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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes de sous-espaces de Krylov matriciels appliquées aux équations aux dérivées partielles / Matrix Krylov methods applied to partial differential equations

Hached, Mustapha 07 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur des méthode de résolution d'équations matricielles appliquées à la résolution numérique d'équations aux dérivées partielles ou des problèmes de contrôle linéaire. On s'intéressen en premier lieu à des équations matricielles linéaires. Après avoir donné un aperçu des méthodes classiques employées pour les équations de Sylvester et de Lyapunov, on s'intéresse au cas d'équations linéaires générales de la forme M(X)=C, où M est un opérateur linéaire matriciel. On expose la méthode de GMRES globale qui s'avère particulièrement utile dans le cas où M(X) ne peut s'exprimer comme un polynôme du premier degré en X à coefficients matriciels, ce qui est le cas dans certains problèmes de résolution numérique d'équations aux dérivées partielles. Nous proposons une approche, noté LR-BA-ADI consistant à utiliser un préconditionnement de type ADI qui transforme l'équation de Sylvester en une équation de Stein que nous résolvons par une méthode de Krylox par blocs. Enfin, nous proposons une méthode de type Newton-Krylov par blocs avec préconditionnement ADI pour les équations de Riccati issues de problèmes de contrôle linéaire quadratique. Cette méthode est dérivée de la méthode LR-BA-ADI. Des résultats de convergence et de majoration de l'erreur sont donnés. Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, nous appliquons les méthodes exposées dans la première partie de ce travail à des problèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles. Nous nous intéressons d'abord à la résolution numérique d'équations couplées de type Burgers évolutives en dimension 2. Ensuite, nous nous intéressons au cas où le domaine borné est choisi quelconque. Nous établissons des résultats théoriques de l'existence de tels interpolants faisant appel à des techniques d'algèbre linéaire. / This thesis deals with some matrix equations involved in numerical resolution of partial differential equations and linear control. We first consider some numerical resolution techniques of linear matrix equation. In the second part of this thesis, we apply these resolution techniques to problems related to partial differential equations.

Analyse mathématique de modèles de dynamique des populations : équations aux dérivées partielles paraboliques et équations intégro-différentielles

Garnier, Jimmy 18 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'analyse mathématique de modèles de réaction-dispersion de la forme [delta]tu=D(u) +f(x,u). L'objectif est de comprendre l'influence du terme de réaction f, de l'opérateur de dispersion D, et de la donnée initiale u0 sur la propagation des solutions de ces équations. Nous nous sommes intéressés principalement à deux types d'équations de réaction-dispersion : les équations de réaction-diffusion où l'opérateur de dispersion différentielle est D=[delta]2z et les équations intégro-différentielles pour lesquelles D est un opérateur de convolution, D(u)=J* u-u. Dans le cadre des équations de réaction-diffusion en milieu homogène, nous proposons une nouvelle approche plus intuitive concernant les notions de fronts progressifs tirés et poussés. Cette nouvelle caractérisation nous a permis de mieux comprendre d'une part les mécanismes de propagation des fronts et d'autre part l'influence de l'effet Allee, correspondant à une diminution de la fertilité à faible densité, lors d'une colonisation. Ces résultats ont des conséquences importantes en génétique des populations. Dans le cadre des équations de réaction-diffusion en milieu hétérogène, nous avons montré sur un exemple précis comment la fragmentation du milieu modifie la vitesse de propagation des solutions. Enfin, dans le cadre des équations intégro-différentielles, nous avons montré que la nature sur- ou sous-exponentielle du noyau de dispersion J modifie totalement la vitesse de propagation. / This thesis deals with the mathematical analysis of reaction-dispersion models of the form [delta]tu=D(u) +f(x,u). We investigate the influence of the reaction term f, the dispersal operator D and the initial datum u0 on the propagation of the solutions of these reaction-dispersion equations. We mainly focus on two types of equations: reaction-diffusion equations (D=[delta]2z and integro-differential equations (D is a convolution operator, D(u)=J* u-u). We first investigate the homogeneous reaction-diffusion equations. We provide a new and intuitive explanation of the notions of pushed and pulled traveling waves. This approach allows us to understand the inside dynamics the traveling fronts and the impact of the Allee effect, that is a low fertility at low density, during a colonisation. Our results also have important consequences in population genetics. In the more general and realistic framework of heterogeneous reaction-diffusion equations, we exhibit examples where the fragmentation of the media modifies the spreading speed of the solution. Finally, we investigate integro-differential equations and prove that emph{fat-tailed} dispersal kernels J, that is kernels which decay slower than any exponentially decaying function at infinity, lead to acceleration of the level sets of the solution u.

