Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] GUIDELINES"" "subject:"[enn] GUIDELINES""
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Effect of carbohydrate ingestion during exercise on performance measures of wheelchair athletesHynes, Heather 23 September 2009
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ingesting an 8% carbohydrate (CHO) beverage during a moderate intensity exercise trial on performance outcomes, fuel utilization and blood glucose levels of wheelchair athletes (spinal cord injury (SC I) or cerebral palsy (CP)). The secondary purpose was to analyze the dietary intake of the eight participants and to determine if they were meeting current sport nutrition guidelines for macronutrients and fluids recommended in the joint position statement developed by the American Dietetic Association (ADA), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and Dietitians of Canada (DC).<p>
Under random, double blind conditions eight athletes (6 males, 2 females); mean age 36 ± 8.5 y with a SCI (n = 7) or CP (n = 1) completed two exercise trials on an adapted stationary hand cycle; each trial was 60 minutes in duration at 65 % VO2peak followed immediately by a 30-minute performance trial. During the first 60-minutes the participants were given four 200 ml dosages (15, 30, 45, 60-min) of an 8% CHO beverage or a taste-matched placebo beverage. Blood lactate and glucose levels were sampled during the 60-minute exercise trial (pre, 20, 40, 60-min) and immediately after the 30-minute performance trial (post, 2, 5, 10-min). Heart rate was monitored continuously during the exercise and performance trial. Expired gas samples were also taken for 5-min periods during the exercise trial and then continuously during the performance trial. These values were used to calculate respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and carbohydrate oxidation. Dietary intake was assessed with a three day food record.<p>
No significant differences were apparent between beverage trials for total distance (km), average speed (kmhr-1) or maximum speed achieved (kmhr-1). Significant differences were evident for blood glucose values, RER and CHO oxidation between the two beverage trials (p< .05). At the end of the 30-minute performance trial blood glucose values were significantly higher in the CHO trial (4.8 ± 1.3 mmol.l-1 vs. 4.0 ± 0.5 mmol.l-1 for placebo trial; p< .05). The CHO beverage resulted in higher CHO oxidation during the last 5 minutes of the performance trial, 2.1 ± 1.0 gmin-1 vs. the placebo beverage 1.9 ± 1.0 gmin-1 (p< .05). The CHO beverage trial resulted in significantly higher RER values during the final 5 minutes of the exercise trial and during the final 10 minutes of the performance trial. At the 20-25 minute mark RER values were significantly higher with the CHO beverage trial (1.04 ± 0.10) vs. the placebo trial (1.01 ± 0.11) (p< .05). During the final 5 minutes of the performance trial RER values were also significantly higher with the CHO beverage trial (1.06 ± 0.11) vs. the placebo trial (1.01 ± 0.10) (p< .05). The results indicated the participants were not meeting the current dietary guidelines for able-bodied athletes and active adults. Only 25% of the participants met the daily caloric requirements for active adults. Carbohydrate recommendations of 6 to 10 gkg-1 body weightd -1 were not met by any of the wheelchair athletes Seven participants were within the acceptable macronutrient range (AMDR) for CHO. For protein intake, 63% of the participants were meeting the protein recommendations active adults and all of them were within the AMDR. Average caloric intake from fat exceeded current recommendations of 20 to 25%; two participants were above the AMDR. The results demonstrate that the 8% CHO beverage consumed during exercise resulted in higher CHO oxidation rates and elevated blood glucose values, but it did not result in a performance gain.
