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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As relações de gênero em uma escola de futebol : quando o jogo é possível? = Genders relations at a football school : when the game happen? / Genders relations at a football school : when the game happen?

Viana, Aline Edwiges dos Santos, 1984- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Altmann / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Física / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T23:33:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Viana_AlineEdwigesdosSantos_M.pdf: 1848185 bytes, checksum: aa4af91e782ecaa2db893ea800261a61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender como as relações de gênero perpassam a prática do futebol quando meninas e meninos treinam juntos. Para tanto, realizamos uma pesquisa etnográfica em uma escola franqueada na cidade de Campinas/SP que contou com 22 idas a campo, 15 entrevistas semi-estruturadas e seis filmagens de treinos de uma turma mista de futebol, com alunos/as entre 13 e 28 anos. Estudamos as relações de gênero e observamos a participação de jogadores/as, pais, mães e professores. Os resultados apontam que, na escola pesquisada, os treinos dão ênfase a um ensino tradicional do futebol, enfatizando apenas os fundamentos técnicos. Além disso, os procedimentos utilizados não permitem que todos aprendam a prática do esporte e não consideram as habilidades individuais dos jogadores em relação às fases de ensino do jogo. Observamos que preconceitos de gênero são reproduzidos verbalmente e corporalmente pelo professor e pelos/as alunos/as, reforçando a hegemonia masculina no que tange a prática do futebol. O estudo também abriu novos olhares em relação aos significados da prática desse esporte como, por exemplo, a constatação de três fatores que estimulam o exercício do futebol no grupo pesquisado: jogar profissionalmente, cuidar do corpo e gostar dessa prática esportiva / Abstract: This study aims to explore how gender relations permeate football practice when girls and boys practice together. To do so, we carried out an ethnographic study in a private school in the city of Campinas (in the state São Paulo in Brazil). This involved 22 visits to the school, 15 semi-structured interviews and filming six training sessions of a class with boys and girls aged between 13 and 28 years old. We examined gender relations and the participation of players, parents and instructors. The results indicate that, for this particular school, training reinforces traditional football teaching, placing emphasis on basic technical skills. In addition, the procedures used do not enable all students to learn the sport equally and do not consider individual skills of players in relation to teaching stages. We found that gender prejudice is both verbally and physically expressed by the teacher and the students, reinforcing male hegemony when it comes to football practice. The study has also opened up new perspectives regarding what the practice of this sport means. For example, we identified three factors that stimulate football practice within this group: to play professionally, to keep fit and pleasure in practicing this sport / Mestrado / Educação Fisica e Sociedade / Mestre em Educação Física


