandlungs-)Verlauf. Bis dato gibt es nur wenige Studien zum Einfluss von Stigma auf die Compliance und zu vorzeitigen Therapieabbrüchen. Für die Untersuchung von solchen Kausalzusammenhängen bedarf es zudem Längsschnittstudien. Ferner sind auch kulturelle Unterschiede im Stigma, v.a. in Zeiten verstärkter Migration, wünschenswert. Im Hinblick auf Intervention zum Abbau von Stigma sollte weiter zu der Frage „Was wirkt?“ geforscht werden. Hier sind Erklärungsansätze zu psychischen Erkrankungen vielversprechend, die ein Kontinuum zwischen psychisch gesund und psychisch krank zugrunde legen, auf dem alle Menschen Erfahrungen mit (stärker oder schwächer ausgeprägten) Symptomen machen. Solche Modelle gehen Studien zufolge mit geringerem Wunsch nach sozialer Distanz und mehr prosozialen Reaktionen einher (z.B. Schomerus et al., 2013; Peter et al., 2021).:Abkürzungsverzeichnis ...............................................................................................3 1. Einführung .............................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Depression: Klinisches Bild, Häufigkeit und Bedeutung .......................................4 1.2 Inanspruchnahme professioneller Hilfe und Behandlung in Deutschland .............5 1.3 Bedeutung des Stigmas psychischer Erkrankungen .............................................6 1.3.1 Definition, Konzepte und Arten von Stigma ........................................................7 1.3.2 Auswirkungen von Stigmatisierung allgemein und auf die Inanspruchnahme von professioneller Behandlung für psychische Erkrankungen ..................................8 1.4 Ableitung der Forschungsfragen .........................................................................10 1.5 Diskussion ...........................................................................................................12 2. Manuskripte ...........................................................................................................17 3. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit ...............................................................................50 4. Literaturverzeichnis ...............................................................................................55 5. Anlagen .................................................................................................................63 5.1 Darstellung des eigenen Beitrags .......................................................................63 5.2 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit .....................................66 (5.3. Lebenslauf.........................................................................................................67 5.4 Publikationen .......................................................................................................70 5.5 Danksagung ........................................................................................................72

Bibliotekarien som grindvakt : ”Det är en magkänsla” / The librarian as gatekeeper : It is a gut feeling

Ugander, Eva January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how librarians in a Swedish public library work with collection management related intellectual freedom and Shoemaker & Vos (2009) gatekeeping levels. Intellectual freedom is the right to express, explore, consider and access ideas and information without restriction. Intellectual freedom is a United Nations human rights. Working with collection management, while trying to offer a variety of information and opinions without violating any societal groups may create ethical work dilemmas for librarians. Although regulated in Swedish legislation and local guidelines as media management plans, there is a risk collection management results in limiting information for the library user. The librarian becomes the gatekeeper; the person standing between information and the users.   This empirical material was gathered through semistructured qualitative interviews with librarians in a public library. The Library Manager and one of the librarians at the Freedom of Expression Library (Dawit Isaak-library) were also interviewed for additional perspectives. The empirical material was analyzed using Kurt Lewins (1947) gatekeeping theory and Schoemaker & Vos (2009) different gatekeeping levels as a theoretical analytical framework.   The results show that although the meaning of intellectual freedom was known, there was a lack of a common understanding of the concept. The media management plan is not an active guideline and the majority of librarians talked about collection management as a ”gut feeling”. The study shows ”gut feeling” easily results in limitations on an individual level. The study also shows that the gatekeeper role now rests with the user and not the librarian.

Att lyssna är att stödja : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av patienter med utmattningssyndrom / To listen is to be supportive : Nurses experience of patients with fatigue syndrome