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Responses of bird communities inhabiting boreal plain riparian habitats to forestry and fireKardynal, Kevin John 31 October 2007
Worldwide, riparian areas are considered among the most biologically productive and species-rich habitats on the landscape and provide important breeding areas for many bird species. In the Boreal Plain ecozone of western Canada, forests adjacent to riparian areas are generally protected from forest harvesting through the retention of treed buffer strips. <p>Riparian buffer strips are expected to provide habitat for wildlife including many passerine bird species. Recently, non-conventional methods of riparian management have been implemented in parts of the Boreal Plain with the intent of aligning forestry more closely with natural disturbance processes. How bird communities associated with these management scenarios diverge from natural disturbances and how riparian birds interact with disturbances in the adjacent upland habitat are key questions in the conservation of boreal riparian bird communities. To answer these questions, I surveyed birds inhabiting riparian areas with adjacent naturally disturbed (burned) and harvested forest to determine how bird communities differ early (1-5 years) post-disturbance and, separately, in a before-and-after harvesting study. <p>Riparian species associated with burned merchantable shoreline forests and riparian areas included Common Yellowthroat (<i>Geothlypis trichas</i>) and Eastern Kingbird (<i>Tyrannus tyrannus</i>). Le Contes Sparrow (<i>Ammodramus leconteii</i>) was associated with burned riparian habitats adjacent to non-merchantable forests (e.g., bog, fen), while Alder Flycatcher (<i>Empidonax alnorum</i>) and Wilsons Warbler (<i>Wilsonia pusilla</i>) were indicative of harvested sites with larger buffers (30 m). Riparian species richness was highest in burned non-merchantable sites. Multivariate Redundancy Analysis of post-disturbance bird communities showed greater divergence in overall (riparian and upland) community composition than one with only riparian species. This suggests reduced sensitivity of riparian birds to disturbances in forested areas compared to upland bird communities. However, a higher natural range of variability was exhibited in riparian bird community composition in post-fire sites than in post-harvested sites. This emphasizes that forest management practices do not currently fully approximate natural disturbance for boreal riparian birds. <p>To assess the response of bird communities in riparian habitats to forestry, I studied bird communities one year (2004) prior to forest harvest and two years (2005 and 2006) after harvest. One of three treatments, 1) 5-35% retention (0 m buffer), 2) 35-75% retention (10 m buffer with variable retention in the next 30 m), 3) 75-100% retention (50 m buffer) and unharvested reference sites, was randomly assigned to 34 wetlands. Treatments were designed to represent buffer management strategies currently applied in the Boreal Plain. Eight of 22 species showed a significant response (p<0.1) to treatment, year or year*treatment effects including two riparian species, the Common Yellowthroat and Song Sparrow (<i>Melospiza melodia</i>) that increased in abundance in harvested sites. Overall pre-disturbance communities diverged (p<0.05) over the three-year study period as shown using Multiple-response Permutation Procedures (MRPP). However, riparian bird communities did not diverge from pre-disturbance or from reference sites providing further evidence that riparian bird communities are less impacted by forestry in the adjacent upland habitats than overall bird communities. Therefore, alternative forest harvesting methods should be explored that encompass landscape-scale management including total buffer removal to maximize conservation objectives for boreal forest bird communities while attempting to maintain natural disturbance processes.
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Etiskt ledarskap och etiska riktlinjer : en studie av samband och påverkan på redovisningskonsulter / Ethical Leadership and Codes of Conduct : a study of the relation and impact on accounting consultantsRomby, Helena, Lindström, Therese January 2013 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har undersökt effekterna av etiskt ledarskap på redovisningsbeslut och etiska riktlinjers allmänna påverkan, men vi saknar forskning kring variablernas gemensamma påverkan på redovisningsbeslut, vilket är syftet med detta arbete. Arbetet undersöker vilken effekt etiskt ledarskap och etiska riktlinjer har när en redovisningskonsult ställs inför en komplicerad redovisningsfråga. Variablerna undersöks både individuellt och tillsammans. En enkätundersökning genomfördes bland auktoriserade redovisningskonsulter i Sverige och 142 respondenter deltog. Studien tyder på att det finns ett gemensamt inflytande av etiskt ledarskap och etiska riktlinjer på etiskt laddade redovisningsbeslut. Redovisningskonsulter tycks vara mindre benägna att bokföra en kostnadspost utan underlag när det finns ett svagt etiskt ledarskap och de inte påminns om etiska riktlinjer, jämfört med alla andra kombinationer av variablerna. Effekten av etiska riktlinjer tycks vara störst i ett svagt etiskt ledarskap. Fortsatt forskning skulle med fördel kunna inriktas på studiens resultat kring de etiska riktlinjerna och fokusera på varför de etiska riktlinjerna påverkar redovisningskonsulterna i en icke förväntad riktning. / Previous research has examined the effects of ethical leadership in accounting decisions and the general impact of codes of conduct. However, we lack research about the variables combined influences on accounting decisions, which is the aim of this work. This work examines what impact ethical leadership and codes of conduct have when an accounting consultant is confronted with a complex accounting issue. The variables is examined both alone and together. A survey was conducted among authorized accounting consultants in Sweden and 142 respondents participated. The study suggests that ethical leadership and codes of conduct has a mutual influence on ethically charges accounting decisions. Accounting consultants seem to be less likely to record a cost without documentation when there is a weak ethical leadership and they are reminded of the codes of conduct, compared to all other combination of the variables. The effect of codes of conduct have proved to be higher in a weak ethical leadership compared to a strong ethical leadership. Further research could use this study's results concerning the ethical guidelines and focus on why the codes of conduct impact accounting consultants in a non expected way.
