Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] LEGALITY"" "subject:"[enn] LEGALITY""
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The validity of bite mark evidence for legal purposesXu, Yuan Chang January 2021 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / Bite mark evidence has been admitted into US courts since the 1870s. It quickly gained popularity after the conviction of W.E. Marx in 1974 for manslaughter using primarily bite mark evidence. However, since the development of DNA typing and testing in forensic science, the emergence of wrongful convictions has placed the validity of bite mark evidence admissibility into severe dispute. This mini-thesis is a condensation of the past ten years’ worth of literature on the latest researches regarding bite mark evidence. The theory of the uniqueness of the human dentition is analysed. The accurate reproducibility of bite mark on skin with regard to distortion is discussed. Some bite mark court cases, including wrongful convictions are explored. Inconsistent expert opinions and the lack of standards amongst practitioners are also examined. The aim of this study is to summarize the validity of bite mark evidence in the courts of law.
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REKRYTERING AV KOMMUNDIREKTÖRER : En empirisk studie av offentliga värden i platsannonserJonsson, Lisa, Oscarsson, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
The essay aims to empirically examine which public administration values that are used when recruiting municipal directors, with a focus on whether job advertisements contain a comprehensive picture of this important public mission, which can contribute to suitable people applying for this type of position. The purpose is limited to the following questions, which we intend to construct a theoretical framework around in order to be able to answer at a later stage: • Which public values are prominent in job advertisements for the recruitment of municipal directors and which values appear to a limited extent or not at all? • How are public values formulated in job advertisements for municipal directors in the form of word choice and reasoning? • What does the process look like in the creation of job advertisements for municipal directors? Recruiting well in terms of presenting from the beginning a comprehensive picture of the values and tasks of the position is important; especially in public administrations as employment affects the social-, political-, and economic parts of society. The issue of recruitment becomes interesting, as we can study to what extent democratic and economic values that managers need to relate to emerge already in the initial phase of recruitment. The municipal director becomes particularly relevant because he/she works in an organization that manages several welfare services within a broad spectrum with a large turnover. Through an empirical analysis of a quantitative and qualitative nature of job advertisements and e-mail interviews, we can conclude that it is economic values that primarily appear in the job advertisements. The descriptive study has managed to produce data which indicates that there is a local variation of values, that the complexity of the role does not emerge, it focuses to a large extent on economic values. This data may be useful for future studies that may conceivably investigate potential institutional change in public management or if party affiliation affects the content of the advertisement.
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Restrictive Measures to the Ends of Western Endeavours : An Assessment of the Legitimacy of EU Sanctions on Zimbabwe through an Analysis of their Political Objectives and Compliance with International LawMarumure, Skangele January 2023 (has links)
This paper analyses the EU’s sanctions on Zimbabwe against their political objectives and compliance with international law. In doing so it operationalises the concepts of legitimacy, legality, sovereignty, and statehood under the framework of Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL). From this purview, this paper concludes that the EU’s sanctions are illegitimate and violate several principles of international law including that of non-intervention and sovereign equality. Furthermore, this paper finds that the far-reaching impacts of the sanctions have had negative ramifications for civil society and inadvertently violate the human rights of the Zimbabwean people–which are protected under international law through the Unilateral Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) as well as those within the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Although modestly successful in partially achieving some of their objectives, the sanctions impose a higher cost in contrast to any long or short-term benefits.