Bergqvist Boström, Ewa, Nilsson Wicke, Lena January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa, där utmattningssyndrom är en av diagnoserna är ett ökande problem. Många av de som drabbas överges och får inte den vård de behöver och har rätt till. Tid för samtal och egenvård är en viktig del i rehabiliteringen där primärvården och företagshälsovården är de huvudsakliga vårdgivarna. Syfte: Avsikten med studien var att undersöka vilken erfarenhet som sjuksköterskor inom primär- och företagshälsovård har av patienter med utmattningssyndrom. Metod: Åtta sjuksköterskor från primär- och företagshälsovård intervjuades med semistrukturerade frågor. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Ett tema lyssna samt två kategorier grindvakt och skapa begriplighet skapades. Alla sjuksköterskor beskrev att de initialt hade långa samtal men deras erfarenheter skiljde sig åt. Några sjuksköterskor beskrev att det var till nytta för patienterna medan andra berättade att de inte jobbade med den här patientgruppen. Konklusion: Genomgående beskriver alla sjuksköterskor att det de gör innebär att de lyssnar på patienterna samtidigt som flera av dem inte explicit uttrycker det som ett stöd. Det kan tolkas som att den relationella delen av omvårdnaden är osynlig för sjuksköterskorna som inte uppfattar att deras lyssnande är av värde för patienterna. / Background: Mental illness where fatigue syndrome is one of the diagnoses is an increasing problem. Many persons with fatigue syndrome experience abandonment and do not achieve the help they need and are entitled to. Time for conversation and self-care is an important part of rehabilitation where primary healthcare and occupational healthcare have a prominent role Aim: This study's purpose was to explore what experience that nurses in primary and occupational healthcare had of patients with fatigue syndrome. Method: Eight nurses from primary and occupational healthcare were interviewed using semi-structured questions. The interview material was analyzed using content analysis. Results: A theme listening and two categories gatekeeper and create comprehensibility emerged. All nurses had initially long conversations with the patients, but their experience differed. Some of the nurses told that they were important to the patients and others indicated that they were not working with this patient group. Conclusion: All nurses describes that what they do means that they are listening to the patients at the same time that several of them not explicit express it as a support. That can be interpreted as the relation part of nursing are invisible for the nurses who does not perceive their listening valuable for the patients.

Susie G. Gibson High School: A History of the Last Segregated School in Bedford County, Virginia

Richardson, Tracy Bryant 27 February 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to document the history of Susie G. Gibson High School from its opening in 1954 to its closure in 1970. The researcher documented and described the establishment, operation, and closure of the school. The study includes a description of how Bedford County transitioned from a dual system of segregated education to a single school system for students of all races and how Susie G. Gibson High School was converted for use as a vocational school as it still functions today. Historical research methods were used to collect data and describe the education of Black students who attended the Susie G. Gibson High School. The evidence for the study consists of primary and secondary sources. This evidence includes written records, archives, manuscripts, maps and documents, but also artifacts (Williams, 2007, p.11). The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with students, school employees, and community members who were involved with the school. Minutes of school board meetings and other contemporary records were utilized as well. Studies by Bonner (1939) and Harrell (1951) and histories by other authors were used as secondary sources for historical context. Susie G. Gibson High School opened in the fall of 1954. It was a much anticipated event because it was the first new high school for Blacks in Bedford County, Virginia. Susie G. Gibson High School replaced the much smaller Bedford Training School that began as an elementary school, but which provided some secondary schooling after 1930. The opening of the school was a culmination of negotiations between the Black community and the Bedford County School Board. The school was the pride of the Black community for over a decade and a half. Susie G. Gibson High School changed to a vocational school in 1970 when the U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) ordered Bedford County to fully integrate its school system. / Ed. D.

Bridging the Diffusion of Innovation Chasm for Green Housing

Sanderford, Andrew R. 28 August 2013 (has links)
Limited transaction and unit attribute information curtail the diffusion potential of green homes and create significant valuation and underwriting problems for the housing debt capital markets, more specifically mortgage originators (lenders) and appraisers. Put into the context of the technology adoption life cycle this missing information prevents green homes from crossing the chasm into the mainstream market. As lenders and appraisers are the gatekeepers of the mainstream mortgage markets, they will be key stakeholders in any strategy for green homes to cross this chasm. The missing transaction and attribute data creates two opportunities for scholarship. The first opportunity is to create and provide preliminary evidence of the chasm in the green housing market place. The second opportunity is to analyze, in the context of this chasm, what information and tools appraisers are using, at present, to estimate the value of high performance homes. / Ph. D.

