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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes statistiques pour la différenciation génotypique des plantes à l’aide des modèles de croissance / Statistical methods for the genotypic differentiation of plants using growth models

Viaud, Gautier 22 January 2018 (has links)
Les modèles de croissance de plantes peuvent être utilisés afin de prédire des quantités d’intérêt ou évaluer la variabilité génotypique au sein d’une population de plantes ; ce double usage est mis en évidence au sein de ce travail. Trois modèles de plantes sont ainsi considérés (LNAS pour la betterave et le blé, GreenLab pour Arabidopsis thaliana) au sein du cadre mathématique des modèles à espace d’états généraux.Une nouvelle plate-forme de calcul générique pour la modélisation et l’inférence statistique (ADJUSTIN’) a été développée en Julia, permettant la simulation des modèles de croissance de plantes considérés ainsi que l’utilisation de techniques d’estimation de pointe telles que les méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaînes de Markov ou de Monte Carlo séquentielles.L’inférence statistique au sein des modèles de croissance de plantes étant de première importance pour des applications concrètes telles que la prédiction de rendement, les méthodes d’estimation de paramètres et d’états au sein de modèles à espaces d’états et dans un cadre bayésien furent tout d’abord étudiées, et plusieurs cas d’étude pour les plantes considérées sont analysés pour le cas d’une plante individuelle.La caractérisation de la variabilité au sein d’une population de plantes est envisagée à travers les distributions des paramètres de population au sein de modèles hiérarchiques bayésiens. Cette approche requérant l’acquisition de nombreuses données pour chaque individu, un algorithme de segmentation-suivi pour l’analyse d’images d’Arabidopsis thaliana, obtenues grâce au Phénoscope, une plate-forme de phénotypage à haut rendement de l’INRA Versailles, est proposé.Finalement, l’intérêt de l’utilisation des modèles hiérarchiques bayésiens pour la mise en évidence de la variabilité au sein d’une population de plantes est discutée. D’abord par l’étude de différents scénarios sur des données simulées, et enfin en utilisant les données expérimentales obtenues à partir de l’analyse d’images pour une population d’Arabidopsis thaliana comprenant 48 individus. / Plant growth models can be used in order to predict quantities of interest or assess the genotypic variability of a population of plants; this dual use is emphasized throughout this work.Three plant growth models are therefore considered (LNAS for sugar beet and wheat, GreenLab for Arabidopsis thaliana) within the mathematical framework of general state space models.A new generic computing platform for modelling and statistical inference (ADJUSTIN’) has been developed in Julia, allowing to simulate the plant growth models considered as well as the use of state-of-the-art estimation techniques such as Markov chain Monte Carlo and sequential Monte Carlo methods.Statistical inference within plant growth models is of primary importance for concrete applications such as yield prediction, parameter and state estimation methods within general state-space models in a Bayesian framework were first studied and several case studies for the plants considered are then investigated in the case of an individual plant.The characterization of the variability of a population of plants is envisioned through the distributions of parameters using Bayesian hierarchical models. This approach requiring the acquisition of numerous data for each individual, a segmentation-tracking algorithm for the analysis of images of Arabidopsis thaliana, obtained thanks to the Phenoscope, a high-throughput phenotyping platform of INRA Versailles, is proposed.Finally, the interest of using Bayesian hierarchical models to evidence the variability of a population of plants is discussed. First through the study of different scenarios on simulated data, and then by using the experimental data acquired via image analysis for the population of Arabidopsis thaliana comprising 48 individuals.


