Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS"" "subject:"[enn] INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS""
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Dinâmica dos Dispute Boards e perspectivas de utilização em contratos de construção no Brasil. / Dynamics of Dispute Boards and perspectives of its use on construction contracts in Brazil.Fernandes, Michelle Cristina Santiago 09 May 2019 (has links)
Empreendimentos de construção apresentam potencial expressivo para o surgimento de conflitos, os quais, quando se tornam disputas, podem representar o comprometimento de prazos e resultados. O aumento da ocorrência mundial de desentendimentos em contratos de construção tem estimulado a criação de métodos de prevenção e de solução de disputas alternativos aos processos judiciais. Nesse contexto, destacam-se os Dispute Boards, que consistem em conselhos formados por profissionais experientes que acompanham a execução das obras, com a função de prevenir e solucionar conflitos por meio de recomendações e decisões ao longo da realização dos empreendimentos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a dinâmica dos Dispute Boards e identificar as perspectivas de utilização do mecanismo na realidade brasileira. Por meio de uma revisão da literatura, são expostos conceitos, características, vantagens e o panorama internacional de implantação dos Dispute Boards em contratos de construção. No que diz respeito ao contexto nacional, o trabalho levanta as principais iniciativas de incentivo aos Dispute Boards no país e, a partir do estudo de caso da primeira adoção do método no Brasil, evidencia experiências e lições aprendidas. Com base em questionários aplicados a profissionais envolvidos com disputas no setor da construção, também são discutidos desafios, oportunidades e expectativas de crescimento dos Dispute Boards no curto, médio e longo prazo em contratos de construção no Brasil. / Construction projects have significant potential for the emergence of conflicts, which may become disputes and represent the commitment of deadlines and results. The increase of disagreements at construction projects worldwide has stimulated the creation of methods of prevention and solution of disputes, alternatively to standard legal proceedings. In this context, Dispute Boards stand out because they consist of councils formed by experienced professionals who monitor the execution of the works, by preventing and solving conflicts through recommendations and decisions during the construction phase. This work aims to present the dynamics of Dispute Boards and identify the perspectives of its use in the Brazilian outlook. Based on a literature review, concepts, characteristics, advantages and the international panorama of implementation of Dispute Boards in construction contracts are exposed. Regarding the national context, this research highlights the main initiatives to encourage Dispute Boards in the country and, by means of the case study of the first adoption of the method in Brazil, shows experiences and lessons learned. Through surveys applied to professionals involved with disputes in the construction industry, this work also discusses challenges, opportunities and growth expectations for Dispute Boards in the short, medium and long terms in Brazilian construction contracts.
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Le règlement des litiges survenant des contrats de partenariats public-privé. : recherche d’une meilleure gestion des sources des litiges dans les contrats de PPP : enjeux et conséquences pour l’Egypte / The settlement of disputes arising from public-private partnership contracts (PPP / PFI) : search for better management of sources of disputes in PPP contracts, issues and consequences for EgyptEissa Zakaria Abdelsalam, Nora 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le partenariat public privé est un instrument pour la réalisation des objectifs du développement en Egypte. Sur le plan international, le recours aux PPP soulève des difficultés compliquées à résoudre. La nature complexe de ce type de projets augmentent la probabilité de litiges entre les parties. L’analyse comparée des expériences britannique et française, permet d’élaborer une référence pour le gouvernement égyptien en matières des réformes juridique et économique. Dans le cadre d’améliorer la gestion des projets de PPP en Egypte, deux approches peuvent être adressées dans notre recherche. En premier lieu, le développement d’une méthodologie de gestion efficace des risques par l’analyse de types des risques attachés aux PPP pendant le cycle de vie du projet. En deuxième lieu, la présentation des mécanismes les plus efficaces de résolution des litiges découlant des projets de PPP / Public-private partnership is an instrument for achieving development objectives in Egypt. On the international level, the use of the PPP model raises complicated challenges and difficulties. The complex nature of such projects increase the probability of disputes between the parties. The comparative analysis of the British and French experience allows the elaboration of a reference for the Egyptian government in the legal and economicreforms. In order to improve the management of PPP projects in Egypt, two approaches can be addressed in our research. First, the development of an effective risk management methodology through the analysis of the types of risk associated with PPP during the life cycle of the project. Second, the presentation of the most effective mechanisms for the resolution of disputes arising from PPP projects
