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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tomi Ungerer ˸ l'oeil et l'oeuvre. Poétique des albums d'un raconteur double / Tomi Ungerer ˸ the Eye and the work. Poetic of the picture books ˸ double storyteller / 토미 웅게러 : 눈과 작품. 겹 이야기꾼의 그림책 시학

Kim, Sun Nyeo 05 October 2017 (has links)
Pour construire la paix dans le monde, Tomi Ungerer raconte ses mythes personnels et impersonnels, tel Janus. Durant son enfance, il a été choqué par la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et endoctriné par les nazis : depuis lors, il est comme un témoin de l’Histoire. Dans cette recherche, nous étudions son art provocateur et éveilleur à travers les albums qu’il a réalisés à destination des enfants. L’artiste rebelle s’arme de son « T », sa hache graphique et identitaire, afin de proposer de nouvelles fables face à une société qu’il juge absurde. Dans son racontage-montage, la poétique du « O » est à la fois une forme parfaite et cosmologique, et un rythme infini, répétitif, tourbillonnant. Cette poétique concerne la forme, le mouvement, l’observation, la voix, mais aussi la vacuité que les rythmes du « M » organisent dans de multiples métamorphoses. Il s’agit du rythme de la vie et du vivre ensemble. Son racontage-montage est mécanique, musical et thématique, il est effectué dans un style bref, avec l’humour et le rire, mais aussi profond, avec une voix juste et plurielle que le « I » des identités et de l'Histoire pluralise vocalement. Ainsi, la reprise des lettres de son prénom engagerait la poétique des albums de Tomi Ungerer, celle d’un raconteur double puisqu’ils ne sont pas réservés aux seuls enfants et constituent une œuvre majeure de la littérature. / To spread peace in the world, Tomi Ungerer tells his personal and impersonal myths, such as Janus. During his childhood, he was traumatized by the Second World War and also brainwashed by the Nazis: he has thus witnessed History. In this research, we study his provocative and awakening art through the albums he made for children. The rebellious artist armed himself with his “T”, his graphic and identity ax, in order to oppose his new fable to a society he regards as absurd. In its telling-editing, the poetics of the “O” symbolizes a perfect and cosmological form, but also an infinite repetitive, whirling rhythm. This poetics concerns form, movement, observation, voice, but also depth, with a fair and plural voice the “I” of identities and History vocally pluralizes. Thus, the letters of his first name would reflect the poetics of the picture books of Tomi Ungerer, the double storyteller, since his picture books are not only intended for the children but also constitute a major work of literature. / 세계의 평화를 건설하기 위해, 토미 웅게러는 야누스 신처럼 개인적인 동시에 보편적인 신화를 이야기한다. 어린시절, 그는 제 2차세계대전에 충격을 받았고 나치의 정권 아래 학교 교육을 받는다. 그때부터 그는 역사의 증언자이다. 그러므로 본 연구는 그의 선동 예술과 그가 들려주는 그림책을 분석한다. 강요된 복종을 거부하는 이야기꾼 웅게러는 부조리한 사회를 반대하는 새로운 우화를 이야기 하기 위해 그래픽과 정체성을 나타내는 도끼를 상징하는 그의 이름 Tomi의 이니셜 ‘T’는 예술적 힘을 상징한다. 그는 ‘이야기 합성’ 안에서 완벽하고 우주적인 형태와 영원히 반복적이고 소용돌이같은 리듬으로 ‘O’ 시학을 이야기 한다. 이는 ‘달의 시학’이자 ‘시간의 시학’이다. 이 시학은 형태, 운동( mouvement), 관찰, 목소리, 공(vacuité) 과 동시에 끊임없이 변화(metamorphoses) 를 상징하는 ‘M’의 리듬이다. 이는 삶과 모두가 평화롭게 살기 위한 멜로디와 리듬이다. ‘이야기 합성’은 유머와 웃음의 간결한 문체의 메커니즘과 그림을 통한 음악적, 테마적 오브제들의 함축적 요소들은, 정체성( identité)과 다중적 목소리 이야기의 ‘I’로서 간결함과 다중적인 깊은 의미가 축적되어 있다. 그러므로 작가의 이름을 상징하는 알파벳 문자는 토미 웅게러의 ‘존재적 시학’을 상징하며, 그림책이 단지 어린이 전용이 아닌 문학 전반의 작품성을 구성하는 그림과 글로서의 종합적 예술장르의 가치를 가지며, 그림책 작가는 그래픽언어와 텍스트언어의 경계를 넘나드는 이중(겹)으로 표현하는 이야기꾼이다.