JOAQUIM MASSET LACOMBE DIAS GARCIA 25 January 2023 (has links)
[pt] A otimização de binível é uma ferramenta extremamente poderosa para modelar problemas realistas em várias áreas. Por outro lado, sabe-se que a otimização de dois níveis frequentemente leva a problemas complexos ou intratáveis. Nesta tese, apresentamos três trabalhos que expandem o estado da arte da otimização de dois níveis e sua interseção com sistemas de potência. Primeiro, apresentamos BilevelJuMP, um novo pacote de código aberto para otimização de dois níveis na linguagem Julia. O pacote é uma extensão da linguagem de modelagem de programação matemática JuMP, é muito geral, completo e apresenta funcionalidades únicas, como a modelagem de programas cônicos no nível inferior. O software permite aos usuários modelar diversos problemas de dois níveis e resolvê-los com técnicas avançadas. Como consequência, torna a otimização de dois níveis amplamente acessível a um público muito mais amplo. Nos dois trabalhos seguintes, desenvolvemos métodos especializados para lidar com modelos complexos e programas de dois níveis de grande escala decorrentes de aplicações de sistemas de potência. Em segundo lugar, usamos a programação de dois níveis como base para desenvolver o Aprendizado Dirigido pela Aplicação, uma nova estrutura de ciclo fechado na qual os processos de previsão e tomada de decisão são mesclados e co-otimizados. Descrevemos o modelo matematicamente como um programa de dois níveis, provamos resultados de convergência e descrevemos métodos de solução heurísticos e exatos para lidar com sistemas de grande escala. O método é aplicado para previsão de demanda e alocação de reservas na operação de sistemas de potência. Estudos de caso mostram resultados muito promissores com soluções de boa qualidade em sistemas realistas com milhares de barras. Em terceiro lugar, propomos um simulador para modelar mercados de energia hidrotérmica de longo prazo baseados em ofertas. Um problema de otimização estocástica multi-estágio é formulado para acomodar a dinâmica inerente aos sistemas hidrelétricos. No entanto, os subproblemas de cada etapa são programas de dois níveis para modelar agentes estratégicos. O simulador é escalável em termos de dados do sistema, agentes, cenários e estágios considerados. Concluímos o terceiro trabalho com simulações em grande porte com dados realistas do sistema elétrico brasileiro com 3 agentes formadores de preço, 1000 cenários e 60 estágios mensais. Esses três trabalhos mostram que, embora a otimização de dois níveis seja uma classe extremamente desafiadora de problemas NP-difíceis, é possível desenvolver algoritmos eficazes que levam a soluções de boa qualidade. / [en] Bilevel Optimization is an extremely powerful tool for modeling realistic problems in multiple areas. On the other hand, Bilevel Optimization is known to frequently lead to complex or intractable problems. In this thesis, we present three works expanding the state of the art of bilevel optimization and its intersection with power systems. First, we present BilevelJuMP, a novel open-source package for bilevel optimization in the Julia language. The package is an extension of the JuMP mathematical programming modeling language, is very general, feature-complete, and presents unique functionality, such as the modeling of lower-level cone programs. The software enables users to model a variety of bilevel problems and solve them with advanced techniques. As a consequence, it makes bilevel optimization widely accessible to a much broader public. In the following two works, we develop specialized methods to handle much model complex and very large-scale bilevel programs arising from power systems applications. Second, we use bilevel programming as the foundation to develop Application-Driven Learning, a new closed-loop framework in which the processes of forecasting and decision-making are merged and co-optimized. We describe the model mathematically as a bilevel program, prove convergence results and describe exact and tailor-made heuristic solution methods to handle very large-scale systems. The method is applied to demand forecast and reserve allocation in power systems operation. Case studies show very promising results with good quality solutions on realistic systems with thousands of buses. Third, we propose a simulator to model long-term bid-based hydro-thermal power markets. A multi-stage stochastic program is formulated to accommodate the dynamics inherent to hydropower systems. However, the subproblems of each stage are bilevel programs in order to model strategic agents. The simulator is scalable in terms of system data, agents, scenarios, and stages being considered. We conclude the third work with large-scale simulations with realistic data from the Brazilian power system with 3 price maker agents, 1000 scenarios, and 60 monthly stages. These three works show that although bilevel optimization is an extremely challenging class of NP-hard problems, it is possible to develop effective algorithms that lead to good-quality solutions.