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Riktlinjer för implementationen av Business Intelligence inom sjukvården : En explorativ studie av sjukvården i Region Halland / Guidelines for implementing Business Intelligence within the health care sector : An explorative study of the health care sector in Region HallandFriman, Rasmus, Libell, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Business Intelligence är en samling verktyg för att utvinna och analysera information ur rådata inom en organisation samt ge bättre beslutsstöd grundat på denna. Det har traditionellt använts inom industrisektorn, men på senare tid har även sjukvårdssek- torn upptäckt fördelarna med ett välimplementerat system för Business Intelligence. Implementationen är emellertid en komplex process där mycket kan gå fel, och på grund av att sjukvårdssektorn relativt nyligen började använda sig utav Business Intel- ligence finns luckor i forskningen på området. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur sjukvården i Region Halland samt involverade konsulter arbetar med implemen- tationen, och ta fram riktlinjer för hur detta bör ske. Uppsatsen baserades på en kvali- tativ ansats och använde sig av en explorativ studie med djupintervjuer där totalt fem personer från Region Halland samt två personer från ett IT-konsultbolag bidrog till uppsatsens resultat. Resultatet visade att riktlinjer tagna från närliggande områden och det privata näringslivet, med viss modifiering, även är applicerbara på sjukvårdssek- torn. Det framkom också att utbildning är ett område som större tyngd bör läggas vid, samt att dagens system för Business Intelligence passar vårdens behov väl. / Business Intelligence is a collection of tools with the purpose of extracting and ana- lyzing information out of raw data within an organization, and based on this provide better decision support. Business Intelligence has been traditionally used within the industry sector, but in recent years the health care sector has also noted the benefits of having a well-implemented Business Intelligence system. However, implementation is a complex process where many things can go wrong, and based on the fact that the health care sector just recently began its use of Business Intelligence, research on this topic is scarce. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how the health care sector in Region Halland along with involved consultants work with the implementation process, and to produce guidelines on how this should occur. The thesis was based on a qualitative approach and applied an explorative study with depth interviews where a total of five persons from Region Halland and two persons from an IT consulting firm contributed to the thesis’ results. The results showed that guidelines drawn from neighboring academic areas and the private business sector, after some adjustment, are also valid within the health care sector. It was also concluded that education is an area on which more emphasis should be placed during the implementation process, and that today’s Business Intelligence systems fits the health care sector well.
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En studie på hur hanteringen av anställdas alkoholproblem upplevs fungera.Eriksson, Sandra, Björling Burton, Lianne January 2011 (has links)
Alkoholmissbruk kan orsaka sociala och ekonomiska konsekvenser för familjer och resten av samhället. Arbetsplatsen som arena är viktig för folkhälsoarbete. Där finns möjligheten att fånga upp och påverka människor, som visar sig ha ett riskbeteende när det gäller alkoholkonsumtion. Mellan åren 1996 och 2004 ökade den totala alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige när det gäller ren alkohol. Sedan avskaffandet av införselkvoterna har konsumtionen i landet fram till år 2010 successivt minskat. Trots detta är den inte ännu nere på samma låga nivå som på mitten av 1990-talet. Syftet med studien har varit att studera hur anställdas alkoholproblem hanteras på en större arbetsplats i Sverige, vilka verktyg som finns för att underlätta hanteringen och hur användbara dessa anses vara. En kvalitativ ansats valdes och sex intervjuer genomfördes med personer med personalansvar eller med fackliga uppdrag. Resultatet visar att det alkoholförebyggande arbetet bedrivs genom att öka medvetenheten och kunskapen hos de anställda. Riktlinjer och samverkan fungerar som stöd vid hanteringen av alkoholproblem. Resultatet visar också att det är oklart hur arbetsgången går till när alkoholproblem upptäcks.