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Minimização de resíduos de construção civil em projetos de infraestrutura urbana : mecanismos de apoio à tomada de decisão projetualMagalhães, Ruane Fernandes de January 2017 (has links)
A indústria da construção civil é considerada como uma das grandes causadoras de impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, desde a extração de matéria prima, até o fim de vida de seus empreendimentos. Dentre os principais impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo setor, destacase a geração de resíduos de construção civil (RCC), a qual é intensificada em função do desenvolvimento de grandes centros urbanos e a consequente necessidade de implantação de empreendimentos de infraestrutura. Nesse contexto, uma das estratégias mais eficientes para redução de RCC está associada à realização de escolhas adequadas na fase de projeto, com enfoque de prevenção na fonte geradora. No entanto, é complexa a inclusão de fatores de sustentabilidade, tais como os de minimização de RCC, em projetos da construção civil. Logo, torna-se relevante a adoção de métodos e ferramentas de suporte ao processo decisório. Contudo, os métodos existentes são direcionados, em sua maioria, a projetos de edificações, havendo uma importante lacuna associada a projetos de infraestrutura urbana. Assim sendo, esta pesquisa objetiva a proposição de mecanismos de apoio à tomada de decisão, para a minimização de RCC, em projetos de infraestrutura urbana, com dois diferentes enfoques: controle e avaliação; e estrutura de orientação. Para a composição dos mecanismos de controle e avaliação, foram identificadas boas práticas para redução da geração de RCC na fase de projeto, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental de projetos, e pesquisa quali-quantitativa junto a especialistas. Essas boas práticas deram origem a demandas ambientais a serem atendidas pelos projetos de infraestrutura urbana, motivando a elaboração de um método estruturado para gerenciamento de requisitos ambientais e de trade-offs, como apoio à tomada de decisão projetual. O método teve como base a ferramenta Quality Function Deployment (QFD), no qual foi desdobrada a Matriz da Qualidade, a partir da opinião de especialistas atuantes em diferentes etapas do desenvolvimento de projetos de infraestrutura urbana. Como principais contribuições da pesquisa, focada na minimização de RCC, podem ser consideradas: (i) a obtenção de um checklist, como instrumento de controle e avaliação da qualidade dos projetos a serem desenvolvidos; (ii) a identificação de requisitos e de indicadores ambientais prioritários associados a esses projetos; e (iii) a elaboração de uma sistemática para gerenciamento de trade-offs existentes em projetos de infraestrutura urbana menos impactantes ambientalmente. / The construction industry is considered as one of the great causes of negative impacts to the environment, from the extraction of raw material, until the end-of-life of its projects. Among the main environmental impacts caused by the sector, can be highlighted the generation of construction waste (CW), which is intensified due to the development of large urban centers and the consequent need to implement infrastructure projects. In that context, one of the most efficient strategies to reduce CW is associated with making adequate choices in the design phase, with a focus on prevention at the source. However, it is complex to include sustainability factors, such as CW minimization, in construction designs. Therefore, it is relevant to adopt methods and tools to support the decision-making process. However, the existing methods are mostly directed to building designs, with an important gap associated with urban infrastructure designs. Thus, this research aims at proposing mechanisms to support decision making for the CW minimization in urban infrastructure projects, with two different approaches: control and evaluation; and guidance structure. For the composition of the control and the evaluation mechanisms, best practices were identified to reduce the CW generation in the design phase, based on literature review, documentary analysis of projects, and qualitative and quantitative surveys with specialists. Those best practices have given rise to environmental demands to be met by urban infrastructure projects, motivating the elaboration of a structured method for managing environmental requirements and trade-offs, as a support for the decision making design. The method was based on the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tool, in which the quality matrix deployment, based on the opinion of specialists working in different stages of the development of urban designs. The main contributions of the research, focused on the CW minimization, can be considered: (i) obtaining a checklist, as an instrument to control and evaluate the quality of the designs to be developed; (ii) identification of requirements and of priority environmental indicators associated with those projects; and (iii) the development of a systematic for managing tradeoffs in urban infrastructure projects that are less environmentally impacting.