Kropeniscki, Fernanda Battagli 28 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Toys, industrialized or not, are part of the world of children. A simple object can be transformed into toy in the course of play, as the imagination of every child. However, to pay attention to industrialized toys, we face not only their material image, they also recorded the images that manufacturers have of themselves and children. Certainly, offered toys follow the dictates of culture, to be accepted and purchased by consumers. Thus, to go toys catalogs, we came across a direction of play of girls and boys, since our culture is marked by a binary model of gender. The gender difference performed even before a child is born is responsible for different education of girls and boys. In this process, alternative femininity and masculinity are marginalized, they become prejudices target. The present dissertation aimed to discuss gender relations which are in toy catalogs of a factory in southern Brazil, from 2009 to 2015. Considering the changes that have already occurred in gender relations in our society, we tried to look at what had already been changing in the production and supply of toys. Household items and plug-in blocks characterize most of the products offered. During the covered period, it was observed some changes, especially in gender indication presented with the toys. The plug-in blocks, with predominant theme of car racing, wars, public safety, works in the city, transport means and robots, are offered at first only for boys. Already household items, initially indicated only for girls, they enter gradually the male territory. It is only from the 2013 catalog that all toys are now given for girls and boys. But what does it represent? A broadening of possibilities for the play of children and at the same time, a camouflaged binary. Colors, designs and themes are held. To the boys are already "allowed" the female environment, and, likewise, the girls are already "authorized" to go the male environment. In this scenario, you can see a demarcation of the female and male. However, some launches bring other changes analyzable. The plug-in blocks now earn new colors and allow other stories, with pink and purple composing scenarios considered feminine. Similarly, in 2015, part of the kitchen is posted out of the traditional combination of pink, white and purple, now brings "neutral" colors, more inviting to the boys. Finally, it is considered that the supply of toys is already blurring their gender boundaries. But changes do not occur suddenly, seeing that, among many regulatory mechanisms, the supply of toys is just one of them. / Os brinquedos, industrializados ou não, fazem parte do mundo das crianças. Um simples objeto pode ser transformado em brinquedo no desenrolar das brincadeiras, conforme a imaginação de cada criança. Contudo, ao atentar para os brinquedos industrializados, não nos deparamos apenas com sua imagem material, nela estão inscritas também as imagens que os fabricantes têm de si mesmos e das crianças. Certamente, os brinquedos ofertados seguem os ditames da cultura, para que sejam aceitos e adquiridos por seus consumidores. Desse modo, ao percorrer catálogos de brinquedos, nos deparamos com um direcionamento do brincar de meninas e meninos, visto que nossa cultura é marcada por um modelo binário de gênero. A distinção de gênero realizada antes mesmo de uma criança nascer é responsável pela educação diferente de meninas e meninos. Nesse processo, feminilidades e masculinidades alternativas são marginalizadas, tornam-se alvo de preconceitos. A presente dissertação buscou discutir as relações de gênero que se apresentam em catálogos de brinquedos de uma fábrica do sul do Brasil, no período de 2009 a 2015. Considerando as mudanças já ocorridas nas relações de gênero em nossa sociedade, procurou-se observar o que já vinha se modificando na produção e oferta de brinquedos. Utensílios domésticos e blocos de encaixe caracterizam a maioria dos produtos ofertados. No decorrer do período abordado, foram observadas algumas modificações, principalmente na indicação de gênero apresentada pelos brinquedos. Os blocos de encaixe, com temáticas predominantes de corridas de carros, guerras, segurança pública, obras na cidade, meios de transporte e robôs, são ofertados, de início, apenas para meninos. Já os utensílios domésticos, inicialmente indicados apenas para meninas, adentram, aos poucos, o território masculino. É apenas a partir do catálogo de 2013 que todos os brinquedos passam a ser indicados para eles e para elas. Mas o que isso representa? Uma ampliação de possibilidades para o brincar das crianças e, ao mesmo tempo, um binarismo camuflado. Cores, modelos e temáticas são mantidas. Aos meninos já é permitido o ambiente feminino, e, da mesma forma, as meninas já são autorizadas a percorrer o ambiente masculino. Diante deste cenário, é possível notar uma demarcação do feminino e do masculino. No entanto, alguns lançamentos trazem outras mudanças passíveis de análise. Os blocos de encaixe ganham agora novas cores e possibilitam outras histórias, com tons de rosa e roxo compondo cenários considerados femininos. No mesmo sentido, em 2015, parte da cozinha é lançada fora da tradicional combinação de rosa, branco e roxo, traz agora cores neutras , mais convidativas aos meninos. Por fim, considera-se que a oferta de brinquedos já vem borrando suas fronteiras de gênero. Mas, mudanças não ocorrem repentinamente, visto que, em meio a tantos mecanismos reguladores, a oferta de brinquedos é apenas um deles.

Gendered societal transitions : the shifting role of women in the table grape production network from Archanes, Greece to Europe

Sifaki, Eleni January 2015 (has links)
There have been major changes taking place in export horticulture over time that have been compounded by the recent economic crisis. Women and men have been affected differently by these changes. Women have played a major role as waged and unwaged labour but have also been significantly affected by these shifts. Although we know about the effects of the supermarket-led global production network (GPN) expansion on gender relations existing literature does not explore theoretically and empirically the gender implications of changing production networks. The thesis addresses this research gap by investigating the shifting role of women in the table (fresh) grape GPN from the town of Archanes in Crete, Greece to the European market and the implications for women’s labour agency across three periods. Thus, it addresses the research question: How has the relationship between women’s waged and unwaged work in the table grape GPN shifted across periods and what are the implications for gender and GPN analysis? It investigates changes across: 1) the period of the producer-led export market; 2) the period of the buyer-led GPN expansion; and 3) the period of crisis. A qualitative case study approach is used, utilising primarily interviews, focus groups and participant observation. This research builds on the GPN, feminist political economy and intra-household bargaining literatures to further develop a Gendered Global Production Networks (Gendered GPN) approach. An evolving Gendered GPN approach combines the GPN approach with a concept of gendered societal embeddedness which captures the interaction between commercial drivers and gendered societal relations. The thesis draws from the intra-household bargaining literature to incorporate a household level analysis of labour bargaining and fall-back positions to ‘unpack’ the concept of women’s labour agency. The thesis finds that while in the period of the producer-led export market women were unskilled labour, the expansion of supermarkets in period 2 offered skills and economic opportunities, enabling them to bargain in crisis even as unwaged labour in table grapes. Hence labour agency becomes more important in shaping women’s position in production networks than in the producer-led export market. Ultimately the GPN was still able to get high quality at low costs through female labour. Therefore commercial pressures influence gendered societal relations but also gendered societal relations influence commercial transitions. The findings show complex and non-linear forms of change characterised by tensions between commercial and gendered societal relations in a process of transition underpinned by shifts in women’s work and agency. I capture this with the concept of ‘gendered societal transitions’. This helps to further develop a Gendered GPN approach to advance knowledge of non-linear gendered transformations as GPNs evolve.