Bilderbokens förmåga att skildra relationer : Analys av fem bilderböcker med fokus på relationen mellan barn och vuxna / The ability of picture books to depict relations - : an analysis of five picture books with the focus on the relation between children and adults.

Bohlin, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
This study analyses five different picture books from the last few decades. The aim of the analysis was to investigate how relations between children and adults are presented in the picture books. One way to achieve this has been to focus on the adults’ presence or absence in the narrative, and also what kind of authority the adult(s) can have in the action and how it can affect relations between children and adults. The idea is that this degree project can be adapted for practical use in school. It is hoped that teachers will receive inspiration for how they can work on the topic of relations between children and adults with the aid of picture books.A literary analysis which embraces the interplay between text and image, and with a focus on the different characters, has been used to analyse the picture books. The analysis shows that the absence and presence of the adults is depicted in different ways and can be divided into different groups: always absent, partly absent, physically present but absent in mind, and present. Another finding is that, in three of the five books, some adult character is portrayed as an authority, and this too affects how relations between the children and the adults are depicted.

Den omkastade hierarkin : Framställningen av barn och vuxna i tre bilderböcker från olika tidsperioder / The reverse hierarchy. : The exposition of chlidren and adults in three picture books.

Ericsson, Charlotte, Karlsson, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the study is to show how children and adults are described in three picture books, examining how children and adults are portrayed in text-and-picture narrative and how this has changed over time. We have analysed how the characters in the books are presented and how the representation of children and adults has changed in our own times. The material for the study consists of three picture books from different periods, with the focus on how children and adults are described as the common point of departure. The analysed picture books are: Tomtebobarnen (Beskow 1919), Aja baja, Alfons Åberg! (Bergström 1972) and Snäll (Dahle 2008). We have arrived at the conclusion that a text-and-picture narrative is in very large measure a reflection of the outlook on children, childhood and child rearing at the time when the book was published. The result shows that the greatest change that has happened is that parents’ and adults’ dominance in the books has declined over the years, and that children have been given a more prominent role. The children’s own feelings and opinions are more in the centre, both in reality and in picture books. We hope that teachers in school will find that this study can contribute to further reflection on the picture books that are used in teaching

En bildanalys av användaren och utvecklare av tekniken i barnböcker ur ett genusperspektiv

Axelsson, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie är en subjektiv bildanalys av barnböcker där syftet med studien är att undersöka hur genusaspekter kommer till uttryck i barnböckerna med fokuset på ett teknikinnehåll. I studien har jag valt ut några bilder i fyra Alfons Åberg- böcker samt en bild i en nyare bok - Hej Ruby, med fokus på digitalteknik. Bilderna har sedan analyserats utifrån Falks analysramverk där bilderna delas upp i fyra kategorier - denotativ nivå, inre kontext, yttre kontext och konnotativ nivå.  Studien har kommit fram till att tekniken den utvalda litteraturen följer vissa traditionella könsmönster. Exempelvis att tekniken i köket som oftast kopplas ihop med kvinnor blir bortglömd. Den syns inte lika väl som den typiskt manliga tekniken, som bygg och konstruktion, där tekniken är tydlig och kan ses som ett projekt. Studien lyfter även olika reflektioner kring valet av barnlitteratur samt vikten av boksamtal. / This study is a subjective image analysis of children books where the purpose of the study was to investigate how gender aspects are expressed in children books with the focus on content regarding technology. The study is aimed at educators who are active in preschool activities. The study is based on four Alfons Åberg-books and a newer book focusing on digital technology called Hej Ruby. The images have been analyzed based on Falk's analysis framework where the images are divided into four categories - denotative level, internal context, external context and connotative level. The study has found that the technology in children's books follows certain traditional gender patterns. For example, the technology in the kitchen, most often associated with women is forgotten, it does not show as well as the typical male technology, as construction where technology often appears as a project created by the man.