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Legality and The EULeonov, Max 10 1900 (has links)
<p>For "Subject Categories" I entered "European Law". I think that it is the best description, unless there is a category "Legal Philosophy".</p> / <p>In this work I address a number of important theoretical questions that the institutional order of the European Union (EU) poses for legal theory. I examine Raz’s approach to theorizing legality and several elements of his theory of law, arguing that the institutional structures of the EU resist the Razian theoretical framework. I also explore the inter-institutional theory of law developed by Culver and Giudice, arguing that its conceptual framework needs further development but that the conception of the ordinary law subject it employs is more robust than Raz’s. A significant portion of my work relies on the framework of <em>the indirectly evaluative approach</em> for evaluation of these theories, which was developed by Julie Dickson.</p> / Master of Philosophy (MA)
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Étude historique des règles limitant le recours à la force en droit internationalBrunhoff, Jean-Éloi de 08 1900 (has links)
Les règles actuelles limitant le recours à la force dans les relations internationales ont, pour la plupart, des origines historiques anciennes. Elles ont été façonnées par l'héritage que nous ont laissé de nombreux auteurs et de nombreuses doctrines comme la doctrine médiévale de la guerre juste.
Depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'aux développements les plus récents du droit international, en passant par le Moyen Age et les temps modernes, cette étude s'attache a mettre en lumière les sources des règles contemporaines pour aider le lecteur à mieux comprendre, aujourd'hui, le droit international relatif au recours à la force et aussi, à être mieux équipé pour juger du caractère juste ou injuste d'une guerre.
Les notions de légalité et de légitimité de la guerre ont été choisies pour passer en revue les règles en vigueur les plus révélatrices. / Current rules restricting military recourse in international relationship have, mostly, old historical origins. They have been shaped by the inheritance of a lot of authors and theories, as for example, the medieval doctrine of the just war.
From Antiquity to the most recent developments of international law, through Middle Ages and
Modern times, this study focuses on the historical sources of contemporary rules to help today's reader to understand international war law, and to help him to appreciate the justice of a war.
Notions of legality and legitimacy have been chosen to highlight the most revealing rules in force.
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Syntetiska cannabinoider : en kvantitativ enkätstudie om användningen i SverigeUlwar, Sara, Samuelsson, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utröna varför personer väljer att använda syntetiska cannabinoider. Vidare ämnade studien undersöka om personer som använder syntetiska cannabinoider också använder andra droger. Samtidigt har studien målet att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning drogens laglighet inverkar vid valet att använda drogen. Studien är kvantitativ. Undersökningen utfördes genom en webbenkät som besvarades av totalt 356 respondenter. Av dessa hade 171 personer använt syntetiska cannabinoider. I resultatet framkom att anledningarna till att använda drogen är flera, men de främsta visade sig vara laglighet, nyfikenhet, tillgänglighet, ruset samt att det ej visar sig vid urinprov. Personer som använder syntetiska cannabinoider har en tendens att också använda flera andra droger. Drogens laglighet visade sig ha en relativt stor inverkan på valet att använda den. Det visade sig också att män i större utsträckning använder syntetiska cannabinoider i jämförelse med kvinnor. / The purpose of this study is to examine why people choose to use synthetic cannabinoids. Furthermore, the study intended to investigate whether people who use synthetic cannabinoids also using other drugs. Meanwhile the study has the objective to find out to what extent the drug affects the legality of the choice to use the drug. The study is quantitative. The survey was conducted through an online survey and was answered by a total of 356 respondents. Of these, 171 people used synthetic cannabinoids. The result showed that the reason for using the drug are several, but the main proved were legality, curiosity, availability, intoxication and that it is not revealed by urine testing. People using synthetic cannabinoids have a tendency to also use several other drugs. The legacy of the drug was found to have a relatively large impact on the decision to use it. It was also found that men in greater occurrence use synthetic cannabinoids compared to women.