Den kluvna identitetens språk : En tematisk och stilistisk komparation med postkolonialt och psykoanalytiskt perspektiv av Johannes Anyurus En storm kom från paradiset och Sami Saids Väldigt sällan fin / The Language of Divided Identity : A Thematic and Stylistic Comparison with a Postcolonial and Psychoanalytic Perspective of Johannes Anyuru's En storm kom från paradiset and Sami Said's Väldigt sällan fin

Ståhlberg, Gunilla January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker och jämför den tematiska och språkliga gestaltningen av den instabila identiteten i Johannes Anyurus roman En storm kom från paradiset och Sami Saids roman Väldigt sällan fin. De frågeställningar som behandlas är: Hur gestaltas den postkoloniala identitetens problematik i de båda romanerna? Hur tematiseras den instabila identiteten? Hur kan språket synliggöra en instabil identitet? För att undersöka den tematiska gestaltningen av det instabila subjektet utgår analysen från postkoloniala teorier vars grund finns i den poststrukturalistiska synen på verkligheten som en konstruktion styrd av makt och språk. Flera postkoloniala teoretiker utgår också från psykoanalytikern Jacques Lacans spegelteori i analysen av hur identiteten skapas i ett postkolonialt sammanhang. I diskussionen av det instabila subjektets språkliga gestaltning utgår uppsatsen från psykoanalytikern och litteraturvetaren Julia Kristevas teori om utanförskap som det poetiska språkets grund samt dess uttryck i vår tids skönlitteratur.

On non-archimedean dynamical systems

Joyner, Sheldon T 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A discrete dynamical system is a pair (X, cf;) comprising a non-empty set X and a map cf; : X ---+ X. A study is made of the effect of repeated application of cf; on X, whereby points and subsets of X are classified according to their behaviour under iteration. These subsets include the JULIA and FATOU sets of the map and the sets of periodic and preperiodic points, and many interesting questions arise in the study of their properties. Such questions have been extensively studied in the case of complex dynamics, but much recent work has focussed on non-archimedean dynamical systems, when X is projective space over some field equipped with a non-archimedean metric. This work has uncovered many parallels to complex dynamics alongside more striking differences. In this thesis, various aspects of the theory of non-archimedean dynamics are presented, with particular reference to JULIA and FATOU sets and the relationship between good reduction of a map and the empty JULIA set. We also discuss questions of the finiteness of the sets of periodic points in special contexts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Paar (X, <jJ) bestaande uit 'n nie-leë versameling X tesame met 'n afbeelding <jJ: X -+ X vorm 'n diskrete dinamiese sisteem. In die bestudering van so 'n sisteem lê die klem op die uitwerking op elemente van X van herhaalde toepassing van <jJ op die versameling. Elemente en subversamelings van X word geklasifiseer volgens dinamiese kriteria en op hierdie wyse ontstaan die JULIA en FATOU versamelings van die afbeelding en die versamelings van periodiese en preperiodiese punte. Interessante vrae oor die eienskappe van hierdie versamelings kom na vore. In die geval van komplekse dinamika is sulke vrae reeds deeglik bestudeer, maar onlangse werk is op nie-archimediese dinamiese sisteme gedoen, waar X 'n projektiewe ruimte is oor 'n liggaam wat met 'n nie-archimediese norm toegerus is. Hierdie werk het baie ooreenkomste maar ook treffende verskille met die komplekse dinamika uitgewys. In hierdie tesis word daar ondersoek oor verskeie aspekte van die teorie van nie-archimediese dinamika ingestel, in besonder met betrekking tot die JULIA en FATOU versamelings en die verband tussen goeie reduksie van 'n afbeelding en die leë JULIA versameling. Vrae oor die eindigheid van versamelings van periodiese punte in spesiale kontekste word ook aangebied.

