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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construction Logistics Solutions in Urban Areas

Janné, Mats January 2018 (has links)
More and more people are living in, or moving to, urban areas than ever before. This attraction to urban areas means that new houses and work places are needed. Building new houses or renovating older housing stock is a natural way for a city to evolve. However, the end products of construction projects are produced at their place of consumption. This means that a multitude of materials and resources need to be delivered to, and removed from, each construction site. This leads to new transport flows being created in urban areas. In urban areas, these transports are subjected to space limitations, environmental demands, accessibility demands and noise restrictions. This has led to a situation where material deliveries to construction sites needs to be coordinated and managed in ways that reduce their impact on the urban transport system and at the same time ensuring efficient construction projects. In essence, construction in urban areas faces two problems; the urban transport problem and the problem of coordinating multiple construction stakeholders. One way to address these problems is through the use of construction logistics solutions such as terminals (e.g. construction logistics centres) and checkpoints. The aim of both types of solutions is to control and coordinate construction transports. In the construction industry, these solutions are however, still a rather new phenomenon. This means that how these solutions are perceived by different stakeholders, and the effect the solutions have on material flows and costs, needs to be explored further. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how construction logistics solutions can be used as a means to coordinate material flows to ensure efficient construction and reduce disturbances on the urban transport system. To achieve this purpose, the following research questions have been addressed: RQ1:   How are different stakeholders in the construction industry affected by construction logistics solutions? RQ2:   How will the use of construction logistics solutions affect material flows and costs in urban construction projects? To answer the research questions two main methodologies have been used; case study research for the empirical studies and literature reviews for the analysis of the case studies as well as for understanding how supply chain management, logistics, and third-party logistics affects the inter-organizational relationships of the construction industry. The main findings of the research are firstly that construction logistics solutions do have a role to play in the coordination of different construction stakeholders. Adding this new node will force construction stakeholders to address coordination issues in order to ensure that material deliveries arrive to construction sites on time. This also implies that new inter-organizational relationships will evolve, where communication is key. However, this may not be an easy task as it will call for an attitude adjustment towards a more open and collaborative environment. Secondly, adding a construction logistics solution can reduce some unnecessary friction between construction stakeholders and third parties. Coordinated material flows can lead to a reduction in the amount of material delivery vehicles that travels to site, thus alleviating some of the congestion in the urban transport system. This will not reduce all friction between construction projects and third parties, but it is a step in the right direction. Thirdly, a construction logistics solution must come with a set of regulations and a governance strategy from the initiator of the solution. This governance strategy must be clearly stated and communicated to the affected stakeholders. To alleviate animosity towards the solution, flexibility and stakeholder involvement is key. If the directly affected stakeholders are consulted on the function, chances are that they will be more accepting of the solution.

Optimering med tredjepartslogistik : Ekonomisk och tidseffektivisering av bygglogistik / Optimization with third party logistics : Economic and time efficiency of building logistics