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Le principe de légalité de l'impôt et son application en Chine / Legality of taxation and its application in ChinaCheng, Li 30 October 2013 (has links)
Le principe de légalité de l’impôt, en tant que traduction au plan juridique du principe de consentement de l’impôt et principe fondamental du droit fiscal, est universellement reconnu par des pays démocratiques. Ce principe consistant à limiter le pouvoir de l’exécutif en matière fiscale et protéger des droits fondamentaux du contribuable en tant que citoyen, joue un rôle crucial pour l’établissement de la hiérarchie des normes dans un Etat de droit. Pourtant, ce principe n’est reconnu que de manière partielle et imprécise dans le droit chinois. Nous avons conviction que l’application effective de ce principe permettra non seulement d’améliorer l’efficacité de la gestion des impôts, mais aussi de diminuer les tensions et d’améliorer les relations entre l’administration fiscale et le contribuable. L’application de ce principe doit se réaliser autour de deux axes : l’un consiste en l’établissement des normes fiscales essentielles par la loi afin de délimiter le pouvoir réglementaire en matière fiscale, et l’autre en la mise en œuvre effective de ces normes dans les procédures fiscales afin de protéger les droits du contribuable. Pour le premier, l’abrogation de ces habilitations nous paraît fort souhaitable et indispensable pour régler le problème de l’incompétence négative du législateur chinois et celui du déclassement des normes fiscales dans le pays. Pour ce dernier, il est nécessaire de révéler les illégalités et les irrégularités commises dans l’exécution de la loi fiscale qui menacent sérieusement l’application effective du principe de légalité de l’impôt en Chine, que ce soit dans les procédures d’imposition ou dans les procédures contentieuses. / The principle of legality of the tax, being a translation of the taxation consent in a legal background, is universally recognized by democratic countries. This principle, consisting to limit the taxation power of the government and to protect the fundamental rights of citizen, plays a crucial role to establish a hierarchy of legal rules. However, this principle is recognized only partially and vaguely in China. We have conviction that the effective application of this principle will not only improve the efficiency of the management of the taxes, but also calm down the tensions and to improve the relationship between the administration and tax payers.The application of this principle must be carried out around two axes: one consists in the establishment of taxation rules principally by law in order to limit the power of regulation of government, the other in effective application of the legal rules in taxation, in order to protect the tax payer’s rights. For the first one, abrogation of delegations of legislative power appears desirable and necessary to settle the problem of negligence of legislator’s competence, as well as the depreciation of the tax norms in China. And as for the second one, it is necessary to notice the illegality and irregularities in the execution of the legal rules, which is an obstacle to apply this principle either in the taxation in the proceedings.
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Zásada zákonnosti daně / Principle of the legality of taxationŠmejkal, Viktor January 2012 (has links)
The tax might be identifiable with a tax-law relationship or make it subject to such a relationship, i.e. it could be definable as a public obligation of a participant in the legal relationship, or might be able to both approaches. The starting point is the economic definition of taxe and precisely the functional definition used in economic theory and financial science, neatly summarized commonly available knowledge about the principles of tax, operand the analysis of the economic construction of the tax in terms of legal doctrine, by the structural elements of the tax, since the legal definition of tax lies on them. Contrary to what is commonly recognized, tax procedural rules in Czech Republic contain a general legal definition of tax. Refuted can be the view that this definition is merely a legislative abbreviation. After a relatively long exploration of the concept tax, forced by an insufficiency of theoretical knowledge on this subject, tax jurisdiction of the state is examined as the ability to impose taxes and at a same time the general requirement of legality on all levels of exercising that power of every sovereign state. KEY WORDS Tax - Legality - Tax principles - State - Tax sovereignty - Protection of property
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L'évolution de la notion de violence à l'aune du droit pénal / The evolution of concept of violence in terms of criminal lawGrécourt, Gilles 28 November 2012 (has links)