Nomenclature of the symptoms of head and neck cancer: a systematic scoping review

Bradley, P.T., Lee, Y.K., Albutt, A., Hardman, J., Kellar, I., Odo, Chinasa, Randell, Rebecca, Rousseau, N., Tikka, T., Patterson, J.M., Paleri, V. 17 June 2024 (has links)
Yes / Introduction: Evolution of a patient-reported symptom-based risk stratification system to redesign the suspected head and neck cancer (HNC) referral pathway (EVEREST-HN) will use a broad and open approach to the nomenclature and symptomatology. It aims to capture and utilise the patient reported symptoms in a modern way to identify patients’ clinical problems more effectively and risk stratify the patient. Method: The review followed the PRISMA checklist for scoping reviews. A search strategy was carried out using Medline, Embase and Web of Science between January 1st 2012 and October 31st 2023. All titles, abstracts and full paper were screened for eligibility, papers were assessed for inclusion using predetermined criteria. Data was extracted pertaining to the aims, type of study, cancer type, numbers of patients included and symptoms, presenting complaints or signs and symptoms. Results: There were 9,331 publications identified in the searches, following title screening 350 abstracts were reviewed for inclusion and 120 were considered for eligibility for the review. 48 publications met the eligibility criteria and were included in the final review. Data from almost 11,000 HNC patients was included. Twenty-one of the publications were from the UK, most were retrospective examination of patient records. Data was extracted and charted according to the anatomical area of the head and neck where the symptoms are subjectively and objectively found, and presented according to lay terms for symptoms, clinical terms for symptoms and the language of objective clinical findings. Discussion: Symptoms of HNC are common presenting complaints, interpreting these along with clinical history, examination and risk factors will inform a clinician’s decision to refer as suspected cancer. UK Head and Neck specialists believe a different way of triaging the referrals is needed to assess the clinical risk of an undiagnosed HNC. EVEREST-HN aims to achieve this using the patient history of their symptoms. This review has highlighted issues in terms of what is considered a symptom, a presenting complaint and a clinical finding or sign. / National Institute for Health and Care Research Programme Grant for Applied Research NIHR 202862.

La teoría del gatekeeper en el tratamiento informativo del periodismo digital en casos de violación y homicidio de menores. Análisis del caso “Camilita” en la versión digital del diario Ojo, entre el 02 y 04 de marzo del 2020. / The gatekeeper theory in the informational treatment of digital journalism in cases of rape and murder of minors. Analysis of the case “Camilita” in the digital version of the newspaper Ojo, between March 02 and 04, 2020.

Velazco Reyes, Adriana Sofía 30 November 2020 (has links)
Las noticias que irrumpen en lo cotidiano se encuentran dentro del fenómeno conocido como periodismo policial. Asimismo, en las últimas dos décadas, el periodismo digital se ha convertido en una de las formas más rápidas de hacer periodismo, aplicando las características de “la vieja escuela”, en los nuevos (no tan nuevos) formatos digitales y construyendo las propias sobre la marcha. En este trabajo de investigación, se decidió abordar el caso de ‘Camilita’, la niña de cuatro años, violada y asesinada por un menor de quince en la zona de Payet, en el distrito de Independencia. Este trabajo busca definir e identificar cuál es el tratamiento de la información, los criterios de jerarquización de enfoques y los mecanismos o recursos digitales que se utilizan en la construcción de noticias de violación y homicidio de menores en espacios periodísticos digitales, siendo estas, las funciones principales que cubre el rol de gatekeeper, personaje que también se conoce como curador de contenidos en el ámbito digital. Para llegar a este punto, se utilizó una metodología cualitativa y se analizó un corpus de veinte noticias, publicadas por el diario digital Ojo, entre el 02 y 04 de marzo del 2020, en relación al caso ‘Camilita’. Al finalizar la investigación, se llegó a la conclusión de que existe una jerarquización de noticias, definida no solo por enfoque, sino también por el uso de los recursos digitales del diario Ojo: ‘hipervínculos’, ‘VIDEOS RECOMENDADOS’ y ‘TE PUEDE INTERESAR’. Asimismo, se puso en evidencia que estos casos generan noticias superficiales y no se incorporan análisis más profundos sobre la realidad en la que las víctimas se encuentran. Este podría ser un enfoque más del que hace falta publicar. / The news that breaks into the everyday is inside the phenomenon known as police journalism. Also, in the last two decades, digital journalism has become one of the fastest ways of doing journalism, applying the characteristics of "the old school", in the new (not so new) digital forms and constructing one's own on the march. In this research paper, it was decided to look at the case of 'Camilita', the four-year-old girl who was raped and murdered by a fifteen-year-old boy in Payet area of Independencia district. This work seeks to define and identify the treatment of information, the criteria of hierarchization of approaches and the mechanisms or digital resources used in the construction of news of rape and murder of minors in digital journalistic spaces, being these, the main functions covered by the role of gatekeeper, a character who is also known as a curator of content in the digital environment. To reach this point, I used a qualitative methodology and analyzed a corpus of twenty news items, published by the digital newspaper Ojo, between the 2nd and 4th of March 2020, in relation to the 'Camilita' case. At the end of this research, it was concluded that there is a hierarchy of news, defined not only by focus, but also by the use of digital resources of the newspaper Ojo: 'hyperlinks', 'recommended videos' and 'you may be interested'. Likewise, it became evident that these cases generate superficial news and do not incorporate deeper analyses of the reality in which the victims find themselves. This could be one more approach than the one required to be published. / Trabajo de investigación