ADHD i barnlitteraturen : Analys av fyra bilderböcker / ADHD in children's literature : Analysis of four picture books

Öhrnberg, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att granska hur den neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningen ADHD skildras i fyra olika bilderböcker riktade till barn i förskoleålder. Genom textanalytiskt perspektiv utförs en bilderboksanalys och bilderböckernas paratext analyseras, det vill säga allt som är kring böckernas huvudsakliga berättelse. Därutöver analyseras karaktärerna genom personskildring och symtom vid ADHD. Resultatet visar att ADHD skildras i stort sett på samma sätt vilket ger en missvisande bild av ADHD. Endast en karaktär skiljer sig från de andra karaktärerna och visar på utmärkande egenskaper som står i kontrast med de andra bokkaraktärerna. Kort sagt visar resultatet på att endast två olika bilder av ADHD presenteras i bilderböckerna. Flickorna och pojkarna skiljer sig åt genom att några karaktärsdrag är det enbart flickorna som uppvisar. Samspelet mellan andra barn skildras ur en negativ synvinkel hos pojkarna till skillnad mot flickorna. Bilderböckerna möjliggör inte för identifikation och förståelse då det inte är någon större variation i skildringen av ADHD. det resulterar i en stereotyp och oriktig bild av ADHD. Fler bilderböcker som skildrar ADHD med större variation och riktar sig till barn i förskoleålder behövs. / The aim of this study is to examine how the neuropsychiatric disability ADHD is portrayed in four different picture books aimed at children in preschool age. Through a text analytical perspective, a picture book analysis is performed. The paratext of the picture books are analyzed, which means everything about the main story of the books. Further, the characters are analyzed by person portrayal and symptoms of ADHD. The result shows that ADHD in general is portrayed in the same way, which gives a misleading picture of ADHD. Only one character differs from the other characters and shows traits which is in contrast with the other characters. In short, the result shows that only two different portrayals of ADHD are presented in the picture books. The girls and boys in the picture books differ because some character traits are merely portrayed by the girls. The interaction between other children is portrayed from a negative point of view in the boys, unlike the girls. The picture books do not allow for identification and understanding as there is no major variation in the portrayal of ADHD. This results in a stereotype and incorrect image of ADHD. More picture books depicting ADHD with greater variety addressed to children in preschool age are needed.

A morte, o vazio e o amor: uma análise interdisciplinar de O urso e o gato montês, de Kazumi Yumoto / Death, emptiness and love: an interdisciplinary analysis of The Bear and the Wild Cat, by Kazumi Yumoto

Luciana Fonseca de Arruda 07 December 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos a obra O Urso e o Gato montês da autora japonesa Kazumi Yumoto. Esse é o terceiro livro de Yumoto traduzido para o português trata da temática da morte, os outros dois são livros infanto-juvenis. Nesse livro, junto com a ilustradora Komako Sakai, Yumoto constrói uma narrativa ímpar em que o leitor se depara com o luto de forma delicada e percorre o processo de negação até a aceitação em que o personagem caminha. Fazemos uma análise da morte nos baseando na teoria de Kubler-Ross sobre os estágios do luto, juntamente com o vazio gerado por ela pela ausência da pessoa amada tendo em vista os conceitos de Okano sobre o vazio oriental, e por fim o amor, que é o laço condutor de tudo e que nos é apresentado nos personagens constituintes dessa narrativa. Embasados em teorias de análise de imagens, psicologia e pedagogia, nos debruçamos em um estudo da obra pensando na função da literatura como papel de formação e humanização do indivíduo. / In this work we present the book The Bear and the Wild Cat by the Japanese author Kazumi Yumoto. This is the third of her books translated to Portuguese that deals with the theme of death, it is also approached in two other of her children\'s books. In this book, along with illustrator Komako Sakai, Yumoto constructs a unique narrative in which the reader is confronted with mourning and goes through the process of denial until the acceptance in which the character walks to. We make an analysis of death based on Kubler-Ross\'s theory of the stages of mourning, with the emptiness generated by it by the absence of the loved one taking Okanos point of view about the empty orient, and finally, the love that is the connection link of everything, which is presented to us in the characters of this narrative. Based on theories of image analysis, psychology and pedagogy, we focus on a study of the book thinking about literature playing a role of training and humanization of the individual.

Evocação de termos mentais na leitura de diferentes livros de imagens: um estudo com pré-escolares