Équations différentielles stochastiques : résolubilité forte d'équations singulières dégénérées ; analyse numérique de systèmes progressifs-rétrogrades de McKean-Vlasov / Stochastic differential equations : strong well-posedness of singular and degenerate equations; numerical analysis of decoupled forward backward systems of McKean-Vlasov type

Chaudru de Raynal, Paul Éric 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de deux sujets: la résolubilité forte d'équations différentielles stochastiques à dérive hölderienne et bruit hypoelliptique et la simulation de processus progressifs-rétrogrades découplés de McKean-Vlasov. Dans le premier cas, on montre qu'un système hypoelliptique, composé d'une composante diffusive et d'une composante totalement dégénérée, est fortement résoluble lorsque l'exposant de la régularité Hölder de la dérive par rapport à la composante dégénérée est strictement supérieur à 2/3. Ce travail étend au cadre dégénéré les travaux antérieurs de Zvonkin (1974), Veretennikov (1980) et Krylov et Röckner (2005). L'apparition d'un seuil critique pour l'exposant peut-être vue comme le prix à payer pour la dégénérescence. La preuve repose sur des résultats de régularité de la solution de l'EDP associée, qui est dégénérée, et est basée sur une méthode parametrix. Dans le second cas, on propose un algorithme basé sur les méthodes de cubature pour la simulation de processus progessifs-rétrogrades découplés de McKean-Vlasov apparaissant dans des problèmes de contrôle dans un environnement de type champ moyen. Cet algorithme se divise en deux parties. Une première étape de construction d'un arbre de particules, à dynamique déterministe, approchant la loi de la composante progressive. Cet arbre peut être paramétré de manière à obtenir n'importe quel ordre d'approximation (en terme de pas de discrétisation de l'intervalle). Une seconde étape, conditionnelle à l'arbre, permettant l'approximation de la composante rétrograde. Deux schémas explicites sont proposés permettant un ordre d'approximation de 1 et 2. / This thesis deals with two subjects: the strong well-posedness of stochastic differential equations with Hölder drift and hypoelliptic noise and the simulation of decoupled forward backward stochastic differential equations of McKean-Vlasov type. In the first work, we study a class of degenerate system with hypoelliptic noise. We prove that strong well-posedness holds for this system when the drift is only H\"{o}lder, with Hölder exponent larger than the critical value 2/3. This work extends to the degenerate setting the earlier results obtained by Zvonkin (1974), Veretennikov (1980) and Krylov and Röckner (2005). The existence of a threshold for the Hölder exponent in the degenerate case may be understood as the price to pay to balance the degeneracy of the noise. Our proof relies on regularization properties of the associated PDE, which is degenerate in the current framework and is based on a parametrix method. In the second work, we propose a new algorithm to approach weakly the solution of a McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equation. Based on the cubature method, the algorithm is deterministic differing from the usual methods based on interacting particles. It can be parametrized in order to obtain a given order of convergence. Then, we construct implementable algorithms to solve decoupled forward backward stochastic differential equations of McKean-Vlasov type, which appear in some stochastic control problems in a mean field environment. We give two algorithms and show that they have convergence of orders one and two under appropriate regularity conditions.