Experiences of gender and power relations among a group of black women holding leadership positions: a case study of six government departments in the Western Cape

Mgcotyelwa, Nwabisa Bernice January 2013 (has links)
Masters of Art / In this study, I explored the experiences of gender and power relations among a group of black women holding leadership positions in six government departments in the Western Cape. South Africa is in a process of transition and, to create a departure from the past, key objectives focus around the transformation of gender disparities and the eradication of racism and other forms of inequality and discrimination in all spheres of this society. There are many methods utilized to increase the number of women in leadership positions in the private and public sectors. However, there is a lack of research regarding the social environment for women once they have entered into these structures (Angevine, 2006). This study made use of a feminist qualitative methodology which guided the research. Six semi-structured, open-ended interviews were conducted in order to carry out an in-depth exploration of participants’ experiences. After the participants had given consent, the interviews were audio-recorded, then transcribed verbatim. Data was analyzed in accordance with qualitative thematic analysis. All standard ethical considerations to protect the participants and the researcher were taken into account and practised throughout the research. The findings show evidence that black African women leaders in government departments have internalized learnt subservient characteristics; and that this serves to undermine their authority as leaders. Specifically, larger social power relations and traditional forms of authority undermine their capacity to express authority in work environments. They also experience both subtle and blatant racist and sexist prejudice in the form of stereotypes and hostility in the workplace. A minority of women managers actively oppose the gendered notions that undermine their leadership. Ultimately, black African women managers are not accepted or supported as legitimate leaders in the workplace. Women leaders are perceived to be incapable of performing effectively as leaders because of gender and racial stereotypes that serve as hindrances to their expression of leadership. The study found that some participants conform to the socially constructed notion of maintaining a work-life balance and this poses a challenge for such leaders. Those who are married attempt to balance career and life by maximizing on their management of their time. A number of women had made the personal decision to remain single in order to focus explicitly on their careers. / South Africa

Gendered Emotional Manipulation: An Investigation of Male and Female Perceptions of the Player Identity in Romantic Relationships

Ghani, Faadia January 2011 (has links)
Although interpersonal communication studies have focused on various aspects of interpersonal relationships, research on the player identity and gendered emotional manipulation in romantic relationships has received little attention. This narrative research inquiry was undertaken to explore perceptions of men and women related to the player identity and gendered emotional manipulation. This investigation used social construction as a theoretical perspective to understand three areas of investigation that include: the existence and relevance of the player identity, the player’s relation to emotionally manipulative behaviour, and the connection between socially constructed gender conventions and the player identity. Hesse-Biber’s (2006) feminist interviewing approach guided semi-structured interviews with six male and six female participants. Respondents reported the existence and relevance of the player identity in romantic relationships today, connecting this identity to emotionally manipulative behaviour, as well as relating this identity to traditional gender conventions. Finally, implications for men and women in romantic relationships today and future areas of research are discussed in light of these findings.