Witchcraft plays 1587-1635 : a psychoanalytical approach

Woods, Katherine January 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprises detailed readings of nine early-modern plays featuring female witches in an attempt to recover an understanding of how they were represented on the early-modern stage and what they meant to their first audiences. Drawing on twentieth-century theories of subjectivity, it offers an avenue for the explanation of moments of misogyny in the plays and identifies an unconscious communal anxiety which was revealed and perpetuated by the stage representation of the witch. Although we cannot fully recapture the experience of an audience of 400 years ago, this study attempts to do so in order to place the plays in the context of anxieties detectable in the period. By reading the plays in reference to theatrical conditions, this thesis identifies moments when the drama enlisted the subjectivity of the audience and the witch was constructed as uncanny. Such an approach contributes to the debate on the ages of actors performing certain female characters and suggests potential staging approaches for future performances.

Allt som kommer emellan mig och skrivandet dödar jag : Melankoli i språket i Mare Kandres Bubins unge

Tolis, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to investigate the melancholic, poetic language in Bübins unge (Bübin´s brat) by Mare Kandre (1962 – 2005). In my opinion the novel, which is about a teenage ritual, also gives an imaginary arena for archaic and unmentionable experiences of the libido. It is therefore a witness to the truth of the subjects complex mind. To my assistance I have Julia Kristeva´s theory on the abjection, the successful melancholia and her concepts of the outsider and the catharsis. The method I use in my investigation is an interpretation, which is both an analytic and a hermeneutic process, i.e. a deconstructive, analytic operation based on a theory on the language and the subject and a construing, hermeneutic movement. In my pursuit I investigate structures, which make the intermittent fragmented language readable and coherent. From this point of view I study words and effects (sensations) that relate to the contrast semiotic-symbolic in Bübins unge, and disentangle energy of the affect.</p><p>Mare Kandre, Bübins unge (1987). Julia Kristeva, Pouvoirs de l´horreur (1980) and Soleil noir (1987).</p>

Readerly dialogues : reception, intertextuality, and the 'other' in contemporary French women's writing

Daroczi, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the reading of fiction written by contemporary French women authors, namely Julia Kristeva, Marie Darrieussecq and Monique Wittig, establishing the reader as an active and engaged actor in meaning creation. The reader enters into dialogue with the text, the author, the narrator(s) and the characters, carving out an imaginative readerly space in fiction. The main aim of this thesis is to examine how this space comes into being, and what tools are needed for its exploration. Concepts from three main theoretical fields are used to set the parameters for this readerly space: reception studies, intertextuality, and theories of the other. As was observed by Elizabeth Fallaize, reception studies and women’s writing have not been meaningfully combined. This thesis responds to this gap in research, simultaneously expanding our interpretations of the texts by looking at the multitude of intertextual links that can be established, and at the way reading influences our relations to the other. The Introduction examines the above-mentioned three theoretical areas, alongside elements such as the tasks of the reader, the materiality of the book, and the impact of reading groups. Chapter One examines two of Kristeva’s most recent works of fiction — Meurtre à Byzance and Thérèse mon amour — studying the mise en abyme of reading and writing, the issues that can arise from extensive intertextual links and autobiographical projections, and introducing concepts such as the reading Carmel and the text as Trojan Horse. Chapter Two explores the Darrieussecq-ien aesthetic universe, starting with a consideration of the four different types of intertextuality identified in Darrieussecq’s fiction. Darrieussecq’s work with language is analysed, before introducing the concept of the fiction of honesty. The fiction of honesty allows us to explore the relationship of trust between the reader and the narrator, while an analysis of the inscriptions of time offers a better understanding of the chronologies of the reading process. Chapter Three investigates Wittig’s works, focusing on her linguistic innovations, rewriting of myths and foundational stories, extensive use of sensorial writing, and links established between fiction and socio-political activism. Chapter Four considers the media reception of the three authors, introducing resources that are not easily accessible to Anglophone audiences. The Conclusion offers an overview of the findings of this thesis, before opening onto further avenues for research.