Sur une approche à objets généralisée pour la mécanique non linéaire

Saad, Roy 05 December 2011 (has links)
Les problèmes qui se posent aujourd'hui en mécanique numérique et domaines connexes sont complexes, et impliquent de plus en plus souvent plusieurs physiques à différentes échelles de temps et d’espace. Leur traitement numérique est en général long et difficile, d’où l’intérêt d’avoir accès à des méthodes et outils facilitant l’intégration de nouveaux modèles physiques dans des outils de simulation. Ce travail se pose dans la problématique du développement de codes de calcul numérique. L’approche proposée couvre la démarche de développement du modèle numérique depuis la formulation variationnelle jusqu’à l’outil de simulation. L’approche est appliquée à la méthode des éléments finis. Nous avons développé des concepts génériques afin d’automatiser la méthode des éléments finis. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur l'analyse tensorielle dans le contexte de la méthode des éléments finis. Le formalisme mathématique est basé sur l’algèbre tensorielle appliquée à la description de la discrétisation des formes variationnelles. Ce caractère générique est conservé grâce à l'approche logicielle choisie pour l’implantation; orientée objet en Java. Nous proposons donc un cadre orienté objet, basé sur des concepts symboliques, capables de gérer de manière symbolique les développements assistés des contributions élémentaires pour la méthode éléments finis. Ces contributions sont ensuite automatiquement programmées dans un code de calcul. L'intérêt de cette approche est la généricité de la description qui peut être étendue naturellement à tout autre modèle de discrétisation (spatiale ou temporelle). Dans ce travail, les concepts sont validés dans le cadre de problèmes linéaires simples (élasticité, chaleur,...), dans le cadre du traitement de formulations variationnelles mixtes (thermomécanique, Navier-Stokes,…) et dans un cadre Lagrangien (élasticité en grandes transformations, hyperélasticité,…). / The problems occurring today in computational mechanics and related domains are complex, and may involve several physics at different time and space scales. The numerical treatment of complex problems is in general tough and time consuming. In this context, the interest to develop methods and tools to accelerate the integration of new formulations into simulation tools is obvious. This work arises on the issue of the development of computational tool. The proposed approach covers the development process of numerical models from the variational statement to the simulation tool. The approach is applied to the finite element method. We have developed generic concepts to automate the development of the finite element method. To achieve this goal, we relied on tensor analysis applied in the context of the finite element method. The mathematical formalism is based on the tensor algebra to describe the discretization of a variational formulation. The generic character of the approach is preserved through the object-oriented approach in Java. We propose a framework based on object-oriented concepts capable of handling symbolic developments of elemental contributions for finite element codes. The advantage of this approach is the generic description that can be extended naturally to any discretization model in space or time. This concept is fully validated for simple linear problems (elasticity, heat convection, ...), for the treatment of mixed variational formulations (thermo-mechanical, Navier-Stokes for incompressible flows...) and Lagrangian frameworks (elasticity in larges transformations, hyperelasticity, ...).

A influência das variáveis urbaní­sticas na mobilidade não motorizada em São Paulo: uma reflexão a partir da formulação dos Eixos de Estruturação da Transformação Urbana (PDE - Lei 16.050/2014) / The influence of urbanistic variables over non-motorized mobility in São Paulo: a reflection around the formulation of the Structuring Axes of Urban Transformation (Strategic Master Plan - PDE - Lei 16.050/2014)

Guerra, Mariana Falcone 20 July 2018 (has links)
As estratégias propostas pelo novo PDE (Lei 16.050/2014) procuram incentivar a mobilidade não motorizada através de mudanças relacionadas ao uso do solo e desenho urbano. Nesses termos, o objetivo geral da tese é verificar a relação entre forma urbana e mobilidade ativa em São Paulo. Para tanto, busca verificar a influência da densidade urbana, uso misto e geometria viária na circulação não motorizada. A hipótese pleiteada é que uma maior densidade urbana e mistura de usos, associadas a uma estrutura viária mais densa, corresponde a uma maior proporção de deslocamentos a pé e de bicicleta. A metodologia utilizada é analítica - quantitativa. Os dados da Pesquisa Origem Destino do Metrô de 2007 (OD2007) foram organizados por grupos de variáveis temáticas, e submetidos a análises estatísticas bivariantes e multivariantes, em que uma ou mais variáveis independentes (urbanísticas e socioeconômicas) são relacionadas com uma variável dependente (porcentagem de deslocamentos não motorizados até 2,5 km), de forma independente e combinadamente. Os resultados mostraram que as variáveis socioeconômicas são as que mais exercem influência no deslocamento não motorizado no Aglomerado Metropolitano de São Paulo (AMSP), mas as variáveis urbanísticas também têm um grau de influência significativo, principalmente no Centro Expandido. Isoladamente, no entanto, poucas alcançaram altos níveis de associação com a variável dependente, o que significa que as variáveis urbanísticas só são capazes de fomentar o deslocamento não motorizado quando atuam conjuntamente, corroborando a importância de ambientes que combinam alta densidade urbana, usos diversificados e boa acessibilidade. / The Sao Paulo\'s new Strategic Master Plan (PDE) seeks to incentivize non-motorized mobility through changes related to land use and urban design. The ame of this thesis is to check the relationship between urban form and active mobility in the city of São Paulo. To do this, the thesis seeks to verify the influence of urban density, mixed use and street geometry over non-motorized circulation. The sought hypothesis is that greater urban density and mixed use, combined with dense street geometry, correspond to higher proportion of journeys by foot and bicycle. The methodology used is analytical-quantitative. Data from Metro\'s 2007 Study of Origin-Destination (OD2007) was organized by thematic variable groups, and submitted to bivariant and multivariant statistical analyses, in which one or more independent variables (urban or socioeconomic) are related to one dependent variable (percentage of non-motorized journeys up to 2.5 km), both independently and combined. The results showed that socioeconomical variables have the most influence over non-motorized movement within São Paulo\'s Metropolitan Cluster (AMSP), but the urbanistic variables also have a significant degree of influence, especially in the Expanded Center. Taken in isolation, however, few achieved high levels of association with the dependent variable, which means that urbanistic variables are only able to foster non-motorized movement when acting together, corroborating the importance of environments which combine high urban density, diverse uses and good accessibility