Afogados em contratos : o impacto da flexibilização do trabalho nas trajetórias dos profissionais de TI / Drowned in contracts : the impact of flexible work on the trajectories of IT workers

Castro, Bárbara, 1984- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Angela Maria Carneiro Araújo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T10:27:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Castro_Barbara_D.pdf: 2402179 bytes, checksum: 809b1be95d09420a780a3996013f153b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A flexibilização é um dos fenômenos mais discutidos nos estudos dedicados a entender o universo do trabalho contemporâneo. Seja ela compreendida como uma nova maneira de se organizar o trabalho e a produção, ou enquanto desregulamentação das Leis do Trabalho. Esta tese se propôs a investigar os efeitos desse processo sobre as trajetórias pessoais e profissionais de homens e mulheres que atuam em um setor específico da economia: a Tecnologia da Informação (TI). Nele, as relações de trabalho flexíveis são tratadas como habitus profissional em suas duas características fundamentais: a reorganização do trabalho e da produção e a desregulamentação da CLT. Em consequência, jornadas de trabalho extensivas, a intensificação do trabalho por meio de tecnologias de comunicação portáteis e a proliferação dos chamados contratos atípicos, entre outros aspectos, são naturalizadas e tratadas como uma particularidade do setor. Por meio de análise quantitativa e qualitativa, buscou-se mostrar que a experiência da flexibilidade é vivida de modos diferentes por homens e mulheres. Primeiramente, esboçou-se como a divisão sexual do trabalho se estrutura internamente ao setor, que possui baixa participação de mulheres. Em seguida, problematizaram-se os efeitos que a elevada mobilidade, jornadas extensivas e intensificadas e a ausência de direitos trabalhistas proporcionada pelos contratos atípicos possuem para a constituição das carreiras dos profissionais quando o gênero é acionado como marcador de diferença. O gênero, os limites corporais e a maneira como os entrevistados e entrevistadas compreendiam as etapas da vida, se constituíram enquanto pontos de viragem em suas narrativas, desconstruindo a naturalização dos traços que antes entendiam como formativos do setor e revelando a condição precária de suas relações de trabalho, a despeito de seus altos salários e elevada qualificação profissional / Abstract: The flexibilisation is one of the most discussed phenomena in the studies dedicated to understand the world of contemporary labour - be it seen as a new form of organization of labour and production, or as a deregulation of Labour Laws. This thesis aims to investigate the effects of such process in personal and professional trajectories of men and women who act on a specific economics sector: the information technology (IT). In it, the flexible work relations are treated as professional habitus in its two main attributes: the reorganization of labour and production and the deregulation of the Consolidation of Labour Laws (CLT in the Brazilian acronym). Consequently, long working hours, the intensification of work load by the medium of portable communication technology, the proliferation of nonstandard contracts, and the like are naturalized and seen as a specificity of the sector. Through the use of quantitative and qualitative analysis, the study seeks to demonstrate how this flexibility is experienced differently by men and women. Firstly, the forms in which the gender division are internally structured in the lowfemale- participation IT sector were outlined. Secondly, the focus were put on problematising the effects of high mobility, long and intensified working hours, and the absence of labour rights as found in non-standard contracts on the constitution of the careers of these professionals when gender is brought up as a marker of social differentiation. The gender, the body limits and the way both male and female interviewees understood the stages of life delineated turning points in their testimonies, deconstructing the naturalization of traits previously seen as premises of the sector, and revealing the precarious conditions of their work relations, despite their high wages and professional qualification / Doutorado / Ciencias Sociais / Doutora em Ciências Sociais

“Liberdade ainda que vadia” uma etnografia sobre a marcha das vadias do Rio de Janeiro 2013