À rebours de l'enseignement des historiens, selon lequel les sociétés se pacifient à mesure que leurs mœurs s'affinent, notre société contemporaine semble en proie à une violence omniprésente. Pour autant, ni le scientifique ni le profane n'est véritablement dans l'erreur, car la notion de violence revêt une dimension subjective qui la rend susceptible de variations considérables selon les époques et les communautés. Cette subjectivité dont est empreinte la notion, le droit pénal, ne s'en accommode que difficilement. Fidèle aux principes qui le fondent, et le préservent de l'arbitraire, le droit pénal se doit de définir avec clarté et précision les comportements qu'il entend réprimer. Or, pas plus que la jurisprudence, le législateur n'a pris soin de définir la notion de violence. Pourtant, celle-ci irradie le Code pénal et connaît de surcroît un emploi inflationniste au sein de l'hémicycle, comme en témoigne la répression des violences routières, conjugales, urbaines, scolaires, sportives… S'il est de son office d'encadrer les évolutions de la société, le droit pénal ne doit cependant pas en accompagner les dérives avec bienveillance. Ne serait-ce parce qu'en matière de violence, il souffrirait immanquablement de se voir reprocher celle qui, originellement, est la sienne / Contrary to historian's learning, according to societies pacify themselves as their manners are refined, contemporary society seems plagued by widespread violence. However, neither the scientist nor layman is really wrong, because the concept of violence has a subjective dimension that makes it susceptible to considerable variations across periods and communities.This subjectivity imbuing the concept, criminal law can't admit it easily. Faithful to the underlying principles, and preserve itself of the arbitrary, criminal law should define clearly and precisely the behavior it intends to punish. However, no more than the jurisprudence, the legislature took care to define the concept of violence. Even so, it radiates the Penal Code and has furthermore inflationary employment within the Parliament, as evidenced by the punishment of violence roads, domestic, urban, school, sports... If it's his office to oversee the evolution of society, the criminal law should not, however, support the drifts with kindness. If only because in terms of violence, suffering inevitably be accused of that which, originally, was hers
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Recuperação judicial de empresas: atuação do juiz / Judicial Corporate Reorganization: Judge\'s RoleVaz, Janaina Campos Mesquita 14 March 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objeto a análise da atuação judicial no âmbito dos processos de recuperação judicial de empresas, regulados pela Lei nº 11.101 de 9 de fevereiro de 2002 (\"LRE\"). No primeiro capítulo, são introduzidas as limitações do trabalho e as principais questões a serem respondidas ao longo do texto. No segundo capítulo, são expostos os panoramas histórico e jurídico da LRE, para que se extraiam os verdadeiros objetivos tutelados pela lei e o diálogo destes objetivos com a atuação do Poder Judiciário. No terceiro capítulo, são propostos três níveis de intervenção judicial no bojo do processo de recuperação, sendo eles: (a) o controle de legalidade estrita, por meio do qual o juiz verificará a observância aos requisitos e vedações impostos pela LRE ao conteúdo do plano de recuperação e à sua votação; (b) o controle de legalidade material ou controle de juridicidade, por meio do qual o juiz avaliará se o conteúdo do plano e sua votação atendem aos princípios gerais orientadores do ordenamento brasileiro; e (c) o juízo de viabilidade, por meio do qual o juiz, usando de critérios objetivos sugeridos pela doutrina, avaliaria o mérito do plano de recuperação judicial para averiguar se, além de atenderem aos critérios de legalidade, as disposições do plano de recuperação atingem os objetivos traçados pela LRE, no sentido de tutela da empresa viável e tutela institucional do crédito. No quarto capítulo, são retomadas as conclusões alcançadas ao final de cada um dos subcapítulos. / This study aims at the analysis of the role played by judges in connection to the proceedings of judicial corporate reorganization established under Federal Law No. 11.101, dated February 9, 2002 (\"LRE\"). In the first chapter, the limitations to this study and the main questions to be answered herein are introduced. In the second chapter, the legal and historical backgrounds of LRE are presented. In the third chapter, we propose three (3) different levels of judicial intervention related to the judicial corporate reorganization procedure: (a) the control of strict legality, by means of which the judge will monitor whether the reorganization plan and the deliberation organized for the plan to be voted are in compliance with the requirements and prohibitions imposed by LRE; (b) the control of substantive legality, through which the judge will assess whether the plan\'s content and its voting meet the general principles that govern Brazilian legal system; and (c) a feasibility judgment, by means of which the judge, using some objective criteria suggested by doctrine, evaluates the merits of the judicial reorganization plan to determine whether, the recovery plan provisions reach the goals set by LRE, in the sense of protection of viable companies and institucional credit.
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