Macroscopic diffusion models for precipitation in crystalline gallium arsenide

Kimmerle, Sven-Joachim 23 December 2009 (has links)
Ausgehend von einem thermodynamisch konsistenten Modell von Dreyer und Duderstadt für Tropfenbildung in Galliumarsenid-Kristallen, das Oberflächenspannung und Spannungen im Kristall berücksichtigt, stellen wir zwei mathematische Modelle zur Evolution der Größe flüssiger Tropfen in Kristallen auf. Das erste Modell behandelt das Regime diffusionskontrollierter Interface-Bewegung, während das zweite Modell das Regime Interface-kontrollierter Bewegung des Interface behandelt. Unsere Modellierung berücksichtigt die Erhaltung von Masse und Substanz. Diese Modelle verallgemeinern das wohlbekannte Mullins-Sekerka-Modell für die Ostwald-Reifung. Wir konzentrieren uns auf arsenreiche kugelförmige Tropfen in einem Galliumarsenid-Kristall. Tropfen können mit der Zeit schrumpfen bzw. wachsen, die Tropfenmittelpunkte sind jedoch fixiert. Die Flüssigkeit wird als homogen im Raum angenommen. Aufgrund verschiedener Skalen für typische Distanzen zwischen Tropfen und typischen Radien der flüssigen Tropfen können wir formal so genannte Mean-Field-Modelle herleiten. Für ein Modell im diffusionskontrollierten Regime beweisen wir den Grenzübergang mit Homogenisierungstechniken unter plausiblen Annahmen. Diese Mean-Field-Modelle verallgemeinern das Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner-Modell, welches rigoros aus dem Mullins-Sekerka-Modell hergeleitet werden kann, siehe Niethammer et al., und gut verstanden ist. Mean-Field-Modelle beschreiben die wichtigsten Eigenschaften unseres Systems und sind gut für Numerik und für weitere Analysis geeignet. Wir bestimmen mögliche Gleichgewichte und diskutieren deren Stabilität. Numerische Resultate legen nahe, wann welches der beiden Regimes gut zur experimentellen Situation passen könnte. / Based on a thermodynamically consistent model for precipitation in gallium arsenide crystals including surface tension and bulk stresses by Dreyer and Duderstadt, we propose two different mathematical models to describe the size evolution of liquid droplets in a crystalline solid. The first model treats the diffusion-controlled regime of interface motion, while the second model is concerned with the interface-controlled regime of interface motion. Our models take care of conservation of mass and substance. These models generalise the well-known Mullins-Sekerka model for Ostwald ripening. We concentrate on arsenic-rich liquid spherical droplets in a gallium arsenide crystal. Droplets can shrink or grow with time but the centres of droplets remain fixed. The liquid is assumed to be homogeneous in space. Due to different scales for typical distances between droplets and typical radii of liquid droplets we can derive formally so-called mean field models. For a model in the diffusion-controlled regime we prove this limit by homogenisation techniques under plausible assumptions. These mean field models generalise the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner model, which can be derived from the Mullins-Sekerka model rigorously, see Niethammer et al., and is well-understood. Mean field models capture the main properties of our system and are well adapted for numerics and further analysis. We determine possible equilibria and discuss their stability. Numerical evidence suggests in which case which one of the two regimes might be appropriate to the experimental situation.