Morais, Janaina de Araujo 30 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-08T18:50:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 janainadearaujomorais.pdf: 3331077 bytes, checksum: 9802e3d6a34d1e586b5bc8f53083242e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2015-12-09T13:47:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 janainadearaujomorais.pdf: 3331077 bytes, checksum: 9802e3d6a34d1e586b5bc8f53083242e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-09T13:47:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 janainadearaujomorais.pdf: 3331077 bytes, checksum: 9802e3d6a34d1e586b5bc8f53083242e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-30 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / A Marcha das Vadias do Rio de Janeiro é uma manifestação feminista que se posiciona contra a violência sexual de gênero. É conhecida pelos participantes pelo seu caráter irreverente e lúdico, atraindo diversas pessoas que se utilizam daquele momento para expressarem suas ideias e sentimentos, através de seus corpos, danças, gritos e performances. Dessa forma, através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio de observação participante, este estudo dedica-se a compreender como os/as manifestantes utilizam o próprio corpo para se posicionar politicamente durante o ato e o significado que essas expressões adquirem tanto para os/as ativistas, quanto para um público mais geral, que não possui envolvimento direto com a manifestação. Como a Marcha aconteceu em 27 de julho de 2013, em Copacabana, na mesma semana em que estava acontecendo a Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ) Católica, no Rio de Janeiro, com a presença do Papa Francisco, esse contexto, dentre outros, delineou uma manifestação bem específica e atípica, o que torna a reflexão sobre as formas de expressão e a utilização dos corpos como instrumento político ainda mais instigante. Para conseguir refletir sobre o momento da manifestação na rua, que constitui o objeto desta pesquisa, é necessário dar conta de outros pontos importantes, que serão capazes de dar um dimensionamento mais apropriado do contexto em que a manifestação aconteceu. Para tanto, importou compreender os objetivos principais a que a organização da Marcha do Rio de Janeiro se propõe, a observação dos discursos e práticas dessa organização antes, durante e após a realização da manifestação, buscando compreender as dinâmicas organizativas, o sujeito político defendido e como ele é construído. / The SlutWalk Rio de Janeiro is a feminist manifestation that stands against sexual gender violence. It is known by the participants for the irreverent and playful character, attracting many people who uses that moment to express their ideas and feelings through their bodies, dancing, shouting and performances. Thus, through a qualitative research with participant observation, this study is dedicated to understand how the protesters uses their bodies to position themselves politically during the act, and the meaning that these expressions acquire both for activists, as well as to a more general public, which has no direct involvement in the manifestation. As the Walk happened on july 27, 2013, in Copacabana, in the same week that was happening the World Youth Day (WYD) of Catholic Church, in Rio de Janeiro, with the presence of Pope Francisco, this context, among others, outlined a very specific and atypical manifestation, which makes the reflection on the forms of expression and the use of the body, as a political tool, even more exciting. To succeed in the reflection of the act in the streets, which is the subject of this research, it is necessary to account for others important points, which will be able to give a more appropriate dimensioning of the context in which the event occurred. Therefore, it was important to understand the main goals that the organization of the Rio de Janeiro’s Walk proposes, the observation of discourses and practices of the organization before, during and after the event, trying to understand the organizational dynamics, the political subject defended and how it is built.

Gênero e educação infantil: análise do trabalho pedagógico em uma pré-escola municipal do Oeste Paulista / Gender and preschool education: an analysis of pedagogical practices in a municipal preschool in western São Paulo

Zago, Juliana Aparecida 01 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jakeline Ortega (jakortega@unoeste.br) on 2017-06-03T13:09:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Juliana Aparecida Zago.pdf: 3629734 bytes, checksum: f02db95585b84a1de3c04b6eb53d2660 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-03T13:09:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Juliana Aparecida Zago.pdf: 3629734 bytes, checksum: f02db95585b84a1de3c04b6eb53d2660 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-01 / In accordance with the research theme, "Educational Institution: organization and management", of the Master of Education Program of the University of West São Paulo, the purpose of this research paper is to study how pedagogical practices are developed with regard to gender relations in a preschool. Our specific objectives are: to understand the perception preschool teachers have of gender relations and how these perceptions permeate pedagogical planning; to determine whether the proposed pedagogical activities for children contribute to the construction of social gender differences between boys and girls; and to identify possible gender transgressions presented by the children themselves. With the support of poststructuralist gender studies, we conducted an ethnographic case study. Through participant observation, a research journal, group conversations with the children, photographic records and semi-structured interviews with teachers and administrators, we identified the relationships between the teachers’ knowledge, gender and power. These relationships permeate the organization of pedagogical practices within preschool education. We elaborated our analysis from three points of interest: 1) understanding gender and its relationships from the educators’ perspective; 2) gender and the organization of schoolwork, as well as the use of the physical learning environment; 3) resistance and transgressions: expanding the meaning of masculinity and femininity. Pedagogical practices, if they remain unchecked, promote an education which in general separates male and female spheres. This separation begins with culturally formulated discourses which are sexist and institute ways to classify subjects. The absence of teacher training with regard to gender impacts the current education scenario. This professional unpreparedness can cause conceptual conflicts and lead teachers to incorporate personal values in their pedagogical practices. However, we noticed that even in a normalizing environment, children subvert the rules and create innovative ways to establish relationships with the world and with others. / Vinculada à linha de pesquisa “Instituição educacional: organização e gestão” do Programa de Mestrado em Educação da Universidade do Oeste Paulista, a presente pesquisa propõe averiguar como é desenvolvido o trabalho pedagógico em uma instituição de educação infantil no que se refere às relações de gênero. Como objetivos específicos buscamos: compreender qual a percepção dos professores de educação infantil sobre as relações de gênero e como elas perpassam o planejamento pedagógico; identificar se as atividades pedagógicas propostas para as crianças contribuem para a construção das diferenças sociais de gêneros entre meninos e meninas; e observar quais as possíveis formas de transgressão no binário de gênero elaboradas pelas próprias crianças. Com o aporte dos estudos de gênero de inclinação pós-estruturalista, realizamos um estudo de caso de aproximações etnográficas. Através da observação participante, diário de campo, rodas de conversas com as crianças, registros fotográficos e entrevistas semiestruturadas com docentes e gestora, problematizamos as relações entre saberes docentes, gênero e poder que perpassam a organização do trabalho pedagógico na educação infantil. As análises foram elaboradas a partir de três eixos problematizadores: 1) a compreensão de gênero e suas relações na perspectiva dos educadores; 2)gênero e organização do trabalho escolar e ocupação dos espaços físicos da escola; 3) resistências e transgressões: ampliando a significação de masculinidade e feminilidade. A prática pedagógica, quando não problematizada, promove uma educação voltada para a separação do universo feminino e masculino, sobretudo, a partir de discursos sexistas culturalmente formulados que instituem formas de classificar os sujeitos. A falta de formação relacionada às questões de gênero impacta no cenário atual da educação, no qual este despreparo profissional pode gerar conflitos sobre conceitos, levando as docentes a agregarem valores pessoais na prática pedagógica. Todavia, percebemos que mesmo em um ambiente normalizador, as crianças subvertem as normas e criam formas inovadoras de estabelecer relações com o mundo e com os outros.