Pires, Luisa Gonçalves 03 February 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-16T15:21:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 luisagoncalvesrodrigues.pdf: 354646 bytes, checksum: 5195e46052b4b0a1a4589f7ac74ba150 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-26T20:22:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 luisagoncalvesrodrigues.pdf: 354646 bytes, checksum: 5195e46052b4b0a1a4589f7ac74ba150 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-26T20:22:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 luisagoncalvesrodrigues.pdf: 354646 bytes, checksum: 5195e46052b4b0a1a4589f7ac74ba150 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-03 / A teoria da mente envolve a compreensão acerca dos estados mentais (desejos, emoções e crenças) e desempenha um importante papel na adaptação social infantil. Estudos mostram que a linguagem ocupa importante lugar no seu desenvolvimento; definindo-se “linguagem da mente” como o uso explícito de termos semânticos para referir-se aos estados mentais. Pesquisadores da área enfatizam que o uso de termos denotando estados mentais pode refletir um entendimento infantil acerca da mente e, além disso, os livros de histórias infantis, principalmente os que contêm apenas imagens, constituem um recurso útil para explorar e favorecer a linguagem referente a estados mentais. Este estudo objetivou investigar a ocorrência de termos mentais na leitura de crianças de 5 e 6 anos, de duas escolas de educação infantil (rede pública), mediante a utilização de três livros de histórias infantis com diferentes perfis de narrativa por imagem, classificados em função da estrutura narrativa, número de páginas e figuras: Truks (Editora Ática) – perfil simples de narrativa –; O Amigo da Bruxinha (Editora Moderna) – perfil intermediário de narrativa –; A Bruxinha e o Godofredo (Editora Global) – perfil de narrativa mais complexo – . Oitenta crianças realizaram, individualmente, a leitura dos livros; os relatos foram gravados, transcritos e codificados em quatro categorias de termos mentais: termos cognitivos, emocionais, desejo/intenção e perceptivos. Os resultados indicaram que as crianças, de ambas as idades, utilizaram termos referentes a estados mentais na leitura por imagem. Não foi observada diferença significante entre o total de termos evocados pelas crianças de 5 e 6 anos, entretanto, os resultados foram diferentes entre as duas escolas. Também ocorreu diferença entre o total de termos mentais evocados pelas crianças utilizando os diferentes livros, sendo maior na leitura do livro mais complexo e menor na leitura do livro com estrutura de narrativa mais simples. Não houve diferença significante entre o livro intermediário e o mais complexo. Em relação à ocorrência de termos por categorias de estados mentais (cognitivos, emocionais, desejo/intenção e perceptivos), não foi observado um perfil único, variando de acordo com a idade e escola. Os dados sugerem que, tanto o perfil da narrativa dos livros quanto fatores relacionados a experiências individuais e culturais (como linguagem cotidiana, experiências escolares, interações sociais) pode ter influenciado quantitativa e qualitativamente a diversidade referente à atribuição de termos mentais. / Theory of mind deals with mental states (desires, emotions and beliefs) and plays an important role in child social adaptation. Studies have shown that language can be very important in its development, and the expression “mental language” refers to the explicit use of semantic terms related to mental states. Researchers in this area emphasize that the use of terms to denote mental states can reflect infant understanding of mind, and that children´s storybooks, specially those that are only comprised of images, constitute a useful resource to explore and facilitate language related to mental states. This study has the purpose of investigating the occurrence of mental terms in 5-6 year-old children´s reading, in two public kindergarten schools, through the use of three children´s storybooks that have different profiles in terms of image narrative, that were classified considering its narrative structure, number of pages and pictures: Truks (Editora Ática) – simple narrative profile –, O Amigo da Bruxinha (Editora Moderna) – intermediate narrative profile –, A Bruxinha e o Godofredo (Editora Global) – a more complex narrative profile. The books were individually read by 80 children; reports were recorded, transcribed and coded into four categories of mental terms: cognitive, emotional, desire/intention and perceptive. Results show that children of both ages used terms related to mental states in image reading. Though no significant difference was observed among 5 and 6-year-olds in terms of the total of terms evoked, differences were perceptible between the two schools. Another difference was related to the total of mental terms evoked and associated with the three different books, with the biggest total corresponding to the most complex book and the smallest one being related to the book that presented a simpler narrative. There was no significant difference between the intermediate and the more complex book. As for the occurrence of terms specified by categories of mental states (cognitive, emotional, desire/intention and perceptive), it was not possible to detect a unique profile, for variations occurred according to age and school. The data suggest that not only the books´ narrative profile but also factors related to individual and cultural experiences (such as quotidian language, school experiences, and social interactions) could have both quantitatively and qualitatively influenced the diversity related to the attribution of mental states.