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Factors that affect successful implementation of community infrastructure projects : the case of Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality, Limpopo ProvinceSegale, Matsedi Albert January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MBA.) -- University of Limpopo, 2015 / Rural communities in South Africa, including Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality, experience mobility problems in order to access facilities like hospitals, police stations, schools and shopping centres. This research study attempted to identify factors that affect effective implementation of community road infrastructure projects under the jurisdiction of Makhuduthamaga Local Municipal Council.
The study was qualitative in nature wherein municipal officials directly involved in provision and maintenance of road infrastructure in the municipality, ward councillors and a consultant were interviewed. The study wanted to understand how councillors, officials and consultant observe service delivery in terms of road infrastructure in the area. The respondents indicated that the project management unit is trying very hard to ensure that service provision is spread adequately but the challenges experienced hamper effective service delivery. The identified challenges include: interference, including political interference of some stakeholders, service providers who are not experienced enough, inadequate finances and supply chain systems and policies which seem to be ill-defined and/or not implemented properly.
There is a need for the government to invest more in infrastructure, specifically roads. It was proven from the findings of this study that the government still has to do more in providing quality roads in rural areas. The municipality should prioritise financial allocation or provision for road infrastructure in their budget to help in the stimulation of the burden experienced by everyone in this regard. The study recommends that the Project management unit needs to adhere to policy and contracts that bind service providers. There should be training of officials and service providers to improve the quality and effectiveness of the services rendered.
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Minimização de resíduos de construção civil em projetos de infraestrutura urbana : mecanismos de apoio à tomada de decisão projetualMagalhães, Ruane Fernandes de January 2017 (has links)
A indústria da construção civil é considerada como uma das grandes causadoras de impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, desde a extração de matéria prima, até o fim de vida de seus empreendimentos. Dentre os principais impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo setor, destacase a geração de resíduos de construção civil (RCC), a qual é intensificada em função do desenvolvimento de grandes centros urbanos e a consequente necessidade de implantação de empreendimentos de infraestrutura. Nesse contexto, uma das estratégias mais eficientes para redução de RCC está associada à realização de escolhas adequadas na fase de projeto, com enfoque de prevenção na fonte geradora. No entanto, é complexa a inclusão de fatores de sustentabilidade, tais como os de minimização de RCC, em projetos da construção civil. Logo, torna-se relevante a adoção de métodos e ferramentas de suporte ao processo decisório. Contudo, os métodos existentes são direcionados, em sua maioria, a projetos de edificações, havendo uma importante lacuna associada a projetos de infraestrutura urbana. Assim sendo, esta pesquisa objetiva a proposição de mecanismos de apoio à tomada de decisão, para a minimização de RCC, em projetos de infraestrutura urbana, com dois diferentes enfoques: controle e avaliação; e estrutura de orientação. Para a composição dos mecanismos de controle e avaliação, foram identificadas boas práticas para redução da geração de RCC na fase de projeto, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental de projetos, e pesquisa quali-quantitativa junto a especialistas. Essas boas práticas deram origem a demandas ambientais a serem atendidas pelos projetos de infraestrutura urbana, motivando a elaboração de um método estruturado para gerenciamento de requisitos ambientais e de trade-offs, como apoio à tomada de decisão projetual. O método teve como base a ferramenta Quality Function Deployment (QFD), no qual foi desdobrada a Matriz da Qualidade, a partir da opinião de especialistas atuantes em diferentes etapas do desenvolvimento de projetos de infraestrutura urbana. Como principais contribuições da pesquisa, focada na minimização de RCC, podem ser consideradas: (i) a obtenção de um checklist, como instrumento de controle e avaliação da qualidade dos projetos a serem desenvolvidos; (ii) a identificação de requisitos e de indicadores ambientais prioritários associados a esses projetos; e (iii) a elaboração de uma sistemática para gerenciamento de trade-offs existentes em projetos de infraestrutura urbana menos impactantes ambientalmente. / The construction industry is considered as one of the great causes of negative impacts to the environment, from the extraction of raw