Stabilisation et asymptotique spectrale de l’équation des ondes amorties vectorielle / Stabilization and spectral asymptotics of the vectorial damped wave equation

Klein, Guillaume 12 December 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous considérons l’équation des ondes amorties vectorielle sur une variété riemannienne compacte, lisse et sans bord. L’amortisseur est ici une fonction lisse allant de la variété dans l’espace des matrices hermitiennes de taille n. Les solutions de cette équation sont donc à valeurs vectorielles. Nous commençons dans un premier temps par calculer le meilleur taux de décroissance exponentiel de l’énergie en fonction du terme d’amortissement. Ceci nous permet d’obtenir une condition nécessaire et suffisante la stabilisation forte de l’équation des ondes amorties vectorielle. Nous mettons aussi en évidence l’apparition d’un phénomène de sur-amortissement haute fréquence qui n’existait pas dans le cas scalaire. Dans un second temps nous nous intéressons à la répartition asymptotique des fréquences propres de l’équation des ondes amorties vectorielle. Nous démontrons que, à un sous ensemble de densité nulle près, l’ensemble des fréquences propres est contenu dans une bande parallèle à l’axe imaginaire. La largeur de cette bande est déterminée par les exposants de Lyapunov d’un système dynamique défini à partir du coefficient d’amortissement. / In this thesis we are considering the vectorial damped wave equation on a compact and smooth Riemannian manifold without boundary. The damping term is a smooth function from the manifold to the space of Hermitian matrices of size n. The solutions of this équation are thus vectorial. We start by computing the best exponential energy decay rate of the solutions in terms of the damping term. This allows us to deduce a sufficient and necessary condition for strong stabilization of the vectorial damped wave equation. We also show the appearance of a new phenomenon of high-frequency overdamping that did not exists in the scalar case. In the second half of the thesis we look at the asymptotic distribution of eigenfrequencies of the vectorial damped wave equation. Were show that, up to a null density subset, all the eigenfrequencies are in a strip parallel to the imaginary axis. The width of this strip is determined by the Lyapunov exponents of a dynamical system defined from the damping term.

O nível de exigência conceitual das produções do professor no PDE: a recontextualização do conhecimento acadêmico no ensino da matemática / The level of conceptual demand in the teachers production in PDE: the recontextualization of academic knowledge in mathematics teaching

Ogliari, Cassiano Roberto Nascimento 27 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cassiano Roberto Nascimento Ogliari.pdf: 2485460 bytes, checksum: 1b21d0b56ff7aa3b8625e946cd014213 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research lies on the relation of continuing education, coming from teachers' participation in the PDE and their impact on the conceptual requirements in the production developed by them through successive instances of recontextualization. The PDE is a teachers training program implemented by the state of Parana, which articulates the public higher education institutions with a duration of two years. During the first year, the teacher moves away from the teaching activities to carry out theoretical studies and produce educational materials that will assist them to overcome existent pedagogical hurdles. In the second year, the teacher returns to the teaching activities to implement the courseware performing double duty: in the classroom and training other teachers. It is relevant to consider that there is theoretical gap showing the relation between teacher training processes and conceptual rigor that is in the production from this participation. It was used the Bernstein‟s theory which has the potential to establish the relation pointed, both theoretical and methodological. In this sense, the survey favored the approach of qualitative and quantitative aspects to the investigated issue, characterizing what Bernstein calls as the mixed methodology research. Due to the fact that the methodological approach adopted requires intense study over the production, it was chosen those conducted by a Mathematics teacher characterizing, mainly, as a research procedure and document analysis. This stood over: (1) design; (2) courseware; and (3) the final article, comprising three instances of recontextualization of academic knowledge of Mathematics. Some considerations were also made about the relation between continuing education and teacher performance PDE, taking as reference the rules of recognition and the passive realization detected on the teacher‟s reports in the moment of an "interview". The results are not intended to be generalists, but indicate that the requirement contained in conceptual productions undertaken by teachers inserted in the process of continuing education with the characteristics of PDE, favors the acquisition of complex cognitive skills, content gradually involving high power of abstraction relating unifying themes within the discipline and strong relationship between academic and nonacademic knowledge, helping to raise the level of conceptual demand of teachers and students / Esta pesquisa recai sobre a relação da formação continuada, proveniente da participação do professor no PDE e o seu impacto sobre o nível de exigência conceitual contido nas produções que ele elabora, mediante sucessivas instâncias de recontextualização. O PDE é um programa de formação docente implantado pelo estado do Paraná que articula as IES públicas com duração de 2 anos. Durante o primeiro ano, o professor se afasta da atividade docente para realizar estudos teóricos e produzir material didático que o auxilie a superar dificuldades pedagógicas diagnosticadas. No segundo ano, o professor retorna à atividade docente para implementar seu material didático em dupla função: na sua sala de aula e na formação de outros professores. Importa considerar que existe lacuna teórica que demonstre a relação existente entre processos formativos de professores e o rigor conceitual contido em produções oriundas desta participação. Foi adotado o referencial de Bernstein, que tem potencial para estabelecer a relação indicada, tanto em termos teóricos como metodológicos. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa privilegiou a aproximação de aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos à questão a ser investigada, caracterizando aquilo que Bernstein denomina de metodologia mista de investigação. Devido ao percurso metodológico adotado exigir intenso estudo sobre as produções, elegeu-se as realizadas por um professor da disciplina de Matemática caracterizando, principalmente, como procedimento de pesquisa a análise documental. Esta se deteve sobre: (1) projeto; (2) material didático e; (3) artigo final, constituindo objeto de análise de relações intracontexto na recontextualização do conhecimento acadêmico da disciplina de Matemática. Também foram tecidas considerações a respeito da relação entre a formação continuada e o desempenho do professor PDE, tomando-se como referência suas regras de reconhecimento e de realização passiva detectadas nos relatos do professor em momento de entrevista . Os resultados não pretendem ser generalistas, mas indicam que o nível de exigência conceitual contido em produções realizadas por professor inserido em processo de formação continuada com as características do PDE, favorece a aquisição de competências cognitivas mais complexas, conteúdos que envolvem gradativamente elevado poder de abstração relacionando temas unificadores no interior da disciplina e forte relação entre conhecimento acadêmico e não acadêmico, contribuindo para elevar o nível de exigência conceitual dos materiais para professores e que beneficiem alunos