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Responses of bird communities inhabiting boreal plain riparian habitats to forestry and fireKardynal, Kevin John 31 October 2007 (has links)
Worldwide, riparian areas are considered among the most biologically productive and species-rich habitats on the landscape and provide important breeding areas for many bird species. In the Boreal Plain ecozone of western Canada, forests adjacent to riparian areas are generally protected from forest harvesting through the retention of treed buffer strips. <p>Riparian buffer strips are expected to provide habitat for wildlife including many passerine bird species. Recently, non-conventional methods of riparian management have been implemented in parts of the Boreal Plain with the intent of aligning forestry more closely with natural disturbance processes. How bird communities associated with these management scenarios diverge from natural disturbances and how riparian birds interact with disturbances in the adjacent upland habitat are key questions in the conservation of boreal riparian bird communities. To answer these questions, I surveyed birds inhabiting riparian areas with adjacent naturally disturbed (burned) and harvested forest to determine how bird communities differ early (1-5 years) post-disturbance and, separately, in a before-and-after harvesting study. <p>Riparian species associated with burned merchantable shoreline forests and riparian areas included Common Yellowthroat (<i>Geothlypis trichas</i>) and Eastern Kingbird (<i>Tyrannus tyrannus</i>). Le Contes Sparrow (<i>Ammodramus leconteii</i>) was associated with burned riparian habitats adjacent to non-merchantable forests (e.g., bog, fen), while Alder Flycatcher (<i>Empidonax alnorum</i>) and Wilsons Warbler (<i>Wilsonia pusilla</i>) were indicative of harvested sites with larger buffers (30 m). Riparian species richness was highest in burned non-merchantable sites. Multivariate Redundancy Analysis of post-disturbance bird communities showed greater divergence in overall (riparian and upland) community composition than one with only riparian species. This suggests reduced sensitivity of riparian birds to disturbances in forested areas compared to upland bird communities. However, a higher natural range of variability was exhibited in riparian bird community composition in post-fire sites than in post-harvested sites. This emphasizes that forest management practices do not currently fully approximate natural disturbance for boreal riparian birds. <p>To assess the response of bird communities in riparian habitats to forestry, I studied bird communities one year (2004) prior to forest harvest and two years (2005 and 2006) after harvest. One of three treatments, 1) 5-35% retention (0 m buffer), 2) 35-75% retention (10 m buffer with variable retention in the next 30 m), 3) 75-100% retention (50 m buffer) and unharvested reference sites, was randomly assigned to 34 wetlands. Treatments were designed to represent buffer management strategies currently applied in the Boreal Plain. Eight of 22 species showed a significant response (p<0.1) to treatment, year or year*treatment effects including two riparian species, the Common Yellowthroat and Song Sparrow (<i>Melospiza melodia</i>) that increased in abundance in harvested sites. Overall pre-disturbance communities diverged (p<0.05) over the three-year study period as shown using Multiple-response Permutation Procedures (MRPP). However, riparian bird communities did not diverge from pre-disturbance or from reference sites providing further evidence that riparian bird communities are less impacted by forestry in the adjacent upland habitats than overall bird communities. Therefore, alternative forest harvesting methods should be explored that encompass landscape-scale management including total buffer removal to maximize conservation objectives for boreal forest bird communities while attempting to maintain natural disturbance processes.