material, until the end-of-life of its projects. Among the main environmental impacts caused by the sector, can be highlighted the generation of construction waste (CW), which is intensified due to the development of large urban centers and the consequent need to implement infrastructure projects. In that context, one of the most efficient strategies to reduce CW is associated with making adequate choices in the design phase, with a focus on prevention at the source. However, it is complex to include sustainability factors, such as CW minimization, in construction designs. Therefore, it is relevant to adopt methods and tools to support the decision-making process. However, the existing methods are mostly directed to building designs, with an important gap associated with urban infrastructure designs. Thus, this research aims at proposing mechanisms to support decision making for the CW minimization in urban infrastructure projects, with two different approaches: control and evaluation; and guidance structure. For the composition of the control and the evaluation mechanisms, best practices were identified to reduce the CW generation in the design phase, based on literature review, documentary analysis of projects, and qualitative and quantitative surveys with specialists. Those best practices have given rise to environmental demands to be met by urban infrastructure projects, motivating the elaboration of a structured method for managing environmental requirements and trade-offs, as a support for the decision making design. The method was based on the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tool, in which the quality matrix deployment, based on the opinion of specialists working in different stages of the development of urban designs. The main contributions of the research, focused on the CW minimization, can be considered: (i) obtaining a checklist, as an instrument to control and evaluate the quality of the designs to be developed; (ii) identification of requirements and of priority environmental indicators associated with those projects; and (iii) the development of a systematic for managing tradeoffs in urban infrastructure projects that are less environmentally impacting.
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Minimização de resíduos de construção civil em projetos de infraestrutura urbana : mecanismos de apoio à tomada de decisão projetualMagalhães, Ruane Fernandes de January 2017 (has links)
A indústria da construção civil é considerada como uma das grandes causadoras de impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, desde a extração de matéria prima, até o fim de vida de seus empreendimentos. Dentre os principais impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo setor, destacase a geração de resíduos de construção civil (RCC), a qual é intensificada em função do desenvolvimento de grandes centros urbanos e a consequente necessidade de implantação de empreendimentos de infraestrutura. Nesse contexto, uma das estratégias mais eficientes para redução de RCC está associada à realização de escolhas adequadas na fase de projeto, com enfoque de prevenção na fonte geradora. No entanto, é complexa a inclusão de fatores de sustentabilidade, tais como os de minimização de RCC, em projetos da construção civil. Logo, torna-se relevante a adoção de métodos e ferramentas de suporte ao processo decisório. Contudo, os métodos existentes são direcionados, em sua maioria, a projetos de edificações, havendo uma importante lacuna associada a projetos de infraestrutura urbana. Assim sendo, esta pesquisa objetiva a proposição de mecanismos de apoio à tomada de decisão, para a minimização de RCC, em projetos de infraestrutura urbana, com dois diferentes enfoques: controle e avaliação; e estrutura de orientação. Para a composição dos mecanismos de controle e avaliação, foram identificadas boas práticas para redução da geração de RCC na fase de projeto, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental de projetos, e pesquisa quali-quantitativa junto a especialistas. Essas boas práticas deram origem a demandas ambientais a serem atendidas pelos projetos de infraestrutura urbana, motivando a elaboração de um método estruturado para gerenciamento de requisitos ambientais e de trade-offs, como apoio à tomada de decisão projetual. O método teve como base a ferramenta Quality Function Deployment (QFD), no qual foi desdobrada a Matriz da Qualidade, a partir da opinião de especialistas atuantes em diferentes etapas do desenvolvimento de projetos de infraestrutura urbana. Como principais contribuições da pesquisa, focada na minimização de RCC, podem ser consideradas: (i) a obtenção de um checklist, como instrumento de controle e avaliação da qualidade dos projetos a serem desenvolvidos; (ii) a identificação de requisitos e de indicadores ambientais prioritários associados a esses projetos; e (iii) a elaboração de uma sistemática para gerenciamento de trade-offs existentes em projetos de infraestrutura urbana menos impactantes ambientalmente. / The construction industry is considered as one of the great causes of negative impacts to the environment, from the extraction of raw material, until the