Gender politics and problems in Southern Africa: KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland and Namibia in the post-colonial/apartheid era.

Mngomezulu, Bhekithemba Richard January 1997 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The study of gender is crucial for the achievement and sustainability of the democratic ethos in Southern Africa. The substantial·literature in this field attests· to this notion1 '. It could help us understand why certain gender stereotypes are viewed by societies as given.rat could also help us explain such problems as the unequal representation in most political structures, and the gendered labour system!. In addition, as the quotation a~ove suggests, the way we talk has gender connotations of which most people are unaware. Many males however, distance themselves from public debates on gender issues on the grounds that gender is about women.


25 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Essa pesquisa pretendeu refletir sobre como a temática de gênero é abordada nos documentos curriculares PCN e PCN+ do ensino fundamental e médio. Em primeiro lugar me aprofundo na literatura dos estudos de gênero e do currículo, buscando perceber como esses dois campos se cruzam, objetivando identificar como as questões relativas ao gênero e a sexualidade, transformaram-se num tema da área curricular. Em seguida, na apreciação crítica dos dados, baseada principalmente na metodologia da análise documental e análise de conteúdo, problematizo os PCN e PCN+ procurando compreender como a temática de gênero é discutida, tentando identificar qual o seu lugar dentro dos documentos. As principais conclusões da pesquisa são: (1) o conceito de gênero revelado na análise dos documentos está marcado por uma concepção que favorece a dicotomia entre natureza (sexo) e cultura (gênero); (2) os documentos curriculares apresentam uma perspectiva higienista sobre a sexualidade e o corpo, com forte ênfase na prática do sexo seguro; (3) as mulheres – enquanto sujeitos históricos e categoria analítica – estão invisibilizadas nos textos dos PCN e dos PCN+. / [en] This research intended to reflect on how the gender issue is addressed in the curriculum documents NCPandNCP + elementary and middle school . Firstly I delve into the literature of gender studies and curriculum, seeking to understand how these two fields intersect in order to identify how issues relating to gender and sexuality became a topic of curriculum area. Then, the critical assessment of the data, primarily based on the methodology of document analysis and content analysis and questioning the NCP and NCP + trying to understand how the issue of gender is discussed, trying to identify what their place within the documents. The main conclusions of the research are: (1) the concept of gender revealed in the analysis of the documents is marked by a design that favors the dichotomy between nature (sex) and culture (gender), (2) curriculum documents have a hygienist perspective on sexuality and the body, with a strong emphasis on the practice of safe sex and (3) women - as subjects historical and analytical category - are in the texts of the NCP and NCP +.

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