Hur gör man projektledare till innovatörer? : En analys av projektledares arbetsprocess inom byggbranschen / How to make project managers into innovators : An analysis of a project manager’s work process within the construction industry

Möllerberg, Erik, Tingelöf, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Aim - The purpose of this thesis is to examine the possibilities for feedback and learning in the construction sector. In addition, it is also examining the possibilities of how to get employees involved into new solutions in a more flexible way.  Theory - Innovation as a science field within construction bases much of its theories on Rogers, Schillings, Slaughters and Tatum’s work on innovation models and how they affect the implementation of the innovation. The theories also regard innovation diffusion and its focus on different actors and how they adapt to an innovation over time and about different key individuals such as Champions and Gatekeepers and their role in spreading the innovation.  Method - This thesis is a qualitative study with an inductive approach which was conducted as a case study on a consultant company in Uppsala, Sweden which is active in the construction industry. 10 interviews were conducted with different project managers and two more interviews with individuals with connection to their work. In addition, an observation study was also carried out. Findings - The results showed that the innovation process is not prioritized due to time requirements and that it is not the main task of the consultant to be innovative. They should rather focus on delivering a stable product for its customers. However, the co-workers do overall want to be more innovative but the current way of spreading and delivering new solutions might not be the best suitable way based on the time it requires for them to engage in the innovation.  Conclusion - The conclusion is that key individuals could be implemented and reduce other colleagues’ workload in the innovation work by absorbing ideas and new innovations. And summarize and visualize its benefits to the entire team.

Social knowledge gatekeeper : um estudo de caso em uma universidade comunitária do Rio Grande do Sul

Roth, Leonardo 05 December 2013 (has links)
As universidades brasileiras, a partir da reforma educacional iniciada na década de 60, invertem o modelo público politizado existente incentivando a expansão do ensino superior surgindo então as Universidades Comunitárias (UC). Essas universidades privadas, sem fins lucrativos e de utilidade pública, surgem da ausência das IES públicas ou confessionais em regiões distantes dos grandes centros pois encontram-se instaladas, principalmente, nas capitais dos Estados. Com isso, pela mobilização das lideranças locais e regionais, novos cursos superiores isolados focados nas carências regionais são abertos e, essas instituições comunitárias, passam a ser as portas de entrada do ensino superior para uma população até então não atendida, promovendo a sistematização do conhecimento disponível e, devolvendo diretamente a sociedade que as constituiu. As Universidades Comunitárias atuam como portais de conhecimento (knowledge gatekeepers) e, ao possibilitar o acesso ao ensino superior para uma sociedade até então não atendida, a UC adquire uma relevância social que pode contribuir para uma reflexão também sobre o papel social de um knowledge gatekeeper. Através de um estudo de caso em uma Universidade comunitária multicampi do Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil. A pesquisa propõe, por meio da avaliação dos fatores endógenos presentes em uma IES comunitária e, através do aprofundamento de sua dimensão social, avaliar a capacidade absortiva, a proximidade regional e o capital social do corpo docente da IES, identificando também, os níveis de percepção da identidade da IES pela população estudada. Através dos resultados da pesquisa propõe um modelo que propicia sua identificação de uma Universidade Comunitária como social knowledge gatekeeper tendo os resultados, demonstrado a viabilidade do modelo, bem como, a identificação das características que possibilitam sua aplicabilidade. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-04-30T11:45:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Leonardo Roth.pdf: 1501282 bytes, checksum: 907ca4885abf4d5d6c7b39269f4b05a0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-30T11:45:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Leonardo Roth.pdf: 1501282 bytes, checksum: 907ca4885abf4d5d6c7b39269f4b05a0 (MD5) / Brazilian universities, from the education reform started in the 60's, reverse the existing model politicized public by encouraging the expansion of higher education appearing then the Community Supported Universities(CSU). These private universities, nonprofit and public utility arising from the lack of public higher education institution (HEI) or confessional in regions far from major centers as are installed mainly in the capitals of the states. With this, the mobilization of local and regional leaders, new degree courses focused on isolated regional shortages are open, and these institutions, become the entrance doors of HEI to a population hitherto unmet , promoting the systematization of knowledge available and returning it directly to the company constituted. The Community Supported Universities act as portals of knowledge (knowledge gatekeepers), and to provide access to higher education for a society hitherto unmet, CSU acquires a social relevance that can also contribute to a reflection on the role of social one knowledge gatekeeper. Through a case study in a CSU multicampi of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil. The research proposes, through the evaluation of endogenous factors present in a community and HEI, by deepening its social dimension, assess the absorptive capacity , proximity and the regional capital of the faculty of HEI, also identifying the levels of perception of the identity of the HEI study population. Through the results of the research we propose a model that provides identification of a Community Supported University as social knowledge gatekeeper and the results demonstrated the feasibility of the model, as well as identifying the characteristics that enable its applicability.