end-of-life of its projects. Among the main environmental impacts caused by the sector, can be highlighted the generation of construction waste (CW), which is intensified due to the development of large urban centers and the consequent need to implement infrastructure projects. In that context, one of the most efficient strategies to reduce CW is associated with making adequate choices in the design phase, with a focus on prevention at the source. However, it is complex to include sustainability factors, such as CW minimization, in construction designs. Therefore, it is relevant to adopt methods and tools to support the decision-making process. However, the existing methods are mostly directed to building designs, with an important gap associated with urban infrastructure designs. Thus, this research aims at proposing mechanisms to support decision making for the CW minimization in urban infrastructure projects, with two different approaches: control and evaluation; and guidance structure. For the composition of the control and the evaluation mechanisms, best practices were identified to reduce the CW generation in the design phase, based on literature review, documentary analysis of projects, and qualitative and quantitative surveys with specialists. Those best practices have given rise to environmental demands to be met by urban infrastructure projects, motivating the elaboration of a structured method for managing environmental requirements and trade-offs, as a support for the decision making design. The method was based on the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tool, in which the quality matrix deployment, based on the opinion of specialists working in different stages of the development of urban designs. The main contributions of the research, focused on the CW minimization, can be considered: (i) obtaining a checklist, as an instrument to control and evaluate the quality of the designs to be developed; (ii) identification of requirements and of priority environmental indicators associated with those projects; and (iii) the development of a systematic for managing tradeoffs in urban infrastructure projects that are less environmentally impacting.
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Implementación de las buenas prácticas de la guía del PMBOK® para la Dirección de Proyectos de Infraestructura Educativa en Universidad Nacional del Perú / Implementation of the good practices of the PMBOK® guide for the Project Management of Educational Infrastructure at the National University of PeruAvilés Arriaga, Juan Carlos, Mendoza Lujan, Jacklin Massiel, Muñante Salazar, Noelia Maritza 15 October 2021 (has links)
La Universidad Nacional del Perú en adelante UNADELP por ser una entidad pública conceptualiza, diseña, ejecuta y evalúa sus proyectos mediante el marco normativo del Invierte. Pe, desarrollado por el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF).
Para el desarrollo del caso de negocio del trabajo de investigación se ha utilizado la metodología del marco lógico y mediante el análisis del árbol de problemas, el árbol de objetivos y el análisis de alternativas, se determinó la rentabilidad social mediante el indicador costo efectividad utilizado por el MEF e identificó que los proyectos de infraestructura educativa ejecutadas por UNADELP, por intermedio de su Centro de Infraestructura Universitaria CIU bajo la modalidad de administración directa, muestra desfases en alcance, cronograma y costo lo que no permite cumplir con los objetivos de la organización que es de acceder a una mayor disponibilidad de espacios formativos en su proceso de aprendizaje.
Por lo tanto, se realiza la siguiente investigación implementando la guía del PMBOK®, el acta de constitución del grupo de proceso de inicio y el grupo de procesos de planificación en las áreas de conocimiento de alcance, cronograma y costo y considerando que es una organización pública, se propone el uso de las herramientas de la EDT Y MAR/RAM de la metodología PM4R
Además, se propone la implementación en los procesos de monitoreo y control el uso de herramientas y plantillas de las áreas de conocimiento de alcance, cronograma y costo, sugiriendo el uso de herramientas de cronograma ganado, valor ganado y la línea base de desempeño. / The National University of Peru hereinafter UNADELP, as a public entity, conceptualizes, designs, executes and evaluates its projects through the regulatory framework of Invest. Pe, developed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).
For the development of the business case of the research work, the methodology of the logical framework has been used and through the problem tree analysis, the tree of objectives and the analysis of alternatives, we determine the social profitability through the cost effectiveness indicator used by the MEF and we identified that the educational infrastructure projects executed by UNADELP, through its CIU University Infrastructure Center under the direct administration modality, show gaps in scope, schedule and cost, which does not allow meeting the objectives of the organization that is to access a greater availability of training spaces in their learning process.