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Effect of carbohydrate ingestion during exercise on performance measures of wheelchair athletesHynes, Heather 23 September 2009 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ingesting an 8% carbohydrate (CHO) beverage during a moderate intensity exercise trial on performance outcomes, fuel utilization and blood glucose levels of wheelchair athletes (spinal cord injury (SC I) or cerebral palsy (CP)). The secondary purpose was to analyze the dietary intake of the eight participants and to determine if they were meeting current sport nutrition guidelines for macronutrients and fluids recommended in the joint position statement developed by the American Dietetic Association (ADA), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and Dietitians of Canada (DC).<p>
Under random, double blind conditions eight athletes (6 males, 2 females); mean age 36 ± 8.5 y with a SCI (n = 7) or CP (n = 1) completed two exercise trials on an adapted stationary hand cycle; each trial was 60 minutes in duration at 65 % VO2peak followed immediately by a 30-minute performance trial. During the first 60-minutes the participants were given four 200 ml dosages (15, 30, 45, 60-min) of an 8% CHO beverage or a taste-matched placebo beverage. Blood lactate and glucose levels were sampled during the 60-minute exercise trial (pre, 20, 40, 60-min) and immediately after the 30-minute performance trial (post, 2, 5, 10-min). Heart rate was monitored continuously during the exercise and performance trial. Expired gas samples were also taken for 5-min periods during the exercise trial and then continuously during the performance trial. These values were used to calculate respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and carbohydrate oxidation. Dietary intake was assessed with a three day food record.<p>
No significant differences were apparent between beverage trials for total distance (km), average speed (kmhr-1) or maximum speed achieved (kmhr-1). Significant differences were evident for blood glucose values, RER and CHO oxidation between the two beverage trials (p< .05). At the end of the 30-minute performance trial blood glucose values were significantly higher in the CHO trial (4.8 ± 1.3 mmol.l-1 vs. 4.0 ± 0.5 mmol.l-1 for placebo trial; p< .05). The CHO beverage resulted in higher CHO oxidation during the last 5 minutes of the performance trial, 2.1 ± 1.0 gmin-1 vs. the placebo beverage 1.9 ± 1.0 gmin-1 (p< .05). The CHO beverage trial resulted in significantly higher RER values during the final 5 minutes of the exercise trial and during the final 10 minutes of the performance trial. At the 20-25 minute mark RER values were significantly higher with the CHO beverage trial (1.04 ± 0.10) vs. the placebo trial (1.01 ± 0.11) (p< .05). During the final 5 minutes of the performance trial RER values were also significantly higher with the CHO beverage trial (1.06 ± 0.11) vs. the placebo trial (1.01 ± 0.10) (p< .05). The results indicated the participants were not meeting the current dietary guidelines for able-bodied athletes and active adults. Only 25% of the participants met the daily caloric requirements for active adults. Carbohydrate recommendations of 6 to 10 gkg-1 body weightd -1 were not met by any of the wheelchair athletes Seven participants were within the acceptable macronutrient range (AMDR) for CHO. For protein intake, 63% of the participants were meeting the protein recommendations active adults and all of them were within the AMDR. Average caloric intake from fat exceeded current recommendations of 20 to 25%; two participants were above the AMDR. The results demonstrate that the 8% CHO beverage consumed during exercise resulted in higher CHO oxidation rates and elevated blood glucose values, but it did not result in a performance gain.