As política de formação continuada de professores e sua relação com resultados do IDEB no ensino fundamental em Monção/ Maranhão

Almeida, Maria das Graças Amorim de 12 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-12-21T11:27:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria das Graças Amorim de Almeida.pdf: 1622544 bytes, checksum: f5694229dde25e2ff7dd2adf9f5a0de2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-21T11:27:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria das Graças Amorim de Almeida.pdf: 1622544 bytes, checksum: f5694229dde25e2ff7dd2adf9f5a0de2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-12 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research discusses the relationship of the teachers’ continuous education with the Education Development Index (IDEB) of the municipal education system of Monção city in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. This takes into account the Brazilian educational policy based on the preliminary external assessments of 1990s that propose the reform of the State, particularly in education. It aims to examine aspects of continuous education offered to teachers in the municipal public education system. Furthermore, it analyses what are the programs that promote the effectiveness of these trainings for professional development and their relationship with IDEB in the initial grades of basic education, from 2005 to 2015.The study articulates training experiences for teachers’ professional development in programs developed within the municipal education system, to students’ performance results from 2005 to 2015. Through methodological collection and analysis of official documents about programs developed by the Municipal Education Department of Monção city, the investigation examines data followed by bibliographic research, reviewing studies carried out on IDEB and on continuous teacher education correlating with data presented by INEP / MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education). The theoretical framework on Continuous Education is drawn on Marcelo (1997, 1999); Imbernón (1994, 2011) and Marin (1995, 1998). The results of the analysis of continuous education courses show the existence of teacher education models aimed at a standard teacher’s training that would comply with established students’ assessment measures. These are standardized models that do not meet the particularities of each region, each school, and their teachers and students / A pesquisa problematiza a relação da formação continuada de professores com o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação (IDEB) da rede municipal de ensino de Monção/Maranhão, considerando a política educacional brasileira a partir das avaliações externas preliminares dos anos de 1990 que propõem a Reforma do Estado, particularmente na educação. Objetiva analisar aspectos da formação continuada oferecida aos professores no sistema público municipal de ensino, e quais são os programas promotores da efetividade destas formações para o desenvolvimento profissional e sua relação com o IDEB nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental nos anos de 2005 a 2015. O estudo articula experiências de formação para o desenvolvimento profissional de professores em ações desenvolvidas junto à rede municipal de ensino, aos resultados de desempenho dos alunos nos anos de 2005 a 2015. Por meio das técnicas de coleta e análise de documentos oficiais sobre os programas desenvolvidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Monção, analisa dados acompanhados pelo mapeamento bibliográfico, observando pesquisas realizadas sobre o IDEB e sobre formação continuada de professores com dados apresentados pelo INEP/MEC. São utilizados como referencial teórico os conceitos da área de Formação Continuada propostos por Marcelo (1997, 1999); Imbernón (1994, 2011) e Marin (1995, 1998). Os resultados da análise dos cursos de formação continuada demonstram a existência de modelos de formação de professores voltados à generalização de formação do alunado para atender aspectos que as medidas de avaliação esperam que os alunos atinjam. São modelos padronizados, e que não atendem às especificidades de cada região, de cada escola, e de seus professores e alunos