Molinari, Mikael, Silinski, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
I dagens byggproduktion i Sverige tillkommer nya bostäder alltför långsamt samtidigt som fler äldre bostäder och bostadsområden är i behov av upprustning. Detta ställer generellt höga krav på byggbranschen och följden blir också förhöjda krav på bygglogistiken.Många av Sveriges län har ökat tempot på byggandet för att klara av de mål som ställs på byggbranschen, framförallt i Stockholms län. I ett tätbebyggt område som Stockholm, där det idag byggs i högt tempo blir logistiken försvårad. I denna geografiska komplexitet finns emellertid lösningar på bygglogistiken, det handlar om tredjepartslogistik.En entreprenör från tredje part appliceras i projektet och sköter delar av eller hela bygglogistiken. De koordinerar, planerar leveranser samt optimerar materialflödet till byggarbetsplatsen med en mängd olika tjänster. Från början av 2000-talet har modern logistik avancerat allt mer, med exempelvis tredjepartslogistik. Den moderna logistiken är numera en konkurrenskraftig strategi mellan olika företag i branschen.Sundbybergs kommun är en del av Stockholms län som växer snabbast, samtidigt som detta är ett av Stockholms mest tättbefolkade områden. Här finns nästan alla typer av byggnationer, med allt ifrån kontor, bostäder, kommunikationer, butiker och övrig service till torg och grönområde. Projektet Orgeln 7 vilket rapporten utgår ifrån ligger i Sundbybergs centrum.Med en ökad bebyggelse i en tätort som Sundbyberg kommer det att krävas en ökad kunskap för tredjepartslogistik. Detta för att över huvud taget klara av ett bygge på en komplex arbetsplats. Men med rätt förutsättningar på en byggarbetsplats kommer också tredjepartslogistik att effektivisera bygglogistiken. Med denna effektivisering kan både tid och ekonomi sparas, vilket bidrar till en lönsammare produktion i slutändan. Effektiviseringen bidrar inte bara till en eventuell förbättring av tid och ekonomi. Tredjepartslogistik bidrar också till eventuell förbättring av både arbetsmiljö och en förminskad risk för att material förstörs på byggarbetsplatsen.Syftet med denna rapport är att genom intervjuer, fältobservationer, litteraturstudier och tidtagningar fördjupa sig i hur tredjepartslogistik påverkar ekonomin för ett byggprojekt samt hur produktion påverkas tidsmässigt.En del av slutsatsen i rapporten påpekar att finns inte kunskap inom tredjepartslogistik blir den svår att applicera på en byggarbetsplats. Om tredjepartslogistik blir för avancerad för snabbt, samt om människor som ska jobba med detta saknar kunskapen, blir det obalans. Obalansen kan leda till att tredjepartslogistik riskerar att bli nedprioriterad. / The construction industry in Sweden today is producing new housing far too slow. At the same time older housing and housing areas are in need of renovating. In general this puts high requirements on the building industry and the requirements become elevated on the construction logistics.A lot of regions in Sweden have increased the building speeds in order to finish the goals set in the construction business, especially in the Stockholm region. In a urban area such as Stockholm where there is a high building pace, the logistics is obstructed. In this geographical complexity there are solutions to the building logistics, and the solution is third party logistics.A third party contractor is applied in the project and manages either parts or the whole of the logistics. They coordinates, plan deliveries and optimize the material-flow to the construction site with a number of different services. From the beginning of the year 2000 modern logistics has become more advanced with third party logistics. This modern logistic is nowadays a competitive strategy between different companies in the construction business.Sundbyberg county is one of the densest populated and fastest growing parts of the Stockholm region. In this area almost all type of constructions exists ranging from offices, housing, public transportations, stores, and general services for the community. Project Orgeln 7, where the project originates from, is located in central Sundbyberg.With higher construction in a densed populated area such as Sundbyberg a higher knowledge of third party logistics is required. This is necessary in order to manage construction in a complex working environment. With the right conditions on the construction site third party logistics will make the building logistics more efficient. This will finally lead to both time and money saved which will contribute to a more profitable production. Third party logistics also contributes to a possible improvement of working environment and a decreased chance of material going to waste at the construction site.The purpose with this report is that through interviews, field observations, literary studies and time studies on site, students get a deeper understanding of how third-party logistics affects the economy of a construction project and how production is affected temporally.Part of the conclusion in this report points out that if the knowledge of third party logistics within a construction site is lacking, this will be difficult to apply. If third party logistics gets to advance to fast, and if people who will be working with this, lacks the knowledge there will be imbalance. This imbalance could lead to third party logistics getting less prioritized.

Cost-Based Decision Making Model for Regional In-House Versus Outsourcing Logistics

Lee, Henrik Darren 01 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis proposes a model for selecting between insourcing logistics for local distribution and outsourcing these functions to a third-party logistics (3PL) company. Supply chain optimization, as well as global supply chain management, are topics that are now well-covered; local distribution, despite its integral function in an organization, is much less researched. Models exist for network design and optimization, but the practical application of these network models may call for decisions and considerations that are not covered in these optimization models. A breakeven analysis selection model between using in-house logistic system and 3PL is derived, considering various regional parameters. The model is subsequently tested with sample parameters. Using this system as a basis, the thesis then moves on to analyze the potential of employing in-house logistics where, based on client density, outsourcing to 3PL is initially thought to be more cost-efficient. The proposed model can be used for the evaluation and selection of logistics systems. In addition, the model can be used for decision making regarding inventory decentralization.