Máquinas de somar estocásticas e conjuntos de Julia /

Caprio, Danilo Antonio. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Ali Messaoudi / Banca: Eduardo Garibaldi / Banca: Sylvain Philippe Pierre Bonnot / Banca: Paulo Ricardo da Silva / Banca: Márcio Ricardo Alves Gouveia / Resumo: Neste trabalho, definimos a máquina de somar estocástica relacionada à base de Fibonacci e a uma sequência de probabilidades (Pi) i>1. Obtemos uma cadeia de Markov cujo estados são o conjunto dos inteiros não-negativos. Estudamos propriedades probabilísticas dessa cadeia, como transiência e recorrência. Mostramos também que o espectro associado a essa cadeia de Markov está relacionado ao conjunto de Julia fibrado de uma classe de endomorfismos em C 2. Além disso, estudamos propriedades dinâmicas e topológicas de uma classe de endomorfismos de C 2 (ou R 2). Precisamente, as aplicações consideradas são fn(x, y) = ( x y+ cn, x), onde cn E2 C (ou cn E R), para todo n>0 / Abstract: In this work we define a stochastic adding machine associated to the Fibonacci baseand to a probabilities sequence (Pi) i>1. We obtain a Markov chain whose states are the set of nonnegative integers. We study probabilistic properties of this chain, such as transience and recurrence. We also prove that the spectrum associated to this Markov chain is connected to the filled Julia sets for a class of endomorphisms in C 2. Furthermore, we study topological and dynamical properties of a class of endomorphisms of C 2 (or R 2). Precisely, the considered maps are fn(x, y) = (x y + cn, x), where cn 2 C (or cn E R), for all n>0 / Doutor

Poetic language and subalternity in Yvonne Vera's butterfly burning and the stone virgins.

Kostelac, Sofia Lucy 28 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9803321X - MA Dissertation - School of Literature and Language Studies - Faculty of Humanities / The primary aim of this dissertation is to trace the ways in which Yvonne Vera’s final two novels, Butterfly Burning and The Stone Virgins, provide a discursive space for the enunciation of subaltern histories, which have been silenced in dominant socio-political discourse. I argue that it is through the deployment of ‘poetic language’ that Vera’s prose is able to negotiate the voicing of these suppressed narratives. In exploring these questions, I endeavour to locate Vera’s texts within the theoretical debates in postcolonial scholarship which question the ethical limitations of representing oppressed subjects in the Third World, as articulated by Gayatri Spivak, in particular. Following Spivak’s claim that subalternity is effaced in hegemonic discourse, I focus on the ways in which Vera’s inventive prose works to bring the figure of the subaltern back into signification. In order to elucidate how this dynamic operates in both novels, I employ Julia Kristeva’s psycholinguistic theory of ‘poetic language’. I argue that Kristeva’s understanding of literary practice as a transgressive modality, which is able to unsettle the silencing mechanisms of dominant monologic discourse, critically illuminates the subversive value of Vera’s fictional style for marginalised subaltern narratives.

Post May '68 French theatre by women: the play of language and emotion

Collins, Heidi 01 August 2019 (has links)
In the period following the May 1968 protests, French women began to create theatre that highlighted women’s struggles. This study explores the dual influence of Antonin Artaud and Bertolt Brecht on plays by Hélène Cixous, Simone Benmussa, and the Théâtre du Soleil led by Ariane Mnouchkine. Artaud argued that theatre should become a transformative experience through an explosion of sensory stimuli: music, light, noise, and imagery. Conversely, Brecht wanted to use theatre to revolutionize society and theorized that by maintaining historical and emotional distance between the audience and the play, spectators would be encouraged to think critically about the its significance and be compelled to action. The female playwrights and directors studied created powerful theatre by combining these ideas in a manner mimicking Julia Kristeva’s notion of subject formation. Kristeva proposes that the human subject is never stable. Instead, it oscillates between the non-discursive, emotion-filled state she labels the semiotic and the more language- and logic-propelled symbolic register. These two realms are in constant tension as the semiotic disrupts the logic of the symbolic and in turn, the symbolic strives to regulate the semiotic impulses. In this study, I argue that the ideas of Artaud are aligned with the semiotic while those of Brecht resemble the symbolic. In the plays examined, the non-linguistic elements of the design and mise-en-scène engage with the didactic aims of the playwrights and directors, causing the spectator to connect emotionally with the story while simultaneously reflecting on its real-world signification.

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