Do plano de escola à escola do plano: implicações do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Escola (PDE-Escola) na qualidade do ensino nas escolas municipais de São Luís/MA

GOMES, Albiane Oliveira 23 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-05-15T17:42:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_PlanoEscolaEscolaPlano.pdf: 2289705 bytes, checksum: 40c3eb806802df5b8f8bdc1b715bb0ee (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-05-15T17:43:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_PlanoEscolaEscolaPlano.pdf: 2289705 bytes, checksum: 40c3eb806802df5b8f8bdc1b715bb0ee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-15T17:43:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_PlanoEscolaEscolaPlano.pdf: 2289705 bytes, checksum: 40c3eb806802df5b8f8bdc1b715bb0ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-23 / FAPEMA - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico do Maranhão / Este estudo discute as políticas educacionais cujo foco de ação tem se direcionado ao âmbito da escola com centralidade na gestão escolar como prerrogativa à consecução de melhorias na qualidade da educação no País, a exemplo do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Escola (PDE Escola). Esse Plano foi implantado no final do século XX, no âmbito do Fundescola, e desde 2007 se tornou se parte integrante do arco de ações do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação (PDE) no enfrentamento da precariedade da qualidade da educação pública brasileira. O estudo destaca que as políticas educacionais a partir da última década daquele século, estão circunscritas num contexto de forte adequação do Estado às demandas do mercado, que passaram a introduzir no âmbito da escola a lógica mercantil, sustentada pela retórica de modernização da organização escolar como necessária para alçar melhorias na qualidade do ensino nas escolas públicas do País. A metodologia privilegiou uma abordagem marxista, em especial as contribuições de Gramsci sobre o papel da escola na construção de ações contra-hegemônicas. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados foram pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental e pesquisa de campo, tendo como locus as Secretarias de Educação Estadual e Municipal de São Luís/MA e duas escolas dessa rede municipal de ensino, nas quais foram aplicadas entrevistas semiestruturadas junto aos Membros do Comitê Avaliador do PDE-Escola, aos/as gestores/as escolares, coordenadores/as, professores/as e membros do Conselho Escolar dessas escolas pesquisadas, com o objetivo de analisar as repercussões do PDE-Escola na melhoria da gestão escolar, buscando compreender suas contribuições para mudanças na escola no que se refere a alterações na dinâmica de tomadas de decisão na perspectiva da democratização da gestão escolar, e suas implicações na melhoria da qualidade do ensino nas escolas municipais de São Luís/MA, tendo como recorte temporal o período de 2012 a 2015. O estudo enfatiza que as políticas educacionais ao tomarem como parâmetro de qualidade tão somente o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação (IDEB), desconsideram a complexidade inerente à educação básica deixando de lado outros aspectos imprescindíveis à análise da qualidade da educação no País, dentre eles, o processo de democratização da gestão escolar, sendo a gestão democrática indicador essencial para o alcance de uma qualidade para além do Ideb. A pesquisa concluiu que na realidade ludovicense as ações promovidas pelo PDE-Escola se têm prestado menos para fomentar a democratização da gestão nas escolas, e mais para o acirramento da responsabilização dos sujeitos escolares pelos destinos da escola, com reflexos pontuais na melhoria da qualidade do ensino nessas escolas. A pesquisa apontou ainda que a qualidade alçada pelo Plano de Escola, ao se revelar como mecanismo de adaptação e ajuste da escola ao mercado, tem legitimado na Escola do Plano uma qualidade indicista, em detrimento de uma qualidade numa perspectiva de totalidade, aqui denominada de qualidade qualitativa. / This study discusses the educational policies focused action has been directed at the school level with centrality in school management as a prerogative to achieving improvements in the quality of education in the country, such as the School Development Plan (EDP School). This plan was implemented in the late twentieth century, under the Fundescola, and since 2007 has become an integral part of the range of actions of the Education Development Plan (EDP) in combating the precariousness of the quality of Brazilian public education. The study highlights that education policy from the last decade of the century, are circumscribed in a context of strong suitability of the State to the demands of the market, which began to enter the school under mercantile logic, supported by the rhetoric of modernization of school organization as needed to raise improvements in the quality of education in public schools in the country. the methodology favored a Marxist approach, especially the contributions of Gramsci on the school's role in the construction of counter-hegemonic actions. The