Modulariserad bygglogistik inom husbyggnad

Hylén, Mårten January 2022 (has links)
En byggarbetsplats är en tillfällig fabrik där en ny värdekedja måste upprättas för varje projekt. För att öka produktiviteten i byggbranschen behöver en bättre bygglogistik implementeras där allt material blir levererat i rätt tid, till rätt plats, i rätt mängd. Den tillfälliga karaktären av ett husbyggnadsprojekt tillsammans med en stor tillfällig organisation med många involverade aktörer gör att ett husbyggnadsprojekt kan betraktas som komplext. Komplexiteten kan även öka för projekt som har små arbetsplatsområden i innerstadsområden. Byggföretagens inköp av varor och tjänster står för 75% av omsättningen vilket gör att det är en stor del av byggföretags verksamhet som beror på bygglogistik. Inköpen görs hos ett stort antal aktörer av en tillfällig karaktär vilket skapar problem kring kommunikation mellan de många aktörerna och därmed även möjligheten till erfarenhetsåterföring. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka moduler som bygglogistik består av och hur de kan effektivisera bygglogistik. Resultatet analyseras sedan för att se hur modulerna kan effektivisera och utveckla bygglogistik. Studiens syfte har uppnåtts genom att genomföra en intervjustudie och en litteraturstudie.  Forskningssyftet med studien är av utforskande karaktär. Intervjuerna är semi-strukturerade och utförs efter litteraturstudien. Studiens ansats är av induktiv karaktärdå endast ett fåtal intervjuer genomförs. Strategin för studien är av kvalitativ karaktär då intervjustudien och litteraturstudien är beroende av varandra, vilket kräver en hög grad flexibilitet. Validiteten i studien har stärkts genom triangulering samt kontroller från handledarna. På samma sätt stärks reliabiliteten. Moduler är grunden som bygger upp flöden i materiallogistik samt den statiska och dynamiska informationslogistiken. En modul består av produkter, tjänster eller arbetssätt. Modulerna kan implementeras där deras applicerbarhet och investering kan mötas av projektet. En del moduler kan implementeras fristående mot andra medan vissa moduler påverkar varandra och kan inte implementeras tillsammans.Modulernas planeringsgrad och planeringshorisont behöver även kunna mötas av projektet. Studien identifierar modulerna godsmärkning, inbärning, leveranscontainer, arbetsplatsdispositionsplan, retursystem byggpall, logistikpunkt, leveransplan, checkpoint, bokningskalender, förbrukningsmaterialförsörjning, personalflödeseffektivisering, emballage, kärlhantering, logistikansvarig, logistikanalys och logistikplan inom bygglogistik. Modulerna kategoriseras i informationslogistik, bestående av statisk- och dynamisk informationslogistik, och materiallogistik. Materiallogistik består av flödena: etablering, hyrmaskiner, förbrukningsmaterial, projektspecifika leveranser, avfallshantering och personal.Modulerna som kategoriseras som materiallogistik sätts på en skala av investering, som beskriver den investering som det enskilda projektet behöver göra för att implementera modulen. Modulerna kategoriseras även efter applicerbarhet, som beskriver vilken omfattning av specifika förutsättningar som ett projekt behöver för att implementera en modul. / A construction site is a temporary factory where a new value chain must be established for each project. To increase productivity in the construction industry,construction supply chain management must be implemented where all materials are delivered on time, to the right place, in the right quantity. The temporary nature of a construction project of a house and a large temporary organization with many different actors means that a house building project can be considered complex. The complexity can also increase for projects which has small construction sites in inner-city areas. Construction companies purchases of goods and services account for 75% of total revenue, which means that a large part of construction companies operations depend on construction supply chain management. Purchases are made from many different suppliers, which are only purchased from temporary for the specific project. This creates problems regarding communication between the many actors and thus also the possibility of feedback of experience. The purpose of this study is to investigate which modules construction supply chain management consists of and how they can streamline construction supply chain management. The results are then analysed to see how the modules can help to increase productivity and develop construction logistics. The purpose of this study has been achieved by conducting an interview study and a literature review. The research purpose of this study is of an exploratory nature. The interviews are semi-structured and are conducted after the literature study. The approach is inductive as only a few interviews are conducted. The strategy for this study is qualitative as the interview study and the literature study are interdependent, which requires a high degree of flexibility. The validity has been strengthened through triangulation and controls from the supervisors. In the same way, reliability is strengthened. The modules are the foundation of the flows of material supply chain managementand the static and dynamic information supply chain management. The modules consist of products, services, or work routine. The modules can be implemented where their applicability and required investment can be met by the project. Some of the modules are dependent on each other and some are not. The project must also meet the required degree of planning and timing of planning. This study identifies the modules goods labelling, third party logistics, smartcontainer, disposition plan of the construction site, return system for construction pallets, third party logistics terminal, delivery plan, checkpoint, booking calendar, use of consumables, elevator toilet, packaging type and garbage management in construction supply chain management. The modules are categorised into information logistics, consisting of static and dynamic information supply chain management, and material supply chain management. Material supply chain management consists of the establishment flows: rental machines, consumables, project-specific deliveries, garbage management and personnel. The modules that are categorised as materialsupply chain management are placed on a scale of investment, which describes the investment that the individual project needs to make to implement the module. The modules are also categorised according to applicability, which describes the scope of specific prerequisites that a project needs to have to implement a module.