Therefore, the following research is carried out implementing the PMBOK® Guide, the Project Charter process and the planning processes group in the knowledge areas of Scope, Schedule and Cost and considering that it is a public organization, and is proposed the use of both the EDT and MAR/RAM tools of the PM4R methodology
In addition, it is proposed the implementation in the monitoring and control processes of the use of tools and templates from the knowledge areas of scope, schedule and cost, suggesting the use of tools of earned schedule, earned value and the performance measurement baseline. / Trabajo de investigación
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Innovation i infrastrukturprojekt : En studie om styrning av upphandlingsprocessenPersson, Christian, Gustav, Svensson January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Det finns idag ett infrastrukturgap i Sverige som beror på att dagens planerade investeringar inte täcker framtidens behov. Eftersom resurserna inte räcker till ökar efterfrågan på att öka innovationsgraden i infrastrukturprojekten, vilket kan göras genom att styra upphandlingsprocessen. Tidigare forskning säger däremot att det finns risker med att tänka innovativt eftersom nackdelarna väger över fördelarna. Därmed avser studien att undersöka hur styrning av upphandlingsprocessen kan skapa innovation i infrastrukturprojekt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur den offentliga sektorn arbetar med styrning av upphandlingsprocessen för att skapa till innovation i infrastrukturprojekt samt att undersöka vilka hinder och barriärer som finns för innovation. Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats och inslag av abduktion. En flerfallstudie tillämpas där det empiriska materialet inhämtas via semistrukturerade intervjuer från sju offentliga organisationer. Slutsats: I fasen förbereda verkar det finnas störst möjlighet att påverka innovationsgraden vilket till stor del beror på att entreprenad- och upphandlingsform fastställs i denna fasen. Studiens resultat indikerar på att totalentreprenad och innovationsupphandling är de entreprenad- och upphandlingsformer som främja innovation i störst utsträckning. De drivkrafter för innovation som studien främst utvecklat och bidragit med är kunskapsöverföring, riskpremie, pilotprojektoch innovationskultur. Vidare har studien resulterat i att nya barriärer för innovation uppdagats vilka bland annat är erfarenhetsbrist, delgivning av företagshemligheter samt innovationsbegreppet. / Background and problem discussion: Today, there is an infrastructure gap in Sweden that is due to the fact that today's planned investments do not cover the needs of the future. As resources are insufficient, demand for increasing the degree of innovation in infrastructure projects is increasing, which can be done by controlling the procurement process. Previous research, on the other hand, says that there are risks of thinking innovatively where the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. We therefore intend to investigate how control of the procurement process affects innovation in infrastructure projects. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how the public sector works with the control of the procurement process in order to contribute to innovation in infrastructure projects and to explore the obstacles and barriers that are against innovation. Method: The thesis is a qualitative study with a deductive approach that has elements of abduction. A multi-case study has been applied in which the empirical material has been obtained through semi-structured interviews from seven public organizations. Conclusion: In the preparation phase, there seems to be the greatest opportunity to influence the degree of innovation, which is largely due to the fact that contracting and procurement forms are determined in this phase. The study's results indicate that contracted and innovation procurement are the forms of contracting and procurement that promote innovation to the greatest extent. The driving forces for innovation that the study mainly contributed to are knowledge transfer, risk premium, pilot project and innovation culture. Furthermore, the study has resulted in new barriers to innovation being discovered which include lack of experience, service of corporate secrets and the concept of innovation.