methodological procedures used were literature, document analysis and field research, with the locus of the Secretaries of State Education and Municipal de São Luís / MA and two schools that municipal schools, in which they were applied semi-structured interviews with Committee Members evaluator PDE-School, to / the manager / school, coordinators / as, teachers / as and members of the School Board those surveyed schools, with the aim of analyzing the PDE-School repercussions on improving school management, seeking to understand their contributions to changes in school with regard to changes in the decision-making dynamics from the perspective of democratization of school management and its implications for improving the quality of education in municipal schools of São Luís / MA, with the time frame the period 2012 to 2015. the study emphasizes that education policy to take as a quality parameter so only the education Development Index (IDEB), disregarding the complexity inherent in the basic education and leave aside other aspects essential to analyze the quality of education in country, among them, the process of democratization of school management, and democratic management key indicator for the achievement of a quality beyond the IDEB. The research concluded that the ludovicense reality the actions promoted by the PDE-School to have paid less to promote the democratization of management in schools, and more for the intensification of accountability of school subjects by school destinations, with occasional reflections on improving the quality of teaching in these schools. The survey found also that the quality heave the School Plan to prove as an adaptation mechanism and school adjustment to market, it has legitimized the School of Planning one indicista quality, at the expense of quality in all perspective, here called quality qualitative. / Cette étude examine les politiques éducatives action ciblée a été dirigée au niveau de l'école avec centralité dans la gestion de l'école comme une prérogative à la réalisation de l'amélioration de la qualité de l'éducation dans le pays, tels que le Plan de développement scolaire (EDP scolaire). Ce plan a été mis en oeuvre à la fin du XXe siècle, sous le FUNDESCOLA, et depuis 2007 est devenue une partie intégrante de l'ensemble des actions du Plan de développement de l'éducation (EDP) dans la lutte contre la précarité de la qualité de l'enseignement public brésilien. L'étude souligne que la politique de l'éducation de la dernière décennie du siècle, sont circonscrites dans un contexte de forte aptitude de l'Etat à la demande du marché, qui a commencé à entrer dans l'école sous logique mercantile, soutenue par la rhétorique de la modernisation de l'organisation scolaire nécessaire pour élever l'amélioration de la qualité de l'enseignement dans les écoles publiques du pays. La méthodologie a privilégié une approche marxiste, en particulier les contributions de Gramsci sur le rôle de l'école dans la construction des actions contre-hégémoniques. Les procédures méthodologiques utilisées sont la littérature, l'analyse de documents et de recherches sur le terrain, avec le lieu des secrétaires de l'éducation nationale et municipale de São Luís / MA et deux écoles que les écoles municipales, où ils ont été appliqués entretiens semi-structurés avec les membres du Comité évaluateur PDE-école, à / le directeur / école, coordinateurs / que, les enseignants / que et les membres de la Commission scolaire de ces écoles étudiées, dans le but d'analyser les répercussions de la PDE-école sur la gestion de l'école, l'amélioration de chercher à comprendre leur contributions à des changements à l'école en ce qui concerne les changements dans la dynamique de prise de décision dans la perspective de la démocratisation de la gestion scolaire et ses implications pour l'amélioration de la qualité de l'enseignement dans les écoles municipales de São Luís / MA, avec le temps encadrent la période 2012 à 2015. l'étude souligne que la politique de l'éducation à prendre em tant que paramètre de qualité afin que l'éducation développement Index (IDEB), sans tenir compte de la complexité inhérente à l'éducation de base et de laisser de côté d'autres aspects essentiels pour analyser la qualité de l'éducation dans pays, parmi eux, le processus de démocratisation de la gestion de l'école, et un indicateur clé de la gestion démocratique pour la réalisation d'une qualité au-delà du IDEB. La recherche a conclu que la réalité de ludovicense les actions promues par la PDE-école d'avoir payé moins de promouvoir la démocratisation de la gestion dans les écoles, et plus pour l'intensification de la responsabilité des matières scolaires par les destinations de l'école, avec des reflets occasionnels sur l'amélioration de la qualité de l'enseignement dans ces écoles. L'enquête a révélé également que la qualité pilonnement du plan scolaire pour prouver comme un mécanisme d'adaptation et d'ajustement de l'école au marché, il a légitimé l'École de planification d'une qualité de indicista, au détriment de la qualité dans toute perspective, appelée ici la qualité qualitative.

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