Logistik i stomskedet : Ett effektiviserat materialflöde

Andersson, Amanda, Chen, Madeleine January 2020 (has links)
Logistics have, over the last few years, become an important factor to create competitiveness forSwedish construction companies. The companies that use a system where small logistic issues are putin a bigger context and get their flows to work in a customer adapted and cost effective ways, has a lotto win from this. The road to success can be seen as clear, however construction companies are stillstruggling with additional cost due to disturbances in the production.The building entrepreneurs can help the situation by taking their responsibility and start developingthe building logistics. Companies that plan, coordinate and take control of their purchases andmaterial deliveries, while also allowing logistics personnel handle the handling of materials atconstruction sites, may achieve major profits in the form of increased production, less disturbancesand shorter lead times.This thesis will show some opportunities of development for logistics during the framing phase. Thethesis is based on several interviews and a case study to reveal the disturbances that are noticed in theframing phase. These are, along with a comprehensive literature study, the base for the suggestionsand long term recommendations that are presented.The results show that there are great opportunities to streamline the material flow during the designphase. There is potential for progress and improvement through the entire chain, from planning toimplementation in the production. The result and analysis also shows that there are solutions to themajority of the disturbances. These solutions will enhance the working environment, the time aspect,quality and budget.The goal of the thesis has been to analyze and identify which elements are the source of disturbancesduring the framing phase and find solutions to eliminate them. The employer is urged to implementand advance the found solutions, and also implement the long-term recommendations.


RAFAEL BRASIL FERRO COSTA 04 June 2007 (has links)
[pt] Dada a importância dos provedores de serviços logísticos e da existência de uma carência na definição clara das fronteiras entre os diversos tipos de Party Logistics - PLs (1PL, 2 PL, 3PL, 4PL e 5PL), a presente dissertação apresenta uma proposta de metodologia para classificá-los baseada em um estudo exploratório fundamentado em uma análise da literatura acadêmica. A metodologia tem por base os conceitos de complexidade logística, tipos de contratos, responsáveis pela execução do serviço, características do investimento, formas de governança, tipos de relacionamentos, capabilidades, vantagem competitiva e agregação de valor à cadeia. A teoria do custo de transação e a visão baseada em recursos, auxiliam na elaboração da metodologia. As características são associadas aos PLs com o intuito de defini-los e de indicar uma fronteira clara entre cada um deles. / [en] Given the importance of logistic service providers and the existence of a lack in the definition frontiers among the different Party Logistics - PLs (1PL, 2PL, 3PL, 4PL and 5PL), the present dissertation presents a methodology proposal to classify these Party Logistics based on an exploratory study supported by an analysis in the academic literature. The methodology uses the following concepts: logistic complexity, contract types, investment characteristics, governance forms, relationships types, responsible for the service execution, capabilities, competitive advantage, and value aggregation. The transaction cost theory and the resource-based view help in the elaboration of the methodology. The characteristics are associated to the PLs towards defining them and indicating a clear frontier among each of them.