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Sjuksköterskors följsamhet till riktlinjer för våldsutsatta kvinnor på akutmottagningarPersson, Robin, Tradefelt, Klara January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka i vilken utsträckning sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning följde riktlinjer om våldsutsatta kvinnor, sjuksköterskors inställning till att rutinmässigt fråga om våld, sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att upptäcka och bemöta dessa kvinnor samt om det fanns skillnader mellan öppen- och slutenvård samt mellan kvinnliga och manliga sjuksköterskor. Metod: Tvärsnittsstudie i form av enkätundersökning. Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes och enkäter lämnades ut till sjuksköterskor (n=110) på akutmottagningar. Svarsfrekvensen var 45 %. Resultat: Få sjuksköterskor frågade om våld, de flesta gjorde detta endast vid misstanke om våld. Hälften hade någon form av utbildning inom området. Det främsta hindret från att fråga om våld var att anhörig var närvarande. Hälften uppgav att de var positiva till screening och att de trodde att kvinnor skulle anse det positivt. Vid jämförelse framkom det att annan sjukvårdspersonal i större utsträckning utförde ankomstsamtalet inom öppenvården och manliga sjuksköterskor uppgav i högre utsträckning tidsbrist som ett hinder att fråga om våld. Slutsats: Mer utbildning och lägre arbetsbelastning skulle göra att följsamheten till riktlinjerna skulle öka. / Aim: To examine the extent to which nurses in an emergency department followed the guidelines regarding abused women and what experience nurses have had to identify and treat these women. To examine whether there were differences between outpatient and inpatient care as well as differences between male and female nurses. Method: A cross-sectional study. A convenience sample was made and questionnaires were handed out to nurses (n=110) in emergency departments. The response rate was 45 %. Result: Few nurses asked about violence, most did so only in cases of suspected violence. The main factor that could inhibit nurses from asking about violence was that a relative was present. Half of the nurses said that they were in favor of screening and also that they thought that the women would be in favor of it. The comparison revealed that it was more common for other health care staff to perform the arrival call in an outpatient setting and that the male nurses more often reported that lack of time was an obstacle to ask about violence. Conclusion: More education and less workload would increase the adherence to guidelines.
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Kunskap om Asperger eller Asperger som kunskapskälla? : En studie om hur kuratorer och lärare på särskilda gymnasier bemöter ungdomar med särskilda behov.Larsson, Sandra, Bindå, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
Kunskap gällande barn och ungdomar som har olika funktionsnedsättningar är underutvecklad både i skolsituationen och i det sociala arbetet. Därmed är syftet med studien att studera hur kunskapsläget ser ut bland kuratorer respektive lärare som arbetar i särskilda klasser för elever som har Asperger syndrom. Vidare syftar studien till att granska vilka riktlinjer som finns uppsatta för kuratorer och lärare som möter ungdomar med särskilda behov samt hur ett professionellt bemötande beskrivs och tillämpas i praktiken. En kvalitativ metod har använts och studien omfattar sju intervjuer med kuratorer och lärare från två olika särskilda gymnasier. Resultatet visar att skolpersonalen lägger ett stort fokus på bemötandet av dessa elever och detta är en central del i det sociala arbetet med eleverna. För ett gynnsamt utfall hjälper inte enbart Skolverkets riktlinjer gällande hur arbetet med eleverna ska se ut. De båda verksamheterna har valt att utforma ytterligare riktlinjer för att skapa en god miljö där eleverna ska utvecklas och stärkas i sig själva. Detta arbetssätt går i linje med empowerment som tillsammans med stämplingsteorin har varit analysverktyg i studien. I diskussionen gällande vilka för- och nackdelar som finns med särskilda klasser för elever med Asperger syndrom kan ses att fördelarna väger tyngre än de nackdelar som råder. / The knowledge in children and adolescents who have various disabilities are under-developed both in school as well as in social work. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine how the state of knowledge appears among social workers and teachers working in special classes for students with Asperger syndrome. Furthermore, the study aims to examine the guidelines that are set for counselors and teachers who work with adolescents with special needs and how a professional approach is described and applied in practice. A qualitative method was used and the study includes seven interviews with counselors and teachers from two special schools. The result shows that school staff places a strong focus on treatment of these students and this is a central part in social work with adolescents. To achieve a favorable outcome for the students with Asperger syndrome not only the Agency's guidelines are helpful for work with these students. The two schools have therefor chosen to develop their own additional guidelines for creating a good environment in which students will be developed and strengthened in themselves. This approach is in line with empowerment along with labeling theory, and these two have been research tools in the study. The discussion shows that the advantages of special classes for students with Asperger syndrome outweigh the few disadvantages that exist.
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Att handskas med händer : en observationsstudie om handhygien i Tanzania / To handle hands : an observation study about hand hygiene in TanzaniaBergfors, Sofi, Olsson, Maja January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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