Social knowledge gatekeeper : um estudo de caso em uma universidade comunitária do Rio Grande do Sul

Roth, Leonardo 05 December 2013 (has links)
As universidades brasileiras, a partir da reforma educacional iniciada na década de 60, invertem o modelo público politizado existente incentivando a expansão do ensino superior surgindo então as Universidades Comunitárias (UC). Essas universidades privadas, sem fins lucrativos e de utilidade pública, surgem da ausência das IES públicas ou confessionais em regiões distantes dos grandes centros pois encontram-se instaladas, principalmente, nas capitais dos Estados. Com isso, pela mobilização das lideranças locais e regionais, novos cursos superiores isolados focados nas carências regionais são abertos e, essas instituições comunitárias, passam a ser as portas de entrada do ensino superior para uma população até então não atendida, promovendo a sistematização do conhecimento disponível e, devolvendo diretamente a sociedade que as constituiu. As Universidades Comunitárias atuam como portais de conhecimento (knowledge gatekeepers) e, ao possibilitar o acesso ao ensino superior para uma sociedade até então não atendida, a UC adquire uma relevância social que pode contribuir para uma reflexão também sobre o papel social de um knowledge gatekeeper. Através de um estudo de caso em uma Universidade comunitária multicampi do Rio Grande do Sul-Brasil. A pesquisa propõe, por meio da avaliação dos fatores endógenos presentes em uma IES comunitária e, através do aprofundamento de sua dimensão social, avaliar a capacidade absortiva, a proximidade regional e o capital social do corpo docente da IES, identificando também, os níveis de percepção da identidade da IES pela população estudada. Através dos resultados da pesquisa propõe um modelo que propicia sua identificação de uma Universidade Comunitária como social knowledge gatekeeper tendo os resultados, demonstrado a viabilidade do modelo, bem como, a identificação das características que possibilitam sua aplicabilidade. / Brazilian universities, from the education reform started in the 60's, reverse the existing model politicized public by encouraging the expansion of higher education appearing then the Community Supported Universities(CSU). These private universities, nonprofit and public utility arising from the lack of public higher education institution (HEI) or confessional in regions far from major centers as are installed mainly in the capitals of the states. With this, the mobilization of local and regional leaders, new degree courses focused on isolated regional shortages are open, and these institutions, become the entrance doors of HEI to a population hitherto unmet , promoting the systematization of knowledge available and returning it directly to the company constituted. The Community Supported Universities act as portals of knowledge (knowledge gatekeepers), and to provide access to higher education for a society hitherto unmet, CSU acquires a social relevance that can also contribute to a reflection on the role of social one knowledge gatekeeper. Through a case study in a CSU multicampi of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil. The research proposes, through the evaluation of endogenous factors present in a community and HEI, by deepening its social dimension, assess the absorptive capacity , proximity and the regional capital of the faculty of HEI, also identifying the levels of perception of the identity of the HEI study population. Through the results of the research we propose a model that provides identification of a Community Supported University as social knowledge gatekeeper and the results demonstrated the feasibility of the model, as well as identifying the characteristics that enable its applicability.

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