Return management systems within leisurewear at Strålfors : A multiple case study about third-part logistics and e-commerce

Hansson, Martin, Rätzer, Sören, Lin, Xiaoran January 2014 (has links)
While varies of supply chains are working on moving products towardsthe end consumers, there is also an increasing amount of productsbeing sent back. This has meant an increasing importance of the returnmanagement process. As many businesses have realized that the returnprocess has little connection with their core value, the idea ofoutsourcing return management crossed the mind of many companies.Third-party logistics (3PL) provider have also sensed the opportunityand begun to explore the possibility of providing such services forcompanies in need.

Analys av centralt beslutad extern tredjepartslogistik i Vallastaden : En fallstudie gällande värdeskapande för byggentreprenörens logistikverksamhet / Analysis of centralised third-party logistics in Vallastaden

Edstrand, Gustav, Engberg, Jacob January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: External logistics coordination was decided after a long procurement process while parts of the project Vallastaden already started construction. The external logistics company creates and implements a logistics solution in a short time. The municipality has no formal connection requirements on developers, but has transferred to the third-party logistics to contract with the developers. The goal is to examine how the implementation of the external solution contract affects residential building and how an external third-party logistics solution works value creation for the building contractor. Method: For data collection observation and interviews have been used as methods of work. Findings: In order to create favourable condition for a builder and/or contractor in the implementation of a centrally decided external third party logistics solution requires:  Early involvement of third-party logistics contractor in the planning stage with the motto "first and last on site" Clear and well-developed conditions for procurement of connectivity requirements, and the possibility of adaptation of the technical solution according to the customer identified needs. Open and continuous dialogue at all levels within the organizational structure. Implications: The complexity of how building projects should plan their logistics allows a handling of the issue at an early stage in the project is crucial. If the potential of the third party logistics for construction projects should be used needs to be early dialogue between the parties involved which the project's conditions have to control how the service should be designed. Limitations: The problem area and the number of actors involved in the external third-partylogistics make it difficult to pinpoint exact events that contributed to the situation has become in Vallastaden. The authors have not found the source of why it has been difficult to implement third-party logistics solution at an early stage in Vallastaden. What emerged during the process is that it needs to be sought answers higher up in the organizational structure of Vallastaden, but there is work boundaries made this a priority away and therefore not addressed in this report. Selected methods aimed solely at Skanska role in Vallastaden. Alternative viewpoints from different developers and construction contractors in Vallastaden has partly been highlighted in logistics meetings. It is important to point out that the work contains only a limited number of viewpoints on centrally approved third party logistics based on the many actors who are part of the project Vallastaden. / Syfte: Extern logistiksamordning beslutades efter en utdragen upphandlingsprocess samtidigt som delar av projektet Vallastaden redan påbörjat byggnation. Det externa logistikföretaget dimensionerar och implementerar en helt fungerande lösning på kort tid. Kommunen har inte formellt anslutningskrav på byggherrarna utan har överlåtit till tredjepartslogistikern att ingå avtal med byggherrarna. Målet är att undersöka hur implementeringen av den externa tredjeparts-logistiklösningenpåverkar entreprenaden Bostadshuset samt hur en extern tredjeparts-logistiklösningarbetar värdeskapande för byggentreprenören.  Metod: För datainsamling har observation samt intervju använts som metoder i arbetet. Resultat: För att skapa goda förutsättning för en byggherre och/eller byggentreprenör vid implementering av en centralt beslutat externt tredjepartslogistiklösning så krävs: Tidig involvering av tredjepartslogistikentreprenören i projekteringsskedet med mottot ”först och sist på plats vid produktion” Tydliga och väl utarbetade förutsättningar vid upphandling med anslutningskrav samt möjligheten till anpassning av den tekniska lösningen utefter kundens identifierade behov. Öppen och kontinuerlig dialog i alla led inom organisationsstrukturen.  Konsekvenser: Komplexiteten kring hur byggprojekt ska planera sin logistik gör att en hantering av frågan i tidigt skede i projekten är avgörande. Om potentialen i tredjepartslogistik för byggprojekt ska nyttjas behöver dialog föras tidigt mellan de inblandade parterna där projektets förutsättningar måste styra hur tjänsten ska utformas. Begränsningar: Författarna har inte hittat källan till varför det har varit svårt att implementera tredjepartslogistiklösningen i ett tidigt skede i Vallastaden. Det som framkommit under arbetets gång är att det behöver sökas svar högre upp i organisationsstrukturen för Vallastaden, men där har arbetets avgränsningar gjort att detta prioriterats bort och behandlas därför inte i denna rapport. Valda metoder riktar sig enbart på Skanskas verksamhet inom Vallastaden. Alternativa synpunkter från olika byggherrar och byggentreprenörer inom Vallastaden har delvis uppmärksammats vid logistikmöten. Det är viktigt att poängtera att arbetet enbart innehåller ett begränsat antal synvinklar på centralt beslutad tredjepartslogistik utifrån de många aktörer som är en del av projektet Vallastaden.