Pelas janelas: um estudo semiolinguístico das capas de livros ilustrados

Castro, Sabrina Vianna de 09 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-04-25T18:31:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação_Sabrina Vianna de Castro.pdf: 3797448 bytes, checksum: d6f7b6ee39bb5d202c3899b069fe9a24 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-05-09T15:54:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação_Sabrina Vianna de Castro.pdf: 3797448 bytes, checksum: d6f7b6ee39bb5d202c3899b069fe9a24 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-09T15:54:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação_Sabrina Vianna de Castro.pdf: 3797448 bytes, checksum: d6f7b6ee39bb5d202c3899b069fe9a24 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de capas de livros ilustrados, que, em geral, apresentam um complexo entrelaçamento entre as linguagens verbal e visual em sua constituição. Acredita-se que a capa seja um recurso fundamental de captação de leitores no qual a editora se apoia e investe inúmeras estratégias a fim conquistar um duplo destinatário: a criança e o adulto. Para a realização desse estudo, são utilizados os pressupostos da Teoria Semiolinguística de Análise do Discurso, postulada por Patrick Charaudeau, com destaque aos seguintes conceitos-chave: duplo processo de semiotização do mundo; contrato de comunicação; memórias discursivas; estratégias discursivas e visadas discursivas. Observa-se que, nas capas, o contrato de comunicação se encontra em uma situação de monolocução, sem a copresença física dos parceiros (editora e leitor), configurando-se em um contrato de troca postergada. Para tal, as estratégias discursivas de captação, credibilidade e legitimação empregadas pelo sujeito comunicante mostram a imagem do sujeito-produtor (editora) e a imagem que este projeta do destinatário (leitor) – que deseja atrair para a compra do livro. Tais estratégias estão intimamente ligadas às visadas discursivas que pressupõem a intencionalidade psico-sócio-discursiva do sujeito comunicante. Como os livros ilustrados apresentam um endereçamento duplo, a editora irá se apoiar, também, nas memórias discursivas, recurso que pretende acessar saberes em ambos os públicos, despertando a curiosidade e criando vínculos, através da capa, para a posterior leitura do livro. Verifica-se, também, que a capa de livro ilustrado constitui um gênero textual específico, por se configurar em torno de uma intenção - captação do leitor/consumidor -, apresentando design elaborado e elementos constitutivos recorrentes: título, imagem, nome do autor e da editora / This paper presents a study of picture books covers by having a complex interweaving between the verbal and visual languages that are closely linked. It is believed that the cover is a key resource for readers pickup in which the publisher builds and invests numerous strategies to win a double recipient: the child and the adult. To this end, the assumptions of The Semiolinguistic Theory of Discourse Analysis by Patrick Charaudeau highlighting the key concepts of this theory are used: double process of semiotization the world; communications contract; discursive memories, discursive strategies; targeted discursive. It is observed that the communications contract is in a monolocation situation, that is, without the physical presence of the co-partners (publisher and reader), setting up in an exchange contract postponed. To this end, the discursive strategies of funding, credibility and legitimacy employed by the subject connecting, show the image of this subjectproducer (publisher) and the image that projects the recipient (reader) - that want to attract to purchase the book. Such strategies are closely linked to discursive targeted assume that intentionality psycho social discourse of the subject connecting. As the picture books have a double address, the publisher will be supported also in the discursive memories, these resources who want to access knowledge in both public, arousing the curiosity and linking, first, through the hood, in order to further reading book. There is also the picture book cover constitutes its own genre, to present a proposal and natural and stable elements in this communication contract

Alla får vara med! : En studie om hur samspel och kamratskap framställs i bilderböcker / Everyone is welcome! : A study on how interaction and peer relation are portrayed in picture books

Safarali, Sara, Zsiros, Tamané January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Rodič jako zprostředkovatel obrázkových knih (wimmelbuch) / Parent as a guide of pre-school children in reading of wimmelbuch

Vančová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the role of an adult-parents in the viewing and reading of a series of picture-free text books (so-called wimmelbuch) by S. Bernerová  Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Night. The aim of the thesis is to describe what interactions occur between a parent and a child between two and three years of age when reading "picture books", so-called wimmelbuch. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the topics of reading literacy development (especially for two-year and three-year-olds), pictorial books, books of the type wimmelbuch, adult as a children's book mediator, illustrations and reading rituals. The empirical part includes quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative part of the research is based on data from an online questionnaire for parents of preschool children. In the framework of long-term qualitative research, the interaction between parent and child between two and three years of age in four selected families is monitored and described, while working with books of the type wimmelbuch by Susanne Berner. The result of the questionnaire is that more than half of the parents interviewed have some of books of the type wimmelbuch by S. Berner, and most of them think that these books are developing children's reading literacy. Most often, viewing/reading takes...

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