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A public clients’ opportunity to create motivations in the procurement strategy to obtain an effective project performance / En offentlig beställares möjligheter att skapa drivkrafter vid upphandling för att uppnå ett effektivt projektgenomförandePietrewicz, Natalie, Rörström, Elin January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop knowledge about collaborative procurement strategies and how these strategies can contribute with motivation for an effective project performance in smaller municipal infrastructure projects. The study also aims to develop an understanding about how a construction logistics centre is applicable to an infrastructure project. Also, how the procurement strategies can create motivation to obtain an effective utilization of a construction logistic centre. To achieve the purpose with the study, a case study of Stockholm Royal Seaport (Norra Djurgårdsstaden) with focus on two infrastructure projects with a mandatory utilization of a construction logistic centre, has been examined. By an abductive method, in terms of literature studies and semi- structured interviews, this study results in that partnering and the payment form cost reimbursement have been a considerable important strategy for the project success. The main conclusion in this study is that collaborative procurement strategies and its components are applicable to a smaller municipal infrastructure project. Significant components to obtain an effective project performance has also been found. Furthermore, the study has shown that a construction logistics centre, designed as in Stockholm Royal Seaport, is not fully adapted to infrastructure projects with similar conditions as the two studied projects. This makes it difficult to draw general conclusions about how procurement strategies should be formed to create motivations for an effective utilization of a construction logistic centre. However, suggestions are given about how procurement can create motivation to obtain an effective utilization of a construction logistic centre by using literature studies. Conclusions can be drawn that partnering and a focus on long term relationships has created motivations for the actors to work effective. / Studiens syfte är att skapa kunskap kring samarbetsinriktade upphandlingsstrategier och hur dessa kan skapa drivkrafter mot ett effektivt projektgenomförande i mindre kommunala anläggningsprojekt. Studien syftar även till att skapa en förståelse om hur ett bygglogistikcenter förhåller sig till anläggningsprojekt samt hur upphandlingsstrategin kan skapa drivkrafter mot ett effektivt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter. För att uppnå syftet med studien har en fallstudie av Norra Djurgårdsstaden med fokus på två anläggningsprojekt, med ett obligatoriskt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter, undersökts. Genom en abduktiv forskningsmetod, i form av litteraturstudier och semi- strukturerade intervjuer, resulterar denna studie i att samverkan och ersättningsformen löpande räkning har varit en betydande strategi för projektens framgång. En huvudsaklig slutsats i studien är att samarbetsinriktade upphandlingsstrategier passar i mindre kommunala anläggningsprojekt. Betydelsefulla komponenter för att uppnå ett effektivt projektgenomförande har även påträffats. Dessutom har studien visat att ett bygglogistikcenter, utformat som i Norra Djurgårdsstaden, inte är helt anpassat till ett anläggningsprojekt. Detta gör det svårt att dra slutsatser från resultatet kring hur upphandlingsstrategier bör formas för ett effektivt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter. Däremot ger studien förslag på hur entreprenadupphandlingen kan skapa drivkrafter för ett effektivt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter med hjälp av litteraturstudier. Avslutningsvis kan slutsatser dras om att samverkansentreprenader, och ett fokus på långsiktiga relationer, skapar drivkrafter till aktörer att utföra ett effektivt projektgenomförande.
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Lärande i projektbaserade organisationer : En kvalitativ studie om organisatoriskt lärande från stora komplexa projekt i projektbaserade organisationer / Learning in project-based organisations : A qualitative study on organisational learning from large complex projects in project-based organisationsLindberg, Matilda, Nilsson, Disa January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate and analyse organisational learning in project-based organisations (PBOs) that work with complex projects. The focus is to contribute to the knowledge about how PBOs can enhance the management of experiences derived from complex projects to promote organisational learning. This is investigated by studying how experience is captured and transferred within a project, across different projects, from project to the line organization and reintegrated into new projects. Additionally, the study examines challenges related to knowledge transfer and evaluates human and structural capital. To fulfil this, a case study is conducted on a consulting PBO that works with complex infrastructure projects. Qualitative interviews were conducted with individuals in various roles within the organisation. Furthermore, participant observations were conducted on meetings where project experience was discussed, both during ongoing projects and at project completion. The findings show that employees have a lot of knowledge and experience after working in complex projects. Experiences are collected and shared with other colleagues in various forums in complex projects. The findings suggest that PBOs can enhance their management of experiences from complex projects by the following strategies: (1) creating time for reflection to collect, discuss and evaluate experiences on an ongoing basis, (2) promoting knowledge exchange among colleagues to transfer tacit knowledge, (3) making documentation searchable and accessible beyond the project organization and (4) conducting regular and in-depth analysis to uncover patterns that can improve the structural capital. In future studies, it would be interesting to explore how artificial intelligence and machine learning could aid in conducting in-depth analysis of experiential data from complex projects. This to facilitate the identification of patterns and relationships within the data, providing valuable insight for enhancing organisational learning in PBOs.
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