ANDRE LUIZ ANJOS DE FIGUEIREDO 25 November 2008 (has links)
[pt] Práticas de terceirizações logísticas vêm sendo largamente utilizadas por empresas do Brasil e do mundo. A terceirização logística no Brasil já é um fato, e as empresas já perceberam as vantagens de terceirizar as atividades que não fazem parte de suas atividades fim para outras empresas especialistas em qualquer serviço logístico, os operadores logísticos. Metas como redução de custos, melhorias no nível de serviço e redução de ativos na operação contribuem para a prática da terceirização, tornando mais competitivas as empresas contratadoras de serviços. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho descreve e analisa um estudo de caso de seleção e contratação de um prestador de serviços logísticos (PSL) para a Infoglobo, que é uma das principais empresas de mídia impressa do Brasil. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é analisar o processo de seleção e contratação de um prestador de serviços logísticos, de acordo com a literatura pesquisada. As conclusões indicam que a Infoglobo teve um processo de seleção e contratação estruturado, e segue a tendência da literatura atual de terceirização logística em relação aos motivadores da terceirização, atributos desejados dos PSLs, classificação e segmentação dos terceiros, fontes de informação para o processo seletivo, acordos de nível de serviço, compartilhamento de ganhos e relacionamento entre contratante e contratado. / [en] Outsourcing logistics practices have being widely used for Brazilian and world companies. The outsourcing logistics in Brazil is already a fact, and the enterprises have realized the advantages of outsourcing for 3PL specialists of activities that do not belong to the scope of its own core business. Goals such as cost reduction, service level improvements, operation assets reduction contribute for outsourcing practices, making the enterprises more competitive. Given this context, the case study examined in this dissertation describes and analyzes a selection and hiring practices of third-party logistics for Infoglobo, one of the main newspapers media companies in Brazil. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the 3PL outsour cing process in accordance with the surveyed literature. The study has enabled us to identify that Infoglobo had a structured outsourcing process, and followed the trend of the current outsourcing literature, specially in topics such as outsourcing motivations, 3PL`s desired attributes, 3PL`s classification and segmentation, sources of information, service level agreement, gainsharing and relationship between the 3PL and Infoglobo.

The Current State and Future Trends in The Use of Pallets in Distribution Systems

Mokhlesi, Javad, Lohrasebi, Saman January 2010 (has links)
Pallets play a very important role in whole distribution systems through the supply chain. Such a fact alone shows the importance of pallets in today’s fast growing global logistics. Due to the increasing number of regulations and policies regarding natural resource conservations and also sustainable development, the issue of pallet utilization, reuse and recycling matters became the core concern in most of the researches performed in this field.As a consequence, the presented report discusses the current problems, requirements and debates around pallets utilization in distribution systems in depth along with the other affecting factors such as Cost, Environment, Materials, Sustainability, Information Technology and so forth. To achieve such goals, the first step is recognizing the mass Industrial production factors and global market requirements for the current and future of pallet utilization in order to achieve the desired efficiency and effectiveness in practice with focus on standardized pallets utilization in specific regions like European Union.The second step is the considering of various pallet types compatibility in different environments with respect to unit load assignments both at present and future. The third step is to challenge the obtained data and observed results and also, to verify them according to the foreseen future requirements, tendencies and demands of pallets and unit loads assignments through the international logistics providers. The last step which is as well the most important part of this thesis report is, to put the information together in order to clarify and specify the encountered difficulties regarding usage of pallets with concentration on cost, environment and ergonomic issues.

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